9C2 English
Weekly outline
For the purpose of this assessment you are to write a report (of at least 350 words) in which you explain significant thematic connections across four selected texts. At least one text must be selected independently by you in discussion with your teacher. The texts may be written, oral, and/or visual and may be selected from one or several text types.
For the purpose of this assessment you are required to create a static image that develops and addresses an issue that you have studied in Global Studies. Ensure that the static image you submit for assessment:
develops and structures your ideas – the idea you are portraying is a main idea from the case studies
is appropriate to the audience
uses visual and verbal language features that are appropriate to the purpose and audience such as images, symbolism, colour, quotations
uses visual and verbal language features with control to command attention.
Kia ora 9C2. I hope you had a superb break and all ready to go. Welcome to ENGLISH 2020. I hope you enjoy your time in my classes this year and take the challenges that come your way, head-on. I am Mrs Lal and will be your English teacher. We will be using our English exercise books extensively so please ensure that this is clearly labeled and brought to school next week. I take a lot of pride in these books so look after them.
Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...
- work together as team
- develop an understanding of expectations for English
Success Criteria: I can/have...
- complete the 'Getting to know" challenge
- write goals for self
- exploring the context
- Getting to know each other
- Goals setting
- Competition expectations
- Reading Plus expectations
- Education perfect
- Google Classroom
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING a range of short written texts and visual texts by investigating a range of written and visual techniques and experimenting with the effect it has on the readers
- We are EXPLORING a range of short written texts and visual texts by recognising that writers use different verbal language techniques to highlight the theme of children of war and fighting for equality
- We are EXPLORING a range of short written texts and visual texts by interpreting what a 'perspective' is and how we form these
- We are EXPLORING a range of short written texts and visual texts by integrating the themes of 'youth as changemakers' and ‘leaders’
- We are EXPLORING a range of short written texts and visual texts by analysing connotations and the power of these
Success Criteria: I can/have...
- I can identify the author’s purpose in the songS “This is America” by Childish Gambino AND “Zombie” by the Cranberries and “Holiday” by Green Day
- I can identify the perspective of the songwriter and singer
- I can describe the key ideas in the song
- I can recognise the key elements in the exposition of the song
- I can create a mindmap that showcases the exposition of the text
- Refer to Google Classroom
Education Perfect
Reading Plus
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING a range of short written texts and visual texts by investigating a range of written and visual techniques and experimenting with the effect it has on the readers
- We are EXPLORING a range of short written texts and visual texts by recognising that writers use different verbal language techniques to highlight the theme of children of war and fighting for equality
- We are EXPLORING a range of short written texts and visual texts by interpreting what a 'perspective' is and how we form these
- We are EXPLORING a range of short written texts and visual texts by integrating the themes of 'youth as changemakers' and ‘leaders’
- We are EXPLORING a range of short written texts and visual texts by analysing connotations and the power of these
- I can compare and contrast the theme presented in a range of songs
- I can describe the verbal language techniques used in the songs
- I can interpret the effectiveness of the language techniques used by the songwriter to explore the ideas of politics and youth
- I can analyse the effect of the song and the video on the audience
- I can classify how a theme is revealed in the song to make meaning
- I can describe how tension/conflict is created in the song video
- I can explain the effects of the main events in the video
- Refer to Google Classroom
Education Perfect
Reading Plus
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING on choosing a text that explores the idea of children of war
- We are FOCUSING on korero about the effective verbal / visual language techniques employed by the writer/director
- We are FOCUSING on creating meaning in relation to characters, conflicts they face and the perspective they form as a result of these experiences and the impact this has on their perspective of war
- We are FOCUSING on responding to the themes in the song and justifying why I respond in this particular manner
Success Criteria: I can/have...
