Weekly outline

  • General

  • 29 January - 4 February

    Kia ora 7F1,

    Welcome to your Mission Heights Online course page. Here you will find planning and assessments to guide you through your personal learning journey each term. If you would like to communicate with me at any time (outside of class time) please email me: Mrs Clansey,  jclansey@mhjc.school.nz

     I know this week will be overwhelming for you and I will take things slowly and spend any time this week making sure we are all connected to wifi. Please don't worry and ask anything you feel worried about :o)

    It was great that we were all able to connect with our Learning Advisor teachers on Tuesday - I am sure you found that helpful as that is the teacher you will see every Friday during Session 2 :o)

    Success Criteria:

    • Introduce another class member to a small group
    • Use the library website 
    • Introduce myself through a personal letter to Mrs Clansey
    • Become familiar with 7F1 students
    • Write using a variety of sentences and structure

    Friday S5: Read Mrs Clansey's letter and reply - complete in your English book over the long weekend!


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING how to identify and recognise connections to the people and the place where we belong- 'Kaingawaewae' using questions and research.
    • We are EXPLORING how digital technology integrates with Kaingawaewae and discovering how to be a great digital citizen.
    • We are EXPLORING connections within year 7 and organising information in letters and poems.

  • 5 February - 11 February

    Kia ora 7F1

    Enjoy celebrating Waitangi Day with your family, I won't see you until Friday!

    Just for your information:  English sessions are all in F4: Monday S1, Tuesday S3 and Friday S5

    Success Criteria:

    • Introduce another class member to a small group
    • Use the library website 
    • Introduce myself through a personal letter to Mrs Clansey
    • Become familiar with 7F1 students
    • Write using a variety of sentences and structure

    Friday S5: This will be our first library session this term. I will meet you lined up outside the library at 2pm.


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING how to identify and recognise connections to the people and the place where we belong- 'Kaingawaewae' using questions and research.
    • We are EXPLORING how digital technology integrates with Kaingawaewae and discovering how to be a great digital citizen.
    • We are EXPLORING connections within year 7 and organising information in letters and poems.

  • 12 February - 18 February

    Kia ora 7F1,

    I hope you had a little time to read your library novel over the weekend! Finally we get the chance to 'write' this week :o)

    Success Criteria:

    • Introduce another class member to a small group
    • Use the library website 
    • Introduce myself through a personal letter to Mrs Clansey
    • Become familiar with 7F1 students
    • Write using a variety of sentences and structure


    Monday S1: log in to mhonline course page English, quick links, check Reading plus, maths buddy, e-asTTle, library can all be accessed using quick links :o)

    1. check e-asTTle reading results, what do they mean? Where are you AT?

    2. read Mrs Clansey's letter on google classroom. 

    3. glue the letter into your English book and date your work.

    Tuesday S3: complete writing your letter to mrs Clansey - follow the structure and paragraphs from Mrs Clansey's letter

    Friday S5 :  Writing introduction, Friendship Soup youtube clip, brainstorming  around the friendship prompt and preparation for writing.  Google classroom resources.

    Follow up tasks:
    complete Reading Plus and Maths Buddy for homework - 4 see readers.


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING how to identify and recognise connections to the people and the place where we belong- 'Kaingawaewae' using questions and research.
    • We are EXPLORING how digital technology integrates with Kaingawaewae and discovering how to be a great digital citizen.
    • We are EXPLORING connections within year 7 and organising information in letters and poems.

  • 19 February - 25 February

    Morena 7F1,

    This week the whole of yr 7 across the school will have a writing assessment! The prompt will be "What makes a good friend?" You can be thinking about this at home as well as at school :o)

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • used the writing conventions of punctuation, correct sentence structure and spelling in my writing
    • respond to a writing prompt
    • set writing goals
    • take part in small group and class discussion


    1. Monday S1:  brainstorming/ hamburger plan/websites to use/a quote to include (Google classroom resources.)
    2. Tuesday S3: writing  - using the friendship prompt, hamburger plan and booklet
    3. Friday S5 : SLC - enjoy setting your goals with your LA  

    Follow up tasks:
    complete Reading Plus and Maths Buddy for homework - 4 see readers.


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING how to identify and recognise connections to the people and the place where we belong- 'Kaingawaewae' using questions and research.
    • We are EXPLORING how digital technology integrates with Kaingawaewae and discovering how to be a great digital citizen.
    • We are EXPLORING connections within year 7 and organising information in letters and poems.

  • 26 February - 3 March

    Kia ora 7F1,

    This week we explore our digital habits and think about how we can become great digital citizens in Forest Whanau.

    Success Criteria:

    • act responsibly when carrying out relationships over digital media
    • explore our digital lives  - the 24/7 nature of them
    • create a simile for my digital life
    • understand and create a concept maps from the movie clip


    •  Monday S1: My Digital Life 101: video viewing. (google classroom)          
    • definitions important to our digital learning: media and digital media 
    • Watch the video - what did we take away from it? think, pair, share. 
    • Create concept circles/maps re our digital lives- in groups/ as a class sharing - add to your groups maps
    • complete a simile for your digital life, 

    Tuesday S3:  Where are you up to from Monday?
     Digital compass session 1: watch "The Road To Anywhere" then complete scenario 1 with Jay.

