7 Technology
Weekly outline
Welcome to Technology with Mr Taha and Mr Symons.
This term you will work on Designing and Developing a material/s outcome.
Please bring your device to class each lesson.
We will be using MHO and Google Classroom.
All your Learning Intentions and Success Criteria and weekly tasks will be here on MHO and you will also find some of the activities on Google Classroom.
We will be working with your Whanau to develop an outcome (make something) that links to your other studies.
Firstly we will be looking at What Tech Education is about and learning some of the words and terms that you will come see and hear when working in the Technology rooms.
Google Classroom Code:
* What is Technology and Technology Education ?* Technology Language
* Codes of Practice - Safe use of the Tech rooms and tools and equipment.
Learning Intentions:
We are EXPLORING what Technology is and what Technology Education is about at MHJC.
We are EXPLORING the terminology used in Technology Education
We are EXPLORING the Codes of Practice that we must follow when working in the Tech Workshop.
Success Criteria:
I have participated in a discussion about Technology and Tech Education
I can recognised the difference between a product from nature and a technological outcome
I can identify a range of different technologies
I understand the terms used in Technology Education
I can identify safe codes of practice to follow in the Tech workshop
1. Slide show - view this in class with your teacher.
2- Safety in the workshop
3. Nature v's Technological Outcome- see Google Classroom
Kia ora
We will be working with your Whanau to develop an outcome (make something) that links to your other studies.
Firstly we will be looking at What Tech Education is about and learning some of the words and terms that you will come see and hear when working in the Technology rooms.
Google Classroom Code:
* What is Technology and Technology Education ?* Technology Language
* Codes of Practice - Safe use of the Tech rooms and tools and equipment.
Learning Intentions:
We are EXPLORING what Technology is and what Technology Education is about at MHJC.
We are EXPLORING the terminology used in Technology Education
We are EXPLORING the Codes of Practice that we must follow when working in the Tech Workshop.
Success Criteria:
I have participated in a discussion about Technology and Tech Education
I can recognised the difference between a product from nature and a technological outcome
I can identify a range of different technologies
I understand the terms used in Technology Education
I can identify safe codes of practice to follow in the Tech workshop
1. Slide show - view this in class with your teacher.
2- Safety in the workshop
3. Nature v's Technological Outcome- see Google Classroom
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING light emitting devices by integrating and collaborating with Science and doing a research online on how might we use different materials twith electric circuits and components to design and make a torch light for year 7s to use at camp.
Kia ora
We will be working with your Whanau to develop an outcome (make something) that links to your other studies.
Firstly we will be looking at What Tech Education is about and learning some of the words and terms that you will come see and hear when working in the Technology rooms.
Google Classroom Code:
* What is Technology and Technology Education ?* Technology Language- Brief and Specification
* Codes of Practice - Introduction to soldering and cardboard net construction
Learning Intentions:
We are EXPLORING what is the Design Process
We are EXPLORING the terminology used in Electronic circuits
We are EXPLORING the Codes of Practice that we must follow when working in the Tech Workshop. Safety
Success Criteria:
I have participated in a discussion about Electronic components and circuits
I can recognised electronic symbols and what they stand for.
I can identify a range of safety practises when soldering.
I understand the terms used in Technology like Brief,specification, stakeholder, need, opportunity and solution.
I can identify safe codes of practice to follow in the Tech workshop
1. Slide show - electronic components and their symbols view this in class with your teacher.
2- Safety in the workshop- Soldering Demo
3. Starting the template for the NET using cardboard.
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING light emitting devices by integrating and collaborating with Science and doing a research online on how might we use different materials twith electric circuits and components to design and make a torch light for year 7s to use at camp.
Continue with the project document and complete the brief and research.
Kia ora
We will be working with your Whanau to develop an outcome (make something) that links to your other studies.
Firstly we will be looking at What Tech Education is about and learning some of the words and terms that you will come see and hear when working in the Technology rooms.
