Weekly outline

  • General

    • Assignment icon

      The term 1 context for Wai Whanau’s year 7’s was He Waka Eke Noa: We are all in this Together. Our main goal was to help the year 7’s find their place at Mission Heights Junior College, while exploring their own identity. In Maths we have been looking at scales/äwhata, measurements/inenga roa and unit conversions. In PEH we have been learning about movement concepts and motor skills in the context of orienteering/tiawhe ararau. For this task students will be using their orienteering skills and methods of approximating length to navigate/whakatere a course set up at Mission Heights.

    • Assignment icon

      The term 3 context is "Kia Kaha: Strength and Spirit of Aotearoa." 

      This term, we will focus on the changes that occur during puberty and how to safely manage these changes in a healthy and positive way. Students will take part in discussion groups and the end of lesson tests to assess their knowledge and understanding.

      Students will also develop the skills needed for various athletics events in preparation for Term 4. As part of this, we will track and record our physical involvement, exploring the important connections between physical activity and wellbeing.  Students will keep a logbook and evaluation to track their progress and activities.

      Students will also identify and recognise risks and safe practices in athletics and other PEH activities/topics and learn how to make safe choices.  Students will be given various opportunities to identify and apply safe practices during physical activities.

  • W1 29 January - 4 February

  • W2 5 February - 11 February

    Welcome to 7PEH!

    This is where you will find your learning intentions, success criteria and activities for each week. (Check this on Monday's to be sure that you know what to expect for the coming week!)


    -Bring PE gear for every lesson (hats compulsory term 1 & 4).

    -Meet in W1 for roll, we will head down to get changed as a group.

    -PEH is a mixture of in class and practical sessions - be prepared for either.

    -Try your best! 100% Participation!


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING … personal identity by… discovering qualities of myself and those around me.
    • We are EXPLORING … Connections by… participating in a range of games

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    Participate in getting to know each other games

    Describe myself and my interests

    Apply the PEH class expectations during all lessons

    Develop connections with classmates


    • Intro to PEH slides
    • Groups - using cards
    • A Great Class - Brainstorm
    • Name Toss ABL, Mingle
    • Hakarirki, Turbo Touch, or Other
  • W3 12 February - 18 February

    Welcome to 7PEH!

    This is where you will find your learning intentions, success criteria and activities for each week. (Check this on Monday's to be sure that you know what to expect for the coming week!)


    -Bring PE gear for every lesson (hats compulsory term 1 & 4).

    -Meet in W1 for roll, we will head down to get changed as a group.

    -PEH is a mixture of in class and practical sessions - be prepared for either.

    -Try your best! 100% Participation!


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING … personal identity by… discovering qualities of myself and those around me.
    • We are EXPLORING … Connections by… participating in a range of games

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    Participate in getting to know each other games

    Describe myself and my interests

    Apply the PEH class expectations during all lessons

    Develop connections with classmates


    • Intro to PEH slides
    • Groups - using cards
    • A Great Class - Brainstorm
    • Name Toss ABL, Mingle
    • Hakarirki, Turbo Touch, or Other
  • W4 19 February - 25 February


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...connections by... participating in a range of cooperative, team, and ABL games.
    • We are EXPLORING...personal identity by... discovering qualities of myself and those around me.
    • We are EXPLORING...health and safety (personal well-being) by... analysing the risks in the environment (outdoor activities)
    • We are EXPLORING... our school and local area by... locating our position on a map and navigating learning the fundamentals of orienteering.

    Monday: Health - Personal Identity Activities, Title Page, Name Video, Whanowhano, Intro to Orienteering


    Health:  Relationships & Intro to Hauora

    PEH - Benchball, Multi Sport, ABL Games

    PEH - Softball - Fielding activities



  • W5 26 February - 3 March


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...connections by... participating in a range of cooperative, team, and ABL games.
    • We are EXPLORING...personal identity by... discovering qualities of myself and those around me.
    • We are EXPLORING...health and safety (personal well-being) by... analysing the risks in the environment (outdoor activities)
    • We are EXPLORING... our school and local area by... locating our position on a map and navigating learning the fundamentals of orienteering.

    Monday: Health - Personal Identity Activities, Title Page, Name Video, Whanowhano, Intro to Orienteering


    Health:  Relationships & Intro to Hauora #2

    PEH - Multi Sport, ABL Games

    PEH - Softball - Fielding activities #2

  • W6 4 March - 10 March


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...connections by... participating in a range of cooperative, team, and ABL games.
    • We are EXPLORING...personal identity by... discovering qualities of myself and those around me.
    • We are EXPLORING...health and safety (personal well-being) by... analysing the risks in the environment (outdoor activities)
    • We are EXPLORING... our school and local area by... locating our position on a map and navigating learning the fundamentals of orienteering.

    Monday: Health - Personal Identity Activities, Title Page, Name Video, Whanowhano, Intro to Orienteering


    Health:  Relationships & Intro to Hauora

    PEH - Benchball, Multi Sport, ABL Games

    PEH - Orienteering #1

  • W7 11 March - 17 March


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING... on personal identity and relationships with other people by ... participating in class discussion / activity and describing the different types of relationships within friends, family, school and wider community.

    Health:  Camp Prep

    PEH - Camp Week

    PEH - Camp Week

  • W8 18 March - 24 March


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING... on personal identity and relationships with other people by ... participating in class discussion / activity and describing the different types of relationships within friends, family, school and wider community.

    Course work and activities:

    Health:  Camp Reflection - relationship / team building

    PEH -Orienteering #2

    PEH - Softball - Fielding, Striking

  • W9 25 March - 31 March


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING... on personal identity and relationships with other people by ... participating in class discussion / activity and describing the different types of relationships within friends, family, school and wider community.

    Course work and activities:

    Health:  Relationships & Hauora

    PEH - Orienteering

    PEH - Softball - Fielding, Striking and mini game

  • W10 1 April - 7 April


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING... on personal identity and relationships with other people by ... participating in class discussion / activity and describing the different types of relationships within friends, family, school and wider community.

    Health:  Relationships &  Hauora

    PEH - Orienteering

    PEH - Softball - Fielding, Striking and Mini Game

  • W11 8 April - 14 April


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING... on personal identity and relationships with other people by ... participating in class discussion / activity and describing the different types of relationships within friends, family, school and wider community.

    Health:  Relationships &  Hauora

    PEH - Orienteering

    PEH - Softball - Fielding, Striking and Mini Game

  • Holidays 15 April - 21 April

  • Holidays 22 April - 28 April

  • T2 W1 29 April - 5 May

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    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING... Environmental Sustainability by taking part in nature/ecology walks in local parks/reserves (i.e. Plant identification and park cleanups).
    • We are EXPLORING... the connection between Hauora, Wellbeing and Nature by looking at how our lifestyle choices can impact on the environment.
    • We are EXPLORING...

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    Classroom: - All About Me Presentations
    Practical #1: - Hockey (Intro)
    Practical #2: - Multisport
  • T2 W2 6 May - 12 May

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    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING... Environmental Sustainability by taking part in nature/ecology walks in local parks/reserves (i.e. Plant identification and park cleanups).
    • We are EXPLORING... the connection between Hauora, Wellbeing and Nature by looking at how our lifestyle choices can impact on the environment.
    • We are EXPLORING...

