Weekly outline

  • General

  • Term 1 Week 1

    Learning Advisor group activities

  • Term 1 Week 2


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...our Treaty of Waitangi obligations by collaborating to teach Year 7 students the school karakia and haka
    • We are EXPLORING...Te Ao Māori (Māori World View) by investigating how cultures pass on and sustain knowledge
    • We are EXPLORING... Auckland's cultural setting by recognising the impact cultural interaction has on people and places
    • We are EXPLORING... Auckland's natural environment by investigating why people move between places and the consequences this has had on Auckland

    Success Criteria: I can/have...


    1. Waitangi Day celebration - google slide presentation

    2. What does out class already know about the history of the Treaty of Waitangi?
      - Quiz 1: https://nzhistory.govt.nz/quiz/treaty-waitangi-quiz
      - Quiz 2: True/False quiz  (PDF)
      - Quiz 3: Quick answers to common questions (Te Papa)

    3. Language and Culture
      - In your book: discussion, notes, scavenger hunt and human continuum

    4. New Zealand place names - Te Reo challenge
      - NZ map handout - glue in your book
      - Challenge cards
      - using an atlas

    5. Treaty of Waitangi - key terms
      - Quizlet study set: https://quizlet.com/_84ujln?x=1jqt&i=mneah
      - Play Quizlet live

    6. How was Waitangi Day 2022 commemorated?
      - Use the above articles and list the different ways

    7. Overview of Treaty of Waitangi
      (Now loaded in the Google classroom - thank you for the quiz information about your prior knowledge)
      - Tic Tac Toe activity grid
      - In the google classroom

    Follow Up Tasks:

    Class time given to complete EP due to internet issues - please then complete Quiz 1 (NZ History link - write down how many you got right) and Quiz 3 (googleform) for homework instead

    Education Perfect task - due Sunday 6pm

  • Term 1 Week 3


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...our Treaty of Waitangi obligations by collaborating to teach Year 7 students the school karakia and haka
    • We are EXPLORING...Te Ao Māori (Māori World View) by investigating how cultures pass on and sustain knowledge
    • We are EXPLORING... Auckland's cultural setting by recognising the impact cultural interaction has on people and places
    • We are EXPLORING... Auckland's natural environment by investigating why people move between places and the consequences this has had on Auckland

    Success Criteria: I can/have...


    1. Homework review - NZ History quiz and Google form

    2. Peer/Self-assessment of map - then teacher review

    3. How was Waitangi Day 2022 commemorated?
      - Use the above articles and list the different ways

    4. Overview of Treaty of Waitangi
      (coming - awaiting quiz information about your prior knowledge)
      - Tic Tac Toe activity grid
      - In the google classroom

    Follow Up Tasks:

  • Term 1 Week 4


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...our Treaty of Waitangi obligations by collaborating to teach Year 7 students the school karakia and haka
    • We are EXPLORING...Te Ao Māori (Māori World View) by investigating how cultures pass on and sustain knowledge
    • We are EXPLORING... Auckland's cultural setting by recognising the impact cultural interaction has on people and places
    • We are EXPLORING... Auckland's natural environment by investigating why people move between places and the consequences this has had on Auckland

    Success Criteria: I can/have...


    1. Overview of Treaty of Waitangi
      - Tic Tac Toe activity grid
      - In the google classroom

    2. Māori Social Organisation
      - contrast to Eurocentric view

    Follow Up Tasks:

    You must:
    WATCH - Kaupapa on the Couch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wOoh_WsZHA 
    READ - About the expertise of Polynesian Navigation skills

    You could:
    Game = https://www.pbs.org/wayfinders/game.html#
    VR = https://kilohokuvr.com/download/
    LOOK - in the night sky the link below and the constellation PDFs

  • Term 1 Week 5


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...our Treaty of Waitangi obligations by collaborating to teach Year 7 students the school karakia and haka
    • We are EXPLORING...Te Ao Māori (Māori World View) by investigating how cultures pass on and sustain knowledge
    • We are EXPLORING... Auckland's cultural setting by recognising the impact cultural interaction has on people and places
    • We are EXPLORING... Auckland's natural environment by investigating why people move between places and the consequences this has had on Auckland

    Success Criteria: I can/have...


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING Te Tiriti O Waitangi Principles by developing a definition in my own words
    • We are FOCUSING Te Tiriti O Waitangi Principles by discussing their significance in a multicultural NZ
    • We are FOCUSING Te Tiriti O Waitangi Principles by adapting behaviours that ensure these a 'living'


    1. Treaty - recap and revision activity
      - posted in the Google classroom:  https://classroom.google.com/c/NDYyNDYxNjQzNzc4/a/NDc3NDY0NjA0NDI2/details 
      - copy made for you
      - NZ map handout available (and PDF below for at home printing)

      Further Resources: Translation issues with the Treaty
      Content of the Treaty: https://www.tepapa.govt.nz/discover-collections/read-watch-play/maori/treaty-waitangi/treaty-close/content-treaty-waitangi
      Two Parities - two understanding: https://www.tepapa.govt.nz/discover-collections/read-watch-play/maori/treaty-waitangi/treaty-close/two-parties-two

    2. Using Success criteria to self assessment - using my own feedback to know where I am at with my learning and what my next learning steps are
      - hand copy hand out provided

    3. Assessment 1 - Global Studies

    4. The intent of the Treaty; Our Obligations to the Treaty
      - why the principles are so important

    5. Breaches to the Treaty

    Follow Up Tasks:

    Recap and Revision - map and spider diagram
    Assessment 1 - survey Yr 7 and make decisions about what will be taught

  • Term 1 Week 6


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...our Treaty of Waitangi obligations by collaborating to teach Year 7 students the school karakia and haka
    • We are EXPLORING...Te Ao Māori (Māori World View) by investigating how cultures pass on and sustain knowledge
    • We are EXPLORING... Auckland's cultural setting by recognising the impact cultural interaction has on people and places
    • We are EXPLORING... Auckland's natural environment by investigating why people move between places and the consequences this has had on Auckland

    Success Criteria: I can/have...


