Weekly outline
Great video about all things korean. I love the photography. Keep in mind 60 years ago when Japan were forced to exit their occupation of korea due to the nuclear bombs dropped on it by America, Korea was broke many resources removed by Japan including their best craftsman. Now it is a modern day miracle in the way they have turned it around to lead the world in so many areas. The facilities available in korea are mind boggling. Hope you enjoy this video.
Term 4. Week 1. (Lesson 1). Well that was fun! IPA. Understanding the sounds of our own language will help us to better grasp the sounds of korean .
1. Make a pack of cards for learning the vowels.
2. Practice syllable pronunciation
3. Have a go at duolingo - Korean,
4. Learn the consonant names by doing the worksheet copy from here into your book.
5. Do a title page for your exercise book. Include your name written in Hangeul, some pictures of some korean foods, Korean scenery, King sejong, Seoul, Some k pop stars, A Hanbok (traditional clothing) image and anything else you can squeeze in. Seoul Tower?