10W1 Global Studies
Weekly outline
The brain-changing benefits of exercise Snack on Exercise - Boost Your Mind, Body and Mood -
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING... New Zealand’s Voyaging/Sailing Heritage by researching the achievements of Sir Peter Blake
- We are EXPLORING... New Zealand’s Voyaging/Sailing Heritage by interpreting maps of early Polynesian/Maori voyaging
- We are EXPLORING... New Zealand’s Voyaging/Sailing Heritage by discovering oral traditions that pass on the knowledge of early Polynesian/Maori voyaging
- Fact File - Sir Peter Blake; in your exercise book
- Kahoot challenge - Sir Peter Blake
- Thinking and Learning Strategies - KWL Chart - literacy strategy - in your exercise book
- Documentary - Blakey
Further Learning....
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING... New Zealand’s Voyaging/Sailing Heritage by researching the achievements of Sir Peter Blake
- We are EXPLORING... New Zealand’s Voyaging/Sailing Heritage by interpreting maps of early Polynesian/Maori voyaging
- We are EXPLORING... New Zealand’s Voyaging/Sailing Heritage by discovering oral traditions that pass on the knowledge of early Polynesian/Maori voyaging
- Sir Peter Blake - activity grid
- review the activity grid (link above and pdf attached below)
- choose to complete THREE activities of your choice Sir Peter Blake - Legacy and how he is continuing to have an influence on NZ
- google classroom activity
- print your Word Cloud
Further Learning....
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING... New Zealand’s Voyaging/Sailing Heritage by researching the achievements of Sir Peter Blake
- We are EXPLORING... New Zealand’s Voyaging/Sailing Heritage by interpreting maps of early Polynesian/Maori voyaging
- We are EXPLORING... New Zealand’s Voyaging/Sailing Heritage by discovering oral traditions that pass on the knowledge of early Polynesian/Maori voyaging
- Sir Peter Blake - Legacy and how he is continuing to have an influence on NZ
- google classroom activity
- print your Word Cloud -
Team New Zealand’s amazing 35-year America’s Cup journey
a) Short promotional video -
Look like, Feels like, Sounds like activity in exercise book
b) Three level reading guide activity - in google classroom.
Further Learning....
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING... New Zealand’s Voyaging/Sailing Heritage by researching the achievements of Sir Peter Blake
- We are EXPLORING... New Zealand’s Voyaging/Sailing Heritage by interpreting maps of early Polynesian/Maori voyaging
- We are EXPLORING... New Zealand’s Voyaging/Sailing Heritage by discovering oral traditions that pass on the knowledge of early Polynesian/Maori voyaging
Activities:- Distance learning - MUST, SHOULD COULD activities for Global Studies
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tb8ASR7R51Mr8_ bwmCa2PwdmNmpeNFmSE6qQIKRq6J0/ edit?usp=sharing
Further Learning:
You need to.....
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING... New Zealand’s Voyaging/Sailing Heritage by researching the achievements of Sir Peter Blake
- We are EXPLORING... New Zealand’s Voyaging/Sailing Heritage by interpreting maps of early Polynesian/Maori voyaging
- We are EXPLORING... New Zealand’s Voyaging/Sailing Heritage by discovering oral traditions that pass on the knowledge of early Polynesian/Maori voyaging
- Resource Interpretation ; Cartoons and Memes
Memei) an image, video, a piece of text, etc., typically humorous in nature, that is copied and spread rapidly by internet users, often with slight variations.
ii) While social media is a platform for communication, memes are a way of expressing a culturally-relevant idea. A meme is an image or video that represents the thoughts and feelings of a specific audience/group or the opinion of the creator. Most memes are captioned photos intended to elicit humour. However, there are many viral video memes too.
Political cartoon
A drawing (often including caricature) made for the purpose of conveying editorial (the authors) commentary on politics, politicians, and current events.
Assessment 1 - introduction - English/Global combined - to start Monday week 7
Due Monday Week 8
Meme scavenger hunt activity
- Using Padlet - add Meme examples for the identified categories use the share link here to collaborate on a padlet https://padlet.com/klambert8/dpkwpopjr0buswho - Political cartoons; how to interpret a political cartoon - step by step process
- Use the Google Slide show in the Google classroom
- Open the PDF of cartoons below
- Complete the activities detailed in the powerpoint.
Our Collaborative Padlet - Meme Scavenger Hunt
Further Learning:
You need to.....
