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Weekly outline

  • General

  • Term 1 Weeks 1- 3

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    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING... recognise the importance of health and safety in a practical workshop.
    • We are EXPLORING... investigate the safety practice of a range of hand tools and workshop machines.
    • We are EXPLORING... question the safety features of the tools and connect these to personal use of them in terms of how we manipulate them in different uses and scenarios.

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    Welcome to Hard Materials Technology 2024                                                                                                      

    My name is Mr Jackson and I am excited to be leading your learning journey in hard materials this year. 

    We have our Learning Intentions on Mission Heights Online but all our activities will be posted into our Google Classroom. There may be some work that needs doing at home so that we can maximise the lessons for learning and using practical skills

    Google classroom code: 3d6en33

    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • Firstly we will be looking at What Tech Education is about and learning some of the words and terms that you will come see and hear when working in the Technology rooms. Then we will start exploring different hard materials used to make an outcome.
    * What is Technology and Technology Education ?

    * Technology Language

    * Codes of Practice - Safe use of the Tech rooms and tools and equipment.

    * Resistant materials

    Learning Intentions: 

    We are EXPLORING what Technology is and what Technology Education is about at MHJC.

    We are EXPLORING the terminology used in Technology Education 

    We are EXPLORING the Codes of Practice that we must follow when working in the Tech Workshop.

    Success Criteria: 

    I have participated in a discussion about Technology and Tech Education

    I can recognised the difference between a product from nature and a technological outcome

    I can identify a range of different technologies

    I understand the terms used in Technology Education

    I can identify safe codes of practice to follow in the Tech workshop


    1.  Health and Safety Quiz on google classroom

    2. Equipment - Safe storage and expectations for use

    3. Practice using equipment and measuring - demonstrate how to use tools, correct measurements + accuracy of the measurements, discuss problem solving

    Have a great week.
    - Mr Jackson

  • Term 1 Weeks 4-6


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING...selecting the most appropriate tools to complete the project
    • We are FOCUSING...discussing and solving our measuring mistakes

    Paearu Angitu / Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • Measure and cut wood accurately with a forstner drill
    • Rectify any measuring mistakes
    • Use a wood file and select the most appropriate grade of production paper to finish the design

    Hei Mahi / Activities:

    1. Golf ball jail - learning how to make a golf ball jail: cut wood to size, begun drilling holes, add the bars, problem solve to remedy mistakes (no new materials provided)

  • Term 1 Week 6 - 8

    Kia ora...

    Paearu Angitu / Success Criteria: I can operate the following machines safely and responsibly

    1. Orbital and Horizontal Band sanders

    2. Bench drill press and jig

    3. I can mark and measure my wooden block accurately and within a set tolerance

    4. I have learnt to file and shape wood using Rasps, Files and a variety of abrasive production papers ranging from P80, P240 and P400

    Hei Mahi / Activities:

    1. Continue to work on your GBJ (Golf Ball Jail)

    Skills being taught and practised are:  

    Safety around dangerous tools and machinery

    Accurate marking and measuring

    Successful and safe use of the bench drill and techniques to improve accuracy

    Right and wrong way to use woodworking hand tools and machinery

  • Term 1 Week 9-11

  • Term 1 Holiday Break

  • T2 Wks 1-3 Issue Planning Journal Task Tea Tray


                     EXPLORE / TŪHURA

    Kia ora...

    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING... new equipment such as a Jig / Pattern Template and a Table Router
    • We will be learning how fabricate and manipulate wood to create a bespoke tea tray.

     Paearu Angitu / Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • I can identify a new range of hand tools that I have not used previously
    • I can continue to participate in safe codes of practice to follow in the Tech Workshop
    • I have made a personalised wooden tea tray with handles that can hold up to 2kg of weight.
    • I have created an "Original' design that will be used to decorate the Tea Tray   

    Hei Mahi / Activities:

    1. Make a personalised design on Inkscape
    2. Send the design to Mr Dubash for etching / cutting on the laser cutter
    3. Stain the finished design or decorate with a medium of your choice.
    4. Use this finished design on the tea tray base.
    5. Work through the tasks on the Google Doc posted in Google classroom

  • T2 Wks 4-6 Identify solutions

    We're learning to use hand tools and machinery safely in the Workshop.
    We'll make (fabricate) and shape (manipulate) wood to create a personalised tea tray.


    Learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING how to use equipment such as a Jig / Pattern Template and a Table Router.
    • We are EXPLORING how to identify solutions to a problem
    Paearu Angitu / Success Criteria: I can/have...
    • I can identify a new range of hand tools that I have not used previously
    • I can continue to participate in safe codes of practice to follow in the Tech Workshop
    • I have made a personalised wooden tea tray with handles that can hold up to 2kg of weight.
    • I have created an "Original' design that will be used to decorate the Tea Tray   

    Hei Mahi / Activities:

    1. Tasks 1-3 in the Planning Journal (Identifying the problem and solutions)

  • T2 Wks 7-9 Design Brief

    We're learning to use hand tools and machinery safely in the Workshop.
    We'll make (fabricate) and shape (manipulate) wood to create a personalised tea tray.


    Learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING how to create a Mood Board to illustrate a problem and possible solutions
    • We are EXPLORING how to use a Design Brief to show our preferred solution
    Paearu Angitu / Success Criteria: I can/have...
    • I have created an "Original' design that will be used to decorate the Tea Tray   

    Hei Mahi / Activities:

    1. Tasks 4-6 in the Planning Journal. (Make a personalised design on Inkscape) 

  • T2 Wk 10 Recap & complete tasks

  • T3 Wks1-4 Continue Tea tray

    We're learning to use hand tools and machinery safely in the Workshop.
    We'll make (fabricate) and shape (manipulate) wood to create a personalised tea tray.


    Learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING how to identify Product Specifications (size, shape, colour, materials, how it's constructed) 
    • We are FOCUSING on designing a product that meets stakeholders' needs
    Paearu Angitu / Success Criteria: I can/have...
    • I have described the specs of my product (tea tray)
    • I have gathered stakeholder feedback to inform my design   

    Hei Mahi / Activities:

    1. Tasks 7 & 8 in the Planning Journal 
    Send the design to Mr Dubash for etching / cutting on the laser cutter

  • T3 Wks 5-7 Prototype / finetuning design

    We're learning to use hand tools and machinery safely in the Workshop.
    We'll make (fabricate) and shape (manipulate) wood to create a personalised tea tray.


    Learning intentions:

    • We are Planning how to make a prototype to test proof of concept
    • We are Planning how to complete the outcome (tea tray) by the deadline
    Paearu Angitu / Success Criteria: I can/have...
    • I have adapted my design based on prototype and stakeholder feedback
    • I have used some hand and machine tools to start constructing my tea tray  

    Hei Mahi / Activities:

    1. Task 9 in the Planning Journal 
    • Send the design to Mr Dubash for etching / cutting on the laser cutter
    • Stain the finished design or decorate with a medium of your choice.

  • T3 Wks 8-9 Finish tea tray and paperwork

  • T3 Wk10 Submit Assessment 1 Planning Journal

  • 29 April - 5 May