    Friday S5: Library session 2: please bring your books to return. 

    * concept maps fit into your website (holistic report)

    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING how to identify and recognise connections to the people and the place where we belong- 'Kaingawaewae' using questions and research.
    • We are EXPLORING how digital technology integrates with Kaingawaewae and discovering how to be a great digital citizen.
    • We are EXPLORING connections within year 7 and organising information in letters and poems.
  • 4 March - 10 March

    Kia ora 7F1,

    This week we begin to think about English Assessment 1: 'I AM FROM' poems. We'll be looking at examples and then writing our own poems. 


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING on choosing and selecting what is important in "Kainga waewae" - The place where we stand and belong' and identifying 4 aspects for our poems.
    • We are FOCUSING on comparing exemplars to improve our writing.
    • We are FOCUSING on discussing the form and shape of an "I Am From" poem so that we can write our own.

    Success Criteria:

    • work independently with support from your group
    • answer questions in sentences in a document online in google classroom
    • think about words, purpose, verses, personal voice and write these on the task sheet on google classroom


    Monday S1: Model poem (I Am From by Jack Julian) - on paper, read in your head several times, glue into your English book and  think about Kainga waewae, what is important to you?

    Tuesday S3:  Head to google classroom (poem is there too) and type in the document -  your thoughts...Read the examples in google classroom including Mrs Clansey's poem and other students' poems.

    Friday S5: Library session 

    Further Learning:
    complete Reading Plus and Maths Buddy

  • 11 March - 17 March

    This week you are off to camp on Wednesday! Enjoy your time there, challenge yourself with an activity that is new for you and enjoy getting to know Forest students and teachers!

    We continue to write our 'I AM FROM' poems, reshaping, sharing in our group with buddies, making our words descriptive!


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING on choosing and selecting what is important in "Kainga waewae" - The place where we stand and belong' and identifying 4 aspects for our poems.
    • We are FOCUSING on comparing exemplars to improve our writing.
    • We are FOCUSING on discussing the form and shape of an "I Am From" poem so that we can write our own.

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    • construct a text that shows an awareness of purpose and audience through deliberate choice of language and text form.

    • express language that tells the reader about what I am passionate about.

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • understand the form of the poem

    • use language that is descriptive and paints a picture for the reader

    • write content that tells about each individuals passion

    • publish poems and present to the class/assembly


    Monday S1 and Tuesday S3: re share the model poems in your group and talk about the language used. Complete the task on google classroom.

    • identify what is important to each of us in our lives, share in pairs, group and with whole class

    • look at the set out of the poem, discuss impact of this form

    • collaboratively write one verse as a class

    • play with words, lines, share with partner

    • teacher conference individually as students are writing, work with a group who have similar needs

    Have a relaxing weekend after a busy camp time!

  • 18 March - 24 March

    Kia ora 7F1,

    We complete and learn how to upload our 'I Am From' Poems this week.

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    • construct a text that shows an awareness of purpose and audience through deliberate choice of language and text form.

    • express language that tells the reader about what I am passionate about.

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • understand the form of the poem

    • use language that is descriptive and paints a picture for the reader

    • write content that tells about each individuals passion

    • publish poems and present to the class/assembly

    Monday S1 and Tuesday S3

    • complete your 4 verse poem following the same structure as our examples.
    • open a blank google doc, copy your poem to this blank doc - title "I Am From"
    • add pictures to illustrate your poem
    • put your name on the bottom of your poem
    • put your poem in your English folder online and name it "Assessment 1, poetry"
    • upload to mhonline ready for grading
    • print it out and hand it in to mrs Clansey

    Friday S5: Library session 


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING to apply our writing skills to present our poems so that we can share Kaingawaewae with our classmates.
  • 25 March - 31 March

    Kia ora 7F1,
     Your 'I AM FROM' Poems are all printed and uploaded - well done!

    We begin to focus on reflecting this week, from camp and in our digital lives...We will learn about the S.E.X.Y. way to write a paragraph.

    Success criteria:

    • respond appropriately to text using the Statement, Explain, Example, Your Opinion (S.E.X.Y) structure in your writing
    • act responsibly when carrying out relationships over digital media on shared docs and digital compass sessions


    Monday S1: Paragraph Writing: Camp Scenarios using S. E. X. Y. structure. I have set up some things that could have happened on camp for you to reflect on.  You are going to write 5 paragraphs. The template is on google classroom to follow. We will have 2 sessions to complete this task.

    Tuesday S2: Paragraph Writing: Camp Scenarios using S. E. X. Y. structure. I have set up some things that could have happened on camp for you to reflect on.  You are going to write 5 paragraphs. The template is on google classroom to follow.


    REFLECT / WHAIWHAKAARO learning intentions:

    • We are REFLECTING on the challenges we may have faced in our writing and our S.E.X.Y. camp paragraphs to review our writing and find solutions to problems.

    Friday S5: Digital Compass S2: https://www.digitalcompass.org/

    OR ...S3

  • 1 April - 7 April

    Kia ora 7F1,

    I hope that you and your family had a lovely time celebrating Easter. I will only see you on Friday afternoon this week. It is our final library session, meet outside the library at 2pm - please remember to bring your books back :o)


    REFLECT / WHAIWHAKAARO learning intentions:

    • We are REFLECTING on the challenges we may have faced in our writing and our S.E.X.Y. camp paragraphs to review our writing and find solutions to problems.

