Weekly outline

  • General

    English 2021

  • 1 February - 7 February

    Kia Ora Forest Ngahere Whanau

    Welcome to English! Mrs Ismail is your English teacher and you will learn lots of interesting  and relevant contexts this year.  Our Year 8 Term 1 Context is~

    Year 8 -   ‘Te Taha Wairua’ - Connecting to the Marine Environment                     

    Whakataukī: He manako te kōura e kore ai 

    Metaphorical: The wish for fish will bring none. 

    Literal: Dreams require action to become reality 

    He waka eke noa -

    We’re all in this together

  • 8 February - 14 February

    Kia Ora Students and welcome to Week 2 Term 1!

    This week you will be~

    1. Reflecting and writing your goals for writing and reading 2021.

    2. Writing a personal profile about yourselves in your Writing Book.

    LI- Follow the correct structure

    Include your name, family, personal hobbies and interests, future goals/quotes, role models.

    SC-3 paragraphs.

    3. Library session- Orientation /Library Fun Challenges.

    and Reading for enjoyment.

  • 15 February - 21 February

    Kia Ora Students and welcome to Week 3 Term 1!

    This week you will be~Monday-Wednesday

    Let's Keep in Touch - Distance Learning Journal-complete activities from timetable and record evidence


    Must Do-

    10 mins of silent reading at start of session-Library Books and recording in Book Log-at the back of English Book


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING ways to identify Static Image elements by interpreting posters and images
    • We are EXPLORING ways to identify visual techniques by recognising specific visual elements that make a Static Image
    • We are EXPLORING language features by observing and researching visual elements and vocabulary that make up a Static Image
    • SOLO                 ONE                          MANY                                 RELATE                    EXTEND

    • See Google Classroom for activities/resources

  • 22 February - 28 February

    Kia Ora Students and welcome to Week 4 Term 1!

    This week you will be~

    Tuesday-Totara Pools trip

    Wednesday-Having a Library session-reading for enjoyment


    Must Do-

    10 mins of silent reading at start of session-Library Books and recording in Book Log-at the back of English Book


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING ways to identify Static Image elements by interpreting posters and images
    • We are EXPLORING ways to identify visual techniques by recognising specific visual elements that make a Static Image
    • We are EXPLORING language features by observing and researching visual elements and vocabulary that make up a Static Image
      • SOLO                 ONE                          MANY                                 RELATE                    EXTEND

    • See Google Classroom for activities/resources

  • 1 March - 7 March

    Kia Ora and Welcome to week 5!

    Online learning this week due to Lockdown-

    Please see plan similar to the one emailed to you.

  • 8 March - 14 March

    Kia Ora Students and welcome to Week 6 Term 1!

    This week you will be~

    Wednesday-Having a Library session-reading for enjoyment

    Must Do-

    10 mins of silent reading at start of session-Library Books and recording in Book Log-at the back of English Book


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING on Static Image Elements by identifying and describing them to our peers and discussing them in class
    • We are FOCUSING on visual language features by explaining and discussing them with our peers
    • We are FOCUSING on using the the correct written structure by explaining our Static Image elements using SEXY paragraphs

    See Google Classroom for resources and activities

  • 15 March - 21 March

    Kia Ora Students and welcome to Week 7 Term 1!

    This week you will be~

    Tuesday Goat Island Trip

    Continuing plan from last week-see below

    Must Do-

    10 mins of silent reading at start of session-Library Books and recording in Book Log-at the back of English Book


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING on Static Image Elements by identifying and describing them to our peers and discussing them in class
    • We are FOCUSING on visual language features by explaining and discussing them with our peers
    • We are FOCUSING on using the the correct written structure by explaining our Static Image elements using SEXY paragraphs

    See Google Classroom for resources 


    Creating A Static Image on a chosen quote and using sexy paragraphs to explain your choices of colour, font, symbols

  • 22 March - 28 March

    Kia Ora Students and welcome to Week 8 Term 1!


