Weekly outline

  • General

  • Term 1 Week 1 - 3 February - 9 February

    Image result for he waka eke noa

    Kia ora tatou

    Welcome to back to school. I hope you've had a great holiday and are ready to learn. 

    Learning Intentions:

    • Getting to know your others in your class.
    • Planning and goal setting for the year/term
    • Sharing your ideas for the context 

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • shared my ideas of maths concepts related to the context
    • completed my goals - concepts that I want to learn on the document and shared it on Google Classroom.


    1. Join the Google classroom using the code given
    2. Join the Education Perfect class.
    3. Access the document- My goals for Maths -2020 & Spreadsheet.
    4. Use your e-asttle report from T4 - 2019 and complete the goals
    5. Share your ideas on how maths could integrate with other curriculum area on: https://www.draw.io/#G1Z9AKgvIQiSE_g8VjVA3lDjF0aJZt2Yye


    You will be completing 4 tasks+ 1 weekly revision task on Maths Buddy.  Homework is reinforcement of concepts already learnt- therefore it should be easy.  If the tasks are too challenging or you haven't learnt, please let me know.  Tasks must be completed by Saturday 8 pm each week.

  • Term 1 Week 2 - 10 Feb - 16 Feb

    Image result for he waka eke noa

    Context: He waka eke noa - A Canoe On Which Everyone May Embark

    Big ideas:

    The focus of our context is a learning journey that we are all embarking on. Each of us have our own unique experiences, skills and abilities which we will bring to our learning in Maths. We will be looking learn aspects of maths that will be used in other curriculum areas and also focus on your learning next steps as evident from your e-asttle learning pathway.  Topics that could possibly integrate with other learning areas.


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    Level 4-5
    • We are EXPLORING..Number strategies - finding multiples and factors of numbers, using order of operations, conversions of fractions/decimals/percentages
    Learning Intentions:

    • Reviewing our understanding of Number knowledge and strategies

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • confidently use BEDMAS rules to solve number equations
    • confidently convert between fractions-decimals-percentages


    1. Complete placement test from Education Perfect. (Monday).
    2. Complete work from Google Classroom (Tuesday). Work to be done your books
    3. Complete tasks from Education Perfect.
    You will be completing 4 tasks+ 1 weekly revision task on Maths Buddy.  Homework is reinforcement of concepts already learnt- therefore it should be easy.  If the tasks are too challenging or you haven't learnt, please let me know.  Tasks must be completed by Saturday 8 pm each week.
  • T1 Week 3 (17 Feb - 23 Feb)

    Image result for he waka eke noa

    Context: He waka eke noa - A Canoe On Which Everyone May Embark

    Big ideas:

    The focus of our context is a learning journey that we are all embarking on. Each of us have our own unique experiences, skills and abilities which we will bring to our learning in Maths. We will be looking learn aspects of maths that will be used in other curriculum areas and also focus on your learning next steps as evident from your e-asttle learning pathway.  Topics that could possibly integrate with other learning areas.


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    Level 4-5
    • We are EXPLORING..Number strategies - finding multiples and factors of numbers, using order of operations, conversions of fractions/decimals/percentages
    Learning Intentions:

    • Reviewing our understanding of Number knowledge and strategies

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • confidently use BEDMAS rules to solve number equations
    • confidently convert between fractions-decimals-percentages


    1. Complete placement test from Education Perfect. (Monday).
    2. Complete work from Google Classroom (Tuesday). Work to be done your books
    3. Complete tasks from Education Perfect.
    You will be completing 4 tasks+ 1 weekly revision task on Maths Buddy.  Homwork is reinforcement of concepts already learnt- therefore it should be easy.  If the tasks are too challenging or you haven't learnt, please let me know.  Tasks must be completed by Saturday 8 pm each week.
  • T1 Week 4 (24 Feb - 1 March)

    Image result for he waka eke noa

    Context: He waka eke noa - A Canoe On Which Everyone May Embark

    Big ideas:

    The focus of our context is a learning journey that we are all embarking on. Each of us have our own unique experiences, skills and abilities which we will bring to our learning in Maths. We will be looking learn aspects of maths that will be used in other curriculum areas and also focus on your learning next steps as evident from your e-asttle learning pathway.  Topics that could possibly integrate with other learning areas.

    Learning Intentions:

    • L 3-4 Reviewing our understanding of Decimals - addition, subtraction, ordering, multiplication and division
    • L 5 - Converting between Fractions, decimals and percentages & solving word problems that involve percentages, decimals and fractions.

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • L 3-4 demonstrate a good understanding of decimals and use this to solve word problems.
    • L 5 - confidently convert between fractions-decimals-percentages
    • L5 solve word problems in context


    1. Teacher led activities - Daily maintenance of algebra (Level 4), BEDMAS, Group conferencing and teaching
    2. Independent student activities - Completing tasks from Google Classroom
    You will be completing 4 tasks+ 1 weekly revision task on Maths Buddy.  Homework is reinforcement of concepts already learnt- therefore it should be easy.  If the tasks are too challenging or you haven't learnt, please let me know.  Tasks must be completed by Saturday 8 pm each week.

