Weekly outline

  • General

  • W1 29 January - 4 February


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING … camping skills by… collaborating with our classmates to organise and plan for an overnight camp.
    • We are EXPLORING … camping skills by… recognising risks and dangers whilst camping and cooking in the outdoors
    • We are EXPLORING … camping & tramping by… discovering skills and knowledge needed for a tramp and overnight camp.
    • We are EXPLORING … survival skills and strategies by… discovering a variety of skills required to protect ourselves in nature.

    This year, you will:
    • build knowledge, skills & attitudes for success
    • enjoy challenging outdoor activities
    • learn to succeed in unfamiliar situations, both individually and in groups
    • co-operate, solve problems, communicate, lead, take responsibility
    • understand how we can sustain a healthy environment
    • have the opportunity to achieve the William Pyke Award  

    Our course is guided by the NZ Curriculum .
    Level 5 Heath & PE relevant achievement objectives:
    A2 Experience a range of enjoyable physical activities and describe how involvement affects well-being and lifestyle balance.
    A4 Investigate & practise safety procedures & strategies to manage risk situations.
    B1 Acquire & apply complex motor skills by using basic principles of motor learning.
    B2 Develop skills and responsible attitudes in challenging physical situations.
    C3 Demonstrate interpersonal skills that help to make safe choices in a variety of settings.

    Level 5 Science relevant Achievement Objectives:
    Investigate interdependence of living things (incl humans) in an ecosystem

    Level 5 Social Sciences relevant achievement objectives:
    Understand how people’s management of resources impacts on environmental and social sustainability.

    Summary of activities:
    Term 1: Team ABL problem solving, water safety & sports, navigation
    Term 2: Tramping, campcraft & overnight camp, environmental sustainability
    Term 3: First Aid, trip planning, weather
    Term 4: Mountain biking

    You'll be self and teacher assessed, based on observations and learning journal reflections:
    - how much your skills progress over time
    - how much knowledge you gain & apply
    - your attitude & team spirit in challenging situations 

    Focus AOs Assessment

    Team building (ABL)
    Water safety & activities
    Enviromental Sustainability
    William Pike Challenge

    Team building & Interpersonal Skills,
    Positive Attitudes,
    Enviro Sustainability knowledge & contribution

    Assessment 1: Terms 1&2:
    Survivor - Kaitiaki

    Mountain Bike,
    Tramp / overnight camp,
    William Pike Challenge

    Safety Management,
    Physical activities & motor skills

    Assessment 2: Terms 3&4
    Into the Wild

  • W2 5 February - 11 February


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING … camping skills by… collaborating with our classmates to organise and plan for an overnight camp.
    • We are EXPLORING … camping skills by… recognising risks and dangers whilst camping and cooking in the outdoors
    • We are EXPLORING … camping & tramping by… discovering skills and knowledge needed for a tramp and overnight camp.
    • We are EXPLORING … survival skills and strategies by… discovering a variety of skills required to protect ourselves in nature.

    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING … interpersonal skills by… connecting with other members of my class during ABL sessions and outdoor activities.

    This term's activities include Team building ABL challenges, first aid and orienteering.

  • W3 12 February - 18 February


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING … camping skills by… collaborating with our classmates to organise and plan for an overnight camp.
    • We are EXPLORING … camping skills by… recognising risks and dangers whilst camping and cooking in the outdoors
    • We are EXPLORING … camping & tramping by… discovering skills and knowledge needed for a tramp and overnight camp.
    • We are EXPLORING … survival skills and strategies by… discovering a variety of skills required to protect ourselves in nature.

    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING … interpersonal skills by… connecting with other members of my class during ABL sessions and outdoor activities.

    This year, you will:
    • build knowledge, skills & attitudes for success
    • enjoy challenging outdoor activities
    • learn to succeed in unfamiliar situations, both individually and in groups
    • co-operate, solve problems, communicate, lead, take responsibility
    • understand how we can sustain a healthy environment
    • have the opportunity to achieve the William Pyke Award  

    Our course is guided by the NZ Curriculum .
    Level 5 Heath & PE relevant achievement objectives:
    A2 Experience a range of enjoyable physical activities and describe how involvement affects well-being and lifestyle balance.
    A4 Investigate & practise safety procedures & strategies to manage risk situations.
    B1 Acquire & apply complex motor skills by using basic principles of motor learning.
    B2 Develop skills and responsible attitudes in challenging physical situations.
    C3 Demonstrate interpersonal skills that help to make safe choices in a variety of settings.

