Lesson 2 
Notes (Please write into your exercise book)

1.The consonants are modelled on the position of the mouth for that sound but,
2.The vowels are modelled on an East Asian philosophy including Yin & Yang and the triad of Heaven (sun: circle) Earth  (flat line) and man (vertical line).
3.If the sun is to the right of the man and above the earth it makes  a bright (yang) vowel. Eg ㅏ, ㅗ .
4.If the sun is to the left of the man and under the earth it makes a dark (yin) vowel. ㅓ, ㅜ
5.There are also neutral vowels, e.g. ㅣ, ㅡ.

Last modified: Tuesday, 11 August 2020, 6:19 PM