10F2 Mathematics
Weekly outline
Kia ora...Week One
Success Criteria:
This week is our first week and you will be introduced to some of the class routines.
We will have math linked fun activiites and a do now activity.
Further Learning:
You do not have homework this week. But will be introduced to the digital platforms that we are going to use.
Kia Ora Week Two
WALT understand and work with scientific notation
Success Criteria I know it’s based on the power of 10
- Do Now ( whole Class)
- Complete the worksheet given. Group two and three
- Group one students will work with the teacher
- Check your group placing
Further Learning:
Work on MathsbuddyWatch the Video inserted on Tuesday evening for better understanding.
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING...The scientific notations to integrate with our science learning. Display standard form to scientific notation.
- We are EXPLORING...Trigonometric ratios to apply with water activities that students are going to experience.
- We are EXPLORING...learn the location and bearing to find the given locations
Kia ora...Week Three
You have worked from home from Monday to Wednesday
Success Criteria:
WALT write numbers as significant figures
Success Criteria I know that all digits that not a zero are significant figures. The first significant figure in a number is the first digit that is not a zero( reading from left to right) Zeros at the end of a number may or may not be significant.
- Do now
- Group work - Two and three work on independent activity Khan Academy
- first group one is with Teacher
Further Learning:
Mathsbuddy and Education Perfect -
Kia ora...Week 4
Achievement Objectives
GM5-10 Apply trigonometric ratios and Pythagoras’ theorem in two dimensions.
GM6-6 Use trigonometric ratios and Pythagoras’ theorem in two and three dimensions.
GM5-7 Construct and describe simple loci.
Learning intention:
How can explore Pythagoras and Trigonometry to help in our science experiments?
SOLO level
SOLO verbs
Name, identify, tell, recall, classify, do a simple procedure, list, find, name, locate, retrieve, recognise, record, select, draw
Describe, enumerate, combine, do algorithms, rank, prioritise, rephrase/restate/rewrite, paraphrase, summarise, outline, recite, memorise, match, give/provide examples, illustrate, express
Compare/contrast, explain, causes, effects, integrate, analyse, relate, apply, interpret, infer, discuss, use, draw, solve, calculate, organise, categorise, deconstruct, estimate, predict, modify, examine, conclude
Evaluate, theorise, generalise, hypothesise, reflect, generate, design, build, construct, plan, produce, devise, invent, judge, test, critique, defend, criticise, examine, dramatise, compose, develop, justify
Success Criteria
Find Hypotenuse
find shorter side
use Pythagorean triads
use Similarity and Scale Factor
locate similar figures and triangles
name and label sides of a right angle triangle
identify sides
use composite shapes to calculate the sides of a right angle
memorise SIne, cos, tan ratios
Build your own
solve trig problems to find a side, angle
discuss trig ratios in a practical problem
make a clinometer to measure the angle
find the angle of elevation and angle of depression
use real-life problems for calculating angles and give solutions.
- identify sides
- complete the work given
- Topic test on Significant figures and scientific notation
Further Learning:
Maths buddy and education Perfect
Kia ora...
Success Criteria:
• WALT Identify sides of a right angle triangle
Success Criteria - I can identify hypotenuse and read the sign theta
I am able to list the rules for Sine, Cosine and Tangent
- MAthsbuddy
- Do now
- Tuesday and Wednesday meeting MPH
- complete maths buddy tasks
Further Learning:
Maths buddy and Education Perfect -
Kia ora...Week 6 Term 1
We are going to repeat what was done last week.
Success Criteria:
• WALT Identify sides of a right angle triangle
Success Criteria - I can identify hypotenuse and read the sign theta
I am able to list the rules for Sine, Cosine and Tangent
- MAthsbuddy
- Do now
- complete maths buddy tasks
Further Learning:
Maths buddy and Education Perfect
Kia ora...Week 7
Success Criteria:
Calculate unknown angles for right-angle triangles
- Board work
Further Learning:
Mathsbuddy -
Kia ora...Week 8
Success Criteria:
WALT read compass bearings
Success Criteria I know the directions and understand that the full rotation is 3600
- Watch the videos at home for a better understanding
Further Learning:
Mathsbuddy -
Kia ora...