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING to identify oral, written and visual features so that we can create a Static Image on a sustainability/marine conservation message using relevant symbols, colour, text/font, texture for effect
      • We are PLANNING to use a range of vocabulary so that we can justify our choice of symbols, colour, text/font on our Static Image Assessment and make meaning
        • We are PLANNING to show an increasing knowledge of text conventions so that we can apply our local knowledge/history on sustainibility and marine conservation issues
          • We are PLANNING to recognise and understand the connections between oral, written, and visual language so that we can preparecollaborate and share our ideas on our Static Image


    Students are finishing off practice Static Image elements write up from last week and starting their Assessment 1 this week. Resources/examples are on Google Classroom.

    Library session this week-Wednesday session 1-Reading for enjoyment and small group conferencing with Teacher.

  • 29 March - 4 April

    Kia Ora Students and welcome to Week 9 Term 1!


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING to identify oral, written and visual features so that we can create a Static Image on a sustainability/marine conservation message using relevant symbols, colour, text/font, texture for effect
      • We are PLANNING to use a range of vocabulary so that we can justify our choice of symbols, colour, text/font on our Static Image Assessment and make meaning
        • We are PLANNING to show an increasing knowledge of text conventions so that we can apply our local knowledge/history on sustainibility and marine conservation issues
          • We are PLANNING to recognise and understand the connections between oral, written, and visual language so that we can preparecollaborate and share our ideas on our Static Image


    Students are working on their Static Image Assessment 1 this week. Resources/examples are on Google Classroom.

  • 5 April - 11 April

    Kia Ora Students and welcome to Week 10 Term 1!


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING to identify oral, written and visual features so that we can create a Static Image on a sustainability/marine conservation message using relevant symbols, colour, text/font, texture for effect
      • We are PLANNING to use a range of vocabulary so that we can justify our choice of symbols, colour, text/font on our Static Image Assessment and make meaning
        • We are PLANNING to show an increasing knowledge of text conventions so that we can apply our local knowledge/history on sustainibility and marine conservation issues
          • We are PLANNING to recognise and understand the connections between oral, written, and visual language so that we can preparecollaborate and share our ideas on our Static Image


    Students are working on their Static Image Assessment 1 this week. Resources/examples are on Google Classroom.

  • 12 April - 18 April

    Last week of term. Week 11.

    Continue working on assessments this week.

  • 19 April - 25 April

  • 26 April - 2 May

  • 3 May - 9 May

    Kia Ora and Welcome to Week 1 of Term 2!!

    Students are handing in their Static Image assessments this week-Friday 3pm.


    REFLECT / WHAIWHAKAARO learning intentions:

    • We are REFLECTING our choices of Static Image Elements and it's effects by reviewing our work
      • We are REFLECTING on our Static Image by critiquing our work and evaluating it's theme/message and impact
    • Success Criteria-
      • I can reflect on a range of response to text  elements in my assessment and explain the effectiveness and impacts  of these techniques




        I can reflect on my  Static Image assessment  and justify my choices

  • 10 May - 16 May

    Kia Ora Students and Welcome to Week 2!!

    This week you will be~

    1. Completing a PMI/SELF REFLECTION ON your English assessment 1

    2. Library Session-Reading for Enjoyment.

    3. LI-Create a fact file on William Shakespeare

        SC-I can:

    -Research information with key words

    -Skim and scan for information

    -Record notes

    Complete Activity







    1. List plays that he wrote.

    2. What were the common themes of his plays?

    3. What inspired him to become an author/poet?

    4. Why were women not initially allowed to perform in plays back then?

    4. Uploading evidence onto your Great Learner Evidence Website.

    Thursday-Teacher Only Day

  • 17 May - 23 May

    • Achievement Objectives:
    • ENG/Speaking, Writing and Presenting/L4/Processes and strategies
    • ENG/Speaking, Writing and Presenting/L4/Ideas
    • ENG/Speaking, Writing and Presenting/L4/Structure

    Kia Ora and Welcome to Week 3!! 


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING plot, characters, themes, main ideas by analysing and observing main elements of the Film text" The Greatest Showman"
    • We are EXPLORING the authors purpose by researching and discovering facts of the Film text" The Greatest Showman"

  • 24 May - 30 May

    Kia Ora and Welcome to Week 4!
    Library Session Monday.


