Accidents and Sick Students

(Last edited: Tuesday, 22 June 2010, 7:54 PM)


If you have an accident at school, you must inform a teacher who will ensure you are cared for.


If you are unwell during the class time, you should inform your teacher who will send you to reception with an appropriate note. If you need to go home the receptionist will phone your parents. You are not to go home without going through this process. Please do not just call your parents to pick you up as we will not know where you are. For safety reasons no one will be allowed to go home to an empty house.


You are allowed to carry your own prescription medicine and panadol for your own use. Your medicine can be stored in the Health Centre with detailed instructions for administration if required.

Allergies and Severe Medical Conditions

If you have medicine for allergies or severe medical conditions it can be stored in the Health Centre.

First Aid Kits

First Aid Kits are kept in each Whanau Space. All whanau also have a supply of Band Aids.

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