Weekly outline

  • General

  • Term 1: Week 1


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING Matariki as a rich context for understanding place value
    • We are EXPLORING Matariki as a rich context for reading and writing large numbers

    Kia ora 7F1.  It is my pleasure to be your Mathematics teacher this year.  I can be contacted on  alindsay@mhjc.school.nz

    Term One's context i s Tūrangawaewae - Where do we stand?'  where your  transition to Ngahere/Forest Whānau will be supported through our EXPLORATION of Number/Algebra through the  Māori World View.  We will be EXPLORING Matariki (the Māori New Year) and the Night Sky. 

    Whakataukī: “He waka eke noa!”
    Metaphorical: A waka we are all in together. We rise together, fall together, work together and keep going together!
    Literal: Working in unity and leaving no-one behind.

    Authentic Outcomes:  Matariki, Stardome Observatory and Camp Adair.

    Success Criteria:  I can...
    • Identify place, face and total value
    • Understand and 'read' large numbers

    Do Now:  Numeracy Ninjas
    Mental Strategies, Timetables and Key Skills revision. 

    Class Activities: 
    1.  Setting up routines for bookwork (Book 1 = Numeracy Ninjas, Book 2 = Classwork) and Maths Evaluations. 

  • Term 1: Week 2


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING Matariki as a rich context for understanding place value
    • We are EXPLORING Matariki as a rich context for reading and writing large numbers

    Kia ora 7F1,

    This week we will continue to strengthen our class routines in maths.  You will also complete your easTTle maths test at the end of the week. 

    Whakataukī: “He waka eke noa!”
    Metaphorical: A waka we are all in together. We rise together, fall together, work together and keep going together!
    Literal: Working in unity and leaving no-one behind.

    Authentic Outcomes:  Matariki, Stardome Observatory and Camp Adair.

    Success Criteria:  I can...
    • Identify place, face and total value
    • Understand and 'read' large numbers
    • Know how many tenths, tens, hundreds, and thousands are in whole numbers

    Do Now:  Numeracy Ninjas
    Mental Strategies, Timetables and Key Skills revision. 

    Class Activities:   Number
    1.  Class games and written activities to reinforce place, face and total value:  Activity 1
    2.  Classwork: NZ Curriculum Maths 3B & 3A Place Value
    3.  Check - have we all joined Google Classroom 7F1 Class code dpvy6hv
    4.  easTTle testing this week to diagnose learning 'gaps' and 'next steps'...

    Maths Buddy is your priority for your at-home practice. Please complete your set homework tasks by Sunday evening (starting from Week 2).  If you have completed your assigned activities please do extra practice on your timetables programme. 

  • Term 1: Week 3


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING Matariki as a rich context for understanding place value
    • We are EXPLORING Matariki as a rich context for reading and writing large numbers
    • We are EXPLORING Matariki as a rich context for rounding and multiplying/dividing by 10, 100 and 100

    Kia ora 7F1,

    Welcome back from our 3 Day COVID19 lockdown.  It is lovely to see you back at school today!

    Whakataukī: “He waka eke noa!”
    Metaphorical: A waka we are all in together. We rise together, fall together, work together and keep going together!
    Literal: Working in unity and leaving no-one behind.

    Authentic Outcomes:  Matariki, Stardome Observatory and Camp Adair.

    Success Criteria:  I can...
    • Identify place, face and total value
    • Understand and 'read' large numbers
    • Identify how many tenths, tens, hundreds, and thousands are in whole numbers
    • Apply my knowledge of place value to add decimals. 
    • Recall my basic +, - , x and ➗ facts

    Do Now:  Numeracy Ninjas
    Mental Strategies, Timetables and Key Skills revision. 

    Class Activities:   Number
    1.  Students will log on to ludi.nz for the first time, to orientate themselves with the website.  Students will begin their first 3 activities at the 'emerging' level. 

    2.  Complete activity Task 7 as a class (oral discussion) then Task 8 where numbers need to be set up as an algorithm, ensuring that decimals points are lined up. 

    3.  How to read a tabular easTTLe report to diagnose learning 'gaps' and 'next steps'...

    Please complete your set Maths Buddy homework tasks on Monday morning.  If you have completed your assigned activities please do extra practice on your Ludi timetables programme. 

  • Term 1: Week 4


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING Matariki as a rich context for understanding place value
    • We are EXPLORING Matariki as a rich context for reading and writing large numbers
    • We are EXPLORING Matariki as a rich context for rounding and multiplying/dividing by 10, 100 and 100
    • We are EXPLORING Matariki as a rich context for ordering decimals and estimation involving money

    Kia ora 7F1,

    Best wishes for your Student-Led Conferences this week. 

    Whakataukī: “He waka eke noa!”
    Metaphorical: A waka we are all in together. We rise together, fall together, work together and keep going together!
    Literal: Working in unity and leaving no-one behind.

    Authentic Outcomes:  Matariki, Stardome Observatory and Camp Adair.

    Success Criteria:  I can...
    • Identify place, face and total value
    • Understand and 'read' large numbers
    • Identify how many tenths, tens, hundreds, and thousands are in whole numbers
    • Apply my knowledge of place value to add decimals. 
    • Order decimals
    • Recall my basic + , - , x and ➗ facts

    Do Now:  Numeracy Ninjas
    Mental Strategies, Timetables and Key Skills revision. 

    Class Activities:   Number
    1.  Students will sit in their new Maths Groups to complete a Teacher-focus session (T), follow-up practice activity (P) and a context-based investigation (I)

    2.  Archimedes, Pythagoras and Turing groups complete 7F1's class rotation across their 3 lessons:

    Teacher Instruction = easTTLe consol report into exercise books, Matariki intro, then Ordering Decimals
    Practice = Ordering Decimals,  AWS L3, Task 9, Creating Decimals Task 10 & 11
    Investigation = Matariki Bar Challenge

    3.  Continue focus on learning to read a easTTLe console report to diagnose learning 'gaps' and 'next steps'...

    Please complete your set Maths Buddy homework tasks by Sunday evening.  If you have completed your assigned activities please do extra practice on your Ludi timetables programme. 

  • Term 1: Week 5


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING Matariki as a rich context for rounding and multiplying/dividing by 10, 100 and 100
    • We are EXPLORING Matariki as a rich context for ordering decimals and estimation involving money

    Kia ora 7F1,

    We're back into lockdown this week.  Your instructions for 'Distance Learning' are recorded below...

    Whakataukī: “He waka eke noa!”
    Metaphorical: A waka we are all in together. We rise together, fall together, work together and keep going together!
    Literal: Working in unity and leaving no-one behind.

    Authentic Outcomes:  Matariki, Stardome Observatory and Camp Adair.