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING Te Tiriti O Waitangi Principles by developing a definition in my own words
    • We are FOCUSING Te Tiriti O Waitangi Principles by discussing their significance in a multicultural NZ
    • We are FOCUSING Te Tiriti O Waitangi Principles by adapting behaviours that ensure these a 'living'


    1. Assessment 1 - Global Studies
      Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi:  Group discussion activity
      Teaching Resource: individual work  - does not have to be totally original but if you are incorporating other people's resources then you need to reference these
      Personal Learning Journey: School Haka  - log your practice using your Activity Log hand out
      - Year 7 Teaching time: Challenge you to support Yr 7 more than just the allocated school time

    2. Collapsed timetable plan to support Tuakana Teina in Te Wai Whānau

      Week 6 Thursday S2 (face to face)
      - 7W2 Man (JGA)
      - 7W1 Mao (AKE)
      - 10W1 Glob (KLA)
      - 10W2 Eng (RJO)

      Week 6 Focus Friday
      - Yr 10 run workshops S3 & S4
      - virtual workshops connecting with Yr 7 student working at home

      Week 7 Tuesday Session 3 (face to face)
      - 7W1/7W2 = Eng (SSA, RJO)
      - 10W1 Math (RSA)
      - 10W2 Glob (KLA)

      Week 6 Thursday
      - 10W1 & 10 W2 Global Sessions 2 & 4
      - online virtual workshops with Yr 7s at home

      Week 7 Focus Friday
      - Yr 10 to run face to face workshops for Yr 7s 

    Follow Up Tasks:

    Assessment 1 - Due Monday 21st March: Week 8

  • Term 1 Week 7


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...our Treaty of Waitangi obligations by collaborating to teach Year 7 students the school karakia and haka
    • We are EXPLORING...Te Ao Māori (Māori World View) by investigating how cultures pass on and sustain knowledge
    • We are EXPLORING... Auckland's cultural setting by recognising the impact cultural interaction has on people and places
    • We are EXPLORING... Auckland's natural environment by investigating why people move between places and the consequences this has had on Auckland

    Success Criteria: I can/have...


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING Te Tiriti O Waitangi Principles by developing a definition in my own words
    • We are FOCUSING Te Tiriti O Waitangi Principles by discussing their significance in a multicultural NZ
    • We are FOCUSING Te Tiriti O Waitangi Principles by adapting behaviours that ensure these a 'living'


    1. Assessment 1 - Global Studies
      Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi:  Group discussion activity (PDF). Additional video on MHOL. Support activity to develop your understanding is provided and you are encouraged to use this = Individual work with the Thinking Frame in Google classroom to use to develop your response for the assessment. There are extra resources here if you need them.
      Teaching Resource: Individual work  - does not have to be totally original but if you are incorporating other people's resources then you need to reference these (This resource will also be assessment by your English teacher: Purpose & Audience, Communication of ideas)
      Personal Learning Journey: School Haka  - log your practice using your Activity Log hand out. Have you sort support from knowledgeable peers. Remember your invite to M&P homework club
      - Year 7 Teaching time: Challenge you to support Yr 7 more than just the allocated school time

    2. Collapsed timetable plan to support Tuakana Teina in Te Wai Whānau

      Week 7 Tuesday Session 3 (face to face)
      - 7W1/7W2 = Eng (SSA, RJO)
      - 10W1 Math (RSA)
      - 10W2 Glob (KLA)

      Week 6 Thursday
      - 10W1 & 10W2 Global Sessions 2 & 4
      - online virtual workshops with Yr 7s at home

      Week 7 Focus Friday
      - Yr 10 to run face to face workshops for Yr 7s 

    3. The intent of the Treaty; Our Obligations to the Treaty
      - why the principles are so important

      Honouring The Treaty of Waitangi - NZers tell us how they will honour Te Tiriti Waitangi

      - Google Classroom thinking frame: develop your response for the assessment

    Follow Up Tasks:

    Assessment 1 - Due Monday 21st March: Week 8

  • Term 1 Week 8


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...our Treaty of Waitangi obligations by collaborating to teach Year 7 students the school karakia and haka
    • We are EXPLORING...Te Ao Māori (Māori World View) by investigating how cultures pass on and sustain knowledge

    Success Criteria: I can/have...


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING... Auckland's cultural setting by recognising the impact cultural interaction has on people and places
    • We are EXPLORING... Auckland's natural environment by investigating why people move between places and the consequences this has had on Auckland


    1. Assessment 1 - Global Studies
      - Self and Peer Assessment: questionnaire

    2. Success Criteria
      - self assess "where am I at with my learning

    3. Treaty of Waitangi
      - our founding document
      - non-Māori and Māori to share NZ

      Activity A: Key Definitions in your Book
      - Migration, Immigration, Emigration
      - Push and Pull Factors

      Activity B: Create a timeline to show the major immigration events/waves
      Use an online timeline creator such as https://time.graphics/ (or another of your choosing https://www.ispringsolutions.com/blog/top-10-free-and-paid-interactive-timeline-makers)

      a) 1800-2022 (length of your timeline)
      b) Add to your timeline the significant/important migration waves: Why important? early one, large one, your our cultural background, multi groups for same reason, major global event
      c)For each migration wave you should include:
      - Date(s): this might be a single date or a span of dates
      - Ethnic group(s)
      - Push/Pull factors: Why they immigrated to NZ
      - Visual: photo, historical evidence or short video

      Activity C: Push Pull Factors - google classroom document
      - copy made for each student
      - use the resource provided
      - Choose to do either Activity 1 or 2

    Follow Up Tasks:

    Week 9 Homework - family interview: why did your family emigrate from their country of origin? Why immigrate to NZ?

    Assessment 1 - Due Monday 21st March: Week 8

  • Term 1 Week 9


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING... Auckland's cultural setting by recognising the impact cultural interaction has on people and places
    • We are EXPLORING... Auckland's natural environment by investigating why people move between places and the consequences this has had on Auckland


    1. Treaty of Waitangi
      - our founding document
      - non-Māori and Māori to share NZ

      Activity A, B C should be completed

      Activity C: Push Pull Factors - google classroom document
      - copy made for each student
      - HWK: Add your Families reasons for immigrating to NZ: categories them into Push/Pull factors

      Activity D: Complete the learning activities and games
      Industrial Revolution: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zm7qtfr/articles/z6kg3j6
      Victorian England: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zq9ysk7/articles/zhj9cmn

    2. Making Sense of the Numbers
      - shared learning activity with Maths: understanding NZ changing population (demographics)
      - you will need you Maths book
      - document - copy made for you in Google Classroom

    3. British Roleplays activity
      - revision of push/pull factors

    Follow Up Tasks:

    Due Week 9 - Interview you family or family member - why did your family immigrate? why NZ?

