Weekly outline

  • General

  • 31 January - 6 February

    Kia ora...Year 10 Welcome back to a New Year. This year our context is sports, Nature and Nurture.

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • Read and process the characteristics of sports at it's most advanced stage - Articles of Cricket , Tennis , Formula 1 etc 
    • I can categorize different sports and now consider are we Naturally Born into this mould or are we developed 


    1. Read and process articles attached 
    2. Identify a sport you support ...unpacking a leader in this sport and the effort to get to the Top of this Game 

    Go through Articles attached 

    The above serves as a starting point to a discussion ! Are certain People more inclined at certain sports. Are certain people more designed to play Basketball or Tennis or Rugby or Cricket Why 
    Are certain sports freely available to all demographics ? The most expensive sport in the world is Formula 1 ! How many Indians or Black Drivers are there ( Lewis Hamilton is an exception but let's discuss this ! 


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING. the terms NATURE vs NURTURE
    • We are EXPLORING how to unpack key ideas and theories around this
    • We are EXPLORING how to argue a fact through an interactive debate
  • 7 February - 13 February

    Kia ora...Year 10 Welcome back to a New Year. This year our context is sports, Nature and Nurture.

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • Read and process the characteristics of sports at it's most advanced stage - Articles of Cricket , Tennis , Formula 1 etc 
    • I can categorize different sports and now consider are we Naturally Born into this mould or are we developed 


    1. Read and process articles attached 
    2. Identify a sport you support ...unpacking a leader in this sport and the effort to get to the Top of this Game 

    Go through Articles attached 

    The above serves as a starting point to a discussion ! Are certain People more inclined at certain sports. Are certain people more designed to play Basketball or Tennis or Rugby or Cricket Why 
    Are certain sports freely available to all demographics ? The most expensive sport in the world is Formula 1 ! How many Indians or Black Drivers are there ( Lewis Hamilton is an exception but let's discuss this ! 


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING. the terms NATURE vs NURTURE
    • We are EXPLORING how to unpack key ideas and theories around this
    • We are EXPLORING how to argue a fact through an interactive debate
  • 14 February - 20 February


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING... so that we can we can prepare an active debate to argue and support my argument
    • We are Planning to deliver to a live audience

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • Read and process the characteristics of sports at it's most advanced stage - Articles of Cricket , Tennis , Formula 1 etc 
    • I can categorize different sports and now consider are we Naturally Born into this mould or are we developed 


    1. Read and process articles attached 
    2. Identify a sport you support ...unpacking a leader in this sport and the effort to get to the Top of this Game 

    In two groups unpack NATURE vs NURTURE and prepare for this debate ! Lets link ideas and argue your beliefs 

  • 21 February - 27 February

     learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING so that we can use our researched knowledge to link Nature and Nurture to Sports
    • We are FOCUSING and linking ideas
    • We are FOCUSING to make connections between DNA and Environment

    • We are PLANNING... so that we can we can prepare an active debate to argue and support my argument
    • We are Planning to deliver to a live audience

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • Read and process the characteristics of sports at it's most advanced stage - Articles of Cricket , Tennis , Formula 1 etc 
    • I can categorize different sports and now consider are we Naturally Born into this mould or are we developed 


    1. Read and process articles attached 
    2. Identify a sport you support ...unpacking a leader in this sport and the effort to get to the Top of this Game 

    Homework / Classwork 

    "This is me" is your writing task. Two paragraphs 150 words each about your character / DNA and things you may have inherited from your family - such as Good Looks / hair etc 

    In your second paragraph tell me if you are shaped by Nature or Nurture 


    REFLECT / WHAIWHAKAARO learning intentions:

    • We are REFLECTING to unpack if our ideas have some validity 
    • We reflecting on our view and asking Why ? are we Nature or Nurture Driven 
    • Critically unpacking information to make an informed decision,
  • 28 February - 6 March


