Weekly outline

  • Welcome to Year 8 Art

    Hi Everyone

    Welcome to a new year in the art room.  As well as myself, we are very fortunate to have Miss Wu Zheng join the art department and be one of the teachers for Year 7 and 8.  Miss Wu Zheng is a practising artist in her spare time and is a trained art specialist with many great teaching tips to share.

    • Assignment icon
      Water Art Assessment Assignment
    • Assignment icon
      Mountains Art Assessment Assignment
    • Assignment icon
      Coast Art Assessment Assignment
      Not available unless: Your Department is 8C1
    • Assignment icon
      8F1 Visual Art - Term 4 Assignment
      Not available unless: Your Department is 8F1
  • 20 April - 26 April

  • Term 2: Week 3

    Kia ora 8M1. My name is Ms Wu-Zheng cwuzheng@mhjc.school.nz 

    I am excited to begin an art project with you this term. Even though we are beginning the project at home, I know that we will create awesome artworks at the end.

    Term 2 context: 'Wai and Kai'

    This is based around fishy things such as making fish sculptures, designing fish hooks for fly fishing, drawing fish and more.

    If you haven't already joined the 8M1 ART class page, on Google Classroom, enter the class code: l4a3mvz

    This week we are going to be using our visual diary, pencil, rubber and pen. We will be using one a4 page to practice drawing techniques. Have a look at the first 3 slides on Google Classroom. I will be adding to these slides throughout the next few days.

    Looking forward to our art class,

    Ms Wu-Zheng

  • Term 2: Week 4

    Term 2 context: 'Wai and Kai'

    This week we will be working towards the 'Wai and Kai - Online Visual Diary'


    1. On Google Classroom, open the 'Wai and Kai - Online Visual Diary' assessment, and write your name and class on the cover

    2. Insert photos of your drawings up to DAY THREE

  • Term 2: Week 5

    Term 2 context: 'Wai and Kai'

    This week we will be working towards the 'Wai and Kai - Online Visual Diary'


    1. On Google Classroom, open the 'Wai and Kai - Online Visual Diary' assessment, and write your name and class on the cover

    2. Insert photos of your drawings up to DAY FOUR

  • Term 2: Week 6

    Term 2 context: 'Wai and Kai'

    This week we will continue working towards the 'Wai and Kai - Online Visual Diary'


    1. On Google Classroom, open the 'Wai and Kai - Online Visual Diary' assessment, carry on working on the activities

    2. On Google Classroom, have a look at the website on the assessment "WAI & KAI - research and collecting recycled equipment" and answer the questions


    3. Collect recycled equipment such as a water bottle, and other material such as cardboard boxes to bring to school. This will be used to create a recycled fish sculpture

  • Term 2: Week 7

    This week, we will be beginning to create the body of our recycled fish

    Success Criteria:

    • I can draw a detailed sketch of my plan for the recycled fish, including labelled parts of the equipment I am planning to use
    • I can label my fish plan with the equipment I am planning to use
    • I can make the basic shape of my fish using recycled equipment

    Further learning (homework):

    • Please ensure that you have finished your draft sketch for the your recycled fish (with the materials labelled)
    • Collect as much recycled equipment as you can to create the fish sculpture, such as bottles, cardboard, lids... etc

  • Term 2: Week 8

    Recycled fish

    We are learning to:

    • Use collected recycled objects to create a 3D fish sculpture
    • Use appropriate joining and decorating techniques to complete our recycled fish


    • From the fish draft, begin collecting the equipment to make your recycled fish
    • Cut the recycled rubbish to create the shape of your fish using a craft knife
    • Use cellotape on the additional features such as the fins, tail and mouth
    • Begin to add paper mache to your fish: rip newsprint into small pieces and use PVA glue to stick the pieces onto the fish body

  • Term 2: Week 9

    Recycled fish

    We are learning to:

    • Refine our paper mache techniques to ensure that the final layer of our fish is smooth
    • Reflect on the process and share our opinions of our progress


      1. On a new page in your visual diary, write the date and the heading “Recycled fish reflection”
      2. Answer the following questions:
      • How does my fish represent a realistic fish? Eg my fish has detailed fins, and 3D eyes, lips and mouth
      • How can I improve my fish to be more realistic?
      • What is my goal by the end of this lesson? E.g cut the mouth of the fish to look more detailed, and add lips to the fish, and finish covering the fish with paper mache

    • Term 2: Week 10

      We are learning to:
      • Add colour to our recycled fish 
      • Draw from observation with shading


      1. We will be adding colour to our fish by using spray paint
      2. We will be writing a paragraph reflection on our fish

      Further learning:

      If the recycled fish is not finished, you will need to finish it for homework as this will be assessed

    • Term 2: Week 11

      We are learning to:
      • Evaluate the process of our fish 
      • Manage our time to complete the visual art checklist


      1. Make sure you have completed the checklist:
      • You should have at least two observational drawings of fish in your visual diary.
      • You should have one picture which outlines the main features of a fish
      • You should have a planning page of your initial idea for your fish and then any changes you made for the final structure

      You need to write up the following points about the process so far:

      • Describe the process to create your sculpture of a fish beginning with the plan you drew in your book.
      • Describe how you added the features to the plastic bottle to create a fish shape
      • Describe what was difficult about the process
      • Describe something about the process that you think you have succeeded at.
      • Describe how you enjoyed/did not enjoy this process and back it up with evidence.