    Success Criteria:  I can...
    • Round numbers to 3dp
    • Find reasonable estimates
    • Order decimals
    • Recall my basic + , - , x and ➗ facts

    Do Now:  Numeracy Ninjas
    Mental Strategies, Timetables and Key Skills revision. 

    Class Activities:   Number
    1. View the screencastify instruction link for our maths distance learning, here... https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vNhu__C8f2sKsJTbFhkB2pjEj2NenEm5/view

    2. Go to your Turangawaewae Google Classroom page, then click on Classwork > Maths.

    3. Complete the Matariki Rounding & Estimation Google doc activity in your exercise book + ‘Turn In’ the Google doc when you have finished check-listingYes' for each activity. 

    Please complete your differentiated Maths Buddy homework tasks by Sunday evening.  If you have completed your assigned activities please do extra 3 x  Ludi timetables programme. 

  • Term 1: Week 6


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING Matariki as a rich context for rounding and multiplying/dividing by 10, 100 and 100
    • We are EXPLORING Matariki as a rich context for understanding fractions, decimals & percentages in everyday use
    • We are EXPLORING Matariki as a rich context for finding fractions, a fraction of a quantity, and equivalent fractions
    • We are EXPLORING Matariki as a rich context for writing fractions as decimals, and fractions as %'s, and vice versa.

    Kia ora 7F1,

    This week we continue our 'Matariki Maths' Number and Statistics activities. For Number, we will be introducing ourselves to fractions, and for Statistics we will be developing our skills when reading and evaluating Matariki bar graphs

    Whakataukī: “He waka eke noa!”
    Metaphorical: A waka we are all in together. We rise together, fall together, work together and keep going together!
    Literal: Working in unity and leaving no-one behind.

    Authentic Outcomes:  Matariki, Stardome Observatory and Camp Adair.

    Success Criteria:  I can...
    • Round numbers to 3dp
    • Multiple decimals by 10, 100 & 1000
    • Understand 'what is a fraction?' and write fractions as a number eg. two thirds = 2/3
    • Identify the numerator and denominator 
    • Calculate equivalent fractions
    • Calculate a fraction of a quantity
    • Read and evaluate information presented in bar graphs
    • Recall my basic + , - , x and ➗ facts

    Do Now:  Numeracy Ninjas
    Mental Strategies, Timetables and Key Skills revision. 

    Class Activities:   Number & Statistics

    1.  Students will sit in their Maths Groups to complete a Teacher-focus session (T), follow-up practice activity (P) and a context-based investigation (I)

    2.  Archimedes, Pythagoras and Turing groups complete 7F1's class rotation across their 3 lessons:

    Teacher Instruction = easTTLe consol report into exercise books, intro to fractions
    Practice = Introduction to Fractions,  AWS L3, Task 23, & Working with Fractions (finding fractions of a quantity) Task 24. 
    Investigation =  Pythagoras. 


    Please complete your differentiated Maths Buddy homework tasks by Sunday evening.  If you have completed your assigned activities please do extra practice on your Ludi timetables programme. 

  • Term 1: Week 7


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING Matariki as a rich context for rounding and multiplying/dividing by 10, 100 and 100
    • We are EXPLORING Matariki as a rich context for understanding fractions, decimals & percentages in everyday use
    • We are EXPLORING Matariki as a rich context for finding fractions, a fraction of a quantity, and equivalent fractions
    • We are EXPLORING Matariki as a rich context for writing fractions as decimals, and fractions as %'s, and vice versa.

    Kia ora 7F2,

    We shall look forward to our trip to the Stardome Observatory on Wednesday this week, to support our  'Matariki Maths' Number and Statistics learning focus. 

    Whakataukī: “He waka eke noa!”
    Metaphorical: A waka we are all in together. We rise together, fall together, work together and keep going together!
    Literal: Working in unity and leaving no-one behind.

    Authentic Outcomes:  Matariki, Stardome Observatory and Camp Adair.

    Success Criteria:  I can...
    • Round numbers to 3dp
    • Multiple decimals by 10, 100 & 1000
    • Understand 'what is a fraction?' and write fractions as a number eg. two thirds = 2/3
    • Identify the numerator and denominator 
    • Calculate equivalent fractions
    • Calculate a fraction of a quantity
    • Read and evaluate information presented in bar graphs
    • Recall my basic + , - , x and ➗ facts

    Do Now:  Numeracy Ninjas
    Mental Strategies, Timetables and Key Skills revision. 

    Class Activities:   Number & Statistics

    1.  Students will sit in their Maths Groups to complete a Teacher-focus session (T), follow-up practice activity (P) and a context-based investigation (I)

    2.  Archimedes, Pythagoras and Turing groups complete 7F1's class rotation across their 3 lessons:

    Teacher Instruction = equivalent fractions
    Practice = Equivalent fractions,  AWS L5, Task 30 
    Investigation = Complete Ludi basic facts test, and Matariki Bar Challenge continued, for Achimedes. 

    Please complete your differentiated Maths Buddy homework tasks by Sunday evening.  If you have completed your assigned activities please do extra practice on your Ludi timetables programme. 

  • Term 1: Week 8


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING Matariki as a rich context for rounding and multiplying/dividing by 10, 100 and 100
    • We are EXPLORING Matariki as a rich context for understanding fractions, decimals & percentages in everyday use
    • We are EXPLORING Matariki as a rich context for finding fractions, a fraction of a quantity, and equivalent fractions
    • We are EXPLORING Matariki as a rich context for writing fractions as decimals, and fractions as %'s, and vice versa.

    Kia ora 7F1,

    I trust that you are all looking forward to Camp Adair this week.  As we have just one mathematics lesson, our groupwork routine will be impacted this week.   

    Whakataukī: “He waka eke noa!”
    Metaphorical: A waka we are all in together. We rise together, fall together, work together and keep going together!
    Literal: Working in unity and leaving no-one behind.

    Authentic Outcomes:  Matariki, Stardome Observatory and Camp Adair.

    Success Criteria:  I can...
    • Round numbers to 3dp
    • Multiple decimals by 10, 100 & 1000
    • Understand 'what is a fraction?' and write fractions as a number eg. two thirds = 2/3
    • Identify the numerator and denominator 
    • Calculate equivalent fractions
    • Calculate a fraction of a quantity
    • Read and evaluate information presented in bar graphs
    • Recall my basic + , - , x and ➗ facts

    Do Now:  Numeracy Ninjas
    Mental Strategies, Timetables and Key Skills revision. 