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING... so that we can we can prepare an active debate to argue and support my argument
    • We are Planning to deliver to a live audience

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • Read and process the characteristics of sports at it's most advanced stage - Articles of Cricket , Tennis , Formula 1 etc 
    • I can categorize different sports and now consider are we Naturally Born into this mould or are we developed 


    1. Read and process articles attached 
    2. Identify a sport you support ...unpacking a leader in this sport and the effort to get to the Top of this Game 

    In two groups unpack NATURE vs NURTURE and prepare for this debate ! Lets link ideas and argue your beliefs 


    REFLECT / WHAIWHAKAARO learning intentions:

    • We are REFLECTING to unpack if our ideas have some validity
    • We reflecting on our view and asking Why ?
    • Critically unpacking information to make an informed decision,
  • 7 March - 13 March

    Learning Intentions:
     We are learning to (WALT)...

    We are learning to understand how extended visual and verbal techniques are applied to this visual text

    We are learning to understand ideas within this text that are supported by these visual and verbal techniques 

    We are learning to understand how extended visual effects are combined with standard effects to produce a greater impact.

    Achievement Objectives: Interpret how different texts are used to create a main idea or message ...in this case Leadership and strength against adversity.

    Integrate sources of information, processes and strategies to confidently identify, form and express increasingly sophisticated ideas

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    Success Criteria:


    Identify the visual features used in this movie

    Identify the unique verbal techniques used (sound track)

    Identify the scenes were you would find the above extend effects


    Describe the effect these  effects have on the viewer

    Describe the effect and the scene and the impact it has on the viewer 


    Explain how these visual effects support the main message in the text through:

    Identifying a set of skills ...and how this is developed ....

    Identify the main idea ...


    Evaluate the impact/influence these visual effects have on generating and sustaining the main idea in the text.


     1. Complete the work sheet on camera angles ....screen shot pictures from the movie "42" into camera angle blocks

    2. Watch the movie at least once - identify both Verbal and Visual features ....verbal is sounds you can hear and visual is what you can see .

    Complete watching the TEXT "42" on Netflix unpacking core aspects of Nature and Nurture - Complete the worksheet attached. 

  • 14 March - 20 March

    Learning Intentions:
     We are learning to (WALT)...

    We are learning to understand how extended visual and verbal techniques are applied to this visual text

    We are learning to understand ideas within this text that are supported by these visual and verbal techniques 

    We are learning to understand how extended visual effects are combined with standard effects to produce a greater impact.

    Achievement Objectives: Interpret how different texts are used to create a main idea or message ...in this case Leadership and strength against adversity.

    Integrate sources of information, processes and strategies to confidently identify, form and express increasingly sophisticated ideas

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    Success Criteria:


    Identify the visual features used in this movie

    Identify the unique verbal techniques used (sound track)

    Identify the scenes were you would find the above extend effects


    Describe the effect these  effects have on the viewer

    Describe the effect and the scene and the impact it has on the viewer 


    Explain how these visual effects support the main message in the text through:

    Identifying a set of skills ...and how this is developed ....

    Identify the main idea ...


    Evaluate the impact/influence these visual effects have on generating and sustaining the main idea in the text.


     1. Complete the work sheet on camera angles ....screen shot pictures from the movie "42" into camera angle blocks

    2. Watch the movie at least once - identify both Verbal and Visual features ....verbal is sounds you can hear and visual is what you can see .

  • 21 March - 27 March

    Integrate sources of information, processes and strategies to confidently identify, form and express increasingly sophisticated ideas

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    Success Criteria:


    Identify the visual features used in this movie

    Identify the unique verbal techniques used (sound track)

    Identify the scenes were you would find the above extend effects


    Describe the effect these  effects have on the viewer

    Describe the effect and the scene and the impact it has on the viewer 


    Explain how these visual effects support the main message in the text through:

    Identifying a set of skills ...and how this is developed ....

    Identify the main idea ...


    Evaluate the impact/influence these visual effects have on generating and sustaining the main idea in the text.

