10M2 Mathematics
Weekly outline
Kia ora koutou
Welcome 10M2. I am Mr Lal. I will be your Maths teacher for this year. Our classroom is M2.
My expectations are:
1. be punctual
2. bring the correct book and equipments to class
3. stay on task in class
4. do homework to best of your ability.
5. finish any class work in your own time.
Topic: Numeral System and Its Importance
Assessment Week 8-9
We are going to discuss and co construct our learning based around the context for term 1 which is Water Sports, from which we can begin to create possible learning outcomes.
W1: Basic facts and discussion of context.
W2: Diagnostic test on Number. Formed groups. Completed WS for different levels, Number: Intro: BEDMAS.
W3: Complete BEDMAS. Rounding to dec pl .
Learning Intention:
We are learning to explore types of Numbers and its operations.
Success Criteria:
Can carry out at least 2 of the calculations can carry out all 4 operations on double digit number.
can round numbers to dp.
can follow bedmas
can solve word problems
can estimate answers
- Bedmas tasks
- Rounding tasks.
- copy questions in your books. Show working.
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING how to model the America's cup race course using number knowlede the linear equation y=mx+c.
- We are EXPLORING how to write a race commentary using algebra and the properties of a straight line graph.
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING on number skills and number knowledge.
- We are FOCUSING on patterns, linear graphs and algebra.
PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:
- We are PLANNING to use Spheros to to the Americas cup race to demonstrate our understanding of coordinates and linear graphs.
Kia ora koutou
Welcome 10M2 I am Mr Lal. I will be your Maths teacher for this year. Our classroom is M2.
My expectations are:
1. be punctual
2. bring the correct book and equipments to class
3. stay on task in class
4. do homework to best of your ability.
5. finish any class work in your own time.
Topic: Numeral System and Its Importance
Assessment Week 8-9
We are going to discuss and co construct our learning based around the context for term 1 which is Water Sports, from which we can begin to create possible learning outcomes.
W1: Basic facts and discussion of context.
W2: Diagnostic test on Number. Formed groups. Completed WS for different levels, Number: Intro: BEDMAS.
W3: Complete BEDMAS. Rounding to dec place .
Learning Intention:
We are learning to explore types of Numbers and its operations.
Success Criteria:
Can carry out at least 2 of the calculations can carry out all 4 operations on double digit number.
can round numbers to dp.
can follow bedmas
can solve word problems
can estimate answers
- Bedmas tasks
- Rounding tasks.
- copy questions in your books. Show working.
Kia ora koutou
Week 8
My expectations are:
1. be punctual
2. bring the correct book and equipments to class
3. stay on task in class
4. do homework to best of your ability.
5. finish any class work in your own time.
Topic: Patterns and Graphs
Assessment Week 9-10
We are going to discuss and co construct our learning based around the context for term 1 which is Water Sports-America's cup, from which we can begin to create possible learning outcomes.
Week 9 Assessment
Learning Intention:
We are learning to explore linear graphs in the form y=mx+c.
Success Criteria:
draw gradients
and interpret y=mx+c
can draw linear graphs
can apply y=mx+c
ALL work in the Google classroom -link below.https://classroom.google.com/u/0/w/NTA5OTg0MTQ0NjFa/tc/NTA5OTg0MTQ1NTha
Week 9 Assessment handed out
Assessment due next week Wednesday.
Learning Intention:
We are learning to explore linear graphs in the form y=mx+c.
Success Criteria:
can draw linear graphs
with equations in the form y=mx+c
can explore properties of linear graphs using DESMOS graphing package.
can apply y=mx+c to solve problems.
ALL work in the Google classroom -link below.https://classroom.google.com/u/0/w/NTA5OTg0MTQ0NjFa/tc/NTA5OTg0MTQ1NTha
Week 9 Assessment handed out
Assessment due this Friday 9th.
Learning Intention:
We are learning to solve linear equations.
Success Criteria:
can solve upto 2 step equations such as 3x-5=36
can solve equations with unknowns on both sides of the equal.
eg 2x+3=5x-18
can form and solve equations.
Work in Google classroom. -
Week 11
Assessment due today
Assessment 1 Part 2 on Wednesday.
Test 1:
Learning Intention:
We are learning to solve linear equations and review number knowledge .
