Weekly outline

  • General

                           Nau mai, haere mai 9C1

                 Welcome to your English class for 2024.


                                                                 Mā te tāngata i te waka

                                                              Haere haumaru ki takutai

                                                               Hei tūhura ki te ao tūroa

                                                     (When the people and the waka 

                                                        arrive safely to the shores,

                                              they will be ready to explore the world)

    Welcome to a new academic year filled with possibilities, growth, and exciting challenges! As you embark on this journey, remember that each day is an opportunity to learn, explore, and discover your incredible potential.

    Embrace every challenge with courage, for it is through challenges that we learn, grow, and become stronger individuals. Approach your studies with curiosity and enthusiasm, knowing that each lesson is a step toward your personal and academic success.

    You are capable of achieving greatness, and your unique talents contribute to the vibrant tapestry of our learning community. Believe in yourself, stay focused on your goals, and never underestimate the impact of your efforts.

    Together, let's create a supportive and inspiring environment where everyone thrives. Take pride in your accomplishments, learn from your experiences, and cherish the journey of education.

    Here's to a fantastic year filled with knowledge, friendship, and the joy of learning. You've got this!

    Ka kite ano
    Mrs M Naidoo

  • Term break

  • Term Break

  • Term 3 Week 1

    Kia ora whanau! Mānawatia a hoki te whakatau ki te kura! (Welcome back to school!) I hope everyone had a relaxing and enjoyable break.

    This term, we'll be embarking on a journey to explore Kotahitanga (unity) through the lens of significant human events, with the Olympics as our guiding theme. 

    We'll begin by strengthening our writing skills through the art of formal letter writing.

    Here's what we will do first:

    • Learning to express ourselves clearly and persuasively in a formal setting.
    • Understanding how events like the Olympics can foster a sense of unity and collaboration.
    • Connecting these concepts to our own lives and communities.

    Get ready to expand your knowledge, hone your writing skills, and delve into the powerful concept of Kotahitanga!

    Learning Intentions:

    • Students will write formal letters that demonstrate a clear purpose and audience.
    • Students will use persuasive language to support their arguments.
    • Students will integrate relevant information about the Olympic Games and the concept of unity.
    • Students will maintain a formal tone and appropriate register.

    Success Criteria:

    • Content :
      • The letter clearly addresses the chosen prompt and purpose.
      • Relevant information about the topic and unity is effectively integrated.
      • Persuasive language is used to support arguments or opinions (e.g., strong verbs, appeals to emotion, logical reasoning).
    • Structure and Organisation :
      • The letter follows a clear formal structure with a proper salutation, introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.
      • Transitions are used effectively to connect ideas within and between paragraphs.
    • Language Features :
      • Formal tone and appropriate register are maintained throughout the letter.
      • A variety of vocabulary is used, demonstrating understanding of the topic and formal writing style.
      • Sentence structure is varied and grammatically correct.

  • Term 3 Week 2


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING the different formats and purposes of newspaper articles, formal letters, opinion articles, and interviews.
    • We are EXPLORING how language features are used to achieve different purposes in these texts.

    Wänanga: The 5 Cs

    Wänanga: GREAT Ako

    Alex and Neha next to GREAT Ako

    Ako: Digital Literacy

    Victoria and Gurpreet in front of whiteboard

    This week we're diving into the world of journalism! We'll be exploring the structure of a newspaper article and discovering what makes a headline truly hīkaka (eye-catching). We'll also be thinking about how to choose the perfect image to accompany our stories.

    To bring this to life, we'll be focusing on writing a news article about a major event at the Olympics. Let's get ready to channel our inner reporters and create engaging stories!

    Success Criteria:

    • Whakamahia ngā āhuatanga o te tuhinga whaimana : I can identify and use appropriate language features for formal writing, such as formal greetings, polite tone, and correct punctuation.
    • Whakahaeretia ngā whakaaro : I can structure my writing with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion.
    • Whakamahia ngā hononga whakaaro : I can use linking words and phrases to connect ideas and create a logical flow.
    • Whakaputahia ngā whakaaro mā te mārama : I can present my ideas clearly and concisely using appropriate language.
    • Arotakehia te tuhinga : I can check my writing for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors.

