Weekly outline

  • General

  • 3 February - 9 February

  • 10 February - 16 February

    Kia ora

    A warm welcome to all  my maths and science students in Y8W1.  

     The context for Maths and science for this term is  My place to stand here in Auckland (with Art specialist subject).

    I am attaching the photo of the class whiteboard with the learning intention and the success criteria and the tasks completed during session. Please copy this in your science exercise books and read through the classwork to retain information to create long term memory. I  will check your books and mark them.

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • Mind map and add to my mind map new information
    • recall new learning using mind maps, revision at home to retain information
    • build on new information to my prior knowledge
    • connect science to maths and other learning areas


    1. Listening skills - and note taking skill- mind mapping 

    2. Questioning, making sense of new information, researching and adding to mindmap

    Follow Up Tasks:

    1. Copy the image above onto your Maths exercise book.
    2. Read and understand how we learn.
    3.  Remember by recalling and retelling to your parents  and teachers everyday.
    4. Home learning every day for 1 hour minimum every day, no excuses to create a habit


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING... patterns and trends for everyday examples of physical phenomena, such as movement of the NZ land mass and describe the effect of such forces by investigating volcanic sites around Auckland
    • We are EXPLORING... some living things in New Zealand are quite different from living things in other areas of the world by investigating Tane forest
    • We are EXPLORING... characteristic chemical and physical properties of a range of different materials by experimenting and connecting this to NZ's unique geology
    • We are EXPLORING... water, air, rocks and soil, and life forms make up our planet and by recognizing that these are also NZ's resources
  • 17 February - 23 February

    Kia Ora

    Below is the long term overview of what term 1 could look like.

    It is a working document. Each success criteria will be highlighted as and when achieved. 
    It is bird's eye view of a scaffold system towards students' learning progression, assessment, reflection and teacher feedback.
    It sets the scene and is subject to change as students meet learning challenges and focus on the chance to look for problems as well as to solve them.

    Authenticity - The planning allows students to create and produce.
    Assignments and assessments are measured against a Working towards, AT, Above,, Beyond (TAAB) scale.

    The SOLO levels in the planning below ( structure of observed learning outcomes) aligns with the TAAB:
    One and many = At
    Many and Relate = Above
    Relate and Abstract = Beyond

    NCEA has a similar system in place- WAME based on SOLO.

    Learning Area: Science

    Curriculum Levels:4

    Build on prior experiences, working together to share and examine their own and others’ knowledge.

    Ask questions, find evidence, explore simple models, and carry out appropriate investigations to develop simple explanations.

    Begin to use a range of scientific symbols, conventions, and vocabulary.
    Explore various aspects of an issue and make decisions about possible actions
    understanding about science

    Appreciate that science is a way of explaining the world and that science knowledge changes over time.

    Explore, describe, and represent patterns and trends for everyday examples of physical phenomena, such as movement, forces, electricity and magnetism, light, sound, waves, and heat

    Develop an understanding that water, air, rocks and soil, and life forms make up our planet and recognise that these are also Earth’s resources


    Term's Learning intentions:

    Walt investigate, understand and explain our natural physical world; generating and testing ideas, carrying out investigation, gathering evidence, debating and communicating ideas with others. 

    Week 2:


    brainstorm, mindmap - Term Context

      Term Context - connect -  earth system - structure of planet earth - Core, magma - Plate tectonics - gondwana- pangea-  timeline -  epochs -  crust - volcano - subduction, convergent, divergent, transform- purpose- lava - eco recycle - rocks - types - NZ - Southern alps - fault line - linking other areas of learning

    Week 3

     same as above.

    Week 4


    Week 5

    Week 6

    week 7

    Week 8

    Week 9

    Prior Knowledge:

    magma, lava, volcano, gases, water vapour, pressure, recycle, planet Earth, map of NZ, Southern alps, fault line, earthquakes, tsunami, types of rocks, 

    SOLO level





    SOLO verbs

    Name, identify, tell, recall, classify, do a simple procedure

    Describe, list, enumerate, combine, do algorithms

    Compare/contrast, explain, causes, effects, integrate, analyse, relate, apply

    Evaluate, theorise, generalise, hypothesise, reflect, generate

    Success Criteria

    timeline for the formation of the NZ landmass

    recall plate tectonics, magma, lava, tsunami, earthquake, recycle systems, stages of the water cycle

    describe :  magma, lava, tsunami, earthquake, plate tectonics, cause and its effect, 3 movements, types of rocks, minerals, elements from rocks,  recycle systems, water cycle, nitrogen cycle 

    explain: plate tectonics, magma, lava, tsunami, earthquake, plate tectonics, cause and its effect, 3 movements, types of rocks, carbon cycle,Phosphorus cyclecreate an experiment to demonstrate the plate tectonics, volcanic explosion, rock formation, generalize the cycle systems and its effect on the planet

  • 24 February - 1 March

  • 2 March - 8 March

    Kia ora

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • timeline for the formation of the NZ landmass

      recall plate tectonics, magma, lava, tsunami, earthquake, recycle systems


    1. Mindmap - Timeline - 4.5 billion years ago to present day.
    2. Add to timeline; Epochs.  Gondwana, Pangea, plate tectonics, continental drift, interior of the Earth
    3.  Begin 3 D diagram of the volcanic activity
    4. Plan in your groups a 3D model based on your diagram
    5.  Begin write up on PP and add to mindmap your weekly learning.