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    Classroom: - All About Me Presentations

    Practical #1: - Hockey #2

    Practical #2: - Orienteering and Game

  • T2 W3 13 May - 19 May

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    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING... Environmental Sustainability by taking part in nature/ecology walks in local parks/reserves (i.e. Plant identification and park cleanups).
    • We are EXPLORING... the connection between Hauora, Wellbeing and Nature by looking at how our lifestyle choices can impact on the environment.
    • We are EXPLORING ... personal safety by… recognising the role Hauora and well being play in our everyday life.
    • We are EXPLORING... personal health & wellbeing … recognising the benefits of physical activity.

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    Classroom: -Te Whare Tapa Wha (introduction

    Practical #1: - Hockey #3

    Practical #2: - Orienteering Prep and Game / Fitness for Cross Country

  • T2 W4 20 May - 26 May


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING... Environmental Sustainability by taking part in nature/ecology walks in local parks/reserves (i.e. Plant identification and park cleanups).
    • We are EXPLORING... the connection between Hauora, Wellbeing and Nature by looking at how our lifestyle choices can impact on the environment.
    • We are EXPLORING ... personal safety by… recognising the role Hauora and well being play in our everyday life.
    • We are EXPLORING... personal health & wellbeing … recognising the benefits of physical activity.

    Enter text here...


    Classroom: - All About Me Presentations and Tread Lightly

    Practical #1: - Hockey #2

    Practical #2: - Orienteering Prep and Game / Fitness for Cross Country

  • T2 W5 27 May - 2 June


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING... Environmental Sustainability by taking part in nature/ecology walks in local parks/reserves (i.e. Plant identification and park cleanups).
    • We are EXPLORING... the connection between Hauora, Wellbeing and Nature by looking at how our lifestyle choices can impact on the environment.
    • We are EXPLORING ... personal safety by… recognising the role Hauora and well being play in our everyday life.
    • We are EXPLORING... personal health & wellbeing … recognising the benefits of physical activity.

    PEH: Lesson 1

    Classroom: - Orienteering / Measurement Assessment

    Learning Intentions

    Orienteering Skills

    Students will understand how to read and interpret maps.

    Students will learn to use a compass for navigation.

    Students will develop problem-solving and decision-making skills in an outdoor environment.

    Students will understand the importance of teamwork and communication in orienteering.

    Measurement Skills

    Students will learn to accurately measure distance using various methods (e.g., pacing, map scales).

    Students will understand how to calculate area and perimeter in practical contexts.

    Students will apply knowledge of different units of measurement and convert between them.

    Pono (Integrity/Honesty): Students will understand the importance of integrity - by following the course and recording their measurements honestly.

    Awhinatanga (Support/Helping): Students will support and help their peers during the orienteering activity.

    Ako (Learning/Teaching): Students will learn from the activity and each other.

    Wānanga (Discussion/Engagement): Students will participate in discussions and problem-solving sessions to enhance their understanding of orienteering and measurement.

    Practical #2:

    Learning Intentions

    Basketball Lesson:

    Students will learn the basic rules and objectives of basketball.

    Students will develop fundamental skills such as dribbling, passing, shooting, and defending.

    Students will understand the importance of teamwork and communication in basketball.

    Physical Fitness and Coordination

    Students will improve their physical fitness through basketball drills and activities.

    Students will enhance their hand-eye coordination and overall motor skills.

    Sportsmanship and Values

    Students will understand and demonstrate sportsmanship, including fair play and respect for others.

    Students will learn to apply the values of Pono (integrity), Awhinatanga (support), Ako (learning), and Wānanga (engagement) in a sports setting.

    Success Criteria

    Fundamental Basketball Skills

    Students can explain the basic rules and objectives of basketball.

    Students can effectively dribble the basketball using both hands while moving.

    Students can accurately pass the basketball to teammates using chest, bounce, and overhead passes.

    Students can shoot the basketball with correct form from various distances.

    Students demonstrate basic defensive skills, such as staying low and keeping their eyes on the opponent.

    Physical Fitness and Coordination

    Students participate actively in drills and activities designed to improve their fitness levels.

    Students show improvement in hand-eye coordination and motor skills through basketball exercises.

    Sportsmanship and Values

    Students exhibit sportsmanship by playing fairly and respecting the rules and their peers.

    Students demonstrate integrity (Pono) by following the rules and being honest in their gameplay.

    Students support their teammates (Awhinatanga) by encouraging and helping each other during activities.

    Students engage in learning (Ako) by actively participating in drills and asking questions to improve their skills.

    Students participate in discussions and reflective sessions (Wānanga) about their experiences and learning during the lesson.

    LESSON 3

    Teacher Only Day

  • T2 W6 3 June - 9 June


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING... Environmental Sustainability by taking part in nature/ecology walks in local parks/reserves (i.e. Plant identification and park cleanups).
    • We are EXPLORING... the connection between Hauora, Wellbeing and Nature by looking at how our lifestyle choices can impact on the environment.
    • We are EXPLORING ... personal safety by… recognising the role Hauora and well being play in our everyday life.
    • We are EXPLORING... personal health & wellbeing … recognising the benefits of physical activity.

    PEH: Lesson 1

    Classroom: - Orienteering / Measurement Assessment

    Learning Intentions

    Orienteering Skills

    Students will understand how to read and interpret maps.

    Students will learn to use a compass for navigation.

    Students will develop problem-solving and decision-making skills in an outdoor environment.

    Students will understand the importance of teamwork and communication in orienteering.

    Measurement Skills

    Students will learn to accurately measure distance using various methods (e.g., pacing, map scales).

    Students will understand how to calculate area and perimeter in practical contexts.

    Students will apply knowledge of different units of measurement and convert between them.

    Pono (Integrity/Honesty): Students will understand the importance of integrity - by following the course and recording their measurements honestly.

    Awhinatanga (Support/Helping): Students will support and help their peers during the orienteering activity.

    Ako (Learning/Teaching): Students will learn from the activity and each other.

    Wānanga (Discussion/Engagement): Students will participate in discussions and problem-solving sessions to enhance their understanding of orienteering and measurement.

    Practical #2:

    Learning Intentions

    Basketball Lesson:

    Students will learn the basic rules and objectives of basketball.

    Students will develop fundamental skills such as dribbling, passing, shooting, and defending.

    Students will understand the importance of teamwork and communication in basketball.

    Physical Fitness and Coordination

    Students will improve their physical fitness through basketball drills and activities.

    Students will enhance their hand-eye coordination and overall motor skills.

    Sportsmanship and Values

    Students will understand and demonstrate sportsmanship, including fair play and respect for others.

    Students will learn to apply the values of Pono (integrity), Awhinatanga (support), Ako (learning), and Wānanga (engagement) in a sports setting.

    Success Criteria

    Fundamental Basketball Skills

    Students can explain the basic rules and objectives of basketball.

    Students can effectively dribble the basketball using both hands while moving.

    Students can accurately pass the basketball to teammates using chest, bounce, and overhead passes.

    Students can shoot the basketball with correct form from various distances.

    Students demonstrate basic defensive skills, such as staying low and keeping their eyes on the opponent.

    Physical Fitness and Coordination

    Students participate actively in drills and activities designed to improve their fitness levels.

    Students show improvement in hand-eye coordination and motor skills through basketball exercises.

    Sportsmanship and Values

    Students exhibit sportsmanship by playing fairly and respecting the rules and their peers.

    Students demonstrate integrity (Pono) by following the rules and being honest in their gameplay.

    Students support their teammates (Awhinatanga) by encouraging and helping each other during activities.

    Students engage in learning (Ako) by actively participating in drills and asking questions to improve their skills.

    Students participate in discussions and reflective sessions (Wānanga) about their experiences and learning during the lesson.

