10C1 English
Weekly outline
Kia ora 10C1.
Welcome to 2023!
I am very pleased to be teaching you again this year!
There is still a great deal for you to discover about yourself! Utilise your strengths to bethe best you can be this year! Why not make this 2023 an exciting year for 'growing greatness' across the 4 cornerstones @MHJC!
Integrity/ Pono
Compassion/ Awhinatanga
Learning to Learn/ Ako
Life-long learner/ Wānanga
Mā te huruhuru ka rere te manu.
Adorn the bird with feathers so it may soar.
Mrs Nalini Narayan
Term 1 context: Culture and Collective Identity
Key Concept - Identity - is the state or fact of being the same. It refers to the particular features that define individuals, groups, things, eras, places, symbols and styles. Identity can be observed, or it can be constructed, asserted and shaped by external and internal influences.
Key Concept - Culture - encompasses a range of learned and shared beliefs, values, interests, attitudes, products, ways of knowing and patterns of behaviour created by human communities. The concept of culture is dynamic and organic.
In Term 1, to help us explore the ideas of Culture and Collective Identity, we will be studying/producing short texts (such as poetry, articles, visuals etc.) to embrace who we are (individually and collectively) and empower ourselves to take on challenges and risks as New Zealanders.
Strands covered:
making meaning of ideas or information received (listening, reading, and viewing)
creating meaning for myself or others (speaking, writing, and presenting).
To become more effective oral, written, and visual communicators by:
using knowledge and skills to engage with tasks and texts that are increasingly sophisticated and challenging, and doing this in increasing depth.
Achievement Objectives covered at L5: (Learning Intentions)
Processes and Strategies:
- is reflective about the production of own texts: monitors and self-evaluates progress, articulating learning with confidence.
- identifies and understands the characteristics and conventions of a range of text forms and considers how they contribute to and affect text meaning.
- organises and develops ideas and information for a particular purpose or effect, using the characteristics and conventions of a range of text forms.
- develops and communicates increasingly comprehensive ideas, information, and understandings.
- integrates sources of information and prior knowledge purposefully and confidently to make sense of increasingly varied and complex texts.
Week 3
Whakatauki of the Week:
Whiria te tangata.
Weave the people together.
Our personal identity and collective identity establshes who we are.
To truly explore context of culture and collective identity, we kickstart with poetry. Why poetry, you may ask?
So let's get straight into it with 'Just because...' Here, we tackle the issue of stereotyping.
Success Criteria: I can/have...
- brainstormed and shared my personal traits/characteristics, and what others think of me as a result.
- expressed my feelings explicitly in my poem
- Personal Traits/Characteristics activity on Google Classroom
- Examples of poems tackling stereotype (Just because...)
- Write own Just because... poem
- Publish for the audience
Kia ora 10C1.
Refer to Week 3 planning for this week's learning.
Kia ora 10C1.
Welcome ot Week 5 of Term 1!
Library: Thursday
Whakatauki of the Week:
Manaaki whenua, manaaki tangata, haere whakamua.
Care for the land, care for the people, go forward.
Poetry Study: 'Spirit of the Land' by Makiutii Tongia
Success Criteria: I can/have...
- show deeper understanding of the poem while answering the questions
- See Google Classroom for the activity 'Spirit of the Land' by Makiutii Tongia
- Tips to answer poetry questions
Independent Novel Study - keep completing the Chapter Chats doc while reading the novel. (Discussion Day: Thursday)
Kia ora 10C1.
Welcome ot Week 6 of Term 1!
Whakatauki of the Week:
Manaaki whenua, manaaki tangata, haere whakamua.
Care for the land, care for the people, go forward.
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING understanding the elements of poetry
- We are FOCUSING identifying the theme, mood , author's purpose and language features in a poem
- We are FOCUSING providing a persoan repsonse to a poem
Poetry Study: 'Spirit of the Land' by Makiutii Tongia
Success Criteria: I can/have...
- show deeper understanding of the poem while answering the questions
- See Google Classroom for the activity 'Spirit of the Land' by Makiutii Tongia
- Tips to answer poetry questions
- Write a personal poem titled 'Spirit of ...' inspired by 'Spirit of the Land' by Makiutii Tongia (See Google Classroom for details)
Independent Novel Study - keep completing the Chapter Chats doc while reading the novel. (Discussion Day: Thursday)
Kia ora 10C1
Please refer to Week 6 planning for this week's coverage.
Kia ora 10C1.
In Week 9-10, we will use the English sessions to complete your novel study. You have 5 sessions till the end of the term to finish reading your novel and complete your reading log.
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSSING on responding to a written text (novel)
- We are FOCUSSING on completing independent reading log.
See Google Classroom for the Reading Log
Kia ora 10C1
Week 10
Novel Study continued. Refer to Week 9 for details.
