8M1 Mathematics
Weekly outline
Success Criteria: I can/have...
- Identify the place value of decimal number.
- Accurately read and write decimal numbers.
- Add and subtract decimal numbers without calculators.
- Round decimal numbers and whole numbers.
- Do Now- Beat the clock, Math Starters
- Group 1- Complete the questions in Group 1 Folder on significant figures. Also complete the questions from the following link-a) https://www.transum.org/Maths/Activity/Decimals/Default.asp?Level=3
- https://www.transum.org/software/SW/Starter_of_the_day/Students/Rounding.asp?Level=4
- Rest of the class complete the questions from the common folder.
- Complete the questions from the following link into your notebooks- https://www.transum.org/Maths/Activity/Decimals/Add.asp?Level=1
- Complete the questions in the following link on multiplying decimals- https://www.transum.org/Maths/Activity/Decimals/Default.asp?Level=1
Please complete Weekly Math Buddy task. -
Kia ora...
Success Criteria: I can/have...
- Convert Decimal to fraction, Percentage and Viceversa.
- Find Fraction of a Quantity.
- Find Percentage of a Quantity.
- Do Now- Beat the clock
- Group 1- Complete the problem solving activities in Group 1 Folder. Once completed, do the tasks in Group 2 folder.
- Group 2- Complete the tasks in Group 2 Folder.
- Group 3, 4- Complete the tasks in Group 3 Folder
- Group 5- Complete the tasks in Group 5 Folder
Please complete Weekly MathBuddy tasks. -
Kia Ora 8M1. Hope that you all have been keeping well and staying healthy. This term we will be starting off with fractions and percentages.
Success Criteria: I can/have...
- Simplify Fractions
- Add and subtarct fractions with different denominartors
- Teacher introduction.
- Video on Adding, subtracting , Multiplying and dividing fractions-
- Group 5 - Complete the questions in the folder on Adding and subtracting fractions with similar denominators. Once complete move to group 2,3, 4 work.
- Group 3, 4 ,5 - Complete the questions on simplifying fractions and then questions on Adding and subtracting fractions.
- Group 1, 2- Please complete questions on adding and subtracting mixed fractions. https://www.transum.org/Software/SW/Starter_of_the_day/Students/Mixed_Numbers.asp?Level=1
- https://www.transum.org/Maths/Exercise/Improper_Fractions.asp
- Josiah & Ahmed- Please complete questions from Group 1 then complete the questions on Algebraic fractions- https://www.transum.org/software/SW/Starter_of_the_day/Students/Algebraic_Fractions.asp?Level=1
Write here... -
Success Criteria: I can/have...
- Express fraction as quantities of others.
- Convert Mixed Fraction to improper fraction
- Identify Fraction on a Numberline
- Group 1- Percentage increase and decrease.
- Group 2, 3- Group 2, 3, 4 folder
- Group 4,5,6- Group 5, 6 folder
- Josiah & Ahmed- https://www.transum.org/software/SW/Starter_of_the_day/Students/Algebraic_Fractions.asp
Kia ora...
Success Criteria: I can/have...
- Express Proportion in the form of Ratio.
- Simplify ratio.
- Group 1- Complete the questions in the transum link from Level 1- Level 4
- Group 2,3- Complete Questions from Level 1- Level 3
- Group 4, 5, 6- Complete Questions in Level 1, Level 2
- Josiah & Ahmed- Please complete questions from Level 5, Level 6
Transum link- https://www.transum.org/software/SW/Starter_of_the_day/Students/Ratio.asp?Level=1
Please complete Weekly Math Buddy tasks. -
Success Criteria: I can/have...
- Identify the different polygons.
- Determine the total of all angles in a polygon.
- Calculate the missing angles in a polygon.
- Complete the attached document.
- Group1- Complete the task on finding the exterior angles in a triangle.
- Group 5,6- https://www.transum.org/software/SW/Starter_of_the_day/Students/Measuring_Angles.asp
Please complete Weekly Math Buddy task. -
Success Criteria: I can/have...
- Calculate the area of a triangle.
- Calculate the area of a rectangle.
- Josiah & Ahmed- a) Complete Level 3& 4 from the following link- https://www.transum.org/Maths/Puzzles/Area_Maze/Default.asp?Level=3 b) Complete questions in the following link- https://www.transum.org/Maths/Exercise/Algebra/Perimeters.asp
- Group 1, 2, 3, 4- Complete Level 1 & 2 from the following link- https://www.transum.org/Maths/Puzzles/Area_Maze/ b) Area of a triangle- Level 1 from the follwoing link- https://www.transum.org/software/SW/Starter_of_the_day/Students/Area_of_a_Triangle/Quiz.asp?Level=1
- Manshaan & Juwairiyah- Complete the questions in Level 1 from the following link- https://www.transum.org/Software/SW/Starter_of_the_day/Students/Missing_Lengths.asp b) Complete the questions in the Group 5 folder on Area of square and Rectangle.
