Weekly outline

  • General

  • Welcome to Year 9 Science

    Kia Ora Young Scientists,

    Welcome to Year 9 Science. My name is Mrs. Lindsay and I will be taking you through your Science journey this year. We will be exploring various areas of Science, including Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Earth Science. Whilst content knowledge is important in Science, its the Science Skills that permeates through all areas of Science, which will be assess in your Common Assessment Tasks (CATs) delivered under exam conditions this year. 

     Should you need to contact me, face to face is always easiest while in class. Alternatively you can send me an email at alindsay@mhjc.school.nz, but do note that my reply may be brief.

    I look forward to co-creating our Science journey together with you all.

    Mrs Lindsay 

    Image result for science gif

  • Term 1, Week 2-3

    Kia Ora Scientist,

    Our context this term is Kokokaha- Powered by the Wind. We will be exploring the skills you would need to sailing away into the sunset and stay out at sea without turning back!

    Our first task is to hone in on our Science Skills, and this includes
    Lab safety and skills
    Using a Bunsen burner safely
    Understanding, Investigating and Communicating in Science (Science literacy)

    We will be focusing on chemistry skills so we can create clean water, preserve food, and attempt self sufficiency, all of which are essential when on a boat!

    Success Criteria:

    • Conduct myself in a lab safely
    • Identify and use lab a variety of lab equipment correctly
    • Use a Bunsen burner effectively and safely
    • Show accuracy when measuring substance 


    1. Charades
    2. Lab equipment- identify and draw
    3. LAB- Practise lighting and extinguishing a bunsen burner
    4. Measuring and reading scales accurately
    5. SCIPAD
    6. LABS- different techniques of separating mixture 

    Further Learning:
    All resource will be posted on MHO, Google Classrooms. We will also be utilising Education Perfect and Brainpop to supplement understanding. 

  • Term 1 Weeks 4-5

    Kia ora Year 9s

    Learning Intentions:
    We are FOCUSING of practising our basic laboratory skills safely and accurately
    We are FOCUSING on COMMUNICATING science investigations 

    Success Criteria:
    I can heat liquids in a boiling tube using a bunsen burner safely
    I can measure liquid accurately by identifying the bottom of a meniscus
    I have attempted writing a complete AIM, HYPOTHESIS, and identify INDEPENDENT, DEPENDENT, and CONTROL VARIABLES in an experiment with guidance


    1. LAB- how to heat liquids in a boiling tube using a bunsen burner
    2. LAB- identifying and reading a meniscus
    3. EP- Writing a Scientific Report
    4. Worksheets- Writing an Aim, Hypothesis, and Introducing Variables

    Further Learning:
    All resources are on Google Classrooms

  • Term 1 Week 6-7

    Nu mai haere mai ākonga,

    Success Criteria:

    • Communicate a science investigation with some accuracy

    •  Identify differences between pure substances and mixtures.
    • Identify types of mixtures: solids, solution, suspension and miscible and immiscible liquids.

    • Define a solution
    • Explain how a solution forms


    1. Writing activities
    2. Game- Survivor
    3. Kahoot
    4. LABS- different techniques of separating mixture 
    5. SCIPAD

    Further Learning:

    All resource will be posted on MHO, Google Classrooms. 

  • Term 1 Weeks 8-9

    Ata marie Year 9s

    Learning objectives

    Investigating concepts of solubility, concentrations, dilutions, and techniques to separate mixtures

    Success Criteria:

    • Communicate scientific investigations accurately using scientific conventions
    • Conduct a simple experiment to investigate solubility of 2 different solutes in water
    • I can compare and explain concentration of solutions by creating a dilution series using precise skills in measuring and lab skills
    • I can explain the difference between saturation and supersaturation
    • I can apply various lab techniques to separate a mixture (specifically decantation, filtration, evaporation and distillation)
    • I can write a step by step methodology
    • I can explain, through the separating technique “chromatography” how the different solubility of substance allows us to identify and isolate substances in a mixture
    • I can draw graphs for continuous and discontinuous data, using scientific conventions