    Follow Up Tasks:

    1. Plan in your groups a 3D model based on your diagram
    2.  Begin write up on PP and add to mindmap your weekly learning.
    3. Weekly Ed perfect tasks from Wed to Wed.

  • 9 March - 15 March

    Kia ora

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    timeline for the formation of the NZ landmass

    recall plate tectonics, magma, lava, tsunami, earthquake, recycle systems

    describe :  magma, lava, tsunami, earthquake, plate tectonics, cause and its effect, 3 movements, types of rocks, minerals, elements from rocks,  recycle systems, water cycle, nitrogen cycle 


    1. Mindmap - Timeline - 4.5 billion years ago to present day.
    2. Add to timeline; Epochs.  Gondwana, Pangea, plate tectonics, continental drift, interior of the Earth
    3.  continue 3 D diagram of the volcanic activity
    4. continue planning in your groups a 3D model based on your diagram
    5.  continue note taking and  write up on PP and add to mindmap your weekly learning.

    Follow Up Tasks:

    1. Continue  in your groups a 3D model based on your diagram
    2.  continue write up on PP and add to mindmap your weekly learning.
    3. Weekly Ed perfect tasks from Wed to Wed completion.

  • 16 March - 22 March

    Kia ora

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • timeline for the formation of the NZ landmass

      recall plate tectonics, magma, lava, tsunami, earthquake, recycle systems


    1. Mindmap - Timeline - 4.5 billion years ago to present day.
    2. Add to timeline; Epochs.  Gondwana, Pangea, plate tectonics, continental drift, interior of the Earth
    3.  Begin 3 D diagram of the volcanic activity
    4. Plan in your groups a 3D model based on your diagram
    5.  Begin write up on PP and add to mindmap your weekly learning.

    Follow Up Tasks:

    1. Plan in your groups a 3D model based on your diagram
    2.  Begin write up on PP and add to mindmap your weekly learning.
    3. Weekly Ed perfect tasks from Wed to Wed.


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING...on New Zealand's unique geology by identifying a volcano and investigating all we can about it
    • We are FOCUSING...on Volcanoes by visiting one and investigating why it was important to the first settler
    • We are FOCUSING... the fact that NZ is situated on a fault line and investigating what could happen if that fault line moves
  • 23 March - 29 March

    Kia ora

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • timeline for the formation of the NZ landmass

      recall plate tectonics, magma, lava, tsunami, earthquake, recycle systems


    1. Mindmap - Timeline - 4.5 billion years ago to present day.
    2. Add to timeline; Epochs.  Gondwana, Pangea, plate tectonics, continental drift, interior of the Earth
    3.  Begin 3 D diagram of the volcanic activity
    4. Plan in your groups a 3D model based on your diagram
    5.  Begin write up on PP and add to mindmap your weekly learning.

    Follow Up Tasks:

    1. Plan in your groups a 3D model based on your diagram
    2.  Begin write up on PP and add to mindmap your weekly learning.
    3. Weekly Ed perfect tasks from Wed to Wed.

  • 30 March - 5 April

    Term Break.

  • 6 April - 12 April

    Term Break.

  • 13 April - 19 April

    Good morning all

    Welcome back after your T1 break.

     Please open your email everyday at 8:30 am for daily updates and lesson plans.

    Please practise 15 minutes of well being everyday.

    Y8W1 https://meet.google.com/lookup/eqnl2kpjf6 

    8:30 - 8:45. Wellbeing -  Sit with a straight back. Close eyes. Relax.  Pay attention to your breathing. This allows your mind to stay focused in the present moment. It is only in the present moment that the brain begins to learn.
     LI: Manage self during online learning.

    Task: Completion of Ed perfect tasks of last week's,
               Drawing and write up of Volcanic activity and its effect on NZ.

    SC: Completion of previous week's Ed perfect.
             Volcanic activity task completion.

  • 20 April - 26 April

    Good morning all

     Please open your email everyday at 8:30 am for daily updates and lesson plans.

    Please practise 15 minutes of well being everyday.

    Y8W1 https://meet.google.com/lookup/eqnl2kpjf6 

    8:30 - 8:45. Wellbeing -  Sit with a straight back. Close eyes. Relax.  Pay attention to your breathing. This allows your mind to stay focused in the present moment. It is only in the present moment that the brain begins to learn.

