Water Wai Whānau 2021
Weekly outline
- My long term learning goals that I have developed from my Student-led Conference are…
- My short term learning goals that I have developed from my Student-led Conference are...
- My achievement and progress to date...
- The learning support I need from my teachers is...
- My family can help me by...
- The personal action(s) I need to take to support my own learning are...
- My parents' goals and aspirations for me are…
You are required to write a reflection statement that identifies the SMART goals you have set yourself in 2021 and the progress you are making to achieving these goals. You may choose to describe the actions you have taken, the successes you have had and the obstacles/challenges you have faced. This will be an unedited statement from you and will appear on your Holistic report.
You may choose to use one of the below sentence starters to help (copy and paste these into the text box);
A goal I have set myself for 2021 is....
I have taken the following actions to meet this goal...
The successes I have experienced are...
The challenges I have faced are...SEN Writing Template : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xl6gXR6Mnhsvl1dwcJF8pi8opLljSsDM3YXDmLeEz-U/edit?usp=sharing
ESOL Writing Template : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xl6gXR6Mnhsvl1dwcJF8pi8opLljSsDM3YXDmLeEz-U/edit?usp=sharing
Whanau Appreciation
We are going to be making paper boats to hang in our Whanau !! Please open this link to see how to do it