Weekly outline

  • General

  • 29 January - 4 February

  • 5 February - 11 February

    Kia ora...

    Success Criteria: I can

    • Find information on ....
    • Egyptian Number System
    • Egyptian Architecture (Geometry used)


    1. Egyptian history - Google Search

    Follow Up Tasks:

    MathsBuddy due Tuesday 8 30am

  • 12 February - 18 February

    Kia ora...

    Success Criteria: I can

    • Find information on ....
    • Egyptian History
    • River Nile and impact on Egyptian life/survival


    1. Egyptian Information - Google Search

    Follow Up Tasks:

    MathsBuddy due Tuesday 8 30am

  • 19 February - 25 February


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING...on developing our knowledge of Ancient egypt
    • We are FOCUSING...on Identifying how number systems evolved in Egypt over time

    I am an active learner as I know what I need to learn, where I am with that learning and what my next learning steps are:

    • Emerging:
      • I know what I am learning and why
      • I can use evidence to identify where I am with my learning
      • I can use evidence to identify my next learning steps
    • Growing:
      • I can describe what I am learning and why, using our shared language for learning; GREAT Ako
      • I can use evidence to describe where I am with my learning
      • I can use evidence to plan and take my next learning steps

    MHJC GREAT Learner Learning to Learn / Ako: Digital Literacy

    Victoria and Gurpreet in front of whiteboard


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...to interpret history of Egypt
    • We are EXPLORING...collect information on Ancient Egypt

    I am a learner with innovation skills that will enable me to navigate the 21st century:

    • Emerging:
      • I think creativity to solve challenges
      • I demonstrate the skills to work collaboratively with others
      • I have oral, written and non-verbal communication skills
    • Growing:
      • I work creativity with others to solve challenges
      • When working collaboratively, I exercise flexibility and willingness to compromise to achieve a common goal
      • I am a clear communicator; oral, written and nonverbal

    I am an active learner as I know what I need to learn, where I am with that learning and what my next learning steps are:

    • Emerging:
      • I know what I am learning and why
      • I can use evidence to identify where I am with my learning
      • I can use evidence to identify my next learning steps
    • Growing:
      • I can describe what I am learning and why, using our shared language for learning; GREAT Ako
      • I can use evidence to describe where I am with my learning
      • I can use evidence to plan and take my next learning steps

    MHJC Great Learner Learning to Learn / Ako: Learning and Thinking Strategy

    Alex and Brooklyn Thinking

    Kia ora...

    Success Criteria: I can...

    • History of Ancient Egypt


    1. Information on Ancient Egypt

    Follow Up Tasks:

    MathsBuddy due Tue 8 30am

  • 26 February - 3 March


    MHJC Great Learner Life Long Learner / Wänanga: GREAT Ako

    Alex and Neha next to GREAT Ako

    MHJC Great Learner Life Long Learner / Wänanga: Active Learner

    MHJC GREAT Learner Learning to Learn / Ako: Digital Literacy

    Victoria and Gurpreet in front of whiteboard

    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING...on developing our knowledge of Ancient egypt
    • We are FOCUSING...on Identifying how number systems evolved in Egypt over time

    MHJC Great Learner Life Long Learner / Wänanga: The 5 Cs

    MHJC Great Learner Life Long Learner / Wänanga: Active Learner

    MHJC Great Learner Learning to Learn / Ako: Learning and Thinking Strategy

    Alex and Brooklyn Thinking

    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...collect information on Ancient Egypt

    Kia ora...

    Success Criteria: I can...

    • Find appropriate information on Ancient Egypt
    • Present my information in a detailed manner


    1. Researching appropriate Information on Egypt

    Follow Up Tasks:
    MathBuddy due Fri 8 30am

  • 4 March - 10 March

    Enter text here...


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING...on developing our knowledge of Ancient egypt
    • We are FOCUSING...on discussing Egypt

    MHJC Great Learner Life Long Learner / Wänanga: GREAT Ako

    Alex and Neha next to GREAT Ako

    MHJC Great Learner Life Long Learner / Wänanga: Active Learner

    MHJC GREAT Learner Learning to Learn / Ako: Digital Literacy

    Victoria and Gurpreet in front of whiteboard

    Enter text here...

    Enter text here...


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...to interpret history of Egypt
    • We are EXPLORING...collect information on Ancient Egypt
    • We are EXPLORING...to Research the history of Egyptian Flag
    • We are EXPLORING...to Analyse Epyptian Flag
    • We are EXPLORING...to Find measurements of Egyptian Flag
    • We are EXPLORING...to calculate Area, Perimeter of Egyptian Flag

    MHJC Great Learner Life Long Learner / Wänanga: Active Learner

    MHJC Great Learner Learning to Learn / Ako: Learning and Thinking Strategy

    Alex and Brooklyn Thinking

    MHJC Great Learner Life Long Learner / Wänanga: The 5 Cs

    Enter text here...