  • Term 1 Week 10


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING... Auckland's cultural setting by recognising the impact cultural interaction has on people and places
    • We are EXPLORING... Auckland's natural environment by investigating why people move between places and the consequences this has had on Auckland


    1. Making Sense of the Numbers
      - shared learning activity with Maths: understanding NZ changing population (demographics)
      - you will need you Maths book
      - document - copy made for you in Google Classroom

    2. British Roleplays activity
      - revision of push/pull factors

    3. Push Pull factors- revision
      - Quizlet live 10 mins- Teacher to use this link: https://quizlet.com/_43q60d?x=1jqt&i=mneah

      - on the left selection Quizlet Live and to select: Individual Play
      - student to enter the play code a

    4. Breeches to the Treaty of Waitangi
      - Expert groups: Groups of 4 please
      - Wairua Affair, Flag Pole & Northern Wars, Waikato War & Kingitanga, Parihaka
      - Use the resources and activities below to learn about your topic and then prepare a resource to use to teach your group and share

      Home Group of 4 - allocate each person a number: 1,2,3,4
      a) Sitting in your subgroup (a) and (b)
      b) Peer read aloud the PDF MUST resource - checking understanding and new words
      c) Watch/Listen to the SHOULD resource
      d) Return the the MUST resource - read again and together complete the activities and exercises in your book
      e) Use the 5Ws & H Note-taking template - 1x document per sub group (a) & (b). Share with all group members - work together to gather notes.
      f) Each person responsible taking noting a single resource -  MUST, SHOULD, COULD resources
      g) Gather words and visuals on to the template
      h) Use the note-taking sheet to create a Cheat Sheet - attractive visual communication
      i) Subgroups (a) & (b) share your work and teach each other making sure everyone is ready to teach and share with their Home Group
      j) Home Group teaching

    5. 150 years of European laws

    6. Land Loss and Land Confiscations

    Follow Up Tasks:

    Due Tuesday - You need to ensure you have completed the activities/exercises on the MUST resource
  • Term 1 Week 11


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING... Auckland's cultural setting by recognising the impact cultural interaction has on people and places
    • We are EXPLORING... Auckland's natural environment by investigating why people move between places and the consequences this has had on Auckland


    1. Breeches to the Treaty of Waitangi
      - Expert groups: Groups of 4 please
      - Wairua Affair, Flag Pole & Northern Wars, Waikato War & Kingitanga, Parihaka
      - Use the resources and activities below to learn about your topic and then prepare a resource to use to teach your group and share

      Shared English and Global Studies Activity:
      10W1 Sessions
      Week 10 - Wed Glob - MUST/SHOULD resources
      Week 10 - Thurs Eng - MUST activities
      Week 11 - Tues Glob - Ensure MUST activities are completed. Start notetaking frame: working in Pairs: a resource each
      Week 11 - Wed Glob - finish notetaking frame
      Week 11 - Thurs Eng - Checking all expert members ready to stand on their own feet. Then Teaching in Homegroups
      Week 11 - Thurs Glob Session 2 (combined with other class) Finish Homegroup teaching: Homegroup Master Mind competition

    2. 150 years of European laws

    3. Land Loss and Land Confiscations

    Follow Up Tasks:

  • Holidays

  • Holidays

  • Term 2 Week 1


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING... Auckland's cultural setting by recognising the impact cultural interaction has on people and places
    • We are EXPLORING... Auckland's natural environment by investigating why people move between places and the consequences this has had on Auckland


    1. Land Loss and Land Confiscations
      - Through graphing understand the Land Loss & Land Confiscations - where & how much
      - Through mapping understand the Land Loss & Land Confiscations - where, how much, geography
      - Understand the cultural significance of Land Loss and Land Confiscation was in Māori
      Google Classroom - 4x activities (question 3 to be done in your books)

      Question 1 - Planning before you write and using a structured approach to communicate your answer

      Unpacking and question (keywords + verbs + answer)

      Generating ideas and organising the order.

      Writing Starters

    2. NZ Historical Atlas
      - table groups to have a instructional workshop with Ms Lambert
      - map interpretation skills

    3. 150 years of European laws
      - Human Rights issue
      - Racism

    Follow Up Tasks:

    • File icon
    • Question 2 - help

      FF Workshop planning ....

      Use the writing frame and sentence starters below…..refer to the plan in your book.

      When Māori lost most of their land it had a significant impact on their culture as well as their emotions, spirituality and social wellbeing not to mention the negative economic consequences. Land was important to Māori as it provided…..  Māori would use land to……   In Māori traditions and beliefs, they…..  The Creation story …..   And this shows how important Land was to Māori. So when Māori lost their land…..   Furthermore, the economic impact….  Without land Māori were…..     When Māori lost their land they were……

  • Term 2 Week 2


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING... Auckland's cultural setting by recognising the impact cultural interaction has on people and places
    • We are EXPLORING... Auckland's natural environment by investigating why people move between places and the consequences this has had on Auckland


    1. Land Loss and Land Confiscations
      - draw the line graph in your book for Question 3
      - finish our last paragraphs Question 3 an 4 in google classroom

    2. NZ Historical Atlas - last 2x groups
      - table groups to have a instructional workshop with Ms Lambert
      - map interpretation skills

    3. 150 years of European laws hand out
      - Colonisation Vs. Racism

    4. Pictionary card game - stereotypes

    Follow Up Tasks:

    Due Friday 3pm - ensure your paragraph writing is all completed in Google classroom

  • Term 2 Week 3


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING History of WWII by sequencing events
    • We are EXPLORING History of WWII by recognising and organising the causes
    • We are EXPLORING History of WWII by investigating the racial profiling motivating Nazi policy
    • We are EXPLORING History of WWII by recognising long term implications of WWII consequences (current Ukraine conflict)

    Success Criteria:
      I can....


