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Weekly outline

  • General

    • Assignment icon
      7C2 Tech Assessment-1: Outcome Development- making a name tag (Mr Taha) Assignment
      Not available unless: Your Department is 7C2
    • Assignment icon
      7C1 Tech Assessment Assignment
      Not available unless: Your Department is 7C1
  • Term1 Week1

    Welcome to Technology  with Mr Taha and Mr Chen.

    This term you will work on Designing and Developing a material/s outcome.

    Please bring your device to class each lesson.

    We will be using MHO and Google Classroom.

    All your Learning Intentions and Success Criteria and weekly tasks will be here on MHO and you will also find some of the activities on Google Classroom.

    Image result for design technology"

    Coast Technology- Term1. 

    Google Classroom Code:

    We will be working with your Whanau to develop an outcome (make something) that links to your other studies.

    Firstly we will be looking at What Tech Education is about and learning some of the words and terms that you will come see and hear when working in the Technology rooms.

    Google Classroom Code: 8bb1wfy

    * What is Technology and Technology Education ?

    * Technology Language

    * Codes of Practice - Safe use of the Tech rooms and tools and equipment.

    Learning Intentions: 

    We are EXPLORING what Technology is and what Technology Education is about at MHJC.

    We are EXPLORING the terminology used in Technology Education 

    We are EXPLORING the Codes of Practice that we must follow when working in the Tech Workshop.

    Success Criteria: 

    I have participated in a discussion about Technology and Tech Education

    I can recognised the difference between a product from nature and a technological outcome

    I can identify a range of different technologies

    I understand the terms used in Technology Education

    I can identify safe codes of practice to follow in the Tech workshop


    1. Slide show - view this in class with your teacher.

    2. Language of Technology /Terminology - complete the crossword - see Google Classroom

    3. Nature v's Technological Outcome- see Google Classroom

  • 10 February - 16 February

  • 17 February - 23 February

  • 24 February - 1 March

  • 2 March - 8 March

  • 9 March - 15 March

  • 16 March - 22 March

  • Term1 Week8

    Kia Ora everyone
    I hope you are all doing well and following the lockdown procedure and advise.
    Your task for the rest of the week is to visit Google Classroom and then click on the provided links about Plastics and Wheels and axles.
    You need to watch the videos and then attempt the quizes. You can then enjoy the related games in there. BrainPop site will provide you with the useful information about many topics and subjects.

    Your brainPop user name is MHJC and the password is: 1student

    Google Classroom Code: 

  • School Holidays W1

  • School Holidays W2

  • Term2 Week1

    Kia Ora everyone
    I hope you are all safe and well and still following the lockdown procedure and advise.
    Your task for the rest of this week is to visit Google Classroom and then click on the provided links about Plastics and Wheels and axles.
    You need to watch the videos and then attempt the quizes. You can then enjoy the related games in there. BrainPop site will provide you with the useful information about many topics and subjects.

    Your brainPop user name is MHJC and the password is: 1student

    Google Classroom Code: 


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING the context of protection against COVID-19 Pendamic by conducting a research on face masks and shields and collect some information about different designs
    • We are EXPLORING...
    • We are EXPLORING...
  • Term2 Week2

    Kia Ora everyone
    I hope you are all safe and well and still following the lockdown procedure and advise.
    Your task for the rest of this week is to visit Google Classroom and then click on the provided links.
    You need to watch the videos and then attempt the quizes. You can then enjoy the related games in there. BrainPop site will provide you with the useful information about many topics and subjects.

    Your brainPop user name is MHJC and the password is: 1student

    Google Classroom Code: 

    You need to attempt the quizzes and screenshot your results and submit them on google classroom:

  • Term2 Week3

    Welcome to Technology  with Mr Taha and Mr Chen.

    This term you will work on Designing and Developing a material/s outcome.

    At this wtage we are working from home during L3 of the lockdown. So your task is to attend the Google Meet sessions online at the start of your tech session on your timetable( link will be emailed to you prior to the meeting).Get your device ready for the activities..

    We will be using MHO and Google Classroom.

    All your Learning Intentions and Success Criteria and weekly tasks will be here on MHO and you will also find some of the activities on Google Classroom.

    Image result for design technology"

    Forest Technology- Term2. 

    Google Classroom Code:

    We will be working with your Whanau to develop an outcome (make something) that links to your other studies.

    Firstly we will be looking at What Tech Education is about and learning some of the words and terms that you will come see and hear when working in the Technology rooms.

    * What is Technology and Technology Education ?

    * Technology Language

    * Codes of Practice - Safe use of the Tech rooms and tools and equipment.

    Learning Intentions: 

    We are EXPLORING what Technology is and what Technology Education is about at MHJC.

    We are EXPLORING the terminology used in Technology Education 

    We are EXPLORING the Codes of Practice that we must follow when working in the Tech Workshop.

    Success Criteria: 

    I have participated in a discussion about Technology and Tech Education

    I can recognised the difference between a product from nature and a technological outcome

    I can identify a range of different technologies

    I understand the terms used in Technology Education

    I can identify safe codes of practice to follow in the Tech workshop


    1. Slide show - view this online with your teacher.

    2. Language of Technology /Terminology - complete the crossword - see Google Classroom

    3. Nature v's Technological Outcome- see Google Classroom

  • Term2 Week4

    Kia ora

    We will continue working with documents on google classroom for this week. We will learn about natural wood vs man made wood.