- I can identify the key messages that support the theme of politics and youth involvement
- I can describe the key ideas and explain its relevance to youth and their perspective
- I can describe how war affects the youth for generations
- I can describe the conflict within the song to make meaning
- Refer to Google Classroom
Education PerfectReading Plus
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING on choosing a text that explores the idea of children of war
- We are FOCUSING on korero about the effective verbal / visual language techniques employed by the writer
- We are FOCUSING on creating meaning in relation to characters, conflicts they face and the perspective they form as a result of these experiences and the impact this has on their perspective of war
- We are FOCUSING on responding to the themes in the song and justifying why I respond in this particular manner
Success Criteria: I can/have...
- I can interpret the effectiveness of the narrative perspective employed by the songwriter
- I can analyse the key message of the text to make meaning
- I can classify how a theme or idea is revealed in the text to make meaning
- I can apply these techniques to my own song
- Refer to Google Classroom
Reading PlusEducation Perfect
PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:
- We are PLANNING to design political cartoons so that we can apply our understanding of wars and political constructs of colonisation through a static image
- We are PLANNING to create political cartoons so that we can justify our selection of language and visual techniques by being able to share the impact of these techniques
- We are PLANNING to create political cartoons so that we can present a cartoon highlighting the various impacts of colonisation in a range of settings
Success Criteria: I can/have...
- I can create my own political cartoon on the idea of ‘the impact of colonisation’
- I can select a range of visual and verbal techniques to use in my own cartoon
- I can discuss the impact of these techniques on my audience
- Visual language techniques - Google Classroom
Reading Plus
Education Perfect
PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:
- We are PLANNING to design political cartoons so that we can apply our understanding of wars and political constructs of colonisation through a static image
- We are PLANNING to create political cartoons so that we can justify our selection of language and visual techniques by being able to share the impact of these techniques
- We are PLANNING to create political cartoons so that we can present a cartoon highlighting the various impacts of colonisation in a range of settings
Success Criteria: I can/have...
- I can apply a range of verbal and visual techniques within my own political cartoon and explain the effectiveness of these techniques
- Google Classroom
- Reading Plus
- Education perfect
REFLECT / WHAIWHAKAARO learning intentions:
- We are REFLECTING on how the political cartoon identified the implications of imperialism and colonisation.
- We are REFLECTING by reviewing the impact of the cartoon.
- We are REFLECTING by evaluating the cartoon drawn by a peer and critiquing the techniques that have been employed.
Success Criteria: I can/have...
- I have peer reviewed the verbal and visual techniques within my own political cartoon and that of a friend and explained the effectiveness of these techniques
- I have completed a reflection on "Static images' by answering the reflective questions posed in class.
Activities: Reflection Questions to answer:
- What really made you think?
- What did you find difficult?
- What do you need more help with?
- What are you pleased about?
- What have you learnt new about creating static images?
- How would you change the learning activity to suit another class?
- Reading Plus
- Education perfect
PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:
- We are PLANNING to create a moment in time writing so that we can apply our understanding of wars and political constructs of colonisation through a creative writing piece.
- We are PLANNING to create a moment in time writing so that we can justify and to share the impact of war on young people
- We are PLANNING to write in prose so that we can present a single defining moment highlighting the various impacts of colonisation in a range of settings
Good Morning 9C2. This week we will focus on a creative piece based on one of the texts we have studied. Bear in mind it is not a recount. We all know the plot. Creative writing is all about describing a moment in time in a character's life and exploring in detail their thoughts and feelings.
- Creative Writing
Success Criteria: I can/have...
- Communicated my ideas clearly
- Thought about the quality of my word-choices (eg. descriptive adjectives and adverbs)
- Used a variety of sentence starters
- Used a variety of sentence types (simple, compound and complex)
- Used a variety of advanced punctuation in my writing (: ; ? " " ' etc)
- Organised my ideas intro paragraphs
- Proof-read my own and my buddy's writing
Refer to earlier weeks - Term 1 resources on "show not tell" -
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING a range of short written texts and visual texts by investigating a range of written and visual techniques and experimenting with the effect it has on the readers
- We are EXPLORING a range of short written texts and visual texts by recognising that writers use different verbal language techniques to highlight the theme of children of war and fighting for equality
- We are EXPLORING a range of short written texts and visual texts by interpreting what a 'perspective' is and how we form these
- We are EXPLORING a range of short written texts and visual texts by integrating the themes of 'youth as changemakers' and ‘leaders’
- We are EXPLORING a range of short written texts and visual texts by analysing connotations and the power of these
These are unprecedented times. I hope you are all keeping well in your bubbles. Stay home and stay safe. Your online learning will begin from this week. We will be working through the film Hunt for the Wilderpeople over the next few weeks as we focus on the BIG IDEA: We are Thinkers, Achievers, Innovators & Leaders.