    LESSON 3

    Cross Country Training 

  • T2 W7 10 June - 16 June


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING... Environmental Sustainability by taking part in nature/ecology walks in local parks/reserves (i.e. Plant identification and park cleanups).
    • We are EXPLORING... the connection between Hauora, Wellbeing and Nature by looking at how our lifestyle choices can impact on the environment.
    • We are EXPLORING ... personal safety by… recognising the role Hauora and well being play in our everyday life.
    • We are EXPLORING... personal health & wellbeing … recognising the benefits of physical activity.

    PEH: Lesson 1

    Classroom: - Orienteering / Measurement Assessment

    Learning Intentions

    Orienteering Skills

    Students will understand how to read and interpret maps.

    Students will learn to use a compass for navigation.

    Students will develop problem-solving and decision-making skills in an outdoor environment.

    Students will understand the importance of teamwork and communication in orienteering.

    Measurement Skills

    Students will learn to accurately measure distance using various methods (e.g., pacing, map scales).

    Students will understand how to calculate area and perimeter in practical contexts.

    Students will apply knowledge of different units of measurement and convert between them.

    Pono (Integrity/Honesty): Students will understand the importance of integrity - by following the course and recording their measurements honestly.

    Awhinatanga (Support/Helping): Students will support and help their peers during the orienteering activity.

    Ako (Learning/Teaching): Students will learn from the activity and each other.

    Wānanga (Discussion/Engagement): Students will participate in discussions and problem-solving sessions to enhance their understanding of orienteering and measurement.

    Practical #2:

    Learning Intentions

    Basketball Lesson:

    Students will learn the basic rules and objectives of basketball.

    Students will develop fundamental skills such as dribbling, passing, shooting, and defending.

    Students will understand the importance of teamwork and communication in basketball.

    Physical Fitness and Coordination

    Students will improve their physical fitness through basketball drills and activities.

    Students will enhance their hand-eye coordination and overall motor skills.

    Sportsmanship and Values

    Students will understand and demonstrate sportsmanship, including fair play and respect for others.

    Students will learn to apply the values of Pono (integrity), Awhinatanga (support), Ako (learning), and Wānanga (engagement) in a sports setting.

    Success Criteria

    Fundamental Basketball Skills

    Students can explain the basic rules and objectives of basketball.

    Students can effectively dribble the basketball using both hands while moving.

    Students can accurately pass the basketball to teammates using chest, bounce, and overhead passes.

    Students can shoot the basketball with correct form from various distances.

    Students demonstrate basic defensive skills, such as staying low and keeping their eyes on the opponent.

    Physical Fitness and Coordination

    Students participate actively in drills and activities designed to improve their fitness levels.

    Students show improvement in hand-eye coordination and motor skills through basketball exercises.

    Sportsmanship and Values

    Students exhibit sportsmanship by playing fairly and respecting the rules and their peers.

    Students demonstrate integrity (Pono) by following the rules and being honest in their gameplay.

    Students support their teammates (Awhinatanga) by encouraging and helping each other during activities.

    Students engage in learning (Ako) by actively participating in drills and asking questions to improve their skills.

    Students participate in discussions and reflective sessions (Wānanga) about their experiences and learning during the lesson.

    LESSON 3

    Cross Country Training 

  • T2 W8 17 June - 23 June


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING... Environmental Sustainability by taking part in nature/ecology walks in local parks/reserves (i.e. Plant identification and park cleanups).
    • We are EXPLORING... the connection between Hauora, Wellbeing and Nature by looking at how our lifestyle choices can impact on the environment.
    • We are EXPLORING ... personal safety by… recognising the role Hauora and well being play in our everyday life.
    • We are EXPLORING... personal health & wellbeing … recognising the benefits of physical activity.

    PEH: Lesson #1

    Learning Intentions for Te Whare Tapa Whā

    1. Descibe the Four Dimensions of Te Whare Tapa Whā:

       - Students will be able to name and describe the four dimensions of Te Whare Tapa Whā (taha tinana, taha wairua, taha hinengaro, and taha whānau).

    2. Recognise the Importance of Balanced Well-Being:

       - Students will be able to explain why it is important to balance all four dimensions of Te Whare Tapa Whā for overall health and well-being.

    3. Apply Te Whare Tapa Whā to Daily Life:

       - Students will be able to create and implement a plan that includes activities to support each of the four dimensions of well-being.

    Success Criteria for Te Whare Tapa Whā

    1. Identify and Describe: I can name and describe the four dimensions of Te Whare Tapa Whā.

    2. Illustrate: I can create a presentation that illustrates the four dimensions and how they support overall well-being.

    3. Examples: I can provide examples of activities or practices that support each of the four dimensions.

    4. Explain: I can explain why it is important to balance all four dimensions of Te Whare Tapa Whā for overall health and well-being.

    5. Self-Assessment: I can assess my own well-being by reflecting on how well I am looking after each of the four dimensions.

    6. Set Goals: I can set personal goals to improve my well-being in one or more of the four dimensions.

    7. Plan: I can create a weekly plan that includes activities to support each of the four dimensions of well-being.

    8. Reflect: I can reflect on my week and discuss how participating in these activities affected my overall well-being.

    9. Share: I can share my understanding and experiences of Te Whare Tapa Whā with my classmates, contributing to a class discussion or presentation.

    Practical #2:

    Learning Intentions

    Basketball Lesson:

    Students will learn the basic rules and objectives of basketball.

    Students will develop fundamental skills such as dribbling, passing, shooting, and defending.

    Students will understand the importance of teamwork and communication in basketball.

    Physical Fitness and Coordination

    Students will improve their physical fitness through basketball drills and activities.

    Students will enhance their hand-eye coordination and overall motor skills.

    Sportsmanship and Values

    Students will understand and demonstrate sportsmanship, including fair play and respect for others.

    Students will learn to apply the values of Pono (integrity), Awhinatanga (support), Ako (learning), and Wānanga (engagement) in a sports setting.

    Success Criteria

    Fundamental Basketball Skills

    Students can explain the basic rules and objectives of basketball.

    Students can effectively dribble the basketball using both hands while moving.

    Students can accurately pass the basketball to teammates using chest, bounce, and overhead passes.

    Students can shoot the basketball with correct form from various distances.

    Students demonstrate basic defensive skills, such as staying low and keeping their eyes on the opponent.

    Physical Fitness and Coordination

    Students participate actively in drills and activities designed to improve their fitness levels.

    Students show improvement in hand-eye coordination and motor skills through basketball exercises.

    Sportsmanship and Values

    Students exhibit sportsmanship by playing fairly and respecting the rules and their peers.

    Students demonstrate integrity (Pono) by following the rules and being honest in their gameplay.

    Students support their teammates (Awhinatanga) by encouraging and helping each other during activities.

    Students engage in learning (Ako) by actively participating in drills and asking questions to improve their skills.

    Students participate in discussions and reflective sessions (Wānanga) about their experiences and learning during the lesson.

    LESSON 3

    Cross Country Training 

    Learning Intentions for Cross Country Training 

    1. Develop Physical Fitness and Endurance:

       - Students will improve their cardiovascular fitness, strength, and stamina through regular cross-country training.

    2. Explore and Apply Training Techniques:

       - Students will learn and use various training techniques, such as pacing, interval training, and proper running form, to enhance their performance.

    3. Promote Teamwork and commit to fitness goals:

       - Students will develop a sense of teamwork and encourage each other to stay motivated and committed to their training goals.

  • T2 W9 24 June - 30 June


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING... Environmental Sustainability by taking part in nature/ecology walks in local parks/reserves (i.e. Plant identification and park cleanups).
    • We are EXPLORING... the connection between Hauora, Wellbeing and Nature by looking at how our lifestyle choices can impact on the environment.
    • We are EXPLORING ... personal safety by… recognising the role Hauora and well being play in our everyday life.
    • We are EXPLORING... personal health & wellbeing … recognising the benefits of physical activity.

