8W1 English
Weekly outline
English 2020
Google Classroom code- jdixbqq
Kia Ora Water Whanau
Welcome to English! Mrs Ismail is your English teacher and you will learn lots of interesting contexts this year. Our Year 8 Term 1 Context is~
Turangawaewae - My place to stand here in Auckland
Our English Strand from the NZ Curriculum is Listening, Reading, and Viewing-Students learn to show an increasing understanding of how texts are shaped for different purposes and audiences.
– constructs texts that show a growing awareness of purpose and audience through careful choice of content, language, and text form;
– conveys and sustains personal voice where appropriate
-makes meaning of increasingly complex texts by identifying and understanding main and subsidiary ideas and the links between them
Shows an increasing understanding of how language features are used for effect within and across texts.
-identifies oral, written, and visual features used and recognises and describes their effectsHe waka eke noa -
We’re all in this together
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING...oral, written and visual features of texts by observing the effect of colour, texture and font on an image
- We are EXPLORING....oral, written and visual features of texts by analysing the elements of a static image
- We are EXPLORING....oral, written and visual features of static images by interpreting the effects of a dominant image
Kia ora...
Success Criteria: I can/have...
- shown an awareness of purpose and audience in a number of static images and transferred them to our learning context "My Place to Stand here in Auckland"
- written SEXY paragraphs about 3 elements over the next 3 weeks to show understanding of the make up of an image
- unpacked static images for details of elements
- Watch the introductory slide show and make notes on a google doc or in your book.
- In groups find several static images in the classroom or online and point out the elements of font, text, dominant image, contrast, lines, layout and graphics
- Google classroom tasks to follow and complete
- Create a Static Image Poster on Valentines Day --use the colour red, a heart symbol to show love, correct font with a message
Follow Up Tasks:
Research effect of colours on static images. What emotions/images do different colours symbolise and represent. We will start off the term by refreshing our learning about Static Images!
- Library session this week-
LI-Reading for enjoyment
SC-Selecting a book to read of personal choice
Do Nows-Personal Reading for 10 mins at the beginning of each session.
Activities: Beginning of every session-Do Nows-10 mins of reading
1. Finish creating posters on Dominant Image from last week on Auckland.
2. Refer back to notes on Google Classroom on Static Image elements and Symbols and colours. Create a Static Image poster in your English book on advertising MHJC TO THE COMMUNITY using a dominant image, and correct symbols/colours/text and font. Draft first in pencil.
3. Explain and justify your element choices using SEXY paragraphs.
Extra-Explore Static Image elements online-view Historical places/landscapes images around Auckland
Kia Ora:FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING. on increasing understanding of ideas within, across, and beyond texts by identifying the main ideas of bicultural texts
- We are FOCUSING on increasing understanding of ideas within, across, and beyond texts by discussing the main ideas of our Maori myths and legends
- We are FOCUSING on increasing understanding of how language features are used for effect within and across texts by describing the Static Image elements of visual images in our historical texts
- We are FOCUSING on increasing our understanding on Auckland History by explaining how volcanoes were created
- We are FOCUSING on increasing our understanding on Auckland History by discussing the impact of volcanoes on our environment
Activities: Do Nows: 10 mins of Silent reading at the beginning of each session(book from the library)
1. Library session this week- Issuing a book on Maori Myths and legends for class activity. Reading for enjoyment.
2. Shared visual text on projector on a Auckland-volcanoes. History on Rangitoto, Auckland's youngest volcano. View clip and discuss. Compare and contrast then and now.
3. See Google Classroom for clips/readings. Comprehension questions.
Extra: Education Perfect Tasks
Kia Ora
Continue with above plan.
Kia Ora
Continue with Focussing plan above.
Library Session this week.-Reading for enjoyment.
Education Perfect English Competition.
PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:
- We are PLANNING to show an increasing understanding of ideas within, across, and beyond texts... so that we can create an art piece on Auckland using relevant symbols, colour, text/font, texture.