  • 28 March - 3 April

    Complete the TASK :

    1 Create a short Text / Poem on NATURE OR NURTURE 

    2. USE at least 3 Poetic Techniques 

    3. Present and explain 

    Min 14 lines 

  • 4 April - 10 April

    Hello Class 

    We have completed our assessment ! We now have to deliver our poem with 3 poetic techniques and complete Blackout poetry 

    Also marinate on a possible speech topic "I got something to say" 

  • 11 April - 17 April

  • 18 April - 24 April

  • 25 April - 1 May

  • 2 May - 8 May

    Welcome Back Y10 

    Our context is Risks and Rewards ... with our current technology  as OUR NEW MODERN LIFE IS FILLED WITH ALL SORTS OF REWARDS AND RISKS 

    YOU WILL BE CREATING A POSTER  and Writing on the experience of the advancement of technology at first hand.

    Learning Intention:

    1.We are learning to understand the principles of Static Images

    2. We learning to examine the impact of layout, style, font, color ,contrast and dominant image has on the image.

    3. We learning how these static image target a particular audience.

    AO Coverage: Recognises ,understands and considers how texts are constructed for a range of purposes , audience and situations

    Makes meaning by understanding comprehensively ideas and the links between them

    Success Criteria: I can/have...


     RED            YELLOW     GREEN      BLUE

    Success Criteria:

    1.List the different types of Static Resources used from the guide provided

    2.Identify the target audience

    3.Identify possible alternatives

    1.Explain why these resources are used

    2.Describe the impact of these resources


    1.Analyze the effect these resources have on the audience

    2.Discuss why they have this effect.


    1.Prepare your own static image using the principles gained.

    2.Create your own alternative image and unique target audience


  • 9 May - 15 May

    our context is Risks and Rewards ... with our current technology  as OUR NEW MODERN LIFE IS FILLED WITH ALL SORTS OF REWARDS AND RISKS 

    YOU WILL BE CREATING A POSTER  and Writing on the experience of the advancement of technology at first hand.

    Learning Intention:

    1.We are learning to understand the principles of Static Images

    2. We learning to examine the impact of layout, style, font, color ,contrast and dominant image has on the image.

    3. We learning how these static image target a particular audience.

    AO Coverage: Recognises ,understands and considers how texts are constructed for a range of purposes , audience and situations

    Makes meaning by understanding comprehensively ideas and the links between them

    Success Criteria: I can/have...


     RED            YELLOW     GREEN      BLUE

    Success Criteria:

    1.List the different types of Static Resources used from the guide provided

    2.Identify the target audience

    3.Identify possible alternatives

    1.Explain why these resources are used

    2.Describe the impact of these resources


    1.Analyze the effect these resources have on the audience

    2.Discuss why they have this effect.


    1.Prepare your own static image using the principles gained.

    2.Create your own alternative image and unique target audience



  • 16 May - 22 May

    Kia ora...

    We have now ESTABLISHED our Groups for entrepreneurial Activity ! We have discussed the Idea and feel it can work 

    We Will :

    1. Create a Plan - see Business Plan Attached 

    2. Estimate shares - How much $$$ are we investing 

    3. We can go to a "Bank" "Mr Singh etc to invest but do you have security ? 

    4 We have an idea on how much you will make - Week #1 - Week #8 

    5. We will create Posters (Static Image ) to complete this work.  

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • Create a Business Plan 


    1. Unpack key aspects of my business 
    2. Unpack Tasks and how this will function 

    Follow Up Tasks:
    Watch episode link on Shark Tank and D Den 

  • 23 May - 29 May

    We will create Posters (Static Image ) to complete this work.  

    It was exciting to note ideas becoming reality ! Now can we complete our posters and complete the write up 200 words x 3 paragraphs on your static image 

    See examples attached 

  • 30 May - 5 June

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    • We are learning how to research, develop and explore an idea.
    • We are learning how to prepare a text to deliver to an audience
    • We are learning delivery Methods such as tone, gestures, eye content to engage our audience ..