  • 8 April - 14 April

    Kia ora 7F1,

    It is the final week of term 1!

    Success criteria:

    • respond appropriately to text using the Statement, Explain, Example, Your Opinion (S.E.X.Y) structure in your writing
    • act responsibly when carrying out relationships over digital media on shared docs and digital compass sessions

    Monday S1: practice our common mistakes with the google classroom tasks - Your and You're and there, their and they're. Pick up 3 comprehension cards and see if you can score 5/5.

    Tuesday S3: Digital compass session 3.  click on the link and choose the avatar for Kung Fu Fibber - you may wear your headphones.  digital compass session 3


    REFLECT / WHAIWHAKAARO learning intentions:

    • We are REFLECTING on the challenges we may have faced in our writing and our S.E.X.Y. camp paragraphs to review our writing and find solutions to problems.
  • 15 April - 21 April

    Enjoy the holidays with your family and friends :o)

  • 22 April - 28 April

    We think about those men and women who fought for our country so that we may enjoy the kind of life we lead in such a beautiful country as we celebrate ANZAC day this week.

    There are ceremonies all over NZ on Thursday 25th April, I will choose the one closest to my home on Stockade Hill Howick, to spend time reflecting and listening to thoughts about ANZAC day. Take the opportunity if you can to attend a ceremony :o)

  • 29 April - 5 May

    Kia ora 7F1,

    Welcome to term 2 and a new context 'Taonga of Aotearoa.' This for us will mean finding out more about NZ authors and the texts, stories and novels they have written. Our assessment this term will be completing a book review on a NZ book you have read.

    You will see we have a new timetable. your 3 English sessions are now Tuesday S3, Thursday S2 and Friday S5.

    Learning Intentions:

    •Demonstrate  a range of communication skills to support appropriate interaction with others.

    •Make connections by thinking about underlying ideas in and between texts.

    Success Criteria:

    • Choose and read a  recommended novel 'around' our context - new beginnings -NZ Authors
    • Show an increasing understanding of how texts are shaped for different purposes and audiences.
    • select and read texts for enjoyment and personal fulfilment


    Tuesday S3: 

    1. view the selection document on google classroom and spend time in the library to get an idea of the novel you would like to read. Google the title to see if it appeals to you and is at your level.

    2. view the library 'quick lists' for NZ authors that may appeal to you

    3. Library visit to select your NZ novel to read. On the shelves under the author's last name 

    Thursday S2: Look over the google classroom slides on " how to write a book review" Begin to make notes on your own google doc.

    Friday S5: Library session to issue and begin to read your NZ novel.


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING recognising and finding a new NZ author to connect with
    • We are EXPLORING discovering and locating information from more than one source
    • We are EXPLORING investigating a fuller, layered understanding of the past with deliberate attention to matauranga Maori sources and authorship

  • 6 May - 12 May

    Kia ora 7F1,

    Success Criteria:

    • sequence events and changes in a narrative (story)

    • identify historical relationships between stories and how long ago they happened. 

    •recognise that depending on who is telling the story, the same story can be told in different ways.


    1. Tuesday S3: Explore the google classroom slide show on how to write a book review as a class and individually, continue to read, make notes on your NZ novel and look at the exemplars printed out and laminated for you.

    2. Thursday S2: support for your book review - choose two of the tasks and complete them. Complete the 2 book puzzles - glue all 4 into your English book.

           Reading your NZ author novel and making notes for your book review - look at all of the support on           google classroom 

    3.     Friday S5:
    Digital compass Session: Digital Compass session 5

    Further Learning:
    Reading plus tasks and Maths Buddy


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING recognising and finding a new NZ author to connect with
    • We are EXPLORING discovering and locating information from more than one source
    • We are EXPLORING investigating a fuller, layered understanding of the past with deliberate attention to matauranga Maori sources and authorship

  • 13 May - 19 May

    Kia ora 7F1,

    Success Criteria:

    • sequence events and changes in a narrative (story)

    • identify character relationships in stories and how they keep the plot moving along

    •recognise that depending on who is telling the story, the same story can be told in different ways.


    1. Tuesday S3: Read the exemplars for book reviews printed out and laminated for you. Continue to read, make notes on your NZ novel  

    2. Thursday S2: Enviro week - it is our turn to go to 'The Tread Lightly Session'

           Reading your NZ author novel and making notes for your book review - look at all of the support on           google classroom 

    3.     Friday S5: Library session in the library reading your NZ novel.


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING recognising and finding a new NZ author to connect with
    • We are EXPLORING discovering and locating information from more than one source
    • We are EXPLORING investigating a fuller, layered understanding of the past with deliberate attention to matauranga Maori sources and authorship

  • 20 May - 26 May

    Kia ora 7F1,

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    • Respond to text with our own unique writing voices
    • Think critically about the theme and author of our NZ novels

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • Use a variety of simple , compound and complex sentences in my writing
    • proof read for punctuation and sentence sense in short answers
    • give feed back and feed forward to a classmate's writing


    1. Tuesday S3: Begin to write your own book review in your English book - once you have completed it, have a buddy read it before transferring it to your booklet 

    2. Thursday S2: Continue to complete your book review in your english book - it is due for assessment next week.

    3. Friday S5: digitalcompass.org - session 6


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING on preparing a book review so that we can publish and present to our whanau and library in a way that promotes our novels.