  • T1 Week 5 - 2 Mar-8 Mar

    Image result for he waka eke noa

    Context: He waka eke noa - A Canoe On Which Everyone May Embark

    Big ideas:

    The focus of our context is a learning journey that we are all embarking on. Each of us have our own unique experiences, skills and abilities which we will bring to our learning in Maths. We will be looking learn aspects of maths that will be used in other curriculum areas and also focus on your learning next steps as evident from your e-asttle learning pathway.  Topics that could possibly integrate with other learning areas.

    EXPLORE / TŪHURAEXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
    Level 4-5 We are EXPLORING..Number strategies - finding multiples and factors of numbers, using order of operations, conversions of fractions/decimals/percentages.
    FOCUS / ARONGAFOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions: We are FOCUSING...on solving word problems relating to fractions, decimals, and percentages.

    Learning Intentions:

    • L 3-4 Reviewing our understanding Prime and Composite Numbers, Factors and Multiples.
    • L 5 - solving word problems using Prime and Composite Numbers, Factors and Multiples

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • develop a good understanding of factors and multiples of numbers.


    1. Teacher led activities - Daily maintenance of algebra (Level 4), BEDMAS, Group conferencing and teaching
    2. Independent student activities - Completing tasks from Google Classroom
    You will be completing 4 tasks+ 1 weekly revision task on Maths Buddy.  Homework is reinforcement of concepts already learnt- therefore it should be easy.  If the tasks are too challenging or you haven't learnt, please let me know.  Tasks must be completed by Saturday 8 pm each week

  • T1 Week 6- 9 Mar - 15 Mar

    EXPLORE / TŪHURAEXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions: Level 4-5
    • We are EXPLORING...position and orientation in Geometry.
    FOCUS / ARONGAFOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
    • We are FOCUSING...on developing our understanding of coordinates, loci and compass bearings.

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • L 3-4 demonstrate a good understanding of decimals and use this to solve word problems.
    • L 5 - confidently convert between fractions-decimals-percentages
    • L5 solve word problems in context


    1. Teacher led activities - Daily maintenance of algebra (Level 4), BEDMAS, Group conferencing and teaching
    2. Independent student activities - Completing tasks from Google Classroom
    You will be completing 4 tasks+ 1 weekly revision task on Maths Buddy.  Homework is reinforcement of concepts already learnt- therefore it should be easy.  If the tasks are too challenging or you haven't learnt, please let me know.  Tasks must be completed by Saturday 8 pm each week

  • Term 1 Week 7 - 16 Mar - 22 Mar

    EXPLORE / TŪHURAEXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions: Level 4-5
    • We are EXPLORING...position and orientation in Geometry.
    FOCUS / ARONGAFOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
    • We are FOCUSING...on developing our understanding of loci (drawing pathways)and using geometry equipment to construct angles/triangles/bisect angles.

    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHIPLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:
    • We are PLANNING to draw the loci (drawing pathways) using geometry equipment to construct angles/triangles/bisect.

    Success Criteria:  I can/have...

    • explain what loci is with an example
    • use the geometry equipment to accurately.


    1. Teacher led activities - Daily maintenance of algebra (Level 4), BEDMAS, -Whole class teaching
    2. Independent student activities - Completing tasks from Google Classroom and worksheet provided by the teacher
    You will be completing 4 tasks+ 1 weekly revision task on Maths Buddy.  Homework is reinforcement of concepts already learnt- therefore it should be easy.  If the tasks are too challenging or you haven't learnt, please let me know.  Tasks must be completed by Saturday 8 pm each week
  • Term 1 Week 8 - 23 Mar - 29 March

    EXPLORE / TŪHURAEXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions: Level 4-5
    • We are EXPLORING...position and orientation in Geometry.
    FOCUS / ARONGAFOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
    • We are FOCUSING...on developing our understanding of loci (drawing pathways)and using geometry equipment to construct angles/triangles/bisect angles.

    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHIPLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:
    • We are PLANNING to draw the loci (drawing pathways) using geometry equipment to construct angles/triangles/bisect.

    Success Criteria:  I can/have...

    • confidently use geometry equipment to construct/bisect angles.
    1. Teacher led activities - Daily maintenance of algebra (Level 4), BEDMAS, -Whole class teaching
    2. Independent student activities - Completing tasks from Google Classroom and worksheet provided by the teacher
    3. Term 1 Assessment task on Education Perfect.
    You will be completing 4 tasks+ 1 weekly revision task on Maths Buddy.  Homework is reinforcement of concepts already learnt- therefore it should be easy.  If the tasks are too challenging or you haven't learnt, please let me know.  Tasks must be completed by Saturday 8 pm each week
  • TERM 1 Break - 30 March- 15 April

  • Term 2 Week 1 - 15 April - 19th April

    EXPLORE / TŪHURAEXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions: Level 4-5
    • We are EXPLORING...position and orientation in Geometry.
    FOCUS / ARONGAFOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
    • We are FOCUSING...on developing our understanding of loci (drawing pathways)and using geometry equipment to construct angles/triangles/bisect angles.