    Achievement Objectives: Prepare and Deliver a text with research to an audience.

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    Success Criteria:

    Identify 3 Topics that relates to something current

    Identify the characteristics of a good speaker

    Identify possible Gestures ,voice control and a Hook

    Research your approved speech

    Discover new content/ideas antidotes and adapt this to your Topic

    Prepare a hook or a manner to captivate the Audience

    Prepare to write the speech

    Study the content.

    Connect with the Audience

    Deliver in a confident manner


    1. Watch the clip on Brown Brother  (At home) -
    2. Spend time researching THREE TOPICS that you may be keen to Deliver.... I need to see evidence of research. Ask your self two questions. Is my topic engaging and connecting, secondly Is it new and relevant (will I change peoples Minds)

    Research three Topics ...I would need to see evidence of research...digital articles supporting them. Read through all articles and wait for Teacher approval.

    http://www.myspeechclass.com/persuasivetopics2.html link to speech Topics 

  • 6 June - 12 June

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    • We are learning how to research, develop and explore an idea.
    • We are learning how to prepare a text to deliver to an audience
    • We are learning delivery Methods such as tone, gestures, eye content to engage our audience ..

    Achievement Objectives: Prepare and Deliver a text with research to an audience.

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    Success Criteria:

    Identify 3 Topics that relates to something current

    Identify the characteristics of a good speaker

    Identify possible Gestures ,voice control and a Hook

    Research your approved speech

    Discover new content/ideas antidotes and adapt this to your Topic

    Prepare a hook or a manner to captivate the Audience

    Prepare to write the speech

    Study the content.

    Connect with the Audience

    Deliver in a confident manner


    1. Watch the clip on Brown Brother  (At home) -
    2. Spend time researching THREE TOPICS that you may be keen to Deliver.... I need to see evidence of research. Ask your self two questions. Is my topic engaging and connecting, secondly Is it new and relevant (will I change peoples Minds)

    Research three Topics ...I would need to see evidence of research...digital articles supporting them. Read through all articles and wait for Teacher approval.

    http://www.myspeechclass.com/persuasivetopics2.html link to speech Topics 

  • 13 June - 19 June

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    • We are learning how to research, develop and explore an idea.
    • We are learning how to prepare a text to deliver to an audience
    • We are learning delivery Methods such as tone, gestures, eye content to engage our audience ..

    Achievement Objectives: Prepare and Deliver a text with research to an audience.

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    Success Criteria:

    Identify 3 Topics that relates to something current

    Identify the characteristics of a good speaker

    Identify possible Gestures ,voice control and a Hook

    Research your approved speech

    Discover new content/ideas antidotes and adapt this to your Topic

    Prepare a hook or a manner to captivate the Audience

    Prepare to write the speech

    Study the content.

    Connect with the Audience

    Deliver in a confident manner


    1. Watch the clip on Brown Brother  (At home) -
    2. Spend time researching THREE TOPICS that you may be keen to Deliver.... I need to see evidence of research. Ask your self two questions. Is my topic engaging and connecting, secondly Is it new and relevant (will I change peoples Minds)

    Research three Topics ...I would need to see evidence of research...digital articles supporting them. Read through all articles and wait for Teacher approval.

    http://www.myspeechclass.com/persuasivetopics2.html link to speech Topics 

  • 20 June - 26 June

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    • We are learning how to research, develop and explore an idea.
    • We are learning how to prepare a text to deliver to an audience
    • We are learning delivery Methods such as tone, gestures, eye content to engage our audience ..

    Achievement Objectives: Prepare and Deliver a text with research to an audience.

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    Success Criteria:

    Identify 3 Topics that relates to something current

    Identify the characteristics of a good speaker

    Identify possible Gestures ,voice control and a Hook

    Research your approved speech

    Discover new content/ideas antidotes and adapt this to your Topic

    Prepare a hook or a manner to captivate the Audience

    Prepare to write the speech

    Study the content.