Please complete Weekly Math Buddy tasks -
Group1,2,3, 4,5- https://www.transum.org/Maths/Exercise/Area/
Josiah, Ahmed- https://www.transum.org/Software/SW/Starter_of_the_day/Students/Surface_Area.asp
Group 1,2,3,4- Complete the questions in the folder.
Manshaan & Juwairiyah- Complete questions in Group 6 Folder
Success Criteria: I can/have...
- Solve problems involving scale factors.
- Please complete the questions in the Education Perfect task.
- Please complete the questions in the following link- https://www.transum.org/software/Online_Exercise/ScaleDrawing/
- Complete the attached practice Easstle paper.
Complete Weekly Math Buddy tasks -
Kia ora 8M1. Hope you had a wonderful break.
Success Criteria: I can/have...
- Plot the co-ordinates.
- Identify the ordered pairs for the co-ordinates.
- Plot the co-ordinates in all four quadrants.
- Group 1- Start with the following- https://www.mathsisfun.com/t_rex.html
- Rest of the class- https://www.mathsisfun.com/coordinate_alien.html-
- Group 2, 3, 4- https://www.mathsisfun.com/t_rex.html
- Group 2,3,4- https://www.transum.org/Maths/Activity/Coordinates/
- https://www.transum.org/software/SW/Starter_of_the_day/Students/Coordinates.asp?Level=1
Write here... -
Success Criteria: I can/have...
- Identify the pattern.
- Create and complete the table for the pattern.
- Display the pattern on a graph
- Find the rule for the Pattern.
- Write here
- Write here
Please complete Weekly Math Buddy tasks. -
Success Criteria: I can/have...
- Plot a graph for a practical situation.
- Identify a graph for a practical situation.
- Identify the different stages in the graph.
- Identify the graph that matches the different shaped glasses- http://www.scootle.edu.au/ec/viewing/L1105/index.html
- http://www.scootle.edu.au/ec/viewing/L760/index.html
- http://www.scootle.edu.au/ec/viewing/L1106/index.html
- Group 2,3,4,5- Complete the questions from the Caxton books
- Whole class- Complete the questions in the folder.
- Group 1- After the above given work, complete the work in Group 1 folder.
Please complete Weekly Math Buddy tasks -
Kia ora 8M1. This Week we will be moving into line graphs. Please complete the assigned work and upload it in the assignment submission box given below by Friday afternoon. All work needs to be done neatly in your notebooks.
Success Criteria: I can/have...
- Interpret and plot a line graph.
- Josiah, Ahmed and Justin complete the questions in Group 1 folder on Time series graph.
- Mitesh, Rayaan, Ravsahib, Shivani, Armaan, Nabilah, Rickey and Peter - Complete the questions in Group 2 Folder.
- The rest of the class complete the questions in the class folder .
Please complete Maths Buddy tasks. -
Success Criteria: I can/have...
- Calculate the Mean from a data set.
- Calculate the Mode from a data set.
- Calculate the Range from a data set.
- Josiah, Ahmed and Justin- Complete the document called Box and Whisker. Then complete some questions from Group 2 folder.
- Group 2- Mitesh, Shivani, Ravsahib, Sophia, Nabilah, Rayan, Rickey and Armaan complete questions from Group 2 folder
- Rest of the class- Complete the questions from the folder called Mean, Mode and Range.
- Whole Class- Collect the following; 1. Number of star jumps you can do in 1min 2. How long can you hold a plank? c. How long can you juggle a ball without dropping?
Please complete Weekly Maths Buddy tasks. -
Ahmed, Josiah, Justin- Caxton Level 4A- Page 317, 318, 319, 321, 334, 336, 337, 338.
Kia ora...
Success Criteria: I can/have...
- Interpret and plot a stem and leaf graph.
- Interpret a bar graph.
- Josiah, Ahmed and Justin- Complete the questions in the following link a) https://www.transum.org/Maths/Activity/Correlation/ b) Complete the questions on Stem & Leaf graph
- Group 2- Complete the questions on Stem & Leaf graph and dot plot from Group 2 folder
- Group 3, 4- Complete the questions on bar graph from Group 3, 4 folder
- Group 5 folder on Pictograph and interpreting pie graph and bar graph
Please complete weekly math buddy task -
Success Criteria: I can/have...
- Solve problems involving one-step linear equations.
- Form algebraic expressions.
- Josiah&Ahmed - https://www.transum.org/software/SW/Starter_of_the_day/Students/Changing_The_Subject_Multiple_Choice.asp?Level=4
- Group 2- Complete the questions in Group 2 folder on forming algebraic expressions and solving two-step equations.
- Group 3, 4, 5- Complete questions in Group 3,4,5 folder
Please complete weekly Maths Buddy task. -
Success Criteria: I can/have...
- Describe and Identify Commutative, Associative and Distributive and inverse properties in Numbers.
- Teacher Explanation using the slide show attached.
- Complete the attached documents.
- Kahoot on Properties
Please complete Weekly Maths Buddy task -