Weekly outline

  • General

  • Term 1 Week 2

    Kia ora year 8's and welcome to science for 2024! 

    Our first context of the year is 'Safety in NZ and beyond', and we will be starting the year off by recapping lab safety. 

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can list lab safety rules
    • I can explain the reason behind lab safety rules


    1. Title page activity
    2. Safety in the lab worksheet
    3. Safety in the lab comic strip

  • Term 1 Week 3


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING safety in the science lab by recognising important rules and behaviours for working in the lab

    Kia ora year 8's and welcome to week 3! This week we will recap lab safety, as well as practise our skills of group work and measurement

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can explain the reason behind lab safety rules
    • I can collaborate and problem solve with my peers
    • I can measure liquids accurately
    • I can follow instructions carefully


    1. Bikini bottom lab safety task
    2. Cup stacking group activity
    3. Colour magic lab activity

  • Term 1 Week 4


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING safety in the science lab by recognising important rules and behaviours for working in the lab

    Kia ora year 8's and welcome to week 4! This week we will recap lab safety,  and practise communicating effectively as a group.

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can explain the hazards and safety features of the science lab
    • I can communicate effectively in a group


    1. Lab safety flip video
    2. Cup stacking group activity

  • Term 1 Week 5


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING safety in the water by investigation the science behind floating and sinking

    Kia ora year 8's and welcome to week 5! This week we will be learning about safety in the water by investigating bouyancy

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can list things that float and sink
    • I can define bouyancy, density and displacement
    • I can explain why different objects float and sink
    • I can explain how floatation devices allow us to float


    1. Things that float and sink worksheet
    2. Displacement activity
    3. Flotation devices research task

  • Term 1 Week 6


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING safety in the water by investigation the science behind floating and sinking

    Kia ora year 8's and welcome to week 6! This week we will be learning about safety in the water by investigating water pollution and water quality

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can list sources of pollution
    • I can describe sources of pollution
    • I can discuss methods of pollution prevention
    • I can determine which beaches are safe to swim at in Auckland


    1. Sources of pollution table
    2. Secchi disk experiment
    3. Safe swim website scavenger

  • Term 1 Week 7


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING safety at speed by investigating car and bike science

    Kia ora year 8's and welcome to week 7! This week we will be learning about air quality. 

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can list sources of air pollution
    • I can describe why the air is important to us
    • I can explain the effect of poor air quality to the human body
    • I can discuss solutions to poor air quality


    1. The air and Maori
    2.  Air quality learning tree

  • Term 1 Week 8


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING safety at speed by investigating car and bike science

    Kia ora year 8's and welcome to week 7! This week we will be carrying on with car safety by learning about energy and cars. 

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can list types of energy
    • I can describe what kinetic energy is
    • I can explain transformations of energy in a car


    1. Brainpop - kinetic energy
    2. Car ramp experiment
    3. Cars and energy reading + questions

  • Term 1 Week 9


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING safety at speed by investigating car and bike science

    Kia ora year 8's and welcome to week 9! This week we will be carrying on with car safety by learning about car safety features

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can list safety features of a car
    • I can explain the purpose of crumple zones
    • I can describe Newton's law of Inertia
    • I can discuss how Newton's law of Inertia relates to car safety features


    1. Safety features list + descriptions
    2. Crumple zones experiment
    3. Gifs sentences - Newton's law of Inertia
    4. Seatbelts and Inertia - paragraph

  • Term 1 Week 10


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING safety at speed by investigating car and bike science

    Kia ora year 8's and welcome to week 10! This week we will be carrying on with car safety by learning about how inertia and distraction are involved in car safety

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can describe Newton's 1st law - inertia
    • I can give examples of Newton's law of inertia
    • I can explain how seatbelts keep passengers safe
    • I can list types and examples of distractions
    • I can discuss how distractions can impact safety on the road


    1. Inertia sentences
    2. Inertia paragraph
    3. Distractions experiment

  • Term 1 Week 11


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING safety at speed by investigating car and bike science

    Kia ora year 8's and welcome to week 11! For the final week of the term we will be investigating speed, time and distance, and how to calculate each of these.

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can draw a speed-distance-time triangle
    • I can explain how to calculate speed, distance and time
    • I can use tools to measure real life examples of speed, distance and time


    1. DST triangle
    2. Speedometre slides task
    3. Speed-distance-time challenge

  • Term 2 Week 1


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING safety at speed by investigating car and bike science

    Kia ora year 8's and welcome to week 1! For the first week of the term we will be finishing our 'safety' context by exploring the science of how helmets keep a person safe, and the dangers of drunk driving.