  • 27 May - 2 June

    Kia ora 7F1,

    We work on completing our book reviews ready to be published next week as assessment 2!

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    • select and read novels for enjoyment
    • think critically about themes across novels and connections to our lives
    • increase vocabulary related to themes and topic context

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • group words into topic vocabulary
    • communicate my ideas to an audience
    • read the text in sections


    1. Tuesday S3: Continue with book review writing and support activities, perhaps you are ready to do the little piece of art work in your booklet...
    2. Thursday S2: share with a buddy what you have written so far - read from your English book
    3. Friday S5: T.O.D


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING on preparing a book review so that we can publish and present to our whanau and library in a way that promotes our novels.
  • 3 June - 9 June

    Kia ora 7F1,

    We celebrate the King's Birthday with a holiday on Monday!

    Some King's Birthday questions to find out the answers to ...see google classroom to complete this on Tuesday S3 or Friday S5

    Learning Intentions:

    •Demonstrate  a range of communication skills to support appropriate interaction with others.

    •Make connections by thinking about underlying ideas in and between texts.

    Success Criteria:

    • Write your book review in the assessment booklet (NZ Authors)
    • Show an increasing understanding of how texts are shaped for different purposes and audiences.
    • select and read texts for enjoyment and personal fulfilment

     Tuesday S3: Book reviews continued - check your guidelines on google classroom to write your book review - think about your little piece of art (look at the exemplars) You may be at the stage of writing in your booklet - have a buddy read your review to check for sentences that make sense, capital letters and full stops and that you have included a SEXY paragraph recommendation :o)

    Thursday S2: e-asTTle reading assessment

    Friday S5: Book reviews continued - check your guidelines on google classroom to write your book review - think about your little piece of art (look at the exemplars) You may be at the stage of writing in your booklet - have a buddy read your review to check for sentences that make sense, capital letters and full stops and that you have included a SEXY paragraph recommendation :o)


    REFLECT / WHAIWHAKAARO learning intentions:

    • We are REFLECTING on the issues that were barriers to producing our book reviews and challenging ourselves to improve our writing as we begin to write speeches.
    • We are REFLECTING on the way our book reviews have been assessed and judging the impact of our book reviews on others by the amount of students who take up our recommendations.

  • 10 June - 16 June

    Kia ora 7F1,

    This week we begin to EXPLORE speech 'making and writing' with our explicit learning outcomes below. It is a real skill to be able to speak in public.

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    • speak clearly and confidently in a range of situations

    • deliver a formal speech that generates audience interest

    • use voice modulation, eye contact, body gestures and vocal interest 

    •realise the importance of developing skills of public speaking

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • organised my material and developed my main points
    • chosen words to enhance imagery to my audience
    • ideas that are original 
    • hooked my audience with the impact of my opening paragraph and held their interest
    • used my eyes, facial expression and body gestures to enhance my speech
    • good volume, pace and pitch in my voice
    • left my audience with something to think about


    Tuesday S3:  Introduce speech writing/topics - Choosing topics - google classroom tasks - listening to speeches together.

    Thursday S2: A good idea - google 'speech topics' for yr 7 students :o) Your speech may be Informative, Persuasive or Entertaining or a mix of all 3!

    After watching a few 'good speeches'  on google classroom write in your English book 5 points which are the same across all the speeches - record together on whiteboard and add to your own list :o)

    begin to plan, write and edit your speeches - you may like to 'run' your speech topic past a buddy for some feedback and feed forward

    Friday S5:  library session - return, issue, renew, reserve novels - read a classmates recommendation and choose to read that novel :o)


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING how research and organisation can connect us through speech and allow us to recognise and display public speaking skills
    • We are EXPLORING and analysing what makes a great speech
    • We are EXPLORING connecting with a topic that is meaningful to us
    • We are EXPLORING how to use a research framework to support our learning

  • 17 June - 23 June

    Kia ora 7F1,

    This week we continue to think about our speech topics and begin to write our short 3 minute speeches.

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    • speak clearly and confidently in a range of situations

    • deliver a formal speech that generates audience interest

    • use voice modulation, eye contact, body gestures and vocal interest 

    •realise the importance of developing skills of public speaking

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • organised my material and developed my main points
    • chosen words to enhance imagery to my audience
    • ideas that are original 
    • hooked my audience with the impact of my opening paragraph and held their interest
    • used my eyes, facial expression and body gestures to enhance my speech
    • good volume, pace and pitch in my voice
    • left my audience with something to think about


    Tuesday S3: check point for speeches - Is your topic chosen? write it onto the google document template

    Thursday S2: independent writing of speeches in your English book, following the template on google classroom

    A good idea - google 'speech topics' for yr 7 students :o) Your speech may be Informative, Persuasive or Entertaining or a mix of all 3!