Complete the SHOULD and COULD activity in the Distance Learning
Add to the Padlet - meme scavenger hunt -
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING... New Zealand’s Voyaging/Sailing Heritage by researching the achievements of Sir Peter Blake and the America's Cup
- 10 Global Studies/English Assessment 1 - Sir Peter Blake and the America's Cup - Meme/Political Cartoon
- Remember you will have Global Studies sessions this week to work on this assessment. Your meme/political cartoon and explanation is due this Friday 6pm.
- You will also have English sessions this week and next week to complete the English component. Your visual language features write up is due this Friday 26th March.All resources are in the Google classroomGlobal Studies support - Assessment 1: Create my own Meme/Political cartoon and explain/justify the point of view it is conveyingYou will be required to……
i) Create/draw your meme/political cartoon to convey the legacy and influence (feelings/thoughts) of Sir Peter Blake or the America's Cup
ii) Explain verbally what your meme/political cartoon represents; the person/event, ideas/action, impact on NZ
- use the gathering & organising my ideas scaffold (copy for you in Google classroom)
- make a AUDIO or VIDEO recording of your explanation
Submission Date Global Studies: For the Meme/Cartoon 19th March 2021Use the copy made for you in the Google Classroom
Further Learning:
You need to.....work on your assessment due Friday 6pm
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING on NZ’s Water Safety Community Challenge by defining the preventable drowning issue through statistics
- We are FOCUSING on NZ’s Water Safety Community Challenge by identifying the risks (causes) involved in water activities
Success Criteria: I can/have...
- News - current events over the NZ summer: water safety and preventable drownings
- basic facts
- making predictions/generalisations
- google classroom activity - Preventable drowning statistics - scavenger hunt
- statistic table
- google classroom - How to use evidence in my Responsible Behaviour write up
Follow Up Tasks: -
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING on NZ’s Water Safety Community Challenge by defining the preventable drowning issue through statistics
- We are FOCUSING on NZ’s Water Safety Community Challenge by identifying the risks (causes) involved in water activities
Success Criteria: I can/have...
- Water Safety Code - Water Safety NZ
- brainstorm; what do you think will be in this code
- record the code in your books
https://watersafety.org.nz/Community-Resources/Know%20before%20you%20go%20-%20the%20basic%20Water%20Safety%20Code - Responsible Behaviours
- use Ms Thomas document https://docs.google.com/document/d/10oVGbeM_CrGXckgw1yd2zAkUr1AK3VXl3IttdTYtemQ/edit?usp=sharing
- create a key (colour for each code)
- colour code the Water Code you have recorded in your books - Plan - how might I use the Water Safety NZ's water code in my responsible behaviour write up?
- Preventable Drownings in NZ
"New Zealand has a drowning problem"Water is an intrinsic part of life in New Zealand. From the waka that first crossed the ocean to Aotearoa to our childhood memories of endless summer holidays at the beach. It is part of our identity. We are surrounded by it. We live in it. It sustains us and energises us.
With a partner; read/watch/listen the below news article
News Article 1
News Article 2
Using the article above - complete the Cause - Issue - Consequence chart in the google classroom
- template copied for you to use - eLearning course - select a course to complete from the link below
Follow Up Tasks: -
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING on NZ’s Water Safety Community Challenge by defining the preventable drowning issue through statistics
- We are FOCUSING on NZ’s Water Safety Community Challenge by identifying the risks (causes) involved in water activities
Success Criteria: I can/have...
- Success Criteria - evaluating my progress - Pair Share
- Preventable Drownings in NZ
"New Zealand has a drowning problem"Water is an intrinsic part of life in New Zealand. From the waka that first crossed the ocean to Aotearoa to our childhood memories of endless summer holidays at the beach. It is part of our identity. We are surrounded by it. We live in it. It sustains us and energises us.
With a partner; read/watch/listen the below news article
News Article 1
News Article 2
Using the article above - complete the Cause - Issue - Consequence chart in the google classroom
- template copied for you to use - eLearning course - select a course to complete from the link below
Follow Up Tasks: -
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING... New Zealand’s Voyaging/Sailing Heritage by interpreting maps of early Polynesian/Maori voyaging
- We are EXPLORING... New Zealand’s Voyaging/Sailing Heritage by discovering oral traditions that pass on the knowledge of early Polynesian/Maori voyaging
- Reflecting - achievement with Assessment 1
- whole class feedback; patterns and trends
- individual/independent reflection (template provided in Google classroom)
- the TAAB is Success Criteria
- how does this translate to the Explore Success Criteria - Success Criteria - Focus
- Traffic light activity (template in Google classroom) - Heritage of Voyaging in NZ
- Maori and Polynesian traditions
- Looks like, Sounds like, Feels like - waka ama experience
Further Learning....