We are EXPLORING a range of visual texts:
- by recognising that directors use different verbal and visual language techniques to highlight how we all respond differently to challenges that we may encounter.
- by investigating a range of visual techniques and experimenting with the effect it has on the viewers
- by collaborating with one another to discover how the visual techniques highlight the manner in which characters respond to challenges
- by researching the effect of setting on the choices made by characters in challenging situations
- I can identify the author’s purpose in the film Hunt for the Wilderpeople
- I can identify the audience of a film in a range of genre
- I can describe the key ideas in the film
- I can recognise the key elements in the exposition of the text
- I can create a mindmap that showcases the exposition of the text
- Refer to Google Classroom
Education Perfect
Reading Plus
Thank you for keeping up with all your online learning. It is essential that we stay on top of this as we work through the next few weeks.
BIG IDEA: We are Thinkers, Achievers, Innovators & Leaders.EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
We are EXPLORING a range of visual texts:
- by recognising that directors use different verbal and visual language techniques to highlight how we all respond differently to challenges that we may encounter.
- by investigating a range of visual techniques and experimenting with the effect it has on the viewers
- by collaborating with one another to discover how the visual techniques highlight the manner in which characters respond to challenges
- by researching the effect of setting on the choices made by characters in challenging situations
- I can describe the visual and verbal language techniques used in HUNT FOR THE WILDERPEOPLE
- I can interpret the effectiveness of the visual techniques employed by the director
- I can explain the director’s purpose in using a specific genre for the effectiveness of key ideas being explored
Activities:- Refer to Google Classroom
Education Perfect
Reading Plus
Good work on your characters notes. I have placed these notes in a folder on top of this course page. This week we will focusing on how visual and verbal techniques have been employed to show a change / growth in a character.
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING a range of visual text by recognising that directors use different verbal and visual language techniques to highlight how we all respond differently to challenges that we may encounter
- We are EXPLORING a range of visual text by investigating a range of visual techniques and experimenting with the effect it has on the viewers
- We are EXPLORING a range of visual text by collaborating with one another to discover how the visual techniques highlight the manner in which characters respond to challenges by researching the effect of setting on the choices made by characters in challenging situations
Success Criteria: I can/have...
- I can compare and contrast a a drama film genre with a comedy drama
- I can describe the visual and verbal language techniques used in Hunt for the Wilderpeople
- I can interpret the effectiveness of the visual techniques employed by the director
- I can explain the director’s purpose in using a happy sad genre in the film Hunt for the Wilderpeople
Reading PlusEducation Perfect
Kia Ora 9C2. You have written some amazing paragraphs on characters and I have asked students with really strong paragraphs to share it on Google Classroom. I hope this helps you. This week our focus shifts to looking at the genius of Taika Waititi and how he explores issues that afflict society through 'happy sad film genre'
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING on analysing effective visual and verbal used by the director to describe the key ideas in the film
- We are FOCUSING on identifying the visual and verbal language techniques used in the comedy-drama to highlight the qualities needed to sustain a meaningful relationship
- We are FOCUSING on comparing the visual and verbal techniques used in various film genre
- We are FOCUSING on discussing what our response to the visual and verbal techniques employed by the director
Success Criteria: I can/have...