    LI: explore the impact created by pandemics on health and life processes. 

     Task:  Discussion of Covid 19, Coronavirus, other pandemics, timelines, symptoms, the human body, why not animals, ecology, evolution, life processes. Mind map.

    SC: Complete mind map. Add to mindmap with further research for discussion in next session.
     Next class:  Investigate life processes as MRSCGREN and unpack each letter to see the interconnections between each process.

    SC: Upack MRSCGREN - I can: begin to see the connection between all the processes the letters stand for in MRSCGREN and how they are interdependent for life processes to take place. 

    Application:  Finding solution in context: The study of the COVID 19 virus and its impact on health.

     Further learning:  Ed. Perfect Tasks: Wed to Wed.
                                   Research on  MRSCGREN. Why has the C been added later in MRSGREN?

  • 27 April - 3 May

    Good morning all

     Please open your email everyday at 8:30 am for daily updates and lesson plans.

    Please practise 15 minutes of well being everyday.

    Y8W1 https://meet.google.com/lookup/eqnl2kpjf6 

    8:30 - 8:45. Wellbeing -  Sit with a straight back. Close eyes. Relax.  Pay attention to your breathing. This allows your mind to stay focused in the present moment. It is only in the present moment that the brain begins to learn.

    Good morning all

     Please open your email everyday at 8:30 am for daily updates and lesson plans.

    Please practise 15 minutes of well being everyday.

    Y8W1 https://meet.google.com/lookup/eqnl2kpjf6 

    LI: explore the impact created by pandemics on health and life processes. 

     Task:  Discussion of Covid 19, Coronavirus, other pandemics, timelines, symptoms, the human body, why not animals, ecology, evolution, life processes. Mind map.

    SC: Complete mind map. Add to mindmap with further research for discussion in next session.
     Next class:  Investigate life processes as MRSCGREN and unpack each letter to see the interconnections between each process.

    SC: Upack MRSCGREN - I can: begin to see the connection between all the processes the letters stand for in MRSCGREN and how they are interdependent for life processes to take place. 

    Application:  Finding solution in context: The study of the COVID 19 virus and its impact on health.

     Further learning:  Ed. Perfect Tasks: Wed to Wed.
                                   Research on  MRSCGREN. Why has the C been added later in MRSGREN?

  • 4 May - 10 May

    Good morning all

     Please open your email everyday at 8:30 am for daily updates and lesson plans.

    Please practise 15 minutes of well being everyday.

    Y8W1 https://meet.google.com/lookup/eqnl2kpjf6 

    8:30 - 8:45. Wellbeing -  Sit with a straight back. Close eyes. Relax.  Pay attention to your breathing. This allows your mind to stay focused in the present moment. It is only in the present moment that the brain begins to learn.

    LI: Investigate life processes as MRSCGREN and unpack each letter to see the interconnections between each process.

    Task:  Do Now:   10 minutes students write up a paragraph of last class's learning to share with me in class.

      Upack MRSCGREN - the science embedded in all living things. How do they work and why - form bacteria to mammals, plants to animals.

    Today' s task: Movement - skeletal system, muscles, energy, respiration, circulation, excretion.

    SC: Upack MRSCGREN - I can: begin to see the connection between all the processes the letters stand for in MRSCGREN and how they are interdependent for life processes to take place. 

    Application:  Finding solution in context: The study of the COVID 19 virus and its impact on health.

     Further learning:  Ed. Perfect Tasks: Wed to Wed.
                                   Research on Movement and write a paragraph on various movements of living organisms   explaining the why and the How.

  • 11 May - 17 May

    Good morning all

     Please open your email everyday at 8:30 am for daily updates and lesson plans.

    Please practise 15 minutes of well being everyday.

    Y8W1 https://meet.google.com/lookup/eqnl2kpjf6 

    8:30 - 8:45. Wellbeing -  Sit with a straight back. Close eyes. Relax.  Pay attention to your breathing. This allows your mind to stay focused in the present moment. It is only in the present moment that the brain begins to learn.

     8W1 Science

    LI: Investigate life processes as MRSCGREN and unpack each letter to see the interconnections between each process.

    Task:  Do Now:  last class, students wrote up a paragraph of last class's learning to share with me in class.

      Upack MRSCGREN - the science embedded in all living things. How do they work and why - form bacteria to mammals, plants to animals.

    Today' s task: Movement - skeletal system, muscles, energy, respiration, circulation, excretion.

    SC: Upack MRSCGREN - I can: begin to see the connection between all the processes the letters stand for in MRSCGREN and how they are interdependent for life processes to take place. 

    Application:  Finding solution in context: The study of the COVID 19 virus and its impact on health.

  • 18 May - 24 May

    Term 2 Week 6 This term has 12 weeks. 

    Kia ora

    Welcome back to school for Term 2 Week 6. This term has 12 weeks. So we have 7 weeks of school left for Term 2. 