    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHIPLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:
    • We are PLANNING to draw the loci (drawing pathways) using geometry equipment to construct angles/triangles/bisect.

    Success Criteria:  I can/have...

    • confidently use geometry equipment to construct/bisect angles.
    1. Teacher led activities - Daily maintenance of algebra (Level 4), BEDMAS, -Whole class teaching
    2. Independent student activities - Completing tasks from Google Classroom and worksheet provided by the teacher
    3. Discuss re-scheduled Term 1 assessment for 20th April on Education Perfect. Conditions for assessment. 45 min. Number Level 4/5 Diagnostic test.
    You will be completing 4 tasks+ 1 weekly revision task on Maths Buddy.  Homework is reinforcement of concepts already learnt- therefore it should be easy.  If the tasks are too challenging or you haven't learnt, please let me know.  Tasks must be completed by Saturday 8 pm each week
  • Term 2 Week 2 - 20th - 26th April

    EXPLORE / TŪHURAEXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions: Level 4-5
    • We are EXPLORING...position and orientation in Geometry.
    FOCUS / ARONGAFOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
    • We are FOCUSING...on developing our understanding of loci (drawing pathways)and using geometry equipment to construct angles/triangles/bisect angles.

    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHIPLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:
    • We are PLANNING to draw the loci (drawing pathways) using geometry equipment to construct angles/triangles/bisect.

    Success Criteria:  I can/have...

    • confidently use geometry equipment to construct/bisect angles.
    1. Teacher led online activities - Daily maintenance of algebra (Level 4)
    2. Independent student activities - Distance learning
    3. Re-scheduled Term 1 assessment for 20th April on Education Perfect. Conditions for assessment. 45 min. Number Level 4/5 Diagnostic test.
    4. Completing Term 1 tasks from Google Classroom and Education Perfect.
    You will be completing 4 tasks+ 1 weekly revision task on Maths Buddy.  Homework is reinforcement of concepts already learnt- therefore it should be easy.  If the tasks are too challenging or you haven't learnt, please let me know.  Tasks must be completed by Saturday 8 pm each week
  • Term 2 Week 3 - 27th April - 3rd May


      FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions

      • Level 5: We are FOCUSING...on demonstrating our understanding of Solving equations, expanding & factorising equations.
      • Level 4 & We are FOCUSING...on developing our understanding of substitution, writing equations, expanding and factorising.

        Success Criteria: I can/have...

        • L5 - translate word problem into algebraic equations
        • L5 - solving the algebraic equations using expanding & factorising
        • L4 - substitute value of an unknown variable and solve the expression or equation
        • L4 - expand and fatorise simple algebraic expression.


        1. Teacher led activites - Daily maintenance and revision of Number knowledge and strategies on Google Meet
        2. Independent activities - Complete activities from Google Classroom, write down a reflection of your learning in your maths book.
    Level 5 Maths - Friday 1st May
    • Please complete the following tasks in your Maths book.
      • You must show you working steps and mark your answers.
      • Scan or photograph your work and upload on Google Classroom.
    • Tasks to complete:
      • Solving equations using opposite operations:
      • Questions 31 - 47.
    Level 4 Maths - Friday 1st May
    • Please complete the following tasks in your Maths book.
      • You must show you working steps and mark your answers.
      • Scan or photograph your work and upload on Google Classroom.
    • Tasks to complete:
      • Solving equations using opposite operations:
      • Tasks 32 Q 1- 8 & 17 - 24

        You will be completing 4 tasks+ 1 weekly revision task on Maths Buddy.  Homework is reinforcement of concepts already learnt- therefore it should be easy.  If the tasks are too challenging or you haven't learnt, please let me know.  Tasks must be completed by Saturday 8 pm each week.
  • Term 2 Week 4 - 4th May - 10th May

    Context: We are Thinkers, Achievers, Innovators & Leaders

    Big Ideas:   

    5c's - Collaboration, Communication, Critical Thinking, Creativity & Citizenship
    Learning Intentions
    EXPLORE / TŪHURAWe are EXPLORING expanding and factorising of algebraic equations 

    Success Criteria:  I can/have:
    • expand and factorise algebraic equations
    • Solve word problems involving algebraic equations.
    Activities - Please note these tasks will need to be completed by the end of the week
      1. Teacher led activites - Daily maintenance and revision of Number knowledge and strategies on Google Meet
      2. Independent activities - Complete activities from Google Classroom, write down a reflection of your learning in your maths book.
      3. Education Perfect tasks to be completed this week.
    The following tasks in your Maths book.
      • You must show you working steps and mark your answers.
      • Scan or photograph your work and upload on Google Classroom.
    Tasks to complete:
    Monday - Google meet 15 min
      • Level 5 Task 24 1-30 (any 6 questions), 31- 50 (any 6 questions), 51 - 75 (any 6 questions)
      • Compulsory questions to complete: 76-82
      • Level 4 Task 32 - Questions 33 - 50
    Tuesday - No Google meet
      • Level 5 Task 25 all questions to be completed
      • Level 4 Task 33 - all questions to be completed
    Friday - Google meet 15 min
      • Level 5 Task 26 - 27 all questions to be completed.
      • Level 4 Task - attempt some questions from Level 5 work 
      • Education Perfect tasks  - 20 min
      You will be completing 4 tasks+ 1 weekly revision task on Maths Buddy.  Homework is reinforcement of concepts already learnt- therefore it should be easy.  If the tasks are too challenging or you haven't learnt, please let me know.  Tasks must be completed by Saturday 8 pm each week.