Google Classroom Code:
* What is Technology and Technology Education ?* Technology Language- Brief and Specification
* Codes of Practice - Introduction to soldering and cardboard net construction
Learning Intentions:
We are EXPLORING what is the Design Process
We are EXPLORING the terminology used in Electronic circuits
We are EXPLORING the Codes of Practice that we must follow when working in the Tech Workshop. Safety
Success Criteria:
I have participated in a discussion about Electronic components and circuits
I can recognised electronic symbols and what they stand for.
I can identify a range of safety practises when soldering.
I understand the terms used in Technology like Brief,specification, stakeholder, need, opportunity and solution.
I can identify safe codes of practice to follow in the Tech workshop
1. Slide show - electronic components and their symbols view this in class with your teacher.
2- Safety in the workshop- Soldering Demo
3. Starting the template for the NET using cardboard.
4. Soldering multiple components to create a simple circuit.
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING light emitting devices by integrating and collaborating with Science and doing a research online on how might we use different materials with electric circuits and components to design and make a torch light for year 7s to use at camp.
Kia ora
We will be working with your Whanau to develop an outcome (make something) that links to your other studies.
* What is Technology and Technology Education ?* Technology Language- Brief and Specification
* Codes of Practice - Introduction to soldering and cardboard net construction
Learning Intentions:
We are EXPLORING what is the Design Process
We are EXPLORING the terminology used in Electronic circuits
We are EXPLORING the Codes of Practice that we must follow when working in the Tech Workshop. Safety
Success Criteria:
I have participated in a discussion about Electronic components and circuits
I can recognised electronic symbols and what they stand for.
I can identify a range of safety practises when soldering.
I understand the terms used in Technology like Brief,specification, stakeholder, need, opportunity and solution.
I can identify safe codes of practice to follow in the Tech workshop
1. Slide show - electronic components and their symbols view this in class with your teacher.
2- Safety in the workshop- Soldering Demo
3. Starting the template for the NET using cardboard.
4. Soldering multiple components to create a simple circuit.
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING light emitting devices by integrating and collaborating with Science and doing a research online on how might we use different materials with electric circuits and components to design and make a torch light for year 7s to use at camp.
7M1 Tech Assessment-1: Outcome Development and Evaluation (Mr Taha) Assignment
7M2 Tech Assessment-1: Outcome Development and Evaluation (Mr Symons) Assignment
WALT: We are learning about how to use Inkscape software and the line strip heater.
Success Criteria:
All measurements in mm.
Cutting list completed for plywood device holder
Inkscape file completed.
Coloured acrylic selected.
Resources: https://technologystudent.com/despro_flsh/plasticsrev2.html
Kia Ora
Welcome to Week 11
WALT: You will be learning how to plan and construct your project using Inkscape software and the strip heater.
Success Criteria:
You will have an A3 page with your design layout. You must use a red outline and a stroke weight of 1. Any engraving must be done in black. Go to path >trace bitmap
Tracing an Image- Import a simple bitmap image (e.g. a *. jpg, *. png, *. ...
- Select the image with the Selector tool.
- In the menu, go to Path > Trace Bitmap .
- A dialog will open where you can set different options.
- When the result of the preview looks right, click on Ok . The result will be available right on the canvas.
This will be the last week for you to finish your device holder.
Inkscape can be used to generate a template for the laser cutter to cut out your designs. Please download it from Inkscape.org
You then need to use the strip heater to bend your design to a 3D shape.
Kia Ora
Welcome to term2. We wish you have had a great break and recharged your batteries for a fresh start.
We will be working with your Whanau to develop an outcome (make something) that links to your other studies.
Firstly we will be looking at What Tech Education is about and learning some of the words and terms that you will come see and hear when working in the Technology rooms.
* What is Technology and Technology Education ?* Technology Language
* Codes of Practice - Safe use of the Tech rooms and tools and equipment.
Learning Intentions:
We are EXPLORING what Technology is and what Technology Education is about at MHJC.
We are EXPLORING the terminology used in Technology Education
We are EXPLORING the Codes of Practice that we must follow when working in the Tech Workshop.