    1. Teacher demo- Fractional distillation of water and ethanol
    2. Teacher demo- Instant crystallisation of supersaturated solution of sodium acetate trihydrate
    3. Create a dilution series and explain the ratio of particles in each test tube
    4. Separating a mixture of oil, sand, salt and water using decantation, filtration, evaporation, and distillation
    5. Writing Methodology worksheet
    6. Seperate mixtures using chromatography and explain the degree of solubility of mixtures in a solvent
    7. Practise drawing bar graphs and scatterplots with line of best fit and peer marking 

    Further Learning:
    Resources are posted on Google Classroom and Education Perfect

  • Term 1 Week 10-11

    Kia ora Year 9s

    I'm going to miss you all heaps in Week 10 due to Easter Holidays, as I'm only seeing you once on Wednesday. 

    Week 11 will be assessment week!

    Ensure you have:

    • REVISED for my assessment in WEEK 11
    • I have COMPLETED MY HOMEWORK ON GRAPHING (due Wednesday Week 10)

    Success Criteria:

    • I can communicate an experiment clearly and effectively
    • I can write a conclusion for a scientific investigation, using scientific conventions
    • I can explain particle nature of matter to some detail 
    • I can explain particle motion theory to some detail

    1. Writing a conclusion (in class)
    2. Education Perfect (independent learning)

    Further Learning:
    See resources on Google Classrooms and Education Perfect tasks for independent learning


    The school holiday conundrum for parents | RNZ

  • Term 2 Week 1-2

    Nau mai, Hoki mai!

    Welcome back to Term 2. I trust that you have had a relaxing break.

    This term we will be how we are part of something much bigger... and that our survival may be in peril depending on the decisions that we make.

    Success Criteria:

    Describe the world around us using ecological terms and give examples (ecology, biotic, abiotic, individual, population, community, ecosystem)
    Define habitat and give examples (lithosphere, cryosphere, biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere)
    Describe how an animal has adaptations so that it is successful in its habitat (behavioural vs physical)


    1. Video- Our survival depends on bees
    2. Compare and contrast factors that will increase and decrease the bee population
    3. Ecological terms intro- via Finding Nemo, The Lion King, and Happy Feet
    4. Black mumba vs mongoose- who will win? Describe the behavioural and physical adaptations of each animal and watch them fight!
    5. Create a NZ endangered animal profile and present back to the class

    Further Learning:
    All resources are found on Google Classrooms, EP, and Brainpop

  • Term 2 Week 3-4

    Kia ora scientists!

    We are continuing our journey to understand the life around us

    Success Criteria:

    Predict if an animal is a predator or prey by identifying its physical features
    Understand physical adaptation of animals from hot and cold climates
    Describe predator prey cycles, and how these cycles occur


    1. Find similarities in physical adaptation between predators and prey 
    2. Apply Bergman's rule and Allan's rule to animals of hot and cold climates, and explain why 
    3. Create a designer organism, incorporating ecological terms and concepts
    4. Graph a predator and prey cycle using data
    5. Game- cat and mice

    Further Learning:
    All resources on Google Classrooms, EP, and Brainpop

  • Term 2 Week 5-6

    Kia ora Year 9s

    Success Criteria:

    Identify organisms in ecological terms - carnivore, herbivore, omnivore, producer, consumer, decomposer
    Describe how these organisms interact in a food web, and how they are all essential to the strength of biodiversity
    Categorise organisms in an energy pyramid
    Explain the 10% energy transfer rule through each trophic level


    1. Draw a food web
    2. Ameoba sisters- Energy pyramids and biodiversity
    3. Create an energy pyramid of native NZ endangered/endemic species, labelling each trophic label and amount of energy transfer

    Further Learning:
    All resources are on Google classroom, EP, and Brainpop

  • Term 2 Week 7-8

    Kia ora Scientists!