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can label the features of a helmet
    • I can explain how the features of a helmet protect the rider
    • I can use my knowledge of energy absorption to create a protective device
    • I can list the effects of drinking alcohol on the human body
    • I can discuss the dangers of drinking alcohol and driving


    1. Helmet labelled diagram
    2. Safety device for an egg
    3. Drink driving worksheet

  • Term 2 Week 2


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...the science of survival by recognising the importance of hydration and making water safe to drink

    Kia ora year 8's and welcome to week 2. This week we will be beginning our new context by looking at the requirements for survival and beginning to investigate safe drinking water.

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can list importance things for survival
    • I can order and explain the priorities for survival in the wilderness
    • I can explain the importance of hydration
    • I can discuss the risks of drinking unsafe water


    1. Wilderness survival scenario
    2. Water in the wilderness reading + questions

  • Term 2 Week 3


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...the science of survival by recognising the importance of hydration and making water safe to drink

    Kia ora year 8's and welcome to week 3! This week we will be investigating how and why to make water safe to drink.

    Success Criteria: 

    • I define water filtration and purification
    • I describe the processes of filtration and purification
    • I can outline different methods of filtration and purification
    • I can use my knowledge of water filtration to create a filter out of classroom materials


    1. Purification and filtration table
    2. FIll-in-the-blanks
    3. Make a water filter
    4. Water filtration and purification comic strip

  • Term 2 Week 4


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...the science of survival by discovering the fire triangle

    Kia ora year 8's and welcome to week 4! This week we will be investigating fire - how to make it, and the 3 things required.

    Success Criteria: 

    • I identify and explain the 3 parts of the fire triangle
    • I can discuss how to light and extinguish fires using my knowledge of the fire triangle


    1. Fire triangle diagram
    2. Fire triangle experiment

  • Term 2 Week 5 and 6


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...the science of survival by recognising the importance of hydration and making water safe to drink
    • We are EXPLORING...the science of survival by discovering the fire triangle
    • We are EXPLORING...the science of survival by investigating how to stay warm

    Kia ora year 8's and welcome to week 5! Over the next 2 weeks we will be investigating the science of heat and how to stay warm in a wilderness situation

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can identify the cause of hypothermia
    • I can identify the symptoms of hypothermia
    • I can describe how to treat someone who is suffering from hypothermia
    • I can name the 3 methods of heat transfer
    • I can describe how conduction, convection and radiation transfer heat
    • I can explain what an insulator is
    • I can give examples of insulation
    • I can construct a miniature shelter


    1. Hypothermia worksheet
    2. Conduction, convection, radiation diagram
    3. Convection experiment
    4. Insulation worksheet
    5. Mini shelter experiment

  • Term 2 Week 7 and 8


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING to apply our knowledge of survival science in practical situations
    • We are planning to demonstrate insulation by carrying out an experiment

    Kia ora year 8's and welcome to week 7! Over the next 2 weeks we will be carrying out an experiment for our first assessment, investigating insulation by different materials

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can carry out an experiment safely
    • I can explain the definition of insulation
    • I can discuss the link between insulation and heat transfer


    1. Experiment and report

  • Term 2 Week 9


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...the science of survival by investigating food and energy

    Kia ora year 8's and welcome to week 9! This week we will be investigating the energy provided to us by food.

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can outline why food is important for our survival
    • I can define respiration
    • I can name the unit of energy
    • I can discuss why different people have different energy requirements
    • I can interpret a food label to determine how much energy a food item contains and make comparisons


    1. Ngahere forest tea and fire activity
    2. Food as fuel worksheet
    3. Food label energy hunt

  • Term 2 Week 10


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...the science of survival by investigating food and energy

    Kia ora year 8's and welcome to week 10! This week we will be continuing to investigate the energy provided to us by food, and we will also recap rongoa Māori.

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can conduct an experiment to determine the energy contained in food
    • I can accurately collect data, and use a simple mathematical equation
    • I can explain the historical use of harakeke
    • I can outline the medicinal benefits of 2 rongoa species - manuka and kawakawa


    1. Burning food lab
    2. Harakeke reading and weaving task
    3. Making manuka and Kawakawa tea

  • Term 3 Week 1


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...the olympics by investigating nutrition required for a healthy human body
    • We are EXPLORING...the olympics by discovering the structure and function of the body, including cells, muscles, bones and the respiratory system

    Kia ora year 8's and welcome to term 3! This week we will be launching into our new context by exploring food and nutrition groups.