    PEH: Lesson #1

    Learning Intentions for Te Whare Tapa Whā

    1. Descibe the Four Dimensions of Te Whare Tapa Whā:

       - Students will be able to name and describe the four dimensions of Te Whare Tapa Whā (taha tinana, taha wairua, taha hinengaro, and taha whānau).

    2. Recognise the Importance of Balanced Well-Being:

       - Students will be able to explain why it is important to balance all four dimensions of Te Whare Tapa Whā for overall health and well-being.

    3. Apply Te Whare Tapa Whā to Daily Life:

       - Students will be able to create and implement a plan that includes activities to support each of the four dimensions of well-being.

    Success Criteria for Te Whare Tapa Whā

    1. Identify and Describe: I can name and describe the four dimensions of Te Whare Tapa Whā.

    2. Illustrate: I can create a presentation that illustrates the four dimensions and how they support overall well-being.

    3. Examples: I can provide examples of activities or practices that support each of the four dimensions.

    4. Explain: I can explain why it is important to balance all four dimensions of Te Whare Tapa Whā for overall health and well-being.

    5. Self-Assessment: I can assess my own well-being by reflecting on how well I am looking after each of the four dimensions.

    6. Set Goals: I can set personal goals to improve my well-being in one or more of the four dimensions.

    7. Plan: I can create a weekly plan that includes activities to support each of the four dimensions of well-being.

    8. Reflect: I can reflect on my week and discuss how participating in these activities affected my overall well-being.

    9. Share: I can share my understanding and experiences of Te Whare Tapa Whā with my classmates, contributing to a class discussion or presentation.

    Practical #2:

    Learning Intentions

    Basketball Lesson:

    Students will learn the basic rules and objectives of basketball.

    Students will develop fundamental skills such as dribbling, passing, shooting, and defending.

    Students will understand the importance of teamwork and communication in basketball.

    Physical Fitness and Coordination

    Students will improve their physical fitness through basketball drills and activities.

    Students will enhance their hand-eye coordination and overall motor skills.

    Sportsmanship and Values

    Students will understand and demonstrate sportsmanship, including fair play and respect for others.

    Students will learn to apply the values of Pono (integrity), Awhinatanga (support), Ako (learning), and Wānanga (engagement) in a sports setting.

    Success Criteria

    Fundamental Basketball Skills

    Students can explain the basic rules and objectives of basketball.

    Students can effectively dribble the basketball using both hands while moving.

    Students can accurately pass the basketball to teammates using chest, bounce, and overhead passes.

    Students can shoot the basketball with correct form from various distances.

    Students demonstrate basic defensive skills, such as staying low and keeping their eyes on the opponent.

    Physical Fitness and Coordination

    Students participate actively in drills and activities designed to improve their fitness levels.

    Students show improvement in hand-eye coordination and motor skills through basketball exercises.

    Sportsmanship and Values

    Students exhibit sportsmanship by playing fairly and respecting the rules and their peers.

    Students demonstrate integrity (Pono) by following the rules and being honest in their gameplay.

    Students support their teammates (Awhinatanga) by encouraging and helping each other during activities.

    Students engage in learning (Ako) by actively participating in drills and asking questions to improve their skills.

    Students participate in discussions and reflective sessions (Wānanga) about their experiences and learning during the lesson.

    LESSON 3


  • T2 W10 1 July - 7 July


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING... Environmental Sustainability by taking part in nature/ecology walks in local parks/reserves (i.e. Plant identification and park cleanups).
    • We are EXPLORING... the connection between Hauora, Wellbeing and Nature by looking at how our lifestyle choices can impact on the environment.
    • We are EXPLORING ... personal safety by… recognising the role Hauora and well being play in our everyday life.
    • We are EXPLORING... personal health & wellbeing … recognising the benefits of physical activity.

    PEH: Lesson #1

    Learning Intentions for Te Whare Tapa Whā

    1. Descibe the Four Dimensions of Te Whare Tapa Whā:

       - Students will be able to name and describe the four dimensions of Te Whare Tapa Whā (taha tinana, taha wairua, taha hinengaro, and taha whānau).

    2. Recognise the Importance of Balanced Well-Being:

       - Students will be able to explain why it is important to balance all four dimensions of Te Whare Tapa Whā for overall health and well-being.

    3. Apply Te Whare Tapa Whā to Daily Life:

       - Students will be able to create and implement a plan that includes activities to support each of the four dimensions of well-being.

    Success Criteria for Te Whare Tapa Whā

    1. Identify and Describe: I can name and describe the four dimensions of Te Whare Tapa Whā.

    2. Illustrate: I can create a presentation that illustrates the four dimensions and how they support overall well-being.

    3. Examples: I can provide examples of activities or practices that support each of the four dimensions.

    4. Explain: I can explain why it is important to balance all four dimensions of Te Whare Tapa Whā for overall health and well-being.

    5. Self-Assessment: I can assess my own well-being by reflecting on how well I am looking after each of the four dimensions.

    6. Set Goals: I can set personal goals to improve my well-being in one or more of the four dimensions.

    7. Plan: I can create a weekly plan that includes activities to support each of the four dimensions of well-being.

    8. Reflect: I can reflect on my week and discuss how participating in these activities affected my overall well-being.

    9. Share: I can share my understanding and experiences of Te Whare Tapa Whā with my classmates, contributing to a class discussion or presentation.

    Practical #2:

    Learning Intentions

    Basketball Lesson:

    Students will learn the basic rules and objectives of basketball.

    Students will develop fundamental skills such as dribbling, passing, shooting, and defending.

    Students will understand the importance of teamwork and communication in basketball.

    Physical Fitness and Coordination

    Students will improve their physical fitness through basketball drills and activities.

    Students will enhance their hand-eye coordination and overall motor skills.

    Sportsmanship and Values

    Students will understand and demonstrate sportsmanship, including fair play and respect for others.

    Students will learn to apply the values of Pono (integrity), Awhinatanga (support), Ako (learning), and Wānanga (engagement) in a sports setting.

    Success Criteria

    Fundamental Basketball Skills

    Students can explain the basic rules and objectives of basketball.

    Students can effectively dribble the basketball using both hands while moving.

    Students can accurately pass the basketball to teammates using chest, bounce, and overhead passes.

    Students can shoot the basketball with correct form from various distances.

    Students demonstrate basic defensive skills, such as staying low and keeping their eyes on the opponent.

    Physical Fitness and Coordination

    Students participate actively in drills and activities designed to improve their fitness levels.

    Students show improvement in hand-eye coordination and motor skills through basketball exercises.

    Sportsmanship and Values

    Students exhibit sportsmanship by playing fairly and respecting the rules and their peers.

    Students demonstrate integrity (Pono) by following the rules and being honest in their gameplay.

    Students support their teammates (Awhinatanga) by encouraging and helping each other during activities.

    Students engage in learning (Ako) by actively participating in drills and asking questions to improve their skills.

    Students participate in discussions and reflective sessions (Wānanga) about their experiences and learning during the lesson.

    LESSON 3


  • Holidays - 8 July - 14 July

  • Holidays 15 July - 21 July

  • T3 W1 - 22 July - 28 July


    We are exploring the Olympic values and how they apply to sports and everyday life. 

    Learning Intentions:

    Develop Athletics Skills:

    To learn and improve basic athletics skills such as running, jumping, and throwing.

    Understand and Apply Rules:

    To understand the rules and techniques of various athletics events and apply them correctly.

