Weekly outline

  • Aromatawai (Assignments)

  • Whakataki (Introduction)

    He whakataki - Introduction

    E ngā tau tekau,  nau mai, haere mai ki Te Kura Mana Ake (MHJC). Ko Matua Leeroy ahau. Ko tōku hiahia, he tino ngahau ā tātou haerenga ki te reo Māori i tēnei tau. Kia kaha, kia toa, kia manawanui!

    Welcome to year 10s! The aim of this course is to explore and understand Māori language and Traditions through a range of activities, discussions and assessments.

    Course Outline

    By the end of 2024 Te Reo Māori  you will be able to:

    • Recite 6 karakia

    • Pronounce Māori words accurately.

    • Use and respond to Māori greetings

    • Demonstrate an understanding of some common tikanga Māori

    • Demonstrate 2 types of mihimihi


  • T1 - Wiki 1 & 2

    Enter text here...


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING to recognise and tūhua new kupu māori
    • We are EXPLORING to analyse māori sentence structures

    Enter text here...

    Kia ora...

    Paearu Angitu / Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • practice new classroom vocab to confidently pronounce new key words (See image below)
    • Identifying and translating Te Reo Māori and English kupu

    Hei Mahi / Activities:

    1. Introduction of Yr10 Māori
    2. Kia mana ake proverb
    3. Basic classroom vocab
    4. kaupapa o te akomanga

    Mahi Kāinga / Homework:
    Write here...

  • T1 - Wiki 3 & 4

    Enter text here...


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING to recognise and tūhua new kupu māori
    • We are EXPLORING to analyse māori sentence structures

    Enter text here...

    Kia ora...

    Paearu Angitu / Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • Identify and describe the location of the object in Te Reo Māori
    • Practice and translate new kupu Māori (See image below)

    Hei Mahi / Activities:

    1. Kaupapa o te akomanga
    2. Karakia - Whakataka te hau, Kia whakakairia
    3. Kupu Akomanga revision
    4. Kupu Hou - Tēnei, tēnā, tērā

    Mahi Kāinga / Homework:
    Write here...

  • T1 - Wiki 5 & 6

    Enter text here...


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING to recognise and tūhua new kupu māori
    • We are EXPLORING to analyse māori sentence structures

    Enter text here...

    Kia ora...

    Paearu Angitu / Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • Identify and practice new kupu māori (4 directions)
    • applied understanding of new kupu māori to play mahi rākau (māui/matau) and kemu nekehanga (movement game)

    Hei Mahi / Activities:

    1. Reflection
    2. Kupu Hou: Nekehanga
    3. Nekehanga kemu
    4. Collab w/Mr Gardi (Kaitiakitanga)

    Mahi Kāinga / Homework:

    (Add nekehanga kupu picture)

  • T1 - Wiki 7 & 8

    Enter text here...


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING to choose and compare different questions and phases
    • We are FOCUSING hei kōwhiri i ngā kupu māori to respond to certain prompt

    Enter text here...

    Kia ora...

    Paearu Angitu / Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • create a script and share the direction route in Te Reo Māori
    • identify and translating new Māori rerenga kōrero (sentence structure)
    • identify and translating new kupu Māori for direction
    Hei Mahi / Activities:

    1. Nekehanga reflection
    2. Rerenga kōrero hou: Haerenga
    3. Haerenga hanga kōrero
    4. Tuku mihi

    Mahi Kāinga / Homework:

    (add rerenga kōrero here)

  • T1 - Wiki 9, 10 & 11

    Enter text here...


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING to choose and compare different questions and phases
    • We are FOCUSING hei kōwhiri i ngā kupu māori to respond to certain prompt

    Enter text here...

    Kia ora...

    Paearu Angitu / Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • apply understanding of kupu māori and sentence structure to prepare a skit
    • participate in class members skit to build confidence and accuracy in speaking Te Reo Māori
    • Analyse and translated new karakia for term 2

    Hei Mahi / Activities:

    1. Reflection: Herenga hanga kōrero
    2. Reflection on T1 mahi
    3. Assessment 1 intro
    4. T2 Expectation - Karakia hou: me te mihimihi

    Mahi Kāinga / Homework:
    Write here...

  • Harerei - Wiki 1

  • Hararei - Wiki 2

  • T2 - Wiki 1 & 2

    Kia ora...

    Paearu Angitu / Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • Ask a 'He aha' in a question form
    • Answer a 'He aha' in a answer form
    • Say a range of colours in Māori
    • Respond to Matua Leeroy when he asks questions 

    Hei Mahi / Activities:

    1. Whakaaroaro T1 (Reflection)
    2. Mahi rākau
    3. Maumahara (memory)
    4. Cloze activity
    5. Mahi takirua - Pātai/Whakautu

    Mahi Kāinga / Homework:
    Write here...

  • T2 - Wiki 3 & 4

    Kia ora...

    Paearu Angitu / Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • Ask a 'He aha' in a question form
    • Answer a 'He aha' in a answer form
    • Say a range of colours in Māori
    • Respond to Matua Leeroy when he asks questions in school
    Hei Mahi / Activities:

    1. Whakaaroaro (Reflection) W1&2
    2. He/Te/Ngā 
    3. Maumahara (Memory) - Expand of kara vocab
    4. Mahi rākau
    5. Cloze activity
    6. Mahi takirua - Pātai/Whakautu
    Mahi Kāinga / Homework:


  • T2 - Wiki 5 & 6

    Kia ora...

    Paearu Angitu / Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • Write here

    Hei Mahi / Activities:

    1. Write here
    2. Write here

    Mahi Kāinga / Homework:
    Write here...

  • T2 - Wiki 7 & 8

    Kia ora...

    Paearu Angitu / Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • Write here

    Hei Mahi / Activities:

    1. Write here
    2. Write here

    Mahi Kāinga / Homework:
    Write here...