    Kia ora...

    Success Criteria: I can...

    • Calculate Area/Perimeter of Egyptian Flag
    • Round numbers sensibly
    • Use formulas to calculate Volume, area and Perimeter


    1. Information on Pyramids and Egyptian Flag

    Follow Up Tasks:
    MathsBuddy due Friday 8 30am

  • 18 March - 24 March

    Enter text here...


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...to interpret pattern of population change
    • We are EXPLORING...collect information on population cahnge in Egypt
    • We are EXPLORING...to connect with World data

    Wänanga: Active Learner

    Ako: Learning and Thinking Strategy

    Alex and Brooklyn Thinking

    Wänanga: The 5 Cs


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING...on Identifying population evolved in Egypt over time
    • We are FOCUSING...on discussing trends

    Wänanga: GREAT Ako

    Alex and Neha next to GREAT Ako

    Wänanga: Active Learner

    Ako: Digital Literacy

    Victoria and Gurpreet in front of whiteboard

    Kia ora...

    Success Criteria: I can...

    • Work through population change stats over time
    • Work through data using number skills


    1. Population spreadsheet

    Follow Up Tasks:
    MathsBuddy due Friday 8 30am

  • 25 March - 31 March


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING...on developing our knowledge of Ancient egypt
    • We are FOCUSING...on Identifying how population evolved in Egypt over time

    Wänanga: GREAT Ako

    Alex and Neha next to GREAT Ako

    Wänanga: Active Learner

    Ako: Digital Literacy

    Victoria and Gurpreet in front of whiteboard


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...to interpret population of Egypt
    • We are EXPLORING...collect information on population of Egypt
    • We are EXPLORING...to connect with Ancient Egypt through population
    • We are EXPLORING...to Research the history of Egyptian population
    • We are EXPLORING...to Analyse Epyptian population

    Wänanga: Active Learner

    Ako: Learning and Thinking Strategy

    Alex and Brooklyn Thinking

    Wänanga: The 5 Cs

    Kia ora...

    Success Criteria: I can...

    • Work through Egyptian population using number skills
    • Express Egyptian population using Fractions, Decimals and %
    • Find % increase over the years


    1. Data on Egyptian population
    2. Spreadsheet on Google Classroom

    Follow Up Tasks:
    MathsBuddy due Friday 8 30am

  • 1 April - 7 April


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING...on Identifying how number systems evolved in Egypt over time
    • We are FOCUSING...on discussing GDP and land usage in Egypt

    Wänanga: GREAT Ako

    Alex and Neha next to GREAT Ako

    Wänanga: Active Learner

    Ako: Digital Literacy

    Victoria and Gurpreet in front of whiteboard

    Enter text here...

    Enter text here...


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...to Research the GDP of Egyptian 
    • We are EXPLORING...to Analyse Epyptian land area
    • We are EXPLORING...to calculate and express Area using different units

    Wänanga: Active Learner

    Ako: Learning and Thinking Strategy

    Alex and Brooklyn Thinking

    Wänanga: The 5 Cs

    Kia ora...

    Success Criteria: I can...

    • Express income and GDP for average person in Egypt
    • Discuss how Number evelved in Egypt
    • Express Land area using different number systems


    1. Information on Egptian number system, land area and GDP

    Follow Up Tasks:

    MathsBuddy due Friday 8 30am

  • 8 April - 14 April


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING...on developing our knowledge of Egypt's GDP
    • We are FOCUSING...on Identifying how number systems evolved in Egypt over time
    • We are FOCUSING...on discussing Egypt's Land area

    Wänanga: GREAT Ako

    Alex and Neha next to GREAT Ako

    Wänanga: Active Learner

    Ako: Digital Literacy

    Victoria and Gurpreet in front of whiteboard


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...to Analyse Epyptian Land Area
    • We are EXPLORING...to Find  Egypt's GDP

    Wänanga: Active Learner

    Ako: Learning and Thinking Strategy

    Alex and Brooklyn Thinking

    Wänanga: The 5 Cs

    Kia ora...

    Success Criteria: I can...

    • Work through and explain/understand how Egypt's Number system evolved
    • Analyse Egypt's GDP
    • Evaluate Egypt's land area and spread of population by the River Nile


    1. Data on Egypt's Land area/GDP and Number System

    Follow Up Tasks:
    MathsBuddy due Friday 8 30am

  • 15 April - 21 April

  • 22 April - 28 April

  • 29 April - 5 May

  • 6 May - 12 May


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING...on developing our understanding of Matariki and Algebraic skills
    • We are FOCUSING...on finding distance between planets


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...to discover Matariki
    • We are EXPLORING...to to discover relationships

    Kia ora...

