8 Mandarin
Weekly outline
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING Chinese cultural festivals
- We are EXPLORING basic Chinese vocabulary
- We are EXPLORING Chinese alphabet and pronunciation
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are learning to appreciate and participate in Chinese cultural celebrations
Success Criteria: I can
Retell a Chinese New Year story
Greet people with "Happy New Year" in Mandarin and sing a " Happy New Year" song
Write Chinese characters “新年好”
Watch a promotion video on http://www.ilep.ac.nz/about/news-and-events/ilep-video
1. Watch a Chinese New Year story "Nian" on Youtube. Answer the following questions.
What is "Nian"?
Why is New Year called " guo Nian"?
What were the things "Nian" was afraid of?
Explain the reasons why Chinese people use bright red colours and let off fireworks for the New Year.
2. Quizlet game on https://quizlet.com/263969930/spring-festival-mhjc-flash-cards/
3. Learn a Chinese New Year song "xin nian hao ya" on
4. Kahoot games on
5. Write the following Chinese characters in your Mandarin workbook.
新 xīn new
年 nián year
春 chūn spring
你 nǐ you
好 hǎo good
我 wǒ I, me
呢 ne used at the end of a sentence, indicates it is a question
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING basic Chinese vocabulary
- We are EXPLORING Chinese alphabet and pronunciation
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are learning to Introduce ourselves to others
Success Criteria: I can
• Tell others my name and nationality
Icebreaker. In Mandarin, introduce yourself to others and ask for their names. Write down at least 10 students' names.
1. Watch a video on
“Where are you from" " 你是哪国人?" . Discuss today's learning
intentions and success criteria.
2. Practise listening and speaking on Quizlet game on
你 you
我 I, me
叫 is called
是 am, is, are
她 she
他 he
guó jiā
国 家 country
人 people
zhōng guó
中 国 China
wǒ jiào
我 叫....... My name is ......
nǐ shì nǎ guó rén
你 是 哪 国 人? Which country are you from?
wǒ shì xīn xī lán rén
我 是 新 西 兰 人 I am a New Zealander.
wǒ shì zhōng guó rén
我 是 中 国 人 . I am Chinese.
Formulaic Expressions
nǐ jiào shén me?
你 叫 什 么 ? What is your name?
wǒ jiào
我 叫....... My name is ......
Nǐ ne?
你 呢? How about you?
"Nathan" zěn me pīn
"Nathan" 怎 么 拼? How do you spell "Nathan"?
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING basic Chinese vocabulary
- We are EXPLORING Chinese alphabet and pronunciation
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are learning to Introduce ourselves to others
Success Criteria: I can
• Tell others my name and nationality
Task assigned to you on Education Perfect.
EP languages championships
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING basic Chinese vocabulary
- We are EXPLORING Chinese alphabet and pronunciation
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are learning numbers 1- 10 in chinese
Success Criteria: I can
Match numbers 1-10 with their chinese words.
Represent numbers 1-10 with gestures
Number song on
1. The teacher introduces numbers 1-10 in chinese and demonstrates the hand gestures for numbers.
2. Group Activities a. matching game b. Task on Education Perfect c. Quizlet game on https://quizlet.com/196697217/chinese-numbers-1-10-flash-cards/
3. Kahoot game on numbers https://create.kahoot.it/#quiz/0c7a627a-c82e-43b1-ad4b-29f5c8edb2ae
4. Task. Students go around and ask each other their telephone numbers. They have to talk to at least 10 people in the class.
零 líng zero
一 yī one
二 èr two
三 sān three
四 sì four
五 wǔ five
六 liù six
七 qī seven
八 bā eight
九 jiǔ nine
十 shí ten
十一 shí yī eleven
Follow the Lockdown distance learning timetable.
Follow the Lockdown distance learning timetable.
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING basic Chinese vocabulary
- We are EXPLORING Chinese alphabet and pronunciation
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
We are learning how to ask someone's age and how to reply.
We are learning how to ask someone's year level and how to reply
Success Criteria: I can
Communicate with others about age and year level
Tasks on Education Perfect : Unit 4 Age & Year level
Watch a video on
岁 years old
nián jí
年 级 grade
Nǐ jǐ suì?
