Wednesday, 3 July 2024, 5:23 PM
Site: Mission Heights Online
Course: Student Information (INFORMATION)
Glossary: Student Handbook

School Map

(Last edited: Wednesday, 4 August 2010, 9:00 AM)
School Ground Floor
Ground Floor

School Map First Floor
First Floor

School Uniform

(Last edited: Monday, 9 May 2016, 2:45 PM)

When you wear your uniform you represent Mission Heights Junior College. We hope you will wear your uniform with pride and we expect you to wear it correctly, both in the school and in the community. The uniform can be purchased at John Russell Menswear, Howick.

Please ensure that all items are regulation items including shoes, sandals' and socks (plain white ankle socks for girls, plain black business ankle socks for boys).

Detailed information is available in the school prospectus (please find this uploaded in PDF format on the right-hand side of this entry) or you can check with your Assistant Principal.

Your hair must be worn tidily and must not be in your eyes. Natural hair colours only are allowed and hairstyles must be moderate.

Makeup is not to be worn at school and we do not allow any visible facial or body piercing. You may wear one small plain gold or silver stud in each ear. The only other jewellery that can be worn is a watch. No other visible jewellery including facial or body piercing is permitted.

The Principal and Deputy Principal may determine what is appropriate and their decision is final.

Schoolbag Storage

(Last edited: Tuesday, 22 June 2010, 7:22 PM)
Cupboards are provided to secure your bags and belongings in all classrooms. You will have the opportunity to secure your bags in the bag cupboard which will remain locked during interval and lunch. Your bags will also be secure in bag lockers during PE lessons. All bags will be in cupboards during class. Be ready to learn with all the equipment you need on your table.


(Last edited: Tuesday, 26 January 2016, 11:46 AM)

Back to School stationary are available from the School Website.  These lists are also available from Reception.

Please check your year level list to ensure you have all your stationery before school starts.

Student Leaders

(Last edited: Thursday, 7 February 2019, 8:51 AM)

You will have a range of opportunities to become a leader within our school community e.g. as a librarian, road patroller, ICT crew member or monitor with specific responsibilities. Some of you will want to mentor and work alongside younger students, some will take on service roles in our community. Students will be selected as class representatives in February and will be involved in the Whanau Council for the year. In addition, at least two senior students from each Whanau will be appointed to the Executive Council, who will meet regularly with the Principal. 

Sunsafe Sunglasses and Suncream

(Last edited: Monday, 17 February 2020, 2:46 PM)

New Zealand has one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world. We expect you to be responsible and wear a hat at morning tea, lunchtime and other times when you are outside. We encourage you to wear sunglasses and use effective sunscreen. It is a requirement to have a sunhat term 1 and 4. Please be sun safe.