    Success Criteria: I can..

    • Convert units
    • Calculate distance from the sun to different planets
    • Calculate distance from one planets to another


    1. Astronomy Exploration Earth Science

    Follow Up Tasks:
    MathsBuddy due Friday 8 30am

  • 13 May - 19 May


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING...on developing our understanding of Matariki and Algebraic skills
    • We are FOCUSING....on explaining measurements
    • We are FOCUSING...on finding distance between planets

    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...to discover Matariki
    • We are EXPLORING...to to discover relationships

    Kia ora...

    Success Criteria: I can...

    • Understand and work through Algebraic models and expressions


    Astronomy Exploration Earth Science

    Follow Up Tasks:
    MathsBuddy due Friday 8 30am

  • 20 May - 26 May


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING...on developing our understanding of Matariki and Algebraic skills
    • We are FOCUSING...on discussing speed and gradient of straight line graphs

    Ako: Learning and Thinking Strategy

    Alex and Brooklyn Thinking

    Wänanga: GREAT Ako

    Alex and Neha next to GREAT Ako

    Ako: Feedback

    Ashleigh and Lupe with feedback bubbles


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...to discover Matariki
    • We are EXPLORING...to to discover relationships

    Pono: Hauora

    Zara and Alex with ball and apple

    Awhinatanga: Positive Partnerships

    Lupe and Neha with handshake icon

    Wänanga: Active Learner

    Kia ora...

    Success Criteria: I can...

    • Substitute and evaluate into Matariki equations
    • Calculate points
    • Plot points
    • Draw a straight line graph


    1. Matariki and Algebra - Book2

    Follow Up Tasks:
    MathsBuddy due Friday 8 30am

  • 27 May - 2 June


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING...on developing our understanding of Matariki and Algebraic skills
    • We are FOCUSING....on explaining measurements

    Ako: Learning and Thinking Strategy

    Alex and Brooklyn Thinking

    Wänanga: GREAT Ako

    Alex and Neha next to GREAT Ako

    Ako: Feedback

    Ashleigh and Lupe with feedback bubbles


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...to recognise patterns
    • We are EXPLORING...to to discover relationships

    Pono: Hauora

    Zara and Alex with ball and apple

    Awhinatanga: Positive Partnerships

    Lupe and Neha with handshake icon

    Wänanga: Active Learner

    Kia ora...

    Success Criteria: I can..

    • Plot points
    • Draw straight line graphs


    Astronomy Exploration Earth Science

    Follow Up Tasks:
    MathsBuddy due Friday 8 30am

  • 3 June - 9 June


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING...on developing our understanding of Matariki and Algebraic skills
    • We are FOCUSING....on explaining measurements
    • We are FOCUSING...on discussing speed and gradient of straight line graphs
    • We are FOCUSING...on comparing gradient
    • We are FOCUSING...on finding distance between planets

    Ako: Learning and Thinking Strategy

    Alex and Brooklyn Thinking

    Wänanga: GREAT Ako

    Alex and Neha next to GREAT Ako

    Ako: Feedback

    Ashleigh and Lupe with feedback bubbles


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...to discover Matariki
    • We are EXPLORING...to recognise patterns
    • We are EXPLORING...to connect and calculate distance, speed and time
    • We are EXPLORING...to discover relationships

    Pono: Hauora

    Zara and Alex with ball and apple

    Awhinatanga: Positive Partnerships

    Lupe and Neha with handshake icon

    Wänanga: Active Learner

    Kia ora...

    Success Criteria: I can...

    • Plot points accurately
    • Join points to draw the best fit line
    • Find gradient of straight line
    • Find the y-intercept
    • Write the equation of straight lines


    1. Astronomy Exploration Earth Science
    2. Graphing resources/tasks

    Follow Up Tasks:
    MathsBuddy due 8 30am

  • 10 June - 16 June


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING...on developing our understanding of Matariki and Algebraic skills
    • We are FOCUSING....on explaining measurements
    • We are FOCUSING...on discussing speed and gradient of straight line graphs
    • We are FOCUSING...on comparing gradient
    • We are FOCUSING...on finding distance between planets

    Ako: Learning and Thinking Strategy

    Alex and Brooklyn Thinking

    Wänanga: GREAT Ako

    Alex and Neha next to GREAT Ako

    Ako: Feedback

    Ashleigh and Lupe with feedback bubbles


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...to discover Matariki
    • We are EXPLORING...to recognise patterns
    • We are EXPLORING...to connect and calculate distance, speed and time
    • We are EXPLORING...to to discover relationships

    Pono: Hauora

    Zara and Alex with ball and apple

    Awhinatanga: Positive Partnerships

    Lupe and Neha with handshake icon

    Wänanga: Active Learner

    Kia ora...