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING... New Zealand’s Voyaging/Sailing Heritage by interpreting maps of early Polynesian/Maori voyaging
- We are EXPLORING... New Zealand’s Voyaging/Sailing Heritage by discovering oral traditions that pass on the knowledge of early Polynesian/Maori voyaging
Do Now:
Maori Oral Histories - Library books - SSR: 15-20minsActivities:
- KWL chart - google document
Polynesian and Maori Voyaging and Navigation Expertise
- What do you already know? Complete the K column. -
Watch the introduction video
Kaupapa On The Couch Get on the waka!
- What do you want to find out? Complete W column -
Kupe - Maori Oral History
Use the resources of the oral history that best suits you.
Use a minimum of two resources, (1x written/audio and 1x visual) - more if necessary.
Resource 1 - https://www.tourism.net.nz/new-zealand/about-new-zealand/kupe-and-te-wheke.html
Resource 2 - https://eng.mataurangamaori.tki.org.nz/Support-materials/Te-Reo-Maori/Maori-Myths-Legends-and-Contemporary-Stories/Kupe-and-the-Giant-Wheke
Resource 3 - http://www2.hawaii.edu/~dennisk/voyaging_chiefs/kupe.html
Resource 4 - https://marlboroughnz.com/guides/heritage/kupe-the-octopus
Resource 5 -
Resource 6 - https://instructionalseries.tki.org.nz/Instructional-Series/School-Journal/School-Journal-Level-2-May-2020/Kupe-and-the-Giant-Wheke
Resource 7 -
THEN - complete the Learning Guide (handout) to recall the Story of Kupe -
Mapping activity
- create your own Google Map
- use the resource link below
- use pins on your Google Map to show and label where Kupe voyaging took him in NZ
Further Learning....
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING... New Zealand’s Voyaging/Sailing Heritage by interpreting maps of early Polynesian/Maori voyaging
- We are EXPLORING... New Zealand’s Voyaging/Sailing Heritage by discovering oral traditions that pass on the knowledge of early Polynesian/Maori voyaging
Activities:- Check learning activity completion
- KWL chart - google document: Polynesian and Maori Voyaging and Navigation Expertise (complete KNOW column). ThenWatch the introduction video Kaupapa On The Couch Get on the waka! (now complete WANT column)
- Kupe - Maori Oral History. Use the resources of the oral history that best suits you and THEN - complete the Learning Guide (handout) to recall the Story of Kupe (glue in excercise book)
- Mapping activity. create your own Google Map and use pins on your Google Map to show and label where Kupe voyaging took him in NZ (share your maps public link in Google classroom)
If all of the above is complete - SSR - Maori Oral History Stories -
Watch the short clip
The Aotearoa History Show - Episode 2 | Tangata Whenua
Further Learning....Ensure all the learning Activities identified in Activity 1 above are complete
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING... New Zealand’s Voyaging/Sailing Heritage by interpreting maps of early Polynesian/Maori voyaging
- We are EXPLORING... New Zealand’s Voyaging/Sailing Heritage by discovering oral traditions that pass on the knowledge of early Polynesian/Maori voyaging
Activities:- DO NOW - Complete 15mins SSR - Maori Oral History Stories
Polynesian migration - Where? When? How? Watch the short clip The Aotearoa History Show - Episode 2 | Tangata Whenua
Map hand out
Read PDF - Where did the Polynesian's come from
Draw on your handout the route you think the Polynesians took
Check your route using the map PDF below
FACKTS - Frame, Arrow compass, Colour, Key, Title, Scale - Complete the readings, video and Waka building activity
- model Waka building activity - Homework challenge
Chapter I - An Ocean Voyaging Culture
Chapter II - Journey from Polynesia
https://www.tupapa.nz/stories/journey-from-polynesia - Polynesians - The Master Navigators | How did Maori make their way to New Zealand
- Summary notes
- Where did Maori Ancestors come from? Questions in Google classroom
- Why did the ancestors of the Maori leave and settle new islands? - bullet points in exercise book
- Polynesian Navigation Techniques - summary notes in exercise book
Further Learning....
