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Site: Mission Heights Online
Course: Student Information (INFORMATION)
Glossary: Student Handbook

Learning and Assessment

(Last edited: Thursday, 7 February 2019, 8:43 AM)

At Mission Heights Junior College we want you to be very involved in your learning. You have a Learning Advisor who meets with you and your parents at your student lead conference twice a year. Your Learning Advisor will support you to set learning goals. You can monitor your progress on Mission Heights Online as a record of your learning and achievement. You can access your eReport and your e-asTTle/PAT results easily online. 

Assessment and eReporting
Yr 7 and 8 Core subjects - 3x assessments annually. All assessments have feedforward/feedback for students with 2 formal reporting comments (1&3)
Yr 7 and 8 Chunked Specialist Learning Area  - a termly assessment with formal reporting comment
Yr 7 and 8 Languages - 1x assessment each half year with formal reporting comment

Yr 9 and 10 Core subjects - 3x assessments annually. All assessments have feedforward/feedback for students with 2 formal reporting comments (1&3) plus an Examination (Common paper)
Yr 9 and 10 Option subjects - 2x assessments annually. All assessments have feedforward/feedback for students. One with formal reporting comment.

Learning in a Secondary School Environment

(Last edited: Thursday, 7 February 2019, 8:45 AM)

Mission Heights Junior College is a secondary school and there are many benefits of attending a Year 7 to 10 secondary school. You will be taught by highly qualified specialist teachers in specialist rooms right from Year 7.

Whereas in most secondary schools, you would do your “taster” year in Year 9, when you would try a range of subjects other than English, Maths and Science which you may want to study for your qualifications in Year 11 and beyond, at MHJC you do this early in Years 7 and 8 and then have a two year lead in to NCEA studying your two selected options in depth in addition to English, Mathematics, Science, Global Studies, Physical Education and Health.

You will have your own learning plan or timetable. Each day you will have 5 sessions. You will be involved in planning aspects of your learning with your teachers.

In Year 7 and 8 you will study; English, Mathematics, Science, Global Studies, Physical Education and Health, as well as Art, Performing Arts, Mandarin, Spanish, Technology, STEM and eLearning.

In Year 9 and 10 you will continue with English, Mathematics, Science, Global Studies, Physical Education & Health. In addition, Year 9s and Year 10s will choose 2 Options. The Options you have to choose from are General Technology, Digital Technology, Food Technology, Fabric Technology, Art, Music, Enterprise Studies (Yr 9) Business Studies (Yr 10), Graphics and Design, Outdoor Education, Media Studies, History, Mandarin and Spanish. It is best if you can continue with the same options in both Years 9 and 10 to give you a strong head start for Year 11 but if you need to you can change after Year 9 after discussion with your learning advisor and your Whanau Assistant Principal

At MHJC you will also have the option to study a variety of other things through your DEEP options and this is where you can experiment with a number of different learning experiences. You will have 4 DEEP sessions a week.

DEEP Learning (Discovery, Essentials, Enrichment and Passions) will happen Monday - Thursday with Learning Advisor Time on Friday. You will select your DEEP options with the help of your learning advisor according to your interests, passions and learning needs.

You will identify your DEEP course preferences during the selection process.
You can select a maximum of:
- 3 DEEP cooking courses over the entire year
- 2 sports can be identified within each terms selection
- 3 DEEP courses in the same curriculum/learning area.
You will have no more than two directed “essential“ programmes.


(Last edited: Wednesday, 23 January 2013, 9:15 AM)

Mission Heights Junior College Library is a shared space with the Mission Heights Primary School. The library has many books for learning and pleasure and access to ICT to continue with on-line discussions and research. You can work in this space until approximately 4.00pm each day. You can reserve and renew books online.