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can name different food and nutrient groups
    • I can explain the importance of different nutrients for the human body
    • I can create a meal plan based on the nutrients needed for a young active person
    1. Food group triangle
    2. Nutrient group catalogue (literacy)
    3. Meal plan for a teenager (literacy, numeracy)

  • Term 3 Week 2


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...the olympics by investigating nutrition required for a healthy human body
    • We are EXPLORING...the olympics by discovering the structure and function of the body, including cells, muscles, bones and the respiratory system

    Kia ora year 8's. This week we will be continuing to explore nutrition then beginning to learn about cells.

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can work safely in a lab
    • I can carry out food tests for nutrient groups
    • I can name dietary deficiency diseases
    • I can explain the impact of dietary deficiencies
    • I can identify organelles of plant and animal cells
    • I can describe the function of different organelles
    1. Food testing lab 
    2. Dietary deficiency table (literacy)
    3. Kwashiorkor reading + questions (literacy)
    4. Cells diagram
    5. Meal plan for a teenager (literacy, numeracy)

  • Term 3 Week 3


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...the olympics by discovering the structure and function of the body, including cells, muscles, bones and the respiratory system

    Kia ora year 8's. This week we will be continuing to explore cells by examining them under a microscope and learning about different types of cells.

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can use microscope 
    • I can identify parts of a cell
    • I can name different types of cells
    • I can explain the purpose of different types of cells
    1. Onion cell lab 
    2. Specialised cell worksheet (literacy)
    3. Cells mini test 
    4. Clay cell activity

  • Term 3 Week 4


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...the olympics by discovering the structure and function of the body, including cells, muscles, bones and the respiratory system

    Kia ora year 8's. This week we will be learning about the lungs and the respiratory system.

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can explain the purpose of breathing
    • I can explain the process of respiration
    • I can name the structures of the respiratory system
    • I can describe the function of different parts of the respiratory system
    1. Respiration fill-in-the-blanks (literacy)
    2. Lungs labelling task (literacy)
    3. Lungs clay task

  • Term 3 Week 5


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...the olympics by discovering the structure and function of the body, including cells, muscles, bones and the respiratory system

    Kia ora year 8's. This week we will be continuing to explore our respiratory system and heart, by beginning our next assessment.

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can explain the purpose of breathing
    • I can explain the process of respiration
    • I can name and describe the function of different parts of the respiratory system
    • I can explain the importance of the heart and its links to the respiratory system
    1. Lung demo
    2. Olympic organs Assessment 2

  • Term 3 Week 6


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...the olympics by discovering the structure and function of the body, including cells, muscles, bones and the respiratory system

    Kia ora year 8's. This week we will be continuing to work through our assessment on the respiratory system and the heart.

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can draw and annotate the respiratory system
    • I can explain the purpose of the respiratory system
    • I can carry out a heart rate test
    • I can link the purpose of the heart to the respiratory system
    1. Olympic organs Assessment 2 (numeracy and literacy)

  • Term 3 Week 7


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...the olympics by discovering the structure and function of the body, including cells, muscles, bones and the respiratory system

    Kia ora year 8's. This week we will be exploring the lungs further, and beginning to learn about the bones of the human body.

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can carry out an experiment sensibly
    • I can draw a scatter plot
    • I can name bones of the human body
    • I can explain the purpose of bones of the human body
    1. Lung capacity experiment (literacy)
    2. Scatter plot (numeracy)
    3. Bones function paragraphs
    4. Bone cut and stick diagram
    5. Skeleton relay

  • Term 3 Week 8


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...the olympics by discovering the structure and function of the body, including cells, muscles, bones and the respiratory system

    Kia ora year 8's. This week we will be continuing to learn about the bones of the human body, and the purpose of joints.

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can explain the purpose of bones of the human body
    • I can identify different types of joints
    • I can explain the purpose of joints
    1. Bone diagram completion
    2. Joints worksheet (literacy)
    3. Finger joints practical task (numeracy)

  • Term 3 Week 9


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...the olympics by discovering the structure and function of the body, including cells, muscles, bones and the respiratory system

    Kia ora year 8's. This week we will be exploring the structure of bones, and different types of teeth.

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can name different parts of a bone
    • I can explain the importance of different parts of a bone
    • I can name and explain the function of different types of teeth
    1. Structure of bones labelled diagram
    2. Teeth worksheet (literacy)

  • Term 3 Week 10


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...the olympics by discovering the structure and function of the body, including cells, muscles, bones and the respiratory system

    Kia ora year 8's. This week we will be examining our muscles.