Success Criteria:
WALT Calculate angle of depression and elevation
Success Criteria
- I can use a clinometer
- I can draw a diagram
- I can take the clues from word problems and diagrams
- I know my trig ratios really well.
- Watch a video on the angle of elevation and depression
- Introduce assignment
- Work on the word problems
Further Learning:
Maths buddy and education perfectFOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING...on developing a clinometer
- We are FOCUSING...on describing the angle of elevation and the angle of depression
- We are FOCUSING...solve and describe a diagram for calculating trig ratio
Kia ora...Week 10
Follow the rubric and use Clinometer to collect information. Same planning from Last week.
Achievement Objectives
GM5-10 Apply trigonometric ratios and Pythagoras’ theorem in two dimensions.
GM6-6 Use trigonometric ratios and Pythagoras’ theorem in two and three dimensions.
GM5-7 Construct and describe simple loci.
Learning intention:
How can explore Pythagoras and Trigonometry to help in our science experiments?
SOLO level
SOLO verbs
Name, identify, tell, recall, classify, do a simple procedure, list, find, name, locate, retrieve, recognise, record, select, draw
Describe, enumerate, combine, do algorithms, rank, prioritise, rephrase/restate/rewrite, paraphrase, summarise, outline, recite, memorise, match, give/provide examples, illustrate, express
Compare/contrast, explain, causes, effects, integrate, analyse, relate, apply, interpret, infer, discuss, use, draw, solve, calculate, organise, categorise, deconstruct, estimate, predict, modify, examine, conclude
Evaluate, theorise, generalise, hypothesise, reflect, generate, design, build, construct, plan, produce, devise, invent, judge, test, critique, defend, criticise, examine, dramatise, compose, develop, justify
Success Criteria
Find Hypotenuse
find shorter side
use Pythagorean triads
use Similarity and Scale Factor
locate similar figures and triangles
name and label sides of a right angle triangle
identify sides
use composite shapes to calculate the sides of a right angle
memorise SIne, cos, tan ratios
Build your own
solve trig problems to find a side, angle
discuss trig ratios in a practical problem
make a clinometer to measure the angle
find the angle of elevation and angle of depression
use real-life problems for calculating angles and give solutions.
- use a clinometer and find out the angle of elevation and depression.
- Use word problems given to solve the angle and depression and elevation.
Further Learning:
Maths buddy and education Perfect
Kia ora...Week 11
Success Criteria:
Prepare a clinometer and use it for finding the highest point of Te Kapua and the lowest point of the Te Kapua shade cloth.
- Build your own clinometer
- Make a document to draw your diagram
- List and label the angle elevation and eye site height measurement.
- Start making a video
- Check Point one of the assessment is due this week.
Further Learning:
Write here... -
PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:
- We are PLANNING to publish a video on how to use a clinometer so that we can create a resource to promote future students learning.
Kia ora...welcome back Term Two Week One
Your assignment is due WEEK TWO FRIDAY
WALT - Understand NCEA standard and take a targeted test on education perfect.
Success Criteria: I can use the test result to plan my learning to fill the gaps.
Session One - targeted test on decimals and Fraction for Week One
The list of skills you need to master isSession Two - Rounding decimals and Money. Using money problems and rounding rules regarding money.
Session Three - Focus Friday finish all the tasks on Education perfect and Mathsbuddy
Percentage of calculation
Fraction of calculation eg fraction of an amount
Percentage decrease calculation
Decimal reduction calculation/decimal rounding
GST Inclusive and exclusive calculation
Further Learning:
Complete maths buddy and Education Perfect Tasks
Kia ora...Week Two Term Two
Success Criteria:
Completing solving problems given on Google classroom.