    LI:  Managing self. Completing Distance learning tasks.  Please open your email and in your inbox you will find a spreadsheet in Google classroom. Please read carefully and begin ticking the boxes after you have completed the tasks mentioned in the spreadsheet.  

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • I can: manage myself by monitoring my work by:
    • completing all Science tasks set during  distance learning in Google classroom
    • complete all Science Ed Perfect tasks set during distance learning
    • show evidence of my work done during distance learning in my science in my book
    • describe and explain MRSCGREN and connect this to the life processes done during distance learning.


    1. Refer to the spreadsheet in Google classroom and begin completing all incomplete work
    2. Tick the boxes in the spreadsheet as and when the tasks are completed
    3. Ask for help from me or other students for completion of tasks.

    Follow Up Tasks:
     For students who have complete all pending tasks:

    1. In your group - introduction to The Scientific Method for Science fair.

    LI: Managing self/  The Scientific Method - PPDAC cycle similarity

    Days                        Group 1

    Group 2  Group 3 Evaluation
    Mon Connect PPDAC to the Science Method complete distance learning complete distance learning

  • 25 May - 31 May

    Term 2 Week 7.  This term has 12 weeks. 

    Kia ora

     Term 2 Week 7. This term has 12 weeks. So we have 6 weeks of school left for Term 2. 

    LI:  Managing self. Completing Distance learning tasks.  Please open your email and in your inbox you will find a spreadsheet in Google classroom. Please read carefully and begin ticking the boxes after you have completed the tasks mentioned in the spreadsheet.  

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • I can: manage myself by monitoring my work by:
    • completing all Science tasks set during  distance learning in Google classroom
    • complete all Science Ed Perfect tasks set during distance learning
    • show evidence of my work done during distance learning in my science in my book
    • describe and explain MRSCGREN and connect this to the life processes done during distance learning.


    1. Refer to the spreadsheet in Google classroom and begin completing all incomplete work
    2. Tick the boxes in the spreadsheet as and when the tasks are completed
    3. Ask for help from me or other students for completion of tasks.

    Follow Up Tasks:
     For students who have complete all pending tasks:

    1. In your group - introduction to The Scientific Method for Science fair.

    LI: Managing self/  The Scientific Method - PPDAC cycle similarity

    Days                        Group 1

    Group 2  Group 3 Evaluation
    Mon Connect PPDAC to the Science Method complete distance learning complete distance learning
    Wed Connect  and unpack the Scientific Method Connect PPDAC to the Scientific  Method Connect PPDAC to the Scientific Method
    Fri the scientific method of investigation the scientific method of investigation
    the scientific method of investigation

  • 1 June - 7 June

    Term 2 Week 8.  This term has 12 weeks. 

    Kia ora

     Term 2 Week 8. This term has 12 weeks. So we have 5 weeks of school left for Term 2. 

    LI:  Managing self. Completing Distance learning tasks.  Please open your email and in your inbox you will find a spreadsheet in Google classroom. Please read carefully and begin ticking the boxes after you have completed the tasks mentioned in the spreadsheet.  

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • I can: manage myself by monitoring my work by:
    • completing all Science tasks set during  distance learning in Google classroom
    • complete all Science Ed Perfect tasks set during distance learning
    • show evidence of my work done during distance learning in my science in my book
    • describe and explain MRSCGREN and connect this to the life processes done during distance learning.


    1. Refer to the spreadsheet in Google classroom and begin completing all incomplete work
    2. Tick the boxes in the spreadsheet as and when the tasks are completed
    3. Ask for help from me or other students for completion of tasks.

    Follow Up Tasks:
     For students who have complete all pending tasks:

    1. In your group - introduction to The Scientific Method for Science fair.

    LI: Managing self/  The Scientific Method - PPDAC cycle similarity

    Days                        Group 1

    Group 2  Group 3 Evaluation
    Mon Connect PPDAC to the Science Method complete distance learning complete distance learning
    Wed Connect  and unpack the Scientific Method Connect PPDAC to the Scientific  Method Connect PPDAC to the Scientific Method
    Fri the scientific method of investigation the scientific method of investigation
    the scientific method of investigation

  • 8 June - 14 June


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...the three main types of microorganisms by researching and classification
    • We are EXPLORING...the uses of these three main types of microorganisms by experimentation and research
    • We are EXPLORING...the fact that some of these microorganisms are actually harmful and through research we will be able to identify what diseases they cause and make suggestions on how to prevent these diseases

    • Success Criteria: I can/have...

      •  identify the three main types of microorganisms
      •   research and classify
      • research the difference between bacteria and a virus using a venn diagram
      • research if we can use bacteria for experiment instead of virus
      • plan an investigation and an experiment using the Scientific method
      • Understand and recall the steps in the scientific method


      1. Research and create an I wonder question
      2. begin to create a hypothesis with I think if... then
      3. Plan an investigation to prove your hypothesis using the scientific method
      4. create  a powerpoint with headings for each slide to be filled in later as and when required
      5. make sure all your slides are aligned to the outcome to prove your hypothesis
      6. Use checkpoints for staying on task and on schedule

      Follow Up Tasks:
      1. Ed Perfect

    • Make sure you share your slideshow with me for errors and omissions.