I can identify the author’s purpose in the film Hunt for the Wilderpeople
- I can identify the audience of a comedy-drama genre
- I can describe the key ideas in the film Hunt for the Wilderpeople
- I can recognise the key elements in the exposition of the text Hunt for the Wilderpeople
- I can create a mindmap that showcases the exposition of the text Hunt for the Wilderpeople
- On Google Classroom
Reading plus and Education perfect. -
Kia ora 9C2. Well done on working through the themes in the film and the 'happy sad cinema' that Taika Waititi is well known for. It was also good to see your views on the padlet reviewing our learning from home.
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING on analysing effective visual and verbal used by the director to describe the key ideas in the film
- We are FOCUSING on identifying the visual and verbal language techniques used in the comedy-drama to highlight the qualities needed to sustain a meaningful relationship
- We are FOCUSING on comparing the visual and verbal techniques used in various film genre
- We are FOCUSING on discussing what our response to the visual and verbal techniques employed by the director
Success Criteria: I can/have...
I can sequence the changes in the character of Ricky Baker and Hector Faulkner
- I can describe the visual and verbal language techniques used in the film
- I can interpret the effectiveness of the visual techniques employed by the director
- I can explain the director’s purpose in using the comedy drama genre
- Google classroom
- Education perfect
- Padlet
Reading Plus -
Kia ora 9C2. Good to see the range of resources and notes that you have created to support each other's learning of the film. This will come in handy for our end of year exams. This week we begin applying all we have learned about film techniques to our own film. ScreenTest 2020 competition https://www.nzonscreen.com/screentest is amazing way to showcase our learning. This festival asks film makers to make or animate a short film of no more than 10 minutes, on the theme of 'Justice'. Justice can incorporate many things, including traditional tales of right and wrong, crime and punishment, a social justice theme or even injustice, either perceived or real (such as being grounded on a Friday night!). Students are free to interpret their own ideas of justice in their short film.
PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:
- We are PLANNING to make our own short film so that we can apply our understanding of language and visual techniques to our own short film
- We are PLANNING to make our own short film so that we can justify our selection of language and visual techniques by being able to share the impact of these techniques
- We are PLANNING to make our own short film so that we can present a short film focusing on ability and overcoming adversity
- We are PLANNING to make our own short film so that we can apply the power of film to challenge people's fixed beliefs and perceptions about the lives and abilities of people with disability around the world
Success Criteria: I can/have...
I can create a storyboard outlining my film idea
I can identify the techniques that will be effective in the film
I can locate the resources that I require to make this film
I can create my own drama exploring justice
Story boarding
Homework:Education Perfect
Reading Plus
PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:
- We are PLANNING to make our own short film so that we can apply our understanding of language and visual techniques to our own short film
- We are PLANNING to make our own short film so that we can justify our selection of language and visual techniques by being able to share the impact of these techniques
- We are PLANNING to make our own short film so that we can present a short film focusing on ability and overcoming adversity
- We are PLANNING to make our own short film so that we can apply the power of film to challenge people's fixed beliefs and perceptions about the lives and abilities of people with disability around the world
Success Criteria: I can/have...
I can select a range of visual and verbal techniques to use in my own film
- I can discuss the impact of these techniques on my audience
- I can apply a range of filming techniques within my own film and explain the effectiveness of these techniques
- On Google Classroom
- Filming
Reading Plus -
PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:
- We are PLANNING to make our own short film so that we can apply our understanding of language and visual techniques to our own short film
- We are PLANNING to make our own short film so that we can justify our selection of language and visual techniques by being able to share the impact of these techniques
- We are PLANNING to make our own short film so that we can present a short film focusing on ability and overcoming adversity
- We are PLANNING to make our own short film so that we can apply the power of film to challenge people's fixed beliefs and perceptions about the lives and abilities of people with disability around the world
Success Criteria: I can/have...
I can select a range of visual and verbal techniques to use in my own film
- I can discuss the impact of these techniques on my audience
- I can apply a range of filming techniques within my own film and explain the effectiveness of these techniques
- On Google Classroom
- Filming
Reading PlusFilm editing
Thank you for keeping up with all the filming schedules and your connections reading and viewing. It is essential that we stay on top of this as we work through the next few weeks. I need to start using your time to refine the video ready for submission.
