Wednesday, 3 July 2024, 5:38 PM
Site: Mission Heights Online
Course: Student Information (INFORMATION)
Glossary: Student Handbook

Your Learning and Your Learning Advisor

(Last edited: Friday, 24 January 2020, 2:11 PM)

At Mission Heights Junior College we want you to be very involved in your learning. You should understand your learning and set challenging goals for yourself if you want to succeed.  All student have a Learning Advisor. Your Learning Advisors can support you if you have a question/concern about your learning and are available as a usual first port of call for your parents/caregivers if they have question or concern about your learning.

Learning Advisor time occurs once a week and is scheduled during Friday’s DEEP session. Your Learning Advisor will also meet with you and your parents at your student led conference twice a year. Your Learning Advisor will support you gather evidence for your holistic report & to set learning goals. You will be able to monitor your progress on Mission Heights Online through your eReport. You can access your eReport and your e-asTTle/PAT results easily online.