Weekly outline

  • General

  • 1 February - 7 February

    Kia ora 7F1,

    I know this week will be overwhelming for you and I will take things slowly and spend our English session this week making sure we are all connected to wifi and that we have all completed the Reading Plus insight assessment and then completed 4 see readers before Tuesday 9th February :o). Please don't worry and ask anything you feel worried about :o)

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • connect to the wifi confidently
    • completed Reading Plus insight assessment
    • begun to feel familiar with routines at MHJC


    1. read and implement the students' guide to wifi at MHJC and to ask IT for support if needed
    2. make notes about Reading plus in our English books
    3. find and take the insight assessment, find our own level and complete 4 see readers 

    Further Learning:
    Experiment with the wallpaper, icons and avatars on reading plus website and complete 4 see readers before our English session next Tuesday.

  • 8 February - 14 February

    Morena 7F1,

    Welcome to your Mission Heights Online course page. Here you will find planning and assessments to guide you through your personal learning journey each term. If you would like to communicate with me at any time (outside of class time) please email me: Mrs Clansey,  jclansey@mhjc.school.nz

    This week I will see you three times as on your timetable, Tuesday S3, Wednesday S4 and then Friday S4 will be our first library session this term. We will begin to get to know each other and explore the context for our teaching and learning for Term 1: Turangawaewae (a place to stand)

    We'll include Digital Citizenship and of course we have a fantastic Outdoor Education camping experience planned for week 8 (24 to 26th March.)

    Success Criteria:

    • Introduce another class member to a small group
    • Use the library website to navigate ebooks borrowing
    • Introduce myself through a personal letter to Mrs Clansey
    • Become familiar with 7F1 students
    • Write using a variety of sentences and structure


    • Look at all our devices - note them on a google doc for future reference
    • Read Mrs Clansey’s introductory letter (on google classroom)
    • 3 words around the room
    • Seeking scavenger hunt 
    • Exercise books routine

    •Begin to write your letter to Mrs C

    Further Learning:

    •Begin to write your letter to Mrs C

    complete your introductory letter :o) 


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING how to identify and recognise connections to the place where we stand - 'Turangawaewae' using questions and research.
    • We are EXPLORING how digital technology integrates with Turangawaewae and discovering how to be a great digital citizen.
    • We are EXPLORING connections within year 7 and organising information in letters and poems.
  • 15 February - 21 February

    Morena 7F1,

    After listening to the Prime Minister last night - we are in lockdown level 3 till Thursday morning - please look after yourself and your family. Read Miss kindley's email about the tasks you can do this week and I look forward to seeing you later in the week! 

    This week the whole of yr 7 across the school will have a writing assessment! the prompt will be "What makes a good friend?" You can be thinking about this at home as well as at school :o)

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • used the writing conventions of punctuation, correct sentence structure and spelling in my writing
    • respond to a writing prompt
    • set realistic goals
    • take part in discussion


    1. Tuesday S3: e-passport, Reading Plus, Maths Buddy completed at home in lockdown level 3
    2. Wednesday S4:  e-passport, Reading Plus, Maths Buddy completed at home in lockdown level 3
    3. Focus Friday S3:  e-asTTle writing introduction around the friendship prompt and preparation for writing. See Google classroom for resources.
    4. Friday S4: writing e-asTTle friendship prompt.

    Follow up tasks:
    complete Reading Plus and Maths Buddy.


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING how to identify and recognise connections to the place where we stand - 'Turangawaewae' using questions and research.
    • We are EXPLORING how digital technology integrates with Turangawaewae and discovering how to be a great digital citizen.
    • We are EXPLORING connections within year 7 and organising information in letters and poems.
  • 22 February - 28 February

    Kia ora 7F1,

    This week we explore our digital habits and think about how we can become great digital citizens in Forest Whanau.

    Success Criteria:

    • act responsibly when carrying out relationships over digital media
    • explore our digital lives  - the 24/7 nature of them
    • explore animoto to create a digital simile
    • create a simile for my digital life
    • understand and create a concept maps from the movie clip


    1. Tuesday S3: My Digital Life 101:
    2. Wednesday S4: continue to create animoto videos for your digital life 
    • definitions important to our digital learning: media and digital media 
    • Watch the video - what did we take away from it? think, pair, share. 
    • Create concept circles/maps re our digital lives- in groups/ as a class sharing - add to your groups maps
    • complete a simile for your digital life, explore the ANIMOTO software  to complete a digital simile/metaphor for your digital life - share a few examples including mine
    3. Friday S4: SLC with your family - appointments made with your LA teacher :o)

    Further Learning:
    complete reading Plus and Maths Buddy


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING how to identify and recognise connections to the place where we stand - 'Turangawaewae' using questions and research.
    • We are EXPLORING how digital technology integrates with Turangawaewae and discovering how to be a great digital citizen.
    • We are EXPLORING connections within year 7 and organising information in letters and poems.
  • 1 March - 7 March

    Kia ora 7F1,

    As I am sure you have all heard we are in level 3 lockdown for the week!

    Let's follow our plan here for our 3 English sessions. There are tasks on google classroom to help support your lockdown learning.

    Later this week we begin to write our 'I Am From Poems' sharing in groups what is important to us...

    Success Criteria:

    • work independently with support from home
    • answer questions in sentences in a document online in google classroom
    • think about words, purpose, verses, personal voice and write these on the task sheet on google classroom


    1. Tuesday S3: 11AmGMeet - this is a link on google classroom, just click to see me and your classmates. Spend the rest of this session creating your "My digital Life is like " on the animoto website - you can sign up for 2 weeks for free!!! Email it to Mrs Clansey and print out an image for the wall (if you are able to)
    2. Wednesday S4 : Model poem (I Am From by Jack Julian) - on google classroom, read in your head several times and  think about Turangawaewae, what is important to you - head to google classroom and type in the document your thoughts...Read the examples in google classroom including Mrs Clansey's poem and begin to shape up your I Am From poem telling us about your Turangawaewae - the place where you stand and belong. Follow the same format as the model poem.
    3. Friday S4: Library session - spend this session reading your novels, updating our 'novel tracking' google doc, and exploring the library page on MHOnline. You may take out an e-book by following instructions on the library page :o)