    Level 5 Science relevant Achievement Objectives:
    Investigate interdependence of living things (incl humans) in an ecosystem

    Level 5 Social Sciences relevant achievement objectives:
    Understand how people’s management of resources impacts on environmental and social sustainability.

    Summary of activities:
    Term 1: Team ABL problem solving, water safety & sports, navigation
    Term 2: Tramping, campcraft & overnight camp, environmental sustainability
    Term 3: First Aid, trip planning, weather
    Term 4: Mountain biking

    You'll be self and teacher assessed, based on observations and learning journal reflections:
    - how much your skills progress over time
    - how much knowledge you gain & apply
    - your attitude & team spirit in challenging situations 

    Focus AOs Assessment

    Team building (ABL)
    Water safety & activities
    Environmental Sustainability
    William Pike Challenge

    Team building & Interpersonal Skills,
    Positive Attitudes,
    Enviro Sustainability knowledge & contribution

    Assessment 1: Terms 1&2:
    Survivor - Kaitiaki

    Mountain Bike,
    Tramp / overnight camp,
    William Pike Challenge

    Safety Management,
    Physical activities & motor skills

    Assessment 2: Terms 3&4
    Into the Wild

  • W4 19 February - 25 February


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING … interpersonal skills by… connecting with other members of my class during ABL sessions and outdoor activities.

    Team Building

    Learning Intentions
    • Start to 'Form' our class as a team
    • Build relationships (learn names, etc)
    • Investigate different personalities
    Success Criteria
    • We've learned students' names
    • We've worked together to solve problems
    • We see that all personalities in a team is best
    ABL: team building activities
    We'll take it in turns to run a problem solving challenge (ABL game).
    One idea is the 'Time bomb' game: 

    All form a circle and each say their name.
    One throws a ball to someone, who has 2 seconds to say another’s name and throw the ball to them, before it “explodes” and they are out of the game.  Continue until only one student remains.

    Forming Teams

    Think about what stage our class team is at.
    Here's a short video clip on Stages of Team Formation 

    Contribute to this shared Google Doc in Google Classroom called 'Building a Team'. 
      • add a photo of something that represents who you are as a person
      • give info about yourself (eg a strength or skill, something you did that worried you)

    Interpersonal skills
    Communicating effectively is essential if your team is to succeed.
    Communication can fail if:
    - the message is . .
    - the medium is . . .
    - the 'sender' is . . .
    - the 'receiver' is . . . 

  • W5 26 February - 3 March


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING … interpersonal skills by… connecting with other members of my class during ABL sessions and outdoor activities.

    Wk4 Tue 21 Class S3 Intro WPC + Journal + Survivor Orienteer 1 Farm Cove 4-5pm
    Thu 23 Class S4&5 - Orienteering - Hide & Seek

  • W6 4 March - 10 March


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING … interpersonal skills by… connecting with other members of my class during ABL sessions and outdoor activities.

    Success Criteria:


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSED on … positive attitudes by… developing my ability to accept challenges, and extend my abilities in a variety of outdoor activities.

    Success Criteria:



    learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING … to participate in the final survivor challenge so that we can… demonstrate the development of our interpersonal skills.

    Success Criteria:


    We are EXPLORING...Personal Health & Safety/Risk Management by recognising and responding to risks and situations that require first aid and or medical treatment.

    We are FOCUSED on responding to an emergency by applying DRSABC and taking appropriate action.

    We are FOCUSED on recognising soft tissue, head injuries and fractures and investigating the correct response to manage these situations using first aid.

    We are FOCUSED on recognising environmental challenges and dangers and responding to different situations using first aid in the outdoors.

    We are PLANNING...to apply our first aid knowledge/skills by identifying risks and needs and responding to different situations that will help keep us and others safe.

    First Aid Success Criteria:


    Wk5 Tue 28 Class S3 ABL/Orienteer prep/Jnl Orienteer 2 Sancta Maria 4-5pm
    (Mar) Thu 2 Class S4 Survivor Challenge 1
    Class S5 First Aid

  • W7 11 March - 17 March


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSED on … positive attitudes by… developing my ability to accept challenges, and extend my abilities in a variety of outdoor activities.

    Success Criteria:



    learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING … to participate in the final survivor challenge so that we can… demonstrate the development of our interpersonal skills.