Success Criteria:
I have participated in a discussion about Technology and Tech Education
I can recognised the difference between a product from nature and a technological outcome
I can identify a range of different technologies
I understand the terms used in Technology Education
I can identify safe codes of practice to follow in the Tech workshop
1. Slide show - view this in class with your teacher.
2- Safety in the workshop - see Google Classroom
3. Nature v's Technological Outcome- see Google Classroom
Kia Ora
Welcome to Week 2
Please complete all Workshop safety and Digital Safety Poster and Natural vs Technological products documents. All documents are located on the Google classroom.
Kia Ora
Welcome to Week 3
WALT: We are learning to measure,mark and drill our tic tac toe games.
Also we will begin to discuss our up coming project and how to access the document for your assessment.
Our context this term is Back to the future.
Kia Ora
Welcome to Week 3 Term 2
Mr Yee will be teaching you how to draw Isometric drawings of your Tic tac toe game this week.
WALT: We are learning about the Brief and Specification
This week we will be completing our Tic Tac Toe game/ Skill builder activity and begin to complete the new project document.
The brief
The brief is the guiding design document. It directs us and gives us a clear set of goals to complete. It tells us Why are we making this Technological product?What we are making? Where will it be used? When will it be completed by. Who is the stakeholder? How will we make it?
The Specifications
The details of the project. The "must haves" of the product based on the desired physical and functional attributes of the researched outcome.
Success Criteria:
A completed brief and Specification written on your document.
A completed Tic Tac Toe game.
Kia Ora
Welcome to week 5
WALT: This week we are learning to write a brief and specification.
A design brief is the statement a client(stakeholder)gives to a designer outlining what they want their product to be like, eg 'Design a drinks bottle holder for use while riding a bicycle'. The designer could also produce a brief on behalf of the client, as the client might have a problem but not know how to proceed.
A design specification is a list of criteria a product needs to address. Using the brief as a starting point for research, a specification can be written when more facts are known. Information needs to be found through research to help produce early design solutions and improvements.
If the criteria are measurable, it makes it easier to later measure how effective the design ideas are, eg 'How much will the design cost to produce?'
Design specifications should include:
- aesthetics
- function
- materials
- environmental issues
- performance
- target market
Kia Ora
Welcome to Week 8
WALT: We are learning to hinge our wooden board game by exploring hinging and locking methods.
Task: Explore methods of joining the two halves of the game together. Experiment with building small walls
Success Criteria : We want the board to fit together with minimal tolerance (gap 3 mm) between them.
Question How will you stop the game components moving around while being transported?
You options
1>a thin dowel joint
2> two small hinges
3> a fabric hinge.
Kia Ora
Welcome to week 9
WALT: We are learning to create our board games using joining methods. Ie a fabric hinge
7C1 Tech Assessment-1: Outcome Development and Evaluation (Mr Taha) Assignment
7C2 Technology Assessment-1: Outcome Development and Evaluation ( Mr Symons) Assignment
Kia Ora
Welcome to term3. We wish you have had a great break and recharged your batteries for a fresh start.
We will be working with your Whanau to develop an outcome (make something) that links to your other studies.
Firstly we will be looking at What Tech Education is about and learning some of the words and terms that you will come see and hear when working in the Technology rooms.
* What is Technology and Technology Education ?* Technology Language
* Codes of Practice - Safe use of the Tech rooms and tools and equipment.
Learning Intentions:
We are EXPLORING what Technology is and what Technology Education is about at MHJC.
We are EXPLORING the terminology used in Technology Education
We are EXPLORING the Codes of Practice that we must follow when working in the Tech Workshop.
Success Criteria:
I have participated in a discussion about Technology and Tech Education
I can recognised the difference between a product from nature and a technological outcome
I can identify a range of different technologies
I understand the terms used in Technology Education
I can identify safe codes of practice to follow in the Tech workshop
1. Slide show - view this in class with your teacher.
2- Safety in the workshop - see Google Classroom
3. Nature v's Technological Outcome- see Google Classroom
Kia Ora
Welcome to week 2
This week we will earn to mark and measure and cut out our materials. Practical lessons. Also we will explore he new project brief and specification.
Success Criteria
Kia Ora
Welcome to Week 3
WALT: We will be learning to research existing Technological Solutions to the new project.