  • T3 W2 29 July - 4 August


    We are exploring the Olympic values and how they apply to sports and everyday life. 

    Learning Intentions:

    Develop Athletics Skills:

    To learn and improve basic athletics skills such as running, jumping, and throwing.

    Understand and Apply Rules:

    To understand the rules and techniques of various athletics events and apply them correctly.


    PEH#1: - Pepeha and Wellbeing Presentations

    Numeracy: - Height of Mountains in Pepeha; Length of River etc

    Literacy: - Public Speaking; Peer Feedback

    Literacy - Reading and Understanding Health Information; Debates and Discussion to help develop critical thinking; 

    PEH#2: - Athletics Unit

    Literacy - Reflective Journal / Log Books; Peer Review and Feedback; Exploring and investigating Athletic Events and the skills involved.

    Numeracy - Measurement (Distance, Length, Height, Time etc); 

    PEH#3: -Health - RSE

    Literacy - Reading and Understanding Health Information; Debates and Discussion to help develop critical thinking; 

    Numeracy - Discuss average age ranges for various puberty milestones. Have students calculate averages and discuss variations.;   Nutritional Needs: Calculate nutritional requirements based on age, sex, and activity level. Discuss how these needs change during puberty.

  • T3 W3 5 August - 11 August


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...the Olympic values and how they apply to MHJC and everyday life.
    • We are EXPLORING...mental health and resilience in sport


    We are exploring the Olympic values and how they apply to sports and everyday life. 

    Learning Intentions:

    Develop Athletics Skills:

    To learn and improve basic athletics skills such as running, jumping, and throwing.

    Understand and Apply Rules:

    To understand the rules and techniques of various athletics events and apply them correctly.


    PEH#1: - Pepeha and Wellbeing Presentations

    Numeracy: - Height of Mountains in Pepeha; Length of River etc

    Literacy: - Public Speaking; Peer Feedback

    Literacy - Reading and Understanding Health Information; Debates and Discussion to help develop critical thinking; 

    PEH#2: - Athletics Unit

    Literacy - Reflective Journal / Log Books; Peer Review and Feedback; Exploring and investigating Athletic Events and the skills involved.

    Numeracy - Measurement (Distance, Length, Height, Time etc); 

    PEH#3: -Health - RSE

    Literacy - Reading and Understanding Health Information; Debates and Discussion to help develop critical thinking; 

    Numeracy - Discuss average age ranges for various puberty milestones. Have students calculate averages and discuss variations.;   Nutritional Needs: Calculate nutritional requirements based on age, sex, and activity level. Discuss how these needs change during puberty.

  • T3 W4 12 August - 18 August


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...the Olympic values and how they apply to MHJC and everyday life.
    • We are EXPLORING...mental health and resilience in sport


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING... a in-whānau mini olympics so that we can... promote the olympic values while participating in the activities.


    We are exploring the Olympic values and how they apply to sports and everyday life. 

    Learning Intentions:

    Develop Athletics Skills:

    To learn and improve basic athletics skills such as running, jumping, and throwing.

    Understand and Apply Rules:

    To understand the rules and techniques of various athletics events and apply them correctly.


    PEH#1: - Pepeha and Wellbeing Presentations

    Numeracy: - Height of Mountains in Pepeha; Length of River etc

    Literacy: - Public Speaking; Peer Feedback

    Literacy - Reading and Understanding Health Information; Debates and Discussion to help develop critical thinking; 

    PEH#2: - Athletics Unit

    Literacy - Reflective Journal / Log Books; Peer Review and Feedback; Exploring and investigating Athletic Events and the skills involved.

    Numeracy - Measurement (Distance, Length, Height, Time etc); 

    PEH#3: -Health - RSE

    Literacy - Reading and Understanding Health Information; Debates and Discussion to help develop critical thinking; 

    Numeracy - Discuss average age ranges for various puberty milestones. Have students calculate averages and discuss variations.;   Nutritional Needs: Calculate nutritional requirements based on age, sex, and activity level. Discuss how these needs change during puberty.

  • T3 W5 19 August - 25 August

    Enter text here...


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...the Olympic values and how they apply to MHJC and everyday life.
    • We are EXPLORING...mental health and resilience in sport

    Enter text here...

    Enter text here...


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING...developing and improving our movement skills in track and field events.

    Enter text here...

    Enter text here...


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING... a in-whānau mini olympics so that we can... promote the olympic values while participating in the activities.



    Field Events - Shot Put, Discus, High Jump


    Field Events - Shot Put, Discus, High Jump

    Literacy Skills:

    Students will improve their ability to follow and comprehend instructional texts and videos.

    Students will develop their note-taking and summarising skills.

    Students will practise writing clear and concise instructions.

    Students will engage in discussion, enhancing their speaking and listening skills.

    Numeracy Skills

    Students will develop an understanding of measurement concepts, including distance and angles.

    Students will practise calculating averages and analysing data.


    Health - RSE

    Literacy - Reading and Understanding Health Information; Debates and Discussion to help develop critical thinking; 

    *Reproductive System Female and Male

    *Physical Changes and how to deal with change.

    Numeracy - Discuss average age ranges for various puberty milestones. 

    Nutritional Needs: Calculate nutritional requirements based on age, sex, and activity level. Discuss how these needs change during puberty.

  • T3 W6 26 August - 1 September

    Enter text here...


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING...developing and improving our movement skills in track and field events.

    Enter text here...

    Enter text here...


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING... a in-whānau mini olympics so that we can... promote the olympic values while participating in the activities.



    Field Events - Shot Put, Discus, High Jump


    Field Events - Shot Put, Discus, High Jump

    Literacy Skills:

    Students will improve their ability to follow and comprehend instructional texts and videos.

    Students will develop their note-taking and summarising skills.

    Students will practise writing clear and concise instructions.

    Students will engage in discussion, enhancing their speaking and listening skills.

    Numeracy Skills

    Students will develop an understanding of measurement concepts, including distance and angles.

    Students will practise calculating averages and analysing data.


    Health - RSE

    Literacy - Reading and Understanding Health Information; Debates and Discussion to help develop critical thinking; 

    *Reproductive System Female and Male

    *Physical Changes and how to deal with change.

    Numeracy - Discuss average age ranges for various puberty milestones. 

    Nutritional Needs: Calculate nutritional requirements based on age, sex, and activity level. Discuss how these needs change during puberty.

  • T3 W7 2 September - 8 September

    Enter text here...


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING...developing and improving our movement skills in track and field events.

    Enter text here...

    Enter text here...


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING... a in-whānau mini olympics so that we can... promote the olympic values while participating in the activities.

    Enter text here...

    Enter text here...


    REFLECT / WHAIWHAKAARO learning intentions:

    • We are REFLECTING... on our training sessions during the tack and field events in order to assess, measure and critique our own performance.



    Field Events - Shot Put, Discus, High Jump


    Field Events - Shot Put, Discus, High Jump

    Literacy Skills:

    Students will improve their ability to follow and comprehend instructional texts and videos.

    Students will develop their note-taking and summarising skills.

    Students will practise writing clear and concise instructions.

    Students will engage in discussion, enhancing their speaking and listening skills.

    Numeracy Skills

    Students will develop an understanding of measurement concepts, including distance and angles.

    Students will practise calculating averages and analysing data.


    Health - RSE

    Literacy - Reading and Understanding Health Information; Debates and Discussion to help develop critical thinking; 

    *Reproductive System Female and Male

    *Physical Changes and how to deal with change.

    Numeracy - Discuss average age ranges for various puberty milestones. 