Waka Making Challenge - You have made a virtual waka - can you make a mini model?
A video to help you with ideas:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpoIfnFbhIwA diagram to help you
https://www.sciencelearn.org.nz/resources/633-waka-hourua -
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING Human Rights by interpreting the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)
- We are EXPLORING Human Rights by connecting the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) to the Holocaust
Success Criteria:
Learning Activities
- Introduction
Definition: What are Human Rights? What is Social Justice?
- write what you think the definitions are in your exercise book
- travel peer share
- watch
Amnesty International Australia. (2008, November 30). Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Retrieved from
- Update definitions if you want - Human Rights declaration document
What articles/things do we think will be listed on this document?
- First 5 Rights? Rights for Children, Rights for Physical Wellbeing, Rights for Emotional Wellbeing
- A3 paper - in your group predict what these might be
MUST activity for Friday and Homework - due Monday session 2 - Exploring the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- activity in the Google Classroom
- document created for you to work on - Education Prefect task - Human rights
Further Learning
Exploring the UDHR google classroom activity and EP task
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING Human Rights by interpreting the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)
- We are EXPLORING Human Rights by connecting the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) to the Holocaust
Success Criteria:
Learning Activities
- DO NOW - vocab reinforcement: Human Rights and Social Justice
- Google Slideshow in classroom - complete Slides 1 & 2 - MUST & Hwk activity - checking your understanding: Groups of 4 (6x groups in total) - Rotation of 2x activities: Half working independently on EP Assessment and other
half on group work (Pictionary and categorising) Then swap
a) EP activity: EP assessment: this has been assigned to test your understanding of the Smart Lesson - MUST activity on Friday https://www.educationperfect.com/app/#/dashboard/assessment/4650969
b) Introducing the Articles of the UDHR (need 3x envelopes with the cards)
INSTRUCTIONS: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IL2jI4xv6UpRmK2jT3SstE95W-YzxeNsQ0DEmjr4BLA/edit?usp=sharing
- Pictionary
- Categorising - MUST & Hwk activity - checking your understanding:
- Quizlet Live (https://quizlet.com/_9wgljf?x=1jqt&i=mneah) - Texts from English and the UDHR
- collaborating with English
- use the writing prompts provided in the class comment and the simplified UDHR to write specifically about the Human Rights issue with supporting detail from the text - MUST Activity Focus Friday
- Nazi Germany and the Holocaust
a) Watch this clip - https://www.facinghistory.org/resource-library/video/step-step-phases-holocaust
b) In your exercise book create a Flow Diagram using three large box to represent the 3x Phases to understand the Holocaust. (See the template below)
c) In each box include - the Phase, the dates and bullet points identifying what happen in each phase.
Further Learning
Using the handout of the simplified version of the UDHR, complete the categorising activity/colour coding activity as per the instructions below
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IL2jI4xv6UpRmK2jT3SstE95W-YzxeNsQ0DEmjr4BLA/edit?usp=sharing -
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING Human Rights issues caused by the unequal distribution/access to resources, goods, & services
- We are EXPLORING Human Rights issues by investigating poverty around the world
Success Criteria:
Learning Activities
- Sub Saharan Africa
- 10 top facts scavenger hunt
- Peer share - Developed vs Developing World - Haves, Have nots
MUST Activity - the divided world rich v poor
- map work
- Picture Dictation: causes
SHOULD Activity: Absolute Poverty
- Living on One: short films (visual texts) - How do we measure rich and poor countries - Google classroom and exercise book
Further Learning
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING Human Rights & Social Justice issues in sub-Saharan Africa by explaining the causes and impact on children.
Success Criteria - TAAB
Learning Activities:
- Introduce Assessment Task
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sK9bGGOViA2xsSgU7MTjY0qUxn6IiKK7Z2qIi5ng4cQ/edit?usp=sharing - Becoming Informed about the issues facing children in sub-Saharan Africa
- use the Evidence file template in the Google Classroom
- select 5 resources to use from the resource list - Planning my 40 Hour Challenge and how I will record/log my participation
- use the Social Action Planning template in the Google Classroom
Further Learning...
NCEA opportunity - decision with home if required
Work on your Evidence File -
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING Human Rights & Social Justice issues in sub-Saharan Africa by explaining the causes and impact on children.
PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:
- We are PLANNING our personal involvement in the 40 Hour famine so that we can empathise with people less fortunate than ourselves and raise funds to promote human rights and social justice.