  • Term 2 Week 5 - 11th May - 17th May

    Context: We are Thinkers, Achievers, Innovators & Leaders

    Big Ideas: This term we will be focussing on aspects or characteristics of great Thinkers, Achiever, Innovators & Leaders. Throughout history as mankind was threathened with disasters, calamaties and pandemics, many great inventions, discoveries, new thinking and leadership styles came about to meet these challenges.  This term we will be focussing on developing these characteristics through our context. There will be many opportunities for our class to be Thinkers, Achievers, Innovators & Leaders. 

    5c's - Collaboration, Communication, Critical Thinking, Creativity & Citizenship

    EXPLORE / TŪHURAEXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...Patterns and relationships in algebra
    • We are EXPLORING...Properties of operations so as to solve algebraic expressions and equations


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING...simplifying & solving algebraic expressions and equations
    Success Criteria:  I can/have:
    • expand and factorise algebraic equations
    • Solve word problems involving algebraic equations.

    Activities - Please note these tasks will need to be completed by the end of the week 

      1. Teacher led activites - Daily maintenance and revision of Number knowledge and strategies on Google Meet
      2. Independent activities - Complete activities from Google Classroom, write down a reflection of your learning in your maths book.
      3. Education Perfect tasks to be completed this week.

    The following tasks in your Maths book.

      • You must show you working steps and mark your answers.
      • Scan or photograph your work and upload on Google Classroom.

    Tasks to complete:

    Monday - Google meet 20 min for instructions and daily maintenance

      • Level 5 Google Classroom -Level 4 Worksheet Task 22 & 23 -All questions to be completed
      • Level 4 Google Classroom - Worksheet Task 13 - Questions 1 - 7

    Tuesday - No Google meet

      • Level 5  
        • Google Classroom - L5 Graphics basics
        • Education Perfect - Complete two tasks Plotting & Reading graphs
      • Level 4 Google Classroom - Worksheet Task 15 - Questions 1 - 10

    Friday - Google meet 15 min

      • Level 5 Education Perfect - Complete all assigned tasks
      • Level 4 Google Classroom - Worksheet Task 22 & 23 -All questions to be completed
    Optional tasks - Education Perfect Term 2 Week 5


      You will be completing 4 tasks+ 1 weekly revision task on Maths Buddy.  Homework is reinforcement of concepts already learnt- therefore it should be easy.  If the tasks are too challenging or you haven't learnt, please let me know.  Tasks must be completed by Saturday 8 pm each week.

  • Term 2 Week 6 - 18th May - 24th May

    Context: We are Thinkers, Achievers, Innovators & Leaders

    Big Ideas: This term we will be focussing on aspects or characteristics of great Thinkers, Achiever, Innovators & Leaders. Throughout history as mankind was threathened with disasters, calamaties and pandemics, many great inventions, discoveries, new thinking and leadership styles came about to meet these challenges.  This term we will be focussing on developing these characteristics through our context. There will be many opportunities for our class to be Thinkers, Achievers, Innovators & Leaders. 

    5c's - Collaboration, Communication, Critical Thinking, Creativity & Citizenship

    EXPLORE / TŪHURAEXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...Patterns and relationships in algebra
    • We are EXPLORING...Properties of operations so as to solve algebraic expressions and equations


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING...simplifying & solving algebraic expressions and equations
    Success Criteria:   I can/have:
    • add, subtract, multiply and divide terms
    • Solve word problems involving algebraic equations.

    Activities - Please note these tasks will need to be completed by the end of the week 

      1. Teacher led activites - Daily maintenance and revision of Number knowledge and strategies
      2. Independent activities - Complete activities from-Education Perfect tasks to be completed this week.

    The following tasks in your Maths book.

      • You must show you working steps and mark your answers.
      • Scan or photograph your work and upload on Google Classroom.

    Tasks to complete:

    Optional tasks - Education Perfect Term 2 Week 5 & 6


      You will be completing 4 tasks+ 1 weekly revision task on Maths Buddy.  Homework is reinforcement of concepts already learnt- therefore it should be easy.  If the tasks are too challenging or you haven't learnt, please let me know.  Tasks must be completed by Saturday 8 pm each week.

  • Term 2 Week 7 - 25th May - 31st May

    Context: We are Thinkers, Achievers, Innovators & Leaders

    Big Ideas: This term we will be focussing on aspects or characteristics of great Thinkers, Achiever, Innovators & Leaders. Throughout history as mankind was threathened with disasters, calamaties and pandemics, many great inventions, discoveries, new thinking and leadership styles came about to meet these challenges.  This term we will be focussing on developing these characteristics through our context. There will be many opportunities for our class to be Thinkers, Achievers, Innovators & Leaders. 