    Nutritional Needs: Calculate nutritional requirements based on age, sex, and activity level. Discuss how these needs change during puberty.

  • T3 W8 9 September - 15 September

    Enter text here...


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING...developing and improving our movement skills in track and field events.

    Enter text here...

    Enter text here...


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING... a in-whānau mini olympics so that we can... promote the olympic values while participating in the activities.

    Enter text here...

    Enter text here...


    REFLECT / WHAIWHAKAARO learning intentions:

    • We are REFLECTING... on our training sessions during the tack and field events in order to assess, measure and critique our own performance.

    Enter text here...

  • T3 W9 16 September - 22 September

    Enter text here...


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING... a in-whānau mini olympics so that we can... promote the olympic values while participating in the activities.

    Enter text here...

    Enter text here...


    REFLECT / WHAIWHAKAARO learning intentions:

    • We are REFLECTING... on our training sessions during the tack and field events in order to assess, measure and critique our own performance.

    Enter text here...

  • T3 W10 23 September - 28 September

    Enter text here...


    REFLECT / WHAIWHAKAARO learning intentions:

    • We are REFLECTING... on our training sessions during the tack and field events in order to assess, measure and critique our own performance.

    Enter text here...

  • HOLIDAYS 30 September - 6 October

  • HOLIDAYS 7 October - 13 October

  • T4 W1 14 October - 20 October

    Enter text here...


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING the Great Kiwi summer by reading stories, articles, poems based on different towns, cities and regions within Aotearoa, so that we can complete an advertisement about a potential road trip through Aotearoa.


    Lesson 1: Introduce New Zealand Road-trip

    Lesson 2:  Ki o Rahi

    Lesson 3: Athletics Prep

  • T4 W2 21 October - 27 October

    Enter text here...


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING the Great Kiwi summer by reading stories, articles, poems based on different towns, cities and regions within Aotearoa, so that we can complete an advertisement about a potential road trip through Aotearoa.


    Kickball Rounders and Cricket

    Learning Intentions:

    Understand the basic rules and strategies of Kickball Rounders and Non Stop Cricket.

    Success Criteria: I can explain the rules of both games and describe key strategies to help my team succeed.

    Work cooperatively in a team to play and improve skills in both games.

    Success Criteria: I can communicate effectively with my teammates, support them during play, and show good sportsmanship.

    Improve my hand-eye coordination and reaction skills while batting, fielding, and running.

    Success Criteria: I can hit or catch the ball more accurately and react quickly during gameplay, making better decisions while playing.


    Athletics Preparation

    Field Events - Shot Put, Discus, High Jump

    Literacy Skills:

    Students will improve their ability to follow and comprehend instructional texts and videos.

    Students will develop their note-taking and summarising skills.

    Students will practise writing clear and concise instructions.

    Students will engage in discussion, enhancing their speaking and listening skills.

    Numeracy Skills

    Students will develop an understanding of measurement concepts, including distance and angles.

    Students will practise calculating averages and analysing data.


    Classroom Based Lesson

    Literacy and Health and PE: Through reading and presenting about different regions in Aotearoa, students develop their literacy skills while reflecting on how these experiences promote wellbeing and physical activity, key aspects of Hauora.

    Reading and understanding: Figuring out what stories, articles, or texts are saying about being active and healthy.

    Thinking critically: Looking at how different activities or places help us feel good and stay healthy.

    Learning new words: Using health, fitness, and cultural words to talk about our wellbeing and physical activity.

    Writing clearly: Organizing your thoughts and explaining ideas well when making presentations or writing about the virtual road trip.

    Speaking and listening: Sharing your ideas in group discussions and presentations, and listening to others about how activities keep us healthy.

    Summarising: Picking out the most important ideas from what you read or discuss about health, physical activity, and new places.

    Numeracy and Health and PE: Students apply numeracy skills by calculating distances, travel times, and planning budgets for their virtual road trip, connecting these practical math tasks to physical movement and the logistics of maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle.

    Measuring and calculating: Working out distances, travel times, and how long it might take to do different activities.

    Budgeting: Planning how much money you might need for a trip, like working out costs for travel, food, and activities.

    Timing activities: Figuring out how long different physical activities take and how to fit them into your day.

    Tracking progress: Keeping track of things like how far you’ve walked or how much exercise you've done.

    Interpreting data: Looking at numbers and graphs about health, fitness, or travel, and understanding what they mean for your wellbeing.

  • T4 W3 28 October - 3 November


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING the Great Kiwi summer by reading stories, articles, poems based on different towns, cities and regions within Aotearoa, so that we can complete an advertisement about a potential road trip through Aotearoa.


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are focusing on a specific town and activity in New Zealand that interests us and explain how it represents a part of 'Kiwi culture.'


    Kickball Rounders and Cricket

    Learning Intentions:

    Understand the basic rules and strategies of Kickball Rounders and Non Stop Cricket.

    Success Criteria: I can explain the rules of both games and describe key strategies to help my team succeed.

    Work cooperatively in a team to play and improve skills in both games.

    Success Criteria: I can communicate effectively with my teammates, support them during play, and show good sportsmanship.

    Improve my hand-eye coordination and reaction skills while batting, fielding, and running.

    Success Criteria: I can hit or catch the ball more accurately and react quickly during gameplay, making better decisions while playing.


    Athletics Day Friday


    Classroom Based Lesson

    Literacy and Health and PE: Through reading and presenting about different regions in Aotearoa, students develop their literacy skills while reflecting on how these experiences promote wellbeing and physical activity, key aspects of Hauora.

    Reading and understanding: Figuring out what stories, articles, or texts are saying about being active and healthy.

    Thinking critically: Looking at how different activities or places help us feel good and stay healthy.

    Learning new words: Using health, fitness, and cultural words to talk about our wellbeing and physical activity.

    Writing clearly: Organizing your thoughts and explaining ideas well when making presentations or writing about the virtual road trip.

    Speaking and listening: Sharing your ideas in group discussions and presentations, and listening to others about how activities keep us healthy.

    Summarising: Picking out the most important ideas from what you read or discuss about health, physical activity, and new places.

    Numeracy and Health and PE: Students apply numeracy skills by calculating distances, travel times, and planning budgets for their virtual road trip, connecting these practical math tasks to physical movement and the logistics of maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle.

    Measuring and calculating: Working out distances, travel times, and how long it might take to do different activities.

    Budgeting: Planning how much money you might need for a trip, like working out costs for travel, food, and activities.

    Timing activities: Figuring out how long different physical activities take and how to fit them into your day.

    Tracking progress: Keeping track of things like how far you’ve walked or how much exercise you've done.

    Interpreting data: Looking at numbers and graphs about health, fitness, or travel, and understanding what they mean for your wellbeing.

  • T4 W4 4 November - 10 November


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING the Great Kiwi summer by reading stories, articles, poems based on different towns, cities and regions within Aotearoa, so that we can complete an advertisement about a potential road trip through Aotearoa.


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are focusing on a specific town and activity in New Zealand that interests us and explain how it represents a part of 'Kiwi culture.'


    Tapu Wai

    Learning Intentions:

    1. Understand the rules and cultural significance of Tapu Wai.

      • Success Criteria: I can explain the rules of Tapu Wai and talk about why the game is important in Māori culture.
    2. Improve my teamwork and communication while playing Tapu Wai.

      • Success Criteria: I can work well with my teammates by communicating clearly and supporting them during the game.
    3. Develop my agility and coordination through playing Tapu Wai.

      • Success Criteria: I can move quickly and change direction smoothly during the game, helping my team score and defend.