    After watching a few 'good speeches'  on google classroom write in your English book 5 points which are the same across all the speeches - record together on whiteboard and add to your own list :o)

    begin to plan, write and edit your speeches - you may like to 'run' your speech topic past a buddy for some feedback and feed forward

    Friday S5: digitalcompass.org


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING how research and organisation can connect us through speech and allow us to recognise and display public speaking skills
    • We are EXPLORING and analysing what makes a great speech
    • We are EXPLORING connecting with a topic that is meaningful to us
    • We are EXPLORING how to use a research framework to support our learning

  • 24 June - 30 June

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    • speak clearly and confidently in a range of situations

    • deliver a formal speech that generates audience interest

    • use voice modulation, eye contact, body gestures and vocal interest 

    •realise the importance of developing skills of public speaking

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • organised my material and developed my main points
    • chosen words to enhance imagery to my audience
    • ideas that are original 
    • hooked my audience with the impact of my opening paragraph and held their interest
    • used my eyes, facial expression and body gestures to enhance my speech
    • good volume, pace and pitch in my voice
    • left my audience with something to think about


    Tuesday S3:  library session - return, issue, renew, reserve novels - read a classmates recommendation and choose to read that novel :o)

    Thursday S2 :continue writing your speech - check in where you are at with Mrs Clansey

    After watching a few 'good speeches'  on google classroom write in your English book 5 points which are the same across all the speeches - record together on whiteboard and add to your own list :o)

    begin to plan, write and edit your speeches - you may like to 'run' your speech topic past a buddy for some feedback and feed forward

    Friday S5: Matariki Holiday! Enjoy your day!


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING how research and organisation can connect us through speech and allow us to recognise and display public speaking skills
    • We are EXPLORING and analysing what makes a great speech
    • We are EXPLORING connecting with a topic that is meaningful to us
    • We are EXPLORING how to use a research framework to support our learning

  • 1 July - 7 July

    Kia ora 7F1,

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    • speak clearly and confidently in a range of situations

    • deliver a formal speech that generates audience interest

    • use voice modulation, eye contact, body gestures and vocal interest 

    •realise the importance of developing skills of public speaking

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • organised my material and developed my main points
    • chosen words to enhance imagery to my audience
    • ideas that are original 
    • hooked my audience with the impact of my opening paragraph and held their interest
    • used my eyes, facial expression and body gestures to enhance my speech
    • good volume, pace and pitch in my voice
    • left my audience with something to think about


    Tuesday S3 :continue writing your speech - check in where you are at with Mrs Clansey.

    You may like to 'run' your speech topic past a buddy for some feedback and feed forward

    Thursday S2:  We begin with class photos - we'll head there at 9.40am after roll call :o). Then speeches - time to write...

    Friday S5: Home for lunch, let the holidays begin!

  • 8 July - 14 July

    Morena 7F1,

    It is a great chance to relax and read a great book especially with the weather not being too brilliant! Hope you manage to get out and about with family and friends :o)

  • 15 July - 21 July

    Enjoy week 2 of our winter holiday break! How is your Reading Plus and Maths Buddy going? 

  • 22 July - 28 July

    Kia ora 7F1,

    How are your speeches going?  We are getting close to presenting them to our classmates/peers. Check your English book for the 10 ticks of speeches!

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    • speak clearly and confidently in a range of situations
    • deliver a formal speech that generates audience interest
    • use voice modulation, eye contact, body gestures and vocal interest 
    • realise the importance of developing skills of public speaking

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • organised my material and developed my main points
    • chosen words to enhance imagery to my audience
    • ideas that are original 
    • hooked my audience with the impact of my opening paragraph and held their interest
    • used my eyes, facial expression and body gestures to enhance my speech
    • good volume, pace and pitch in my voice
    • left my audience with something to think about


    Tuesday S3: CHECK your 10 points on the checklist...

    • Introduction written
    • 3 main points decided
    • 3 main points written in your template
    • conclusion written
    • read speech to yourself and edit
    • write it in your English book
    • learn it as much as you can
    • make cue cards
    • practice saying to a buddy, school mate, home

    Thursday S2: speeches as above continued - where are you at, we will be presenting next week!

    Friday S5: Library session


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING to present a 3 minute speech so that we can practice our oral language.

  • 29 July - 4 August

    I am very much looking forward to listening to your speeches. You are now ready to present your speech to your classmates and to me.

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    • speak clearly and confidently in a range of situations
    • deliver a formal speech that generates audience interest
    • use voice modulation, eye contact, body gestures and vocal interest 
    • realise the importance of developing skills of public speaking

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • organised my material and developed my main points
    • chosen words to enhance imagery to my audience
    • ideas that are original 
    • hooked my audience with the impact of my opening paragraph and held their interest
    • used my eyes, facial expression and body gestures to enhance my speech
    • good volume, pace and pitch in my voice
    • left my audience with something to think about


    Tuesday S3: SLC day - a chance to practice your speeches at home

    Thursday S2: A chance to polish my speech -  7 presentations today.

    Friday S5: I am at SEZ Netball all day today -
    1. Read the poem, glue it in your English Book. Answer the 12 questions and glue them in your English book.
    2. Complete 3 comprehension cards from the boxes  - write the name of the story and your answers in your English book. You may choose from any of the boxes - please make sure you put the cards back in the right box
    Follow up: one more practice at home "practice makes perfect" (all of your outstanding speeches will be heard next week)


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING to present a 3 minute speech so that we can practice our oral language.

