9F2 Mathematics
Weekly outline
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are exploring .to collect data by using random sampling method and draw an appropriate graphs.
- We are exploring different types of graphs and how to analyse and write a conclusion based on the research
Kia ora...year 9
Wednesday - Session 1 is assembly No maths session
Success Criteria:
Lesson 1 :Define and understand the concepts of mean, mode, and median.
Lesson 2 : Discuss what is a PPDAC cycle
Lesson 3 : Look at Population and Sample
- Kaitīmata- basic activities to begin with
- Calculate the mean, mode, and median of a set of data.
- Identify the appropriate average to use in different situations.
- Discuss Population and Sample
Further Learning:
Work on the given tasks Maths Buddy -
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING...on learning skills of drawing box and whisker plits, stem and leaf graphs, line graph
- We are FOCUSING...on using NZ grapher, spreadsheets
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are exploring .to collect data by using random sampling method and draw an appropriate graphs.
- We are exploring different types of graphs and how to analyse and write a conclusion based on the research
Kia ora...Week 3
Success Criteria:
- Ludi
- Dr Frost Use the joining code and join with Google Dr Frost Joining link
- Stick Figures - download data
- Group three with teacher - working on quartiles
Further Learning:
Maths Buddy -
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING...on learning skills of drawing box and whisker plits, stem and leaf graphs, line graph
- We are FOCUSING...on using NZ grapher, spreadsheets
Kia ora...Week 4
Success Criteria:
- Ludi
- Do Now
- Group three - work on calculating five point summery and drawing box plots
- Group two with T
- Group one on Work given in class.
Further Learning:
Complete maths buddy -
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING...on learning skills of drawing box and whisker plits, stem and leaf graphs, line graph
- We are FOCUSING...on using NZ grapher, spreadsheets
Kia ora...Welcome Week five
Success Criteria:
- Make tally charts
- Draw stem and leaf plots
- Draw dot plots
- Education Perfect tasks to be done in class
Further Learning:
Complete maths buddy -
Kia ora...
Success Criteria:
- Stem and leaf - Plots
- play a game of greedy pigs
- extension students on page 447 of Beta mathematics
Further Learning:
Maths-buddy for basic practice and ..education perfect for course related work -
Kia ora...Week 7
Success Criteria:
- Watch the video
- work on line graphs
- start working on independent activity
Further Learning:
Maths-buddy and Education PerfectFOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING...on learning skills of drawing box and whisker plits, stem and leaf graphs, line graph
- We are FOCUSING...on using NZ grapher, spreadsheets
Kia ora...Week 8
Success Criteria:
- Introduction to coordinate geometry
- Watch a video
- Look at the video explaining cartesian plane
- Use the website to plot coordinate points
Further Learning:
Maths buddy and education Perfect -
Kia ora...
Success Criteria:
Write here
Further Learning:
Maths buddy and education perfect -
Kia ora...Welcome back Term 2 Week 1
Success Criteria:
- Complete the table and draw a graph
Further Learning:
Maths-buddy, Education Perfect and Numeracy Challenge -
Kia ora...
Success Criteria:
- Complete EP task
- Read the assessment task
Further Learning:
No Maths Buddy as you have a lot of work on EPOnly weekly revision and Numeracy Certificate
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING...to Calculate Angles in Parallel lines
- We are EXPLORING...View different cultural patterns used for art work and find patterns
Kia ora...
Success Criteria:
Working on assessment 1
- Monday whole class assessment on Education Perfect which is 50% of the task.
- Rest of the week you will work on the document on the given task,
Further Learning:
Maths-buddy working on Numeracy Certificate. -
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING...to Calculate Angles in Parallel lines
- We are EXPLORING...View different cultural patterns used for art work and find patterns
Kia ora...
Success Criteria:
- Introduce Navigating Mataurangi Maori
- Research on different patterns
Further Learning:
Maths Buddy . -
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING...to Calculate Angles in Parallel lines
- We are EXPLORING...View different cultural patterns used for art work and find patterns
Kia ora...
Success Criteria:
Angles at a point and estimations
Parallel lines
- Use the worksheet given and complete it.
- Estimate Angles
Further Learning:
Maths Buddy -
Kia ora...