    Class Activities:   Number & Statistics

    1.  Students will complete their Numeracy Ninja tasks.

    2. Archimedes- Graph investigation skills
    Pythagoras- Continue with practising "fractions of a whole number" on MHO
    Turing- "Fractions of a whole number" lesson with Teacher

    You have a reduced homework allocation this week due to attending Camp Adair.  Thank you for completing your Maths Buddy tasks this week.  I will continue to check you Maths Buddy completion in our next lesson.


  • Term 1: Week 9


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING Matariki as a rich context for rounding and multiplying/dividing by 10, 100 and 100
    • We are EXPLORING Matariki as a rich context for understanding fractions, decimals & percentages in everyday use
    • We are EXPLORING Matariki as a rich context for finding fractions, a fraction of a quantity, and equivalent fractions
    • We are EXPLORING Matariki as a rich context for writing fractions as decimals, and fractions as %'s, and vice versa.

    Kia ora 7F1,

    A mighty 'well done' for your wonderful efforts at Camp Adair last week. Week 9 is also a 'short week' due to our 5 day Easter Weekend.  I shall look forward to seeing you all back on Thursday 8th April. 

    There will be no 'Focus Friday' next week due to our 'Friday Funday' (9th April).  

    Whakataukī: “He waka eke noa!”
    Metaphorical: A waka we are all in together. We rise together, fall together, work together and keep going together!
    Literal: Working in unity and leaving no-one behind.

    Authentic Outcomes:  Matariki, Stardome Observatory and Camp Adair.

    Success Criteria:  I can...
    • Round numbers to 3dp
    • Multiple decimals by 10, 100 & 1000
    • Understand 'what is a fraction?' and write fractions as a number eg. two thirds = 2/3
    • Identify the numerator and denominator 
    • Calculate equivalent fractions
    • Calculate a fraction of a quantity
    • Read and evaluate information presented in bar graphs
    • Recall my basic + , - , x and ➗ facts

    Do Now:  Numeracy Ninjas
    Mental Strategies, Timetables and Key Skills revision. 

    Class Activities:   Number & Statistics

    1.  Students will complete their Numeracy Ninja + Ludi Speed Test tasks.

    2.  Groups will continue their rotation with different learning tasks. On Monday:
    Archimedes- Equivalent fractions and simplified fractions lesson with teacher
    Pythagoras- Graphing skills investigation
    Turing- Continue to practise "fractions of a whole number" on MHO (week 7)

    Thank you for completing your 'fractions' tasks on Maths Buddy to reinforce our class learning this week.  You also have received one 'Weekly Revision' task.  The purpose of this revision activity is to keep revising the wider strands beyond Number and Algebra to maintain past learning eg Geometry & Measurements, + Statistics & Probability.  

  • Term 1: Week 10


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING Matariki as a rich context for rounding and multiplying/dividing by 10, 100 and 100
    • We are EXPLORING Matariki as a rich context for understanding fractions, decimals & percentages in everyday use
    • We are EXPLORING Matariki as a rich context for finding fractions, a fraction of a quantity, and equivalent fractions
    • We are EXPLORING Matariki as a rich context for writing fractions as decimals, and fractions as %'s, and vice versa.

    Kia ora 7F1,

    We have just one maths session this week due to return to school on Wednesday and 'Friday Funday' on Friday.  

    Whakataukī: “He waka eke noa!”
    Metaphorical: A waka we are all in together. We rise together, fall together, work together and keep going together!
    Literal: Working in unity and leaving no-one behind.

    Authentic Outcomes:  Matariki, Stardome Observatory and Camp Adair.

    Success Criteria:  I can...
    • Add decimals with common denominators

    • Recall my basic + , - , x and ➗ facts

    Do Now:  Numeracy Ninjas
    Mental Strategies, Timetables and Key Skills revision. 

    Class Activities:   Number & Statistics

    1.  Students will complete their Numeracy Ninja 'Do Now' Task.  Mark as a class. 

    2.  Teacher introduction to 'Adding Fractions with Common Denominators'.   

    3.  Fast finishers can complete their current 'Fractions' Maths Buddy tasks. 

    Thank you for completing your 'adding fractions' tasks on Maths Buddy to reinforce our class learning this week.  You also have received one 'Weekly Revision' task.  The purpose of this revision activity is to keep revising the wider strands beyond Number and Algebra to maintain past learning eg Geometry & Measurements, + Statistics & Probability. 

  • Term 1: Week 11


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING Matariki as a rich context for rounding and multiplying/dividing by 10, 100 and 100
    • We are EXPLORING Matariki as a rich context for understanding fractions, decimals & percentages in everyday use
    • We are EXPLORING Matariki as a rich context for finding fractions, a fraction of a quantity, and equivalent fractions
    • We are EXPLORING Matariki as a rich context for writing fractions as decimals, and fractions as %'s, and vice versa.

    Kia ora 7F1,

    We are off to the Matariki Marae this Friday from 9:15am to 12:30pm.  We shall look forward to sharing our Pepeha and Waiata and having a wonderful last day of term.  School concludes at 1pm on Friday 16th April. 

    Whakataukī: “He waka eke noa!”
    Metaphorical: A waka we are all in together. We rise together, fall together, work together and keep going together!
    Literal: Working in unity and leaving no-one behind.

    Authentic Outcomes:  Matariki, Stardome Observatory and Camp Adair.

    Success Criteria:  I can...
    • Add decimals with common denominators
    • Add decimals with different denominators

    • Recall my basic + , - , x and ➗ facts

    Do Now:  Numeracy Ninjas
    Mental Strategies, Timetables and Key Skills revision. 

    Class Activities:   Number & Statistics

    1.  Students will complete their Numeracy Ninja 'Do Now' Task.  Mark as a class. 

    2.  Revision of 'Adding Fractions with Common Denominators'.  Introduction to 'Adding Fractions with Different Denominators'.  

    3.  Fast finishers can complete their current 'Fractions' Maths Buddy tasks. 

    Thank you for completing your 'adding fractions' tasks on Maths Buddy to reinforce our class learning this week.  You also have received one 'Weekly Revision' task.  The purpose of this revision activity is to keep revising the wider strands beyond Number and Algebra to maintain past learning eg Geometry & Measurements, + Statistics & Probability. 

  • School Holidays!!

  • Term 2: Week 1


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

      • We are EXPLORING Matariki & Camp Adair as rich contexts for adding and simplifying fractions
      • We are EXPLORING Matariki & Camp Adair as rich contexts for writing fractions as decimals, and fractions as %'s, and vice versa.
      • We are EXPLORING Matariki & Camp Adair as rich contexts for applying the order of operations

      Kia ora 7F1,

      Welcome back to school and a new timetable + classroom (F3) for our Mathematics sessions in Term 2.  
      This week we will be revising our learning surrounding fractions - especially adding and simplifying fractions.  You will have 1 less lesson this week due to your trip to the Buddhist Temple. 