Success Criteria - TAAB
Learning Activities:
- Assessment Task
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sK9bGGOViA2xsSgU7MTjY0qUxn6IiKK7Z2qIi5ng4cQ/edit?usp=sharing - Becoming Informed about the issues facing children in sub-Saharan Africa
- Evidence File: focus on Human Rights issues related to POVERTY & FAMINE
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jhfJB6r8Dw6PhOlbBfWeiqqIFN3QAAQjbQE05vI-2bE/edit?usp=sharing (available in google classroom) - Planning my 40 Hour Challenge and how I will record/log my participation
- Social Action Plan and Log - PART 2
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1m4rGx1yrpk9x5j3PycMw0615DGd734I4GGtzjNgD75I/edit?usp=sharing - Understanding my research and linking to the UDHR
- use padlet - add evidence that proves each human right is not being up held
Further Learning...
Working to have your Evidence File and Social Action/Log for THURSDAY so you can back feedback from me in class.
Gathering sponsors
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING Human Rights & Social Justice issues in sub-Saharan Africa by explaining the causes and impact on children.
PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:
- We are PLANNING our personal involvement in the 40 Hour famine so that we can empathise with people less fortunate than ourselves and raise funds to promote human rights and social justice.
Success Criteria - TAAB
Learning Activities:
- Assessment Task
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sK9bGGOViA2xsSgU7MTjY0qUxn6IiKK7Z2qIi5ng4cQ/edit?usp=sharing - Checkpoint #1 - Was due Friday 3pm (Overdue)
Becoming Informed about the issues facing children in sub-Saharan Africa
- Evidence File: focus on Human Rights issues related to POVERTY & FAMINE
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jhfJB6r8Dw6PhOlbBfWeiqqIFN3QAAQjbQE05vI-2bE/edit?usp=sharing (available in google classroom) - Checkpoint #2 - Was due Today 8am (Overdue)
Finalise record/log of you participation - this was due at 8am this morning
- Social Action Log
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1m4rGx1yrpk9x5j3PycMw0615DGd734I4GGtzjNgD75I/edit?usp=sharing - Plan your SocialAction report using the template in the Google classroom
https://classroom.google.com/c/MjQ3ODQ3MDUyNDY4/a/MzY1Njk4Njg0ODQx/details - Write you Social Action report (underneath your plan)
Self assess your report plan...
Further Learning...
Planning and writing your Social Action Report
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING Human Rights & Social Justice issues in sub-Saharan Africa by explaining the causes and impact on children.
PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:
- We are PLANNING our personal involvement in the 40 Hour famine so that we can empathise with people less fortunate than ourselves and raise funds to promote human rights and social justice.
Success Criteria - TAAB
Learning Activities:
- Assessment Task
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sK9bGGOViA2xsSgU7MTjY0qUxn6IiKK7Z2qIi5ng4cQ/edit?usp=sharing - Checkpoint #1 & #2 = feedback provided - see Google classroom and action !
- Plan your SocialAction report using the template in the Google classroom
https://classroom.google.com/c/MjQ3ODQ3MDUyNDY4/a/MzY1Njk4Njg0ODQx/details - Write you Social Action report (underneath your plan)
Self check your planning using our class discussion notes:
Further Learning...
Write your Social Action Report
Assessment Due Tuesday 6pm -
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING Human Rights by interpreting the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)
- We are EXPLORING Human Rights by connecting the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) to the Holocaust
- We are EXPLORING Human Rights issues caused by the unequal distribution/access to resources, goods, & services
- We are EXPLORING Human Rights issues by investigating poverty around the world & in New Zealand
- We are EXPLORING Human Rights issues by recognising racism in New Zealand
Success Criteria
Learning Activities
- DO Now - Vocabulary work - Google Classroom: https://classroom.google.com/c/MjQ3ODQ3MDUyNDY4/a/MzUyNTM5MjQ4NzM3/details
- Is NZ Racist - for and against argument frame - Google classroom
- A history of racism in New Zealand?