BIG IDEA: We are Thinkers, Achievers, Innovators & Leaders.PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:
- We are PLANNING to make our own short film so that we can apply our understanding of language and visual techniques to our own short film
- We are PLANNING to make our own short film so that we can justify our selection of language and visual techniques by being able to share the impact of these techniques
- We are PLANNING to make our own short film so that we can present a short film focusing on ability and overcoming adversity
- We are PLANNING to make our own short film so that we can apply the power of film to challenge people's fixed beliefs and perceptions about the lives and abilities of people with disability around the world
Success Criteria: I can/have...
I can select a range of visual and verbal techniques to use in my own film
- I can discuss the impact of these techniques on my audience
- I can apply a range of filming techniques within my own film and explain the effectiveness of these techniques
- On Google Classroom
- Filming
Editing film
Reading Plus -
Thank you for keeping up with all the filming schedules. This is the final week of class time I will give you for the film. After this you will have to manage time where you meet over lunch or in the weekends to get the film completed. Next week we will begin looking at speeches. This is also your final lesson to complete your connections essay.
BIG IDEA: We are Thinkers, Achievers, Innovators & Leaders.REFLECT / WHAIWHAKAARO learning intentions:
- We are REFLECTING on the film making process by reviewing the steps we had taken to create the film
- We are REFLECTING on the final film we created by identifying the issues we faced and measuring how successful we had been in following an individual learning management plan
- We are REFLECTING by reviewing our understanding on how we can be leaders who can influence
Success Criteria: I can/have...
I have completed a peer feedback on group work for our film
I have completed the PMI chart
- On Google Classroom
- Filming
Reading Plus -
Kia ora 9C2. Well done with all your work on the connections between text and the wider society. This week we begin speeches. We have already chatted about presentation guidelines.
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING how to express our point of view and perspectives through an oral presentation by recognising that we all have differing opinions on issues and their impact
- We are EXPLORING how to express our point of view and perspectives through an oral presentation by recognising that research always has a bias
- We are EXPLORING how to express our point of view and perspectives through an oral presentation by connecting the research information gathered through a range of resources and drawing conclusions from it
- We are EXPLORING how to express our point of view and perspectives through an oral presentation by analysing the data gathered and interpreting its validity and application to the research issue
- We are EXPLORING how to express our point of view and perspectives through an oral presentation by organising the information gathered through primary and secondary sources of information
- We are EXPLORING how to express our point of view and perspectives through an oral presentation by collecting information on the topic of interest
- We are EXPLORING how to express our point of view and perspectives through an oral presentation by investigating a topic of interest
Success Criteria: I can/have...
I can identify key points I want to develop as part of the speech
- I can describe the cause and effect of my topic
- I can define the key aspect of my topic
- I can recognise others’ points of view and perspectives
- I can create a mindmap of the key points and how they are connected
- Rhetorical devices
- Viewing past speeches and annotating these
Reading Plus -
Morena 9C2. Last week was very productive. This week you need to make sure your speech topic / focus has been approved by me and you must ensure you have found your primary and secondary sources of information.
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING how to express our point of view and perspectives through an oral presentation by recognising that we all have differing opinions on issues and their impact
- We are EXPLORING how to express our point of view and perspectives through an oral presentation by recognising that research always has a bias
- We are EXPLORING how to express our point of view and perspectives through an oral presentation by connecting the research information gathered through a range of resources and drawing conclusions from it
- We are EXPLORING how to express our point of view and perspectives through an oral presentation by analysing the data gathered and interpreting its validity and application to the research issue
- We are EXPLORING how to express our point of view and perspectives through an oral presentation by organising the information gathered through primary and secondary sources of information
- We are EXPLORING how to express our point of view and perspectives through an oral presentation by collecting information on the topic of interest
- We are EXPLORING how to express our point of view and perspectives through an oral presentation by investigating a topic of interest
Success Criteria: I can/have...