      Whakataukī: “He waka eke noa!”
      Metaphorical: A waka we are all in together. We rise together, fall together, work together and keep going together!
      Literal: Working in unity and leaving no-one behind.

      Authentic Outcomes:  Matariki, Stardome Observatory and Camp Adair.

      Success Criteria:  I can...
      • Add fractions with common denominators
      • Add fractions with different denominators
      • Simplify fractions

      • Recall my basic + , - , x and ➗ facts

      Do Now:  Numeracy Ninjas
      Mental Strategies, Timetables and Key Skills revision. 

      Class Activities:   Number & Statistics

      1.  Students will complete their Numeracy Ninja 'Do Now' Task.  Mark as a class. 

      2. Continue practising operations with fractions


      See Maths Buddy- Catch up from last term's learning

  • Term 2: Week 2


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

      • We are EXPLORING Matariki & Camp Adair as rich contexts for adding and simplifying fractions
      • We are EXPLORING Matariki & Camp Adair as rich contexts for writing fractions as decimals, and fractions as %'s, and vice versa.

      Kia ora 7F1,


      Again this week we will only have 2 sessions together as Thursday is Teachers only day!
      A good use of this day would be to focus on your Maths Buddy tasks and the fractions learning tasks on MHO from last term.

      Whakataukī: “He waka eke noa!”
      Metaphorical: A waka we are all in together. We rise together, fall together, work together and keep going together!
      Literal: Working in unity and leaving no-one behind.

      Authentic Outcomes:  Matariki, Stardome Observatory and Camp Adair.

      Success Criteria:  I can...
      • Add fractions with common denominators
      • Add fractions with different denominators
      • Simply fractions
      • Write fractions as decimals, and vice versa
      • Write fractions as %'s, and vice versa
      • Recall my basic + , - , x and ➗ facts

      Do Now:  Numeracy Ninjas
      Mental Strategies, Timetables and Key Skills revision. 

      Class Activities:   Number & Statistics

      1.  Students will complete their Numeracy Ninja 'Do Now' Task.  Mark as a class. 

      2. Ludi 'Speed Test'

      3.  Revision tasks from NZ Curriculum Maths text book 4A: Adding and subtracting fractions. Additional tasks with 'different' denominators. 

      4.  Marking, discussion and exercise book-check.  


      See Maths Buddy

  • Term 2: Week 3


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

      • We are EXPLORING Matariki & Camp Adair as rich contexts for writing fractions as decimals, and fractions as %'s, and vice versa.

      Whakataukī: “He waka eke noa!”
      Metaphorical: A waka we are all in together. We rise together, fall together, work together and keep going together!
      Literal: Working in unity and leaving no-one behind.

      Authentic Outcomes:  Matariki, Stardome Observatory and Camp Adair.

      Success Criteria:  I can...
      • Write fractions as decimals, and vice versa
      • Write fractions as %'s, and vice versa
      • Recall my basic + , - , x and ➗ facts

      Do Now:  Numeracy Ninjas
      Mental Strategies, Timetables and Key Skills revision. 

      Class Activities:   Number & Statistics

      1.  Students will complete their Numeracy Ninja 'Do Now' Task.  Mark as a class. 

      2. Ludi 'Speed Test'

      3.  Revision tasks from AWS Number resource book: Converting fractions to decimals using short division (and vice versa).  Then converting decimals to %'s, and vice versa. 

      4.  Marking, discussion and exercise book-check.  


      Thank you for completing your 'fractions, decimals and %' conversions' and 'Number Revision' tasks on Maths Buddy to reinforce our class learning this week.  You also have received one 'Weekly Revision' task.  The purpose of this revision activity is to keep revising the wider strands beyond Number and Algebra to maintain past learning eg Geometry & Measurements, + Statistics & Probability. 

  • Term 2: Week 4


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

      • We are EXPLORING Matariki & Camp Adair as rich contexts for writing fractions as decimals, and fractions as %'s, and vice versa.

      Kia ora 7F1,

      This week we are learning how to calculate a % of a quantity.  We can do this two ways:
      - Finding 10% then adjusting eg. 10% of $600 is $60, therefore 30% would be $60 x 3 = $ 180 
      - Or, converting the % to a decimal, then multiplying the quantity by the decimal. eg. $600 x 0.3 = $180

      Whakataukī: “He waka eke noa!”
      Metaphorical: A waka we are all in together. We rise together, fall together, work together and keep going together!
      Literal: Working in unity and leaving no-one behind.

      Authentic Outcomes:  Matariki, Stardome Observatory and Camp Adair.

      Success Criteria:  I can...
      • Write fractions as decimals, and vice versa
      • Write fractions as %'s, and vice versa
      • Calculate a % of a quantity
      • Recall my basic + , - , x and ➗ facts

      Do Now:  Numeracy Ninjas
      Mental Strategies, Timetables and Key Skills revision. 

      Class Activities:   Number & Statistics

      1.  Students will complete their Numeracy Ninja 'Do Now' Task.  Mark as a class. 

      2. Ludi 'Speed Test'

      3.  Revision tasks from AWS Number resource book: AWS Level 5, Task 18: FInding a % of a quantity. 

      4.  Marking, discussion and exercise book-check.  


      Thank you for completing your 'fractions, decimals and %' conversions' and 'Number Revision' tasks on Maths Buddy to reinforce our class learning this week.  You also have received one 'Weekly Revision' task.  The purpose of this revision activity is to keep revising the wider strands beyond Number and Algebra to maintain past learning eg Geometry & Measurements, + Statistics & Probability. 

  • Term 2: Week 5


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

      • We are EXPLORING Matariki & Camp Adair as rich contexts for writing fractions as decimals, and fractions as %'s, and vice versa.

      Kia ora 7F1,

      This week we are learning how to express a quantity as a fraction or % of a whole.
      eg. 4/20 or 1/5 or 20% of students were absent from school today.   

      Whakataukī: “He waka eke noa!”
      Metaphorical: A waka we are all in together. We rise together, fall together, work together and keep going together!
      Literal: Working in unity and leaving no-one behind.

      Authentic Outcomes:  Matariki, Stardome Observatory and Camp Adair.

      Success Criteria:  I can...
      • Write fractions as decimals, and vice versa
      • Write fractions as %'s, and vice versa
      • Calculate a % of a quantity
      •  Recall my basic + , - , x and ➗ facts

      Do Now:  Numeracy Ninjas
      Mental Strategies, Timetables and Key Skills revision. 

      Class Activities:
       Number & Statistics

      1.  Students will complete their Numeracy Ninja 'Do Now' Task.  Mark as a class. 

      2. Ludi 'Speed Test'

      3.  Revision tasks from AWS Number resource book: AWS Level 4 Task 18 'Expressing a quantity as a fraction or % of a whole.'