    Forest Technology- Term2. 

    Google Classroom Code:

    We will be working with your Whanau to develop an outcome (make something) that links to your other studies.

    Firstly we will be looking at What Tech Education is about and learning some of the words and terms that you will come see and hear when working in the Technology rooms.

    Learning Intentions: 

    We are EXPLORING what Technology is and what Technology Education is about at MHJC.

    We are EXPLORING the terminology used in Technology Education 

    We are EXPLORING the Codes of Practice that we must follow when working in the Tech Workshop.

    Success Criteria: 

    I have participated in a discussion about Technology and Tech Education

    I can recognised the difference between a product from nature and a technological outcome

    I can identify a range of different technologies

    I understand the terms used in Technology Education

    I can identify safe codes of practice to follow in the Tech workshop


    Natural wood Vs Manmade wood

    When finished then attempt the Brainpop website:

  • Term2 Week5

    Ki Ora

    This week we are going to learn about some power tools that are used in our technology room. We will start with the disc sander.

    Visit Google classroom for the activities and for the Brain pop website and work on simple machines


  • 18 May - 24 May

  • 25 May - 31 May

  • 1 June - 7 June

  • 8 June - 14 June

  • 15 June - 21 June

  • Term2 Week11

    Kia ora

    This week we will start designing and making our wooden devise holders.

    7F2 Task: Design and make a wooden devise holder. You need to do the following:

    1- Write your design brief and specs for the wooden devise holdre.

    2- Research online for different designs

    3- Sketch your own design with measurements.

    4- Measure, mark and cut your design on the provided wood.

    5- Sand the cut design.

    6- Join parts glue, nail, other means..

    7- Finish by paint or varnish


    • Assignment icon
      7F1 Technology Assessment-1: Making a Face Shield- Design Brief Development and Evaluation Assignment

      Y7 Technology

      Assessing students understanding of design brief development and evaluation through making face shields 

      Not available unless: Your Department is 7F1
    • Assignment icon
      7F2 Technology Assessment-1: Making a Face Shield- Design Brief Development and Evaluation Assignment
      Y7 Technology Assessing students understanding of design brief development and evaluation through making face shields
      Not available unless: Your Department is 7F2
  • Term2 Week12

    Kia ora

    We will contonue making our wooden devise holders this week.

    7F2 Task: Design and make a wooden devise holder. You need to do the following:

    1- Write your design brief and specs for the wooden devise holdre.

    2- Research online for different designs

    3- Sketch your own design with measurements.

    4- Measure, mark and cut your design on the provided wood.

    5- Sand the cut design.

    6- Join parts glue, nail, other means..

    7- Finish by paint or varnish

  • 6 July - 12 July

  • 13 July - 19 July

  • Term3 Week1

    Welcome to year 7Technology  with Mr Taha, Mrs Hindson and Mr Symons .

    This term you will work on Designing and Developing a material/s outcome.Please bring your device to class each lesson.

    We will be using MHO and Google Classroom.

    All your Learning Intentions and Success Criteria will be here on MHO. Your weekly tasks and activities will be on Google Classroom. 

    Image result for design technology"

    Coast Technology- Term3. 

    Google Classroom Code:

    We will be working with your Whanau to develop an outcome (make something) that links to your other studies.

    Firstly we will be looking at what Tech Education is about and learning some of the words and terms that you will come see and hear when working in the Technology rooms.

    * What is Technology and Technology Education ?

    * Technology Language.

    * Codes of Practice - Safe use of the Tech rooms and tools and equipment.

    * Safety in the workshop

    Learning Intentions: 

    We are EXPLORING what Technology is and what Technology Education is about at MHJC.

    We are EXPLORING the terminology used in Technology Education 

    We are EXPLORING the Codes of Practice that we must follow when working in the Tech Workshop.

    Success Criteria: 

    I have participated in a discussion about Technology and Tech Education

    I can recognised the difference between a product from nature and a technological outcome

    I can identify a range of different technologies

    I understand the terms used in Technology Education

    I can identify safe codes of practice to follow in the Tech workshop


    1. Slide show - view this in class with your teacher.

    2. Language of Technology /Terminology - complete the crossword - see Google Classroom

    3. Nature v's Technological Outcome- see Google Classroom

    4. Hazards in the work place

  • 27 July - 2 August

  • 3 August - 9 August

  • 10 August - 16 August

  • 17 August - 23 August

  • 24 August - 30 August

  • 31 August - 6 September

  • 7 September - 13 September

  • 14 September - 20 September

  • 21 September - 26 September

  • 28 September - 4 October

  • 5 October - 11 October

  • 12 October - 18 October

  • 19 October - 25 October

  • 26 October - 1 November

  • 2 November - 8 November

  • 9 November - 15 November

  • 16 November - 22 November

  • 23 November - 29 November

  • 30 November - 6 December

  • 7 December - 13 December

  • 14 December - 20 December