    Success Criteria:

    I am able to communicate scientific ideas in a way that a younger audience can understand


    1. Watching "Seaspiracy" along with a comprehension activity
    2. Pull inspiration from the theatre show "The Marine Team" 
    3. Create a skit for a younger audience that focuses on communicating a scientific idea

    Further Learning:
    See Google Classroom for resources

  • Term 2 Week 9 - 10

    Kia ora Year 9s

    Success Criteria:

    I can recall basic parts of a microscope
    I can use a microscope to focus on a specimen
    I can draw a microscope specimen using biological drawing rules
    I can label parts of a plant and recall their main functions
    I can describe the vascular system of a plant and compare the 2 systems
    I can compare the vascular system of a plant with the human vascular system
    I can identify the xylem and phloem of a celery stem cross section under the microscope


    1. Label parts of a microscope
    2. Microscope session using pre-prepared specimen slides
    3. Biological drawing session and workshops
    4. Vascular system of plant- video and discussion
    5. Celery stem lab

    Further Learning:
    All further learning resources are posted on Google Classroom, EP, and Brainpop. 

  • Term 2 School Holidays

    6 Awesome Dogs You Should Check Out Right Now - Awesome Pawsome

  • Term 3 Week 1-2

    Kia ora Year 9s

    Nau mai, hoki mai!

    Welcome back to Term 3. Our context is Inclusiveness and Energy. 
    We will continue where we left off from last term and finish learning about how plants are essential for humans and life on earth. We will be focussing on the anatomy and physiology of plants, and explore their reproduction and growth cycles.

    Thereafter, we will make a start on Energy, our contextual learning this ter. We exploring the nature of electrons, electricity, magnetism, and electromagnetism, and how to manipulate it to make our lives easier!

    Success Criteria:

    Explain how plants make food via photosynthesis in its leaves
    Explain the anatomical mechanisms that allow a plant to transpire
    Conduct an experiment that tests the theory "Plants make food using sunlight"
    I can identity structures in the cross section of a leaf and and describe its functions 


    1. SCIPAD 132 - 133 reading comprehension
    2. Brainpop- photosynthesis
    3. Stomata printing lab
    4. Starch testing lab- SCIPAD 134-136
    5. Watch draw and label a cross section of a leaf - video tutorial 

    Further Learning:
    All learning resources are posted on Google Classroom, Brainpop, and EP.

  • Term 3 Week 3-4

    Kia ora Year 9s,


    Success Criteria:

    Describe the reproductive organs of plants and explain how they reproduce 
    Explain different methods of seed dispersal and and give examples 
    Conduct a flower dissection and identify all parts of a flower
    Prepare for the assessment on plants


    1. Brainpop- Plant reproduction
    2. Make a model of a flower 
    3. Parts of a flower quiz
    4. Video- The Private Life of Plant- Travelling (David Attenborough)
    5. Seed dispersal worksheet
    6. Flower dissection
    7. Make a CHEAT SHEET
    8. Botany quiz

    Further Learning:
    All learning resources are posted on Google Classroom, EP, and Brainpop.

  • Term 3 Week 5-6

    Kia ora Year 9s,

    We are in Level 4 lockdown for Weeks 5 and 6. Continue your learning at home so you don't fall behind. Sometimes it's easier to buddy up with a friend so you can help and motivate each other to complete the learning!

    We will be EXPLORING the nature of electricity  and FOCUSING on the relationship between voltage, current, and resistance

    Success Criteria:

    Describe the difference between static electricity and current electricity
    Give examples of conductors and insulators
    Describe and explain voltage, current, and resistance
    Apply ohm's law to find voltage, resistance, and current

    Explain the nature of static electricity
    Explain to proportional relationship in Ohm’s Law
    Follow instructions and use a PHET simulation


    1. EP- Electricity revision

    2. EP- Introduction to electricity- voltage, resistance, and current

    3. Assignment- Ohm's law worksheet

    4. Brainpop + activities on Electricity basics

    5. Brainpop + activities on Static Electricity

    6. Assignment - PHET simulation on static electricity

    7. Assignment - PHET simulation on Ohm's Law

    Further Learning:
    All instructions and resources have been posted on Google Classroom.