      4.  Marking, discussion and exercise book-check.  


      Thank you for completing your 'fractions, decimals and %' conversions' and 'Number Revision' tasks on Maths Buddy to reinforce our class learning this week.  You also have received one 'Weekly Revision' task.  The purpose of this revision activity is to keep revising the wider strands beyond Number and Algebra to maintain past learning eg Geometry & Measurements, + Statistics & Probability. 

  • Term 2: Week 6

    No maths this week due to the Queen's Birthday Weekend and our Teacher Only Day 

  • Term 2: Week 7


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING on enhancing our instant recall of basic facts using 'Ludi'
    • We are FOCUSING on solving fraction, decimal and % conversions, in context
    • We are FOCUSING on explaining place value to round whole and decimal numbers, in context

    Kia ora 7F1,

    This week we revisiting rounding to significant figures and decimal places. We will also practise estimation before we do a practice maths test so you know what to expect in the assessment.

      Success Criteria:  I can...
      •  Recall my basic + , - , x and ➗ facts
      Round to 1, 2, and 3, significant figures
      Round to 1, 2, and 3, decimals places
      Identify place values for large numbers and small numbers
      I can translate numbers to significant figures to find rough estimations

      Class Activities:   

      Maths buddy
      Rounding and estimation
      Numbers practise test


      See Maths Buddy

  • Term 2: Week 8


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING on enhancing our instant recall of basic facts using 'Ludi'
    • We are FOCUSING on solving fraction, decimal and % conversions, in context
    • We are FOCUSING on explaining place value to round whole and decimal numbers, in context
    • We are FOCUSING on developing statistical and scientific investigations
    • We are FOCUSING on choosing the best method(s) to collect and display data
    • We are FOCUSING on describing findings, relationships and trends

    Kia ora 7F1,

    This week we continue our learning around Mathematics with Statistics, as we shall be needing to apply these skills to chart and discuss our Science Fair results in a couple of weeks. 

      Success Criteria:  I can...
      • Use Google Sheet to display data
      • Analyse data using the explore function of Google Sheet
      • Discuss data through a written review of 'results', and a 'discussion' and 'conclusion' statement
      •  Recall my basic + , - , x and ➗ facts

      Do Now: 
      Students will complete their Ludi 'Do Now' Task.  

      Class Activities: 

       Number & Statistics 

      Analysing our Ludi statistics, using Google Spreadsheet.
      Create tables and graphs - See Google Classroom for instructions

      Write graph conclusions incorporating maximum and minimum range, mean, mode, and count.
      Interpret different types of graphs, including Stem and Leaf and Pictographs
      Revise order of operations (BEDMAS)


      See Maths Buddy

  • Term 2: Week 9


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING a statistical investigation using the Statistical Enquiry Cycle
    • We are PREPARING to gather, sort, and display multivariate category, measurement, and time-series data
    • We are PREPARING to detect patterns, variations, relationships, and trends
    • We are PRESENTING data to communicate findings using appropriate displays (Google Sheet)

    Authentic Outcomes:  Science Fair

    Kia ora 7F1,

    This week we continue our Number Revision and learning around Mathematics with Statistics, as we shall be applying these skills to analyse and explain our Science Fair results.

      Authentic Outcomes:  Science Fair

      Success Criteria:  I can...
      • Use Google Sheet to display data
      • Analyse data using the explore function of Google Sheet
      • Calculate mean, median, mode and range of a dataset
      • Discuss data through a written review of 'results', and a 'discussion' and 'conclusion' statement
      • Revisit 'gaps' and 'where to next?' steps from 'Assessment 1' for strong foundations in Number
      •  Recall my basic + , - , x and ➗ facts

      Do Now: 
      Ludi speed challenge
      Maths Ninja

      Class Activities: 

      Revisit the assessment. Figure out what went wrong. Peer tutor, write question, working, and answer in their books.
      Complete Ludi investigation "conclusions" and turn in on Google Classrooms


      See Maths Buddy

  • Term 2 Week 10

    Kia ora 7F1,

    We are wrapping up the term with order of operations

    Success Criteria:

    I can follow BIDMAS (aka BEDMAS) to tackle maths problems using several operations


    1. Ludi
    2. Maths Ninja
    3. Finish writing Ludi results analysis and conclusion- turn in
    4. Maths Buddy- BIDMAS
    5. BIDMAS games on Transum 

    Further Learning:
    All resources are posted on Google Classroom and Maths Buddy

  • Term 2 Holidays: Week 1

    • Holidays 2.jpeg
  • Term 2 Holidays: Week 2

    • Holidays 3.png
  • Term 3: Week 1


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING on identifying discrete versus continuous data
    • We are FOCUSING on enhancing data displays using Google Spreadsheet
    • We are FOCUSING on calculating averages to help examine and discuss results (Mean, Median, Mode & Range)
    • We are FOCUSING on describing findings, relationships and trends

    REFLECT / WHAIWHAKAARO learning intentions:

    • We are REFLECTING on our 'Results', 'Conclusion' and 'Discussion' statements to ensure we have effectively evaluated the findings of our scientific investigations.
    • We are REVIEWING our mid-year easTTLe tabular reports to identify 'Gaps', 'Barriers' and 'Next Steps'.

    Kia ora 7F1,

    Welcome back from the school holidays.  This week we will be reflecting on our mid-year easTTLe assessments, our Science Fair investigations (MHJC Science Fair boards are due this Friday) and consolidating our knowledge of discrete versus continuous data. 

      Authentic Outcomes:  Science Fair

      Success Criteria:  I can...
      • Use Google Sheet to display data
      • Analyse data using the explore function of Google Sheet
      • Discuss data through a written review of 'results', and a 'discussion' and 'conclusion' statement
      • Review my 'gaps', barriers and 'next steps' on my mid-year asTTle assessment
      • Recall my basic + , - , x and ➗ facts

      Class Activities: 

      Statistics (Science Fair)

      1.  Students will download and print their easTTle tabular report.  Examine gaps and form personal goals for end of year testing. 

      2. Revisit discrete versus continuous data - class discussion.

      3. Complete AWS task, attached below. 

      4.  Writing of Maths Evaluations.

  • Term 3: Week 2


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING on identifying discrete versus continuous data
    • We are FOCUSING on enhancing data displays using Google Spreadsheet
    • We are FOCUSING on calculating averages to help examine and discuss results (Mean, Median, Mode & Range)
    • We are FOCUSING on describing findings, relationships and trends

    Kia ora 7F1,

    This week we will be exploring Statistics through the context of 'Globe Trotting - The Olympics'. 