你 几 岁? ( How old are you?)
Wǒ shí Sān suì
我 十 三岁 。 ( I am 13 years old)
Wǒ shí èr suì
我 十 二 岁 。 ( I am 12 years old)
nǐ shàng jǐ nián jí
你上几年级? ( Which grade are you in?)
wǒ shàng ba nián jí
我上八年级. ( I am in Year 8)
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING basic Chinese vocabulary
- We are EXPLORING Chinese alphabet and pronunciation
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
We are learning about countries and nationalities
Success Criteria: I can
Say my nationality and which country I live in
Quizlet game on https://quizlet.com/523364422/countries-nationalities%E5%9B%BD%E5%AE%B6-flash-cards/
Task on Education Perfect Unit 5: Countries and Nationalities
Wǒ zhù zài xīn xī lán rén
我住 在新 西 兰 。( I live in New Zealand.)
Wǒ láizì Zhōngguó.
我来自中国。( I come from China. )
Wǒ láizì yìn dù
我来自印度。 ( I come from India. ) -
EXPLORE / TŪHURA EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:- We are EXPLORING basic Chinese vocabulary
- We are EXPLORING Chinese alphabet and pronunciation
- We are EXPLORING Chinese cultures and festivals
Learning intentions: we are learning to (walt)...
• Recognise the names of the 12 animals in the Chinese zodiac
• Talk about Chinese Zodiac signs
Success criteria: I can
• Match the names of the animals with their pictures
• Tell others how old I am and my Chinese zodiac sign
Chinese zodiac story on
Quizlet game on https://quizlet.com/30846634/flashcards
Mandarin readers. Read out aloud.
Education Perfect task Unit 8.2
Kahoot game on https://create.kahoot.it/details/chinese-zodiac/b54fe4c7-d15c-4c0b-851a-d75ed69659d4
Nǐ shǔ shén me ?
你 属 什 么? ( what is your birth sign?)
Wǒ shǔ shǔ
我 属 鼠。 (My birth sign is a rat ) born in 2008
Wǒ shǔ Zhū
我 属 猪 。(My birth sign is a pig) -born in 2007
Wǒ shǔ gǒu
我 属 狗。 (My birth sign is a dog ) - born in 2006 -
Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)
We are learning to appreciate and participate in Chinese cultural celebrations
Success Criteria: I can
Recite the five phrases on the NZCLW posters
Make Chinese moon cakes
We are celebrating New Zealand Chinese Language Week and the Mid-Autumn festival.
Make your own moon cakes. Materials are provided.
Reply to the daily quiz questions and earn prizes!
Dress up in a Chinese costume or any Asian costumes on Wednesday.
EXPLORE / TŪHURA EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:- We are EXPLORING basic Chinese vocabulary
- We are EXPLORING Chinese cultures and festivals
- We are exploring Chinese cuisine
Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...
recognise the importance of food in Chinese culture
order some traditional Chinese dishes
Success Criteria: I can
explain the reason why Chinese have certain foods for special occasions
say the names of some traditional Chinese dishes
Watch a video on
1. Tasks set up on Education Perfect.
2. Quizlet game on CMEK 2 Lesson 14-我喜欢吃面包Flashcards
3. Write the following words in your Chinese workbook.
要 want
吃 eat
xǐ huān
shuǐ jiǎo
水饺 dumplings
miàn tiáo
Sentence Patterns
nǐ yào shén me?
你 要 什 么? ( What do you like to have/order?)
wǒ yào .......
我 要 ...... ( I want to have/order ......)
nǐ ǐ huān shén me?
你 喜欢 什 么? ( What do you like to eat?)
wǒ xǐ huān shuǐ jiǎo
我喜欢水饺。 ( I like dumplings. ) -
EXPLORE / TŪHURA EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:- We are EXPLORING basic Chinese vocabulary
- We are EXPLORING Chinese cultures and festivals
Success Criteria: I can
say the titles of my family members
ask and respond to questions about family members
Pre task Activities:
zhè shì wǒ mā mā
这 是 我 妈 妈. (This is my mum)
nǐ mā mā jiào shén me ?
