Weekly outline

  • General

  • TERM 1 : WEEK 1

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    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING/the concept of 'Kotahitanga' - Leadership, by IDENTIFYING that positive and negative numbers can be added and subtracted. Learning all the skills such as use of fractions, percentages and decimals in everyday life. Learning use Financial literacy to improve our life.

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    Kia ora...Welcome back

    Paearu Angitu / Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • WALT understand and work with scientific notation 

      Success Criteria I know it’s based on the power of 10 

    Hei Mahi / Activities:

    1. Write here

    Mahi Kāinga / Homework:
    Scientific notation on EP /mathsbuddy

  • Term 1 : Week 2

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    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING/the concept of 'Kotahitanga' - Leadership, by IDENTIFYING that positive and negative numbers can be added and subtracted. Learning all the skills such as use of fractions, percentages and decimals in everyday life. Learning use Financial literacy to improve our life.

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    Kia ora...

    Paearu Angitu / Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • Continue from last week's planning working on scientific notation

    Hei Mahi / Activities:

    1. complete scientific notation 

    Mahi Kāinga / Homework:
    Mathsbuddy and Education Perfect 

  • Term 1: Week 3

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    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING/the concept of 'Kotahitanga' - Leadership, by IDENTIFYING that positive and negative numbers can be added and subtracted. Learning all the skills such as use of fractions, percentages and decimals in everyday life. Learning use Financial literacy to improve our life.

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    Kia ora...

    Paearu Angitu / Success Criteria: I can/have...

    Hei Mahi / Activities:

    1. working on significant figures 
    2. WALT write numbers as significant figures

    3. Success Criteria I know that all digits that are not a zero, are significant figures. The first significant figure in a number is the first digit that is not a zero( reading from left to right) Zeros at the end of a number may or may not be significant.

    Mahi Kāinga / Homework:
    Write here...

  • Term 1: Week 4

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    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING/the concept of 'Kotahitanga' - Leadership, by IDENTIFYING that positive and negative numbers can be added and subtracted. Learning all the skills such as use of fractions, percentages and decimals in everyday life. Learning use Financial literacy to improve our life.

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    Kia ora...

    Paearu Angitu / Success Criteria: I can/have...

    Hei Mahi / Activities:

    1. Converting fractions, decimals to percentages 
    2. Find percentage of amounts 

    Mahi Kāinga / Homework:
    Mathsbuddy and Education Perfect 

  • Term 1: Week 5

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    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING/the concept of 'Kotahitanga' - Leadership, by IDENTIFYING that positive and negative numbers can be added and subtracted. Learning all the skills such as use of fractions, percentages and decimals in everyday life. Learning use Financial literacy to improve our life.

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    Kia ora...

    Paearu Angitu / Success Criteria: I can/have...

    Hei Mahi / Activities:

    1. Check Numeracy Certificate Levels 
    2. Financial Literacy 

    Mahi Kāinga / Homework:
    Numeracy Certificate 

  • Term 1: Week 6

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    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING/the concept of 'Kotahitanga' - Leadership, by IDENTIFYING that positive and negative numbers can be added and subtracted. Learning all the skills such as use of fractions, percentages and decimals in everyday life. Learning use Financial literacy to improve our life.

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    Kia ora!  This week we...

    Context:  ''Kotahitanga' - Leadership, unity + collective action

    MHJC Values:. Awhinatanga/Compassion: Positive partnerships

    Paearu Angitu (Success Criteria): I can...

    Hei Mahi (Activities):

    Do Now Day 1 

    Do Now Day 2 Use a calculator 

    Do Now Day 3 

    1. Work on Ratio 
    2. Simple Interest 

    Mahi Kāinga (Homework/Further Learning):

    • Maths Buddy 

  • Term 1: Week 7

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    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING/the concept of 'Kotahitanga' - Leadership, by IDENTIFYING that positive and negative numbers can be added and subtracted. Learning all the skills such as use of fractions, percentages and decimals in everyday life. Learning use Financial literacy to improve our life.

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    Kia ora!  This week we...

    Context: ''Kotahitanga' - Leadership, unity + collective action

    MHJC Values:

    Paearu Angitu (Success Criteria): I can...

    Hei Mahi (Activities):

    1. Topic Test ( Monday ) 
    2. Look at the financial literacy Booklet and complete the work 
    3. Write here

    Mahi Kāinga (Homework/Further Learning):

    • Maths Buddy 

  • 18 March - 24 March

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    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING/the concept of 'Kotahitanga' - Leadership, by IDENTIFYING that positive and negative numbers can be added and subtracted. Learning all the skills such as use of fractions, percentages and decimals in everyday life. Learning use Financial literacy to improve our life.