Review practice test.
Success Criteria:
Can follow BEDMAS.
Can write numbers in standard form and round numbers to significant figures.
can solve equations with unknowns on both sides of the equal.
eg 2x+3=5x-18
can form and solve equations.
can solve problems using number skills.
ALL work in the Google classroom -link below.https://classroom.google.com/u/0/w/NTA5OTg0MTQ0NjFa/tc/NTA5OTg0MTQ1NTha
Kia ora 10M2
Welcome to Term 2
Context: Olympics sports
Topic: Algebra then Number
Learning Intention:
We are learning to simplify algebraic terms .
Success Criteria:
Can add like terms
can simplify expressions
can simplify terms with powers
can solve problems using like terms
ALL work in the Google classroom -link below.https://classroom.google.com/u/0/w/NTA5OTg0MTQ0NjFa/tc/NTA5OTg0MTQ1NTha
Context: Olympics sports
Topic: Algebra then Number
Learning Intention:
We are learning to Expand and Factorise algebraic terms .
Success Criteria:
Can expand and factorise linear expressions
can expand and factorise quadratic expressions.
can solve problems involving expansion and factorisations.
ALL work in the Google classroom -link below. -
Context: Olympics sports
Topic: Algebra then Number
Learning Intention:
We are learning to work with Quadratic equations .
Eg. (x+3)(x-7)
Success Criteria:
Can factorise linear expressions
can factorise quadratic expressions.
can solve problems involving expansion and factorisations.
Context: Olympics sports
Topic: Number
NCEA Assessment -Week 9 on Numeric Reasoning
Learning Intention:
We are learning to work with Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
Success Criteria:
Can calculate fractions and percentages of whole.
Can calculate fractions, rates and percentages of whole.
can solve problems involving Fractions , rates and Percentages
Context: Sports Performance/ Olympics sports
Topic: Number
NCEA Assessment -Week 9 on Numeric Reasoning
Learning Intention:
We are learning to work Percentages
Success Criteria:
Can calculate percentages of quantities.
Can do percentage increase and decrease.
can solve problems involving Fractions , rates and Percentages
Activities: Google classroom
PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:
- We are PLANNING to apply Number skills to complete an NCEA assessment.
- We are PLANNING to solve word problems using Number skills.
- We are PLANNING to present statistical evidence to prepare a reflection report for PE.
Context: Sports Performance/ Olympics sports
Topic: Number
NCEA Assessment -Week 9 on Numeric Reasoning
Learning Intention:
We are learning to work with ratios
Success Criteria:
Can simplify ratios.
Can split amounts in uneven shares
can solve problems involving Fractions and ratios
Activities: Google classroom
PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:
- We are PLANNING to apply Number skills to complete an NCEA assessment.
- We are PLANNING to solve word problems using Number skills.
- We are PLANNING to present statistical evidence to prepare a reflection report for PE.
Context: Sports Performance/ Olympics sports
Topic: Number
NCEA Assessment -Week 9 on Numeric Reasoning
Learning Intention:
We are learning to work with ratios
Success Criteria:
Can simplify ratios.
Can split amounts in uneven shares
can solve problems involving Fractions and ratios
Activities: Google classroom
PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:
- We are PLANNING to apply Number skills to complete an NCEA assessment.
- We are PLANNING to solve word problems using Number skills.
- We are PLANNING to present statistical evidence to prepare a reflection report for PE.
Context: Sports Performance/ Olympics sports
Topic: Number
NCEA Assessment -Week 10 on Numeric Reasoning 7 July Wednesday S1 and 2.
Learning Intention:
We are learning to work with ratios
Success Criteria:
Understand NCEA marking criteria
Answer practice questions
Review from feedback
Activities: Google classroom
Context: Sports Performance/ Olympics sports
Topic: Number
NCEA Assessment -Week 10 on Numeric Reasoning 7 July . This Wednesday S1 and 2.
Learning Intention:
We are learning to work with ratios
Success Criteria:
Understand NCEA marking criteria
Answer practice questions
Review from feedback
Activities: Google classroom
Kia ora...
This is week 10-NCEA assessment
Context: Sports Performance/ Olympics sports
Topic: Number
NCEA Assessment - Numeric Reasoning 7 July .This Wednesday S1 and 2.