- We are PLANNING to show an increasing understanding of ideas within, across, and beyond texts.so that we can...justify our choice of symbols, colour, text/font on our Static Image Assessment
- We are PLANNING to show an increasing understanding of ideas within, across, and beyond texts. so that we can...apply our local knowledge/history on Auckland and volcanoes when we attend our trip to Mangere Mountain
- We are PLANNING to show an increasing understanding of how language features are used for effect within and across texts so that we can prepare, collaborate and share our ideas on a author/film study- Taika Waititi- Boy movie
- Extra: Blackout poetry
- Education Perfect Tasks
Kia Ora!!
8W1/8W2- Term 2 weeks 1 and 2
To do list! Please do not worry about your Term 1 assessment for now, I will give details later when we are back at school.
Must do’s!
1.Taika Waititi research-see google classroom for questions
LI-Exploring a Maori artist/writer/director-
-skim and scan for information
SC-Record facts
2. Reading Plus-weekly
Should do-ongoing~
3. Education Perfect tasks need to be completed from last term-spelling tasks!
4. Reading Log doc-see Google Classroom template or your English book!!(back)
Could do~
5.Extra reading/creative writing-diary entry/poem/short story/whanau story told to you by parents/grandparents/other family members/writing a recipe for something that you helped your parents/whanau with or you have made on your own/or a recipe you love!!! You can use your English book to write.
Some Resources~
https://www.pobble365.com/-Creative writing
Kia Ora
Continue with last weeks work.
- Kia Ora Y8's Welcome to Week 3!
- We are Planning to show an increasing understanding of how language features are used for effect within and across texts so that we can prepare, collaborate and share our ideas on a author/film study- Taika Waititi- Boy movie
I can identify camera shots and angles and generate my own examples
I can describe why there are certain shots and angles
I can explain and define key words and ideas
I can justify the purpose of camera techniques
Please see Google Classroom
Please complete weekly Reading Plus activities.
Kia Ora
Continue with work from last week.
Kia Ora Year 8’s. Welcome to week 5!!
LI-Explore a range of texts
SC--I can identify, describe and define key words and information in a news article
1. Please complete the first activity. Read at least 2 articles from one of the websites below and answer the questions in your own words.
To access the brainpop account, please use these details:
Username: MHJC
Password: 1student
Answer these questions on the doc~
What is the title of the article?
Who is the main person or group of people in the article?
When did this event take place?
What is the key event of this article ?
List some hard words(if any) from the article and find their meanings.
Are there any quotes or messages in this article? Write it and explain.
Finish of Taika Waiti Research
Camera shots/angles/definitions
Reading Plus
Could do~
Extra reading on this website!
See Google Classroom for activities/links and videos.
Kia Ora Class
Welcome back to school!
This week we will be going over safety protocols at school, starting our Term 1 Integrated Assessment (English/ Art) and finishing some of our distance learning work.
The outline of the assessment will be on your Google Classroom page with the To Do list. Also it is attached below.
It is great to have you back!!
Mrs Ismail.
Kia Ora Students
Welcome to week 7!
This week you will ~
Must Do~
1. Finish off your English assessment as it is due on Friday.
Should do~
2. Research on the origins of Corona virus-list some interesting facts.
Could do~
3. Extra reading on these websites!
https://www.brainpop.com/english/Username: MHJC
Password: 1student
E-learning -Reading Plus Tasks
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING the correct structure of a script genre by organising our writing using the correct format
- We are EXPLORING our ideas by collaborating with our peers on the elements of script writing
- We are EXPLORING processes and strategies by investigating our research information and collecting, interpreting and analysing information
Kia Ora Students
Welcome to week 8!
Life After Lockdown - The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
Library session~Friday(issuing books to read for enjoyment and context related)
1. Identify context and what it means. Write in English books. Students to identify goals from E-asttle writing. Education perfect tasks on paragraphs and compound sentences.