I can compare and contrast the information gathered through the various sources of information
- I can explain the key aspects of the research topic
- I can classify the ideas so that they are ordered in a logical manner
- I can analyse the data to form valid conclusions
- Uses logic and argument with confidence to justify and substantiate ideas and opinions
- I can interpret the effectiveness of oral language devices so that I can present my ideas in a convincing manner
- I can evaluate other speeches for impact
- I can make a generalisation about what makes an effective speech
- Research topic
- Speech writing
Reading Plus. -
Morena 9C2. I hope you had a fantastic school break and are ready for this term. We will aim to do speeches this week and have it dropped into a folder so I can assess it.
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING on writing an effective speech by choosing effective rhetorical devices
- We are FOCUSING on writing an effective speech by analysing what information to include in a speech for creating an impact
- We are FOCUSING on writing an effective speech by clarifying my stance on the issue by providing relevant information
- We are FOCUSING on writing an effective speech by comparing a range of speeches and identifying effective rhetorical devices that have been utilised
- We are FOCUSING on writing an effective speech by explaining by point of view through a logically developed argument
Success Criteria
- On Google Classroom
PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:
- We are PLANNING to deliver a speech so that we can critique a social issue
- We are PLANNING to deliver a speech so that we can justify our selection of language techniques
- We are PLANNING to deliver a speech so that we can share our point of view on a current issue
- We are PLANNING to deliver a speech so that we can demonstrate our understanding of an issue
- We are PLANNING to deliver a speech so that we can apply rhetorical devices in an oral text
Success Criteria: I can/have...
- Deliver the speech and record it.
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING a range of written children's texts by recognising that writers use different verbal and visual language techniques to highlight how racial representation is depicted in written children's text
- We are EXPLORING a range of written children's texts by investigating a range of written techniques and experimenting with the effect it has on the readers
- We are EXPLORING a range of written children's texts by understanding what a 'perspective' is and how we form these
- We are EXPLORING a range of written children's texts by recognising that our perspectives are formed through our experiences and perspectives
- We are EXPLORING a range of written children's texts by understanding connotations and the power of these
- We are EXPLORING a range of written children's texts by researching the effect of setting on the choices made by individuals
Success Criteria: I can/have...
I can identify the author’s purpose in the written children's text
- I can identify the perspective of the author
I can describe the key ideas in the novel
I can recognise the key elements in the exposition of the children's text
I can create a mindmap that showcases the exposition of the children's text
Reading Plus and Math Buddy
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING a range of written children's texts by recognising that writers use different verbal and visual language techniques to highlight how racial representation is depicted in written children's text
- We are EXPLORING a range of written children's texts by investigating a range of written techniques and experimenting with the effect it has on the readers
- We are EXPLORING a range of written children's texts by understanding what a 'perspective' is and how we form these
- We are EXPLORING a range of written children's texts by recognising that our perspectives are formed through our experiences and perspectives
- We are EXPLORING a range of written children's texts by understanding connotations and the power of these
- We are EXPLORING a range of written children's texts by researching the effect of setting on the choices made by individuals
Success Criteria: I can/have...
- I can compare and contrast the theme of racial inequality in written text
- I can describe how tension/conflict is created in the children's text
- I can explain the effects of the main events in the children's text
- I can describe the verbal language techniques used in novel
- Novel Connect 4
- Google Classroom - Unseen Text 1
Reading Plus
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING a range of written children's texts by recognising that writers use different verbal and visual language techniques to highlight how racial representation is depicted in written children's text
- We are EXPLORING a range of written children's texts by investigating a range of written techniques and experimenting with the effect it has on the readers
- We are EXPLORING a range of written children's texts by understanding what a 'perspective' is and how we form these
- We are EXPLORING a range of written children's texts by recognising that our perspectives are formed through our experiences and perspectives
- We are EXPLORING a range of written children's texts by understanding connotations and the power of these
- We are EXPLORING a range of written children's texts by researching the effect of setting on the choices made by individuals
Success Criteria: I can/have...
