Weekly outline

  • General

  • Term 1 Week 2

    Kia ora year 9's and welcome to science for 2024! 

    Our first context of the year is 'History's mysteries', but we will be starting the year off by recapping lab safety and lab equipment. 

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can list lab safety rules
    • I can explain the reason behind lab safety rules
    • I can recall the names and meanings of chemical hazard symbols
    • I can identify important lab equipment


    1. Lab safety recap
    2. Hazard symbols page
    3. Equipment labelling

  • Term 1 Week 3


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING science through history by investigating the strength of ancient buildings
    • We are EXPLORING science through history by discovering the importance of science in Ancient Egypt

     Kia ora year 9s,

    This week we will be beginning by practising our measuring skills, before launching into our new context by learning about science in Ancient Egypt.

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can measure accurately
    • I can work safely and sensibly in a group carrying out a practical
    • I can list important scientific advancements in Ancient Egypt
    • I can compare the importance of science in Ancient Egypt vs today
    • I can explain why pyramid structures are strong and stable


    1. Colour magic lab activity
    2. Ancient egypt worksheet
    3. Strength of pyramids lab activity

  • Term 1 Week 4


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING science through history by investigating the strength of ancient buildings

     Kia ora year 9s,

    This week we will be exploring the structure of the Egyptian pyramids and how they were built

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can explain why pyramid structures are strong and stable
    • I can describe a NZ example fo traditional construction knowledge
    • I can define friction
    • I can explain how the Egyptians reduced friction when building the pyramids


    1. Wharenui reading 
    2. Friction experiment

  • Term 1 Week 5


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING the human body by researching about the mummies of Ancient Egypt
    • We are EXPLORING the human body by investigating the structure and function of the human heart

     Kia ora year 9s,

    This week we will be exploring Ancient Egyptian mummies and investigating the heart.

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can describe the mummification process
    • I can write a clear method
    • I can describe the purpose of the heart


    1. Mummy method task
    2. Heart fact organiser

  • Term 1 Week 6


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING the human body by investigating the structure and function of the human heart

     Kia ora year 9s,

    This week we will be continuing to investigate the structure and function of the heart.

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can name different structures of the heart
    • I can describe the flow of blood through the heart


    1. Heart diagram task
    2. Heart dissection

  • Term 1 Week 7


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING...on solving historical and forensic mysteries using scientific tools, knowledge and techniques


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING to apply knowledge of forensic science so that we can solve a murder mystery

     Kia ora year 9s,

    A murder has taken place at MHJC! This week we will be learning the science of chromotography to determine which pen was used by the killer.

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can describe the purpose of chromatography
    • I can carry out a chromatography experiment


    1. Murder mystery investigation assessment

  • Term 1 Week 8


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING to apply knowledge of forensic science so that we can solve a murder mystery

     Kia ora year 9s,

    This week we will be continuing our murder mystery investigating by learning about trace evidence, and how to draw scientific drawings from microscope images.

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can describe the purpose of trace forensics
    • I can use a microscope
    • I can draw a scientific drawing
    • I can compare features of a trace substance


    1. Murder mystery investigation assessment - microscope analysis

  • Term 1 Week 9


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING to apply knowledge of forensic science so that we can solve a murder mystery

     Kia ora year 9s,

    This week we will be concluding our murder mystery investigating by learning about fingerprint analysis.

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can describe the purpose of fingerprint analysis
    • I can determine different types and features of fingerprints


    1. Murder mystery investigation assessment - fingerprint analysis

  • Term 1 Week 10


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING...on solving historical and forensic mysteries using scientific tools, knowledge and techniques


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING science through history by investigating aspects of archeology and paleantology


    Kia ora year 9s, This week we will be exploring archeology in New Zealand, and some science around bones. 

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can describe what a midden is
    • I can discuss the information that a midden can provide
    • I can name the layers that bones are made of
    • I can explain the function of each layer of the bones


    1. Midden article + questions
    2. Bone structure diagram

  • Term 1 Week 11


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING...on solving historical and forensic mysteries using scientific tools, knowledge and techniques


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING science through history by investigating aspects of archeology and paleantology

    Kia ora year 9s, This week we will be exploring the archeology of teeth

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can name different types of teeth
    • I can describe the function of different types of teeth
    • I can link the types of teeth an animal has to their diet
    • I can identify skulls based on their teeth
    • I can describe the structure of a tooth
    • I can draw and label a tooth


    1. Teeth identification activities
    2. Tooth structure

  • Term 2 Week 1


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING science through history by investigating aspects of archeology and palaeantology

    Kia ora year 9s, This week we will be finishing off the context by exploring fossils - what they are and what they can teach us.