2. Look at scripts-plays from journals and see how the author structure the writing in the book. Identify the characters, scenes, basic elements of writing.-punctuation and sentences. Students to discuss in groups.
3. Library session.
Username: MHJC
Password: 1student
E-learning -Reading Plus Tasks
Continue with last weeks planning.
Extra: Education Perfect tasks.
Kia Ora Students
Welcome to week 10! You will practice script writing in groups and perform in front of your peers.
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING...on our oral presentation skills by discussing and identifying the key elements of a formal speech
- We are FOCUSING...on our script writing skills by choosing a topic linked to the COVID pandemic and developing our ideas
- We are FOCUSING...on working with our peers by adapting to a group activity and transforming our ideas into a script
Kia Ora and Welcome to Week 11!
PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:
- We are PLANNING... to follow the correct structure of a formal speech so that we can...prepare our speech
- We are PLANNING to brainstorm our ideas so that we can plan our speech
- We are PLANNING to practise our speech so that we can present and perform in front of an audience and share information
Reading (research for speech)
Skim and scan for information
List key words
Find the meaning of unknown words
Used paragraphs-7
7(hook, introduction, point 1, point 2, point 3, conclusion, message)
Listed synonyms
Define key words
Identified a message
Sessions 1 and 2: Brainstorm speech ideas/topics. Choose an area of interest and a message you want to convey. Also 3 points you want to discuss. See A BRIEF GUIDE TO EFFECTIVE PUBLIC SPEAKING Doc shared by the teacher on google classroom. Share APPA speech guidelines/preparation and powerpoint resources/examples from Speech resources folder.
Hamburger Model -see layout of speech. Drafting out of Speech-Hook/Introduction/Body/Conclusion/Last sentence. Look at speech videos
Session 3: Continue with draft of speech and aim to finish. Sign off by teacher. Early finishers to publish and write main points on cue cards.
Holiday homework-Get your cue cards ready and memorise your speech. Remember a good speech comes from the heart!!!
The Girl who silenced the World.
Greta Thunberg-climate activist
https://www.npr.org/2019/09/23/763452863/transcript-greta-thunbergs-speech-at-the-u-n-climate-action-summit -
Continue with last weeks plan-speech preparation.
PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:
- We are PLANNING... to follow the correct structure of a formal speech so that we can...prepare our speech
- We are PLANNING to brainstorm our ideas so that we can plan our speech
- We are PLANNING to practise our speech so that we can present and perform in front of an audience and share information
Kia Ora Welcome back to Term 3!!
Continue with last terms plan-speech preparation.
PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:
- We are PLANNING... to follow the correct structure of a formal speech so that we can...prepare our speech
- We are PLANNING to brainstorm our ideas so that we can plan our speech
- We are PLANNING to practise our speech so that we can present and perform in front of an audience and share information
I can:
-Read clearly
-Project your voice
-Make eye contact
-Vary your tone
-Pace myself
-Memorise my speech
1. Getting ready for speech presentations-practising our speeches in class and watching video examples. -
Kia Ora and welcome to week 2 Term 3!
Speech presentations this week.
PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:
- We are PLANNING... to follow the correct structure of a formal speech so that we can...prepare our speech
- We are PLANNING to brainstorm our ideas so that we can plan our speech
- We are PLANNING to practise our speech so that we can present and perform in front of an audience and share information
I can:
-Read clearly
-Project your voice
-Make eye contact
-Vary your tone
-Pace myself
-Memorise my speech
1. Getting ready for speech presentations-practising our speeches in class and watching video examples. -
Kia ora and welcome to Week 3 Term 3!!
REFLECT / WHAIWHAKAARO learning intentions:
- We are REFLECTING...on our speech assessment so that we can review our presentation and evaluate ourselves
Success Criteria:
I can reflect on my oral presentation techniques and speech delivery
1. Reflect on speeches and write a self-reflection in English books.
2. Work on technology recipes from Mrs Hewlett-Integrate with technology-Procedural/Instructional writing
LI-Follow the correct writing structure
SC-List title, ingredients and instructions
-Number the method/instructions in the correct order
-Start method with verbs
3. Work on EP Languages.
Library session this week-Friday.