    Connect with the Audience

    Deliver in a confident manner


    1. Watch the clip on Brown Brother  (At home) -
    2. Spend time researching THREE TOPICS that you may be keen to Deliver.... I need to see evidence of research. Ask your self two questions. Is my topic engaging and connecting, secondly Is it new and relevant (will I change peoples Minds)

  • 27 June - 3 July

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    • We are learning how to research, develop and explore an idea.
    • We are learning how to prepare a text to deliver to an audience
    • We are learning delivery Methods such as tone, gestures, eye content to engage our audience ..

    Achievement Objectives: Prepare and Deliver a text with research to an audience.

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    Success Criteria:

    Identify 3 Topics that relates to something current

    Identify the characteristics of a good speaker

    Identify possible Gestures ,voice control and a Hook

    Research your approved speech

    Discover new content/ideas antidotes and adapt this to your Topic

    Prepare a hook or a manner to captivate the Audience

    Prepare to write the speech

    Study the content.

    Connect with the Audience

    Deliver in a confident manner


    1. Watch the clip on Brown Brother  (At home) -
    2. Spend time researching THREE TOPICS that you may be keen to Deliver.... I need to see evidence of research. Ask your self two questions. Is my topic engaging and connecting, secondly Is it new and relevant (will I change peoples Minds)

  • 4 July - 10 July

  • 11 July - 17 July

  • 18 July - 24 July

  • 25 July - 31 July

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    • We are learning how to research, develop and explore an idea.
    • We are learning how to prepare a text to deliver to an audience
    • We are learning delivery Methods such as tone, gestures, eye content to engage our audience ..

    Achievement Objectives: Prepare and Deliver a text with research to an audience.

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    Success Criteria:

    Identify 3 Topics that relates to something current

    Identify the characteristics of a good speaker

    Identify possible Gestures ,voice control and a Hook

    Research your approved speech

    Discover new content/ideas antidotes and adapt this to your Topic

    Prepare a hook or a manner to captivate the Audience

    Prepare to write the speech

    Study the content.

    Connect with the Audience

    Deliver in a confident manner

  • 1 August - 7 August

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    • We are learning how to research, develop and explore an idea.
    • We are learning how to prepare a text to deliver to an audience
    • We are learning delivery Methods such as tone, gestures, eye content to engage our audience ..

    Achievement Objectives: Prepare and Deliver a text with research to an audience.

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    Success Criteria:

    Identify 3 Topics that relates to something current

    Identify the characteristics of a good speaker

    Identify possible Gestures ,voice control and a Hook

    Research your approved speech

    Discover new content/ideas antidotes and adapt this to your Topic

    Prepare a hook or a manner to captivate the Audience

    Prepare to write the speech

    Study the content.

    Connect with the Audience

    Deliver in a confident manner

  • 8 August - 14 August

    We have almost completed our speeches. MHJC submissions will be complete by end of next week All Grades will not be available till Moderation is completed. 

    We are now on a New Context "Movers and Shakers" 

    This could be defined in many different ways to different people. For Argument shake lets link this to a Vocation or an Occupation.  A vocation is something you love whilst an occupation is a job.

    You will now research your passions ! Can this become your occupation ! 

    We will create a CV and we will be working towards Job Applications for the year end work experience. 



    Lets view and read the above links 

  • 15 August - 21 August

    We have almost completed our speeches. MHJC submissions will be complete by end of next week All Grades will not be available till Moderation is completed. 

    We are now on a New Context "Movers and Shakers" 

    This could be defined in many different ways to different people. For Argument shake lets link this to a Vocation or an Occupation.  A vocation is something you love whilst an occupation is a job.

    You will now research your passions ! Can this become your occupation ! 

    We will create a CV and we will be working towards Job Applications for the year end work experience. 



