Weekly outline

  • General

    • Assignment icon
      Opened: Wednesday, 24 July 2024, 1:50 PM
      Due: Friday, 26 July 2024, 9:30 AM

      Year 9 Wai Whanau students have been exploring Matariki - Stars, Planets and Maori culture involving Southern Cross and use of Maori calender and its use in planting crops and fishing, eg Hina App. Students have been looking at their understanding and application of Algebra skills.  For this assessment, students must now look at the distnace between planets. In this assessment students will be assessed on their understanding of plotting points, drawing best fit line, finding the equation of the best fit line and linking the equation back to travelling between different planets.
  • 29 January - 4 February

    • Assignment icon
      Opened: Tuesday, 5 November 2024, 8:30 AM
      Due: Friday, 8 November 2024, 3:00 PM

      Year 9 Wai Whanau students have been exploring statistics involving fitness and Olympics. Students have been looking at variables such as training or lack of it and diet that may affect their fitness.  For this assessment, students must now look at Pre and Post fitness. In this assessment students will be assessed on their understanding and application of PPDAC Cycle.

  • 5 February - 11 February


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING...on developing our knowledge of Ancient egypt

    I am an active learner as I know what I need to learn, where I am with that learning and what my next learning steps are:

    • Emerging:
      • I know what I am learning and why
      • I can use evidence to identify where I am with my learning
      • I can use evidence to identify my next learning steps
    • Growing:
      • I can describe what I am learning and why, using our shared language for learning; GREAT Ako
      • I can use evidence to describe where I am with my learning
      • I can use evidence to plan and take my next learning steps

    MHJC GREAT Learner Learning to Learn / Ako: Digital Literacy

    Victoria and Gurpreet in front of whiteboard


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...to interpret history of Egypt

    I am a learner with innovation skills that will enable me to navigate the 21st century:

    • Emerging:
      • I think creativity to solve challenges
      • I demonstrate the skills to work collaboratively with others
      • I have oral, written and non-verbal communication skills
    • Growing:
      • I work creativity with others to solve challenges
      • When working collaboratively, I exercise flexibility and willingness to compromise to achieve a common goal
      • I am a clear communicator; oral, written and nonverbal

    I am an active learner as I know what I need to learn, where I am with that learning and what my next learning steps are:

    • Emerging:
      • I know what I am learning and why
      • I can use evidence to identify where I am with my learning
      • I can use evidence to identify my next learning steps
    • Growing:
      • I can describe what I am learning and why, using our shared language for learning; GREAT Ako
      • I can use evidence to describe where I am with my learning
      • I can use evidence to plan and take my next learning steps

    MHJC Great Learner Learning to Learn / Ako: Learning and Thinking Strategy

    Alex and Brooklyn Thinking

    Kia ora...

    Success Criteria: I can

    • Find information on ....
    • Egyptian Number System
    • Egyptian Architecture (Geometry used)


    1. Egyptian history - Google Search

    Follow Up Tasks:

    MathsBuddy due Tuesday 8 30am

  • 12 February - 18 February


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING...on developing our knowledge of Ancient egypt

    I am an active learner as I know what I need to learn, where I am with that learning and what my next learning steps are:

    • Emerging:
      • I know what I am learning and why
      • I can use evidence to identify where I am with my learning
      • I can use evidence to identify my next learning steps
    • Growing:
      • I can describe what I am learning and why, using our shared language for learning; GREAT Ako
      • I can use evidence to describe where I am with my learning
      • I can use evidence to plan and take my next learning steps

    MHJC GREAT Learner Learning to Learn / Ako: Digital Literacy

    Victoria and Gurpreet in front of whiteboard


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...to interpret history of Egypt

    I am a learner with innovation skills that will enable me to navigate the 21st century:

    • Emerging:
      • I think creativity to solve challenges
      • I demonstrate the skills to work collaboratively with others
      • I have oral, written and non-verbal communication skills
    • Growing:
      • I work creativity with others to solve challenges
      • When working collaboratively, I exercise flexibility and willingness to compromise to achieve a common goal
      • I am a clear communicator; oral, written and nonverbal

    I am an active learner as I know what I need to learn, where I am with that learning and what my next learning steps are:

    • Emerging:
      • I know what I am learning and why
      • I can use evidence to identify where I am with my learning
      • I can use evidence to identify my next learning steps
    • Growing:
      • I can describe what I am learning and why, using our shared language for learning; GREAT Ako
      • I can use evidence to describe where I am with my learning
      • I can use evidence to plan and take my next learning steps

    MHJC Great Learner Learning to Learn / Ako: Learning and Thinking Strategy

    Alex and Brooklyn Thinking

    Kia ora...