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can identify different kinds of fossils
    • I can describe what fossils are made of
    • I can discuss an issue based on a NZ fossil case study
    • I can explain different ways fossils are made


    1. Fossil types table
    2. Foulden Maar case study
    3. Make a cast-and-mold fossil

  • Term 2 Week 2


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING... space science by recognising features of our solar system

    Kia ora year 9s, This week we will be beginning our new context - May the force we with you -  by beginning to observe our solar system

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can name the planets of the solar system
    • I can define important space terms
    • I can discuss the scale of our solar system
    • I can describe the composition, tilt and size of planet earth


    1. New context title page
    2. Space definitions
    3. Planet earth reading + questions
    4. Scale of the solar system - walking task
    5. Solar system education perfect 

  • Term 2 Week 3


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING... space science by recognising features of our solar system

    Kia ora year 9s, This week we will be investigating the important features of our solar system - the sun, earth and other planets

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can name the planets of the solar system
    • I can describe features of the planets in our solar system
    • I can explain the nature of the sun


    1. The sun - reading + questions
    2. Planets worksheet
    3. Planetary Mnemonics task
    4. 'Design a planet'

  • Term 2 Week 4


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...space science by discovering the cause of our tides, seasons and moon phases

    Kia ora year 9s, This week is all about the moon - we will be investigating the cause of our tides, and moon phases in the night sky.

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can describe what tides are
    • I can identify the cause of the tides
    • I can explain the roles of the sun, moon and earth's rotation in causing the tides
    • I can identify and name the phases of the moon
    • I can describe and model the cause of the phases of the moon that we observe


    1. Tides cut-and-paste activity
    2. Moon phases table
    3. Moon phases oreo activity

  • Term 2 Week 5


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...space science by discovering the cause of our tides, seasons and moon phases

    Kia ora year 9s, this week we will be investigating the cause of craters, and exploring the cause of our seasons on earth.

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can describe what a meteorite is
    • I can explain the cause of meteorite craters
    • I can experiment creating craters of different sizes by changing one variable
    • I can define seasons
    • I can relate the tilt of the earth to the cause of the seasons


    1. Moon craters experiment
    2. Seasons cut and paste diagram

  • Term 2 Week 6


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...space science by discovering how humans have explored space

    Kia ora year 9s, this week we will be investigating astronauts - the equipment they use, and how life in space affects their bodies.

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can explain the job of an astronaut
    • I can describe how life is different on the ISS
    • I can draw and label an astronaut suit
    • I can explain the purpose of different parts of an astronaut suit
    • I can discuss the affects of living in space on the human body


    1. Astronaut suit diagram
    2. Astronaut journal entry
    3. affect of space - reading + questions

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  • Term 2 Week 7


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...space science by discovering how humans have explored space

    Kia ora year 9s, this week we will be examining conspiracy theories and learning how to use evidence to make judgements

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can outline the 'earth is flat' conspiracy
    • I can describe reasons people believe/d the earth is flat
    • I can explain the difference between a statement and evidence
    • I can explain evidence that the earth is a sphere/ the 1969 moon landing took place
    • I can discuss evidence that the earth is a sphere/ the 1969 moon landing took place


    1. Astronaut suit diagram
    2. Astronaut journal entry
    3. affect of space - reading + questions

  • Term 2 Week 8


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...space science by discovering how humans have explored space

    Kia ora year 9s, this week we will be taking our field trip to Stardome, and continuing to explore how people have explored space.

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can describe the conditions on mars
    • I can explain the purpose of the mars rovers
    • I can list different features of mar rovers and explain their purpose


    1. Stardome visit
    2. Mars rover diagram

  • Term 2 Week 9


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...space science by discovering how humans have explored space

    Kia ora year 9s, this week we will be looking at the science behind how rockets work, and carrying out our own rocket activity.

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can outline Newton's 3rd law
    • I can explain the purpose and function of rockets
    • I can identify the products of a simple chemical reaction
    • I can describe how air resistance and gravity act on a rocket
    • I can explain how rockets work against air resistance and gravity


    1. Streamline research
    2. Rocket experiment

  • Term 2 Week 10


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...forces in space by investigating physics of forces and motion

    Kia ora year 9s, this week we will be recapping forces, and carrying out an experiment looking at thrust force.

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can explain how thrust works on an object
    • I can create a model aeolipile engine
    • I can identify what forces are
    • I can explain how forces act on an object
    • I can give examples of different kinds of forces


    1. Aeolipile engine experiment
    2. Force research mini poster task

  • 8 July - 14 July

  • 15 July - 21 July

  • 22 July - 28 July

    This week
  • 29 July - 4 August

  • 5 August - 11 August

  • 12 August - 18 August

  • 19 August - 25 August

  • 26 August - 1 September

  • 2 September - 8 September

  • 9 September - 15 September

  • 16 September - 22 September

  • 23 September - 28 September

  • 30 September - 6 October

  • 7 October - 13 October

  • 14 October - 20 October

  • 21 October - 27 October

  • 28 October - 3 November

  • 4 November - 10 November

  • 11 November - 17 November

  • 18 November - 24 November