    Further Learning:
    complete your animoto video

    complete Maths Buddy and reading Plus tasks

    Read your novel at home


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING on choosing and selecting what is important in "Turangawaewae" - The place where we stand and belong' and identifying 4 aspects for our poems.
    • We are FOCUSING on comparing exemplars to improve our writing.
    • We are FOCUSING on discussing the form and shape of an "I Am From" poem so that we can write our own.
  • 8 March - 14 March

    Kia ora 7F1,

    Level 2!  We are back in our classroom this week! Can't wait to see all of you soon:o)

    Success Criteria:

    assess digital situations and make informed judgements

    •track my novel reading on a shared document

    • use a variety of language devices in my poem and animoto video clip


    Tuesday S3: work on "I Am From Poems" on google classroom, make your verses and lines more interesting, study the examples more closely, print out, publish on one page google doc with images to match each verse - upload to MHOnline as an assessment next week  - Due FRI 19TH March

    Wednesday S4: Digital Compass: View the 'Road to Anywhere' -click on the link 
    Jay's dilemma - Citation Infestation - complete the FIRST scenario

    ENJOY! https://www.digitalcompass.org/game/index.html

    Friday S4: Library Session: Return and issue new novels - write the pages on our novel tracking sheet on google classroom.

    Further Learning:
    complete your lockdown learning journal

    Reading Plus/Maths Buddy


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING on choosing and selecting what is important in "Turangawaewae" - The place where we stand and belong' and identifying 4 aspects for our poems.
    • We are FOCUSING on comparing exemplars to improve our writing.
    • We are FOCUSING on discussing the form and shape of an "I Am From" poem so that we can write our own.

  • 15 March - 21 March

    Kia ora 7F1,

    This week we have a visit to the marae in Howick on Friday!

    success criteria: 

    •uploaded my poem assessment onto mhonline

    •recited my pepeha at the marae

    Tuesday S3: Scavenger Hunt: Google classroom resource to be completed 

    Wednesday S4: Star dome trip - leaving at 10am and back at 1pm ish...

    Friday S4:  Marae visit. Details TBA


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING to apply our writing skills to present our poems so that we can share Turangawaewae with our classmates.
  • 22 March - 28 March

    Kia ora 7F1,

    This week you are off to Camp!

    Wishing you a fantastic time away, looking forward to hearing all about your fantastic experiences next week!

    You'll be at camp on Wednesday and Friday this week during our English session :o) I'll miss you! I will see you on Tuesday S3 before you head away


    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    • challenge ourselves by moving outside our classroom and engaging in tasks and activities with supportive teachers and classmates!
    • make strong bonds of friendship with Forest Whanau year 7 and 10s

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • taken part in all the offered activities to the best of my ability, pushing myself out of my comfort zone at times :o)


    1. Camp Adair planned activities
    2. Confidence course
    3. Hiking through the beautiful NZ bush
    4. Tuesday S3: complete Assessment 1: "I Am From Poems" on google classroom, print out, publish on one page google doc with images to match each verse - upload to MHOnline as an assessment (I will show you how to upload a google doc)

    If you have uploaded your assessment you may read your novel or complete an education perfect task - look in your email for this task please :o)

    Follow Up Tasks:

    sleep all weekend! lol


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING to apply our writing skills to present our poems so that we can share Turangawaewae with our classmates.

  • 29 March - 4 April

    Morena 7F1,

    I will see you for 2 sessions this week. Friday is Good Friday, the beginning of your Easter break.

    Success Criteria:

    • assess digital situations and make informed judgements

    •track my novel reading on a shared document

    Tuesday S3: Library session - return and issue a new recommended novel for our Easter break!

    Those who have not submitted their Assessment 1 - do so today please! (names on whiteboard)

    Wednesday S4: Digital Compass S2: ENJOY! https://www.digitalcompass.org/game/index.html

    As we head into EASTER I want to wish you and your families a very blessed and happy Easter time.

  • 5 April - 11 April

     Kia ora 7F1,

    We focus on reflecting this week, from camp and in our digital lives...

    Success criteria:

    • respond appropriately to text using the Statement, Explain, Example, Your Opinion (S.E.X.Y) structure in your writing
    • act responsibly when carrying out relationships over digital media on shared docs and digital compass sessions

    Wednesday S4:  15 min to complete the Buddhist Temple leaf writing

     Paragraph Writing: Camp Scenarios using S. E. X. Y. structure.

    I have set up some things that could have happened on camp for you to reflect on.  You are going to write 5 paragraphs. The template is on google classroom to follow. We will have 2 sessions to complete this task.

    Friday S4: Today is the celebration of the the opening of TE KAPUA -enjoy all that is on offer!!!

    Follow up Tasks:
    Reading your novels
    Maths Buddy
    Reading plus


    REFLECT / WHAIWHAKAARO learning intentions:

    • We are REFLECTING on the challenges we may have faced at camp to review our writing and find solutions to problems.
  • 12 April - 18 April

    Morena 7F1,

    We continue with S.E.X.Y paragraphing and finishing off tasks before the end of Term 1

    Success criteria:

    • respond appropriately to text using the Statement, Explain, Example, Your Opinion (S.E.X.Y) structure in your writing
    • act responsibly when carrying out relationships over digital media on shared docs and digital compass sessions

    Tuesday S3: continue with camp scenario paragraphs using S. E. X. Y.  structure

    Wednesday S4: Final library session for term 1 - all books returned and new ones issued for the holidays :o)

    Friday S4: complete and turn in SEXY paragraphs then Digital Compass S3


    REFLECT / WHAIWHAKAARO learning intentions:

    • We are REFLECTING on the challenges we may have faced at camp to review our writing and find solutions to problems.
  • 19 April - 25 April

    It would be great if you read a book, perhaps do some Reading Plus and Maths buddy and finish off any outstanding tasks for Term 1. I will check emails and give as much support as you need, take care.

  • 26 April - 2 May

    Relax and unwind during the holidays with a great book!

  • 3 May - 9 May

    Kia ora 7F1,

    Please check your timetable for changes.

    Welcome to a new term and an exciting new context ahead for you, "Kaitiaki of the Ngahere". We'll be engaging with the Dove "Self Esteem Kit" to find out more about our own personal resilience. We have a great trip to Tiritiri Matangi" to enjoy the natural habitat of many of our native birds and we'll be writing book reviews for our classmates and entering the Paper plus book review competition with a $1,000.00 worth of prizes! 

    Learning Intentions:

    •Demonstrate  a range of communication skills to support appropriate interaction with others.