- Treaty of Waitangi and Maori/European Race Relations in NZ
- Events in NZ history (Racism) https://nzhistory.govt.nz/keyword/racism
Further Learning
This week you need to complete the revision activity assigned about in EP (Human Rights)
https://www.educationperfect.com/app/#/dashboard/homework/4902139 -
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING Human Rights by interpreting the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)
- We are EXPLORING Human Rights by connecting the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) to the Holocaust
- We are EXPLORING Human Rights issues caused by the unequal distribution/access to resources, goods, & services
- We are EXPLORING Human Rights issues by investigating poverty around the world & in New Zealand
- We are EXPLORING Human Rights issues by recognising racism in New Zealand
Success Criteria
Learning Activities
- Is NZ Racist - for and against argument frame - Google classroom
- reliable sources; trustworthy/credible
- Fact Vs Opinion
- Persuaded Vs Informed - Assessment 2 - reflection activity - exercise book
- DO Now - Vocabulary work - Quizlet
- A history of racism in New Zealand?
i) Dawn Raids
- Apology by Jacinda Ardern yesterday - WATCH & t chart apology; was the apology genuine in your opinion?
- Why has the government apologised? Learn about what happened
READ = in class activities; WATCH/LISTEN = Homework
Option a) Comprehensive account New Zealand Geographic publication
Option c) The dawn raids explained - Stuff article
Option a) Episode 1: Waking Up to the Dawn Raids (Aotearoa) | Untold Pacific History
Option b) Dawn Raids Television(Full Length) – 2005
Option c) My New Zealand Story: Dawn Road audio book
Dawn Raids - LISTEN/WATCH - either Option a or b or c = you choose which one
Further Learning -
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING Human Rights by interpreting the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)
- We are EXPLORING Human Rights by connecting the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) to the Holocaust
- We are EXPLORING Human Rights issues caused by the unequal distribution/access to resources, goods, & services
- We are EXPLORING Human Rights issues by investigating poverty around the world & in New Zealand
- We are EXPLORING Human Rights issues by recognising racism in New Zealand
Success Criteria
Learning Activities
- A history of racism in New Zealand?
ii) Create a comic - Instructions in Google Classroom https://classroom.google.com/c/MjQ3ODQ3MDUyNDY4/m/Mzc2MTA4NjI0OTA5/details - A history of Racism in New Zealand?
- Treaty partners? - DO Now - Vocabulary work - Quizlet - https://quizlet.com/_a1xp7e?x=1jqt&i=mneah
Further Learning
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING Human Rights by interpreting the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)
- We are EXPLORING Human Rights by connecting the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) to the Holocaust
- We are EXPLORING Human Rights issues caused by the unequal distribution/access to resources, goods, & services
- We are EXPLORING Human Rights issues by investigating poverty around the world & in New Zealand
- We are EXPLORING Human Rights issues by recognising racism in New Zealand
Success Criteria
Learning Activities
The arrival of the Pakeha to New Zealand
- Read the short article using this link https://waitangitribunal.govt.nz/publications-and-resources/school-resources/treaty-past-and-present/section-2/
- Use the article and your own ideas to answer the questions in google classroom
https://classroom.google.com/c/MjQ3ODQ3MDUyNDY4/a/MzgwMTAxMzIyNTc2/detailsEthnic and religious intolerance in NZ - a brief history.
- Document in Google classroom: https://classroom.google.com/c/MjQ3ODQ3MDUyNDY4/a/MzgzMzc2MTI2NTI2/details
Further Learning
EP revision - Treaty of Waitangi: https://classroom.google.com/c/MjQ3ODQ3MDUyNDY4/m/MzgwMTAxMzIyMTIw/details
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING Human Rights by interpreting the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)
- We are EXPLORING Human Rights by connecting the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) to the Holocaust
- We are EXPLORING Human Rights issues caused by the unequal distribution/access to resources, goods, & services
- We are EXPLORING Human Rights issues by investigating poverty around the world & in New Zealand
- We are EXPLORING Human Rights issues by recognising racism in New Zealand
Success Criteria
Learning Activities
EP on Treaty and Arrival of Pakeha in New Zealand;
Article and questions in Google Classroom
Further Learning
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING Human Rights by interpreting the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)
- We are EXPLORING Human Rights by connecting the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) to the Holocaust
- We are EXPLORING Human Rights issues caused by the unequal distribution/access to resources, goods, & services