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  • Term 1: Week 9

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    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING...on calculating a budget our whanau year 10 Rotorua trip
    • ...

    Awhinatanga: Positive Partnerships

    Lupe and Neha with handshake icon

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    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING/the concept of 'Kotahitanga' - Leadership, by IDENTIFYING that positive and negative numbers can be added and subtracted. Learning all the skills such as use of fractions, percentages and decimals in everyday life. Learning use Financial literacy to improve our life.
    • Working on Compound interest , GST and other financial literacy learning

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    Kia ora!  This week Nine 

    Context: 'Kotahitanga' - Leadership, 

     MHJC Values:

    Paearu Angitu (Success Criteria): I can...

    • Calculate Compound interest 
    • Calculate GST exclusive and inclusive 

    Hei Mahi (Activities):

    1. Discuss assessment requirements 
    2. Learn to work on Compound Interest 
    3. GST 

    Mahi Kāinga (Homework/Further Learning):

    • Compound interest and GST 


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING/the concept of 'Kotahitanga' - Leadership, by IDENTIFYING that positive and negative numbers can be added and subtracted. Learning all the skills such as use of fractions, percentages and decimals in everyday life. Learning use Financial literacy to improve our life.

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  • 1 April - 7 April

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    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING...on calculating a budget our whanau year 10 Rotorua trip
    • ...

    Awhinatanga: Positive Partnerships

    Lupe and Neha with handshake icon

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    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING/the concept of 'Kotahitanga' - Leadership, by IDENTIFYING that positive and negative numbers can be added and subtracted. Learning all the skills such as use of fractions, percentages and decimals in everyday life. Learning use Financial literacy to improve our life.

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  • 8 April - 14 April

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    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING a trip to Rotorua so that we can try and save money for our group members. We will create a comprehensive plan to make the trip very exciting

    Awhinatanga: Positive Partnerships

    Lupe and Neha with handshake icon

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    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING...on calculating a budget our whanau year 10 Rotorua trip
    • ...

    Awhinatanga: Positive Partnerships

    Lupe and Neha with handshake icon

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    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING/the concept of 'Kotahitanga' - Leadership, by IDENTIFYING that positive and negative numbers can be added and subtracted. Learning all the skills such as use of fractions, percentages and decimals in everyday life. Learning use Financial literacy to improve our life.

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  • School Holiday

    School Holiday

  • School Holiday

    School Holiday 

  • Term 2: Week 1

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    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING to Find hypotenuse
    • We are EXPLORING to find shorter side
    • We are EXPLORING to use pythagorean triads
    • We are exploring to use similarity scale factor

    Pono: Digital Citizenship

    Jayden and Neha in front WWW

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    Kia ora!  Week 1 We are going to catch up on Geometry Basics 

    Paearu Angitu (Success Criteria): I can...

    • Calculate angles around a point and angles on a straight line:

    • solve angles involving parallel lines

    • solve angles involving triangles and polygons 

    Hei Mahi (Activities):

    1. View the video on 
    2. Complete the work given 
    3. Work on Do now activities 

    Mahi Kāinga (Homework/Further Learning):

    • Check your Maths Buddy activities 

  • 6 May - 12 May

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    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING to Find hypotenuse
    • We are EXPLORING to find shorter side
    • We are EXPLORING to use pythagorean triads
    • We are exploring to use similarity scale factor

    Pono: Digital Citizenship

    Jayden and Neha in front WWW

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  • 13 May - 19 May

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    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING to Find hypotenuse
    • We are EXPLORING to find shorter side
    • We are EXPLORING to use pythagorean triads
    • We are exploring to use similarity scale factor

    Pono: Digital Citizenship

    Jayden and Neha in front WWW

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  • 20 May - 26 May

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    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING to Find hypotenuse
    • We are EXPLORING to find shorter side
    • We are EXPLORING to use pythagorean triads
    • We are exploring to use similarity scale factor

    Pono: Digital Citizenship

    Jayden and Neha in front WWW

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    Kia ora 

     and solve Trig 

    Context: Write here... eg. 'Kainga Waewae'& Our Whānau, Our Home!

    MHJC Values:Write here... eg. Awhinatanga/Compassion: Positive partnerships

    Paearu Angitu (Success Criteria): I can...