    •Describe how your feelings, beliefs and actions contribute to a personal sense of self worth. 

    •Make connections by thinking about underlying ideas in and between texts.

    Success Criteria:

    •Choose and read a  recommended novel 'around' our context - resilience and perseverance

    •Complete an analysis of the internal vs external qualities of a sample portrait. 

    •Actively participate in the regular 'My-Self' Check points

    •Complete the student journal including the four page 'Check My Charge' reflection tool.


    1. Tuesday S1: This morning we will visit The Buddhist Temple. We'll walk there if the weather is good :o)
    2. Thursday S2: Library session to 'date a book' and begin reading your novel 
    3. Friday S2:  Digital Compass scenario 4 -https://www.digitalcompass.org/game/index.html


    Further Learning:

    Read my novel at home - 20 mins each evening 

    complete the self esteem template with an adult at home   (next week)                                                                                             


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING how texts connect us to each other and we are finding texts to interpret and analyse
    • We are EXPLORING and recognising that our feelings and actions contribute to discovering our sense of self worth
    • We are EXPLORING the values of perseverance and resilience to discover how we can collaborate in class
  • 10 May - 16 May

    Morena 7F2,

    Our new context is Kaitiaki - Guardians of the Ngahere. 

    It is linked to resilience and perseverance and to building your self esteem so that you can take care of each other and the environment in which you live, work and play.

    There is a TOD on Thursday so that our staff can take part in professional learning - use the day to make sure you are up to date with Reading plus, maths buddy and read your novel then complete the reading log for your book.

    Learning Intentions:

    •Demonstrate  a range of communication skills to support appropriate interaction with others.

    •Describe how your feelings, beliefs and actions contribute to a personal sense of self worth. 

    •Make connections by thinking about underlying ideas in and between texts.

    Success Criteria:

    •Choose and read a  recommended novel 'around' our context - resilience and perseverance

    •Complete an analysis of the internal vs external qualities of a sample portrait. 

    •Actively participate in the regular 'My-Self' Check points

    •Complete the student journal including the four page 'Check My Charge' reflection tool.

    Tuesday S1: Mrs Clansey is away at a conference day. Please go to google classroom and work on the Book review tasks there, then read your chosen novel for the rest of the session. 

    Thursday: TOD : read your novel then complete the reading log for your book. 

    Friday S2: Introduce the Self Esteem kit and watch youtube clips. Introduce the caring adult letter and portrait analysis discussion. 

    We will be working through tasks to develop resilience, perseverance and build your self esteem.

    Follow up: 

    complete the self esteem template letter with an adult at home


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING how texts connect us to each other and we are finding texts to analyse
    • We are EXPLORING and recognising that our feelings and actions contribute to discovering our sense of self worth
    • We are EXPLORING how to collaborate and support other class mates
  • 17 May - 23 May

    Morena 7F1,

    This week we continue our book review planning with the tasks on google classroom.

    We introduce The Paper Plus Book Review Competition with $1000 worth of prizes!

    •Demonstrate  a range of communication skills to support appropriate interaction with others.

    •Describe how your feelings, beliefs and actions contribute to a personal sense of self worth. 

    •Make connections by thinking about underlying ideas in and between texts.

    Success Criteria:

    •Choose and read a  recommended novel 'around' our context - resilience and perseverance

    •Complete an analysis of the internal vs external qualities of a sample portrait. 

    •Actively participate in the regular 'My-Self' Check points

    •Complete the student journal including the four page 'Check My Charge' reflection tool.

    Tuesday S1: Work on the Book review tasks on google classroom, then read your chosen novel for the rest of the session. 

    Thursday: S2: Library session. -renew your novel, issue a new one. 

    Friday S2: Glue into your English book, the Paper plus 'book review' pages and go through them carefully - talk about the competition requirements.

     Introduce the Self Esteem kit and watch youtube clips. Introduce the caring adult letter and portrait analysis discussion. 

    We will be working through tasks to develop resilience, perseverance and build your self esteem.


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING to clarify how to respond to text in our book reviews
    • We are FOCUSING on selecting an adult to discuss and respond to our 'self worth' letters
    • We are FOCUSING on choosing and reading a recommended novel to develop our book review
  • 24 May - 30 May

    Morena 7F1,

    This week we continue to build our book review using the resources on google classroom, in our English books and of course by reading our recommended novel.

    We also explore our context further "Kaitiaki of the Ngahere" by finding out how to look after ourselves.

    Learning Intentions:

    •Demonstrate  a range of communication skills to support appropriate interaction with others.

    •Describe how your feelings, beliefs and actions contribute to a personal sense of self worth. 

    •Make connections by thinking about underlying ideas in and between texts.

    Success Criteria:

    •Choose and read a  recommended novel 'around' our context - resilience and perseverance

    •Complete an analysis of the internal vs external qualities of a sample portrait. 

    •Actively participate in the regular 'My-Self' Check points

    •Complete the student journal including the four page 'Check My Charge' reflection tool.


    Tuesday S1: Self Esteem kit and watch youtube clips, return the caring adult letter, portrait analysis discussion.


    Thursday S2:  Work on the Book review tasks on google classroom, then read your chosen novel for the rest of the session.

    Friday S2: Work on the Book review tasks on google classroom, then read your chosen novel for the rest of the session.


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING to clarify how to respond to text in our book reviews
    • We are FOCUSING on selecting an adult to discuss and respond to our 'self worth' letters
    • We are FOCUSING on choosing and reading a recommended novel to develop our book review
  • 31 May - 6 June

    Morena 7F1,

    As part of our "Kaitiaki of the Ngahere" context we will visit Tiritiri Matangi - Tiritiri Matangi Island is a wildlife sanctuary and one of New Zealand's most important and exciting conservation projects.

    Please make sure you are at school at 7.15am on Thursday June 3rd with plenty to eat and drink for the day, we will return to school at 6pm.

    Learning Intentions:

    •Demonstrate  a range of communication skills to support appropriate interaction with others.

    •Describe how your feelings, beliefs and actions contribute to a personal sense of self worth. 

    •Make connections by thinking about underlying ideas in and between texts.

    Success Criteria:

    •Continue to build notes and paragraphs for my book review

    •Actively participate in the regular 'My-Self' Check points

    •Complete the student journal p2 including the four page 'Check My Charge' reflection tool.