Success Criteria:
- Complete EP task which was due on 28th May
- Complete Parallel lines worksheet
- Start woking on reflection
Further Learning:
Write here... -
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING.on Starting my own patterns by using rotation and reflect and make use of parallel lines
Kia ora...
Success Criteria:
- E asTTLe
- Teacher only day
- Maori design
Further Learning:
Maths buddy and Numeracy Certificate -
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING.on Starting my own patterns by using rotation and reflect and make use of parallel lines
Kia ora...
Success Criteria:
- E asTTle resit
- Look at the uploaded TAAB
- Work on the design
Further Learning:
Maths buddy -
Kia ora...
Success Criteria:
- working on the design
- Missed Monday and Wednesday due to teacher strike
Further Learning:
Education PerfectPLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:
- We are PLANNING to produce a piece of artwork using geometric ideas so that we can see the link between Maori art and Pacifica art
Kia ora...
Success Criteria:
- Working on Maori and Pacifica art work.
Further Learning:
Write here...REFLECT / WHAIWHAKAARO learning intentions:
- We are REFLECTING. evaluating and concluding the similarities between Maori and Pacifica art work
PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:
- We are PLANNING to produce a piece of artwork using geometric ideas so that we can see the link between Maori art and Pacifica art
REFLECT / WHAIWHAKAARO learning intentions:
- We are REFLECTING. evaluating and concluding the similarities between Maori and Pacifica art work
Kia ora...Week 2
Assessment 2 on Monday
Success Criteria:
Write here
- Monday - Assessment Task
- Tuesday - Introduction to Probability
- Thursday - Working and practicing probability
Further Learning:
Maths Buddy -
Kia ora...
Success Criteria:
Write here
- Scan and upload your assessment document. Write what you see? IS there a geometric connection?
Further Learning:
Maths Buddy and Education Perfect -
Kia ora...
Success Criteria:
- Probability basics
- Play games
Further Learning:
Maths buddy and education perfect -
Kia ora...Week 5
Success Criteria:
- Write the probability of a given scenario
- Two way tables
- Tree diagrams
Further Learning:
Mathsbuddy -
Kia ora...week 6
Success Criteria:
- Working on Tree Diagrams
Further Learning:
Maths-Buddy and Education Perfect -
Kia ora...
Success Criteria:
Write here
- Write here
- Write here
Further Learning:
Write here...PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:
- We are PLANNING. on developing tree diagrams so that we can produce different outcomes
REFLECT / WHAIWHAKAARO learning intentions:
- We are REFLECTING...on the experiments we have done and the theory and evaluate and measure that if you increase the number of experiments, we can conclude that the Gaps become closer.
- We can reflect that with a smaller sample size the results may not be closer to the theory.
PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:
- We are PLANNING. on developing tree diagrams so that we can produce different outcomes
REFLECT / WHAIWHAKAARO learning intentions:
- We are REFLECTING...on the experiments we have done and the theory and evaluate and measure that if you increase the number of experiments, we can conclude that the Gaps become closer.
- We can reflect that with a smaller sample size the results may not be closer to the theory.
Kia ora...
Success Criteria:
I can...
- Write here
- Write here
Further Learning:
Write here... -
REFLECT / WHAIWHAKAARO learning intentions:
- We are REFLECTING...on the experiments we have done and the theory and evaluate and measure that if you increase the number of experiments, we can conclude that the Gaps become closer.
- We can reflect that with a smaller sample size the results may not be closer to the theory.
Kia ora... Last week
Success Criteria:
I can...
- Numeracy Certificate
Further Learning:
Education Perfect -
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORINGfinancial literacy combined with formulas to connect with x and y and special codes and formulas
MHJC Great Learner Learning to Learn / Ako: Learning and Thinking Strategy
Kia ora...Welcome back week 1
Success Criteria:
WALT identify the base number and the index number. Expand and simplify indices.
Success Criteria: I know what is a base number. How do the powers work? I can expand 54
As a multiple of a base number.
Further Learning:
Maths-buddy and Education Perfect -
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORINGfinancial literacy combined with formulas to connect with x and y and special codes and formulas
MHJC Great Learner Learning to Learn / Ako: Learning and Thinking Strategy
Kia ora.Week 2
Context & MHJC Value/s:
Celebrations & Festivals
Awhinatanga/Compassion - Celebrating cultural diversityNA5-5 Know commonly used fraction, decimal, and percentage conversions.