    5c's - Collaboration, Communication, Critical Thinking, Creativity & Citizenship

    EXPLORE / TŪHURAEXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...Patterns and relationships in algebra
    • We are EXPLORING...Properties of operations so as to solve algebraic expressions and equations


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING...simplifying & solving algebraic expressions and equations
    Success Criteria:   I can/have:
    • add, subtract, multiply and divide terms
    • Solve word problems involving algebraic equations.

    Activities - Please note these tasks will need to be completed by the end of the week 

      1. T eacher led activites - Daily maintenance and revision of Number knowledge and strategies
      2. Independent activities - Complete activities from-Education Perfect tasks to be completed this week.

    The following tasks in your Maths book.

      • You must show you working steps and mark your answers.
      • Scan or photograph your work and upload on Google Classroom.

    Tasks to complete:

    Optional tasks - Education Perfect Term 2 Week 5 & 6


      You will be completing 4 tasks+ 1 weekly revision task on Maths Buddy.  Homework is reinforcement of concepts already learnt- therefore it should be easy.  If the tasks are too challenging or you haven't learnt, please let me know.  Tasks must be completed by Saturday 8 pm each week.

  • Term 2 Week 8 - 1st June - 7th June

    Context: We are Thinkers, Achievers, Innovators & Leaders

    Big Ideas: This term we will be focussing on aspects or characteristics of great Thinkers, Achiever, Innovators & Leaders. Throughout history as mankind was threathened with disasters, calamaties and pandemics, many great inventions, discoveries, new thinking and leadership styles came about to meet these challenges.  This term we will be focussing on developing these characteristics through our context. There will be many opportunities for our class to be Thinkers, Achievers, Innovators & Leaders. 

    5c's - Collaboration, Communication, Critical Thinking, Creativity & Citizenship

    EXPLORE / TŪHURAEXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...Patterns and relationships in algebra
    • We are EXPLORING...Properties of operations so as to solve algebraic expressions and equations


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING...simplifying & solving algebraic expressions and equations
    Success Criteria:   I can/have:
    • add, subtract, multiply and divide terms
    • Solve word problems involving algebraic equations.

    Activities - Please note these tasks will need to be completed by the end of the week 

      1. Teacher led activites - Daily maintenance and revision of Number knowledge and strategies
      2. Complete tasks from Google Classroom depending on your ability and level.


    Complete Ex: 12.01 Question 5-10 in your Maths book showing working steps


    Complete Ex: 12.03 All Questions to be completed your Maths book showing working steps

    Any Incomplete Education Perfect to be completed during Class time when teacher is not with your group.


      You will be completing 4 tasks+ 1 weekly revision task on Maths Buddy.  Homework is reinforcement of concepts already learnt- therefore it should be easy.  If the tasks are too challenging or you haven't learnt, please let me know.  Tasks must be completed by Saturday 8 pm each week.

  • Term 2 Week 9 - 8th June - 14th June

  • Term 2 Week 10 - 15th June - 21th June

  • Term 2 Week 11 - 22nd June - 28th June

    Context: We are Thinkers, Achievers, Innovators & Leaders

    Big Ideas: This term we will be focussing on aspects or characteristics of great Thinkers, Achiever, Innovators & Leaders. Throughout history as mankind was threathened with disasters, calamaties and pandemics, many great inventions, discoveries, new thinking and leadership styles came about to meet these challenges.  This term we will be focussing on developing these characteristics through our context. There will be many opportunities for our class to be Thinkers, Achievers, Innovators & Leaders. 

    5c's - Collaboration, Communication, Critical Thinking, Creativity & Citizenship

    EXPLORE / TŪHURAEXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...position and orientation in Geometry to interpret points and lines on co-ordinate 

    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING... on plotting points on a graph using equations.
    Success Criteria:   I can/have:
    • plot the (x,y) coordinates accurately.
    • use equations or rules to create gradients.

    Activities - Please note these tasks will need to be completed by the end of the week 

      1. Teacher led activites - Daily maintenance and revision of Number knowledge and strategies
      2. Complete tasks from Google Classroom 

    Any Incomplete Education Perfect to be completed during Class time when teacher is not with your group.


      You will be completing 4 tasks+ 1 weekly revision task on Maths Buddy.  Homework is reinforcement of concepts already learnt- therefore it should be easy.  If the tasks are too challenging or you haven't learnt, please let me know.  Tasks must be completed by Saturday 8 pm each week.

  • Term 2 Week 12 - 29th June - 5th July

  • Term 2 Break - 6th July - 19th July

  • Term 3 Week 1 - 20th-24th July

    Welcome back to Term 3

    This week we are revising concepts learnt in Term 2

    Teacher led activities.
    All tasks from Google Classroom and Math buddy to be completed this week.
    Assessment 2 will be done on Monday 27th July on Education Perfect.
    You will be completing 4 tasks+ 1 weekly revision task on  Maths Buddy .  Homework is reinforcement of concepts already learnt- therefore it should be easy.  If the tasks are too challenging or you haven't learnt, please let me know.  Tasks must be completed by Saturday 8 pm each week.

  • Term 3 Week 2 - 27th-31st July

    This term we will be mainly focussing on Statistics & Number.