      Further learning
      On Google Classroom, complete the activities for the 'Recycled fish assessment'
    • Term 2: Week 12

      Welcome to the last week of art! It was a pleasure to teach you all.

      We are learning to:
      • Evaluate the process of our fish 
      • Manage our time to complete the visual art checklist


      We will be working on our observational drawing skills for assessment and handing our visual diaries in for marking

      The TAAB rubric which you will be assessed on is below:

      Further learning 

      Please make sure you have handed in your visual diary for assessment

    • 6 July - 12 July

    • 13 July - 19 July

    • Term 3: Week 1

      Kia ora 8C1, my name is Ms Wu-Zheng cwuzheng@mhjc.school.nz. I am excited meet you all and to begin an art project this term. 

      Term 2 art project: Spatial Collage

      This term we will be focusing on learning skills such as composition, scale and layering to create a collage artwork by the end of the term. 

      If you haven't already joined the 8M1 ART class page, on Google Classroom, enter the class code:  t5ew5p3

      This week we will be practicing our observational drawing skills at the beginning of each lesson, as well as creating a title page so that I can get to know you more

      Title page:
      1. Design your name clearly on this page (around the size of your hand)
      2. In a space draw two pictures about your likes and interests
      3. Include an image which represents collage
      4. Choose your three favourite colours and black and white to use as your colour scheme on the page

      Further learning:
      Please make sure that you have all the equipment required for art class:
      • Visual diary 
      • Stationary e.g pencils, pens, rubbers, pencil sharpeners, glue sticks and colouring pencils
    • Term 3: Week 2

      Term 2 art project: Spatial Collage

      This term we will be focusing on learning skills such as composition, scale and layering to create a collage artwork by the end of the term. 

      If you haven't already joined the 8M1 ART class page, on Google Classroom , enter the class code:  t5ew5p3

      Activities :

      1. During the beginning of each class, we will begin with observational drawing - which means drawing by looking at a what we are drawing such as a photo or an object.
      2. Introduction of the new topic Still Life CollageWe will be learning more about collage - What does the word 'collage' mean? What are some examples of collage art?
      3. We will begin creating backgrounds for our collage by painting on top of crayon pastel rubbings as seen in the images below

      Further learning:
      • Please make sure that you have all the equipment required for art class
      • Hand in your visual diary for Ms Wu-Zheng to check your completed title page and two detailed observational drawings

    • Term 3: Week 3

      One Point Perspective Drawing

      1. DO NOW: Complete the observational drawings with detail 
      2. Watch the video demonstrating how to draw a room using one point perspective
      3. Follow the video and draw the lines of the room interior

      Further learning:
      • Complete the one point perspective room drawing for homework

    • Term 3: Week 4

      One Point Perspective Drawing
      Hope everyone is doing well. When we get back to school, we will carry on focusing on our composition, scale and layering.

      1. DO NOW: Complete the observational drawings with detail 
      2. Complete your own Surrealist Room Perspective Drawing for your final assessment artwork. 
      3. Choose colours which sit well together for the background
      4. Cut out objects toys, objects or furniture to fit into the space from a magazine or do your own watercolour pencil drawing

      Creating your surrealist one point perspective composition


      Further learning:
      • Complete the one point perspective room drawing for homework

    • Term 3: Week 5

      30 Day Drawing Challenge

      Kia ora 8C1 
       During these few weeks we will be working on the 30 Day Drawing Challenge, attached are the slides for you to put photographs of drawings. These drawings are important as they will go towards the final mark of your assessment, as we were unfortunately unable to work on the artwork at school. Complete one drawing each time you have ART class scheduled into your timetable. If you have already completed the drawing, feel free to move onto the next drawing. 

      Equipment: Have a look around your house for blank pieces of paper to draw on.

       1. Open the powerpoint on Google classroom. Replace my photo on the left side with your own photograph, which represents the title eg 'something blue.'
      2. On the right hand side, there is an empty box for you to put your drawing.

       Looking forward to see your detailed observational drawings with shading. Let me know if you have any questions! Have fun...

      Further learning:

      • Feel free to work on your one perspective drawing, or restart the drawing again on a blank piece of paper at home
    • Term 3: Week 6


      1. Choose one of these artworks by the Surrealist artist Redmer Hoekstra to draw
      2. Focus on adding shading and detail
      3. Colour the drawing in

      Further learning:
      Continue working on the 30 Day Drawing Challenge

    • Term 3: Week 7

      One Point Perspective Drawing
      Hope everyone is doing well. When we get back to school, we will carry on focusing on our composition, scale and layering.