      Authentic Outcomes:  Globe-Trotting: The Olympics

      Success Criteria:  I can...
      • Use Google Sheet to display data
      • Analyse data using the explore function of Google Sheet
      • Discuss data through a written review of 'results', and a 'discussion' and 'conclusion' statement
      • Review my 'gaps', barriers and 'next steps' on my mid-year asTTle assessment
      •  Recall my basic + , - , x and ➗ facts

      Do Now: 
      Students will complete their Numeracy Ninja 'Do Now' Task.  Mark as a class. 

      Class Activities: 

      Statistics (Olympics)

      1.  Viewing of special Olympic moments from across the globe. 

      2. Introduction to Olympics research task - statistics.

      3. Complete research, then the mean, median mode and graphing tasks. Refer below...

      4.  'Turn In' for marking. 



      Please complete the Ludi Graphing Task on Google Classroom for your statistics homework this week. 

  • Term 3: Week 3


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING units of measurement associated with length, mass & capacity
    • We are CALCULATING conversions between mixed length units
    • We are MEASURING and marking scales accurately (ruler, protractor, scale dials, spedomter dials, etc)
    • We are COLLABORATING to make reasonable estimates, without the use of geometric tools

    Kia ora 7F1,

    This week we will be exploring units and conversions of measurement through the context of 'Globe Trotting - The Olympics'. 

      Authentic Outcomes:  Globe-Trotting: The Olympics

      Success Criteria:  I can...
      • Name units of measurement associated with length (mm, cm, m and km)
      • Calculate conversions between mixed units of length (mm and cm, cm and m, m and km, etc.)
      • Multiply and divide units by 10, 100, and 1000
      • Recall my basic + , - , x and ➗ facts

      Do Now: 
      Students will complete their Numeracy Ninja 'Do Now' Task.  Mark as a class. 

      Class Activities: 

      Measurement (Olympics)

      1.  Introduction to Measurement: Units of Measurement associated with length (mm, cm, m and km).  

      2. Note taking of measurement conversions associated with length eg. a metre is 1000 x a millimetre.  Class discussion re: appropriate unit of measurement for measuring length of the width of a pen, the length of a finger, the height of a person, and the distance between two cities.  

      3. Complete conversions associated with length.  AWS Task 7, attached below...


      Please complete the Maths Buddy tasks

  • Term 3: Week 4


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING units of measurement associated with length, mass & capacity
    • We are CALCULATING conversions between mixed length units
    • We are MEASURING and marking scales accurately (ruler, protractor, scale dials, speedometer dials, etc)
    • We are COLLABORATING to make reasonable estimates, without the use of geometric tools

    Kia ora 7F1,

    This week we are continuing to explore units and conversions of measurement through the context of 'Globe Trotting - The Olympics'. 

      Authentic Outcomes:  Globe-Trotting: The Olympics

      Success Criteria:  I can...
      • Name units of measurement associated with mass (weight) (mm, cm, m and km)
      • Calculate conversions between mixed units of weight (mg and g, g and kg, kg and t, etc.)
      • Multiply and divide units by 10, 100, and 1000
      • Recall my basic + , - , x and ➗ facts

      Do Now: 
      Students will complete their Numeracy Ninja 'Do Now' Task.  Mark as a class. 

      Class Activities: 

      Measurement (Olympics)

      1.  Introduction to Measurement: Units of Measurement associated with mass (weight) (mg, g, kg, and t).  

      2. Note taking of measurement conversions associated with mass eg. the basic unit for measuring mass is the gram.  The mass of an object is ofter referred to as its weight.  What units would you use to measure the weight of a piece of paper, the mass of a car, and the weight of a person?  ( = mg, t and kg)

      3. Complete conversions associated with length.  AWS Task 9, attached below...



      Please complete the Maths Buddy task

  • Term 3: Week 5


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLAINING the relationship between a circumference and the diameter of a circle
    • We are applying formulae to IDENTIFY/SOLVE the circumference of a circle
    • We are DESCRIBING the parts of a circle
    • We are IDENTIFYING and SOLVING the perimeter and area of shapes

      Authentic Outcomes:   Globe-Trotting: The Olympics

      Success Criteria:  I can...
      • Locate and calculate the 'perimeter' of shapes
      • Locate and calculate the 'circumference' of circles (using diameter and radius)
      • Locate and name the different 'parts of a circle'
      • Describe and calculate the 'area' of shapes 
      • Record units of measurement, for perimeter, circumference, area and volume
      • Recall my basic + , - , x and ➗ facts

      Do Now: 
      Students will complete their Numeracy Ninja 'Do Now' Task.  Mark as a class. 

      Class Activities: 
      Measurement (Olympics)

    1. Introduction to calculating the 'Perimeter' of shapes - teacher demonstration and shared task via Google Meet
    2. Introduction to 'Circumference' and 'Parts of a Circle' - teacher demonstration and share activities via Google Meet
    3. 'Marking' - shared via video conference. 


      Please complete the Maths Buddy task below, as a part of your Distance Learning Programme

  • Term 3: Week 6


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLAINING the relationship between a circumference and the diameter of a circle
    • We are applying formulae to IDENTIFY/SOLVE the circumference of a circle
    • We are DESCRIBING the parts of a circle
    • We are IDENTIFYING and SOLVING the perimeter and area of shapes

      Authentic Outcomes:   Globe-Trotting: The Olympics

      Success Criteria:  I can...
      • Locate and calculate the 'perimeter' of shapes
      • Locate and calculate the 'circumference' of circles (using diameter and radius)
      • Locate and name the different 'parts of a circle'
      • Describe and calculate the 'area' of shapes 
      • Record units of measurement, for perimeter, circumference, area and volume
      •  Recall my basic + , - , x and ➗ facts

      Do Now: 
      Students will complete their Numeracy Ninja 'Do Now' Task.  Mark as a class. 

      Class Activities: 
      Measurement (Olympics)

    1. Revisit calculating the 'Perimeter' of shapes - discussion via Google Meet
    2. Demonstrate calculating the 'Circumference' of a circle.  Revisit 'Parts of a Circle' - discussion and demonstration via Google Meet
    3. Introduction to 'Calculating Area' - discussion and demonstration via Google Meet.
    4. 'Marking' - shared via video conference. 


      Please complete the Maths Buddy task below, as a part of your Distance Learning Programme

  • Term 3: Week 7


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are DESCRIBING the parts of a circle
    • We are IDENTIFYING and SOLVING the perimeter and area of shapes

      Authentic Outcomes:   Globe-Trotting: The Olympics

      Success Criteria:  I can...
      • Locate and calculate the 'perimeter' of shapes
      • Locate and calculate the 'circumference' of circles (using diameter and radius)
      • Locate and name the different 'parts of a circle'
      • Describe and calculate the 'area' of shapes 
      • Record units of measurement, for perimeter, circumference, area and volume
      •  Recall my basic + , - , x and ➗ facts

      Do Now: 
      There will be no 'Google Meets' for mathematics this week, due to SLC slideshow conferencing by Learning Advisors. 