  • 15 June - 21 June


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...the three main types of microorganisms by researching and classification
    • We are EXPLORING...the uses of these three main types of microorganisms by experimentation and research
    • We are EXPLORING...the fact that some of these microorganisms are actually harmful and through research we will be able to identify what diseases they cause and make suggestions on how to prevent these diseases

    • Success Criteria: I can/have...

      •  identify the three main types of microorganisms
      •   research and classify
      • research the difference between bacteria and a virus using a venn diagram
      • research if we can use bacteria for experiment instead of virus
      • plan an investigation and an experiment using the Scientific method
      • Understand and recall the steps in the scientific method


      1. Research and create an I wonder question
      2. begin to create a hypothesis with I think if... then
      3. Plan an investigation to prove your hypothesis using the scientific method
      4. create  a powerpoint with headings for each slide to be filled in later as and when required
      5. make sure all your slides are aligned to the outcome to prove your hypothesis
      6. Use checkpoints for staying on task and on schedule

      Follow Up Tasks:
      1. Ed Perfect

    • Make sure you share your slideshow with me for errors and omissions.

  • 22 June - 28 June


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...the three main types of microorganisms by researching and classification
    • We are EXPLORING...the uses of these three main types of microorganisms by experimentation and research
    • We are EXPLORING...the fact that some of these microorganisms are actually harmful and through research we will be able to identify what diseases they cause and make suggestions on how to prevent these diseases

    • Success Criteria: I can/have...

      •  identify the three main types of microorganisms
      •   research and classify
      • research the difference between bacteria and a virus using a venn diagram
      • research if we can use bacteria for experiment instead of virus
      • plan an investigation and an experiment using the Scientific method
      • Understand and recall the steps in the scientific method


      1. Research and create an I wonder question
      2. begin to create a hypothesis with I think if... then
      3. Plan an investigation to prove your hypothesis using the scientific method
      4. create  a powerpoint with headings for each slide to be filled in later as and when required
      5. make sure all your slides are aligned to the outcome to prove your hypothesis
      6. Use checkpoints for staying on task and on schedule

      Follow Up Tasks:
      1. Ed Perfect

    • Make sure you share your slideshow with me for errors and omissions.

  • 29 June - 5 July


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...the three main types of microorganisms by researching and classification
    • We are EXPLORING...the uses of these three main types of microorganisms by experimentation and research
    • We are EXPLORING...the fact that some of these microorganisms are actually harmful and through research we will be able to identify what diseases they cause and make suggestions on how to prevent these diseases

    • Success Criteria: I can/have...

      •  identify the three main types of microorganisms
      •   research and classify
      • research the difference between bacteria and a virus using a venn diagram
      • research if we can use bacteria for experiment instead of virus
      • plan an investigation and an experiment using the Scientific method
      • Understand and recall the steps in the scientific method


      1. Research and create an I wonder question
      2. begin to create a hypothesis with I think if... then
      3. Plan an investigation to prove your hypothesis using the scientific method
      4. create  a powerpoint with headings for each slide to be filled in later as and when required
      5. make sure all your slides are aligned to the outcome to prove your hypothesis
      6. Use checkpoints for staying on task and on schedule

      Follow Up Tasks:
      1. Ed Perfect

    • Make sure you share your slideshow with me for errors and omissions.

  • 6 July - 12 July

    Term break.

  • 13 July - 19 July

    Trem Break.

  • 20 July - 26 July


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...the three main types of microorganisms by researching and classification
    • We are EXPLORING...the uses of these three main types of microorganisms by experimentation and research
    • We are EXPLORING...the fact that some of these microorganisms are actually harmful and through research we will be able to identify what diseases they cause and make suggestions on how to prevent these diseases

    • Success Criteria: I can/have...

      •  identify the three main types of microorganisms
      •   research and classify
      • research the difference between bacteria and a virus using a venn diagram
      • research if we can use bacteria for experiment instead of virus
      • plan an investigation and an experiment using the Scientific method
      • Understand and recall the steps in the scientific method


      1. Research and create an I wonder question
      2. begin to create a hypothesis with I think if... then
      3. Plan an investigation to prove your hypothesis using the scientific method
      4. create  a powerpoint with headings for each slide to be filled in later as and when required
      5. make sure all your slides are aligned to the outcome to prove your hypothesis
      6. Use checkpoints for staying on task and on schedule

      Follow Up Tasks:
      1. Ed Perfect

    • Make sure you share your slideshow with me for errors and omissions.