    Learning Intentions:

    1. Understand the basic rules and strategies of Kickball Rounders and Non Stop Cricket.

      • Success Criteria: I can explain the rules of both games and describe key strategies to help my team succeed.
    2. Work cooperatively in a team to play and improve skills in both games.

      • Success Criteria: I can communicate effectively with my teammates, support them during play, and show good sportsmanship.
    3. Improve my hand-eye coordination and reaction skills while batting, fielding, and running.

      • Success Criteria: I can hit or catch the ball more accurately and react quickly during gameplay, making better decisions while playing.


    Classroom Based Lesson

    Literacy and Health and PE: Through reading and presenting about different regions in Aotearoa, students develop their literacy skills while reflecting on how these experiences promote wellbeing and physical activity, key aspects of Hauora.

    Reading and understanding: Figuring out what stories, articles, or texts are saying about being active and healthy.

    Thinking critically: Looking at how different activities or places help us feel good and stay healthy.

    Learning new words: Using health, fitness, and cultural words to talk about our wellbeing and physical activity.

    Writing clearly: Organizing your thoughts and explaining ideas well when making presentations or writing about the virtual road trip.

    Speaking and listening: Sharing your ideas in group discussions and presentations, and listening to others about how activities keep us healthy.

    Summarising: Picking out the most important ideas from what you read or discuss about health, physical activity, and new places.

    Numeracy and Health and PE: Students apply numeracy skills by calculating distances, travel times, and planning budgets for their virtual road trip, connecting these practical math tasks to physical movement and the logistics of maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle.

    Measuring and calculating: Working out distances, travel times, and how long it might take to do different activities.

    Budgeting: Planning how much money you might need for a trip, like working out costs for travel, food, and activities.

    Timing activities: Figuring out how long different physical activities take and how to fit them into your day.

    Tracking progress: Keeping track of things like how far you’ve walked or how much exercise you've done.

    Interpreting data: Looking at numbers and graphs about health, fitness, or travel, and understanding what they mean for your wellbeing.

  • T4 W5 11 November - 17 November


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are focusing on a specific town and activity in New Zealand that interests us and explain how it represents a part of 'Kiwi culture.'


    Tapu Wai

    Learning Intentions:

    1. Understand the rules and cultural significance of Tapu Wai.

      • Success Criteria: I can explain the rules of Tapu Wai and talk about why the game is important in Māori culture.
    2. Improve my teamwork and communication while playing Tapu Wai.

      • Success Criteria: I can work well with my teammates by communicating clearly and supporting them during the game.
    3. Develop my agility and coordination through playing Tapu Wai.

      • Success Criteria: I can move quickly and change direction smoothly during the game, helping my team score and defend.


    Learning Intentions:

    1. Learn the rules and objectives of Benchball.

      • Success Criteria: I can explain how to play Benchball, including the rules and what my team needs to do to win.
    2. Develop my passing and catching skills while playing Benchball.

      • Success Criteria: I can pass the ball accurately to my teammates and catch the ball without dropping it during the game.
    3. Practice teamwork and communication in a competitive setting.

      • Success Criteria: I can work together with my teammates, share ideas during the game, and encourage each other to play our best.


    Classroom Based Lesson

    Literacy and Health and PE: Through reading and presenting about different regions in Aotearoa, students develop their literacy skills while reflecting on how these experiences promote wellbeing and physical activity, key aspects of Hauora.

    Reading and understanding: Figuring out what stories, articles, or texts are saying about being active and healthy.

    Thinking critically: Looking at how different activities or places help us feel good and stay healthy.

    Learning new words: Using health, fitness, and cultural words to talk about our wellbeing and physical activity.

    Writing clearly: Organizing your thoughts and explaining ideas well when making presentations or writing about the virtual road trip.

    Speaking and listening: Sharing your ideas in group discussions and presentations, and listening to others about how activities keep us healthy.

    Summarising: Picking out the most important ideas from what you read or discuss about health, physical activity, and new places.

    Numeracy and Health and PE: Students apply numeracy skills by calculating distances, travel times, and planning budgets for their virtual road trip, connecting these practical math tasks to physical movement and the logistics of maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle.

    Measuring and calculating: Working out distances, travel times, and how long it might take to do different activities.

    Budgeting: Planning how much money you might need for a trip, like working out costs for travel, food, and activities.

    Timing activities: Figuring out how long different physical activities take and how to fit them into your day.

    Tracking progress: Keeping track of things like how far you’ve walked or how much exercise you've done.

    Interpreting data: Looking at numbers and graphs about health, fitness, or travel, and understanding what they mean for your wellbeing.

  • T4 W6 18 November - 24 November


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are focusing on a specific town and activity in New Zealand that interests us and explain how it represents a part of 'Kiwi culture.'


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are planning and creating a Great Kiwi Summer Activity Day that includes taking part in both traditional and innovative New Zealand activities in a safe and fun environment.


    Tapu Wai

    Learning Intentions:

    1. Understand the rules and cultural significance of Tapu Wai.

      • Success Criteria: I can explain the rules of Tapu Wai and talk about why the game is important in Māori culture.
    2. Improve my teamwork and communication while playing Tapu Wai.

      • Success Criteria: I can work well with my teammates by communicating clearly and supporting them during the game.
    3. Develop my agility and coordination through playing Tapu Wai.

      • Success Criteria: I can move quickly and change direction smoothly during the game, helping my team score and defend.


    Learning Intentions:

    1. Understand the rules and setup of the Tic Tac Toe PE game.

      • Success Criteria: I can explain how to set up the game and the rules for playing Tic Tac Toe in a physical activity format.
    2. Improve my movement skills while participating in the game.

      • Success Criteria: I can move quickly and accurately to the right spots on the grid and show good coordination during my turns.
    3. Work together and communicate with my teammates during the game.

      • Success Criteria: I can share ideas with my teammates, encourage each other, and strategize on how to win as a team.


    Classroom Based Lesson

    Literacy and Health and PE: Through reading and presenting about different regions in Aotearoa, students develop their literacy skills while reflecting on how these experiences promote wellbeing and physical activity, key aspects of Hauora.

    Reading and understanding: Figuring out what stories, articles, or texts are saying about being active and healthy.

    Thinking critically: Looking at how different activities or places help us feel good and stay healthy.

    Learning new words: Using health, fitness, and cultural words to talk about our wellbeing and physical activity.

    Writing clearly: Organizing your thoughts and explaining ideas well when making presentations or writing about the virtual road trip.

    Speaking and listening: Sharing your ideas in group discussions and presentations, and listening to others about how activities keep us healthy.

    Summarising: Picking out the most important ideas from what you read or discuss about health, physical activity, and new places.

    Numeracy and Health and PE: Students apply numeracy skills by calculating distances, travel times, and planning budgets for their virtual road trip, connecting these practical math tasks to physical movement and the logistics of maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle.

    Measuring and calculating: Working out distances, travel times, and how long it might take to do different activities.

    Budgeting: Planning how much money you might need for a trip, like working out costs for travel, food, and activities.

    Timing activities: Figuring out how long different physical activities take and how to fit them into your day.

    Tracking progress: Keeping track of things like how far you’ve walked or how much exercise you've done.

    Interpreting data: Looking at numbers and graphs about health, fitness, or travel, and understanding what they mean for your wellbeing.

  • T4 W7 25 November - 1 December


    Learning Intentions:

    1. Learn the rules and objectives of Gauntlet.

      • Success Criteria: I can explain how to play Gauntlet, including the rules and what my team needs to do to win.
    2. Develop my dodging and throwing skills during the game.