    Success Criteria: I can

    • Find information on ....
    • Egyptian History
    • River Nile and impact on Egyptian life/survival


    1. Egyptian Information - Google Search

    Follow Up Tasks:

    MathsBuddy due Tuesday 8 30am

  • 19 February - 25 February


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING...on developing our knowledge of Ancient egypt
    • We are FOCUSING...on Identifying how number systems evolved in Egypt over time

    I am an active learner as I know what I need to learn, where I am with that learning and what my next learning steps are:

    • Emerging:
      • I know what I am learning and why
      • I can use evidence to identify where I am with my learning
      • I can use evidence to identify my next learning steps
    • Growing:
      • I can describe what I am learning and why, using our shared language for learning; GREAT Ako
      • I can use evidence to describe where I am with my learning
      • I can use evidence to plan and take my next learning steps

    MHJC GREAT Learner Learning to Learn / Ako: Digital Literacy

    Victoria and Gurpreet in front of whiteboard


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...to interpret history of Egypt
    • We are EXPLORING...collect information on Ancient Egypt

    I am a learner with innovation skills that will enable me to navigate the 21st century:

    • Emerging:
      • I think creativity to solve challenges
      • I demonstrate the skills to work collaboratively with others
      • I have oral, written and non-verbal communication skills
    • Growing:
      • I work creativity with others to solve challenges
      • When working collaboratively, I exercise flexibility and willingness to compromise to achieve a common goal
      • I am a clear communicator; oral, written and nonverbal

    I am an active learner as I know what I need to learn, where I am with that learning and what my next learning steps are:

    • Emerging:
      • I know what I am learning and why
      • I can use evidence to identify where I am with my learning
      • I can use evidence to identify my next learning steps
    • Growing:
      • I can describe what I am learning and why, using our shared language for learning; GREAT Ako
      • I can use evidence to describe where I am with my learning
      • I can use evidence to plan and take my next learning steps

    MHJC Great Learner Learning to Learn / Ako: Learning and Thinking Strategy

    Alex and Brooklyn Thinking

    Kia ora...

    Success Criteria: I can...

    • Find Volume of Pyramids
    • Understand and use formula to find Volumes of different Pyramids
    • Round to significant figures
    • Substitute and evaluate


    1. Information on Ancient Egypt - Pyramids

    Follow Up Tasks:

    MathsBuddy due Tue 8 30am

  • 26 February - 3 March


    MHJC Great Learner Life Long Learner / Wänanga: GREAT Ako

    Alex and Neha next to GREAT Ako

    MHJC Great Learner Life Long Learner / Wänanga: Active Learner

    MHJC GREAT Learner Learning to Learn / Ako: Digital Literacy

    Victoria and Gurpreet in front of whiteboard

    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING...on developing our knowledge of Ancient egypt
    • We are FOCUSING...on Identifying how number systems evolved in Egypt over time

    MHJC Great Learner Life Long Learner / Wänanga: The 5 Cs

    MHJC Great Learner Life Long Learner / Wänanga: Active Learner

    MHJC Great Learner Learning to Learn / Ako: Learning and Thinking Strategy

    Alex and Brooklyn Thinking

    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...collect information on Ancient Egypt

    Kia ora...

    Success Criteria: I can...

    • Find appropriate information on Ancient Egypt
    • Present my information in a detailed manner


    1. Researching appropriate Information on Egypt

    Follow Up Tasks:
    MathBuddy due Fri 8 30am

  • 4 March - 10 March

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    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING...on developing our knowledge of Ancient egypt
    • We are FOCUSING...on discussing Egypt

    MHJC Great Learner Life Long Learner / Wänanga: GREAT Ako

    Alex and Neha next to GREAT Ako

    MHJC Great Learner Life Long Learner / Wänanga: Active Learner

    MHJC GREAT Learner Learning to Learn / Ako: Digital Literacy

    Victoria and Gurpreet in front of whiteboard

    Enter text here...

    Enter text here...


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...to interpret history of Egypt
    • We are EXPLORING...collect information on Ancient Egypt
    • We are EXPLORING...to Research the history of Egyptian Flag
    • We are EXPLORING...to Analyse Epyptian Flag
    • We are EXPLORING...to Find measurements of Egyptian Flag
    • We are EXPLORING...to calculate Area, Perimeter of Egyptian Flag

    MHJC Great Learner Life Long Learner / Wänanga: Active Learner

    MHJC Great Learner Learning to Learn / Ako: Learning and Thinking Strategy

    Alex and Brooklyn Thinking

    MHJC Great Learner Life Long Learner / Wänanga: The 5 Cs

    Enter text here...

    Kia ora...

    Success Criteria: I can...

    • Calculate Area/Perimeter of Egyptian Flag
    • Round numbers sensibly
    • Use formulas to calculate Volume, area and Perimeter


    1. Information on Pyramids and Egyptian Flag

    Follow Up Tasks:
    MathsBuddy due Friday 8 30am

  • 18 March - 24 March

    Enter text here...