- View Google Classroom
- Check education Perfect Data
- Assessment is due on Friday by 3 pm
Further Learning:
Education Perfect and MAthsbuddy
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING to calculate percentages involving discounts, GST,
- We are EXPLORING... calculate fractions of an amount
- We are EXPLORING...discover currency rates and investigate exchange rate of different countries.
Kia ora...
Success Criteria:
We are learning to apply our knowledge to fractions and ratio application problems
- Use the given problems attached here
- complete word problems given on Google Class room
- Check Education Perfect assigned tasks
Further Learning:
Complete education Perfect. -
Kia ora...Week Four Term 2
WALT Understand percentages and convert percentages to fractions and decimals and apply the knowledge in word problems.
Success Criteria: I know percentages are out of 100 I first need to write it as over 100. I need to know division and simplify fractions
- Complete Garden Glory and fractions application problems given last week
- Complete maths buddy
- work on percentage conversion and application problems.
- You will be sitting e asTTle based only on Number to check the actual level you are at. You need to be 5A or above for attempting NCEA ( not on Monday )
Further Learning:
Complete maths buddy tasks I have increased the time for ratio and rates -
Kia ora...
Success Criteria:
Learning to calculate GST inclusive and exclusive amounts
I know different countries have different rates of GST. Some countries call it VAT that is a value-added tax.
- Monday - Test on GST
- View GST video to catch with GAPS
Further Learning:
Complete Mathsbuddy tasks -
Kia ora...Week Six - Short week ( Monday Tuesday - Holiday and Teacher only day)
Success Criteria:
WALT - Convert currency as per the given rate
Success Criteria I know that every country has a different currency and the rate of conversion is different.
- on the NCEA standard of carbon credits
Further Learning:
Maths buddy and Education Perfect
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING...to develop an understanding of financial literacy
- We are FOCUSING...to discuss and compare the financial capability of distributing money in a given proportion and resolve a problem.
Kia ora...
Success Criteria:
WALT working with currency rates and how to convert currency in an appropriate country's currency.
Success Criteria I know when a country has a stronger rate of exchange and I need to convert to NZ dollars I need to divide with the rate given eg 10 us dollars to NZ the rate of exchange is 1 NZ = $0.73 eg 10 divided by $0.73 = 13.69863014 I will sensibly round it to two decimal places. 13.70 If I am converting NZ dollars to US I will multiply NZ dollars to convert to US eg 13.70 x 0.79 = 10.001 rounded to 10.00
- Work on currency conversion worksheet
- Watch the video
Further Learning:
Complete the remedial work. -
Kia ora...Week 9
Success Criteria:
Tuesday - E asTTle test
On Wednesday we are solving David and Sally in class with me and other NCEA related problems.
Thursday will be extra practice for NCEA
- E asTTle
- Solving NCEA practice paper
Further Learning:
Complete education perfect tasks -
PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:
- We are PLANNING. on preparing and solving NCEA standards so that we can...apply ourselves in solving the given problem.
Kia ora Welcome back Week 1 Term 3
Success Criteria:
Tuesday WALT practice index laws
Success criteria I know how to apply the index laws
Example three is covering three laws
Powers outside the bracket
Any number raised to the power of zero is equal to 1
Applying the index laws
WALT - apply negative Indices
Success Criteria I know negative power means it changes to the denominator for a decimal value
- Do Now
- Board work
Further Learning:
Kia ora...
Success Criteria:
Plot coordinate points and calculate the gradient of given points.
- Plotting Points
- Gradient Formula
- Practice from the work given
Further Learning:
Education Perfect -
Kia ora...
Success Criteria:
WALT - solve equations with pronumerals (Variables) on both sides
Success Criteria:
I know when solving equations with pronumerals on both sides. I have to add and subtract pronumerals from both sides.