Submit your Reading Log on Google Classroom by Thursday.
All novels will be collected and returned to the library this week.
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING on understanding the elements of poetry
- We are FOCUSING on identifying the theme, mood , author's purpose and language features in a poem
- We are FOCUSING on providing a written response to poems
- We are FOCUSSING on comparing and contrasting poems.
Kia ora 10C1
Welcome back!
I hope you've taken out time to have a well-deserved break, and now are recharged and ready for Term 2!
This week we start with our assessment.
Assessment 1 (link)
There are two parts to this assignment. Read the assessment doc to know more.
Assessment Part 2 in progress.
See Google Classroom for assessment details and resources.
Assessment Part 2 in progress.
See Google Classroom for assessment details and resources.
Assessment Part 2 in progess.
See Google Classroom for assessment details and resources.
Due: Wednesday 17th May.
Submit on Google Classroom
Speeches in progress.
Refer to Google Classroom for resources and activities.
Speeches in progress.
Refer to Google Classroom for resources and activities.
Welcome to Term 3, 10C1!
This week is all about quickly completing your speech write up if you haven't already, proofreading and editing and getting your que cards ready!
You will then start memorising and practising your speech!
PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:
- We are applying persuasive writing techniques to pique interest
- We are planning and constructing persuasive texts in the form of a speech.
See Google Classroom for resourcesc and activity.
Speech presentations in progress.
Speech presentations in progress.
Speech presentations in progress.
Kia ora 10C1.
Welcome to Week 5
Assessment in progress
PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:
- We are PLANNING our visual texts to create greater awareness of human rights issues.
- We are applying verbal(written) and visual language features meaningfully to create our static images.
Success Criteria: I can/have...
- brainstorm amd plan an important idea in the form of a static image
- combine verbal (written) and visual techniques to create my static image
See Google Classroom for all resources and assessment task.
Static Image assessment
Kia ora 10C1.
Welcome to Week 6
Assessment in progress
PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:
- We are PLANNING our visual texts to create greater awareness of human rights issues.
- We are applying verbal(written) and visual language features meaningfully to create our static images.
Success Criteria: I can/have...
- brainstorm amd plan an important idea in the form of a static image
- combine verbal (written) and visual techniques to create my static image
See Google Classroom for all resources and assessment task.
Static Image assessment
Assessment in progress
See Google Classroom for resources.
Assessment in progress
See Google Classroom for resources.
Assessment in progress
See Google Classroom for resources.
Kia ora 10C1. Welcome to Week 10.
This week our focus to learning to formally express oursleves through letters.
You will plan and write a letter to a polititian to express your strong views on an important topic.
PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:
- We are PLANNING our visual texts to create greater awareness of human rights issues.
- We are applying verbal(written) and visual language features meaningfully to create our static images.
- We are learning to express ourselves in the form of a letter.
- We are applying the correct letter structure (letter writing convention) to write a letter to a polititian
Success Criteria: I can/have...
- used the correct letter writing structure
- used correct punctuation throughtout the letter
- used some complex punctuation as well
- expressed myself views clearly, with evidence and details
Refer to the attachements below or Google Classroom for the activites
Kia ora 10C1. Haere mai, nau mai to Term 4
This week, we focus on revising and enhancing our writing skills.
See Google Classroom for resources and activities
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING enhancing our wrting skills
- We are FOCUSING developing ideas for purpose and audience
- We are FOCUSING proofreading and editing for punctuation and grammar
Kia ora 10C1.
This week, we continue with revising and enhancing our writing skills.
See Google Classroom for resources and activities
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING enhancing our wrting skills
- We are FOCUSING developing ideas for purpose and audience
- We are FOCUSING proofreading and editing for punctuation and grammar
Kia ora 10C1
Nau mai haere mai to Week 3!
This week, we will mainly focus on punctuation and proofreading & editing skills.
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING enhancing our wrting skills
- We are FOCUSING developing ideas for purpose and audience
- We are FOCUSING proofreading and editing for punctuation and grammar
Success Criteria: I have...
- used correct punctuation
- proofread with the aim to identify errors
- corrected and edited my work
- You will self-mark the essay assessment done on EP
- Complete the punctuation task shared in Google Classroom
Co-requisites in progress
CAT practise in progress
See Google Classroom and EP for activities.
Give your best!
E-asttle Reading
CAT practise in progress
See Google Classroom and EP for activities.
Give your best!
This week, we explore a major internet issue - FAKE or FACT!
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING fake news
- We are EXPLORING how to recognise fake news
- We are EXPLORING that fake news generally have malicious intent
Success Criteria: I can/have...
- recognsie the red flags of fake news
- am becoming more aware of authenticity of materials posted online (not everything posted online is true!)
- See Google Classroom for the activities.