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

      • We are FOCUSING on our script writing skills by choosing a topic and developing our ideas
      • We are FOCUSING on using processes and strategies when working with our peers by brainstorming, discussing and transforming our ideas into a script
      • We are FOCUSING on using the correct structure of a script by selecting and choosing the correct elements

    Activities: Creative Writing-writing a play script.

    1. Organise students into groups of 4.

    2. Look at script writing examples/videos.

    3. List script writing elements in English Book.

    4. Brainstorm ideas/messages of inclusive/kindness themes.

    5. Write a script for your own play in your groups.

  • 31 May - 6 June

    Kia Ora and Welcome to Week 5!!


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING on creating our own innovative scripts with a kindness theme/message so that we can perform our skit/play
    • We are PLANNING on collaborating and sharing our ideas with our group so that we can present our skit/play
    • We are PLANNING on practising with our group so that we can present our skit/play

    Students this week are writing, creating and practising their own play scripts in teacher assigned groups on a kindness theme.

  • 7 June - 13 June

    Kia Ora and welcome to Week 6!!

    This week we have Library sessions on Wednesday.

    REFLECT / WHAIWHAKAARO learning intentions:

    • We are REFLECTING on our script writing skills by reviewing our group writing tasks, structure and the elements we used.
    • We are REFLECTING on our group performance/presentation by critiquing our play/skit.


    Library sessions -update Book review on doc from Google Classroom.

    Reflections on play and script writing skills (after presentations).

  • 14 June - 20 June

    Kia Ora and Welcome to Week 7!!

    We are finishing up with reflections and presentations from last week, then moving onto exploring  our speeches topic.


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    We are EXPLORING the correct structure of a speech format by observing and analysing examples
     We are EXPLORING processes and strategies by discovering elements of speechmaking

    Activities/resources are on Google Classroom

  • 21 June - 27 June

    Kia ora and welcome to Week 8.

    This week you have Library session (Wednesday)and Reading e-asttle(Monday).

    Continue with last weeks Explore plan.

  • 28 June - 4 July

    Kia Ora and welcome to Week 9!!


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

      • We are FOCUSING...on our oral presentation skills by discussing and identifying the key elements of a formal speech
      • We are FOCUSING...on our speech making skills by choosing our own topic and brainstorming and developing our ideas
      • We are FOCUSING...on using the SEXY WrIting structure by adapting it to our topic transforming our ideas into a speech

      • Activities and resources are on Google Classroom.
      • https://www.brainpop.com/english/studyandreadingskills/publicspeaking/
  • 5 July - 11 July

    Kia Ora and welcome to Week 10!!


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING... to follow the correct structure of a formal speech so that we can...prepare our speech
    • We are PLANNING to brainstorm our ideas so that we can plan our speech
    • We are PLANNING to practise our speech so that we can present and perform in front of an audience and share information

  • 12 July - 18 July

    Term 2 Holidays

  • 19 July - 25 July

    Term 2 Holidays

  • 26 July - 1 August

    Kia Ora and welcome to Week 1 Term 3!!

    Written-speech is due this week by Friday 30th July, 4pm.

    Continue with:PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI

    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING... to follow the correct structure of a formal speech so that we can...prepare our speech
    • We are PLANNING to brainstorm our ideas so that we can plan our speech
    • We are PLANNING to practise our speech so that we can present and perform in front of an audience and share information

  • 2 August - 8 August

    Kia Ora and Welcome to Week 2!!

    This week you will be presenting your speeches and reflecting on them.


    REFLECT / WHAIWHAKAARO learning intentions:

      • We are REFLECTING...on our speech assessment so that we can review our presentation and evaluate ourselves
      • I can reflect on my oral presentation techniques and speech delivery


        Plus points

        Minus points

        Interesting points

  • 9 August - 15 August

    Kia Ora and Welcome to Week 3!!
    Our context this term is Evolution in Olympics!!!
    Library sessions this week-Monday


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING language features by observing and recognising them in a variety of texts
    • We are EXPLORING new words by researching and finding out what they mean
    • We are EXPLORING reading comprehension strategies by interpreting and analysing news articles

    Activities and links on google classroom.