      • Success Criteria: I can dodge the balls effectively to avoid getting hit and throw accurately to try to tag players on the other team.
    3. Practice teamwork and strategy while playing Gauntlet.

      • Success Criteria: I can work together with my teammates to come up with strategies for how we will play and support each other during the game.


    Learning Intentions:

    1. Learn the rules and objectives of Benchball.

      • Success Criteria: I can explain how to play Benchball, including the rules and what my team needs to do to win.
    2. Develop my passing and catching skills while playing Benchball.

      • Success Criteria: I can pass the ball accurately to my teammates and catch the ball without dropping it during the game.
    3. Practice teamwork and communication in a competitive setting.

      • Success Criteria: I can work together with my teammates, share ideas during the game, and encourage each other to play our best.


    Classroom Based Lesson

    Literacy and Health and PE: Through reading and presenting about different regions in Aotearoa, students develop their literacy skills while reflecting on how these experiences promote wellbeing and physical activity, key aspects of Hauora.

    Reading and understanding: Figuring out what stories, articles, or texts are saying about being active and healthy.

    Thinking critically: Looking at how different activities or places help us feel good and stay healthy.

    Learning new words: Using health, fitness, and cultural words to talk about our wellbeing and physical activity.

    Writing clearly: Organizing your thoughts and explaining ideas well when making presentations or writing about the virtual road trip.

    Speaking and listening: Sharing your ideas in group discussions and presentations, and listening to others about how activities keep us healthy.

    Summarising: Picking out the most important ideas from what you read or discuss about health, physical activity, and new places.

    Numeracy and Health and PE: Students apply numeracy skills by calculating distances, travel times, and planning budgets for their virtual road trip, connecting these practical math tasks to physical movement and the logistics of maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle.

    Measuring and calculating: Working out distances, travel times, and how long it might take to do different activities.

    Budgeting: Planning how much money you might need for a trip, like working out costs for travel, food, and activities.

    Timing activities: Figuring out how long different physical activities take and how to fit them into your day.

    Tracking progress: Keeping track of things like how far you’ve walked or how much exercise you've done.

    Interpreting data: Looking at numbers and graphs about health, fitness, or travel, and understanding what they mean for your wellbeing.

  • T4 W8 2 December - 8 December


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are planning and creating a Great Kiwi Summer Activity Day that includes taking part in both traditional and innovative New Zealand activities in a safe and fun environment.


    Learning Intentions:

    1. Understand the rules and basic skills of Turbo Touch.

      • Success Criteria: I can explain how to play Turbo Touch, including the rules and how to pass and touch the ball correctly.
    2. Improve my passing, catching, and running skills during the game.

      • Success Criteria: I can pass the ball accurately to my teammates, catch the ball without dropping it, and run effectively to create space.
    3. Work as a team and communicate during Turbo Touch.

      • Success Criteria: I can share ideas with my teammates, call for the ball, and support each other to play our best as a team.


    Learning Intentions:

    1. Learn the rules and how to play Tchoukball and Speedball

      • Success Criteria: I can explain the basic rules of Tchoukball and how to score points by bouncing the ball off the rebounder.
    2. Improve my throwing, catching, and teamwork skills during the game.

      • Success Criteria: I can throw the ball accurately to my teammates, catch the ball cleanly, and work together with my team to create scoring opportunities.
    3. Practice good sportsmanship and respect for others while playing Tchoukball.

      • Success Criteria: I can show respect to my teammates and opponents, play fairly, and encourage others, regardless of the game outcome.


    Classroom Based Lesson

    Literacy and Health and PE: Through reading and presenting about different regions in Aotearoa, students develop their literacy skills while reflecting on how these experiences promote wellbeing and physical activity, key aspects of Hauora.

    Reading and understanding: Figuring out what stories, articles, or texts are saying about being active and healthy.

    Thinking critically: Looking at how different activities or places help us feel good and stay healthy.

    Learning new words: Using health, fitness, and cultural words to talk about our wellbeing and physical activity.

    Writing clearly: Organizing your thoughts and explaining ideas well when making presentations or writing about the virtual road trip.

    Speaking and listening: Sharing your ideas in group discussions and presentations, and listening to others about how activities keep us healthy.

    Summarising: Picking out the most important ideas from what you read or discuss about health, physical activity, and new places.

    Numeracy and Health and PE: Students apply numeracy skills by calculating distances, travel times, and planning budgets for their virtual road trip, connecting these practical math tasks to physical movement and the logistics of maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle.

    Measuring and calculating: Working out distances, travel times, and how long it might take to do different activities.

    Budgeting: Planning how much money you might need for a trip, like working out costs for travel, food, and activities.

    Timing activities: Figuring out how long different physical activities take and how to fit them into your day.

    Tracking progress: Keeping track of things like how far you’ve walked or how much exercise you've done.

    Interpreting data: Looking at numbers and graphs about health, fitness, or travel, and understanding what they mean for your wellbeing.

  • T4 W9 9 December - 15 December

    Enter text here...


    REFLECT / WHAIWHAKAARO learning intentions:

    • We are REFLECTING on the Great Kiwi Summer Day Out and our group presentations in order to CRITIQUE and CELECBRATE our mahi.


    Learning Intentions:

    1. Understand the rules and basic skills of Turbo Touch.

      • Success Criteria: I can explain how to play Turbo Touch, including the rules and how to pass and touch the ball correctly.
    2. Improve my passing, catching, and running skills during the game.

      • Success Criteria: I can pass the ball accurately to my teammates, catch the ball without dropping it, and run effectively to create space.
    3. Work as a team and communicate during Turbo Touch.

      • Success Criteria: I can share ideas with my teammates, call for the ball, and support each other to play our best as a team.


    Learning Intentions:

    1. Learn the rules and how to play Tchoukball and Speedball

      • Success Criteria: I can explain the basic rules of Tchoukball and how to score points by bouncing the ball off the rebounder.
    2. Improve my throwing, catching, and teamwork skills during the game.

      • Success Criteria: I can throw the ball accurately to my teammates, catch the ball cleanly, and work together with my team to create scoring opportunities.
    3. Practice good sportsmanship and respect for others while playing Tchoukball.

      • Success Criteria: I can show respect to my teammates and opponents, play fairly, and encourage others, regardless of the game outcome.


    Classroom Based Lesson

    Literacy and Health and PE: Through reading and presenting about different regions in Aotearoa, students develop their literacy skills while reflecting on how these experiences promote wellbeing and physical activity, key aspects of Hauora.

    Reading and understanding: Figuring out what stories, articles, or texts are saying about being active and healthy.

    Thinking critically: Looking at how different activities or places help us feel good and stay healthy.

    Learning new words: Using health, fitness, and cultural words to talk about our wellbeing and physical activity.

    Writing clearly: Organizing your thoughts and explaining ideas well when making presentations or writing about the virtual road trip.

    Speaking and listening: Sharing your ideas in group discussions and presentations, and listening to others about how activities keep us healthy.

    Summarising: Picking out the most important ideas from what you read or discuss about health, physical activity, and new places.

    Numeracy and Health and PE: Students apply numeracy skills by calculating distances, travel times, and planning budgets for their virtual road trip, connecting these practical math tasks to physical movement and the logistics of maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle.

    Measuring and calculating: Working out distances, travel times, and how long it might take to do different activities.

    Budgeting: Planning how much money you might need for a trip, like working out costs for travel, food, and activities.

    Timing activities: Figuring out how long different physical activities take and how to fit them into your day.

    Tracking progress: Keeping track of things like how far you’ve walked or how much exercise you've done.

    Interpreting data: Looking at numbers and graphs about health, fitness, or travel, and understanding what they mean for your wellbeing.