Weekly outline

  • Bienvenidos a la clase del año 10

    Bienvenidos a la nueva clase 2024! This is going to be an exciting year full of fun, challenges, and lots of good times!


    As a Y10SPA1 class I have new expectations for you and for our class, to have a successful year in this class, we need to work together. 

    Please do not hesitate to contact me at mmartin@mhjc.school.nz if you have any questions or concerns about our planned activities or assessments. You chose to continue Spanish as an optional subject. This means your commitment to the language is strong. We are going to learn Spanish twice a week, you will have two assessments per year. All of you have previous Spanish skills, we have the opportunity to work consistently to improve your Spanish knowledge this year. 

  • Revision


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING to ask and respond to information about events in the present
    • We are EXPLORING to understand and talk about where, when, and how often activities take place
    • We are EXPLORING ask for and respond to simple directions
    • We are EXPLORING to compare and contrast people, places, and things.

    Hola chicos y chicas!

    GROUP 1

    We are going to start our Spanish context "All about you".

    Learning Intention:

    We are learning to ask and respond to personal information

    Success Criteria:

     Identify vocabulary for countries, at least 12 countries

     I can say where I am from and give my nationality and where I liveI can ask someone else where they are from and their nationality and where they live Apply the rules for verb ser.


    1. ¿De dónde eres?
    2. ¿Cuál es tu nacionalidad?
    3. ¿Dónde está Wally?
    4. Personal activity

    • Revision


      FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

        • We are FOCUSING on evolving the use of familiar expressions and everyday vocabulary.
        • We are FOCUSING on reinforcing to interact simply in supported situations.
        • We are FOCUSING describe aspects of their own background and immediate environment in Spanish

      Learning Intentions:

      1. Review familiar expressions and everyday vocabulary in Spanish.
      2. Enhance comprehension and fluency in using common Spanish phrases.
      3. Strengthen communication skills for everyday situations in Spanish-speaking contexts.

      Success Criteria:

      1. Identify and understand a variety of familiar expressions and everyday vocabulary in Spanish.
      2. Demonstrate the ability to use reviewed expressions and vocabulary accurately in context.
      3. Engage in conversations using the reviewed expressions and vocabulary with confidence and clarity.
      4. Apply the learned expressions and vocabulary in practical scenarios
      5. Participate actively in activities and discussions to reinforce learning and retention of expressions and vocabulary.

    • En mi tiempo libre/free time


      EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

      • We are EXPLORING to recognize, express, and ask about likes and dislikes by having the language input of Free time-Tiempo libre
      • We are EXPLORING to listening the Spanish language by being exposed to dialogues and information

      Learning Intentions:

      1. Review familiar expressions and everyday vocabulary related to "Tiempo Libre" (Free Time) in Spanish.
      2. Develop the ability to discuss leisure activities and preferences in Spanish.
      3. Enhance vocabulary and fluency in expressing likes, dislikes, and interests related to leisure time.

      Success Criteria:

      1. Identify and understand a range of vocabulary related to leisure activities in Spanish, including hobbies, sports, entertainment, and pastimes.
      2. Demonstrate the ability to use reviewed expressions and vocabulary accurately to describe leisure activities and preferences.
      3. Engage in conversations about free time activities in Spanish, expressing likes, dislikes, and preferences with appropriate vocabulary and grammar.
      4. Describe past experiences and future plans related to leisure activities using the learned vocabulary and expressions.
      5. Participate actively in role-plays, discussions, and activities to practice using the reviewed vocabulary and expressions in context.
      6. Create and share personal reflections or presentations about favorite leisure activities, incorporating the learned vocabulary and expressions effectively.

    • El tiempo/weather and free time

      Enter text here...


      FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

      • We are FOCUSING on developing dialogues where students communicate their plans for free time activities based on the weather forecast.
      • We are FOCUSING adapting short paragraphs in Spanish describing their favorite free time activities for different weather conditions, using the vocabulary and expressions introduced in the lesson

      Enter text here...


      This week we will focus on the weather.

      • Identify and understand common weather vocabulary in Spanish.
      • Describe the weather using appropriate expressions and adjectives in Spanish.
      • Engage in conversations about the weather in Spanish with peers.