  • Term 3 Week 7-8

    Kia ora Year 9s,

    Unfortunately we are still in a Level 4 COVID lockdown.Hopefully we'll be back to school soon!
    Thank you to all who attended our Science Google Meets, contributed and asked questions, and staying on top of your learning.

    We will be EXPLORING the nature of electricity  and FOCUSING on the relationship between voltage, current, and resistance

    Success Criteria:

    I can explain the different types of current electricity
    I can draw electrical components and electrical circuits.
    I can describe the differences between series vs parallel circuits


    1. Brainpop + activities on Current Electricity
    2. Brainpop + activities and Electric Circuits
    3. Assignment - Electric circuits and electric diagrams videos and write up notes 

    Further Learning:
    All learning resources are on Google Classrooms, EP and Brainpop

  • Term 3 Week 9

    Kia ora Year 9s,
    By now, you should know the basics of circuitry and how to draw them.

    Success Criteria:

    Build circuits in series and parallel using PHET simulations
    Describe the difference between series and parallel circuits, especially the contrasting nature of current, voltage, and resistance
    Measure and calculate current and voltage in series and parallel circuits 


              Task 1 : SCIPAD instructions

      1. Go to scipadonline.co.nz and log in (you should have created an account last week- if not, do it now! See announcement on GC to instructions)
      2. Choose BOOK 2 --> LESSONS --> Electricity and Magnetism --> LESSON 1-16 (don't worry, they're really short!)
      3. You can also have a play around with CONTENT- there's heaps of cool games in there!

      Task 2 : PHET Electricity and Circuits guided simulation - plus worksheet

      Task 3 : PHET Series and Parallel guided simulation - plus worksheet
      Further Learning:
      All resources and further instruction are on Google Classroom

  • Term 3 Week 10

    Kia ora Year 9s,

    We have completed our learning on Electricity... so this week we are looking at magnetism and the real life applications of electromagnetism

    Success Criteria:

    I can describe the nature of magnets and magnetic fields
    I can explain how electromagnets work, and give examples as to why they are beneficial


    Work through these tasks IN ORDER

      1. Brainpop- Magnets, Compass, Electromagnets 
      2. BBC Bitesize revision - magnetism and electromagnetism 
      3. BBC Bitesize test - magnetism and electromagnetism 
      4. EP - Applications of electromagnetism 

    Further Learning:
    All links are posted on Google Classroom


    School Holiday Programmes – Summer 2020/2021 – Sport Gisborne Tairawhiti
  • Term 4 Week 1

    Welcome back Year 9s!

    This term, we will continue to explore physical phenomena around us, in the form of energy, heat, waves, sound and light.

    Success Criteria:

    I can explain heat transfer in terms of convection, conduction, and radiation
    I can describe different phases of a wave

    I have added a couple of videos to help with understanding- see Google Classroom for links


      1. Read through the HEAT powerpoint and make notes in your book as required
      2. EP tasks - Heat conduction, convection, and radiation - see link below
      3. SCIPAD - Book 1 - Waves and Energy - Lessons 1 to 6 ("Intro to Energy" and "Waves")

    Further Learning:
    All resource are posted on Google Classroom including powerpoint, links, and further instructions

  • Term 4 Week 2

    Kia ora Year 9s,

    WALT - Explore everyday physical phenomena around us

    Success Criteria:

    I can describe parts of a wave and explain different types of waves
    I can describe the nature of sound waves


      1. Do Brainpop tasks below
      2. Work through the worksheet using the Brainpop videos on Waves and Sound - these are your notes so please do this activity carefully.

    Further Learning:
    See Google Classroom for links and resources

  • Term 4 Week 3

    Kia ora Year 9s,

    This week we will continue to explore waves, in terms of light!