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...to interpret pattern of population change
    • We are EXPLORING...collect information on population cahnge in Egypt
    • We are EXPLORING...to connect with World data

    Wänanga: Active Learner

    Ako: Learning and Thinking Strategy

    Alex and Brooklyn Thinking

    Wänanga: The 5 Cs


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING...on Identifying population evolved in Egypt over time
    • We are FOCUSING...on discussing trends

    Wänanga: GREAT Ako

    Alex and Neha next to GREAT Ako

    Wänanga: Active Learner

    Ako: Digital Literacy

    Victoria and Gurpreet in front of whiteboard

    Kia ora...

    Success Criteria: I can...

    • Work through population change stats over time
    • Work through data using number skills


    1. Population spreadsheet

    Follow Up Tasks:
    MathsBuddy due Friday 8 30am

  • 25 March - 31 March


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING...on developing our knowledge of Ancient egypt
    • We are FOCUSING...on Identifying how population evolved in Egypt over time

    Wänanga: GREAT Ako

    Alex and Neha next to GREAT Ako

    Wänanga: Active Learner

    Ako: Digital Literacy

    Victoria and Gurpreet in front of whiteboard


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...to interpret population of Egypt
    • We are EXPLORING...collect information on population of Egypt
    • We are EXPLORING...to connect with Ancient Egypt through population
    • We are EXPLORING...to Research the history of Egyptian population
    • We are EXPLORING...to Analyse Epyptian population

    Wänanga: Active Learner

    Ako: Learning and Thinking Strategy

    Alex and Brooklyn Thinking

    Wänanga: The 5 Cs

    Kia ora...

    Success Criteria: I can...

    • Work through Egyptian population using number skills
    • Express Egyptian population using Fractions, Decimals and %
    • Find % increase over the years


    1. Data on Egyptian population
    2. Spreadsheet on Google Classroom

    Follow Up Tasks:
    MathsBuddy due Friday 8 30am

  • 1 April - 7 April


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING...on Identifying how number systems evolved in Egypt over time
    • We are FOCUSING...on discussing GDP and land usage in Egypt

    Wänanga: GREAT Ako

    Alex and Neha next to GREAT Ako

    Wänanga: Active Learner

    Ako: Digital Literacy

    Victoria and Gurpreet in front of whiteboard

    Enter text here...

    Enter text here...


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...to Research the GDP of Egyptian 
    • We are EXPLORING...to Analyse Epyptian land area
    • We are EXPLORING...to calculate and express Area using different units

    Wänanga: Active Learner

    Ako: Learning and Thinking Strategy

    Alex and Brooklyn Thinking

    Wänanga: The 5 Cs

    Kia ora...

    Success Criteria: I can...

    • Express income and GDP for average person in Egypt
    • Discuss how Number evelved in Egypt
    • Express Land area using different number systems


    1. Information on Egptian number system, land area and GDP

    Follow Up Tasks:

    MathsBuddy due Friday 8 30am

  • 8 April - 14 April


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING...on developing our knowledge of Egypt's GDP
    • We are FOCUSING...on Identifying how number systems evolved in Egypt over time
    • We are FOCUSING...on discussing Egypt's Land area

    Wänanga: GREAT Ako

    Alex and Neha next to GREAT Ako

    Wänanga: Active Learner

    Ako: Digital Literacy

    Victoria and Gurpreet in front of whiteboard


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...to Analyse Epyptian Land Area
    • We are EXPLORING...to Find  Egypt's GDP

    Wänanga: Active Learner

    Ako: Learning and Thinking Strategy

    Alex and Brooklyn Thinking

    Wänanga: The 5 Cs

    Kia ora...

    Success Criteria: I can...

    • Work through and explain/understand how Egypt's Number system evolved
    • Analyse Egypt's GDP
    • Evaluate Egypt's land area and spread of population by the River Nile


    1. Data on Egypt's Land area/GDP and Number System

    Follow Up Tasks:
    MathsBuddy due Friday 8 30am

  • 15 April - 21 April

  • 22 April - 28 April

  • 29 April - 5 May

  • 6 May - 12 May


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING...on developing our understanding of Matariki and Algebraic skills
    • We are FOCUSING...on finding distance between planets


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...to discover Matariki
    • We are EXPLORING...to to discover relationships

    Kia ora...

    Success Criteria: I can..

    • Convert units
    • Calculate distance from the sun to different planets
    • Calculate distance from one planets to another


    1. Astronomy Exploration Earth Science

    Follow Up Tasks:
    MathsBuddy due Friday 8 30am

  • 13 May - 19 May


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING...on developing our understanding of Matariki and Algebraic skills
    • We are FOCUSING....on explaining measurements
    • We are FOCUSING...on finding distance between planets

    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...to discover Matariki
    • We are EXPLORING...to to discover relationships

    Kia ora...