    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    We are EXPLORING....numbers written in standard form, significant numbers and its uses in measurement

    Success Criteria:   I can/have:

    1. Convert between standard and ordinary form and its uses in context.

    2. Confidently use the rules for writing numbers as significant figures.

    Activities - 
    Complete tasks from Google Classroom & or Education Perfect
    Please note these tasks will need to be completed by the end of the week 

      1. Daily maintenance - 10 min.
      2. converting numbers between ordinary form & standard form
      3. Writing numbers as significant figures.


      You will be completing 4 tasks+ 1 weekly revision task on Maths Buddy.  Homework is reinforcement of concepts already learnt- therefore it should be easy.  If the tasks are too challenging or you haven't learnt, please let me know.  Tasks must be completed by Saturday 8 pm each week.

  • Term 3 Week 3 - 3rd - 7th Aug

    This term we will be mainly focussing on Statistics & Number.


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    We are EXPLORING ....numbers written in standard form, significant numbers and its uses in measurement

    Success Criteria:   I can/have:

    1. Convert between standard and ordinary form and its uses in context.
    2. Confidently use the rules for writing numbers as significant figures.

    Activities - 
    Complete tasks from Google Classroom & or Education Perfect
    Please note these tasks will need to be completed by the end of the week 

      1. Daily maintenance - 10 min.
      2. converting numbers between ordinary form & standard form - Complete tasks from Education Perfect.
      3. Writing numbers as significant figures - Complete task from Google Classroom


      You will be completing 4 tasks+ 1 weekly revision task on Maths Buddy.  Homework is reinforcement of concepts already learnt- therefore it should be easy.  If the tasks are too challenging or you haven't learnt, please let me know.  Tasks must be completed by Saturday 8 pm each week.

  • Term 3 Week 4 - 10th - 14th Aug

    Context : Resilience

    This term we will be mainly focussing on Statistics & Number.

    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...Statistical literacy so as to investigate, calculate, analyse and display data from and Inquiry.
    • We are EXPLORING...statistical investigations so as to analyse and make inferences.

    Success Criteria:   I can/have:

    1. differentiate between the types of graphs for displaying data
    2. differentiate between discrete, categorical, numerical, continuous and discrete data.
    3. find the measures of central tendencies


    Rotation of learning groups
    Pentagons Squares Triangles
    Monday With teacher - new learning Independent tasks from Google Classroom 
    or Education perfect
    Independent tasks from Google Classroom
    or Education perfect
    Tuesday Independent tasks from Google Classroom
    or Education perfect
    Working on gaps from easTTle -
    Maths buddy or Education Perfect.
    With teacher- new learning
    Friday Running clinics or working on gaps from easTTle With teacher - new learning
    attending clinics - working on gaps from easTTle

    1. Daily maintenance - 10 min. teacher led.
    2. Complete tasks from Google Classroom & or Education Perfect
    3. Topics for clinics

    Please note these tasks will need to be completed by the end of the week 


      You will be completing 4 tasks+ 1 weekly revision task on Maths Buddy.  Homework is reinforcement of concepts already learnt- therefore it should be easy.  If the tasks are too challenging or you haven't learnt, please let me know.  Tasks must be completed by Saturday 8 pm each week.

  • Term 3 Week 5 - 17th - 21st Aug

    Context : Resilience

    This term we will be mainly focussing on Statistics & Number.

    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...Statistical literacy so as to investigate, calculate, analyse and display data from and Inquiry.
    • We are EXPLORING...statistical investigations so as to analyse and make inferences.

    Success Criteria:   I can/have:

    1. differentiate between the types of graphs for displaying data
    2. differentiate between discrete, categorical, numerical, continuous and discrete data.
    3. find the measures of central tendencies


    Rotation of learning groups - Revised for Lockdown 2.0
    Pentagons Squares Triangles & Chocho
    Monday With teacher Google Meet- new learning With teacher Google Meet- new learning
    Working on gaps from easTTle - 
    Maths buddy or Education Perfect
    Tuesday Complete Task32 & Types of data
    from Google Classroom

    Complete Task 32 & Types of data
    from Google Classroom 

    With teacher Google Meet- new learning
    Wednesday Complete tasks from Education perfect  Complete tasks from Education perfect  With teacher Google Meet- new learning
    Friday Teacher support available Teacher support available
    Teacher support available

    1. Daily maintenance - 10 min. teacher led.
    2. Complete tasks from Google Classroom & or Education Perfect
    3. Topics for clinics

    Please note these tasks will need to be completed by the end of the week 


      You will be completing 4 tasks+ 1 weekly revision task on Maths Buddy.  Homework is reinforcement of concepts already learnt- therefore it should be easy.  If the tasks are too challenging or you haven't learnt, please let me know.  Tasks must be completed by Saturday 8 pm each week.

  • Term 3 Week 6 - 24th - 28th Aug

    Context : Resilience

    This term we will be mainly focussing on Statistics & Number.

    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...Statistical literacy so as to investigate, calculate, analyse and display data from and Inquiry.
    • We are EXPLORING...statistical investigations so as to analyse and make inferences.