你 妈 妈 叫 什 么? (What is your mum's name?)
wǒ mā mā jiào ......
我妈妈叫...... ( My mum’s name is ......)
tā jǐ suì?
她几 岁? ( How old is she?)
tā sì shí suì
她 四 十 岁 。 ( She is 40 years old)
tā shǔ shén me ?
她 属 什 么? ( What is her birth sign?)
tā shǔ mǎ
她 属 马 (She is a horse)
1. Quizlet games on your device on https://quizlet.com/192318050/happy-chinese-i-lesson-4-ba-ba-ma-ma-flash-cards/?new
2.Tasks on Education Perfect.
3. Kahoot game on https://create.kahoot.it/#quiz/fb15c598-5f32-42e3-8dd8-bf4f880ef767
4. Task. Find a family photo and name each one in the photo in Mandarin. Say this to your family members and teach them. Use the sentence below.
zhè shì mā mā
这 是 妈 妈. (This is Mum)
5. Write the above sentence in your Mandarin book.
EXPLORE / TŪHURA EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
• We are EXPLORING basic Chinese vocabulary
• We are EXPLORING different colours in Chinese
• We are learning to express my likes and dislikes of colours
Success Criteria: I can
• match the right colour with its Chinese name
• Discuss with others my likes and dislikes of colours
Watch a tutorial on
Watch a video about the colours you can find in Forbidden City
Listen to a song on
1.Task on Education Perfect Unit 6 : Colours
2. Quizlet game on https://quizlet.com/291390718/%E9%A2%9C%E8%89%B2-flash-cards/
3. Colour in a picture following instructions.
Formumlaic Instructions
zhè shì shí me yán sè ?
这是什么颜色? ( What colour is this?)
zhè shì hóng sè
这是红色。 (This is red.)
wǒ xǐ huān hóng sè
我喜欢红色。 ( I like red. )
wǒ bú xǐ huān hēi sè
我不喜欢黑色。 ( I don’t like black.)
EXPLORE / TŪHURA EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
We are EXPLORING basic Chinese vocabulary
We are EXPLORING the days of the week
Success Criteria: I can
Ask and say the day of the week
Watch a video on how to say the days, months and dates in Chinese.
1. Matching game. Days of the week in Chinese and English.
2. In pairs, one says the day of the week in English, the other has to reply in Mandarin, then vice versa.
3. Task on Education Perfect.
EXPLORE / TŪHURA EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
We are EXPLORING basic Chinese vocabulary
We are EXPLORING subject names in Chinese
Success Criteria: I can
Tell others the subjects I take
Tell others my school time table
1. Quillet activities on
2. Bingo. Students write down all the subject names randomly in a 3x3 table. The teacher reads out names of subjects. The person who is able to make a straight line first is the winner.
3. .Kahoot game on
4. Education Perfect task
Glossary & Sentence Patterns
xīng qī yǒu kè
星期(number 1-6) 有 (subject name) 课
On ( days of the week)I have ( subject name).
xīng qī méi yǒu kè
星期(number 1-6) 没有 (subject name) 课
On ( days of the week)I don’t have ( subject name). -
Learning Intentions: We are learning to
name some body parts in Chinese.
Success Criteria: I can
match body parts names with their pictures
say body parts in Chinese
Song “ Head Shoulders Knees and Toes” in Mandarin on
Quizlet games on https://quizlet.com/110060950/body-parts-in-mandarin-chinese-simplified-with-pinyin-english-flash-cards/.
Task on Education Perfect
Draw a picture of a person. Label different body parts on the picture, using Chinese pinyin.
Simons says game
Bingo. The teacher reads out aloud the names of body parts. Students hit the matching pictures of the body parts on the whiteboard with a fly swat.
头 tóu head
肩膀 jiān bǎng shoulder
膝盖 xī gài knee
脚趾头 jiǎo zhǐ tóu toe
眼睛 yǎn jīng eye
耳朵 ěr duo ear
嘴巴 zuǐ bā mouth
鼻子 bí zi nose
手 shǒu hand