    Tuesday S1: journal task "Confident Me" p2-4 in the journal. -step through the activities and cards as appropriate

    Thursday S2:  Tiritiri Matangi Trip - 7.15am -6pm

    Friday S2: Library session - returning, renewing, issuing recommended novels

  • 7 June - 13 June

    We celebrate the Queen's Birthday with a holiday on Monday! Who is she the Queen of? Is it her real birthday? Who are her family? Where do they live?

    Learning Intentions:

    •Demonstrate  a range of communication skills to support appropriate interaction with others.

    •Describe how your feelings, beliefs and actions contribute to a personal sense of self worth. 

    •Make connections by thinking about underlying ideas in and between texts.

    Success Criteria:

    •Continue to build notes and paragraphs for my book review

    •Actively participate in the regular 'My-Self' Check points

    •Complete the student journal p2 including the four page 'Check My Charge' reflection tool.


    Tuesday S1: T.O.D

    Thursday S2:   Book review tasks continued - support in your English book, on google classroom and in the novel you are reading 

    Friday S2: journal task "Confident Me" p2-4 in the journal. -step through the activities and cards as appropriate, then think about and plan the ART work for your book review - sketch it up - will you do a scene, character of a new book cover? think about and look at the space you have (small amount)


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING on preparing a book review so that we can publish and present to Paper plus in a way that promotes our novels.
    • We are PLANNING to share our completed student journals and practise using the 'shrink and boost' cards so that we can promote our own self worth, perseverance and resilience.
  • 14 June - 20 June

    Kia ora 7F1,
    This week we edit, proof read and write up our book review for the Paper Plus competition! 

    Learning Intentions:

    •Demonstrate  a range of communication skills to support appropriate interaction with others.

    •Describe how your feelings, beliefs and actions contribute to a personal sense of self worth. 

    •Make connections by thinking about underlying ideas in and between texts

    Success Criteria:

    •Continue to build notes and paragraphs for my book review

    •Actively participate in the regular 'My-Self' Check points

    •Complete the student journal  including the four page 'Check My Charge' reflection tool.


    Tuesday S1:  Book review tasks continued - support in your English book, on google classroom and in the novel you are reading -has Mrs Clansey read your review yet? Has a classmate read your review yet?

    Thursday S2:   Book review tasks continued -write it up on paper plus booklet :o) , add your art work to the competition booklet! 

    Friday S5:   During your FFR time : Library session - renew your novel, issue a new novel, recommended reading lists from Mrs Clansey.


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING on preparing a book review so that we can publish and present to Paper plus in a way that promotes our novels.
    • We are PLANNING to share our completed student journals and practise using the 'shrink and boost' cards so that we can promote our own self worth, perseverance and resilience.
  • 21 June - 27 June

    Kia ora 7F1,
    This week we have our next e-asTTle Reading and Maths Assessments. I am looking forward to seeing what a difference is made in your scores as you have been working very hard!

    Learning Intentions:

    •Demonstrate  a range of communication skills to support appropriate interaction with others.

    •Describe how your feelings, beliefs and actions contribute to a personal sense of self worth. 

    •Make connections by thinking about underlying ideas in and between texts

    Success Criteria:

    •Continue to build notes and paragraphs for my book review

    •Actively participate in the regular 'My-Self' Check points

    •Complete the student journal  including the four page 'Check My Charge' reflection tool.


    Tuesday S1: Book review tasks continued - support in your English book, on google classroom and in the novel you are reading -write your review in the competition booklet - have you had it pass the final checkpoint? 

    Thursday S2:   e-asTTle reading assessments - make sure you can successfully log in to your e-asTTle 

    Friday S2: e-asTTle Maths assessment in F4.


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING on preparing a book review so that we can publish and present to Paper plus in a way that promotes our novels.
    • We are PLANNING to share our completed student journals and practise using the 'shrink and boost' cards so that we can promote our own self worth, perseverance and resilience.
  • 28 June - 4 July

    This week we begin to EXPLORE speech 'making and writing' with our explicit learning outcomes below. It is a real skill to be able to speak in public.

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    • speak clearly and confidently in a range of situations

    • deliver a formal speech that generates audience interest

    • use voice modulation, eye contact, body gestures and vocal interest 

    •realise the importance of developing skills of public speaking

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • organised my material and developed my main points
    • chosen words to enhance imagery to my audience
    • ideas that are original 
    • hooked my audience with the impact of my opening paragraph and held their interest
    • used my eyes, facial expression and body gestures to enhance my speech
    • good volume, pace and pitch in my voice
    • left my audience with something to think about


    Tuesday S1: Celebration Assembly in the theatre at 9am, we'll have to postpone till Thursday our Introductions to speeches. We also need to send in our book reviews to the paper plus competition! let's spend 30 mins finishing our book reviews :o)

     Introduce speech writing/topics for the speech competition next term - Choosing topics - google classroom tasks - listening to speeches together.
    begin to plan, write and edit your speeches - you may like to 'run' your speech past a buddy for some feedback and feed forward

    Thursday S2: Check point for speech topics - those wishing to enter the school competition must write their speech about DIVERSITY (perhaps unity through diversity)

    Friday S2: library session - return, issue, renew, reserve novels - read a classmates recommendation and choose to read that novel :o)


    REFLECT / WHAIWHAKAARO learning intentions:

    • We are REFLECTING on the issues that were barriers to producing our book reviews and challenging ourselves to improve our writing.
    • We are REFLECTING on the way our book reviews have been assessed and judging the impact of our book reviews on others by the amount of students who take up our recommendations.
  • 5 July - 11 July

    Morena 7F1,

    This week I have put time aside to work on your speeches - have you chosen your topic - follow the writing frame plan on google classroom to support you to write your speech :o)

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    • speak clearly and confidently in a range of situations

    • deliver a formal speech that generates audience interest

    • use voice modulation, eye contact, body gestures and vocal interest 

    •realise the importance of developing skills of public speaking

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • organised my material and developed my main points
    • chosen words to enhance imagery to my audience
    • ideas that are original 
    • hooked my audience with the impact of my opening paragraph and held their interest
    • used my eyes, facial expression and body gestures to enhance my speech
    • good volume, pace and pitch in my voice
    • left my audience with something to think about


    Tuesday S1 : Read the writing frame plan on google classroom. begin to research your topic and think about how you will present your speech to your classmates

    Thursday S2: continue with checkpoint 1 for speech writing - support and examples on google classroom

    Friday S4: please make sure your speech topic is chosen and entered into the google shared document today. Continue to write your speech using the support documents on google classroom. 