    1. Self/Peer assessment: paragraph writing - green light v red light

    2. Definition work - key vocabulary - quizlet

    3. Bias - self perception assessment ( by Ms Lambert)

    4. Looking at racism - based discrimination
      - case studies from NZ an perspective
      - case studies from an international perspective
      Fishbone activity and then Social Media campaign on Canva
      Group Work

    Follow Up Tasks:

    Read the article 

    Do you think is was racist? Why? 
    Ask 1x other person (adult) for their opinion and why?

    Be ready to share your ideas

  • Term 2 Week 4


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING History of WWII by sequencing events
    • We are EXPLORING History of WWII by recognising and organising the causes
    • We are EXPLORING History of WWII by investigating the racial profiling motivating Nazi policy
    • We are EXPLORING  History of WWII by  recognising long term implications of WWII consequences (current Ukraine conflict)

    Success Criteria: I can...


    1. Looking at racism - based discrimination
      - case studies from NZ an perspective
      - case studies from an international perspective
      Fishbone activity and then Social Media campaign on Canva
      Group Work

    2. EP smart lesson - Discrimination: 

    3. Human Continuum - NZ Cartoon Racist?

    Follow Up Tasks:

    DUE - Wednesday 6pm in the Google classroom

  • Term 2 Week 5


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING on Human Rights by defining the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)
    • We are FOCUSING on Human Rights and Social Justice by identifying and explaining the breaches of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) occurring in the current Ukraine conflict.
    • We are FOCUSING on Human Rights and Social Justice by explaining the connection between United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) to the Holocaust and WWII

    Success Criteria: I can......


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING History of WWII by sequencing events
    • We are EXPLORING History of WWII by recognising and organising the causes
    • We are EXPLORING History of WWII by investigating the racial profiling motivating Nazi policy
    • We are EXPLORING  History of WWII by  recognising  long term implications of WWII consequences (current Ukraine conflict)

    Success Criteria: I can...


    Group work

    1. Introduction to Human Rights and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)
      Video 1

      Video 2

      Video 3

    2. EP smart lesson - Discrimination: 

    3. UDHR - categorising and Pictionary

    4. Human Continuum - NZ Cartoon Racist?

    5. Home Learning activities for Thursday.
      Use the handout given to you in class
      Use the weblink https://www.youthforhumanrights.org/what-are-human-rights/universal-declaration-of-human-rights/introduction.html
      Watch the video for each article and draw an illustration to define the right
      Use COLOUR

    Follow Up Tasks:

    Due: Wednesday 6pm - upload in Google Classroom

  • Term 2 Week 6


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING on Human Rights by defining the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)
    • We are FOCUSING on Human Rights and Social Justice by identifying and explaining the breaches of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) occurring in the current Ukraine conflict.
    • We are FOCUSING on Human Rights and Social Justice by explaining the connection between United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) to the Holocaust and WWII

    Success Criteria: I can....


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING History of WWII by sequencing events
    • We are EXPLORING History of WWII by recognising and organising the causes
    • We are EXPLORING History of WWII by investigating the racial profiling motivating Nazi policy
    • We are EXPLORING  History of WWII by  recognising  long term implications of WWII consequences (current Ukraine conflict)

    Success Criteria: I can...


    1. UDHR - Pictionary & Wordle

    2. Human Continuum - NZ Cartoon Racist?

    3. Join BrainPop using instructions below

    4. Introduction to WWII
      - BrainPop Activities: Key Leaders and Countries
      - Activity is also posted in the Google Classroom: https://classroom.google.com/c/NDYyNDYxNjQzNzc4/a/NTMzMDMzNjA2NDA4/details

    Follow Up Tasks:

    BrainPop - causes fo WWII

  • Term 2 Week 7


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING on Human Rights by defining the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)
    • We are FOCUSING on Human Rights and Social Justice by identifying and explaining the breaches of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) occurring in the current Ukraine conflict.
    • We are FOCUSING on Human Rights and Social Justice by explaining the connection between United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) to the Holocaust and WWII

    Success Criteria: I can.....


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING History of WWII by sequencing events
    • We are EXPLORING History of WWII by recognising and organising the causes
    • We are EXPLORING History of WWII by investigating the racial profiling motivating Nazi policy
    • We are EXPLORING  History of WWII by  recognising  long term implications of WWII consequences (current Ukraine conflict)

    Success Criteria:  I can...


    1. What was the Holocaust?
      Use web link below and read the brief article
      https://www.holocaustcentre.org.nz/what-was-the-holocaust.htmlAdolf Hitler and the Holocaust
      - Write 5x bullet points in your exercise book to describe the Holocaust

    2. Education Perfect - What are Human Rights Smart lesson
    3. Adolf Hitler and the Holocaust
      - BrainPop activities assigned

    4. End of WWII
      - UDHR
      - Divided Europe

        Key Countries & 
        Key Events
        a) Mapping: WWII Geography Module
        - Using the Google Doc in the Google classroom complete the Tasks 1 and 2 only on this link: http://nehsushistory-ww2.weebly.com/lesson-1-wwii-geography.html

        For experts: 

        b) Mapping

        c) Cold War: Understanding the Historical Background to the Ukraine War

        - BrainPop assignment

    5. Ukraine Conflict
      - With partners: scaffolded investigation "Ukraine Conflict - A Humanitarian Crisis"

    Follow Up Tasks:

    Finish Tuesday class activities by Thursday:
    Adolf Hitler and the Holocaust
    - BrainPop activities assigned

  • Term 2 Week 8


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING on Human Rights by defining the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)
    • We are FOCUSING on Human Rights and Social Justice by identifying and explaining the breaches of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) occurring in the current Ukraine conflict.
    • We are FOCUSING on Human Rights and Social Justice by explaining the connection between United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) to the Holocaust and WWII

    Success Criteria: I can....


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING History of WWII by sequencing events
    • We are EXPLORING History of WWII by recognising and organising the causes
    • We are EXPLORING History of WWII by investigating the racial profiling motivating Nazi policy
    • We are EXPLORING  History of WWII by  recognising  long term implications of WWII consequences (current Ukraine conflict)

    Success Criteria:  I can...