    Success Criteria: I can...

    • Understand and work through Algebraic models and expressions


    Astronomy Exploration Earth Science

    Follow Up Tasks:
    MathsBuddy due Friday 8 30am

  • 20 May - 26 May


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING...on developing our understanding of Matariki and Algebraic skills
    • We are FOCUSING...on discussing speed and gradient of straight line graphs

    Ako: Learning and Thinking Strategy

    Alex and Brooklyn Thinking

    Wänanga: GREAT Ako

    Alex and Neha next to GREAT Ako

    Ako: Feedback

    Ashleigh and Lupe with feedback bubbles


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...to discover Matariki
    • We are EXPLORING...to to discover relationships

    Pono: Hauora

    Zara and Alex with ball and apple

    Awhinatanga: Positive Partnerships

    Lupe and Neha with handshake icon

    Wänanga: Active Learner

    Kia ora...

    Success Criteria: I can...

    • Substitute and evaluate into Matariki equations
    • Calculate points
    • Plot points
    • Draw a straight line graph


    Astronomy Exploration Earth Science

    Follow Up Tasks:
    MathsBuddy due Friday 8 30am

  • 27 May - 2 June


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING...on developing our understanding of Matariki and Algebraic skills
    • We are FOCUSING....on explaining measurements

    Ako: Learning and Thinking Strategy

    Alex and Brooklyn Thinking

    Wänanga: GREAT Ako

    Alex and Neha next to GREAT Ako

    Ako: Feedback

    Ashleigh and Lupe with feedback bubbles


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...to recognise patterns
    • We are EXPLORING...to to discover relationships

    Pono: Hauora

    Zara and Alex with ball and apple

    Awhinatanga: Positive Partnerships

    Lupe and Neha with handshake icon

    Wänanga: Active Learner

    Kia ora...

    Success Criteria: I can..

    • Plot points
    • Draw straight line graphs


    Astronomy Exploration Earth Science

    Follow Up Tasks:
    MathsBuddy due Friday 8 30am

  • 3 June - 9 June


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING...on developing our understanding of Matariki and Algebraic skills
    • We are FOCUSING....on explaining measurements
    • We are FOCUSING...on discussing speed and gradient of straight line graphs
    • We are FOCUSING...on comparing gradient
    • We are FOCUSING...on finding distance between planets

    Ako: Learning and Thinking Strategy

    Alex and Brooklyn Thinking

    Wänanga: GREAT Ako

    Alex and Neha next to GREAT Ako

    Ako: Feedback

    Ashleigh and Lupe with feedback bubbles


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...to discover Matariki
    • We are EXPLORING...to recognise patterns
    • We are EXPLORING...to connect and calculate distance, speed and time
    • We are EXPLORING...to discover relationships

    Pono: Hauora

    Zara and Alex with ball and apple

    Awhinatanga: Positive Partnerships

    Lupe and Neha with handshake icon

    Wänanga: Active Learner

    Kia ora...

    Success Criteria: I can...

    • Plot points accurately
    • Join points to draw the best fit line
    • Find gradient of straight line
    • Find the y-intercept
    • Write the equation of straight lines


    1. Astronomy Exploration Earth Science
    2. Graphing resources/tasks

    Follow Up Tasks:
    MathsBuddy due 8 30am

  • 10 June - 16 June


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING...on developing our understanding of Matariki and Algebraic skills
    • We are FOCUSING....on explaining measurements
    • We are FOCUSING...on discussing speed and gradient of straight line graphs
    • We are FOCUSING...on comparing gradient
    • We are FOCUSING...on finding distance between planets

    Ako: Learning and Thinking Strategy

    Alex and Brooklyn Thinking

    Wänanga: GREAT Ako

    Alex and Neha next to GREAT Ako

    Ako: Feedback

    Ashleigh and Lupe with feedback bubbles


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...to discover Matariki
    • We are EXPLORING...to recognise patterns
    • We are EXPLORING...to connect and calculate distance, speed and time
    • We are EXPLORING...to to discover relationships

    Pono: Hauora

    Zara and Alex with ball and apple

    Awhinatanga: Positive Partnerships

    Lupe and Neha with handshake icon

    Wänanga: Active Learner

    Kia ora...

    Success Criteria: I can...

