7M2 Mathematics
Weekly outline
Kia ora...
Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...
Quick Recall and accuracy- x and -:, -, + basic facts
Success Criteria: I can/have...
List basic facts, x and-:-timetables up to 12 time tables
Complete a 10x 10 grid in 5 mins
Used addition/subtraction strategies
Draw a 10 by 10 grid. Teacher to list numbers and time for 5 mins.
Addition and subtraction word problems doc from teacher.
Problem solving questions nzmaths.co.nz/resource/cars-garages http://nzmaths.co.nz/resource/cars-garages
Level 1,2,3,4
Kia ora koutou
Welcome 7M1. I am Mr Lal. I will be your Maths teacher for this year. Our classroom is M2.
My expectations are:
1. be punctual
2. bring the correct book and equipments to class
3. stay on task in class
4. do homework to best of your ability.
5. finish any class work in your own time.
Topic: Number System and Its Importance
Assessment Week 8-9
We are going to discuss and co construct our learning based around the context for term 1 which is Survival, from which we can begin to create possible learning outcomes.
W1: Basic facts and discussion of context.
W2: Diagnostic test on Number. Formed groups. Completed WS for different levels, Number: Intro: Bedmas.
W3: Complete BEDMAS. Rounding to dec pl .
Learning Intention:
We are learning to explore types of Numbers and its operations.
Success Criteria:
Can carry out at least 2 of the calculations can carry out all 4 operations on double digit number.
can round numbers to dp.
can follow bedmas
can solve word problems
can estimate answers
- Bedmas tasks
- Rounding tasks.
- copy questions in your books. Show working.
Work in google classroom. Link below
https://classroom.google.com/u/0/c/NDExNzU1MDA1MFpaEXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING types of numbers, times tables and different strategies.
- We are EXPLORING how to carry out basic calculations with Whole numbers, Decimals and Fractions.
- We are EXPLORING on how to apply the skills of number knowledge to organise camp costs in order to survive a camp.
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING on using number skills to solve problems.
- We are FOCUSING place values and rounding.
- We are FOCUSING on multiples and Factors
Kia ora koutou
Welcome 7M1. I am Mr Lal. I will be your Maths teacher for this year. Our classroom is M2.
Lockdown: Monday 15 - 17 Feb level 3. All work in Maths buddy and Google classroom.
My expectations are:
1. be punctual
2. bring the correct book and equipments to class
3. stay on task in class
4. do homework to best of your ability.
5. finish any class work in your own time.
Topic: Number System and Its Importance
Assessment Week 8-9
We are going to discuss and co construct our learning based around the context for term 1 which is Survival, from which we can begin to create possible learning outcomes.
W1: Basic facts and discussion of context.
W2: Diagnostic test on Number. Formed groups. Completed WS for different levels, Number: Intro: Bedmas.
W3: Complete BEDMAS. Rounding to dec pl .
Learning Intention:
We are learning to explore types of Numbers and its operations.
Success Criteria:
Can carry out at least 2 of the calculations can carry out all 4 operations on double digit number.
can round numbers to dp.
can follow bedmas
can solve word problems
can estimate answers
- Bedmas tasks
- Rounding tasks.
- copy questions in your books. Show working.
Kia ora koutou
Resilience- Reflect and bounce back to Number.
My expectations are:
1. be punctual
2. bring the correct book and equipments to class
3. stay on task in class
4. do homework to best of your ability.
5. finish any class work in your own time.
Topic: Number System and Its Importance
Assessment Week 8-9
We are going to discuss and co construct our learning based around the context for term 1 which is Survival, from which we can begin to create possible learning outcomes.
Week 4.
1. easTTle Testing
W3: Complete BEDMAS. Rounding to dec pl .
Learning Intention:
We are learning to explore types of Numbers and its operations.
Success Criteria:
Can carry out at least 2 of the calculations can carry out all 4 operations on double digit number.
can round numbers to dp.
can follow bedmas
can solve word problems
can estimate answers
- Bedmas tasks
- Rounding tasks.
- copy questions in your books. Show working.
Kia ora koutou
Week 8
My expectations are:
1. be punctual
2. bring the correct book and equipments to class
3. stay on task in class
4. do homework to best of your ability.
5. finish any class work in your own time.
Topic: Number System and Its Importance
Assessment Week 9-10
We are going to discuss and co construct our learning based around the context for term 1 which is Survival, from which we can begin to create possible learning outcomes.
W3: Complete BEDMAS. Rounding to dec pl .
Learning Intention:
We are learning to explore Decimal numbers
Success Criteria:
Can write and read decimal numbers
can carry out basic operations with Decimals
can solve word problems with Decimals
can estimate answers
Activities: in Google classroom
Week 9
Assessment 1 Due this Thursday.
Learning Intention:
We are learning to Multiply and Divide Decimal numbers wth Whole numbers
Success Criteria:
Can multiply and divide decimal numbers with 10,s 100s 1000s
can multiply and Divide Decimals with Whole numbers
can solve word problems with Decimals
can estimate answers
Activities: in Google classroom
Week 10
Assessment 1 :Part 2 next week Thursday.
Learning Intention:
We are learning to Multiply and Divide Decimal numbers wth Whole numbers
Success Criteria:
can multiply and Divide Decimals with Whole numbers
can work with money questions
can solve word problems with Decimals
can estimate answers
Activities: in Google classroom
Week 11
Assessment 1 :Part 2 this week Wednesday.
Topic: Whole numbers, Place value, basic operations, Decimals
Learning Intention:
We are learning to Multiply and Divide Decimal numbers wth Whole numbers.
Revise for the test.
Done practice test and corrections.
Success Criteria:
Can carry out basic operations with whole numbers.