  • 5 August - 11 August

    Kia ora 7F1,

    I am in Wellington this week at a conference. We have completed digital Compass and I thought we would take a look at this new programme Digital Connections - go to this site and see how you get on - looking forward to your feedback on Friday!

    Tuesday S3: Click on the link to digital connections and complete the interactive video tasks Digital Connections - use headphones please :o)

    Thursday S2: If you have not yet presented your speech, please practice with a buddy who has presented so that you are ready when Mrs Clansey is back on Friday!

    Friday S5: Library session - I will be there :o) Meet at the library at 1.50pm.

  • 12 August - 18 August

    Kia ora 7F1,

    We have a week of speeches ahead!!! Everyone will be heard this week :o)

    Tuesday S3: 8 speeches and follow up peer assessments.

    Thursday S2: 8 more speeches and follow up peer assessment

    Friday S5: The remaining speeches and peer assessments.


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING to present a 3 minute speech so that we can practice our oral language.

  • 19 August - 25 August

    Thank you to everyone - I thought you were an appreciative audience, it is not easy to speak in front of your peers! Well done with your peer assessment google forms!

    We move on to our film study this week -you have been involved in the Olympics at school and English now joins in our context as we view " Cool Runnings"

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    •Integrate sources of information, processes, and strategies confidently to identify, form, and express ideas using a visual text (movie)

    •explore the context/ themes of the movie in relation to our lives today especially our Olympic Games athletes

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • use prior knowledge and research to understand the setting of the movie
    • summarise the story using key words and facts - note taking
    • identify themes in the movie and write about them
    • identify main characters and describe their role on the movie
    • understand how comedy is created in the film


    Tuesday S3: Olympic Games: NZ have just had a very successful Olympic Games campaign - complete the reading on google classroom and the tasks that follow.
    Choose a NZ  athlete that you are interested in finding out more about and write using the SEXY template to tell your classmates about your athlete. Use this link to support your writing. NZ Athletes, Paris 2024

    Thursday S2: Olympic Games: 
    Background information for Cool Runnings. Google classroom document to research questions,   choose 3 points to research and share information - map work, what can you learn from this movie? notes in English book 

    Friday S5:  Library session to renew, return, browse and read your novels.


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING finding themes in a movie and integrating those themes with our 'Olympic Games' context
    • We are EXPLORING how to empathise with characters in a movie and discover how the story moves through the characters actions

  • 26 August - 1 September

    This week we spend 2 sessions watching "COOL RUNNINGS"

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    •Integrate sources of information, processes, and strategies confidently to identify, form, and express ideas using a visual text (movie)

    •explore the context/ themes of the movie in relation to our lives today especially our Commonwealth Games athletes

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • use prior knowledge and research to understand the setting of the movie
    • summarise the story using key words and facts - note taking
    • identify themes in the movie and write about them
    • identify main characters and describe their role on the movie
    • understand how comedy is created in the film

    Tuesday S3: Complete google classroom tasks and paragraph in your English book

    Thursday S2: Key points in your English book and beginning to view Cool Runnings

    Friday S5: Viewing 'Cool Runnings'


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING finding themes in a movie and integrating those themes with our 'Olympic Games' context
    • We are EXPLORING how to empathise with characters in a movie and discover how the story moves through the characters actions

  • 2 September - 8 September

    Welcome to week 7! We complete our movie viewing this week.

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    •Integrate sources of information, processes, and strategies confidently to identify, form, and express ideas using a visual text (movie)

    •explore the context/ themes of the movie in relation to our lives today especially our Olympic Games athletes

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • use prior knowledge and research to understand the setting of the movie
    • summarise the story using key words and facts - note taking
    • identify themes in the movie and write about them
    • identify main characters and describe their role on the movie
    • understand how comedy is created in the film

    Tuesday S3: complete viewing of 'Cool Runnings' movie. 

    Thursday Session 2: Complete Background information task for Cool Runnings. Google classroom document to research questions,   choose 3 points to research and share information - map work, what can you learn from this movie? notes in English book.

    Friday S5: Library session - return books, browse for recommended reads and issue a new novel.

    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING on identifying the main characters to describe their how their actions compare with each other
    • We are FOCUSING on discussing the themes from Cool Runnings and clarifying how they apply to our "Higher, Faster, Stronger Together" context
    • We are FOCUSING on responding to key scenes in the movie and choosing the resolutions that we think are appropriate.

  • 9 September - 15 September

    This week I am in Tauranga with Miss Young and the AIMs Netball Team!

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    •Integrate sources of information, processes, and strategies confidently to identify, form, and express ideas using a visual text (movie)•explore the context/ themes of the movie in relation to our lives today especially our Olympic Games athletes

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • use prior knowledge and research to understand the setting of the movie
    • summarise the story using key words and facts - note taking
    • identify themes in the movie and write about them
    • identify main characters and describe their role on the movie
    • understand how comedy is created in the film


    Tuesday S3: Do the 8 film study questions then complete the task on google classroom about the main characters - the frame work is already there for you.
    complete the 'Comedy, Resilience and diary of Derice' sections in the google classroom document "COOL RUNNINGS"

    Thursday Session 2: 
    carry on from last session then the second task on Google Classroom using "COOL RUNNINGS"
    Fast finishers - reading plus, e-passport, evidence for your holistic report... 