- We are EXPLORING Human Rights issues by investigating poverty around the world & in New Zealand
- We are EXPLORING Human Rights issues by recognising racism in New Zealand
Success Criteria
Learning Activities
MUST Activity: Ethnic and religious intolerance in NZ - a brief history. Document in Google classroom
SHOULD Activity: Have already completed revision EP on Treaty and Arrival of Pakeha in New Zealand; article and questions in Google Classroom
Further Learning
Distance Learning Te Wai Whānau Sept Week 1 -2021
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING Human Rights by interpreting the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)
- We are EXPLORING Human Rights by connecting the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) to the Holocaust
- We are EXPLORING Human Rights issues caused by the unequal distribution/access to resources, goods, & services
- We are EXPLORING Human Rights issues by investigating poverty around the world & in New Zealand
- We are EXPLORING Human Rights issues by recognising racism in New Zealand
Success Criteria
Learning Activities
MUST Activity: te tai - Treaty Settlement Stories in Google Classroom
SHOULD Activity: Our Truth, Tā Mātou Pono in Google Classroom
Further Learning
Distance Learning Te Wai Whānau Sept Week 2 -2021
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING Human Rights by interpreting the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)
- We are EXPLORING Human Rights by connecting the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) to the Holocaust
- We are EXPLORING Human Rights issues caused by the unequal distribution/access to resources, goods, & services
- We are EXPLORING Human Rights issues by investigating poverty around the world & in New Zealand
- We are EXPLORING Human Rights issues by recognising racism in New Zealand
Success Criteria
Learning Activities
MUST: Resource Interpretation and Flipgrid activity in Google Classroom
SHOULD: CAT revision activity - EPFurther Learning
Distance Learning Te Wai Whānau Sept Week 3 -2021
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING Human Rights by interpreting the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)
- We are EXPLORING Human Rights by connecting the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) to the Holocaust
- We are EXPLORING Human Rights issues caused by the unequal distribution/access to resources, goods, & services
- We are EXPLORING Human Rights issues by investigating poverty around the world & in New Zealand
- We are EXPLORING Human Rights issues by recognising racism in New Zealand
Success Criteria
Learning Activities
Ensure ALL Global Studies MUST and SHOULD activities are completed and up to date as per Distance Learning Instructions
Further Learning
Distance Learning Te Wai Whānau Sept Week 5 -2021
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1h3npng7N1med8AoALZmXiBxQlgO7MgcVl6AccBsnQTc/edit?usp=sharing -
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING...Financial Literacy by…. understanding how government impacts lives - tax system and services
- We are EXPLORING...Financial Literacy by… organising expenditure in relating to wants and needs
- We are EXPLORING...Financial Literacy by… recognising fixed expenditure and disposable income
- We are EXPLORING... Future Pathways & Careers by...investigating the world of work and careers by using Career Quest
Distance Learning Activities
MUST: ….Banqer High activity (with Maths). See Google Classroom.
CONNECT: Playposit Tues 28th Sept 1pm
Further Learning
Distance Learning Te Wai Whānau Sept Week 6 -2021
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1H37Ao_mc-c-cvPPnQJhT5Z44zNH6FgoOonD80agpNs0/edit?usp=sharing -
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING...Financial Literacy by…. understanding how government impacts lives - tax system and services
- We are EXPLORING...Financial Literacy by… organising expenditure in relating to wants and needs
- We are EXPLORING...Financial Literacy by… recognising fixed expenditure and disposable income
- We are EXPLORING... Future Pathways & Careers by...investigating the world of work and careers by using Career Quest
Success Criteria
Distance Learning ActivitiesMUST: Imagining my life in 25 years - refer to G classroom
CONNECT: Tuesday 1pm
Further Learning
Distance Learning Te Wai Whānau October Term 4 Week 1 (Mon 18th Oct - Tues 19th Oct) 2021
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-vYYpiN2XH7FyMTrrz9_mPeBrfLdzecpaYYhEZQHeS8/edit?usp=sharing -
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING...Financial Literacy by…. understanding how government impacts lives - tax system and services
- We are EXPLORING...Financial Literacy by… organising expenditure in relating to wants and needs
- We are EXPLORING...Financial Literacy by… recognising fixed expenditure and disposable income
- We are EXPLORING... Future Pathways & Careers by...investigating the world of work and careers by using Career Quest
Success Criteria