+, -, X, and divide.
can work with money questions
can solve word problems with Decimals
can estimate answers
Activities: in Google classroom
Kia ora 7M2
Welcome to Term 2.
Topic: Decimals , Fractions, Percentages
Learning Intention:
We are learning to work Decimal numbers.
Success Criteria:
Can carry out basic operations with Decimal numbers
+, -, X, and divide.
Understand basic fractions
can work with money questions
can write fractions .
can solve word problems with Decimals and Fractions
can estimate answers
Activities: in Google classroom
Context: Maths and Music
Topic: Decimals , Fractions, Percentages
Learning Intention:
We are learning to work Decimal numbers.
Success Criteria:
Can carry out basic calculations with Money questions .
understand fractions as part of a whole
can write fractions in words
can solve word problems with Decimals and fractions.
Activities: in Google classroom
Context: Maths and MusicTopic: Decimals , Fractions,
Learning Intention:
We are learning to work Decimal and Fractions numbers.
Success Criteria:
understand fractions as part of a whole
can write fractions in words
equivalent fractions
can solve word problems with Decimals and fractions.
Activities: in Google classroom
Context: Maths and MusicTopic: Fractions, Percentages
Learning Intention:
We are learning to work Fractional numbers.
Success Criteria:
understand fractions as part of a whole
can write change fractions to mixed numbers
Can add and subtract fractions with different denominators.
Decimals to fractions
Activities: in Google classroom
Context: Maths and Music
Topic: Percentages
Learning Intention:
We are learning to work PERCENTAGES .
Success Criteria:
Can convert common Fractions to Percentages and vice -versa
can change Fractions to Decimals to percentages.
can calculate common Percentages
Context: Maths and Music
Topic: Percentages
Learning Intention:
We are learning to work PERCENTAGES .
Success Criteria:
Fractions , Decimals and Percentages conversions
can calculate common Percentages
can apply Fractions and Decimals to word problems
Kia ora Kautou
Week 7
Algebra and Patterns
Learning Intention:
We are learning to work numerical and stick diagram patterns.
Success Criteria:
can identify patterns
can explain patterns with diagrams
can write general rules for patterns.
Work in Google classroom.
Have worked on Multiple representations of patterns
Kia ora Kautou
Week 8
Algebra and Patterns
Learning Intention:
We are learning to work numerical and stick diagram patterns.
Success Criteria:
can identify patterns
can explain patterns with general rules
can write general rules for patterns using variables.
Work in Google classroom.
Have worked on Multiple representations of patterns
Kia ora Kautou
Week 10: last week of term 2
Algebra and Patterns
Learning Intention:
We are learning to work numerical and stick diagram patterns.
Success Criteria:
can identify patterns
can explain patterns with diagrams
can write general rules for patterns.
Work in Google classroom.
Have worked on Multiple representations of patterns
Kia ora
Week 10
Learning Intention:
We are learning different types of Patterns
Success Criteria:
can identify Fiobonacci patterns
can explain triangular and Pascals number patterns
can write general rules for patterns.
Work in Google classroom.
Algebra Bk 2: pages 16...
Kia ora class.
Welcome to Term 3
Context: Myths + Legends
Topic: Geometry - Shapes and Transformations
Week 1: Tasks: 1, 3 Properties of shapes.
Tasks in Google classroom:
ReflectionEXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING geometrical shapes and its properties in art.
- We are EXPLORING geometrical properties of 2D and 3D shapes in Pasifica art.
- We are EXPLORING transformations in art.
Kia ora class
Welcome to Term 3Context: Myths + Legends
Topic: Geometry - Shapes and Transformations
Week 1: Tasks: 4,5 Properties of shapes.
Tasks in Google classroom: https://classroom.google.com/u/0/w/MjUwMDUxMDEwNzQ1/tc/MjUzMTQwNjg3NDA0EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING geometrical shapes and its properties in art.
- We are EXPLORING geometrical properties of 2D and 3D shapes in Pasifica art.
- We are EXPLORING transformations in art.
Kia ora
Week 3: Focus on Transformations
Reflection, Translation, Tessellation
Learning Intention:
We are learning different types of Transformations and its properties
Success Criteria:
can reflect and translate shapes
can reflect, translate and tessellate complex shapes
can write features of these transformations
Work in Google classroom:
AWS L4 Geometry
Kia ora class
Week 4: Art in Myths and Legends
Learning Intention:
We are exploring types of transformations in Pacifica and Maori art..
Success Criteria:
Can do
Reflectioncan do Reflection and Translation
Can do Rotation
can describe the properties of all transformations.
- AWS Level 4 Geometry Task 25,26,27
Work in google classroom. Link below
https://classroom.google.com/u/0/w/MjUwMDUxMDEwNzY1/tc/MjY4NjkxMDExMDg2 -
Kia ora class
Week 5: Art in Myths and Legends
Learning Intention:
We are exploring types of transformations in Pacifica and Maori art..
Success Criteria:
Can do Rotation Can do enlargement
can describe the properties of all transformations.
can describe the properties of all transformations in Maori patterns.
- AWS Level 4 Geometry Task 27, 30,34
Work in google classroom. Link below
https://classroom.google.com/u/0/w/MjUwMDUxMDEwNzY1/tc/MjY4NjkxMDExMDg2 -
Week 6: Angles in shapes and ART
Learning Intention:
We are exploring types of angles and angle properties in Pacifica and Maori art..
Success Criteria:
Can state types of angles Can use a protractor to draw and measure angles. Can label angles
can calculate angles formed on straight lines
can identify the angles in various arts and polygons
- AWS Level 4 Geometry Task #2, 3, 4, 5
Work in google classroom. Link below
https://classroom.google.com/u/0/w/MjUwMDUxMDEwNzY1/tc/MjY4NjkxMDExMDg2 -