    Success Criteria: I can...

    Plot points

    Draw straight line graphs

    Find gradient and y - intercept

    Find equation of a straight line graphs

    Compare gradients and relate to straight lines - slopes

    • Activities:
    1. Matariki and Algebra

    Follow Up Tasks:
    MathsBuddy due Friday 8 30am

  • 24 June - 30 June


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING...on developing our understanding of Matariki and Algebraic skills
    • We are FOCUSING....on explaining measurements
    • We are FOCUSING...on discussing speed and gradient of straight line graphs
    • We are FOCUSING...on comparing gradient
    • We are FOCUSING...on finding distance between planets

    Ako: Learning and Thinking Strategy

    Alex and Brooklyn Thinking

    Wänanga: GREAT Ako

    Alex and Neha next to GREAT Ako

    Ako: Feedback

    Ashleigh and Lupe with feedback bubbles


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...to discover Matariki
    • We are EXPLORING...to recognise patterns
    • We are EXPLORING...to connect and calculate distance, speed and time
    • We are EXPLORING...to to discover relationships

    Pono: Hauora

    Zara and Alex with ball and apple

    Awhinatanga: Positive Partnerships

    Lupe and Neha with handshake icon

    Wänanga: Active Learner

    Kia ora...

    Success Criteria: I can...

    • Get accurate data
    • Plot points accurately
    • find the gradient and y - intercept of a straight line
    • equation of straight line graph


    1. Assessment #1 on Matariki

    Follow Up Tasks:
    MathsBuddy due Friday 8 30am

  • 1 July - 7 July


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING...on developing our understanding of Matariki and Algebraic skills
    • We are FOCUSING....on explaining measurements
    • We are FOCUSING...on discussing speed and gradient of straight line graphs
    • We are FOCUSING...on comparing gradient
    • We are FOCUSING...on finding distance between planets

    Ako: Learning and Thinking Strategy

    Alex and Brooklyn Thinking

    Wänanga: GREAT Ako

    Alex and Neha next to GREAT Ako

    Ako: Feedback

    Ashleigh and Lupe with feedback bubbles


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...to discover Matariki
    • We are EXPLORING...to recognise patterns
    • We are EXPLORING...to connect and calculate distance, speed and time
    • We are EXPLORING...to to discover relationships

    Pono: Hauora

    Zara and Alex with ball and apple

    Awhinatanga: Positive Partnerships

    Lupe and Neha with handshake icon

    Wänanga: Active Learner

    Kia ora...

    Success Criteria: I can...

    • Work through my assessment on Matariki - 
    • Getting points using sphero 
    • Plotting points, 
    • Finding gradient
    • Finding y - intercept
    • Finding equation of graph
    • Discussing limitations/improvements


    1. Assessment #1

    Follow Up Tasks:
    MathsBuddy tasks due Friday 8 30am

  • 8 July - 14 July

  • 15 July - 21 July

  • 22 July - 28 July

    This week


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING...on developing our understanding of Matariki and Algebraic skills
    • We are FOCUSING....on explaining measurements
    • We are FOCUSING...on discussing speed and gradient of straight line graphs
    • We are FOCUSING...on comparing gradient
    • We are FOCUSING...on finding distance between planets

    Ako: Learning and Thinking Strategy

    Alex and Brooklyn Thinking

    Wänanga: GREAT Ako

    Alex and Neha next to GREAT Ako

    Ako: Feedback

    Ashleigh and Lupe with feedback bubbles


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...to discover Matariki
    • We are EXPLORING...to recognise patterns
    • We are EXPLORING...to connect and calculate distance, speed and time
    • We are EXPLORING...to to discover relationships

    Pono: Hauora

    Zara and Alex with ball and apple

    Awhinatanga: Positive Partnerships

    Lupe and Neha with handshake icon

    Wänanga: Active Learner

    Kia ora...

    Success Criteria: I can...

    • Work through my assessment on Matariki - 
    • Getting points using sphero 
    • Plotting points, 
    • Finding gradient
    • Finding y - intercept
    • Finding equation of graph
    • Discussing limitations/improvements


    1. Assessment #1

    Follow Up Tasks:
    MathsBuddy tasks due Friday 8 30am

  • 5 August - 11 August

  • 12 August - 18 August

  • 19 August - 25 August

  • 26 August - 1 September

  • 2 September - 8 September

  • 9 September - 15 September

  • 16 September - 22 September

  • 23 September - 28 September

  • 30 September - 6 October

  • 7 October - 13 October

  • 14 October - 20 October

  • 21 October - 27 October

  • 28 October - 3 November

  • 4 November - 10 November

  • 11 November - 17 November

  • 18 November - 24 November

  • 25 November - 1 December

  • 2 December - 8 December

  • 9 December - 15 December