Weekly outline

  • General

  • Term 1: Week 1

    Kia ora koutou!

    Ko Hunter te whānau

    Ko Simcoe, Canada te whenua tupu

    Ko Ms Hunter toku ingoa

    Welcome to Science! 

    Our classes are on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. 

    Please meet in M11 on Mondays but otherwise we are in F9.

    You can e-mail me at chunter@mhjc.school.nz if you have any questions. 

  • Term 1: Weeks 2+3


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...volcanoes, including their formation, types, and eruption mechanisms through experimenting, modelling and researching so we can understand the makeup of the earth's geosphere
    • We are EXPLORING...the impact of volcanic eruptions on the environment and the necessary safety measures needed to use them as a recreational space.

    Paearu Angitu / Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • Explain the story of Ngātoroirangi to demonstrate an understanding of the Māori's view of how the volcanic field formed between Tongariro + Whakkaari
    • Identify and describe the layers of the earth's crust to explain how volcanic eruptions occur 
    • Keywords: volcano/puia, vent, conduit, magma chamber, crater, magma, lava, inner + outer core, mantle, crust 

    Hei Mahi / Activities:

    1. Literacy: "Baskets of Fire" story about Ngātoroirangi (Google Classroom)
    2. Hands on: Create a paper model of volcano/puia
    3. Practicals: Demo of an eruption with a pot of water (observations), exploring volcanic eruptions + crust formation with baking soda + vinegar

    Mahi Kāinga / Homework:

    Structure of a Volcano - in Google Classroom

    Graph of lava flow

    Te Uruuru Whenua o Ngātoroirangi

  • Term 1: Weeks 4+5


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...volcanoes, including their formation, types, and eruption mechanisms through experimenting, modelling and researching so we can understand the makeup of the earth's geosphere
    • We are EXPLORING...the impact of volcanic eruptions on the environment and the necessary safety measures needed to use them as a recreational space.

    Paearu Angitu / Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • Investigated + can explain how viscosity of magma/lava affects it flow + type of eruption
    • Compare magma and lava
    • Identify NZ volcanoes by their shape (stratovolcanoes, shield, caldera, volcanic field)
    • Connect shapes of volcanoes to their shape and explain how the shape has formed from its eruption(s)
    • Read stories about individuals living on inactive volcanoes (eg. in Samoa) to develop an understanding of the harsh living conditions
    • Keywords: effusive (gentle) eruption, explosive eruption, active, dormant + extinct volcanoes

    Hei Mahi / Activities:

    1. Literacy: Expert groups of volcanoes (research on type + present), 'Living on a Lava flow' article and questions to answer
    2. Numeracy: Graphing how viscosity + lava flow are related
    3. Practicals: modelling how viscosity affects lava flow 
    4. Hands on: Making volcano models to compare their shapes

    Mahi Kāinga / Homework:
    Finish your 2 slides + model ready for Thursday's class.

    Types of volcanoes + eruption features.

  • Term 1: Weeks 6+7

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    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...volcanoes, including their formation, types, and eruption mechanisms through experimenting, modelling and researching so we can understand the makeup of the earth's geosphere
    • We are EXPLORING...the impact of volcanic eruptions on the environment and the necessary safety measures needed to use them as a recreational space.

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    Paearu Angitu / Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • Identify the three forms of rocks, providing examples of each type
    • Compare the different types of rocks
    • Explain how rocks are formed and transformed via the rock cycle
    • Make connections between the types of rocks and the geosphere's terrain 
    • Key words: Sedimentary, metamorphic, igneous, intrusive, extrusive, rock cycle, weathering, erosion, conglomerate, basalt, sandstone, pounamu

    Hei Mahi / Activities:

    1. Hands-on activities: Making sedimentary rocks (conglomerate: lolly cake and basalt: hokey pokey), create a pet rock, play the rock cycle game, examine + compare rock samples
    2. Literacy activity: "Māori Rock Uses" article and questions about pounamu's location in the geosphere
    3. Education Perfect: "Rock Cycle"
    4. Class notes via Google Slides
    just an image

  • Term 1: Weeks 8+9

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    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING on describing the different stages of the rock cycle and identify the role it plays in volcano formations

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    Paearu Angitu / Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • Make connections between the types of rocks and the geosphere's terrain 
    • Create a visual to demonstrate how rocks are formed
    • Describe rocks and use AI to identify them
    • Key words: Sedimentary, metamorphic, igneous

