Korean Notes
1.Korean is spoken by 67 million native speakers on the Korean Peninsular and about 6 million speakers outside of Korea.

2.Hangul is the name for the Korean alphabet and means ‘The Great Writing.’ It was invented in 1443 by King Sejong.

3.All Korean characters can be drawn using 5 basic lines. ㅇ,ㄱ, ㅡ, ㄴ, ㅣ

4.Korean letters are written from left to right and from top to bottom.

5.Hangul is called an ‘alphabet syllabary’, because it combines the features of alphabetic and syllabic writing systems.  That is it shows not just the individual phonemes but also how they are arranged into syllables. It is a 2-D writing system.

6.Korean has 19 consonants and 21 vowels. (Don’t be put off English has at least 44 in total.)  Your first job is to memorize these, …like crazy!!

Last modified: Friday, 30 July 2021, 3:11 PM