    1. End of WWII
      - UDHR
      - Divided Europe

    2. c) Cold War
      - BrainPop assignment

    3. Ukraine Conflict - Human Rights. International Human Rights Law,  International Humanitarian Law and the Geneva Conventions
      Complete the activity sheet in the Google Classroom

    4. Ukraine Conflict Investigation: working in pairs or threes
      Complete the activity sheet by making your own copy and posting in Google classroom
      - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mD4rz220kq8QExNvnsFr40TD_z85IuGjdd-WYmCnDHA/edit?usp=sharing

    Follow Up Tasks:

    Ukraine Conflict - Human Rights. International Human Rights Law,  International Humanitarian Law and the Geneva Conventions
    Complete the activity sheet started in class - this is found in the Google Classroom

    For students intending to enter NCEA
    READ: https://reliefweb.int/report/ukraine/ukrainian-crisis-situational-analysis-07-june-2022
    READ: https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2022-ukraine-russia-us-nato-conflict/
    TAKE NOTES by adding to your Ukraine Conflict Investigation document (Last table)

  • Term 2 Week 9


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING on Human Rights by defining the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)
    • We are FOCUSING on Human Rights and Social Justice by identifying and explaining the breaches of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) occurring in the current Ukraine conflict.
    • We are FOCUSING on Human Rights and Social Justice by explaining the connection between United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) to the Holocaust and WWII

    Success Criteria: I can....


    1. Ukraine Conflict Investigation: working in pairs or threes
      - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mD4rz220kq8QExNvnsFr40TD_z85IuGjdd-WYmCnDHA/edit?usp=sharing

    2. Ukraine Conflict - Impact on specific areas/groups of people: think carefully about your Social Organisation

      Impact of Health System - WATCH:

      Impact of food (farm) production - READ: https://www.csis.org/analysis/spotlight-damage-ukraines-farms-amid-russia-ukraine-war

      The Human Price of War ( content warning) - WATCH:

      Ukraine war has devastating impact on children - WATCH

      How the War in Ukraine Is Affecting the Mental Health of Survivors - READhttps://www.verywellmind.com/ukrainian-mental-health-during-the-war-5225389

    Follow Up Tasks:

    For students intending to enter NCEA
    READ: https://reliefweb.int/report/ukraine/ukrainian-crisis-situational-analysis-07-june-2022
    READ: https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2022-ukraine-russia-us-nato-conflict/
    TAKE NOTES by adding to your Ukraine Conflict Investigation document (Last table)

  • Term 2 Week 10


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING our personal involvement in the NZ Youth Peace Week so that we can raise awareness and raise funds to promote human rights and social justice.

    TAAB Success Criteria: I can......


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING on Human Rights by defining the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)
    • We are FOCUSING on Human Rights and Social Justice by identifying and explaining the breaches of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) occurring in the current Ukraine conflict.
    • We are FOCUSING on Human Rights and Social Justice by explaining the connection between United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) to the Holocaust and WWII

    Success Criteria: I can....


    1. Linking Social Organisation with Human Rights violations: on your own copy of the Investigation document AND use the extra resource loaded in lasts MHOL to complete the last table on the document

    2. Assessment 2: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TxGF2SSk9G1HlqON7C6kx2wncBEJZ4bCk0Kwvh2TRHY/edit?usp=sharing

    3. Social Action planning
      - meet with Ms Lambert

      Check list: TUESDAY you must.....
      - Upload your own copy of your Ukraine Investigation: authenticity evidence
      - Use self reflection in Google Classroom to determine the rubric: Yr 10 or NCEA?
      - Meet with Ms Lambert for Social Action initial approval

    4. Report Planning 

    5. Writing my bibliography as I go

    Follow Up Tasks:

  • Holidays

  • Holidays

  • Term 3 Week 1


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING our personal involvement in the NZ Youth Peace Week so that we can raise awareness and raise funds to promote human rights and social justice.

    TAAB Success Criteria: I can......


    1. Social Action Planning (Gantt Chart) & Doing (Log/ Record/ Journal of participation)
      - checkpoint - GANTT chart uploaded in the Google Classroom
      - checkpoint - everyone has started their Social Action Log

    2. Report Planning and Drafting
      - small group meeting with Ms Lambert about starting the planning for the first 2x parts of your report
      - Use the guidance document - Link

    3. Writing my bibliography as I go
      - APA guidance - link

    Follow Up Tasks:

    Start Planning your report by revising learning, activities and resources we used in class and for homework last term - see guidance document above

  • Term 3 Week 2


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING our personal involvement in the NZ Youth Peace Week so that we can raise awareness and raise funds to promote human rights and social justice.

    TAAB Success Criteria: I can......


    1. Social Action Planning (Gantt Chart) & Doing (Log/ Record/ Journal of participation)

    2. Report Planning and Drafting
      Use the guidance document - Link
      Checkpoint - I have started planing
      Example of organising my planning - not full sentences - questions to self - keywords and notes

      Gathering ideas & info before I write: Intro to HRs and UDHR

    3. Write your Bibliography as you go
      - How to write/format a Bibliography: APA guidance - link

    Follow Up Tasks:

    Write the opening section of your report

  • Term 3 Week 3: Youth Peace Week 2022


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING our personal involvement in the NZ Youth Peace Week so that we can raise awareness and raise funds to promote human rights and social justice.

    TAAB Success Criteria: I can......


    1. Social Action Planning (Gantt Chart) & Doing (Log/ Record/ Journal of participation)
      Checkpoint - I have multiple actions recorded in my log

    2. Report Planning and Drafting
      Use the guidance document - Link
      Checkpoint - I have drafted the first part of my report

    3. Write your Bibliography as you go
      - How to write/format a Bibliography: APA guidance - link

    4. How to interp Political cartoons - small group work with Ms Lambert
    Week 3
    Wed S4 Grp 1 Alex, Joesph, Dhurvi, Sartaj, Jackie
    Wed S4 Grp 2 Hazelle, Israeli, Clara, Rongxin, Christian

    Week 4
    Tues S4 Grp 3 Rushalia, Jason, Muskan, Andre
    Tues S4 Grp 3 Nathan, Jared, Rayna, Ken, Ethan

    Wed S2 Grp 5 Aariv, Azron, Justin, Zara, Shiona, Tui
    Wed S2 Grp 6 Joy Deep, Navdeep, Emmanuel, Lauralye 

    Follow Up Tasks:

    Social Action Evidence Log checkpoint - Monday 8th August
    Write the opening section of your report - checkpoint Friday 12th August 8am

  • Term 3 Week 4


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING our personal involvement in the NZ Youth Peace Week so that we can raise awareness and raise funds to promote human rights and social justice.