  • 27 July - 2 August


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...the three main types of microorganisms by researching and classification
    • We are EXPLORING...the uses of these three main types of microorganisms by experimentation and research
    • We are EXPLORING...the fact that some of these microorganisms are actually harmful and through research we will be able to identify what diseases they cause and make suggestions on how to prevent these diseases

    • Success Criteria: I can/have...

      •  identify the three main types of microorganisms
      •   research and classify
      • research the difference between bacteria and a virus using a venn diagram
      • research if we can use bacteria for experiment instead of virus
      • plan an investigation and an experiment using the Scientific method
      • Understand and recall the steps in the scientific method


      1. Research and create an I wonder question
      2. begin to create a hypothesis with I think if... then
      3. Plan an investigation to prove your hypothesis using the scientific method
      4. create  a powerpoint with headings for each slide to be filled in later as and when required
      5. make sure all your slides are aligned to the outcome to prove your hypothesis
      6. Use checkpoints for staying on task and on schedule

      Follow Up Tasks:
      1. Ed Perfect

    • Make sure you share your slideshow with me for errors and omissions.

  • 3 August - 9 August


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...the three main types of microorganisms by researching and classification
    • We are EXPLORING...the uses of these three main types of microorganisms by experimentation and research
    • We are EXPLORING...the fact that some of these microorganisms are actually harmful and through research we will be able to identify what diseases they cause and make suggestions on how to prevent these diseases

    • Success Criteria: I can/have...

      •  identify the three main types of microorganisms
      •   research and classify
      • research the difference between bacteria and a virus using a venn diagram
      • research if we can use bacteria for experiment instead of virus
      • plan an investigation and an experiment using the Scientific method
      • Understand and recall the steps in the scientific method


      1. Research and create an I wonder question
      2. begin to create a hypothesis with I think if... then
      3. Plan an investigation to prove your hypothesis using the scientific method
      4. create  a powerpoint with headings for each slide to be filled in later as and when required
      5. make sure all your slides are aligned to the outcome to prove your hypothesis
      6. Use checkpoints for staying on task and on schedule

      Follow Up Tasks:
      1. Ed Perfect

    • Make sure you share your slideshow with me for errors and omissions.

  • 10 August - 16 August

    Kia ora class

    This week is your distance learning week. You will be completing all the tasks on the grid which is given below.

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • I can: Manage self with the distance learning tasks fro the two week period.
    •  Connect with my LA teacher everyday on GoogleMeet for attendance
    • Connect with other teachers for help with my work.


    1. Attend Googlemeet and make sense of the Grid and the Journal.
    2. Begin completing the tasks on the grid and Engagement tracker every day.
    3. Complete all online HW tasks

    Follow Up Tasks:
    1. complete Engagement tracker everyday before 10am.

    2. Take photos as evidence for my grid.

    3. Read teacher's feedback.

    link to the grid and Journal:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FsBw6DYcgwXc3xS8t6o5Q4iSJHIYlDkO39i9uGcfMSE/edit

  • 17 August - 23 August

    Kia ora class

    This week is your distance learning week. You will be completing all the tasks on the grid which is given below.

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • I can: Manage self with the distance learning tasks fro the two week period.
    •  Connect with my LA teacher everyday on GoogleMeet for attendance
    • Connect with other teachers for help with my work.


    1. Attend Googlemeet and make sense of the Grid and the Journal.
    2. Begin completing the tasks on the grid and Engagement tracker every day.
    3. Complete all online HW tasks

    Follow Up Tasks:
    1. complete Engagement tracker everyday before 10am.

    2. Take photos as evidence for my grid.

    3. Read teacher's feedback.

    link to the grid and Journal:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FsBw6DYcgwXc3xS8t6o5Q4iSJHIYlDkO39i9uGcfMSE/edit

  • 24 August - 30 August

    Kia ora class

    This week is your distance learning week. You will be completing all the tasks on the grid which is given below.

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • I can: Manage self with the distance learning tasks fro the two week period.
    •  Connect with my LA teacher everyday on GoogleMeet for attendance
    • Connect with other teachers for help with my work.


    1. Attend Googlemeet and make sense of the Grid and the Journal.
    2. Begin completing the tasks on the grid and Engagement tracker every day.
    3. Complete all online HW tasks

    Follow Up Tasks:
    1. complete Engagement tracker everyday before 10am.

    2. Take photos as evidence for my grid.

    3. Read teacher's feedback.

    link to the grid and Journal:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FsBw6DYcgwXc3xS8t6o5Q4iSJHIYlDkO39i9uGcfMSE/edit

  • 31 August - 6 September

    Kia ora class

    This week you will be completing all pending tasks on Monday.

    You will enter the classroom from the sliding doors and sit on the assigned seats for the week. 

    The teachers will be coming to your class while you stay seated in your homebase for the whole week.

    Plan for the week: 

    1. Monday: Complete all pending tasks.

    Term 1. SLC reflection.