    REFLECT / WHAIWHAKAARO learning intentions:

    • We are REFLECTING on the issues that were barriers to producing our book reviews and challenging ourselves to improve our writing.
    • We are REFLECTING on the way our book reviews have been assessed and judging the impact of our book reviews on others by the amount of students who take up our recommendations.
  • 12 July - 18 July

    The July Winter Holidays are a great time for reading a book, catching up with family and friends and having a few 'sleep ins' - relax and enjoy whatever you choose to do...

  • 19 July - 25 July

    Enjoy the second week of your holidays - choose a novel to read from our book reviews - there are some great options :o)

  • 26 July - 1 August

    Welcome to Term 3 7F1,

    We begin the term with Speeches which is Assessment 3 for you. This week we'll spend time completing our writing of our speeches, making cue cards and checking in to see what's new in our library :o)

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    • speak clearly and confidently in a range of situations

    • deliver a formal speech that generates audience interest

    • use voice modulation, eye contact, body gestures and vocal interest 

    •realise the importance of developing skills of public speaking

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • organised my material and developed my main points
    • chosen words to enhance imagery to my audience
    • ideas that are original 
    • hooked my audience with the impact of my opening paragraph and held their interest
    • used my eyes, facial expression and body gestures to enhance my speech
    • good volume, pace and pitch in my voice
    • left my audience with something to think about


    1. Tuesday S1: continue writing using the frame and support on google classroom to complete your speech writing
    2. Thursday S2: A chance to sort your speech into paragraphs and match up with the writing frame on google classroom - making cue cards if you are ready
    3. Friday S2: Library session - issue a new recommended novel, return your holiday novels.

    Follow up: one more practice at home "practice makes perfect"


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING how research and organisation can connect us through speech and allow us to recognise and display public speaking skills
    • We are EXPLORING finding themes in a movie and integrating those themes with our Olympic context
    • We are EXPLORING how to empathise with characters in a movie and discover how the story moves through the characters actions
  • 2 August - 8 August

    Kia ora 7F1,

    I am very much looking forward to listening to your speeches. I know you have been hard at work during the holidays and last week to make sure you are ready to present your speech to your classmates and to me.

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    • speak clearly and confidently in a range of situations
    • deliver a formal speech that generates audience interest
    • use voice modulation, eye contact, body gestures and vocal interest 
    • realise the importance of developing skills of public speaking

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • organised my material and developed my main points
    • chosen words to enhance imagery to my audience
    • ideas that are original 
    • hooked my audience with the impact of my opening paragraph and held their interest
    • used my eyes, facial expression and body gestures to enhance my speech
    • good volume, pace and pitch in my voice
    • left my audience with something to think about


    1. Tuesday S1: Do I have cue cards? We have 8 speech presentation this morning. See the whiteboard for names of presenters.
    2. practice and present my speech to a buddy classmate.
    3. Thursday S2: A chance to polish my speech at home, presentations and peer assessment
    4. Friday S4: Are we ready to present our speeches? checkpoint 3 - google classroom supporting document completed. Add your name to the whiteboard order of speech presentations.

    Mrs clansey is at SEZ Netball on Friday.

    Follow up: one more practice at home "practice makes perfect" (all of your outstanding speeches will be heard next week)


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING how research and organisation can connect us through speech and allow us to recognise and display public speaking skills
    • We are EXPLORING finding themes in a movie and integrating those themes with our Olympic context
    • We are EXPLORING how to empathise with characters in a movie and discover how the story moves through the characters actions
  • 9 August - 15 August

    I would like to move into impromptu speeches this week! Are there any formal speeches we haven't heard yet? Let's finish those up first session this week :o)

    Some time ago when men (why men?) were asked to say a few words at an event they would quickly write notes on the cuffs of their shirt sleeves to look at while they were speaking. Sometimes impromptu speaking is called 'speaking off the cuff.'

    Impromptu speaking means speaking with little or no preparation. People who are described as having the 'gift of the gab' or as being natural speakers often fall into this category. 

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    • describe examples of impromptu speaking
    • give an impromptu speech to a buddy
    • impromptu speak to the class

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • use the P.P.F formula and P.R.E.P method to expand my impromptu speech 
    • speak for between 40 and 60 seconds on a topic using long ago, now, when i am older...
    • explore examples and choose topics for my impromptu speech
    • have fun listening and giving an impromptu speech


    Tuesday S1: TOD

    Thursday S2: Any speeches we have not heard yet? We have 10 speeches to listen to this week...

    1. brainstorm examples of impromptu speaking times - record in books
    2. explain the P.P.F. (Past, present ,future) method and give the example of animals - try it out in pairs or groups of three  -talk about your favourite food, drink or pet
    3. expand it to long ago, now and in the future - example of floor cleaning - talk about communication, music or sport
    4. Look at the P.R.E.P (point, reason, example, point) method - record in books - example of dogs - then talk about your favourite colour or sport using the P.R.E.P. method
    5. using the impromptu cards choose appealing topics and practice - extra for experts  -try out the A.I.D.A method (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) - example topic 'cats'

    Friday S2: FFR - You'll be with your LA 

    Follow up: practice with a buddy giving an impromptu speech on any topic we have covered.


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING how research and organisation can connect us through speech and allow us to recognise and display public speaking skills
    • We are EXPLORING finding themes in a movie and integrating those themes with our Olympic context
    • We are EXPLORING how to empathise with characters in a movie and discover how the story moves through the characters actions
  • 16 August - 22 August

    This week we move into our Globe Trotting Olympics Context with the viewing and study of a movie - COOL RUNNINGS.

    SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT... As at Tuesday midnight we are all in level 4 - working from home for a week, I have put the movie on google classroom so you can watch it at home - enjoy!!!