Activities:I can interpret the effectiveness of the narrative perspective used by the writer to explore the ideas of racial disparity in written children's text
I can analyse the effect of the setting on the characters
I can classify how a theme is revealed in the children's text to make meaning
- Novel Connect 4
- Unseen Text 2
Education perfectReading Plus
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING on analysing how children's text support us in forming our perceptions of race
- We are FOCUSING on analysing the effective narrative perspective employed by the writer of our novel
- We are FOCUSING on creating meaning in relation to characters, conflicts they face and the perspective they form as a result of these experiences and the impact this has on the manner in which they from their own perspectives and respond to a given children's text
- We are FOCUSING on responding to the themes in the children's text and justifying why I respond in this particular manner
Success Criteria: I can/have...
I can identify the racial disparity identified through the novel
I can describe the key ideas and explain its relevance to youth and their perspective
I can recognise the key elements in the exposition of the children's text
I can create a mindmap that showcases the exposition of the children's text
- Novel Connect 4
- Google Classroom
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING on analysing how children's text support us in forming our perceptions of race
- We are FOCUSING on analysing the effective narrative perspective employed by the writer of our novel
- We are FOCUSING on creating meaning in relation to characters, conflicts they face and the perspective they form as a result of these experiences and the impact this has on the manner in which they from their own perspectives and respond to a given children's text
- We are FOCUSING on responding to the themes in the children's text and justifying why I respond in this particular manner
Success Criteria: I can/have...
I can compare and contrast two main characters in the children's text
- I can sequence the changes in the characters
- I can describe how these changes affect the wellbeing of the characters
- I can describe the conflict within the children's text to make meaning
I can interpret the effectiveness of the narrative perspective employed by the writer
- I can analyse the key message of the children's text to make meaning
- I can classify how a theme or idea is revealed in the children's text to make meaning
- Connect 4
- Unfamiliar Text
Education Perfect -
PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:
- We are PLANNING a social action so that we can critique the social issue of racial disparity in children’s children's text
- We are PLANNING a social action so that we can justify our perception on the identified issues
- We are PLANNING a social action so that we can share our point of view on the current issue
- We are PLANNING a social action so that we can demonstrate our understanding of the issue
Success Criteria: I can/have...
- I can present my views and understanding on racial disparity in text through a selected social action
I can select the most effective tools to utilise to raise awareness
I can explain the causes of and effects of the identified issue
I can analyse other children’s text to compare and contrast perspectives of authors
I can discuss the impact of these perspectives on the readers
- Student led projects
- e-asTTle writing
PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:
- We are PLANNING a social action so that we can critique the social issue of racial disparity in children’s children's text
- We are PLANNING a social action so that we can justify our perception on the identified issues
- We are PLANNING a social action so that we can share our point of view on the current issue
- We are PLANNING a social action so that we can demonstrate our understanding of the issue
Success Criteria: I can/have...
- I can present my views and understanding on racial disparity in text through a selected social action
I can select the most effective tools to utilise to raise awareness
I can explain the causes of and effects of the identified issue
I can analyse other children’s text to compare and contrast perspectives of authors
I can discuss the impact of these perspectives on the readers
- Student led projects
- e-asTTle writing
REFLECT / WHAIWHAKAARO learning intentions:
- We are REFLECTING...on the role we play as young people to re-write pages of literature by introducing more diverse perspectives.