Kia Ora and Welcome to Week 4 of Term 3!!
This week your will be reflecting on your SMART goals and putting them on MHOL.
Holistic report - unedited student reflection statement
Set up as a Student Reflection Statement assignment on each Whanau MHOL course page.......
Instructions for the assignment:
You are required to write a reflection statement that identifies the SMART goals you have set yourself in 2020 and the progress you are making to achieving these goals. You may choose to describe the actions to have taken, the successes you have had and the obstacles/challenges you have faced. This will be an unedited statement from you and will appear on your Holistic report.
Below SENCO and ESOL writing frames below are set up as templates, so these students can insert these to support their writing of a reflection statement.
Student reflection: student coached to proofread & ensure reflection statement is a fair reflection of data/reality -
Kia Ora Class
You are working on your Lockdown 2 grid. Please refer to your Google Classroom links.
Stay safe!!
Kia Ora Class
You are working on your Student Led Conference Term 3 slide, Holistic reflections, Holistic report evidence and Lockdown 2 grid. Please refer to your Google Classroom links.
Stay safe!!
Kia Ora
Welcome back!
The 6 catchup up tasks that need to be completed are:Other tasks-- SLC T1 reflection goals on MHO
- SLC T3 slide show ready
- Holistic Report - reflection /goal statement on MHO
- Holistic Report evidence doc for 2020 completed
- Reading Plus up to date
- Maths Buddy up to date
Finish completing your Distance learning grid. Marking of Reading activity AS A CLASS.
Education Perfect
Designing a cover page for our new Context in Global Books~
For the People or For the Power?
Kia Ora and Welcome to Week 8!!
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING...democracy and types of government by researching information and collaborating with our peers
- We are EXPLORING...how government affects people and places by collecting, analysing and interpreting information
- We are EXPLORING...elements of a persuasive text by recognising the correct structure and language features, purpose and audience
See Persuasive writing resources on google classroom as well as Education Perfect
Hands on activities/games in groups to build key words using playdough/cards/sports equipment
Kia Ora and Welcome to Week 9!! It is also Maori Language week!
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING...democracy and types of government by researching information and collaborating with our peers
- We are EXPLORING...how government affects people and places by collecting, analysing and interpreting information
- We are EXPLORING...elements of a persuasive text by recognising the correct structure and language features, purpose and audience
See week 8 for Success Criteria:
See Persuasive writing resources on google classroom as well as Education Perfect
Hands on activities/games in groups to build key words using playdough/cards/sports equipment
Session 5 this week -complete Maori Language week slide activity on your LA google classroom
Collapsed timetable political party time Week 10 and Week 1 - election THURSDAY Week 1
Collapsed timetable activity
Students will be given a Political party Challenge Brief.
They will have just under 2x weeks to complete the challenges on the brief.
Students in Week 10 - will have collapsed timetable time to be together as a political party, to make decisions, assign tasks/jobs and check progress.
Will set up a spreadsheet to track the parties and the progress
Students will then used the other sessions to work on their assigned task
We will reassess the collapsed timetable needs for week 1 at the end of Week 10
Challenge Brief
Create a party name
Appoint a Party Leader
Write a brief Party manifesto - what does your party stand for?
Leader writes and films an introductory speech
Create a logo, slogan and select a theme song
Create an campaign that includes - posters, memes, short video slips, tweets, social media posts
Write policy statements for Environment (Yr 9), Tourism Industry crisis & the border (Yr 7), Referendums (Yr 10), a whanau issue of your choice (Yr 8), End of year whanau trip (collectively)
All students will then be able to Vote for their preferred Whanau Political Party on Thursday Week 1 Term 4. Each party has 16 members.