    Success Criteria:


    Wk7 Tue 14 Class S3 ABL/Orienteer Orienteer 4 Bucklands Beach Int 4-5pm
    Thu 16 Class S4&S5 Survivor Challenge 3 *PPTA on Thurs

  • W8 18 March - 24 March


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSED on … positive attitudes by… developing my ability to accept challenges, and extend my abilities in a variety of outdoor activities.

    Success Criteria:



    learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING … to participate in the final survivor challenge so that we can… demonstrate the development of our interpersonal skills.

    Success Criteria:


    Wk8 Tue 21 Class S3 Orienteer 5 Pakuranga College 4-5pm
    Thu 23 Class S4&S5 Survivor Challenge 4

  • W9 25 March - 31 March


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSED on … positive attitudes by… developing my ability to accept challenges, and extend my abilities in a variety of outdoor activities.

    Success Criteria:



    learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING … to participate in the final survivor challenge so that we can… demonstrate the development of our interpersonal skills.

    Success Criteria:


    Wk 9 Tue 28 Class S3 Orienteer 6 Macleans College 4-5pm
    Thu 30 Class S4&S5 Survivor Challenge 5

  • W10 1 April - 7 April


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSED on … positive attitudes by… developing my ability to accept challenges, and extend my abilities in a variety of outdoor activities.

    Success Criteria:



    learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING … to participate in the final survivor challenge so that we can… demonstrate the development of our interpersonal skills.

    Success Criteria:


    Wk 10 Tue 4 Class Class S4&5 CHALLENGE Finale *Roger to arrange cover for 10W2
    (Apr) Thu 6 Class S4? End of Term 1pm x1

  • W11 8 April - 14 April

    Week 11
  • 15 April - 21 April

  • Term 2 Overview 22 April - 28 April

    Term 2 Overview

  • T2 W1 29 April - 5 May


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSED on … positive attitudes by… developing my ability to accept challenges, and extend my abilities in a variety of outdoor activities.

    Success Criteria:



    learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING … to participate in the final survivor challenge so that we can… demonstrate the development of our interpersonal skills.

    Success Criteria:


    Wk 1 Tue  Class S3 Weather #1
    Thu  Class S4&S5 Survivor Challenge 5

  • T2 W2 6 May - 12 May


    Learning Intentions
    To learn to read an orienteering map (scale, features, contours, orientation).
    To learn to navigate a prepared course (distances, direction, pace).
    To experience participating in an organised local orienteering event.

    Success Criteria
    Can orientate a map and use a compass.
    Can understand map features and navigate efficiently on varied terrain.

    We'll discuss:
    - Orientating maps with & without a compass)
    - Relating map symbols to terrain and vice versa
    - Orienteering symbols
    - Skills (eg thumbing the map to follow ground progress)
    - Tactics to complete a course individually and within the set time.

    Week Tasks/Activities:

    Omana Orienteering: Navigation, Map Reading, Conservation, Health and Safety

    William Pike Challenge Conferences Continued

  • T2 W3 13 May - 19 May

    Single Lesson: Introduction to Rock Climbing - Google Slides and videos.

    Practical Sessions at Extreme Edge:

    Lesson 1 Practical: - Introduction to Rock Climbing by staff plus only using Self Belay Walls. - Students concentrate on exploring different grades of the walls, their technique and also having fun.  To climb in pairs in order to help guide and support climber.

    Lesson 2 Practical: - Continue to explore Self Belay Walls. Students have an introduction to Bouldering.  The focus continues to be on form and efficiency when climbing.

    Lesson 3&4 Practical: - Continue to explore Self Belay Walls. Students continue with Bouldering.  The focus continues to be on form and efficiency when climbing.

    Lesson 5 Practical: - Students Competition Day.  Different Challenges to complete.

    Hang Test - Students to complete a static hold on the climbing wall.

    Other Tests - Pull up tests, Invisible chair etc.

    Challenge Cards - Students use cards for "Challenge by Choice Activities"

    Learning Intentions
    To learn safety preparations - equipment (harness, carabiners, etc)
    To learn roles, responsibilities & communication of belayer & climber
    To learn to climb wasting least energy, strength and stamina.
    To learn the different methods & styles of recreational & sports climbing

    Success Criteria
    Can work with a climbing buddy to have an enjoyable & safe climb experience
    Can climb a range of basic to intermediate indoor climb routes
    Can explain the grading system of routes and the equipment used 

    We'll discuss:
    - Some rope-work / knots
    - Equipment (eg cams, chocks, belay devices)
    - Meaning of vocabulary used in the sport
    - Skills in climbing (especially to save forearms!)