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING the various opportunities that there are at MHJC and the greater Flatbush area for our hauora by recognising that the four facets of hauora looks different for each person
- We are EXPLORING the various opportunities that there are at MHJC and the greater Flatbush area for our hauora by investigating a range of opportunities that are available at MHJC and the greater Flatbush area which can contribute to our wellbeing
- We are EXPLORING the various opportunities that there are at MHJC and the greater Flatbush area for our hauoraby understanding that our wellbeing is a crucial aspect us becoming active learners
- We are EXPLORING the various opportunities that there are at MHJC and the greater Flatbush area for our hauora by recognising that we can choose what we think contributes to wellbeing
- We are EXPLORING the various opportunities that there are at MHJC and the greater Flatbush area for our hauora by understanding that Dr Mason Durie's whare tapawha model compares hauora to the four walls of a whare, each wall representing a different dimension: taha wairua (the spiritual side); taha hinengaro (thoughts and feelings); taha tinana (the physical side); and taha whanau (family). All four dimensions are necessary for strength and symmetry
- We are EXPLORING the various opportunities that there are at MHJC and the greater Flatbush area for our hauora by researching the 5 ways to wellbeing - Connect . Give . Take notice . Keep learning . Be active Heke tipu oranga, he taonga tuku iho, ka pakanga ake, aue te aiotanga, te manawanu
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING the various opportunities that there are at MHJC and the greater Flatbush area for our hauora by recognising that the four facets of hauora looks different for each person
- We are EXPLORING the various opportunities that there are at MHJC and the greater Flatbush area for our hauora by investigating a range of opportunities that are available at MHJC and the greater Flatbush area which can contribute to our wellbeing
- We are EXPLORING the various opportunities that there are at MHJC and the greater Flatbush area for our hauoraby understanding that our wellbeing is a crucial aspect us becoming active learners
- We are EXPLORING the various opportunities that there are at MHJC and the greater Flatbush area for our hauora by recognising that we can choose what we think contributes to wellbeing
- We are EXPLORING the various opportunities that there are at MHJC and the greater Flatbush area for our hauora by understanding that Dr Mason Durie's whare tapawha model compares hauora to the four walls of a whare, each wall representing a different dimension: taha wairua (the spiritual side); taha hinengaro (thoughts and feelings); taha tinana (the physical side); and taha whanau (family). All four dimensions are necessary for strength and symmetry
- We are EXPLORING the various opportunities that there are at MHJC and the greater Flatbush area for our hauora by researching the 5 ways to wellbeing - Connect . Give . Take notice . Keep learning . Be active Heke tipu oranga, he taonga tuku iho, ka pakanga ake, aue te aiotanga, te manawanu
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING on analysing how informational texts are written
- We are FOCUSING on analysing the effective language features that are employed in informational texts
- We are FOCUSING on employing a range of language features.
Success Criteria: I can/have...
I can identify the language features of an informational text
- I can identify the purpose and audience for the range of informational text provided
- I can describe the structure and language devices that have been employed in a text
- Session 1 - Reports
Session 2 -Samples of reports to analyse
Focus questions:
Why would this information be included in a brochure?”
What other information would you like to know before deciding if you are going to visit this place?
What can you tell me about the pictures, photographs, and other graphics in the brochure?
How is a brochure the same as an advertisement that you would see on a billboard or on TV?
How is a brochure different from an advertisement that you would see on a billboard or on TV?
Write here... -
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING on analysing how informational texts are written
- We are FOCUSING on analysing the effective language features that are employed in informational texts
- We are FOCUSING on employing a range of language features.
Success Criteria: I can/have...
- I can compare and contrast two differing styles of informational writing
- I can explain why writers use a specific style when creating informative pieces of work
I can interpret the effectiveness of the structure and language used in an informative text
- I can analyse the key message of the text
- On Google Classroom
PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:
- We are PLANNING to create informational brochures so that we can apply our understanding of informational text
- We are PLANNING to create informational brochures so that we can justify our selection of language features
PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:
- We are PLANNING to create informational brochures so that we can apply our understanding of informational text
- We are PLANNING to create informational brochures so that we can justify our selection of language features
Success Criteria: I can/have...
I can present my views and understanding of an aspect of hauora
I can select the most effective tools to utilise to create the informational brochure
- Brochure making
PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:
- We are PLANNING to create informational brochures so that we can apply our understanding of informational text
- We are PLANNING to create informational brochures so that we can justify our selection of language features
Success Criteria: I can/have...
I can explain the language devices, structure and audience choices that I have made
- I can analyse the impact of the selected features.
I can create my own informational text on an activity that is available at MHJC/ Flatbush
- Brochure
Write here... -