Term 3 Holidays week 1-Stay safe!!
Term 3 Holidays week 2-Stay safe!!
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING on developing our ideas on how leadership is acquired so that we can discuss our points of view.
- We are FOCUSING on developing our ideas on our context so that we can describe and explain our views during writing tasks.
PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:
- We are PLANNING to collaborate with our political party so that we can promote our ideas on political issues in our whanau.
- We are PLANNING to consult with our political party so that we can apply our knowledge when casting our vote and make informed decisions
Success Criteria:
I can define leadership.
I can define vote.
I can share and discuss my ideas with my political party.
I can make an informed choice when casting a vote.
I can explain how leadership is acquired.
I can describe how leadership is acquired.
I can explain the authors purpose for writing the text.
I can describe the main ideas of the text.
I can list and define unknown words.
Finish sharing reading tasks on political news articles from last term.-Group activity.
Library session-Friday
Kia Ora and welcome to Week 2 Term 4!
This week you will be using your sessions to complete your Writing Test. Good luck!!
Kia Ora and Welcome to Week 3 of Term 4!
We have library sessions on Friday!
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
Recording of activities in English book.
Library session -choosing and reading books on cultural celebrations and listing down some facts and writing examples.
Report writing examples on Google classroom.
Kia Ora and Welcome to Week 4 of Term 4!
School Athletics/Tabloid sports is on Tuesday and Mangere Mountain Trip is Thursday!
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
Recording of activities in English book.
Library session -choosing and reading books on cultural celebrations and listing down some facts and writing examples.
Report writing examples on Google classroom.
Kia Ora and Welcome to week 5!
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING on developing a script for the culture performance showcase.
- We are FOCUSING on identifying different cultural celebrations for events.
E-asttle testing this week-Wednesday session 3
Library session Tuesday.
Education Perfect Tasks-Reading Skills and Strategies
LI-We are focusing on identifying main ideas in a text.
SC-I can:
-read questions carefully
-look for /identify key words
-skim and scan for main ideas in a text -
Kia Ora and Welcome to Week 6!
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING on developing a script for the culture performance showcase.
- We are FOCUSING on identifying different cultural celebrations for events.
Education Perfect Tasks-Reading Skills and Strategies
LI-We are focusing on identifying main ideas in a text.
SC-I can:
-read questions carefully
-look for /identify key words
-skim and scan for main ideas in a text
Teacher Only Day on Thursday -
Kia Ora and Welcome to week 7!!
Activities-Finish sharing examples of cultural celebrations from last week.
PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:
- We are PLANNING a cultural celebration so that we can perform an item
- We are PLANNING a Y10 FAREWELL ASSEMBLY so that we can create and and share an item
- We are PLANNING a cultural celebration IN OUR WHANAU so that we can collaborate with our peers
SC-I can
-collaborate with my peers
-plan and perform an item
Website link for research
Education Perfect Tasks-Presenting
Kia Ora and Welcome to week 8
PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:
- We are PLANNING a cultural celebration so that we can perform an item
- We are PLANNING a Y10 FAREWELL ASSEMBLY so that we can create and and share an item
- We are PLANNING a cultural celebration IN OUR WHANAU so that we can collaborate with our peers
SC-I can
-collaborate with my peers
-plan and perform an item
Thursday-Santa Show-session 4
Friday-Whanau Day out
Extra: Education Perfect Tasks.
Kia Ora and Welcome to Week 9-last week of the Term!
Monday and Tuesday-finishing all English work and reflection on context Moving and Grooving
Y10 Farewell assembly
Christmas activities planned for this week
Thursday is YEAR 7 AND 8 Prizegiving-Last Day
REFLECT / WHAIWHAKAARO learning intentions:
- We are REFLECTING... on our cultural celebrations and their significance by reviewing our context work and making conclusions
- We are REFLECTING on our differences and similarities between our and other people's cultures by concluding and evaluating our research information