      Class Activities: 
      Measurement (Olympics)

    1. Please complete reinforcement activities on 'parts of a circle', and 'calculating perimeter and area', on Maths Buddy this week. 
    2. You are also asked to complete online Ludi practice, to develop the speed and accuracy of your timestables and basic facts. 


      Please complete the Maths Buddy task below, as a part of your Distance Learning Programme

  • Term 3: Week 8


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING Kowhaiwhai transformations so that we can show our understanding of reflection, rotation, translation and enlargement
    • We are DESIGNING an Olympic medal so that we can apply our understanding of the relationship between the diameter and circumference of circles
    • We are CONSTRUCTING a net to store an Olympic medal so that we can demonstrate calculations for the area + volume of cuboids

    • Kia ora 7F1,

      Welcome to Maori Language Week!
      This week we will be planning Kowhaiwhai transformations in your spare maths exercise book, at home.  Our 'Google Meet' times are Monday and Wednesday at 11:00am- 11:45am. 

        Authentic Outcomes:  Globe-Trotting: The Olympics

        Success Criteria:  I can...
        • Draw a Kowhaiwhai pattern
        • Identify how shapes or design has been transformed (reflection, rotation, translation & enlargement)
        • Locate lines of symmetry 
        • Identify top, front and side views of prisms
        • Identify nets of pyramids and prisms
        • Name the different types of triangles

        •  Recall my basic + , - , x and ➗ facts

        Do Now: 
        Students will complete their Numeracy Ninja 'Do Now' Task.  Mark as a class. 

        Class Activities: 

        Measurement & Geometry: 'Google Meets' @ 11am Monday & Wednesday

        1.  Maori Language Week: Kowhaiwhai Patterns to design and construct transformations:
        - lines of symmetry
        - transformations (reflection, rotation, translation and enlargement)

        2. Complete the Kowhaiwhai art activity in your own exercise book, ready for sharing on Wednesday.

        3. Introduce 'Types of Triangles', 'Top, front & Side Views' and 'Nets'. 

        4.  'Marking' via Google Meet



        Please complete the Maths Buddy task below...

  • Term 3: Week 9


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING Kowhaiwhai transformations so that we can show our understanding of reflection, rotation, translation and enlargement
    • We APPLYING angle properties (angles in a triangle, corresponding angles, supplementary angles, etc) to SOLVE unknown measures
    • We are DESIGNING an Olympic medal so that we can APPLY our understanding of the relationship between the diameter and circumference of circles
    • We are CONSTRUCTING a net to store an Olympic medal so that we can demonstrate calculations for the area + volume of cuboids

    • Kia ora 7F2,

      Please make sure you have finished your Kowhaiwhai transformations in your spare maths exercise book, at home.  Our 'Google Meet' times are Wednesday and Friday at 11:00am- 11:45am this week. 

        Authentic Outcomes:  Globe-Trotting: The Olympics

        Success Criteria:  I can...
        • Draw a Kowhaiwhai pattern
        • Identify how shapes or design has been transformed (reflection, rotation, translation & enlargement)
        • Locate lines of symmetry 
        • Identify top, front and side views of prisms
        • Identify nets of pyramids and prisms
        • Name the different types of triangles
        • Apply angle rules 
        •  Recall my basic + , - , x and ➗ facts

        Do Now: 
        Students will complete their Numeracy Ninja 'Do Now' Task.  Mark as a class. 

        Class Activities: 

        Measurement & Geometry: 'Google Meets' @ 11am Wednesday & Friday

        1.  Complete your three Kowhaiwhai Patterns tasks from last week in your maths exercise book to show translation, reflection and rotation. 

        2. Introduction to Angle Properties (angle rules) with Miss Kindley on Wednesday @ 11am via Google Meet appointment. 

        3.  'Marking' via Google Meet



        Please complete the Maths Buddy task below...

  • Term 3, Week 10


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING Kowhaiwhai transformations so that we can show our understanding of reflection, rotation, translation and enlargement
    • We APPLYING angle properties (angles in a triangle, corresponding angles, supplementary angles, etc) to SOLVE unknown measures
    • We are CONSULTING Olympic medals so that we can APPLY our understanding of the relationship between the diameter and circumference of circles
    • We are APPLYING our knowledge of nets to help calculate the area + volume of cuboids
    • We are PRACTISING reading and recording ordered pairs on a Cartesian Plane
    • We are PERFORMING distance, speed & time calculations using the DST Triangle formulae

    Kia ora 7F1,

    This week we will be learning about the Cartesian Plane and practising reading and writing ordered pairs.
    All the very best for the last week of the school term.  Wishing you and your Whanau a restful, enjoyable break. 
    Mrs Lindsay

      Authentic Outcomes:  Globe-Trotting: The Olympics

      Success Criteria:  I can...
      • Identify how shapes or design has been transformed (reflection, rotation, translation & enlargement)
      • Locate lines of symmetry 
      • Identify top, front and side views of prisms
      • Identify nets of pyramids and prisms
      • Name the different types of triangles
      • Apply angle rules 
      • Read and write ordered pairs (co-ordinates)
      • Apply formulae to perform speed, distance and time calculations
      •  Recall my basic + , - , x and ➗ facts

      Do Now: 
      Students will complete their Numeracy Ninja 'Do Now' Task.  Mark as a class. 

      Class Activities: 

      Measurement & Geometry: 'Google Meets' @ 11am Wednesday & Friday

      1.  Ludi Speed Test - Online 5 minutes

      2. Introduction to Cartesian Planes (Co-Ordinate Planes). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mA8M0yyPMYw&t=15s

      3.  'Marking' via Google Meet


      Please complete the Maths Buddy task below...

  • Term 4, Week 1


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING Kowhaiwhai transformations so that we can show our understanding of reflection, rotation, translation and enlargement
    • We APPLYING angle properties (angles in a triangle, corresponding angles, supplementary angles, etc) to SOLVE unknown measures
    • We are CONSULTING Olympic medals so that we can APPLY our understanding of the relationship between the diameter and circumference of circles
    • We are APPLYING our knowledge of nets to help calculate the area + volume of cuboids
    • We are PRACTISING reading and recording ordered pairs on a Cartesian Plane
    • We are PERFORMING distance, speed & time calculations using the DST Triangle formulae

    Kia ora 7F1,

    Welcome back to the new school term, everyone! 
    This week we will be preparing for Week 2's 'Assessment 2' on Measurement and Geometry (Monday 25th October).

