Wednesday, 3 July 2024, 5:42 PM
Site: Mission Heights Online
Course: Student Information (INFORMATION)
Glossary: Student Handbook

Academic Extension

(Last edited: Thursday, 7 February 2019, 8:14 AM)

If you are a student who enjoys and benefits from extra challenge there are many opportunities available to you at MHJC. You should choose your DEEP options carefully and try some of the more challenging options.  Project Inquiry may be available students during DEEP curriculum time or as a Whanau Context. Your Learning Advisor can help you do this. We offer many extra academic competitions, including all the ICAS competitions, Mathex, and problem-solving. 

If you are finding classwork too easy, talk to your learning advisor, your teacher, your Assistant Principal or your Senior Leader Curriculum from your Whanau.

Remember too that you should be aiming for all-round success. Students who gain Top Scholar awards are those who have achieved at a very high level in their class work but have also participated widely in 4 cornerstones activities, academic, sporting, cultural and leadership outside of their normal class work.

Accidents and Sick Students

(Last edited: Tuesday, 22 June 2010, 7:54 PM)


If you have an accident at school, you must inform a teacher who will ensure you are cared for.


If you are unwell during the class time, you should inform your teacher who will send you to reception with an appropriate note. If you need to go home the receptionist will phone your parents. You are not to go home without going through this process. Please do not just call your parents to pick you up as we will not know where you are. For safety reasons no one will be allowed to go home to an empty house.


You are allowed to carry your own prescription medicine and panadol for your own use. Your medicine can be stored in the Health Centre with detailed instructions for administration if required.

Allergies and Severe Medical Conditions

If you have medicine for allergies or severe medical conditions it can be stored in the Health Centre.

First Aid Kits

First Aid Kits are kept in each Whanau Space. All whanau also have a supply of Band Aids.

Arrivals and Departures

(Last edited: Tuesday, 26 January 2016, 11:22 AM)

Your Whanau area is open from 8.00am in the morning or earlier if a teacher unlocks and allows you to enter.

After school, the library is open to 4:00pm and the Whanau areas are open until 4pm for those of you who wish to continue working on learning tasks or to use the library.


(Last edited: Tuesday, 24 January 2012, 2:59 PM)

Each Whanau holds an assembly every four weeks in the theatre.

Whole school assemblies are also held each term to celebrate significant achievements and events in the life of the school.


(Last edited: Wednesday, 29 June 2022, 2:56 PM)

Assessment for learning is a guiding principle for effective teaching and learning. Teachers will provide students with authentic assessment opportunities which enhance the learning process.

As part of our preparation of students for future NCEA assessment and as a principle of effective learning, teachers provide feedback and feedforward at predetermined checkpoints. Students may be granted the opportunity to resubmit at the teacher’s discretion provided a genuine effort had been made (refer to Resubmission section). Any queries relating to this process should be directed to the Assistant Principal who will address the concern appropriately.

It is an expectation the all assessment work is submitted. For late submissions, a maximum grade of Achieved will apply.

Assessment and eReporting
Yr 7 and 8 Core subjects - 2x TAAB assessments annually. All assessments have feedforward/feedback for students with 2 formal reporting comments
Yr 7 and 8 Chunked Specialist Learning Area  - a termly assessment with formal reporting comment (except Term 4)
Yr 7 and 8 Languages - 1x assessment each half year with formal reporting comment

Yr 9 and 10 Core subjects - 3x assessments annually; 2x TAAB assessments and 1x Common Assessment Paper (CAT). All assessments have feedforward/feedback for students with 2 formal reporting comments for the TAAB assessments only.
Yr 9 and 10 Option subjects - 2x assessments annually. All assessments have feedforward/feedback for students. One with formal reporting comment.

Any queries relating to this process should be directed to the Assistant Principal who will address the concern appropriately.

Attendance and Absences

(Last edited: Tuesday, 26 January 2016, 1:02 PM)

The roll is taken in every session. Any absence or lateness to class is registered.

If you are going to be absent or late your parent or caregiver should phone or email your Whanau Student Services to explain;

Coast Student Services: OR phone the absence line on 09 2505600
Forest Student Services: OR phone the absence line on 09 2505600
Water Student Services: OR phone the absence line on 09 2505600
Mountains Student Services: OR phone the absence line on 09 2505600

Alternatively an email should be sent to your Assistant Principal or a note brought when you next return to school. Students who arrive at school after school has started should report to Reception to sign in before coming to the classroom.

Absence from school for any medical or family reason must be advised by parents or caregivers in advance (where appropriate) or with a written explanation within 24 hours of returning to school.

If you need to leave the school grounds at any time during the day you must provide a note from your parents or caregiver for your Whanau Assistant Principal.