  • 16 August - 22 August

    Kia Ora and Welcome to Week 4!!

    Our context this term is Evolution in Olympics!!!
    Continue with~


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING language features by observing and recognising them in a variety of texts
    • We are EXPLORING new words by researching and finding out what they mean
    • We are EXPLORING reading comprehension strategies by interpreting and analysing news articles

    Activities and links on google classroom.

  • 23 August - 29 August

    Kia Ora and Welcome to Week to Week 5!

    (Lockdown week-stay safe!!)


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING on reading comprehension skills by selecting, identifying and explaining main ideas.
    • We are FOCUSING on figurative/poetic language by selecting, identifying, discussing, clarifying and explaining main ideas and key words

  • 30 August - 5 September

    Kia Ora and Welcome to Week 6!!

    Lockdown activities:

  • 6 September - 12 September

    Kia Ora and Welcome to Week 7!!

    Lockdown FOCUS activities:

  • 13 September - 19 September

    Kia Ora and Welcome to Week 8!!

    Lockdown FOCUS continued from last weeks activities:

    Maori Language week!! We will have a Kahoot quiz for Maori Language week on our Google Meet-Monday.

  • 20 September - 25 September

    Kia Ora and Welcome to Week 9!

    (Lockdown week)


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING on reading comprehension skills by selecting, identifying and explaining main ideas.
    • We are FOCUSING on figurative/poetic language by selecting, identifying, discussing, clarifying and explaining main ideas and key words

  • 27 September - 3 October

  • 4 October - 10 October

    Term 3 Holidays

  • 11 October - 17 October

    Term 3 Holidays

  • 18 October - 24 October

    Kia Ora and welcome to week 1, Term 4! Online learning continues with Level 3 lockdown.


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING on reading comprehension skills by selectingidentifying and explaining main ideas.
    • We are FOCUSING on figurative/poetic language by selectingidentifyingdiscussingclarifying and explaining main ideas and key words

  • 25 October - 31 October

    Kia Ora and welcome to Week 2, Term 4! Online learning continues with Level 3 lockdown.


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING to use the correct structure and ideas so that we can create our own poetry

  • 1 November - 7 November

    Kia Ora and welcome to Week 3, Term 4! Online learning continues with Level 3 lockdown.


    REFLECT / WHAIWHAKAARO learning intentions:

    • We are REFLECTING on our learning by reviewing what we have learnt and self assessing on our use of reading/writing skills, strategies and use of language/figurative language.

    • Success Criteria:

      Complete Plus, Minus, Interesting-reflections

  • 8 November - 14 November

    Kia Ora and welcome to Week 4. Term 4! Online learning continues in lockdown.

    This week you have your End of Year Writing test on Wednesday.

  • 15 November - 21 November

    Kia Ora and welcome to week 5!!


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

      • We are EXPLORING the correct structure of a procedural format by observing and analysing examples
    • We are EXPLORING processes and strategies by discovering elements and written language features of a procedural text

  • 22 November - 28 November

    Kia Ora and Welcome to Week 6!!

    E-asttle testing this week!!

  • 29 November - 5 December

    Kia Ora and welcome to Week 7!


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING...on our written language features by discussing and identifying the key elements of a procedure
    • We are FOCUSING...on our procedural skills by choosing our own topic and brainstorming and developing our ideas
    • We are FOCUSING...on using the procedural structure by adapting it to our topic transforming our ideas into a recipe

  • 6 December - 12 December

    Kia Ora and Welcome to Week 8!!


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING to use the correct structure, language and ideas so that we can create and plan our own recipe
    • We are PLANNING to use a range of vocabulary so that we can prepare, present and share our ideas

  • 13 December - 19 December


    REFLECT / WHAIWHAKAARO learning intentions:

    • We are REFLECTING...
      • on our learning by reviewing what we have learnt and self assessing on our use of language features and structure, and plan/do of our recipe