    TAAB Success Criteria: I can......


    1. This should already be finished:
      - Social Action Planning (Gantt Chart) & Doing (Log/ Record/ Journal of participation)

    2. Report Planning and Drafting
      - Feedback provided Monday for those student who have completed the opening section

    3. Writing my bibliography as I go
      - How to write/format a Bibliography: APA guidance - link

    4. How to interp Political cartoons - small group work with Ms Lambert

    Week 3
    Wed S2 Grp 1 Alex, Joesph, Dhurvi, Sartaj, Jackie
    Wed S2 Grp 2 Hazelle, Israeli, Clara, Rongxin, Christian

    Week 4
    Tues S4 Grp 3 Rushalia, Jason, Muskan, Andre
    Tues S4 Grp 3 Nathan, Jared, Rayna, Ken, Ethan

    Wed S2 Grp 5 Aariv, Azron, Justin, Zara, Shiona, Tui
    Wed S2 Grp 6 Joy Deep, Navdeep, Emmanuel, Lauralye 

    Follow Up Tasks:

    Assessment - Due Friday 6pm

    I must upload:
    1. GANTT chart spreadsheet
    2. Social Action Log/Journal
    3. Written Report

    • Context Explanation using GREAT Ako - GREAT Learner Progression Criteria

      Positive Partnerships S2 - I regularly share my learning with home and my community

      Active Learner S2 - I can explain what I am learning and why 

      Great Ako S2 - I can explain my learning using GREAT Ako

  • Term 3 Week 5


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING on Resource Interpretation Skills by explaining the main message in a political cartoon
    • We are FOCUSING on Resource Interpretation Skills by describing the Fake News phenomena

     Success Framework:


    Reminder of your groups:
    Grp 1 Alex, Joesph, Dhurvi, Sartaj, Jackie
    Grp 2 Hazelle, Israeli, Clara, Rongxin, Christian
    Grp 3 Rushalia, Jason, Muskan, Andre
    Grp 4 Nathan, Jared, Rayna, Ken, Ethan
    Grp 5 Aariv, Azron, Justin, Zara, Shiona, Tui
    Grp 6 Joy Deep, Navdeep, Emmanuel, Lauralye 

    Political cartoons
    1. Introduction: how to interpret a political cartoon and compulsory practice resource interp - handout link
    2. Additional practice: Ukraine conflict - political cartoon: practice resource interpretation - Link
      - complete in your book
    Fake News
    1. Clickview - introduction video:  https://www.clickvieweducation.com/free-teaching-resources/fake-news/
    2. Google Classroom - guide and notes document provided for you (valuable to end of year CAT)
    3. Expert group work - groups of 4
      - each person has a different article/resource
      - Move to work with people with the same resource as you, review the resource and use the Success Framework above. Get ready to share with your original group what the article/resource is about

      Articles/Resources: READ _ WATCH _ LISTEN options for differentiation  


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING The Commonwealth by organising our government structure to recognise our relationship/connect to Britain

    Success Criteria:


    1. Activities prior learning - in your Commonwealth Country groups - use the success criteria: what do you already know, what do you think you know?, what do you need to revise?

    2. Option 1: Māori leadership and Authority
      - Revision explanation of how this is organised - PDF uploaded below
      - Activity Google classroom: only complete this activity if you could not remember anything about how Māori leadership and authority is structured and organised
    3. Option 2: Westminister model of government (everyone completes this revision)
      - Activity: complete in your books: read the resource the complete the questions in your book
    4. Option 3: Create a visual collage of all the the visible connections to Britain in see in daily life - think government, currency, flags, icons and symbols, Crests

    Further Learning:

    Complete the activity you choose - ie what you needed next in your learning

  • Term 3 Week 6


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING The Commonwealth by organising our government structure to recognise our relationship/connect to Britain

    Success Criteria:


    1. Option 1: Māori leadership and Authority
      - Revision explanation of how this is organised - PDF uploaded below
      - Activity Google classroom: only complete this activity if you could not remember anything about how Māori leadership and authority is structured and organised
    2. Option 2: Westminister model of government (everyone completes this revision)
      - Activity: complete in your books: read the resource the complete the questions in your book
    3. Option 3: Create a visual collage of all the the visible connections to Britain in see in daily life - think government, currency, flags, icons and symbols, Crests

    Further Learning:

  • Term 3 Week 7


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING The Commonwealth by measuring, displaying and mapping the distribution/access to resources, goods, & services
    • We are EXPLORING The Commonwealth by investigating the causes of the unequal distribution of resource, goods & services
    • We are EXPLORING Economics in Sport by analysing the relationship between access to resources, goods & services and success at the Commonwealth games

    Success Criteria:



    1. Extreme poverty/relative poverty definitions ( gapminder.org) worksheet in google classroom (projector)

    2. Teacher led - referencing to LI/success criteria
    3. Explain relevance of google slides. (W2 needs to add last 3 countries to join (see commonwealth.org ))
    4. Acknowledge presenters from last week and in W1 the group that supported others to make their visual collages.
    5. Commonwealth mapping challenge 
      - using an atlas: help sheet
      - Competing in your Country Team - mapping challenge


      1. Finish dollar street activity, finishers = record UN definitions for developing/developed country and human development index on the whiteboard.
      2. Invite students to share thoughts/observations from the dollar street activity.
      3. Teacher led - recap previous hei mahi extreme v relative poverty. 
      4. Share concepts for today - poverty, inequality, distribution of resources (refer LI/SC)


      Further Learning:

      In you books - complete you own map to show the Commonwealth countries located in the challenge activity. What additional Commonwealth countries can you locate?