    2. Holistic report reflection.

    3. SLC slideshow

    4. GREAT learner evidence - Holistic report

    5. Maths buddy/ Reading plus HW up to date.

    DEEP: No DEEP classes for the WEEK.  Return to LA class to complete 1, 2, 3, 4.

    TUE, WED, THU, FRI - regular timetabled classes.

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • I can: Manage self with the distance learning tasks from the two week period.
    •  Complete all of the above
    • Connect with other teachers for help with my work.


    1. Begin completing the tasks on the grid and Engagement tracker every day.
    2. Complete all online HW tasks
    3. Complete all of the above mentioned tasks

    Follow Up Tasks:
    1. Check journal for completion with photos as evidence

    2. Current Mathsbuddy, Ed Perfect, Reading plus.

    3. Read teacher's feedback on Journal and action it.

    link to the grid and Journal:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FsBw6DYcgwXc3xS8t6o5Q4iSJHIYlDkO39i9uGcfMSE/edit

  • 7 September - 13 September


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...Simple machines By experimentation in class
    • We are EXPLORING...Forces and their effects
    • We are EXPLORING...Simple electricity
    • We are EXPLORING Bridge Building
    • We are EXPLORING Energy Transformations using everyday examples
    • Success Criteria: I can/have...

      • Uploading the Sphero app and learning to use the app to control and drive the sphero.
      • understanding the laws of motion and their application while driving the sphero.
      • Reviewing a brief history of Newton and his discovery of the laws of motion and gravity
      • begin to understand the kinetic and potential energy and energy transformation
      • understand how energy cannot be created nor destroyed, it is only transformed as the laws of the conservation of energy states.


      1. Upload Sphero app and program sphero.
      2. Begin to drive the sphero.
      3.  Begin to apply the laws of motion
      4. Begin to apply knowledge of friction
      5. Begin to apply energy transformation
      6. Question how the energy is created by the battery to move the sphero.
      7. Begin the inquiry on simple electricity and magnetism

      Follow Up Tasks:
       Education perfect tasks.

    • Revisit lesson of class for next sessions.

  • 14 September - 20 September


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...Simple machines By experimentation in class
    • We are EXPLORING...Forces and their effects
    • We are EXPLORING...Simple electricity
    • We are EXPLORING Bridge Building
    • We are EXPLORING Energy Transformations using everyday examples
    • Success Criteria: I can/have...

      • Uploading the Sphero app and learning to use the app to control and drive the sphero.
      • understanding the laws of motion and their application while driving the sphero.
      • Reviewing a brief history of Newton and his discovery of the laws of motion and gravity
      • begin to understand the kinetic and potential energy and energy transformation
      • understand how energy cannot be created nor destroyed, it is only transformed as the laws of the conservation of energy states.


      1. Upload Sphero app and program sphero.
      2. Begin to drive the sphero.
      3.  Begin to apply the laws of motion
      4. Begin to apply knowledge of friction
      5. Begin to apply energy transformation
      6. Question how the energy is created by the battery to move the sphero.
      7. Begin the inquiry on simple electricity and magnetism

      Follow Up Tasks:
       Education perfect tasks.

    • Revisit lesson of class for next sessions.

  • 21 September - 26 September

  • 28 September - 4 October

    Term Break.

  • 5 October - 11 October

    Term Break.

  • 12 October - 18 October


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING Algebra by finding and representing relationships in spatial and number patterns, using tables and graphs and by discovering general rules for linear relationships.
    • We are EXPLORING units by interpreting different quantities
    • We are EXPLORING unit conversions by connecting different units
    • We are connecting maths with science.

    • Success Criteria: I can/have...

      • measure distance and angles using standard units of measurements
      • use angles and measurements to calculate the unknown side/ length
      • identify the hypotenuse, opposite side, adjacent side of a right angled triangle
      • identify a right angled isosceles triangles
      • understand equal lengths have equal opposite angles in a triangle
      • create a rule using right angled triangle for calculating unknown side - Pythagoras rule
      • create a proportional  rule for similar triangles using a right angled triangle to calculate the height of a wall
      • plot coordinates using 3 figure bearings and graph the coordinates
      • draw simple linear graphs
      • use linear graphs to understand linear equations
      • create linear equation rule of y = mx+c from any straight line graph
      • using y=mx +c predict the value of y when there is a change in x
      • application;  linear equation to calculate: speed, distance, time,  to calculate height by measuring time of a free falling object, etc.


      1. Using Spheros plan a route using 3 figure bearings on the playground.
      2.  Create 2 D shapes with spheros calculate angles, lengths, area, perimeter
      3. calculate speed using distance and time data
      4. plot a graph for speed using the rule y = mx +c
      5. use a A4 paper to create a clinometer,  ( right angled isosceles triangle)
      6. use properties of similar triangles to calculate height  (proportion)
      7. Test - review of past week's lessons. Self mark, buddy with higher level students to undo errors.
      8. Use gravity to calculate the height of the school building and confirm the height measurement by using the similar triangle method 

      Follow Up Tasks:
      1. Complete Maths buddy and Ed Perfect science HW tasks.