    See Document for Rock Climbing Cards

  • T2 W4 20 May - 26 May


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING … camping skills by… collaborating with our classmates to organise and plan for an overnight camp.
    • We are EXPLORING … camping skills by… recognising risks and dangers whilst camping and cooking in the outdoors
    • We are EXPLORING … camping & tramping by… discovering skills and knowledge needed for a tramp and overnight camp.
    • We are EXPLORING … survival skills and strategies by… discovering a variety of skills required to protect ourselves in nature.

    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSED on …safety management by… identifying the risks and safety protools needed whilst tramping/camping.
    • We are FOCUSED on … safety management by… enhancing our camping and tramping skills in practice

    Learning Intention: To show understanding of weather forecast information.
    Success criteria:

    • Describe types of weather information available from two different sources.
    • (48hr / multi-day / wind / rain forecasts, rain radars, hourly observations & forecasts, satellite imagery, severe weather watches and warnings from internet, TV, newspaper, radio). 
    • Identify weather map symbols.
      (highs, lows, fronts (warm, cold, stationary, occluded), isobars.
    • Describe highs, lows, fronts (warm, cold, stationary, occluded) & isobars.
    Learning Intention: To show knowledge of weather info to plan an outdoor activity.
    Success criteria:

    • Obtain a weather forecast for the location for a planned outdoor recreation activity. 
    • Describe actions that could be taken for an outdoor activity in response to a weather forecast.
      (clothing & equipment to take, location selection, decision to go or not to go).

    Understanding, and checking, weather maps & forecasts is important before going on a trip.

    Activity 1
    This summary of 'How to read weather maps' outlines much of what you need to know.
    We'll investigate it as a class.

    Activity 2
    Open the GDoc in GClassroom.

    Cyclones & 'ENSO'.
    From January to April, we are affected by cyclones in the Pacific Ocean coming close to New Zealand. This usually brings hot & humid conditions (and more cyclones).

    This happens more often when the El Niño-Southern Oscillation ('ENSO') is a 'La Nina' weather pattern in the Ocean. The 'ENSO' was a 'La Nina' in 2020, but after 18 months it  became neutral between a La Nina and an El NIno in 2023. 

    Think about what sort of weather (humidity, temperature (air and sea), storms) we've been experiencing this summer
    Below are some video clips of the weather forecast around the time of Cyclone Dovi in Feb 2022.
    Wed 9th Feb 2022
    Fri 11th Feb 2022
    Sat 12th Feb 2022
    Sun 13th Feb 2022
    Surface Pressure maps for Sunday to Tuesday after Cyclone Dovi passes NZ: 

    General Resources

  • T2 W5 27 May - 2 June

    Single Lesson: Introduction to Rock Climbing - Google Slides and videos.

    Practical Sessions at Extreme Edge:

    Lesson 1 Practical: - Introduction to Rock Climbing by staff plus only using Self Belay Walls. - Students concentrate on exploring different grades of the walls, their technique and also having fun.  To climb in pairs in order to help guide and support climber.

    Lesson 2 Practical: - Continue to explore Self Belay Walls. Students have an introduction to Bouldering.  The focus continues to be on form and efficiency when climbing.

    Lesson 3&4 Practical: - Continue to explore Self Belay Walls. Students continue with Bouldering.  The focus continues to be on form and efficiency when climbing.

    Lesson 5 Practical: - Students Competition Day.  Different Challenges to complete.

    Hang Test - Students to complete a static hold on the climbing wall.

    Other Tests - Pull up tests, Invisible chair etc.

    Challenge Cards - Students use cards for "Challenge by Choice Activities"

    Learning Intentions
    To learn safety preparations - equipment (harness, carabiners, etc)
    To learn roles, responsibilities & communication of belayer & climber
    To learn to climb wasting least energy, strength and stamina.
    To learn the different methods & styles of recreational & sports climbing

    Success Criteria
    Can work with a climbing buddy to have an enjoyable & safe climb experience
    Can climb a range of basic to intermediate indoor climb routes
    Can explain the grading system of routes and the equipment used 

    We'll discuss:
    - Some rope-work / knots
    - Equipment (eg cams, chocks, belay devices)
    - Meaning of vocabulary used in the sport
    - Skills in climbing (especially to save forearms!)

    See Document for Rock Climbing Cards

  • T2 W6 3 June - 9 June

    Single Lesson: Introduction to Rock Climbing - Google Slides and videos.