You will need to sign out at reception and be accompanied by an appropriate adult, and sign in again when you return to school during that day.

Attendance at school during term time is a legal requirement. If your family is planning an extended overseas trip they must seek permission from the Principal in advance or the absence is considered to be truancy and will have to be reported as such.

Awards and Prizes

(Last edited: Tuesday, 5 December 2023, 2:42 PM)

At MHJC students can aim for special awards throughout the year and at prize giving. Students will be recognised for their effort and achievements during Whanau assemblies (usually 2 per Term). We offer many opportunities for students to participate in competitions and many of our students have already been winners.

Students are acknowledged in different forums such as virtually, Whānau Assembly, end of term Champions Assembly, end of year Whānau Assembly and Prizegiving.

At MHJC we promote our values of Pono, Āwhinatanga and Whakamana

1. Kia Mana Ake recognition

At Prizegiving this award acknowledges students who have grown their greatness - the qualities and values promoted as important at MHJC.

2. Kōtuku Award

At Prizegiving we acknowledge an outstanding Māori student who best exemplifies our values. One Māori proverb says, "He kotuku rerenga tahi" which means "A White Heron flies once" - this is used on an occasion when something very special takes place. It is a symbol of prestige, purity, and uniqueness.

3. Tautua Award

At Prizegiving we acknowledge an outstanding Pasifika student who best exemplifies our values. There is a Samoan proverb which reads "O le ala i le pule o le tautua' which means 'The way to leadership is through service'. Tautua means 'service'.

4. Ta'ita'i Award

At prize giving we already acknowledge an outstanding student who best exemplifies our school values through promotion and celebration of our cultures.  A Māori whakatauki says, “He kai rāranga i ngā tira” meaning “someone who is able to weave people and culture together”.

5.GREAT Learner Awards

Each year we recognise students who have completed  the various stages of being a Great  Learner at MHJC. Students will be awarded a physical and electronic badge for the stages. We also recognise students who attain the highest stage of the Great Learner Progression at Champions Assembly.

At MHJC we promote excellence by recognising and awarding students through:

1. Top Scholar recognition
Our highest awards are our Top Scholar Awards. At Prizegiving this award is presented to only a small number of Academic Excellence Award winners who also have achieved and participated across activities from the 4 cornerstones. When a student can combine this level of elite academic achievement with extensive achievement across the four cornerstones we are truly looking at the best of the best. Students will demonstrate a commitment to the MHJC vision. They will be GREAT students. They will have participated and achieved extensively across the 4 cornerstones. The range, commitment level and the level of achievement will be considered and measured against that of their peers.

2. Champions Awards (please see Champions Award Criteria for detailed clarification of legibility) 
Each term we recognise students who have achieved at the highest level for their age group in our Celebration Assemblies, where we present Champions Awards. These recognise those students who have, for example, won a whole school event or placed in the top 3 in local regional or national competitions in sport, academic or cultural activities (4 cornerstones). We also recognise students who have achieved at a high level internationally. Students who have achieved Distinction or High Distinction in more than one competition are also recognised as champions.

3Elite Award
At Prizegiving this award is presented to students who have attained a Champions Award in every cornerstone in same year

4Academic Excellence
At Prizegiving this award is presented to those students (Top 10% of each cohort) who achieve the highest grade point average across all their assessments in all subjects for the whole year.

5. Leadership recognition
We also recognise our elite leaders, our Executive Student Council and exceptional leadership within the other cornerstones.

6Top performance in Common Assessment Tasks (CAT)
At Prizegiving this award acknowledges Year 9 and 10 students who attain the Top Rank in each subject

At MHJC we promote progress and participation by recognising and awarding students through:

1. Top 10 participants in cornerstones
At Prize giving we recognise students whose participation has been the most significant across all 4 cornerstones.

2. Most Improved
At Prizegiving we acknowledge two students at each level in a Whānau who have made the most significant Academic Progress.

3. Academic Achievement
At end of year Whānau Assembly students who have achieved 'Beyond' cohort curriculum expectations in specific Learning Areas are acknowledged.

4. e-badges
All year students are awarded e-badges for participation in a cornerstone activity and is reflected on the students MHJC Profile.
(See below)

Participation - getting involved and giving this ago. Showing commitment for a short term activity

Merit Participation  - to recognise extended commitment and effort to differentiation between a one off commitment and longer term commitments

ie Leader for the Year 6 evening vs Council Leader

ie ICAS academic competition Vs Science fair

ie Swimming Sports Vs Season Sport

ie Cultural Dress day Vs Production

Champion - elite performance as described in Awards and Prizegiving criteria