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    •Integrate sources of information, processes, and strategies confidently to identify, form, and express ideas using a visual text (movie)

    •explore the context/ themes of the movie in relation to our lives today

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • use prior knowledge and research to understand the setting of the movie
    • summarise the story using key words and facts - note taking
    • identify themes in the movie and write about them
    • identify main characters and describe their role on the movie
    • understand how comedy is created in the film


    1. Tuesday S1: NZ Olympics: we have just completed a very successful Olympic campaign - write a paragraph on New Zealand's winning medal athletes in your English book - you may research to find this information. Include where were they held? Why 2021? Challenges faced in living in the village? Audiences? (20 mins) https://www.olympic.org.nz/games/tokyo-2020/
    2. Background information for Cool Runnings. Google classroom document to research questions,   choose 3 points to research and share information - map work, what can you learn from this movie? notes in English book (40 mins)
    3. Thursday Session 2: view Cool runnings movie
    4. Friday S3: FFR time to complete viewing of Cool Runnings movie 

    Follow up tasks:

    Review points from the movie at home in your own time


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING how research and organisation can connect us through speech and allow us to recognise and display public speaking skills
    • We are EXPLORING finding themes in a movie and integrating those themes with our Olympic context
    • We are EXPLORING how to empathise with characters in a movie and discover how the story moves through the characters actions
  • 23 August - 29 August

    Kia ora 7F1,

    We are in level 4 lockdown - please follow this plan at home :o) I hope you are all safe and well!

    GMEET at 11.00am Tuesday - click on Gmeet link on google classroom :o) 

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    •Integrate sources of information, processes, and strategies confidently to identify, form, and express ideas using a visual text (movie)

    •explore the context/ themes of the movie in relation to our lives today

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • use prior knowledge and research to understand the setting of the movie
    • summarise the story using key words and facts - note taking
    • identify themes in the movie and write about them
    • identify main characters and describe their role on the movie
    • understand how comedy is created in the film

    Tuesday : GMEET AT 11.00AM :work on the Cool Runnings google doc on google classroom - guided responses begin to work on - type straight into the document

    Thursday S2: continue to work on google classroom Cool runnings tasks - answer the first 5 or 6 questions

    Friday S2: Library session - read your latest novel for a session.

    Follow up: Reading Plus and Maths Buddy tasks


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING on identifying the main characters to describe their how their actions compare with each other
    • We are FOCUSING on discussing the themes from Cool Runnings and clarifying how they apply to our Olympic context
    • We are FOCUSING on responding to key scenes in the movie and choosing the resolutions that we think are appropriate
  • 30 August - 5 September

    Kia ora 7F1,

    Gmeet at 11am Tuesday - click on the link on google classroom
    Welcome to week 6, we are still in lockdown level 4 in Auckland - I hope you are safe and well at home in your bubble :o) Please email me anytime you need :o)

    We'll continue on with Cool Runnings movie study tasks and we'll catch up with Digital compass characters.


    1. Tuesday Session 1: continue with Cool runnings task on google doc in google classroom - do the trustworthiness and fairness questions and the 8 film study questions
    2. Thursday Session 2: Library Scavenger Hunt

      Answers can all be found by searching the library page. Some are on the page itself, others you will need to search for. Hint: once you’ve found the book, you may need to click on it to get the information.

      Once you have completed the hunt, email your answers to stownsend@mhp.school.nz for marking no later than Friday 3rd September.  Those who have all answers correct will receive a prize once we return to school.

      1. How many reviews has ‘Harry Potter and the Chambers of Secrets’ received? 

      2. Name one book from the Maori Myths & Legends Quick List.

      3. What type of book is ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’?

      4. What is the dewey number for books about cooking? 

      5. Who illustrated the book ‘Footsteps Through the Fog’ by Margaret Mahy? 

      6. What genre is ‘Genuine Fraud ’ by E. Lockhart? 

      7. In the book ‘Amari and the Night Brothers’, what does Amari find in her brother’s closet? 

      8. From the Quicklist, Books Made Into Movies, what book by Veronica Roth was made into a movie?

      9. What is Muhammad Ali’s real name? 

      10. What is the Dewey Number for Mindfulness books? 

      11. In the book ‘Lion: a Long Way Home’, how did Saroo find out where he had come from? 

      12. How many book titles by NZ author David Hill are in the library? 

      13. How many women are featured in the book ‘Teen Trailblazers’, and name one of them? - 

      14. What is the classic story by Johanna Spyri about a girl who goes to live with her grandfather in the mountains of Switzerland?

      15. On what reading list is the book ‘Ali Cross’? 

      16. Name one ‘series’ (where the story continues from 1 book to another) that we have in the library, and the author. 

      17. What two Dashboards can be found on the library page? 

      18. In the story Tales from the Mythologies of Creation, Maui and Aoraki (the Lockdown dashboard), what was Maui’s fish hook made from?

      19. In the new book ‘Coastwatcher’ by David Hill what was Frank Benson’s job? 

      20. What is the dewey number for ‘The Virus’ by Ben Martynoga?  

    3. Friday Session 2:  Cool Runnings tasks on google classroom -complete the questions from Tuesday

    Follow up: Reading Plus and Maths Buddy tasks completed


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING on identifying the main characters to describe their how their actions compare with each other
    • We are FOCUSING on discussing the themes from Cool Runnings and clarifying how they apply to our Olympic context
    • We are FOCUSING on responding to key scenes in the movie and choosing the resolutions that we think are appropriate
  • 6 September - 12 September

    Kia ora 7F1,
    GMeet on Tuesday at 11am - click on the google classroom link
    Welcome to week 7, we are still in lockdown level 4 in Auckland - I hope you are safe and well at home in your bubble :o) Please email me anytime you need :o)

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    •Integrate sources of information, processes, and strategies confidently to identify, form, and express ideas using a visual text (movie)

    •explore the context/ themes of the movie in relation to our lives today

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • use prior knowledge and research to understand the setting of the movie
    • summarise the story using key words and facts - note taking
    • identify themes in the movie and write about them
    • identify main characters and describe their role on the movie
    • understand how comedy is created in the film

    1. Tuesday any time: Digital compass -please pop in your ear phones and work through the scenario of digital Heartbreak. https://www.digitalcompass.org/gate.html

    2. Thursday Session 2: Cool Runnings doc (google classroom) - Read about each character and complete the character profiles 
    3. Friday Session 2: Cool Runnings doc  - complete the character profiles

    Follow up:
    Reading Plus, Maths buddy, Reading for Pleasure


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING on identifying the main characters to describe their how their actions compare with each other
    • We are FOCUSING on discussing the themes from Cool Runnings and clarifying how they apply to our Olympic context
    • We are FOCUSING on responding to key scenes in the movie and choosing the resolutions that we think are appropriate
  • 13 September - 19 September

    Morena koutou, e aku tamariki 7F1,

    Welcome to Te Wiki o te Reo Maori  - enjoy completing your cultural  ebadge on your LA google classroom :o) and being part of Maori Moment at 12pm - see Miss Kindley's email invite to GMeet for juniors - SEE YOU THERE!