    Plot points

    Draw straight line graphs

    Find gradient and y - intercept

    Find equation of a straight line graphs

    Compare gradients and relate to straight lines - slopes

    • Activities:
    1. Matariki and Algebra

    Follow Up Tasks:
    MathsBuddy due Friday 8 30am

  • 24 June - 30 June


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING...on developing our understanding of Matariki and Algebraic skills
    • We are FOCUSING....on explaining measurements
    • We are FOCUSING...on discussing speed and gradient of straight line graphs
    • We are FOCUSING...on comparing gradient
    • We are FOCUSING...on finding distance between planets

    Ako: Learning and Thinking Strategy

    Alex and Brooklyn Thinking

    Wänanga: GREAT Ako

    Alex and Neha next to GREAT Ako

    Ako: Feedback

    Ashleigh and Lupe with feedback bubbles


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...to discover Matariki
    • We are EXPLORING...to recognise patterns
    • We are EXPLORING...to connect and calculate distance, speed and time
    • We are EXPLORING...to to discover relationships

    Pono: Hauora

    Zara and Alex with ball and apple

    Awhinatanga: Positive Partnerships

    Lupe and Neha with handshake icon

    Wänanga: Active Learner

    Kia ora...

    Success Criteria: I can...

    • Get accurate data
    • Plot points accurately
    • find the gradient and y - intercept of a straight line
    • equation of straight line graph


    1. Assessment #1 on Matariki

    Follow Up Tasks:
    MathsBuddy due Friday 8 30am

  • 1 July - 7 July


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING...on developing our understanding of Matariki and Algebraic skills
    • We are FOCUSING....on explaining measurements
    • We are FOCUSING...on discussing speed and gradient of straight line graphs
    • We are FOCUSING...on comparing gradient
    • We are FOCUSING...on finding distance between planets

    Ako: Learning and Thinking Strategy

    Alex and Brooklyn Thinking

    Wänanga: GREAT Ako

    Alex and Neha next to GREAT Ako

    Ako: Feedback

    Ashleigh and Lupe with feedback bubbles


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...to discover Matariki
    • We are EXPLORING...to recognise patterns
    • We are EXPLORING...to connect and calculate distance, speed and time
    • We are EXPLORING...to to discover relationships

    Pono: Hauora

    Zara and Alex with ball and apple

    Awhinatanga: Positive Partnerships

    Lupe and Neha with handshake icon

    Wänanga: Active Learner

    Kia ora...

    Success Criteria: I can...

    • Work through my assessment on Matariki - 
    • Getting points using sphero 
    • Plotting points, 
    • Finding gradient
    • Finding y - intercept
    • Finding equation of graph
    • Discussing limitations/improvements


    1. Assessment #1

    Follow Up Tasks:
    MathsBuddy tasks due Friday 8 30am

  • 8 July - 14 July

  • 15 July - 21 July

  • 22 July - 28 July


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING...on developing our understanding of Matariki and Algebraic skills
    • We are FOCUSING....on explaining measurements
    • We are FOCUSING...on discussing speed and gradient of straight line graphs
    • We are FOCUSING...on comparing gradient
    • We are FOCUSING...on finding distance between planets

    Ako: Learning and Thinking Strategy

    Alex and Brooklyn Thinking

    Wänanga: GREAT Ako

    Alex and Neha next to GREAT Ako

    Ako: Feedback

    Ashleigh and Lupe with feedback bubbles


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...to discover Matariki
    • We are EXPLORING...to recognise patterns
    • We are EXPLORING...to connect and calculate distance, speed and time
    • We are EXPLORING...to to discover relationships

    Pono: Hauora

    Zara and Alex with ball and apple

    Awhinatanga: Positive Partnerships

    Lupe and Neha with handshake icon

    Wänanga: Active Learner

    Kia ora...

    Success Criteria: I can...

    • Work through my assessment on Matariki - 
    • Getting points using sphero 
    • Plotting points, 
    • Finding gradient
    • Finding y - intercept
    • Finding equation of graph
    • Discussing limitations/improvements


    1. Assessment #1

    Follow Up Tasks:
    MathsBuddy tasks due Friday 8 30am

  • 29 July - 4 August


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING...on developing our understanding of Matariki and Algebraic skills
    • We are FOCUSING....on explaining measurements
    • We are FOCUSING...on discussing speed and gradient of straight line graphs


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...to connect and calculate distance, speed and time
    • We are EXPLORING...to to discover relationships

    Kia ora...

    Success Criteria: I can...

    • Work through my assessment on Matariki - 
    • Getting points using sphero 
    • Plotting points, 
    • Finding gradient
    • Finding y - intercept
    • Finding equation of graph
    • Discussing limitations/improvements


    1. Assessment #1

    Follow Up Tasks:
    MathsBuddy tasks due Friday 8 30am

  • 5 August - 11 August


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING...on...developing our Statistic skills
    • We are FOCUSING......on...selecting correct data

    Wänanga: GREAT Ako

    Alex and Neha next to GREAT Ako

    Ako: Learning and Thinking Strategy

    Alex and Brooklyn Thinking

    Ako: Feedback

    Ashleigh and Lupe with feedback bubbles


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...the Olympics by...Analysing Data
    • We are EXPLORING...the Olympics by...collecting data

    Awhinatanga: Positive Partnerships

    Lupe and Neha with handshake icon

    Kia ora...