    Lets view and read the above links 

  • 22 August - 28 August

    We are now on a New Context "Movers and Shakers" 

    This could be defined in many different ways to different people. For Argument shake lets link this to a Vocation or an Occupation.  A vocation is something you love whilst an occupation is a job.

    You will now research your passions ! Can this become your occupation ! 

    We will create a CV and we will be working towards Job Applications for the year end work experience. 



    Lets view and read the above links 

  • 29 August - 4 September

    We are now on a New Context "Movers and Shakers" 

    This could be defined in many different ways to different people. For Argument shake lets link this to a Vocation or an Occupation.  A vocation is something you love whilst an occupation is a job.

    You will now research your passions ! Can this become your occupation ! 

    We will create a CV and we will be working towards Job Applications for the year end work experience. 



    Lets view and read the above links 

  • 5 September - 11 September

    We are now on a New Context "Movers and Shakers" 

    This could be defined in many different ways to different people. For Argument shake lets link this to a Vocation or an Occupation.  A vocation is something you love whilst an occupation is a job.

    You will now research your passions ! Can this become your occupation ! 

    We will create a CV and we will be working towards Job Applications for the year end work experience. 



    Lets view and read the above links 

  • 12 September - 18 September

    We are now on a New Context "Movers and Shakers" 

    This could be defined in many different ways to different people. For Argument shake lets link this to a Vocation or an Occupation.  A vocation is something you love whilst an occupation is a job.

    You will now research your passions ! Can this become your occupation ! 

    We will create a CV and we will be working towards Job Applications for the year end work experience. 



    Lets view and read the above links 

  • 19 September - 24 September

    We are now on a New Context "Movers and Shakers" 

    This could be defined in many different ways to different people. For Argument shake lets link this to a Vocation or an Occupation.  A vocation is something you love whilst an occupation is a job.

    You will now research your passions ! Can this become your occupation ! 

    We will create a CV and we will be working towards Job Applications for the year end work experience. 



    Lets view and read the above links 

  • 26 September - 2 October

    We are now on a New Context "Movers and Shakers" 

    This could be defined in many different ways to different people. For Argument shake lets link this to a Vocation or an Occupation.  A vocation is something you love whilst an occupation is a job.

    You will now research your passions ! Can this become your occupation ! 

    We will create a CV and we will be working towards Job Applications for the year end work experience. 



    Lets view and read the above links 

  • 3 October - 9 October

  • 10 October - 16 October

  • 17 October - 23 October

    Our Context is Halloween - You would need to complete a short story. I would need you to explore what about Halloween or scary stories that triggers your imagination. 

    Our first activity is to read at least 3 of these short stories attached on this link 

    Secondly read 3 from link 2 



    Once completed find a story that connects to you. 

    Using Google document start throwing ideas across the page. Your stories will be read by the current year 8M1 and 8M2 students that are also unpacking Halloween. Feel free to attach a horror picture of yourself as a writer. 

  • 24 October - 30 October

    Our Context is Halloween - You would need to complete a short story. I would need you to explore what about Halloween or scary stories that triggers your imagination. 

    Our first activity is to read at least 3 of these short stories attached on this link 


    Once completed find a story that connects to you. 

    Using Google document start throwing ideas across the page. Your stories will be read by the current year 8M1 and 8M2 students that are also unpacking Halloween. Feel free to attach a horror picture of yourself as a writer. 

  • 31 October - 6 November

    Our Context is Halloween - You would need to complete a short story. I would need you to explore what about Halloween or scary stories that triggers your imagination. 

    Our first activity is to read at least 3 of these short stories attached on this link 


    Once completed find a story that connects to you. 

    Using Google document start throwing ideas across the page. Your stories will be read by the current year 10M1 and 10M2 students that are also unpacking Halloween. Feel free to attach a horror picture of yourself as a writer. 

  • 7 November - 13 November

  • 14 November - 20 November

  • 21 November - 27 November

  • 28 November - 4 December

  • 5 December - 11 December

  • 12 December - 18 December