    GMeet on Tuesday at 11am - click on the google classroom link
    Welcome to week 8, we are still in lockdown level 4 in Auckland - I hope you are safe and well at home in your bubble :o) Please email me anytime you need :o)

    It's all about completing The Cool Runnings Doc this week :o)

    click on this link to take you to google classroom.


    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    •Integrate sources of information, processes, and strategies confidently to identify, form, and express ideas using a visual text (movie)

    •explore the context/ themes of the movie in relation to our lives today

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • use prior knowledge and research to understand the setting of the movie
    • summarise the story using key words and facts - note taking
    • identify themes in the movie and write about them
    • identify main characters and describe their role on the movie
    • understand how comedy is created in the film

    Tuesday Session 2 : Cool Runnings doc on google classroom: Resilience, Comedy and Derrice's Diary -Please complete the 3 tasks there and that will finish off the whole doc - then you can turn it in :o)

    Thursday S2: Cool Runnings doc on google classroom: Resilience, Comedy and Derrice's Diary -Please complete the 3 tasks there and that will finish off the whole doc - then you can turn it in :o)

    Friday S2: Cool Runnings doc on google classroom: Resilience, Comedy and Derrice's Diary -Please complete the 3 tasks there and that will finish off the whole doc - then you can turn it in :o)

    Follow up:
    Reading Plus, Maths buddy, Reading for Pleasure


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING to practise our reading and viewing skills so that we can publish a document on google classroom that demonstrates our understanding of a visual text.
  • 20 September - 25 September

    Nau mai, Haere Mai 7F1,

    GMeet on Tuesday at 11.00am
     - click on the google classroom link.
    Welcome to week 9, we are still in lockdown level 4 in Auckland  till Wednesday, let's hope that we come down to L3 then - I hope you are safe and well at home in your bubble :o) Please email me anytime you need :o)

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    •Integrate sources of information, processes, and strategies confidently to identify, form, and express ideas using a visual text (movie)

    •explore the context/ themes of the movie in relation to our lives today

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • use prior knowledge and research to understand the setting of the movie
    • summarise the story using key words and facts - note taking
    • identify themes in the movie and write about them
    • identify main characters and describe their role on the movie
    • understand how comedy is created in the film
    Tuesday Session 1 : Last chance to complete "Cool Runnings" doc on google classroom:  -Please complete ALL  tasks there - then you can turn it in :o)

    Thursday S2: Digital Compass session: too many distractions during your lockdown - help Seven to overcome his :o)


    Friday S2: Reading for pleasure - complete the novel you are reading and then issue an ebook from MHJC Library - see library page for 'how to' issue ebook :o)

    Follow up: Reading plus and Maths Buddy.


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING to practise our reading and viewing skills so that we can publish a document on google classroom that demonstrates our understanding of a visual text.
  • 27 September - 3 October

    Morena Tamariki Ma,
    GMeet on Tuesday at 11am.
    We are in level 3 this week, the last week of term 3!
    We spend time reflecting on our distance learning by writing a COVID one pager :o) you will have the whole week to do this.

    Tuesday S1: Please click through to google classroom and complete the COVID one pager and turn it in on Friday 1st October.
    Thursday S2: work on your covid one pager 
    Friday S2: turn in your covid one pager on google classroom



    REFLECT / WHAIWHAKAARO learning intentions:

    • We are REFLECTING on the challenges we faced that led to gaps in our distance learning.
    • We are REFLECTING to understand and empathise with problems and to conclude whether we did our best.
  • 4 October - 10 October

    Enjoy an extremely well deserved holiday! Let's listen to the PM (Jacinda Adern) to find out if there are any changes to our alert levels.

    We are in L3 phase 1 -  YOU can enjoy an outdoor picnic with another bubble of family and friends for the first time in a while, BUT take care and follow all public health recommendations (wash hands often, wear a mask)

  • 11 October - 17 October

    On October 11th the PM announced we would remain at alert level 3, phase 1, in Auckland...

    that means NO SCHOOL next week! We can still enjoy our picnics with one other bubble BUT take care to follow all the health recommendations :o)

  • 18 October - 24 October

    Nau mai haere mai tamariki,

    Term 4 begins with distance learning - GMeet at 11am Tuesday - can't wait to see you then :o)

    This week we build on persuasive writing outcomes from home by practising writing persuasive paragraphs. This will prepare us to complete our final Assessment: e-asTTle Writing :o)

    There are models and templates on google classroom to help you to write.

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    • structure our writing to persuade readers of our point of view about a topic
    • use a variety of sentences in our sentences
    • complete an e-asTTle piece of persuasive writing 
    Success Criteria: I can/have...
    • written a topic sentence that gives my opinion
    • supported my opinion with reasons
    • provided details to support my reasons
    • concluded with sentences that sums up everything and states my opinion in a new way
    • read the formula for persuasive writing on google classroom (hamburger model)


    Tuesday S1: read the examples on the google doc on google classroom together during our GMeet and study the formula for your persuasive writing.
    Thursday S2 and Friday S2: Read  "Clowns" and "Kids should have cell phones" and write your own two pieces of persuasive writing.

    Follow up: 
    Read the example on google classroom "Scootering should be banned at school"
    Reading plus and Maths Buddy


    REFLECT / WHAIWHAKAARO learning intentions:

    • We are REFLECTING on the challenges we faced that led to gaps in our distance learning.
    • We are REFLECTING to understand and empathise with problems and to conclude whether we did our best.
  • 25 October - 31 October

    Nau mai, haere mai tamariki,

    Monday is a public holiday across the motu - it is Labour Day and we celebrate the 40 hour working week!

    GMeet at 10am -10.30am on Wednesday -see you then!