    Success Criteria:   I can/have:

    1. differentiate between the types of graphs for displaying data.
    2. differentiate between discrete, categorical, numerical, continuous and discrete data.
    3. find the measures of central tendencies.

    Activities - 

    1. Monday Google Meet - Pentagons & Squares group: Complete Education Perfect tasks relating to Bias in Data, using statistical literacy to create and describe the shape of data - Term 3 Week 6
    2. Tuesday Google Meet - Triangles only - Completing Education Perfect tasks - understanding of types of Graphs used in Statistics - Term 3 Week 6 Triangles  
    3. Wednesday Google Meet - Triangles only 
    4. Friday Google Meet - optional for support only.


      You will be completing 4 tasks+ 1 weekly revision task on Maths Buddy.  Homework is reinforcement of concepts already learnt- therefore it should be easy.  If the tasks are too challenging or you haven't learnt, please let me know.  Tasks must be completed by Saturday 8 pm each week.

  • Term 3 Week 7 - 31st Aug- 4th Sept

    Context : Resilience

    This term we will be mainly focussing on Statistics & Number.

    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...Statistical literacy so as to investigate, calculate, analyse and display data from and Inquiry.
    • We are EXPLORING...statistical investigations so as to analyse and make inferences.

    Success Criteria:   I can/have:

    1. Create various types of graphs to display data - pie charts, histograms, bar graphs, stem & leaf graphs, picto graphs & time series.
    2. Analyse and make inferences or conclusions from the graph..

    Activities - 

    1. Teacher led - Creating a pie chart using a compass & proctrator.
    2. Teacher led - Understanding of Linear graphs & y= mx +c equations to predict sequences.


      You will be completing 4 tasks+ 1 weekly revision task on Maths Buddy.  Homework is reinforcement of concepts already learnt- therefore it should be easy.  If the tasks are too challenging or you haven't learnt, please let me know.  Tasks must be completed by Saturday 8 pm each week.

  • Term 3 Week 8 - 7th - 11th Sept

    Context : Resilience

    This term we will be mainly focussing on Statistics & Number.

    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...Statistical literacy so as to investigate, calculate, analyse and display data from and Inquiry.
    • We are EXPLORING...statistical investigations so as to analyse and make inferences.

    Success Criteria:   I can/have: 

    1. Analyse pie charts and linear graphs - Level 5 & 5+.
    2. Find the measures of central tendencies  & create bar graphs Level 4


    Rotation of learning groups - Revised for Lockdown 2.0
    Pentagons Squares Triangles & Chocho
    Monday Complete worksheet from Google classroom Complete tasks from Education PerfectWith teacher Google Meet- new learning
    Tuesday Working on gaps from easTTle - EP tasks
    Supporting Triangles Group
    With teacher Google Meet- new learningAttend workshop or own learning tasks.
    FridayWith teacher Google Meet- new learningComplete worksheet from Google classroom  Complete Worksheet from Google classroom or Education perfect tasks

    1. Daily maintenance - 10 min. teacher led.
    2. Complete tasks from Google Classroom & or Education Perfect
    3. Topics for clinics

    Please note these tasks will need to be completed by the end of the week 


      You will be completing 4 tasks+ 1 weekly revision task on Maths Buddy.  Homework is reinforcement of concepts already learnt- therefore it should be easy.  If the tasks are too challenging or you haven't learnt, please let me know.  Tasks must be completed by Saturday 8 pm each week.

  • Term 3 Week 9 - 14th - 18th Sept

    Context : Resilience

    This term we will be mainly focussing on Statistics & Number.

    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...Statistical literacy so as to investigate, calculate, analyse and display data from and Inquiry.
    • We are EXPLORING...statistical investigations so as to analyse and make inferences.

    Success Criteria:   I can/have:  

    1. Analyse pie charts and linear graphs - Level 5 & 5+.
    2. Find the measures of central tendencies  & create bar graphs Level 4


    Rotation of learning groups - Revised for Lockdown 2.0
                      Pentagons Squares Triangles & Chocho
    Monday. With teacher - new learning Complete tasks from Education Perfect      Complete tasks from Education Perfect 
    Tuesday Complete worksheet from Google classroom 
    With teacher - new learning With teacher - new learning
    Friday   SLC - TOD SLC - TOD
    SLC - TOD

    1. Daily maintenance - 10 min. teacher led.
    2. Complete tasks from Google Classroom & or Education Perfect
    3. Topics for clinics

    Please note these tasks will need to be completed by the end of the week 


      You will be completing 4 tasks+ 1 weekly revision task on Maths Buddy.  Homework is reinforcement of concepts already learnt- therefore it should be easy.  If the tasks are too challenging or you haven't learnt, please let me know.  Tasks must be completed by Saturday 8 pm each week.

  • Term 3 Week 10 - 21st - 25th Sept

    Context : Resilience

    This term we will be mainly focussing on Statistics & Number.

    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...Statistical literacy so as to investigate, calculate, analyse and display data from and Inquiry.
    • We are EXPLORING...statistical investigations so as to analyse and make inferences.