    Practical Sessions at Extreme Edge:

    Lesson 1 Practical: - Introduction to Rock Climbing by staff plus only using Self Belay Walls. - Students concentrate on exploring different grades of the walls, their technique and also having fun.  To climb in pairs in order to help guide and support climber.

    Lesson 2 Practical: - Continue to explore Self Belay Walls. Students have an introduction to Bouldering.  The focus continues to be on form and efficiency when climbing.

    Lesson 3&4 Practical: - Continue to explore Self Belay Walls. Students continue with Bouldering.  The focus continues to be on form and efficiency when climbing.

    Lesson 5 Practical: - Students Competition Day.  Different Challenges to complete.

    Hang Test - Students to complete a static hold on the climbing wall.

    Other Tests - Pull up tests, Invisible chair etc.

    Challenge Cards - Students use cards for "Challenge by Choice Activities"

    Learning Intentions
    To learn safety preparations - equipment (harness, carabiners, etc)
    To learn roles, responsibilities & communication of belayer & climber
    To learn to climb wasting least energy, strength and stamina.
    To learn the different methods & styles of recreational & sports climbing

    Success Criteria
    Can work with a climbing buddy to have an enjoyable & safe climb experience
    Can climb a range of basic to intermediate indoor climb routes
    Can explain the grading system of routes and the equipment used 

    We'll discuss:
    - Some rope-work / knots
    - Equipment (eg cams, chocks, belay devices)
    - Meaning of vocabulary used in the sport
    - Skills in climbing (especially to save forearms!)

    See Document for Rock Climbing Cards

  • T2 W7 10 June - 16 June

    Single Lesson: Introduction to Rock Climbing - Google Slides and videos.

    Practical Sessions at Extreme Edge:

    Lesson 1 Practical: - Introduction to Rock Climbing by staff plus only using Self Belay Walls. - Students concentrate on exploring different grades of the walls, their technique and also having fun.  To climb in pairs in order to help guide and support climber.

    Lesson 2 Practical: - Continue to explore Self Belay Walls. Students have an introduction to Bouldering.  The focus continues to be on form and efficiency when climbing.

    Lesson 3&4 Practical: - Continue to explore Self Belay Walls. Students continue with Bouldering.  The focus continues to be on form and efficiency when climbing.

    Lesson 5 Practical: - Students Competition Day.  Different Challenges to complete.

    Hang Test - Students to complete a static hold on the climbing wall.

    Other Tests - Pull up tests, Invisible chair etc.

    Challenge Cards - Students use cards for "Challenge by Choice Activities"

    Learning Intentions
    To learn safety preparations - equipment (harness, carabiners, etc)
    To learn roles, responsibilities & communication of belayer & climber
    To learn to climb wasting least energy, strength and stamina.
    To learn the different methods & styles of recreational & sports climbing

    Success Criteria
    Can work with a climbing buddy to have an enjoyable & safe climb experience
    Can climb a range of basic to intermediate indoor climb routes
    Can explain the grading system of routes and the equipment used 

    We'll discuss:
    - Some rope-work / knots
    - Equipment (eg cams, chocks, belay devices)
    - Meaning of vocabulary used in the sport
    - Skills in climbing (especially to save forearms!)

    See Document for Rock Climbing Cards

  • T2 W8 17 June - 23 June

    Single Lesson: Introduction to Rock Climbing - Google Slides and videos.

    Practical Sessions at Extreme Edge:

    Lesson 1 Practical: - Introduction to Rock Climbing by staff plus only using Self Belay Walls. - Students concentrate on exploring different grades of the walls, their technique and also having fun.  To climb in pairs in order to help guide and support climber.

    Lesson 2 Practical: - Continue to explore Self Belay Walls. Students have an introduction to Bouldering.  The focus continues to be on form and efficiency when climbing.

    Lesson 3&4 Practical: - Continue to explore Self Belay Walls. Students continue with Bouldering.  The focus continues to be on form and efficiency when climbing.

    Lesson 5 Practical: - Students Competition Day.  Different Challenges to complete.

    Hang Test - Students to complete a static hold on the climbing wall.

    Other Tests - Pull up tests, Invisible chair etc.

