9 Te Reo Māori 1
Weekly outline
E ngā tauiwa o te kura waenganui o Mission Heights, nau mai, haere mai ki te taumata tuatoru o te reo Maori! Ko Matua Anthony ahau. Ko tōku hiahia, he tino ngahau ā tātou haerenga ki te whakapakari ō koutou reo Māori i tēnei tau. Kia kaha, kia toa, kia manawanui!
Welcome to year 9 Te Reo Māori! The aim of this course is to strengthen your understanding of tikanga Māori and improve your ability to communicate in te reo Maori from Year 7 & 8. I look forward to our journey together this year. If you need any help or have any queries please do not hesitate to email akeung@mhjc.school.nz or visit me in mountains whānau (M10).
Ngā mihi nui
Matua AnthonyTOPICS Hours
1. Te timatanga 10
2. Ko au me tōku whānau 18
3. Tōku kainga 18
4. Tōku kura 18
5. Kai 16
Total 80 -
YEAR 9 - TE TIMATANGA Time frame: 3 weeks, 9 lessons
Achievement Objectives:
1.1 greet, farewell, and acknowledge people and respond to greetings and acknowledgements
1.2 introduce themselves and others and respond to introductions
1.3 communicate about number, using days of the week, months and dates
1.6 understand and use simple politeness conventions
Learning outcomes:
Students will be able to:
- pronounce Maori words accurately
- respond appropriately to greetings
- say a simple mihi
- be familiar with traditional Maori social structure
- recall days, months and numbers
Learn waiata:
- waiata tautoko
- days of the week
- months of year
- greetings and pronouns
Practice pronunciation of place names and Māori words.
This week we will learn the rules of drawing a whakapapa chart or family tree.
- lines going down show children
- = means “married to, or had children with”
- gender has to be shown
- (t) tane (w) wahine
- children are listed from oldest child on the left to youngest on the right
- identify mother, father, oldest and youngest on a chart
Saying who someone is
This week we will be learning to:
- use brother and sister terms correctly
- ask and answer the questions "Ko wai?" or “who is/are”
- read information correctly off a whakapapa chart and reply to “who is/are” sentences
- name the people in your family
- say position in family
Asking How Many?
This week we will learn how to:
- relate people to each other
- answer the question "how many" for people and objects (E hia? & Tokohia?)
- say how many people in your family