    Success Criteria: I can...

    • Understand terminology of Statistics
    • Analyse data
    • Find mean, median, mode, range


    1. Olympic data on Medals
    2. Youtube videos on analysing data using Google Sheets

    Follow Up Tasks:
    MathsBuddy due Fri 8 30am

  • 19 August - 25 August

    Enter text here...


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING...on...developing our Statistic skills
    • We are FOCUSING......on...selecting correct data

    Wänanga: GREAT Ako

    Alex and Neha next to GREAT Ako

    Ako: Learning and Thinking Strategy

    Alex and Brooklyn Thinking

    Ako: Feedback

    Ashleigh and Lupe with feedback bubbles

    Enter text here...

    Enter text here...


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...the Olympics by...Analysing Data
    • We are EXPLORING...the Olympics by...collecting data
    • We are EXPLORING...the Olympics by...Displaying data

    Awhinatanga: Positive Partnerships

    Lupe and Neha with handshake icon

    Wänanga: Active Learner

    Ako: Digital Literacy

    Victoria and Gurpreet in front of whiteboard

    Awhinatanga: Resilient Mindset

    Alex and Ashleigh with positive words

    Kia ora...

    Success Criteria: I can...

    Using Height measurement data, I can

    Analyse data 

    Draw appropriate graphs


    1. Data on Height
    2. Google Classroom tasks

    Follow Up Tasks:
    MathsBuddy due Fri 8 30am

  • 26 August - 1 September


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING...on...developing our Statistic skills
    • We are FOCUSING......on...selecting correct data

    Wänanga: GREAT Ako

    Alex and Neha next to GREAT Ako

    Ako: Learning and Thinking Strategy

    Alex and Brooklyn Thinking

    Ako: Feedback

    Ashleigh and Lupe with feedback bubbles


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...the Olympics by...Analysing Data
    • We are EXPLORING...the Olympics by...collecting data
    • We are EXPLORING...the Olympics by...Displaying data

    Awhinatanga: Positive Partnerships

    Lupe and Neha with handshake icon

    Wänanga: Active Learner

    Ako: Digital Literacy

    Victoria and Gurpreet in front of whiteboard

    Awhinatanga: Resilient Mindset

    Alex and Ashleigh with positive words

    Kia ora...

    Success Criteria: I can...

    Using Height measurement data, I can

    Find Median, LQ, UQ, Mean

    Draw Box/Whisker graphs


    1. Data on Height
    2. Google Classroom tasks on Box/Whisker Plots(Transum)

    Follow Up Tasks:
    MathsBuddy due Fri 8 30am

  • 2 September - 8 September


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING...on...developing our Statistic skills
    • We are FOCUSING......on...comparing graphs and writing valid statements

    Wänanga: GREAT Ako

    Alex and Neha next to GREAT Ako

    Ako: Learning and Thinking Strategy

    Alex and Brooklyn Thinking

    Ako: Feedback

    Ashleigh and Lupe with feedback bubbles


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...the Olympics by...Investigating fitness levels
    • We are EXPLORING...the Olympics by...Analysing Data
    • We are EXPLORING...the Olympics by...Displaying data
    • We are EXPLORING...the Olympics by...collaborating with PE

    Awhinatanga: Positive Partnerships

    Lupe and Neha with handshake icon

    Wänanga: Active Learner

    Ako: Digital Literacy

    Victoria and Gurpreet in front of whiteboard

    Awhinatanga: Resilient Mindset

    Alex and Ashleigh with positive words

    Kia ora...

    Success Criteria: I can...

    • Pose a valid question
    • Analyse data using Google Sheets
    • Draw appropriate graphs


    1. Beep Test data from PE
    2. Part 1 of Assessment #2

    Follow Up Tasks:
    MathsBuddy due Friday 8 30am

  • 9 September - 15 September


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING...on...developing our Statistic skills
    • We are FOCUSING......on...comparing graphs and writing valid statements

    Wänanga: GREAT Ako

    Alex and Neha next to GREAT Ako

    Ako: Learning and Thinking Strategy

    Alex and Brooklyn Thinking

    Ako: Feedback

    Ashleigh and Lupe with feedback bubbles


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...the Olympics by...Investigating fitness levels
    • We are EXPLORING...the Olympics by...Analysing Data
    • We are EXPLORING...the Olympics by...Displaying data
    • We are EXPLORING...the Olympics by...collaborating with PE

    Awhinatanga: Positive Partnerships

    Lupe and Neha with handshake icon

    Wänanga: Active Learner

    Ako: Digital Literacy

    Victoria and Gurpreet in front of whiteboard

    Awhinatanga: Resilient Mindset

    Alex and Ashleigh with positive words

    Kia ora...