    Success Criteria:   I can/have:  

    1. Differentiate between positive & negative slope - Level 5 & 5+.
    2. Identify the gradient, y-intercept from the equation y=mx+c
    3. Find & create rules from linear equations
    4. Find the measures of central tendencies  & create bar graphs Level 4


    Rotation of learning groups - Revised for Lockdown 2.0
                      Pentagons Squares Triangles & Chocho
    Monday. With teacher - new learning Digital learning objects
    Digital learning objects
    Tuesday Complete worksheet from Google classroom 
    With teacher - new learning
    Complete tasks from Education Perfect 
    Friday   Digital Learning objectsComplete tasks from Education PerfectWith teacher - new learning

    1. Daily maintenance - 10 min. teacher led.
    2. Complete tasks from Google Classroom -
    3. Digital learning objects - Complete these and write down a reflection of your learning - What did you learn? What tasks were you confident about? What tasks did you struggle with? Rate 1-5 how well did you enjoy these tasks.
    4. Education Perfect tasks - any unfinished tasks from assessment needs to be finished.

    Please note these tasks will need to be completed by the end of the week 


      You will be completing 4 tasks+ 1 weekly revision task on Maths Buddy.  Homework is reinforcement of concepts already learnt- therefore it should be easy.  If the tasks are too challenging or you haven't learnt, please let me know.  Tasks must be completed by Saturday 8 pm each week.

  • Term 3 Break - 24th September - 12th October

  • Term 4 Week 1 - 12 October - 18 October

    Context :Hauora and the Great Outdoors


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING the probability of events happening using fractions, percentages, and ratios.

    Success Criteria:    I can/have:

    1. Use fractions, percentages & ratios  to calculate the probability of an event happening.


    1. Teacher Led activity using Google Classroom & Education perfect
    2. Independent tasks - Education perfect task completion.
    3. Statistical Investigation - Groups of 2-5. (Due 5th November)
        • Identify a topic or area of interest relating to our context.
        • Plan an investigation using the Statistical framework: PPDAC - Problem, Plan, Data, Analysis, and Conclusions. 
        • See Google Classroom for more information.
      You will be completing 4 tasks+ 1 weekly revision task on Maths Buddy.  Homework is reinforcement of concepts already learnt- therefore it should be easy.  If the tasks are too challenging or you haven't learnt, please let me know.  Tasks must be completed by Saturday 8 pm each week.

  • Term 4 Week 2 - 19 October - 25 October

    Context :Hauora and the Great Outdoors


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING...a statistical investigation related to our context so that we can...design and create a poster to promote our ideas of Haoura & Great ideas in our community.

    Success Criteria:    I can/have:

    1. Follow the PPDAC (Pose a question, Plan, collect the Data, Analyse the data and make Conclusions )cycle. Group activity.
    2. Statistical Investigation - Groups of 2-5. (Due 5th November)
        • Identify a topic or area of interest relating to our context.
        • Plan an investigation using the Statistical framework: PPDAC - Problem, Plan, Data, Analysis, and Conclusions. 
        • See Google Classroom for more information.
    Monday & Tuesday- Teacher led followed by independent tasks - Education perfect task completion - Calculating simple interest
    Friday - Statistical Inquiry
    Revision this week:
    Ratios, percentages, fractions


      You will be completing 4 tasks+ 1 weekly revision task on  Maths Buddy.  Homework is reinforcement of concepts already learnt- therefore it should be easy.  If the tasks are too challenging or you haven't learnt, please let me know.  Tasks must be completed by Saturday 8 pm each week.
    • Term 4 Week 3 - 26 October - 1 November

      Context: Hauora & the Great Outdoors

      Learning Intention:
      We are practising and revising our Number and Algebra skills of investigation in preparation for the Maths CAT.
      Success Criteria:
            I can/have:
      • use my number & algebra knowledge to solve word problems.
      • plot the coordinate points on a graph
      • derive the linear equation for the word problem.


      Independent task: - students will access the document from Google Classroom and complete the revision in their Maths book.
    • Term 4 Week 4 -2 November - 8 November

      Context: Hauora & the Great Outdoors

      Learning Intention:
      We are practising and revising our Number and Algebra skills of investigation in preparation for the Maths CAT.
      Success Criteria:
            I can/have:
      • use my number & algebra knowledge to solve word problems.
      • plot the coordinate points on a graph
      • derive the linear equation for the word problem.


      Independent task: - students will access the document from Google Classroom and complete the revision in their Maths book.
    • Term 4 Week 5 -9 November - 15 November

      Context: Hauora & the Great Outdoors

      Learning Intention:
      We are practising and revising our Number and Algebra skills of investigation in preparation for the Maths CAT.
      Success Criteria:
            I can/have:
      • use my number & algebra knowledge to solve word problems.
      • plot the coordinate points on a graph
      • derive the linear equation for the word problem.


      Independent task: - students will access the document from Google Classroom and complete the revision in their Maths book.

      Maths CAT is scheduled for Thursday 12th November Session 4 in C5

    • Term 4 Week 6 -16 November - 22 November

    • Term 4 Week 7 -23 November - 29 November

    • Term 4 Week 8 -30 November - 6 December

    • Term 4 Week 9 -7 December - 13 December