      • Assignment icon
      • Commonwealth Country Teams

        Australia - Clara, Rayna, Ken, Sartaj

        Samoa - Navdeep, Rongxin, Laureyle, Alex

        Canada - Hazelle, Joseph

        Jamacia - Dhruvi, Andre, Joydeep, Muskan

        England - Christian, Israili, Azron

        Malaysia - Jared, Justin, Rushalia

        India - Shiona, Tui, Nathan,

        South Africa - Jacky, Emmanuel, Ethan

    1. Term 3 Week 8


      EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

      • We are EXPLORING The Commonwealth by measuring, displaying and mapping the distribution/access to resources, goods, & services
      • We are EXPLORING The Commonwealth by investigating the causes of the unequal distribution of resource, goods & services
      • We are EXPLORING Economics in Sport by analysing the relationship between access to resources, goods & services and success at the Commonwealth games

      Success Criteria:


      Further Learning:

    2. Term 3 Week 9


      EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

      • We are EXPLORING The Commonwealth by measuring, displaying and mapping the distribution/access to resources, goods, & services
      • We are EXPLORING The Commonwealth by investigating the causes of the unequal distribution of resource, goods & services
      • We are EXPLORING Economics in Sport by analysing the relationship between access to resources, goods & services and success at the Commonwealth games

      Success Criteria:


      1. Using Learning Intentions and Success criteria; Using evidence to know where I am at with my learning
        - check in and self assessment; so as to provide feedback to Ms Lambert (after the departure of your student teachers)

      2. Understanding the inequity and the consequences this has for people and places
        What do you think?
        - True / False challenge
        - Misconception Challenge -  https://upgrader.gapminder.org/t/sdg-world-un-goals/4/

      3. Growing Global Inequality....
      4. "If the three richest people on Earth spent one million dollars a day, it would take them 200 years to run out of money. While some live in immense wealth, others can’t afford basic health care. This is the global inequality gap – and it’ still growing."

      5. Growing Inequality - illustrate the growing gap (inequality - through visual images)and the  consequences of this inequality 
        (through statistics and visual images)

      Further Learning:

      Poverty and the Causes
      Education Perfect - have this completed BEFORE you return to class on Thursday


      Complete this activity at home with a parent/caregiver....

      "Compare Your Income'' web tool - https://www.oecd.org/social/inequality-and-poverty.htm
      What's your perception of income inequality? The OECD  Compare your income tool allows you to see whether your perception is in line with reality. In only a few clicks, you can see where you fit in your country's income distribution. In June 2020, an updated edition was released to explore how people’s perceptions of inequality impact their willingness to support redistribution and to see what areas users would prioritise for public spending.

      • The Life and Legacy of Queen Elizabeth II

        Britain’s longest-reigning monarch died on Thursday at the age of 96. Learn about her seven-decade reign, as well as what is next for the British monarchy.

        Key Moments from yesterdays funeral

        - through pictures: 


        - through video:

        Queen’s funeral: Service at Westminster Abbey for Queen Elizabeth II

        The Queen's Commital 

        Warm Up Activity in Google Classroom

        Questions for Writing and Discussion: The Life and Legacy of Queen Elizabeth II in Google Classroom

    3. Term 3 Week 10


      EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

      • We are EXPLORING The Commonwealth by measuring, displaying and mapping the distribution/access to resources, goods, & services
      • We are EXPLORING The Commonwealth by investigating the causes of the unequal distribution of resource, goods & services
      • We are EXPLORING Economics in Sport by analysing the relationship between access to resources, goods & services and success at the Commonwealth games

      Success Criteria:


      1. Growing Inequality - illustrate the growing gap (inequality - through visual images)and the  consequences of this inequality 
        (through statistics and visual images)

      2. Collaborative activity with Maths - copy of the activity document has been made for you in the Google Classroom
        - Drawing my own data display and practicing interpretation
        - Testing our Hypothesis: relationship between HDI measures and success at the Commonwealth Games: Success at the Commonwealth Games is determined by the wealth of the country.

        Get Ms Lambert to mark the graph you have drawn in your book

        Writing Frame - testing hypothesis - conclusion
        Success at the Commonwealth Games is determined by the wealth of the country.

        Our hypothesis is......     To test this hypothesis we gather data.......    By reviewing this data I can conclude......     The data that justifies/supports this conclusion......  However, there is an outliner as......     Therefore in terms of equity (fairness) and the idea of competing on an even playing field........ The wealth of a country......

      Next term - finish context Week 1
      Causes of the unequal distribution and access to resources, goods and services
      - Learning Guide picture dictation - hand out
      - TED Talk activities: WATCH< THINK< DIG DEEPER< DISCUSS
      Globalopoly - Cartoon Interpretation - https://newint.org/features/1994/09/05/cartoon/
      - Using Maps to understand causes of unequal distribution and access to resources, goods and services

      New Context - The World of Work and Economics week 2 onwards

      Further Learning:

      Complete this activity at home with a parent/caregiver....

      "Compare Your Income'' web tool - https://www.oecd.org/social/inequality-and-poverty.htm
      What's your perception of income inequality? The OECD  Compare your income  tool allows you to see whether your perception is in line with reality. In only a few clicks, you can see where you fit in your country's income distribution. In June 2020, an updated edition was released to explore how people’s perceptions of inequality impact their willingness to support redistribution and to see what areas users would prioritise for public spending.

    4. Holidays

    5. Holidays

    6. Term 4 Week 1


      EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

      • We are EXPLORING The Commonwealth by measuring, displaying and mapping the distribution/access to resources, goods, & services
      • We are EXPLORING The Commonwealth by investigating the causes of the unequal distribution of resource, goods & services
      • We are EXPLORING Economics in Sport by analysing the relationship between access to resources, goods & services and success at the Commonwealth games

      Success Criteria:


      1. Causes of the unequal distribution and access to resources, goods and services
        - Learning Guide picture dictation - hand out
        - written notes PDF below
        - video: 

      2. Developing an in depth understanding of cause of inequality

        a) Trade imbalance and transnational corporation
        Globalopoly: Cartoon Interpretation https://newint.org/features/1994/09/05/cartoon/ and answer question in Google Classroom

        b) Economic factors (income)
        - reading PDF below 

        c) Resources available
        - through maps
        i) Using maps to understand Resources Available and Population - whole class: Climate p82, Biomes p.83. Climate Change pp.84-85, Population pp. 88-89
        ii) Map Resource Interpretation activities - Google Classroom

      New Context - The World of Work and Economics week 2 onwards

      • URL icon
      • File icon
      • Further Learning.....Homework

        Remember the steps to interpreting a Cartoon - how to unpack a cartoon BEFORE answering the questions. Use this method with the cartoon below:

        The following prompts will help guide your thinking and unpacking the cartoon…..