    Success Criteria: I can...

    • Pose a valid question
    • Analyse data using Google Sheets
    • Draw appropriate graphs


    1. Beep Test data from PE
    2. Part 1 of Assessment #2

    Follow Up Tasks:
    MathsBuddy due Friday 8 30am

  • 16 September - 22 September


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING......on...explaining results by linking back to the population
    • We are FOCUSING......on...discussing our results

    Wänanga: GREAT Ako

    Alex and Neha next to GREAT Ako

    Ako: Learning and Thinking Strategy

    Alex and Brooklyn Thinking

    Ako: Feedback

    Ashleigh and Lupe with feedback bubbles


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...the Olympics by...Displaying data

    Awhinatanga: Positive Partnerships

    Lupe and Neha with handshake icon

    Wänanga: Active Learner

    Ako: Digital Literacy

    Victoria and Gurpreet in front of whiteboard

    Awhinatanga: Resilient Mindset

    Alex and Ashleigh with positive words

    Kia ora...

    Success Criteria: I can...

    • Draw back to back Box/Whisker Graph
    • Write valid statements with evidence


    1. Google Classroom tasks
    2. Transum tasks
    3. EP tasks

    Follow Up Tasks:
    MathsBuddy due Friday 8 30am

  • 23 September - 28 September


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING......on...explaining results by linking back to the population
    • We are FOCUSING......on...discussing Frequency Tables, Histograms

    Wänanga: GREAT Ako

    Alex and Neha next to GREAT Ako

    Ako: Learning and Thinking Strategy

    Alex and Brooklyn Thinking

    Ako: Feedback

    Ashleigh and Lupe with feedback bubbles


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...the Olympics by...Displaying data

    Awhinatanga: Positive Partnerships

    Lupe and Neha with handshake icon

    Wänanga: Active Learner

    Ako: Digital Literacy

    Victoria and Gurpreet in front of whiteboard

    Awhinatanga: Resilient Mindset

    Alex and Ashleigh with positive words

    Kia ora...

    Success Criteria: I can...

    • Draw back to back Box/Whisker Graph
    • Write valid statements with evidence


    1. Google Classroom tasks
    2. Transum tasks
    3. EP tasks

    Follow Up Tasks:
    MathsBuddy due Friday 8 30am

  • 30 September - 6 October

  • 7 October - 13 October

  • 14 October - 20 October


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING...on...developing our Statistic skills
    • We are FOCUSING......on...explaining results by linking back to the population
    • We are FOCUSING......on...discussing our results
    • We are FOCUSING......on...comparing graphs and writing valid statements

    Wänanga: GREAT Ako

    Alex and Neha next to GREAT Ako

    Ako: Learning and Thinking Strategy

    Alex and Brooklyn Thinking

    Ako: Feedback

    Ashleigh and Lupe with feedback bubbles


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...the Olympics by...Investigating fitness levels
    • We are EXPLORING...the Olympics by...Analysing Data
    • We are EXPLORING...the Olympics by...collecting data
    • We are EXPLORING...the Olympics by...Displaying data
    • We are EXPLORING...the Olympics by...collaborating with PE

    Awhinatanga: Positive Partnerships

    Lupe and Neha with handshake icon

    Wänanga: Active Learner

    Ako: Digital Literacy

    Victoria and Gurpreet in front of whiteboard

    Awhinatanga: Resilient Mindset

    Alex and Ashleigh with positive words

    Kia ora...

    Success Criteria: I can...

    • Clean Data
    • Write valid statements
    • Discuss Back - to Back Stem/Leaf plot


    1. Post Beep Test Data from PE
    2. Google Classroom Tasks

    Follow - up - Tasks: 

    MathsBuddy Tasks Due Fri 8 30am

  • 21 October - 27 October


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING......on...explaining results by calculating area and perimeter
    • We are FOCUSING......on...discussing our results 
    • We are FOCUSING......on...comparing and commenting on our measurement values

    Wänanga: GREAT Ako

    Alex and Neha next to GREAT Ako

    Ako: Learning and Thinking Strategy

    Alex and Brooklyn Thinking

    Ako: Feedback

    Ashleigh and Lupe with feedback bubbles


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...the Olympics by...Investigating Measurements
    • We are EXPLORING...the Olympics by...collecting data from Beep tests
    • We are EXPLORING...the Olympics by...Displaying data using graphs
    • We are EXPLORING...the Olympics by...collaborating with PE

    Awhinatanga: Positive Partnerships

    Lupe and Neha with handshake icon

    Wänanga: Active Learner

    Ako: Digital Literacy

    Victoria and Gurpreet in front of whiteboard

    Awhinatanga: Resilient Mindset

    Alex and Ashleigh with positive words

    Kia ora...