      Activ ities:
      1. DO NOW: Complete the observational drawings with detail 
      2. Complete your own Surrealist Room Perspective Drawing for your final assessment artwork. 
      3. Choose colours which sit well together for the background
      4. Cut out objects toys, objects or furniture to fit into the space from a magazine or do your own watercolour pencil drawing

      Creating your surrealist one point perspective composition


      Further learning:
      • Complete the one point perspective room drawing for homework

    • Term 3: Week 8

      One Point Perspective Drawing
      This will be our last week to add colour to our one point perspective drawings 

      1. DO NOW: Complete the observational drawings with detail 
      2. Finish drawing in pencil to fill up the space 
      3. Use Jovi crayons and sharpie markers to colour in your composition

      Creating your surrealist one point perspective composition


      Further learning:
      • Complete the one point perspective room drawing for homework

    • Term 3: Week 9

      One Point Perspective Drawing
      This will be our last week to add colour to our one point perspective drawings 

      1. DO NOW: Complete the observational drawings with detail 
      2. Finish drawing in pencil to fill up the space 
      3. Use Jovi crayons and sharpie markers to colour in your composition

    • Term 3: Week 10

      One Point Perspective Drawing
      This will be our last week to add colour to our one point perspective drawings 

      1. DO NOW: Complete the observational drawings with detail 
      2. Finish drawing in pencil to fill up the space 
      3. Use Jovi crayons and sharpie markers to colour in your composition

      See the sample of my drawing below

    • Term 3 Holidays: Week 1

    • Term 3 Holidays: Week 2

    • Term 4: Week 1

      HI Everyone

      Welcome to your time in the art room. My name is Ms Wu Zheng, and I am looking forward to teaching you until the end of the year. cwuzheng@mhjc.school.nz

      Our aim is for you to have fun in art, work hard to make the most of your time, risk-take and experiment and challenge yourself to improve from your current skill levels. Ask questions about art and what you are doing in the art department if you are unsure. Mrs Newbold and I are friendly and supportive.


      Mrs Newbold and Ms Wu Zheng

      Further learning:

      Please make sure that you have all the equipment required for art class:

      • Visual diary 
      • Stationary e.g pencils, pens, rubbers, pencil sharpeners, glue sticks and colouring pencils

    • Term 4: Week 2

      We are learning to:

      • Draw from a variety of resource pictures of zoo animals.
      • Focus on drawing accurately and use correct proportion for feature


      1. At the beginning of each lesson, we will be participating in the 30 Day Challenge
      2. We will be practicing our observational drawing skills while drawing animals. During this Term, we will be assessed on our observational drawing.

      Further learning:

      Please make sure that you have all the equipment required for art class:

      • Visual diary 
      • Stationary e.g pencils, pens, rubbers, pencil sharpeners, glue sticks and colouring pencils

    • Term 4: Week 3

      We are learning to:
      • Draw from a variety of resource pictures of zoo animals.
      • Focus on drawing accurately and use correct proportion for feature


      1. Draw your chosen realistic animal with pencil onto the black piece of paper
      2. Use a white pencil lightly 

      Further learning:

      Please make sure that you have all the equipment required for art class:

      • Visual diary 
      • Stationary e.g pencils, pens, rubbers, pencil sharpeners, glue sticks and colouring pencils
    • Term 4: Week 4


      We are going to be printing with styrofoam

      1. Check with Ms Wu-Zheng if your pen drawing on the styrofoam turned out alright
      2. Use a page in your visual diary to briefly rub ontop of the print and to see how the print will appear
      3. Write your name on the piece of paper you are planning to print on
      4. Use the roller to roll an even layer of paint
      5. Roll the ink onto the styrofoam
      6. Use a dry roller to gently roll the print onto the paper

    • Term 4: Week 5

      Observational drawings for assessment


      Hand in your observational drawings for assessment. 

      10 completed and detailed DO NOW Drawings with shading
      2x completed and detailed observational drawings from the drawings I provided

      Due Thursday 12th November 1pm

    • Term 4: Week 6

      Observational drawings for assessment


      Hand in your observational drawings for assessment. 

      - 10 completed and detailed DO NOW Drawings with shading
      - 1x completed and detailed observational drawings from the drawings I provided

      Extension: The assessment drawings will be due on Monday 16th November 10:30am

    • Term 4: Week 7


      We are learning about:

      • Primary colours
      • Secondary colours
      • How to add small amounts of paint to create different tones of colour

    • Term 4: Week 8

      Clay Vessels 

      We are learning to:

      • Create clay pots
      • Design our own clay pots
      • Paint our clay pots, mixing different colours together

    • Term 4: Week 9

    • 14 December - 20 December