    Friday S5: Camera shots and Angles - tasks and information on google classroom - go to google classroom and open the Camera Shots and Angles  - there is plenty of information to help you and there are two tasks to complete - see you on Monday morning!
    I have also put the full movie on google classroom for you to choose the shots and angles from - you may use headphones if you need :o)

    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING to practise our reading and viewing skills so that we can publish a document on google classroom that demonstrates our understanding of a visual text.

  • 16 September - 22 September

    This week we have a mixture of English tasks to complete.

    Tuesday S3: 1. Check that all last week's google classroom tasks are completed and turned in - that is: 2 tasks about the movie "Cool Runnings" and 1 task about camera angles and shots.
                                                 2. Reading Plus - do at least 2 Se Readers - I have just looked and almost everyone's See readers are blank for this week and there is no Wednesday at school this week so it would be good to get a head start. 
                                                  3. look at your holistic website and check that you are ready for Wednesday's booking to have ticks added for stage 1 - support others if you have completed stage 1.

    Thursday S2: Library scavenger hunt posted to google classroom.

    Friday S5:  Library session has been booked - students usually meet outside the library at 1.50pm. Call the roll in the library and give students 15 mins to browse and settle silently with their books. It is the final library session for term 3 so students should have chosen a holiday novel and returned the novels they have out.


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING to practise our reading and viewing skills so that we can publish a document on google classroom that demonstrates our understanding of a visual text.

  • 23 September - 28 September

    Kia ora 7F1,

    Welcome to week 10! We are going to be introduced to the term 4 context on Tuesday using school journals, then to the final writing piece for year 7 on Thursday so that you can have some thoughts over the holidays :o)

    Tuesday S3: All to be done in English books.

     There are loads of school journals, some in boxes, in one of the bottom cupboards along the front of the room - please get them all out and each student can choose 3 journals. Hand out the English books - in a tray in one of the bottom cupboards - students know where they are.
    1. Find the play in the journal, what page is it on?
    2. Write the title of the play in your English book. 
    3. Write the characters in the play in your English book
    4. Read the whole play and write a few sentences summarising the plot in the play in your English book
    5. Write one sentence saying if it is a play you would like to perform in a group and why.
    Then repeat with 2 other journals of your choice.

    Thursday S2: Writing to DESCRIBE and EXPLAIN
    1. Look at the topic and research aspects that you may like to write about in term 4.
    2. Read exemplars on google classroom and note down in books some of the key aspects of the text type - EXPLAIN
    Biggest environmental problems - here is a useful link for you to use in your research

  • 30 September - 6 October

    Enjoy an extremely well deserved holiday with your families! Please stay safe wherever you are and whatever you are doing in the school holidays.

  • 7 October - 13 October

    It is a lovely opportunity this week to spend time helping at home, getting out and about in the spring sunshine and reading a book for pleasure! I am looking forward to catching up with all of you in term 4 :o)

  • 14 October - 20 October

    Kia ora 7F1,

    Welcome to term 4 - we begin with our final writing assessment for the year. 

    Write to describe one environmental problem, and explain what people do to reduce its impact on the planet.

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    • structure our writing to describe and explain to readers 
    • use a variety of sentences in our sentences
    • complete a MHJC piece of writing 
    Success Criteria: I can/have...
    • written a topic sentence that describes an environmental issue
    • support my description with an explanation
    • provided details to support my explanation
    • concluded with sentences that sums up everything and states what can be done to help i
    • read the formula for describe and explain writing

    Tuesday S3: Brainstorm as a class ideas to write about, take notes and prepare for writing - put your ideas into your booklet - this part won't be marked. Environmental Issues brainstorm

    Thursday S2: 60 minutes of writing in your booklet.

    Friday S5: Library session - return your holiday novels, browse genre shelves and choose new novels to read.

  • 21 October - 27 October

    This term we explore the context of Festivals and Celebrations. We'll begin with Halloween which is on October 31st.

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    • identify vocabulary about halloween
    • respond to the history of 'trick and treat'
    • take notes in our books 
    • realise the importance of understanding history of festivals and celebrations

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • defined the key vocabulary 
    • read the articles relating to festivals
    • respond to understand using the articles


    1. Tuesday S3: Read together the article on google classroom "Halloween Traditions - write the key vocab in your English book with meanings to show you understand.
    2. Thursday S2: complete the comprehension task on google classroom - Halloween Traditions. Introduction to epic website for reading - class code is epw 3187
    3. Friday S5: TOD - use the time to read your novel or complete Reading Plus :o)
    Follow up: Are you up to date with your Reading Plus and Maths Buddy

    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING recognising vocabulary associated with specific festivals
    • We are EXPLORING investigating the history and importance of festivals and celebrations
    • We are EXPLORING connecting the structure of our writing to persuade readers of our point of view about a topic

  • 28 October - 3 November

    This week begins with a Public Holiday - Labour Day - it celebrates the 40 hour working week in NZ.