Task: Complete research into Olympic inspired clock designs.
x 6
Please research 6 exisiting clock designs.
Success Criteria
6 different clock designs in the document
Kia Ora 7W1 and 7W2
Welcome to term3. We wish you have had a great break and recharged your batteries for a fresh start.
We will be working with your Whanau to develop an outcome (make something) that links to your other studies.
Firstly we will be looking at What Tech Education is about and learning some of the words and terms that you will come see and hear when working in the Technology rooms.
* What is Technology and Technology Education ?* Technology Language
* Codes of Practice - Safe use of the Tech rooms and tools and equipment.
Learning Intentions:
We are EXPLORING what Technology is and what Technology Education is about at MHJC.
We are EXPLORING the terminology used in Technology Education
We are EXPLORING the Codes of Practice that we must follow when working in the Tech Workshop.
Success Criteria:
I have participated in a discussion about Technology and Tech Education
I can recognised the difference between a product from nature and a technological outcome
I can identify a range of different technologies
I understand the terms used in Technology Education
I can identify safe codes of practice to follow in the Tech workshop
1. Slide show - view this in class with your teacher.
2- Safety in the workshop - see Google Classroom
3. Nature v's Technological Outcome- see Google Classroom
Kia Ora Welcome to Term 4, Week 2
Water Whanau context this term is “The Apprentice”. You will be working individually to design a mould to make soap for market day. The mould shape should be one of the geometrical shapes (Polygons or other shapes) you learned about in maths. The mould will need to be completed within 2 weeks. You will then use the mould and the vacuum former to create plastic mould for the soap liquid to be poured in.
WALT: We are learning about the design process and how to write a clear and well-structured Brief to guide us in out Learning.
Learrning Intentions: Brief writing using Technological Langauge.
Success Criteria:
Students can explain the steps of the design proccess. Students can write a brief based on their understanding of the context.
You are to write the brief and specification for the new project by answering the 5 W questions and 1 H question.
Keep you sentences short and clear.
Use MM as you term of Measurement not CM.
You may also begin your research into soaps and mould making.
Please refer to the Google Classroom for all instructions
Kia Ora Welcome to Term 4, Week 3
Water Whanau context this term is “The Apprentice”. You will be working individually to design a mould to make soap for market day. The mould shape should be one of the geometrical shapes (Polygons or other shapes) you learned about in maths. The mould will need to be completed within 2 weeks. You will then use the mould and the vacuum former to create plastic mould for the soap liquid to be poured in.
WALT: We are learning about the design process and how to write a clear and well-structured Brief to guide us in out Learning. I
Learning Intentions: Brief writing using Technological Language.
Success Criteria:
Students can collect and analyse Research. Students can complete a Tinkercad tutorial.
Collect Research images of Soaps and moulds. Analyse them using a PIN analysis.
Keep you sentences short and clear.
Use MM as you term of Measurement not CM.
You must finish your research into soaps and mould making and begin your Tinkercad models.
Join Tinkercad class and complete the introduction Tutorials.
Please refer to the Google Classroom for all instructions
Kia Ora
Welcome to Week 4
WALT: We are learning about Thermoplastics for our project on Moulds.
TASK: Visit https://www.technologystudent.com/designpro/plastic1.htm
Answer the folowing questions
Kia Ora
Welcome to Week 5
WALT: We are learning how Plastic is refined from Crude Oil.
Visit https://www.technologystudent.com/joints/plastic3.html
Complete the following questions.
Kia Ora
Welcome to Week 6
WALT: We are learning about two different types of plastic.
Task: Look at the chart below. Can you find examples of each type of plastic in your own home. Collect samples and take a photo. Answer so simple questions
Success Criteria: Have you collected every type of plastic? What is the most common? What is the rarest? Did you find thermo setting plastics mainly outside or inside? Why?
Kia Ora
Welcome to Week 7
This week we will be doing some fun learning activities
Make a Christmas Ornament or a fun game.
Watch these youtube videos to get an idea for simple games that you can make at home or at school using simple materials. You can also do some Christmas decoration fro your Christmas tree.
Please see Google classroom for a list of activities and youtube links. -