    Challenge Cards - Students use cards for "Challenge by Choice Activities"

    Learning Intentions
    To learn safety preparations - equipment (harness, carabiners, etc)
    To learn roles, responsibilities & communication of belayer & climber
    To learn to climb wasting least energy, strength and stamina.
    To learn the different methods & styles of recreational & sports climbing

    Success Criteria
    Can work with a climbing buddy to have an enjoyable & safe climb experience
    Can climb a range of basic to intermediate indoor climb routes
    Can explain the grading system of routes and the equipment used 

    We'll discuss:
    - Some rope-work / knots
    - Equipment (eg cams, chocks, belay devices)
    - Meaning of vocabulary used in the sport
    - Skills in climbing (especially to save forearms!)

    See Document for Rock Climbing Cards

  • T2 W9 24 June - 30 June

    Mangemangeroa - Coastal Walk

    Learning Intentions:

    • Discover the wildlife and landscapes along our coastal walk, and understand why it's important to take care of our natural environment.

    • Learn how to read maps, and find your way through the park, so you can confidently explore.

    • Find out how to stay safe on our outdoor adventures by recognizing and managing any potential risks along the way.

    Success Criteria:

    • Identify and name at least three different plants or animals you encounter during the coastal walk

    • Successfully use a map to find your way to a predetermined location during the walk.

    • Point out at least two potential hazards during the walk and suggest ways to stay safe

    We’ll discuss:

    • Mangemangeroa Park

    • Topo Map and Google Maps

    • Navigation and map reading

    • Health and Safety planning - being prepared

    Week Tasks/Activities:

    Mangemangeroa Coastal Challenge: - Navigation, Map Reading, Weather, Tides, Plant and animal ID, Conservation

    William Pike Challenge - Journal Update and final conferences

  • T2 W10 1 July - 7 July

    Point View Walk 

    Learning Intentions:

    • Discover the wildlife and plants at Totara Park and the Botanical Gardens, and understand why it's important to take care of our natural environment.

    • Learn how to read maps, and find your way through the park, so you can confidently explore.

    • Find out how to stay safe on our outdoor adventures by recognizing and managing any potential risks along the way.

    Success Criteria:

    • Identify and name at least three different plants or animals you encounter during the hike

    • Successfully use a map and compass to find your way to a predetermined location during the hike.

    • Point out at least two potential hazards during the hike and suggest ways to stay safe

    We’ll discuss:

    • Auckland Regional Park - Totara Park, and Botanical Gardens Website

    • Navigation and map reading

    • Health and Safety planning - being prepared

    Week Tasks/Activities:

    Conservation Challenge

    Navigation, Health and Safety, Conservation

  • Holidays 8 July - 14 July

  • Holidays 15 July - 21 July

  • T3 W1 22 July - 28 July

    This week

    Point View Walk 

    Learning Intentions:

    • Discover the wildlife and plants at Pointview, and understand why it's important to take care of our natural environment.

    • Learn how to read maps, and find your way through the park, so you can confidently explore.

    • Find out how to stay safe on our outdoor adventures by recognizing and managing any potential risks along the way.

    Success Criteria:

    • Identify and name at least three different plants or animals you encounter during the hike

    • Successfully use a map and compass to find your way to a predetermined location during the hike.

    • Point out at least two potential hazards during the hike and suggest ways to stay safe

    We’ll discuss:

    • Auckland Regional Park - Pointview

    • Navigation and map reading

    • Health and Safety planning - being prepared

    Week Tasks/Activities:

    Conservation Challenge

    Navigation, Health and Safety, Conservation

  • T3 W2 29 July - 4 August

    Totara Park Walk 

    Learning Intentions:

    • Discover the wildlife and plants at Totara Park and the Botanical Gardens, and understand why it's important to take care of our natural environment.

    • Learn how to read maps, and find your way through the park, so you can confidently explore.

    • Find out how to stay safe on our outdoor adventures by recognizing and managing any potential risks along the way.

    Success Criteria:

    • Identify and name at least three different plants or animals you encounter during the hike

    • Successfully use a map and compass to find your way to a predetermined location during the hike.

    • Point out at least two potential hazards during the hike and suggest ways to stay safe

    We’ll discuss:

    • Auckland Regional Park - Totara Park, and Botanical Gardens Website

    • Navigation and map reading

    • Health and Safety planning - being prepared

    Week Tasks/Activities:

    Totara Park Walk and Challenge

    Navigation, Health and Safety, Conservation

  • T3 W4 5 August - 11 August


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING … interpersonal skills by… connecting with other members of my class during ABL sessions and outdoor activities.
    • We are EXPLORING … white water kayaking by… discovering a new enjoyable activity and how it contributes to personal well being.
    • We are EXPLORING … mountain biking by… discovering a new enjoyable activity and how it contributes to personal well being.