NA5-6 Know and apply standard form, significant figures, rounding, and decimal place
Success Criteria:
- Monday Measurement Topic Test on EP
- Learning about converting fractions to percentages and percentages to fractions and simplify them.
- Calculate Fraction of an amount and percentage of an amount.
Further Learning:
No Mathsbuddy except for the weekly revision. Work on Education perfect. -
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORINGfinancial literacy combined with formulas to connect with x and y and special codes and formulas
MHJC Great Learner Learning to Learn / Ako: Learning and Thinking Strategy
Week 4
- Do Now- 10 Minutes
- Video -
- Introduce EP task for practice
- Work and Number and Algebra
Further Learning:
Education Perfect -
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING...on percentage change, using formulas and substitute variables with a numerical value.
I am an active learner as I know what I need to learn, where I am with that learning and what my next learning steps are:
- Emerging:
- I know what I am learning and why
- I can use evidence to identify where I am with my learning
- I can use evidence to identify my next learning steps
- Growing:
- I can describe what I am learning and why, using our shared language for learning; GREAT Ako
- I can use evidence to describe where I am with my learning
- I can use evidence to plan and take my next learning steps
Kia ora...Week 4 Term 4
Success Criteria:
I can...
• add and subtract like terms•List the important topics from my e asTTle diagnostic
- Mathsbuddy like terms
- Video on collecting like terms
Further Learning:
Write here... -
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING...on percentage change, using formulas and substitute variables with a numerical value.
I am an active learner as I know what I need to learn, where I am with that learning and what my next learning steps are:
- Emerging:
- I know what I am learning and why
- I can use evidence to identify where I am with my learning
- I can use evidence to identify my next learning steps
- Growing:
- I can describe what I am learning and why, using our shared language for learning; GREAT Ako
- I can use evidence to describe where I am with my learning
- I can use evidence to plan and take my next learning steps
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING...on percentage change, using formulas and substitute variables with a numerical value.
I am an active learner as I know what I need to learn, where I am with that learning and what my next learning steps are:
- Emerging:
- I know what I am learning and why
- I can use evidence to identify where I am with my learning
- I can use evidence to identify my next learning steps
- Growing:
- I can describe what I am learning and why, using our shared language for learning; GREAT Ako
- I can use evidence to describe where I am with my learning
- I can use evidence to plan and take my next learning steps
Kia ora...We have e sTTle this week.
Success Criteria:
I can...
• Practice my algebra skills
•Learn to factorise
- Check the e asTTle
Further Learning:
Education Perfect task -
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING...on percentage change, using formulas and substitute variables with a numerical value.
I am an active learner as I know what I need to learn, where I am with that learning and what my next learning steps are:
- Emerging:
- I know what I am learning and why
- I can use evidence to identify where I am with my learning
- I can use evidence to identify my next learning steps
- Growing:
- I can describe what I am learning and why, using our shared language for learning; GREAT Ako
- I can use evidence to describe where I am with my learning
- I can use evidence to plan and take my next learning steps
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING...on percentage change, using formulas and substitute variables with a numerical value.
I am an active learner as I know what I need to learn, where I am with that learning and what my next learning steps are:
- Emerging:
- I know what I am learning and why
- I can use evidence to identify where I am with my learning
- I can use evidence to identify my next learning steps
- Growing:
- I can describe what I am learning and why, using our shared language for learning; GREAT Ako
- I can use evidence to describe where I am with my learning
- I can use evidence to plan and take my next learning steps
Kia ora...
Success Criteria:
I can...
- Numeracy Certificate
- Learning skills from Algebra
Further Learning:
Education Perfect
PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:
- We are PLANNING..Apply algebraic rules to solve problems in context.
Kia ora...
Success Criteria:
- Working on skills from algebra
- Education Perfect activities
Further Learning:
Write here...
PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:
- We are PLANNING..Apply algebraic rules to solve problems in context.
REFLECT / WHAIWHAKAARO learning intentions:
- We are REFLECTING...and assessing our understand of financial literacy and using formulas.
PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:
- We are PLANNING..Apply algebraic rules to solve problems in context.
REFLECT / WHAIWHAKAARO learning intentions:
- We are REFLECTING...and assessing our understand of financial literacy and using formulas.