    Hei Mahi / Activities:

    1. Hands-on activities: Class walk to collect rock samples + then identify them using AI
    2. Literacy activity: Rock cycle visual using the rock cycle game
    3. Education Perfect: "Rock Cycle"
    4. Class notes via Google Slides

  • Term 1: Weeks 10+11

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    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING a trip to local puia (volcanoes) so we can take observations of its terrain (rocks) and consult with AI to determine which rocks are there to safetly prepare for future trips to puia (linked to PEH responsible behaviours)

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    Paearu Angitu / Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • Collected photographic evidence of rocks from different puia in Auckland (field trip)
    • Identified and compared rocks on volcanoes to rocks in other terrain

    Hei Mahi / Activities:

    1. Field trip: summit x3 volcano
    2. Assessment work: due the last Thursday of term


  • 18 March - 24 March

  • Term 2: Weeks 3+4


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...the properties of materials by observing and experimenting to determine which materials have the most desirable properties for sports technology
    • We are EXPLORING... the relationship between chemicals to make connections to their properties

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    Kia ora...

    Paearu Angitu / Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • Differentiate between chemical and physical properties
    • Calculate the density of different materials
    • Compare the density of materials to determine their suitability for particular applications

    Hei Mahi / Activities:

    1. Hands-on: Density of materials practical, homemade tennis rackets to test their effectiveness + properties of materials
    2. EdPerfect: Material Science 
    3. Class notes: Refer to Google classroom
    4. Video on sports and chemistry (ceramics, metals and plastics)

  • Term 2: Weeks 5+6


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...the properties of materials by observing and experimenting to determine which materials have the most desirable properties for sports technology
    • We are EXPLORING... the relationship between chemicals to make connections to their properties

    Paearu Angitu / Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • Explain how elements bond to form compounds that have more desirable properties for sports equipment
    • Use the periodic table to draw atomic structure of elements
    • Identify the protons, neutrons and electrons of an atom
    • Develop models of atomic structure to visualise how elements can bond
    • Compare compounds and molecules with ionic and covalent bonds
    • Keywords: periodic table, proton, neutron, electron, ionic, covalent, element, molecule, compound

    Hei Mahi / Activities:

    1. Hands-on: Atomic structure model making with elements + molymods
    2. EdPerfect: Atomic structure + bonding
    3. Class notes: See Google Classroom
    4. Literacy:  How science is changing the game in sports article

  • Term 2: Weeks 7+8


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING...comparing and choosing materials for sports equipment so we can explain how the properties could improve an athlete's performance

    Paearu Angitu / Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • Investigate metals + non-metals to categorize their properties
    • Make connections with an element's position in the periodic table and their properties and ability to bond
    • Explore reactions between non-metals and metals or non-metals
    • Compare ionic + covalent bonds to understand how metals + non-metals react

    Hei Mahi / Activities:

    1. Hands-on activity: investigate properties of metals + non-metals; chemical reactions
    2. EdPerfect: Ionic and covalent bonding

  • Term 2: Weeks 9+10

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    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING...to construct different sports equipment (launchers, tennis racquets, spool racers) so that we can... justify why the materials are best suited for the equipment's design + purpose

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    Paearu Angitu / Success Criteria: I can/have...

    Use different investigative approaches so that I can explain how materials are used differently in sports. 

    • Identify and compare investigative approaches used to explore properties of materials (modelling, explore + observe, pattern seeking, classifying + identifying, fair testing)
    • Categorise materials (metals, non-metals) by their properties
    • Explain how certain properties are more/less desirable to different sports 
    • Start to make connections between energy + material use

    Hei Mahi / Activities:

    1. Hands-on practicals: Construct spool racer models; investigate with car down the ramp activity (+ write-ups)
    2. Numeracy: Graphing in Google Sheets
    3. Group work: Types of investigative approaches research + present
    4. Class notes: Refer to Google Classroom

    Mahi Kāinga / Homework:
    Complete the lab write-ups for spool races + car down the ramp -- submit to Google Classroom for feedback


  • Term 3: Weeks 1+2

  • 6 May - 12 May

  • 13 May - 19 May

  • 20 May - 26 May

  • 27 May - 2 June

  • 3 June - 9 June

  • 10 June - 16 June

  • 17 June - 23 June

  • 24 June - 30 June

  • 1 July - 7 July