    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING on … movement skills by… developing knowledge of motor skills required for a variety of outdoor activities.
    • We are FOCUSING on … positive attitudes by… identifying the attitudes required to accept challenges, learn new skills and strategies, and extend my abilities in a variety of outdoor activities.


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING … interpersonal skills by… connecting with other members of my class during ABL sessions and outdoor activities.
    • We are EXPLORING … white water kayaking by… discovering a new enjoyable activity and how it contributes to personal well being.

      FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

      • We are FOCUSING on … movement skills by… developing knowledge of motor skills required for a variety of outdoor activities.
      • We are FOCUSING on … positive attitudes by… identifying the attitudes required to accept challenges, learn new skills and strategies, and extend my abilities in a variety of outdoor activities.

      PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

      • We are PLANNING … to attend outdoor education activities so that we can… demonstrate and practice our newly acquired skills in a physical environment.

    Specific LI's (Kayaking)

    Learning Intentions
    To learn to exit a kayak, swim to safety and to assist in being rescued. 
    To learn to break into and out of an eddy and fast moving water.
    To learn paddle strokes, kayak control & positioning to navigate grade 2 water.
    To learn how to prepare for a kayak session (safety gear, clothes, signals, vocabulary)

    Success Criteria
    Can ensure own safety and that of others when on moving water.
    Can explain kayaking terms, methods & equipment. 
    Can kayak confidently and competently on grade 2 water.

    We'll discuss:
    Pre-water boat check (air bag, foot rest, back support, bung, paddle length, boat volume)
    Pre-water self check (buoyancy aid vs life jacket, clothes, helmet, spray skirt tag visible)
    Power, sweep, draw, and support paddle strokes.
    Drops, eddys, emptying boats, X-rescues, capsizes and '3 bangs on hull'.

    Your kayaking will contribute towards Assessment 1 and will be self and teacher / instructor assessed.
    Self-assessment: part of the evidence for your grade will come from your reflections in your learning journal.
    Teacher / Instructor assessment: other evidence will come from observations and conversations during the sessions regarding your contribution, team work and skills development


    In your Learning Journal, you should reflect on how you've developed your skills, knowledge and attitude. Here's an example entry:

    Here's some scribbles to jog your memory

  • T3 W5 12 August - 18 August


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING … interpersonal skills by… connecting with other members of my class during ABL sessions and outdoor activities.
    • We are EXPLORING … white water kayaking by… discovering a new enjoyable activity and how it contributes to personal well being.
    • We are EXPLORING … mountain biking by… discovering a new enjoyable activity and how it contributes to personal well being.

    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING on … movement skills by… developing knowledge of motor skills required for a variety of outdoor activities.
    • We are FOCUSING on … positive attitudes by… identifying the attitudes required to accept challenges, learn new skills and strategies, and extend my abilities in a variety of outdoor activities.


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING … interpersonal skills by… connecting with other members of my class during ABL sessions and outdoor activities.
    • We are EXPLORING … white water kayaking by… discovering a new enjoyable activity and how it contributes to personal well being.

      FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

      • We are FOCUSING on … movement skills by… developing knowledge of motor skills required for a variety of outdoor activities.
      • We are FOCUSING on … positive attitudes by… identifying the attitudes required to accept challenges, learn new skills and strategies, and extend my abilities in a variety of outdoor activities.

      PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

      • We are PLANNING … to attend outdoor education activities so that we can… demonstrate and practice our newly acquired skills in a physical environment.

    Specific LI's (Kayaking)

    Learning Intentions
    To learn to exit a kayak, swim to safety and to assist in being rescued. 
    To learn to break into and out of an eddy and fast moving water.
    To learn paddle strokes, kayak control & positioning to navigate grade 2 water.
    To learn how to prepare for a kayak session (safety gear, clothes, signals, vocabulary)

    Success Criteria
    Can ensure own safety and that of others when on moving water.
    Can explain kayaking terms, methods & equipment. 
    Can kayak confidently and competently on grade 2 water.

    We'll discuss:
    Pre-water boat check (air bag, foot rest, back support, bung, paddle length, boat volume)
    Pre-water self check (buoyancy aid vs life jacket, clothes, helmet, spray skirt tag visible)
    Power, sweep, draw, and support paddle strokes.
    Drops, eddys, emptying boats, X-rescues, capsizes and '3 bangs on hull'.