    Success Criteria: I can...

    • Clean Data
    • Write valid statements
    • Discuss Back - to Back Stem/Leaf plot
    • Calculate area/perimeter
    • convert measurements to different units
    • write correct units for different measurements


    1. Post Beep Test Data from PE
    2. Google Classroom Tasks

    Follow - up - Tasks: 

    MathsBuddy Tasks Due Fri 8 30am

  • 28 October - 3 November


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING......on...explaining results by analysing Pre-Post Beep test Data
    • We are FOCUSING......on...discussing our results by comparing back - to - back Box and Whisker Graph
    • We are FOCUSING......on...comparing and commenting on our fitness levels over a few weeks

    Wänanga: GREAT Ako

    Alex and Neha next to GREAT Ako

    Ako: Learning and Thinking Strategy

    Alex and Brooklyn Thinking

    Ako: Feedback

    Ashleigh and Lupe with feedback bubbles


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...the Olympics by...Investigating Fitness levels
    • We are EXPLORING...the Olympics by...collecting data from post Beep tests
    • We are EXPLORING...the Olympics by...Displaying data using graphs
    • We are EXPLORING...the Olympics by...collaborating with PE

    Awhinatanga: Positive Partnerships

    Lupe and Neha with handshake icon

    Wänanga: Active Learner

    Ako: Digital Literacy

    Victoria and Gurpreet in front of whiteboard

    Awhinatanga: Resilient Mindset

    Alex and Ashleigh with positive words

    Kia ora...

    Success Criteria: I can...

    • Clean Data
    • Write valid statements
    • Discuss Back - to Back Stem/Leaf plot
    • Write conclusions - linking results back to the population


    1. Post Beep Test Data from PE
    2. Google Classroom Tasks

    Follow - up - Tasks: 

    MathsBuddy Tasks Due Fri 8 30am

  • 11 November - 17 November

    Enter text here...


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING...on moneywise by...developing our money sense
    • We are FOCUSING...on moneywise by...discussing our spending habits


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...moneywise by questioning our spending
    • We are EXPLORING...moneywise by...income and expenditure

    Wänanga: GREAT Ako

    Alex and Neha next to GREAT Ako

    Wänanga: Active Learner

    Ako: Learning and Thinking Strategy

    Alex and Brooklyn Thinking

    Kia ora...

    Success Criteria: I can..

    • undserstand where my money is going
    • Understand different buying options


    1. "Sorted" modules

    Follow Up Tasks:
    MathsBuddy due Friday 8am

  • 18 November - 24 November

    Enter text here...


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING...on moneywise by...developing our money sense
    • We are FOCUSING...on moneywise by...discussing our spending habits


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...moneywise by questioning our spending
    • We are EXPLORING...moneywise by...income and expenditure

    Wänanga: GREAT Ako

    Alex and Neha next to GREAT Ako

    Wänanga: Active Learner

    Ako: Learning and Thinking Strategy

    Alex and Brooklyn Thinking

    Kia ora...

    Success Criteria: I can..

    • undserstand where my money is going
    • Understand different buying options


    1. "Sorted" modules

    Follow Up Tasks:
    MathsBuddy due Friday 8am

  • 2 December - 8 December


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING...on moneywise by...developing our money knowledge
    • We are FOCUSING...on moneywise by...discussing our spending habits

    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...moneywise by questioning our spending
    • We are EXPLORING...moneywise by... making sense of income and expenditure

    Wänanga: GREAT Ako

    Alex and Neha next to GREAT Ako

    Wänanga: Active Learner

    Ako: Learning and Thinking Strategy

    Alex and Brooklyn Thinking

    Kia ora...

    Success Criteria: I can...

    • work through tasks from sorted
    • Identify income and expenditure
    • good choices re spending money


    1. Tasks from Sorted

    Follow Up Tasks:
    Numeracy Certificate

  • 9 December - 15 December


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING...on moneywise by...developing our money knowledge
    • We are FOCUSING...on moneywise by...discussing our spending habits

    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...moneywise by questioning our spending
    • We are EXPLORING...moneywise by... making sense of income and expenditure

    Wänanga: GREAT Ako

    Alex and Neha next to GREAT Ako

    Wänanga: Active Learner

    Ako: Learning and Thinking Strategy

    Alex and Brooklyn Thinking

    Kia ora...

    Success Criteria: I can...

    • work through tasks from sorted
    • Identify income and expenditure
    • good choices re spending money


    1. Tasks from Sorted

    Follow Up Tasks:
    Numeracy Certificate

  • 16 December - 22 December

    This week
  • 23 December - 29 December

  • 30 December - 5 January

  • 6 January - 12 January

  • 13 January - 19 January

  • 20 January - 26 January

  • 27 January - 2 February

  • 3 February - 9 February

  • 10 February - 16 February