        • If the cartoonist used labels, what things in the cartoon are labeled? Why do you think the cartoonist chose to label those things? 

        • If the cartoonist used symbolism, what things in the cartoon are symbols? What do they stand for?

        • If the cartoonist used an analogy, what two ideas or situations are compared? How does this comparison help the viewer see the complex situation in a different way? 

        • If the cartoonist used irony, what does the cartoonist show about the way things are? How does the cartoonist think things should be? 

        • If the cartoonist used exaggeration, what objects, people, or ideas are exaggerated? What point is made by exaggerating them? 

        • If the cartoonist used stereotypes, what stereotypes are presented? How do these add to the message of the cartoon?


        Now use this understanding to answer the specific question on the document provided in the Google Classroom - Due Thursday

      • File icon
    7. Term 4 Week 2


      EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

      • We are EXPLORING The Commonwealth by measuring, displaying and mapping the distribution/access to resources, goods, & services
      • We are EXPLORING The Commonwealth by investigating the causes of the unequal distribution of resource, goods & services
      • We are EXPLORING Economics in Sport by analysing the relationship between access to resources, goods & services and success at the Commonwealth games

      Success Criteria:


      1. Developing an in depth understanding of cause of inequality
        a) Trade imbalance and transnational corporation
        Globalopoly: Cartoon Interpretation  https://newint.org/features/1994/09/05/cartoon/ and answer question in Google Classroom
        - Peer Assessment opportunity

        c) Resources available
        - through maps
        i) Using maps to understand Resources Available and Population - whole class: Climate p82, Biomes p.83. Climate Change pp.84-85, Population pp. 88-89
        ii) Map Resource Interpretation activities - Google Classroom

      New Context - The World of Work and Economics week 2 onwards

      • CAT information Global Studies: CAT's are in week 5 of this term

        Global Studies

        Section 1: Resource Interpretation (articles, memes, cartoons, graphs, pictures)

        Section 2: Mapping interpretation 

        Past CAT papers are below so you can use these in your study programme.

      • New Context: Life Skills - Task Master

        Introduction Activities

        1. Join the Banqer High classroom: use real name, school email & password. complete 10x question quiz. Confirm your email
        2. Needs and Wants - WATCH the youtube video

          The open a create platform like canva, google slides, google draw, padlet so you can create a visual photo collage
          "Imagine your life in 20 years - where will you be living, with whom, job, transportation choice, fashion, holidays, relationships etc etc"
          Categorise your life photos into NEEDS and WANTS

        3. Banqer High -Opening bank accounts, credit and debit cards, career and kiwi saver

        4. Crash Course into Economics - the Economy

        5. BrainPop
          i) Learning about Interest
          - assignment material link posted in Google classroom
          ii) Learning about Tax
          - assignment material link posted in Google classroom

    8. Term 4 Week 3


      EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

      • We are EXPLORING...Financial Literacy by…. recognising how the government impacts lives - tax system and goods/services provided
      • We are EXPLORING...Financial Literacy by… organising expenditure in relating to wants and need
      • We are EXPLORING...Financial Literacy by… recognising fixed expenditure and disposable income

      Learning Activities:
      For the Math/Global Team Teaching sessions Monday and Tuesday you need to ensure you have applied for a job on Banger High as you will need your salary to calculate your tax.

      1. Tax System BrainPop activity: https://classroom.google.com/c/NDYyNDYxNjQzNzc4/m/NTU5NDczNzUwNDY1/details
      2. Tax System - podcast (from the 2min 35sec mark): https://www.rnz.co.nz/programmes/news-to-me/story/2018847896/news-2-me-tax
      3. Taxes – today is all about money, money, money! You may know how your family buys things, but how does the Government pay for what it does? Who pays your teachers and buys the things to build hospitals and roads?
      4. NZ Progressive Tax System
      5. Using your career/job wages/salary on Banqer High and the Tax Brackets above
        (Mr Sharma is here to help us !!)
        - calculate your progressive tax bill
        - you are required to show all working steps
      6. EP - Income tax  - challenge task: https://app.educationperfect.com/app/dashboard/homework/7307454 

      Further Learning ...

      CAT revision - Global Studies CAT: Week 5 

      Thursday 17/11/22 Session 1

    9. Term 4 Week 4


      EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

      • We are EXPLORING...Financial Literacy by…. recognising how the government impacts lives - tax system and goods/services provided
      • We are EXPLORING...Financial Literacy by… organising expenditure in relating to wants and need
      • We are EXPLORING...Financial Literacy by… recognising fixed expenditure and disposable income

      Learning Activities:

      1. Banqer High - Property and Budgeting modules
        You need to form a Flatting/House Mates group

      2. EP
        - Budgeting - challenge task: https://app.educationperfect.com/app/dashboard/homework/7348463
        - Income tax  - challenge task: https://app.educationperfect.com/app/dashboard/homework/7307454 

      3. Cost of Living - working with a partner: exercise and resources are in the Google classroom

      4. THURSDAY PRACTICE CAT EXERCISE: Mapping & Resource Interpretation CAT Practice: NZ economy - industries and employment opportunities

        ResourceBooklet:  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iV7WD98fMHR_B3UfsqIYjiJwQdpQFkZnykA4MJ3GCiU/edit?usp=sharing
        - EP assessment questions

      Further Learning ...

      CAT revision - Global Studies CAT: Week 5 - see the Study Guide checklist and resources posted in the Googel classroom. Revision on EP too

      Thursday 17/11/22 Session 1

      Year 10 - Full CAT on Education Perfect with a paper resource booklet. 

      Students will need to bring - computers, pen, ruler, calculator

    10. CAT Week (Term 4 Week 5)

    11. Work Experience Week (Term 4 Week 6)

    12. Term 4 Week 7

    13. 5 December - 11 December

    14. 12 December - 18 December