      Success Criteria:

      1. Vocabulary Recognition:

        • Students can identify and understand at least 10 weather-related vocabulary words in Spanish, including:
          • Sol (sun)
          • Nubes (clouds)
          • Lluvia (rain)
          • Nieve (snow)
          • Viento (wind)
          • Tormenta (storm)
          • Calor (heat)
          • Frío (cold)
          • Templado (mild)
          • Niebla (fog)
      2. Expression of Weather:

        • Students can use appropriate Spanish expressions to describe different types of weather, such as:
          • Hace sol (It's sunny)
          • Está nublado (It's cloudy)
          • Está lloviendo (It's raining)
          • Está nevando (It's snowing)
          • Hace viento (It's windy)
          • Hay tormenta (There's a storm)
          • Hace calor (It's hot)
          • Hace frío (It's cold)
          • Está templado (It's mild)
          • Hay niebla (There's fog)
      3. Conversation Skills:

        • Students can engage in simple conversations about the weather with peers, asking and responding to questions such as:
          • ¿Qué tiempo hace hoy? (What's the weather like today?)
          • ¿Cómo está el clima? (How's the weather?)
          • ¿Te gusta este tiempo? (Do you like this weather?)
          • ¿Qué tiempo hará mañana? (What will the weather be like tomorrow?)
          • ¿Qué tiempo hace en tu país? (What's the weather like in your country?)
      4. Accuracy and Fluency:

        • Students demonstrate accuracy in their use of weather vocabulary and expressions, with minimal errors in pronunciation and grammar.
        • Students speak with fluency and confidence when discussing the weather in Spanish, using appropriate intonation and expression.
      5. Engagement and Participation:

        • Students actively participate in class activities, such as weather discussions, role-plays, and games, demonstrating enthusiasm for learning Spanish vocabulary related to weather.

    • Las Vacaciones


      EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

      • We are EXPLORING to ask and respond to information about events in the present
      • We are EXPLORING to understand and talk about where, when, and how often activities take place
      • We are EXPLORING ask for and respond to simple directions
      • We are EXPLORING to compare and contrast people, places and things.


      These weeks we will be looking at  HOLIDAYS-VACACIONES.


      • I will be able to say where I go on holiday.

      • I will be able to use opinions and justifications to describe where I go on holiday.

      • I will be able to write a paragraph about where I go on holiday, how I get there and who with.

      1. Flipchart
      3. MATCH 
      4. TRANSLATE
      5. UNJUMBLE



    • Spanish Video competition


      PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

      • We are PLANNING to make a short movie in Spanish so that we can show our Spanish language proficiency, cultural engagement and collaboration in a creative way.

      Enter text here...


      To showcase linguistic proficiency and creative expression through filmmaking in Spanish.

      Task Description:

      You will participate in a film competition where you will create a 2-3 minute film entirely in Spanish. The film should demonstrate your language skills at their curriculum level while also showcasing creativity and storytelling abilities.

    • Las vacaciones


      EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

      • We are EXPLORING to ask and respond to information about events in the present
      • We are EXPLORING to understand and talk about where, when, and how often activities take place
      • We are EXPLORING ask for and respond to simple directions
      • We are EXPLORING to compare and contrast people, places and things.

      1. Vocabulary
      2. Writing frames
      3. Reading activity
      4. Speaking activity
      5. Une los adverbios de tiempo
      6. Fill in the gaps

    • Mi Ciudad

      Big Idea:  MI CIUDAD

      Then we will start our context, MI Ciudad, where we will learn all the necessary for you to express in Spanish what you need if you are in a Spanish-speaking country.

      Learning Intentions: 

      • We are learning to state and ask about the existence of places and things in a city

      AO Coverage:

      Selecting and using language, symbols, and texts to communicate
      Recognize and describe ways in which the target language is organized.

      Success Criteria: I can/have...

      • Identify vocabulary for places to hang out around town and invitations to hang out
      • Describe city features and describe your town and brochures
      • Explain how to get to different places
      • Apply all the learning using oral skills to a native speaking person


      1. Revision Quiz
      2. Mi city location and description
      3. Places in my city
      4. Places in my city 2

    • 25 March - 31 March

    • 1 April - 7 April

    • 8 April - 14 April

    • 15 April - 21 April

    • 22 April - 28 April

    • 29 April - 5 May

    • 6 May - 12 May

    • 13 May - 19 May

    • 20 May - 26 May

    • 27 May - 2 June

    • 3 June - 9 June

    • 10 June - 16 June

    • 17 June - 23 June

    • 24 June - 30 June

    • 1 July - 7 July

    • 8 July - 14 July

    • 15 July - 21 July

    • 22 July - 28 July

      This week
    • 29 July - 4 August

    • 5 August - 11 August

    • 12 August - 18 August

    • 19 August - 25 August

    • 26 August - 1 September

    • 2 September - 8 September

    • 9 September - 15 September

    • 16 September - 22 September

    • 23 September - 28 September

    • 30 September - 6 October

    • 7 October - 13 October

    • 14 October - 20 October

    • 21 October - 27 October

    • 28 October - 3 November

    • 4 November - 10 November

    • 11 November - 17 November

    • 18 November - 24 November

    • 25 November - 1 December

    • 2 December - 8 December

    • 9 December - 15 December