    Your kayaking will contribute towards Assessment 1 and will be self and teacher / instructor assessed.
    Self-assessment: part of the evidence for your grade will come from your reflections in your learning journal.
    Teacher / Instructor assessment: other evidence will come from observations and conversations during the sessions regarding your contribution, team work and skills development


    In your Learning Journal, you should reflect on how you've developed your skills, knowledge and attitude. Here's an example entry:

    Here's some scribbles to jog your memory

  • T3 W6 19 August - 25 August


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING … interpersonal skills by… connecting with other members of my class during ABL sessions and outdoor activities.
    • We are EXPLORING … white water kayaking by… discovering a new enjoyable activity and how it contributes to personal well being.
    • We are EXPLORING … mountain biking by… discovering a new enjoyable activity and how it contributes to personal well being.

    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING on … movement skills by… developing knowledge of motor skills required for a variety of outdoor activities.
    • We are FOCUSING on … positive attitudes by… identifying the attitudes required to accept challenges, learn new skills and strategies, and extend my abilities in a variety of outdoor activities.


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING … interpersonal skills by… connecting with other members of my class during ABL sessions and outdoor activities.
    • We are EXPLORING … white water kayaking by… discovering a new enjoyable activity and how it contributes to personal well being.

      FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

      • We are FOCUSING on … movement skills by… developing knowledge of motor skills required for a variety of outdoor activities.
      • We are FOCUSING on … positive attitudes by… identifying the attitudes required to accept challenges, learn new skills and strategies, and extend my abilities in a variety of outdoor activities.

      PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

      • We are PLANNING … to attend outdoor education activities so that we can… demonstrate and practice our newly acquired skills in a physical environment.

    Specific LI's (Kayaking)

    Learning Intentions
    To learn to exit a kayak, swim to safety and to assist in being rescued. 
    To learn to break into and out of an eddy and fast moving water.
    To learn paddle strokes, kayak control & positioning to navigate grade 2 water.
    To learn how to prepare for a kayak session (safety gear, clothes, signals, vocabulary)

    Success Criteria
    Can ensure own safety and that of others when on moving water.
    Can explain kayaking terms, methods & equipment. 
    Can kayak confidently and competently on grade 2 water.

    We'll discuss:
    Pre-water boat check (air bag, foot rest, back support, bung, paddle length, boat volume)
    Pre-water self check (buoyancy aid vs life jacket, clothes, helmet, spray skirt tag visible)
    Power, sweep, draw, and support paddle strokes.
    Drops, eddys, emptying boats, X-rescues, capsizes and '3 bangs on hull'.

    Your kayaking will contribute towards Assessment 1 and will be self and teacher / instructor assessed.
    Self-assessment: part of the evidence for your grade will come from your reflections in your learning journal.
    Teacher / Instructor assessment: other evidence will come from observations and conversations during the sessions regarding your contribution, team work and skills development


    In your Learning Journal, you should reflect on how you've developed your skills, knowledge and attitude. Here's an example entry:

    Here's some scribbles to jog your memory

  • T3 W7 26 August - 1 September

    Mangemangeroa - Coastal Walk

    Learning Intentions:

    • Discover the wildlife and landscapes along our coastal walk, and understand why it's important to take care of our natural environment.

    • Learn how to read maps, and find your way through the park, so you can confidently explore.

    • Find out how to stay safe on our outdoor adventures by recognizing and managing any potential risks along the way.

    Success Criteria:

    • Identify and name at least three different plants or animals you encounter during the coastal walk

    • Successfully use a map to find your way to a predetermined location during the walk.

    • Point out at least two potential hazards during the walk and suggest ways to stay safe

    We’ll discuss:

    • Mangemangeroa Park

    • Topo Map and Google Maps

    • Navigation and map reading

    • Health and Safety planning - being prepared

    Week Tasks/Activities:

    Mangemangeroa Coastal Challenge: - Navigation, Map Reading, Weather, Tides, Plant and animal ID, Conservation

    William Pike Challenge - Journal Update and final conferences

  • T3 W8 2 September - 8 September

  • T3 W9 9 September - 15 September

  • T3 W10 16 September - 22 September

  • Holidays 23 September - 28 September

  • Holidays 30 September - 6 October

  • 7 October - 13 October

  • 14 October - 20 October

  • 21 October - 27 October

  • 28 October - 3 November

  • 4 November - 10 November

  • 11 November - 17 November

  • 18 November - 24 November

  • 25 November - 1 December

  • 2 December - 8 December

  • 9 December - 15 December