    This week we complete one more piece of persuasive writing before we do our final e-asTTle/MHJC assessment :o)

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    • structure our writing to persuade readers of our point of view about a topic
    • use a variety of sentences in our sentences
    • complete an e-asTTle piece of persuasive writing
    Success Criteria: I can/have...
    • written a topic sentence that gives my opinion
    • supported my opinion with reasons
    • provided details to support my reasons
    • concluded with sentences that sums up everything and states my opinion in a new way
    • read the formula for persuasive writing on google classroom (hamburger model)


    Wednesday S2: Read the example of "Scootering" on google classroom together in our GMeet at 10am.
    Thursday S2 and Friday S2: Choose your own topic using the link here and follow the model to write your own persuasive piece of writing


  • 1 November - 7 November

    Morena Tamaraki Ma,
    "Life During Lockdown" GMeet at 11am Tuesday

    This week we'll introduce our e-asTTle MHJC writing prompt for Assessment.

    PROMPT: Learning is more productive from home than in a classroom 
    1. What do you think? Do you agree or disagree? Are there ideas to support both sides of this topic? Write to persuade your reader of your ideas

    Success Criteria: I can/have...
    • used the writing conventions of punctuation, correct sentence structure and spelling in my writing
    • respond to a writing prompt


    1. Tuesday S1:  GMeet at 11am.  Brainstorm:  look at and add your ideas into the shared google doc so that we can be ready to do our final Writing Assessment.

    Read together an article to help you to get ready for your writing assessment

    2. Thursday S2: answer the questions on google classroom about the article we read together

    3. Friday S2: think about next week's writing assessment "Learning is more productive from home than in a classroom" 

    Follow up tasks:
    complete Reading Plus and Maths Buddy.


    REFLECT / WHAIWHAKAARO learning intentions:

    • We are REFLECTING on the challenges we faced that led to gaps in our distance learning.
    • We are REFLECTING to understand and empathise with problems and to conclude whether we did our best.
  • 8 November - 14 November

    Nau mai, haere mai, tamariki,  

    TUESDAY 9th November: Writing Assessment

    11amGMeet: brainstorm and take notes "Learning at home is more productive than in the classroom"

    12-12.50pm :Lunch and a drinks break

    12.50pm: GMeet: CODE given for Education perfect 

    1- 2.30pm: Writing on Education Perfect 

  • 15 November - 21 November

    Nau mai, haere mai 7F1,

    GMeet Monday at 11am :o)

    Ka pai - EOY Writing is done :o) I am so impressed that everyone managed to navigate their way to Education Perfect and complete their writing :o)

    Check emails from Mr Morrison and Miss Kindley to see when you are timetabled back to school  - Yr 7s Wednesday and Friday this week :o) 

    Whether or not you are back in the classroom I thought we might do a digital compass session this week. You may choose one scenario that you haven't completed from the 4 below.


    Success Criteria:

    • assess digital situations and make informed judgements

    • act responsibly when carrying out relationships over digital media


    Tuesday S1: Digital compass of your choice

    Thursday S2: continue the digital compass scenario

    Friday S2: Read your novel or ebook for pleasure

    Follow up: Reading Plus

  • 22 November - 28 November

    Nau mai, haere mai 7F1,

    Final e-asTTle Reading Assessment; online on Monday at 11.30am for both  7F1 and 7F2. Mr Rubinand will give us passwords if we need. All your levels have been assigned for the assessment.

    You will have an hour to complete Reading  e-asTTle :o)

    Learning Intentions:

    •Demonstrate  a range of communication skills to support appropriate interaction with e-asTTle texts on line 

    •Make connections by thinking about underlying ideas in and between texts


    Monday 11.15am: Gmeet to log in to e-asTTle reading.

    Follow up:

    4 see readers on Reading plus

  • 29 November - 5 December

    Nau mai, haere mai,

    We continue our persuasive writing using a picture book to guide our thoughts and writing. It will take the next 2 weeks to complete the tasks on google classroom.

    GMeet at 8.45am on Monday - click on the link in your email - those at school will not need to click on the link :o) I will be with you!

    A giant and badly mannered  Dad and a quiet, isolated Mum take their two bored, squabbling sons to spend a day at the zoo, looking at animals in their cages. Could the unhappy animals be watching them and who exactly is trapped: the animals or the humans? 

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    • structure our writing to persuade readers of our point of view about a topic
    • use a variety of sentences in our sentences
    • complete an e-asTTle piece of persuasive writing when school returns
    Success Criteria: I can/have...
    • written a topic sentence that gives my opinion
    • supported my opinion with reasons
    • provided details to support my reasons
    • concluded with sentences that sums up everything and states my opinion in a new way
    • read the formula for persuasive writing on google classroom (hamburger model)


    Tuesday S1: listen to Mrs Clansey reading or a youtube reading of The Zoo by Anthony Browne together during our GMeet. Log in to the google classroom document and complete the tasks part one questions 1-8

    Thursday S2: complete part two, study the illustrations/pictures very carefully to answer the questions. You may like to listen again to the youtube reading of 'The Zoo'

    Friday S2:  write your own  piece of persuasive writing about zoos. Use the hamburger plan MODEL on google classroom

    “Zoos should be banned” (agree or disagree) are there ideas to support both sides of this argument?

    Follow up: 
    Reading plus and Maths Buddy


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING how we can recognise and connect with places to demonstrate 'kaitiaki' in various locations
    • We are EXPLORING research around kaitiaki of animals in zoos to discover our opinions of this practice

  • 6 December - 12 December

    This week you have time to complete the activities from "The Zoo" - just carry on with where you are up to in the google doc and turn in when you are finished 

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    • structure our writing to persuade readers of our point of view about a topic
    • use a variety of sentences in our sentences
    • complete an e-asTTle piece of persuasive writing when school returns
    Success Criteria: I can/have...
    • written a topic sentence that gives my opinion
    • supported my opinion with reasons
    • provided details to support my reasons
    • concluded with sentences that sums up everything and states my opinion in a new way
    • read the formula for persuasive writing on google classroom (hamburger model)


    Tuesday S1: listen to Mrs Clansey reading or a youtube reading of The Zoo by Anthony Browne together during our GMeet. Log in to the google classroom document and complete the tasks part one questions 1-8.

    Thursday S2: complete part two, study the illustrations/pictures very carefully to answer the questions. You may like to listen again to the youtube reading of 'The Zoo'

    Friday S2:  write your own  piece of persuasive writing about zoos. Use the hamburger plan MODEL on google classroom

    “Zoos should be banned” (agree or disagree) are there ideas to support both sides of this argument?


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING on discussions around kaitiaki and how we respond in our community
    • We are FOCUSING on developing our persuasive writing devices to explain our opinions about kaitiaki..
  • 13 December - 19 December