  • 19 October - 25 October


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING Algebra by finding and representing relationships in spatial and number patterns, using tables and graphs and by discovering general rules for linear relationships.
    • We are EXPLORING units by interpreting different quantities
    • We are EXPLORING unit conversions by connecting different units
    • We are connecting maths with science.

    • Success Criteria: I can/have...

      • measure distance and angles using standard units of measurements
      • use angles and measurements to calculate the unknown side/ length
      • identify the hypotenuse, opposite side, adjacent side of a right angled triangle
      • identify a right angled isosceles triangles
      • understand equal lengths have equal opposite angles in a triangle
      • create a rule using right angled triangle for calculating unknown side - Pythagoras rule
      • create a proportional  rule for similar triangles using a right angled triangle to calculate the height of a wall
      • plot coordinates using 3 figure bearings and graph the coordinates
      • draw simple linear graphs
      • use linear graphs to understand linear equations
      • create linear equation rule of y = mx+c from any straight line graph
      • using y=mx +c predict the value of y when there is a change in x
      • application;  linear equation to calculate: speed, distance, time,  to calculate height by measuring time of a free falling object, etc.


      1. Using Spheros plan a route using 3 figure bearings on the playground.
      2.  Create 2 D shapes with spheros calculate angles, lengths, area, perimeter
      3. calculate speed using distance and time data
      4. plot a graph for speed using the rule y = mx +c
      5. use a A4 paper to create a clinometer,  ( right angled isosceles triangle)
      6. use properties of similar triangles to calculate height  (proportion)
      7. Test - review of past week's lessons. Self mark, buddy with higher level students to undo errors.
      8. Use gravity to calculate the height of the school building and confirm the height measurement by using the similar triangle method 

      Follow Up Tasks:
      1. Complete Maths buddy and Ed Perfect science HW tasks.

  • 26 October - 1 November

  • 2 November - 8 November


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...Simple machines By experimentation in class
    • We are EXPLORING...Forces and their effects
    • We are EXPLORING...Simple electricity
    • We are EXPLORING... Energy Transformations using everyday examples
    • We are EXPLORING...by building on prior experiences, working together to share and examine their own and others’ knowledge.
    • We are EXPLORING... by asking questions, finding evidence, exploring simple models, and carrying out appropriate investigations to develop simple explanations.
    • We are EXPLORING...by describing, and represent patterns and trends for everyday examples of physical phenomena, such as gravity, force, friction, pressure

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • apply my maths to solve problems in science
    • look for patterns and describe them using number and letters to find the value of the unknown
    • recollect the relationship between distance and time as proportional
    • calculate the height of a building using a free falling object
    • understand that distance is proportional to the square of time
    • understand gravity affects all things and acceleration due to gravity is the same for all 


    1. Using a ramp and a ball to figure out the distance covered at a particular time
    2. find the relationship between the distance and the time
    3. Create a rule
    4. use the rule to figure out the the distance covered by free falling object
    5. create a rule for free falling object
    6. Use trig functions and similar triangles to confirm height of the building
    7. Use thumb to calculate height

    Follow Up Tasks:
    Ed Perfect and recap previous lesson for new terms, words and concepts.

  • 9 November - 15 November


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...Simple machines By experimentation in class
    • We are EXPLORING...Forces and their effects
    • We are EXPLORING...Simple electricity
    • We are EXPLORING... Energy Transformations using everyday examples
    • We are EXPLORING...by building on prior experiences, working together to share and examine their own and others’ knowledge.
    • We are EXPLORING... by asking questions, finding evidence, exploring simple models, and carrying out appropriate investigations to develop simple explanations.
    • We are EXPLORING...by describing, and represent patterns and trends for everyday examples of physical phenomena, such as gravity, force, friction, pressure

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • apply my maths to solve problems in science
    • look for patterns and describe them using number and letters to find the value of the unknown
    • recollect the relationship between distance and time as proportional
    • calculate the height of a building using a free falling object
    • understand that distance is proportional to the square of time
    • understand gravity affects all things and acceleration due to gravity is the same for all 


    1. Using a ramp and a ball to figure out the distance covered at a particular time
    2. find the relationship between the distance and the time
    3. Create a rule
    4. use the rule to figure out the the distance covered by free falling object
    5. create a rule for free falling object
    6. Use trig functions and similar triangles to confirm height of the building
    7. Use thumb to calculate height

    Follow Up Tasks:
    Ed Perfect and recap previous lesson for new terms, words and concepts.

  • 16 November - 22 November

  • 23 November - 29 November

  • 30 November - 6 December

  • 7 December - 13 December

  • 14 December - 20 December