      Authentic Outcomes:  Globe-Trotting: The Olympics

      Success Criteria:  I can...
      • Identify how shapes or design has been transformed (reflection, rotation, translation & enlargement)
      • Locate lines of symmetry 
      • Identify top, front and side views of prisms
      • Identify nets of pyramids and prisms
      • Name the different types of triangles
      • Apply angle rules 
      • Read and write ordered pairs (co-ordinates)
      • Apply formulae to perform speed, distance and time calculations
      •  Recall my basic + , - , x and ➗ facts

      Do Now: 
      Students will complete their Numeracy Ninja 'Do Now' Task.  Mark as a class. 

      Class Activities: 

      Measurement & Geometry: 'Google Meets' @ 11am Wednesday & Friday

      1.  Ludi Speed Test - Online 5 minutes

      2. Introduction to D/S/T graphs and revision of circumference and area of circles. 

      3.  'Marking' via Google Meet


      Please complete the Maths Buddy task below...

  • Term 4, Week 2


    REFLECT / WHAIWHAKAARO learning intentions:

    • We are REFLECTING on whether the relationship between the diameter of a medal (circle) and its circumference is a proportional relationship.
    • We are REFLECTING on 'gaps' and 'next steps' in Assessment 2: Olympics
      -Metric units and Distance/Speed & Time conversions
      -Angle rules and angles in a triangle
      -Perimeter, Area & Volume
      -Position, Orientation & Transformations
      -Circles: Area, Circumference & Labelling

    Year 7 students will be completing their Maths Assessment 2, at 10am on Tuesday 26th October.  
    Please 'accept' the Google Meet invitation that has been emailed to you.  Calculators are permitted for this assessment. 

    Part 1: Maths Buddy Question Bank: Measurement & Geometry (55 questions) due Tuesday 26th October
    Part 2:   Investigation:  Circle Investigation (diameter & circumference + parts of a circle) due Friday 29th October (activity is on Google Classroom, download as pdf then upload to MH Online). 

  • Term 4, Week 3


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING PPDAC to plan a 'MasterChef' Investigation
    • We are RESEARCHING how to use Google Form to construct a survey
    • We are CONNECTING  with family/whanau to plan a 'meat-free' day

    This week we are introducing ourselves to the 'MasterChef' context, where you are challenged to plan a 'meat-free' menu for your family for one day.  Please refer to the EnviroWeek slideshow (on your LA's Google Classroom page) for details about the MasterChef Challenge, and to your 7F1 Google Classroom page for our Maths PPDAC Statistical Investigation

    PPDAC: Collecting Data using Google Form

  • Term 4, Week 4


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING on end-of-year easTTle goals in Number, Algebra and Statistics
    • We are COMPARING prices between supermarket vendors
    • We are ADJUSTING (reducing) prices by a given percent

    Kia ora 7F1,

    This week we begin our preparation so we can work towards meeting our end of year goals in Number, Algebra and Statistics. 

      Authentic Outcomes:  Master Chef

      Success Criteria:  I can...

      • Solve equations 
      • Collect & simplify like terms
      • Solve equations with brackets

      • Plan an investigation using the PPDAC Cycle
      • Design a ‘Google Form’ (data)
      • Create a shopping list to compare prices per vendor
      • Calculate
       ‘price per serve’

      Class Activities:  

      1.  Please log on to Google Meet  Monday at 10am.  We will continue our focus on the PPDAC Cycle (‘MasterChef’).

      2. Our second Google Meet is on Friday starting at 11am.  We will complete Numeracy Ninja + Ludi together, then move on to our preparation for easTTle in Wk 6. 

      3. Log on to Maths Buddy. View the video associated with each task, then complete the online questions. 

      4. Please practice Ludi times tables sessions. https://ludi.nz/


      Please complete the Maths Buddy revision tasks in Number, Algebra and Statistics. 

  • Term 4, Week 5


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING on end-of-year easTTle goals in Number, Algebra and Statistics
    • We are COMPARING prices between supermarket vendors
    • We are ADJUSTING (reducing) prices by a given percent

    Kia ora 7F1,

    This week we continue our preparation so we can work towards meeting our end of year goals in Number, Algebra and Statistics. 

      Authentic Outcomes:  Master Chef

      Success Criteria:  I can...

      • Solve equations 
      • Collect & simplify like terms
      • Solve equations with brackets

      • Plan an investigation using the PPDAC Cycle
      • Design a ‘Google Form’ (data)
      • Create a shopping list to compare prices per vendor
      • Calculate
       ‘price per serve’

      Class Activities:  

      1.  Please log on to Google Meet  Monday at 10am.  We will continue our focus on the PPDAC Cycle (‘MasterChef’).

      2. Our second Google Meet is on Friday starting at 11am.  We will complete Numeracy Ninja + Ludi together, then move on to our preparation for easTTle in Wk 6. 

      3. Log on to Maths Buddy. View the video associated with each task, then complete the online questions. 

      4. Please practice Ludi times tables sessions. https://ludi.nz/


      Please complete the Maths Buddy revision tasks in Number, Algebra and Statistics. 

  • Term 4, Week 6


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING on end-of-year easTTle goals in Number, Algebra and Statistics
    • We are FOCUSING  on interpreting individual learning pathway reports (ILP's) for 'next steps'
    • We are COMPARING prices between supermarket vendors
    • We are ADJUSTING (reducing) prices by a given percent

    Kia ora 7F1,

    This week we will be completing our end of year easTTle maths assessment (Number, Algebra and Statistics).  Students working on Level 4 or 5 will require a calculator. 
    Please log on to the Google Meet link that has already been shared with you, at 9:20am sharp on Tuesday morning. 

      Authentic Outcomes:  Master Chef

      Success Criteria:  I can...

      • Solve equations 
      • Collect & simplify like terms
      • Solve equations with brackets

      • Plan an investigation using the PPDAC Cycle
      • Design a ‘Google Form’ (data)
      • Create a shopping list to compare prices per vendor
      • Calculate
       ‘price per serve’

      Class Activities:  

      1.  Log onto the Google Meet link invite for 7F1 & 7F2 at 9:20am on Tuesday. 

      2. Calculators are not to be used for Level 2 and Level 3 papers, as they are not needed. 

      3. Calculators will be needed for Level 4 and Level 5, only. 

      4. Cameras MUST be TURNED ON for authenticity.  Microphones turned ‘off’ please.  Please complete your own assessment, individually. 


      Please complete any 'current' or 'overdue' Maths Buddy tasks in Number, Algebra and Statistics. 

  • 15 November - 21 November

  • 22 November - 28 November

  • 29 November - 5 December