  • Term 3 Week 3


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING the different formats and purposes of newspaper articles, formal letters, opinion articles, and interviews.
    • We are EXPLORING how language features are used to achieve different purposes in these texts.

    Wänanga: The 5 Cs

    Wänanga: GREAT Ako

    Alex and Neha next to GREAT Ako

    Ako: Digital Literacy

    Victoria and Gurpreet in front of whiteboard

    We are bringing our writing to life this week, we'll be focusing on writing a news article about a major event at the Olympics. Let's get ready to channel our inner reporters and create engaging stories!

    Success Criteria:

    • Whakamahia ngā āhuatanga o te tuhinga whaimana : I can identify and use appropriate language features for formal writing, such as formal greetings, polite tone, and correct punctuation.
    • Whakahaeretia ngā whakaaro : I can structure my writing with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion.
    • Whakamahia ngā hononga whakaaro : I can use linking words and phrases to connect ideas and create a logical flow.
    • Whakaputahia ngā whakaaro mā te mārama : I can present my ideas clearly and concisely using appropriate language.
    • Arotakehia te tuhinga : I can check my writing for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors.

  • Term 3 Week 4


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING the different formats and purposes of newspaper articles, formal letters, opinion articles, and interviews.
    • We are EXPLORING how language features are used to achieve different purposes in these texts.

    Wänanga: The 5 Cs

    Wänanga: GREAT Ako

    Alex and Neha next to GREAT Ako

    Ako: Digital Literacy

    Victoria and Gurpreet in front of whiteboard

    Kia ora whānau,

    This week we're diving into the exciting world of journalism! We'll be putting the finishing touches on our newspaper articles. Remember to use the success criteria below as your guide to creating amazing stories. Let's work together to produce a fantastic newspaper!

    Success Criteria:
    • My article has a clear purpose and achieves its intended goal (e.g., to inform, entertain, persuade).
    • My article presents information in a clear, concise, and engaging manner.
    • I have included relevant details and examples to support my main points.
    • I have structured my article logically with a clear beginning, middle, and end.
    • I have used a variety of sentence structures to maintain reader interest.
    • I have used accurate and appropriate vocabulary to convey my meaning.
    • My writing is free from grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. I have used language that is suitable for my target audience.
    • My article has a clear and engaging headline that accurately reflects the content.
    • I have used paragraphs effectively to organise my information.
    • My article has a strong conclusion that summarises the main points.

  • Week 5 Term 3

    Kia ora whanau

    This week we will work on completing our newspaper article and then begin our Film study on the movie "Race"

    RACE (biopic of Jesse Owens ...

    Learning Intentions:

    • Students will explore the themes of racism, prejudice, and discrimination as depicted in the film.
    • Students will develop critical thinking skills by analyzing the film's portrayal of historical events and characters.
    • Students will demonstrate their understanding through various forms of creative expression by creating their own static image.

    Success Criteria:

    • Students can analyse the ways in which racism and discrimination are depicted in the film.
    • Students can provide evidence from the film to support their analysis.
    • Students can create a creative product (Static Image) that demonstrates their understanding of the film and its themes.
    • Students can effectively communicate their ideas and findings to others.

  • Week 6 Term 3

    This week

    We will continue on our learning journey with our Film Study.

    RACE (biopic of Jesse Owens ...

    Learning Intentions:

    • Students will explore the themes of racism, prejudice, and discrimination as depicted in the film.
    • Students will develop critical thinking skills by analyzing the film's portrayal of historical events and characters.
    • Students will demonstrate their understanding through various forms of creative expression by creating their own static image.

    Success Criteria:

    • Students can analyse the ways in which racism and discrimination are depicted in the film.
    • Students can provide evidence from the film to support their analysis.
    • Students can create a creative product (Static Image) that demonstrates their understanding of the film and its themes.
    • Students can effectively communicate their ideas and findings to others.

  • Week 7 Term 3

  • Week 8 Term 3

  • Week 9 Term 3

  • Week 10 Term 3

  • 30 September - 6 October

  • 7 October - 13 October

  • 14 October - 20 October

  • 21 October - 27 October

  • 28 October - 3 November

  • 4 November - 10 November

  • 11 November - 17 November

  • 18 November - 24 November

  • 25 November - 1 December

  • 2 December - 8 December

  • 9 December - 15 December