Learning Intention:
We are reviewing Numeric reasoning
Success Criteria:
Understand NCEA marking criteria
Feedback from Moving out
Review from feedback
Activities: Google classroom
PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:
- We are PLANNING to apply Number skills to complete an NCEA assessment.
- We are PLANNING to solve word problems using Number skills.
- We are PLANNING to present statistical evidence to prepare a reflection report for PE.
- Tasks in Google classroom.
Kia ora 10M2
Kia ora class.
Welcome to Term 3
Context for this Term is Consumer Food Choices
Topic:Statistics and Trigonometry
Week 1: Statistics Investigation using PPDAC
AWS L5-Task 1, 2, 3 : Statistics Terms, Sample size and Sampling techniques.
Tasks in Google classroom: https://classroom.google.com/u/0/w/NTA5OTg0MTQ0NzBa/tc/NTA5OTg0MTQ1NTNaEXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING how to use PPDAC to carry out a Statistical Investigation on fast food restaurants in South Aukland.
- We are EXPLORING to analyse data between fast food restaurants and Diabetes and Obesity.
- We are EXPLORING to Display data using appropriate graphs.
Context for this Term is Consumer Food Choices
Topic:Statistics and Trigonometry
Week 2: Statistics Investigation using PPDAC
AWS L5-Task 4, 5, 6: Statistics Terms, Sample size and Sampling techniques.
Tasks in Google classroom: https://classroom.google.com/u/0/w/NTA5OTg0MTQ0NzBa/tc/NTA5OTg0MTQ1NTNaEXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING how to use PPDAC to carry out a Statistical Investigation on fast food restaurants in South Aukland.
- We are EXPLORING to analyse data between fast food restaurants and Diabetes and Obesity.
- We are EXPLORING to Display data using appropriate graphs.
Kia ora...Welcome to term 3
Context: Being Informed
Big Idea: Carry out a Statistical Investigation on Fast food ingredients and related deseases.
Learning Intentions: We are learning to Use PPDAC enquiry cycle .
- Review Box and Whisker and Scatter plot
Success Criteria: I can/have submitted the assignment in Google classroom
Activities: Google classroom
Link: https://classroom.google.com/u/0/w/NTA5OTg0MTQ0NjFa/tc/NTA5OTg0MTQ1NTha
Homework: maths Buddy -
Kia ora...Welcome to term 3 . Week 4
Context: Being Informed
Big Idea: Carry out a Statistical Investigation on Fast food ingredients and related deseases.
Learning Intentions: To carry out a statistics investigation using the Junior school data .
- Use NZGrapher to draw Box and Whisker and Scatter plot graph
Success Criteria: I can/have submitted the assignment in Google classroom
Activities: Google classroom
Link: https://classroom.google.com/u/0/w/NTA5OTg0MTQ0NjFa/tc/NTA5OTg0MTQ1NTha
Week 5: In lockdown.
Read the Must do and can do google doc. Attend the online classes.
Context: Being Informed
Big Idea: Review properties of angles
Learning Intentions: We are learning to review properties of angles and polygons .
- Review angles on straight lines
Success Criteria: I can/have done the activies in google classroom
Activities: Google classroom
Link: https://classroom.google.com/u/0/w/NTA5OTg0MTQ0NjFa/tc/NTA5OTg0MTQ1NTha
Week 6: In lockdown.
Read the Must do and can do google doc. Attend the online classes.
Context: Being Informed
Big Idea: Review properties of angles
Learning Intentions: We are learning to review properties of angles and polygons .
- Review angles on straight lines
Success Criteria: I can/have done the activies in google classroom
Activities: Google classroom
Link: https://classroom.google.com/u/0/w/NTA5OTg0MTQ0NjFa/tc/NTA5OTg0MTQ1NTha
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING various activities around Auckland.
- We are EXPLORING the various destinations in the CBD so we can investigate the most efficient ways of getting there.
- We are EXPLORING the playground in our local area so we can measure its Perimeter.
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING on developing on Financial Literacy.
- We are FOCUSING on measurement skills.
PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:
- We are PLANNING to apply Financial Literacy skills so that we can plan a most economical trip to CBD.