    • Write here
    • Write here

    Hei Mahi (Activities):

    1. Write here
    2. Write here
    3. Write here

    Mahi Kāinga (Homework/Further Learning):

    • Write here

  • 27 May - 2 June

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    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSINGon using composite shapes to calculate sides of right angle
    • We are FOCUSING memorising Sine, Sos and Tan tatios
    • We are FOCUSING on apllying the Trig ratios and identifying

    Pono: Digital Citizenship

    Jayden and Neha in front WWW

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  • 3 June - 9 June

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    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSINGon using composite shapes to calculate sides of right angle
    • We are FOCUSING memorising Sine, Sos and Tan tatios
    • We are FOCUSING on apllying the Trig ratios and identifying

    Pono: Digital Citizenship

    Jayden and Neha in front WWW

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    Kia ora!  This week we...

    Copy this in your book 

    MHJC Values:Write here... eg. Awhinatanga/Compassion: Positive partnerships

    Paearu Angitu (Success Criteria): I can...

    • Write here
    • Write here

    Hei Mahi (Activities):

    1. Write here
    2. Write here
    3. Write here

    Mahi Kāinga (Homework/Further Learning):

    • Write here

  • 10 June - 16 June

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    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSINGon using composite shapes to calculate sides of right angle
    • We are FOCUSING memorising Sine, Sos and Tan tatios
    • We are FOCUSING on apllying the Trig ratios and identifying

    Pono: Digital Citizenship

    Jayden and Neha in front WWW

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  • 17 June - 23 June

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    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING solve trig problems to find a side, angle so that we can get better understanding of trigonometry
    • We are planning to discuss trig ratios in a practical problem so that we can find connections with real life problems
    • We are planning to find the angle of elevation and angle of depression using actual real life problems.
    • We are planing create an educational animation to be used in teaching for future generations.

    Pono: Digital Citizenship

    Jayden and Neha in front WWW

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  • Term 2 : Week 9

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    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING solve trig problems to find a side, angle so that we can get better understanding of trigonometry
    • We are planning to discuss trig ratios in a practical problem so that we can find connections with real life problems
    • We are planning to find the angle of elevation and angle of depression using actual real life problems.
    • We are planing create an educational animation to be used in teaching for future generations.

    Pono: Digital Citizenship

    Jayden and Neha in front WWW

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    Kia ora!  This week we are working on measurement tasks 

    Paearu Angitu (Success Criteria): I can...

    • Number: integers, scientific notation, financial literacy,

      Rates, percentage change, 

      Measurement & Geometry- Trigonometry, Pythagoras,similar triangles Volume of prisms and cuboids, Area and volume unit conversions.


    • Write here

    Hei Mahi (Activities):

    1. Write here
    2. Write here
    3. Write here

    Mahi Kāinga (Homework/Further Learning):

    • Write here

  • Term 2: Week 10

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    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING solve trig problems to find a side, angle so that we can get better understanding of trigonometry
    • We are planning to discuss trig ratios in a practical problem so that we can find connections with real life problems
    • We are planning to find the angle of elevation and angle of depression using actual real life problems.
    • We are planing create an educational animation to be used in teaching for future generations.

    Pono: Digital Citizenship

    Jayden and Neha in front WWW

    Enter text here...

    Kia ora!  This week we are completing 50% of our assessment by doing the EP task. 

    Context: Risky Business 

    MHJC Values:

    Paearu Angitu (Success Criteria): I can...

    • Working on Assessment task on EP on Monday - 
    • Read the Draft Copy of your Task to worked on this week, holidays and submission is in Week 1 of Term 3 

    Hei Mahi (Activities):

    1. Test 
    2. Working on different animation with your partner.  

    Mahi Kāinga (Homework/Further Learning):

    • Complete your EP task 

  • 8 July - 14 July

    School Holidays 

  • 15 July - 21 July

    School Holidays 

  • Term 3: Week 1

    This week

    Kia ora!  This week we are working on our Illustrations on Risky Business. 

    Hei Mahi (Activities):

    1. This week you will be given time to work on your Illustrations. View the Task details. 
    2. You are expected to manage your time. 

    Mahi Kāinga (Homework/Further Learning):

    Working on Illustrations

  • 29 July - 4 August

  • 5 August - 11 August

  • 12 August - 18 August

  • 19 August - 25 August

  • 26 August - 1 September

  • 2 September - 8 September

  • 9 September - 15 September

  • 16 September - 22 September

  • 23 September - 28 September

  • 30 September - 6 October

  • 7 October - 13 October

  • 14 October - 20 October

  • 21 October - 27 October

  • 28 October - 3 November

  • 4 November - 10 November

  • 11 November - 17 November

  • 18 November - 24 November

  • 25 November - 1 December

  • 2 December - 8 December

  • 9 December - 15 December