I know that the first step to adding or subtracting pronumerals is to move them to one side. It does not matter which side. Next, add or subtract to move the numbers to the other side of the equation
- Do Now
- Practice work
Further Learning:
Maths buddy and Education Perfect .. -
Kia ora...Week Four Term Three
Success Criteria: Solving Fractional equations
- Watch a video
- Complete last weeks work
Further Learning:
Maths buddy and Education Perfect Tasks -
Week Five Term 3 - Working from home
Learning Intentions:
WALT Solving Fractional equations
Success Criteria: I know, that fractional equations can be simplified by finding the least common denominator (LCD) of the fractions. Each term is then multiplied by the fraction which makes the denominators the same (LCD) and then the numerators are equated.
MH Online.
Activity Instructions:
1. Complete the ‘Do Now’. before joining or after the session is over
2. Complete the worksheet on MH Online.3. Practice extension activity given on last weeks worksheet 3.
Day Two
WALT expand algebraic expressions using the distributive law
Success Criteria I know everything inside the bracket gets multiplied by the term outside the bracket.
Activity Instructions:
1. Complete the Do Now before joining or after the session is over
2. Complete the worksheet on MH Online on expanding brackets.Further Learning: Complete your Maths Buddy and Education Perfect activities.
Learning Intentions: WALT
WALT expand algebraic expressions using the distributive law
Success Criteria I know everything inside the bracket gets multiplied by the term outside the bracket.
Activity Instructions:
1.Complete the ‘Do Now’. before joining or after the session is over
2. Complete the worksheet that was given last week and upload the evidence on Google Classroom3. Practice Transum activities given in the worksheet
WALT expand ( Two brackets) algebraic expressions using the distributive law
Success Criteria I know everything inside the bracket gets multiplied by the term outside the bracket.
Activity Instructions:
1. Complete the Do Now before joining or after the session is over
2. Complete the worksheet on MH Online on expanding brackets.Further Learning: Complete your Maths Buddy and Education Perfect activities.
No Classes due to student-led conferences
Kia ora...Week 8
Success Criteria:
Walt Factorise algebraic terms
Success criteria I know how to find the highest common factor I need to put a bracket after removing the common factor to keep the remaining terms inside the bracket.
- Use this website for extra practice click on year 10 and browse for extra work
- Another website for extra practice
- Solve the worksheet
- Solve two pages from AWS booklets of your asTTLe grade is at level 5 work on level 5 algebra)
Further Learning:
Write here... -
You will be seeing me for
‘Google Meet’ sessions Tuesday at 12 pm check your email for the linkLearning Intentions: WALT
Factorise algebraic expressions
Success Criteria:
I know in expansions we have to remove brackets whereas in factorisation we have to insert bracketsActivity Instructions:
1. Complete the ‘Do Now’.2. Learning new concepts
3. Play Blooket on expanding and factorising
4. Complete the worksheet that was given last week and upload the evidence on Google Classroom5. Practice Transum activities given in the worksheet
Further Learning Catch up Week: Complete your Maths Buddy and Education Perfect activities.
‘Google Meet’ Check the timetable Tuesday and Friday
Do now Tuesday
Must-do activities
Mathsbuddy/ Education Perfect/ practice past years papers
CAT topics are Number Algebra - patterns and Pythagoras and Trigonometry
10F1/ 10F2 Tuesday 12:00 to 1:00 pm
Learning Intentions: WALT
Walt Factorise algebraic terms
Success criteria I know how to find the highest common factor I need to put a bracket after removing the common factor to keep the remaining terms inside the bracket. (Worksheet on Mission Heights Online)
10F1/ 10F2 Friday12:00 to 1:00 pm
Learning Intentions: WALT
WALT: Factorise algebraic expressions
Success Criteria: I know in expansions we have to remove brackets whereas in factorisation we have to insert brackets (Worksheet on Mission Heights Online)
Activity Instructions:
1. Do Now2. View the video on factorisation
3. Practice and teacher explanation
Use this website for extra practice- click here
Further learning:
Mathsbuddy and Education Perfect- Complete the given worksheet.
Further factorise
CAT Practice this week
E asTTle this week. Follow the email instructions
Back to school. Follow the must do and can do activities. You have been assigned a practice test paper on Education Perfect please make sure that you sit that practice if you are opting to take Maths CAT.