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can carry out an experiment sensibly
    • I can explain the purpose of our muscles
    • I can compare voluntary and involuntary muscle
    • I can observe and notice features of my own muscles
    1. Muscles brainpop task (literacy)
    2. Muscle contraction and fatigue test (numeracy)
    3. Proprioception task
    4. Muscle cold test (numeracy)
    5. Muscle lab worksheet (literacy)

  • Holiday

  • Holiday

  • Term 4 Week 1


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING... Aotearoa summer celebrations by discovering the chemistry of fireworks, sweets and bathbombs

    Kia ora year 8's. This week we will be beginning our new context by exploring some basic chemistry - atoms and the periodic table

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can explain what an atom is
    • I can name different elements
    • I can explain the importance of the periodic table
    • I can compare different elements
    1. New context title page
    2. Atoms diagram
    3. Periodic table colour-in and questions (literacy)
    4. Create a 3d atom (numeracy)

  • Term 4 Weeks 2 and 3


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING... Aotearoa summer celebrations by discovering the chemistry of fireworks, sweets and bathbombs

    Kia ora year 8's. This week we will be learning what molecules and chemical changes are, and look at the example of fireworks .

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can identify an atom vs a molecule
    • I can give examples of simple molecules
    • I can give examples of chemical changes
    • I can explain what a chemical change is and discuss how this relates to molecules
    • I can describe how a firework shows a physical change
    • I can explain why fireworks are different colours 
    1. Molecules notes (literacy)
    2. 3D molecule task (numeracy)
    3. Yeast balloon experiment
    4. Chemical changes worksheet (literacy)
    5. Fireworks colour flame demo

  • Term 4 Week 4


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING... Aotearoa summer celebrations by discovering the chemistry of fireworks, sweets and bathbombs

    Kia ora year 8's. This week we will be exploring acids and bases and the pH scale

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can give examples of acids and bases
    • I can name properties of acids and bases
    • I can recognise and understand what the pH scale tells us
    • I can test and categorise common substances as acids or bases
    1. Acids and bases examples (literacy)
    2. Acid and base testing experiment (numeracy)

  • Term 4 Week 5


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING...to use our knowledge of chemistry so that we can understand and produce fun products for summer events.

    Kia ora year 8's. This week we will be using our knowledge of acids and bases and the periodic table to create sherbet and bath bombs, and experiment with glow sticks

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can give examples of acids and bases
    • I can name properties of acids and bases
    • I can explain the result of a neutralisation reaction
    • I can work sensibly in the lab
    • I can explain the cause of chemiluminescence 
    • I can give examples of chemiluminescence
    1. Making sherbet activity (numeracy and literacy)
    2. Making bathbombs activity (numeracy)
    3. Glowstick lab 

  • Term 4 Week 6


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...Aotearoa summer celebrations by discovering the science of icecream, sand, pesky summer bugs and the sun

    Kia ora year 8's. This week we will be exploring the science of icecream and sand.

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can explain how substances transform from solid to liquid to gas
    • I can explain how particles in different states behave
    • I can define biogenic and abiogenic
    • I can draw scientific diagrams
    • I can describe the different sources of sand
    • I can explain how sand is formed
    1. Solid, liquids and gases worksheet (literacy)
    2. Sand magnet separation task
    3. Sand microscope + diagram task 

  • Term 4 Week 7

    Enter text here...


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...Aotearoa summer celebrations by discovering the science of icecream, sand, pesky summer bugs and the sun

    Kia ora year 8's. This week we will be exploring a pest of summer - mosquitos.

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can draw an accurate mosquito diagram
    • I can label the different life stages of mosquitos
    • I can describe harms and benefits of mosquitos for us and the environment
    • I can describe ways to protect ourselves from mosquito bites
    1. Mosquito diagram before and after
    2. Mosquito life cycle labelling
    3. Journalist article task (literacy)

  • Term 4 Week 8 and 9


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...Aotearoa summer celebrations by discovering the science of icecream, sand, pesky summer bugs and the sun

    Kia ora year 8's. This week we will be finishing off the year by looking at the harms and benefits of sunlight.

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can explain what UV rays are
    • I can compare harms and benefits of sunlight
    • I can describe the risks of UV light
    1. Sun harms vs benefits (literacy)
    2. UV slides task (numeracy and literacy)
    3. UV poster task
    4. UV beads

  • 25 November - 1 December

  • 2 December - 8 December

  • 9 December - 15 December