Distance Learning ActivitiesMUST: Banqer High Careers Module
- see Google Classroom doc instructions
CONNECT: Tuesday 1pm
Further Learning
Distance Learning Te Wai Whānau October Term 4 Week 2 (Wed 27th Oct - Tues 2nd Nov) 2021https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LkLkz2k75w8f3pCuDrteFHqqEiTA9FKRePhmiRmBPP4/edit?usp=sharing
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING...Financial Literacy by…. understanding how government impacts lives - tax system and services
- We are EXPLORING...Financial Literacy by… organising expenditure in relating to wants and needs
- We are EXPLORING...Financial Literacy by… recognising fixed expenditure and disposable income
- We are EXPLORING... Future Pathways & Careers by...investigating the world of work and careers by using Career Quest
Success Criteria
Distance Learning Activities
MUST: Developing your own opinion about task
- See Google classroom
CONNECT: Tuesday 1pm
Further Learning
Distance Learning Te Wai Whānau November Term 4 Week 3 (Wed 3rd Nov - Tues 9th Nov) 2021https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XNBrsxm4CtEAHIzch-I7n4bGhYNP7wBCJjhrHua0Cs8/edit?usp=sharing
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING...Financial Literacy by…. understanding how government impacts lives - tax system and services
- We are EXPLORING...Financial Literacy by… organising expenditure in relating to wants and needs
- We are EXPLORING...Financial Literacy by… recognising fixed expenditure and disposable income
- We are EXPLORING... Future Pathways & Careers by...investigating the world of work and careers by using Career Quest
Success Criteria
Distance Learning Activities
MUST: Banqer High
- Flatting, Home Ownership and budgeting
CONNECT: Tuesday 1pm
Further Learning
Distance Learning Te Wai Whānau November Term 4 Week 4 (Wed 10th Nov - Tues 16th Nov) 2021https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nO6Bwp5b0GnAqvDEvsle3pqdReGr5kxLLBWXMWNIVB0/edit?usp=sharing
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING...Financial Literacy by…. understanding how government impacts lives - tax system and services
- We are EXPLORING...Financial Literacy by… organising expenditure in relating to wants and needs
- We are EXPLORING...Financial Literacy by… recognising fixed expenditure and disposable income
- We are EXPLORING... Future Pathways & Careers by...investigating the world of work and careers by using Career Quest
Success Criteria
Distance Learning Activities
Y10 Global Studies MUST activity; Term 4 Week 5 & 6 (Wed 17th Nov - Friday 26th Nov) 2021
Further Learning
Distance Learning Te Wai Whānau November Term 4 Week 5 & 6 (Wed 17th Nov - Friday 26th Nov) 2021https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SEfCNQfDGOHXZtOZMNjJbkt-b1vE346N-5x4KMDgBkI/edit?usp=sharing
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING...Financial Literacy by…. understanding how government impacts lives - tax system and services
- We are EXPLORING...Financial Literacy by… organising expenditure in relating to wants and needs
- We are EXPLORING...Financial Literacy by… recognising fixed expenditure and disposable income
- We are EXPLORING... Future Pathways & Careers by...investigating the world of work and careers by using Career Quest
Success Criteria
Distance Learning Activities
Y10 Global Studies MUST activity; Term 4 Week 5 & 6 (Wed 17th Nov - Friday 26th Nov) 2021
Further Learning
Distance Learning Te Wai Whānau November Term 4 Week 5 & 6 (Wed 17th Nov - Friday 26th Nov) 2021https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SEfCNQfDGOHXZtOZMNjJbkt-b1vE346N-5x4KMDgBkI/edit?usp=sharing
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING...Financial Literacy by…. understanding how government impacts lives - tax system and services
- We are EXPLORING...Financial Literacy by… organising expenditure in relating to wants and needs
- We are EXPLORING...Financial Literacy by… recognising fixed expenditure and disposable income
- We are EXPLORING... Future Pathways & Careers by...investigating the world of work and careers by using Career Quest
Success Criteria
Distance Learning Activities
Y10 Global Studies MUST activity; Term 4 Week 7 2021
- Banqer High modules
Further Learning
Distance Learning Te Wai Whānau November Term 4 Week 7
https://docs.google.com/document/d/10UkFtRnpSD_5DBmpQyFwVZZMryNv2BJ4_6Z9sFoFobM/edit?usp=sharing -
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING...Financial Literacy by…. understanding how government impacts lives - tax system and services
- We are EXPLORING...Financial Literacy by… organising expenditure in relating to wants and needs
- We are EXPLORING...Financial Literacy by… recognising fixed expenditure and disposable income
- We are EXPLORING... Future Pathways & Careers by...investigating the world of work and careers by using Career Quest
Success Criteria
Distance Learning Activities
Y10 Global Studies MUST activity; Term 4 Week 8 2021
Scenario game & Digital Scrapbooking
Further Learning
Distance Learning Te Wai Whānau November Term 4 Week 8