    Success Criteria:

    I can describe the properties of light
    I can describe the nature of light in terms of waves
    I can explain electromagnetic radiation and use it to describe the properties of visible light (colour) 


    1. Work through the tasks on Brainpop- Save your work to PDF when you can!
    2. CAT revision-
      1. Lab skills, safety (!!), equipment 
      GO TO SCIPAD online - "Welcome to the Lab" chapter - Lesson + content
      2. Scientific literacy - Read the article "A dire shortage of water" and answer the comprehension questions on the doc posted on Google Classroom

    Further Learning:
    See Google Classroom for resources and links

  • Term 4 Week 4

    Kia ora Year 9s,

    This week we will continue to explore the nature of light

    Success Criteria:

    I explain the the colours that make up visible light, in terms of their differing wavelengths
    I can describe the nature of light in terms of reflection, refraction, and diffraction
    I can apply my understanding of visible light to explain how rainbows are formed


    Work through these tasks IN ORDER:

      1. Brainpop activities - Print and SAVE to PDF when you can!
      2. Complete "How Are Rainbows Formed" worksheet
      3. Complete the PHET Simulation on Bending light- follow the instructions on the self guided simulation

    Further Learning:
    See Google Classroom for resources and links

  • Term 4 Week 5

    Kia ora Year 9s,

    This week we will continue to explore the nature of light

    Success Criteria:

    I can predict its effects when manipulated by different materials, reflection, refractions and lenses


      1.  EP Light tasks on materials, reflection, refraction, lenses 
      Make sure you do last weeks learning (Week 4) before you attempt this one of you'll get a bit lost!
      2. Finish any work you need to catch up on (including last week's tasks!!)

    Further Learning:
    See Google Classroom for resources and links

  • Term 4 Week 6

    Kia ora Year 9s,

    This week you will be testing yourself on your knowledge of light, by demonstrating your understanding of fundamental light concepts through 2 types of tasks- by "testing your self" and by attempting "exam style questions" to the best of your ability.

    Success Criteria:

    I have revised all concepts of light we have covered by working through the "Test Yourself" worksheets


      Tasks- ensure you do these IN ORDER!
      1.  Read through the “Light Key Revision Facts” 
      2. Complete “Light test yourself” worksheets 1, 2, and 3
      3. Complete Light Exam style questions 1 and 2

    Further Learning:
    See Google Classroom for resources and links

  • Term 4 Week 7

    Kia ora seniors,

    COVID may be new but we have been here and done it all before.
    This week, we will be exploring historical pandemics and how the world overcame it.

    Success Criteria:

    I have gained a different perspective of pandemics through exploring historic global pandemics i.e. Polio


      1. Watch the documentary (via ETV link below) to help you complete the worksheet 'Polio: The Shot Felt ' Round The World''

    Further Learning:
    See Google Classroom for resources and links

  • Term 4 Week 8

    Kia ora Seniors,

    Last week, we explored the historical pandemic polio and how the world overcame it.
    This week, we will be focusing on global polio eradication efforts and the effects of politics and religion.

    Success Criteria:

    1. Explore global polio eradication efforts and identify challenges that arises
    2. Recognise the catastrophic consequences of NOT eradicating polio in the developing world
    3. Observe the national and global consequences of mixing public health initiatives with politics/religion.


    Complete the task sheet on Polio and Politics posted on Google Classroom

    Further Learning:
    Explore the global efforts to eradicate Polio

  • 16 August - 22 August

  • 23 August - 29 August

  • 30 August - 5 September

  • 6 September - 12 September

  • 13 September - 19 September

  • 20 September - 25 September

  • 27 September - 3 October

  • 4 October - 10 October

  • 11 October - 17 October

  • 18 October - 24 October

  • 25 October - 31 October

  • 1 November - 7 November

  • 8 November - 14 November

  • 15 November - 21 November

  • 22 November - 28 November

  • 29 November - 5 December

  • 6 December - 12 December

  • 13 December - 19 December