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    • summarise using a selection of sources including online sources
    • use a variety of sentences in our sentences
    • increase our vocabulary around festivals and celebrations
    Success Criteria: I can/have...
    • critically viewed the youtube clip about "Diwali"
    • used festival and celebration vocabulary in my writing
    • provided details to support my answers using correct grammar and punctuation


    Tuesday S3: view the Diwali clip, read a selection on EPIC about 'The festival of Lights'

    Thursday S2 : Library session - returning, browsing, selecting, issuing and reading 
    Friday S5: Athletics Day! You will either be at the track competing or at school doing great fun tabloid sports activities :o)

    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING recognising vocabulary associated with specific festivals
    • We are EXPLORING investigating the history and importance of festivals and celebrations
    • We are EXPLORING connecting the structure of our writing to persuade readers of our point of view about a topic

  • 4 November - 10 November

    What do you know about the origins of November 5? Have you heard of Guy Fawkes? Fireworks and gun powder?

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    • summarise using a selection of sources including online sources
    • use a variety of sentences in our sentences
    • increase our vocabulary around festivals and celebrations
    Success Criteria: I can/have...
    • critically viewed the youtube clip about "Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot"
    • used festival and celebration vocabulary in my writing
    • provided details to support my answers using correct grammar and punctuation


    Tuesday S3: 1Nouns -a refresher in grammar -google classroom - explain on whiteboard first.
    2. complete the reading of Fireworks and Guy Fawkes on google classroom
    Thursday S2 : view the youtube clips clips about 'Guy Fawkes' and write your own paragraph using several sources of information.
    Friday S5: choose your group and play to begin to prepare for a performance

    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING recognising vocabulary associated with specific festivals
    • We are EXPLORING investigating the history and importance of festivals and celebrations
    • We are EXPLORING connecting the structure of our writing to persuade readers of our point of view about a topic

  • 11 November - 17 November

    Kia ora 7F1, This week we will focus on your oral language and working on the play you are going to perform in your group.

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    • use a variety of sentence structures, beginnings, and lengths during dramatic performance
    • use oral and visual language features to create meaning and effect and engage interest
    • form and express ideas and information with increased clarity, drawing on a range of sources
    • convey and sustain personal voice where appropriate in dramatic performance.
    •  gain a developing understanding of the connections between oral, written, and visual language

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • Read a selection of school journal plays with understanding as a group
    • take part in a selection process as a group


    Tuesday S3: Choose your play and your group - try to work with students you have never worked with before - perhaps groups of 5 will work for each play

    choose the play you want to perform

    read the play all together and decide on parts to play

    Thursday S2: Continue from Tuesday - learn your lines and re read as a group. Complete nouns and pronouns and punctuating sentences on google classroom.

    Friday S5: Library session - return all of your books - you may browse and read this session but no issuing as the library will be stocktaking next week.


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING on developing oral language to select characters in a play
    • We are FOCUSING on responding to a play by choosing groups to enhance our oral language

  • 18 November - 24 November

    Kia ora 7F1,

    This week we enjoy performances of the plays we have been practising :o)

    Learning Intentions: We are learning to (WALT)...

    • use a variety of sentence structures, beginnings, and lengths during dramatic performance
    • use oral and visual language features to create meaning and effect and engage interest
    • form and express ideas and information with increased clarity, drawing on a range of sources
    • convey and sustain personal voice where appropriate in dramatic performance.
    •  gain a developing understanding of the connections between oral, written, and visual language

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • Read a selection of school journal plays with understanding as a group
    • take part in a selection process as a group


    Tuesday S3: 15 minutes to complete a practice Reading e-asTTle assessment in readiness for next week.

    15 minutes: A final chance to practice your play- Do you need any props that are simple and easy and enhance your performance? 

    20 minutes: We will see 3 plays performed this morning

    Thursday S2: Continue from Tuesday - we will see the other 3 plays performed.

    Friday S5: Our final library session for the year! Scavenger hunt and characters tasks to finish off our library visits.


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING and preparing to perform our play so that we can collaborate and share our finished product.

  • 25 November - 1 December

    This week you will have your final e-asTTle  reading assessment on Tuesday. Take a look at your results - I am sure you will be pleased to see improvements in your progress :o)

    Tuesday S3: e-asTTle Reading - log in and go ahead and complete the assessment!

    Thursday S2: The final 2 play performances from groups whose members were at athletics last week.

    Friday S5: Choices of tasks - digital compass, EPIC Reading site - your choice of high interest topics, complete Reading Plus, complete punctuation task on google classroom.


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING and preparing to perform our play so that we can collaborate and share our finished product.

  • 2 December - 8 December

    • use a variety of punctuation in our sentences
    • increase our vocabulary around festivals and celebrations
    Success Criteria: I can/have...
    • used festival and celebration vocabulary in my writing
    • provided details to support my answers using correct grammar and punctuation


    Tuesday S3: complete the task - 'Christmas' and read on the EPIC website.
    Thursday S2 : Champions Assembly - please make sure your uniforms are perfect as we celebrate our champions for the final time this year!
    Friday S5: BIG DAY OUT! Gravity and the movies! Enjoy!


    REFLECT / WHAIWHAKAARO learning intentions:

    • We are REFLECTING and reviewing 'Digital Compass' as a tool to conclude whether it challenged our digital practices.

  • 9 December - 15 December

    Kia ora 7F1,

    I will see you on Tuesday and Thursday in English, then at prize giving on Friday morning! Congratulations to all of our prize winners and to everyone for a great year 7! 

    Wishing all of you a lovely Christmas and a very restful summer holiday!

    Tuesday S3: continue with the Christmas task and reading - comprehension cards for fast finishers.