Weekly outline

  • General



    Personal Health and Physical Development 

    Safety Management 

    Students will: 

    • Investigate and practise safety procedures and strategies to manage risk situations.

    10PEH Learning Context: Identity and Culture 

    -  To establish NZ’s Identity we face challenges and take risks


  • WEEK 2-5 TERM 1


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING ideas from our own experiences that display a variety of challenges so that we can investigate on how we can cope with them.
    • We are EXPLORING the concept of Hauora through Te Whare Tapa Rima so that we can investigate the different health issues that arise within ourselves and others.

    Kia ora YR 10S 

    Learning Intention:

    We are learning to develop the ability to face and overcome challenges by using effective strategies, resilience, and perseverance, in order to achieve personal growth and success."

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • I can identify challenges that I have experienced. 
    • I can discuss how challenges that I/others have impacted us and found solutions that help us overcome them. 


    1. Today, we will be discussing as a class recent events that have taken place and identify issues that we have experienced as a society. 
    2. There are videos on Google classroom that I would you to watch and reflect on if you have finished the above activities. 

  • WEEK 6 TERM 1


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING ideas from our own experiences that display a variety of challenges so that we can investigate on how we can cope with them.
    • We are EXPLORING the concept of Hauora through Te Whare Tapa Rima so that we can investigate the different health issues that arise within ourselves and others.

    Learning Intention:


    We are learning to develop the ability to face and overcome challenges by using effective strategies, resilience, and perseverance, in order to achieve personal growth and success.

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

      1. Demonstrate resilience in the face of setbacks and obstacles.

      2. Develop effective strategies for problem-solving and decision-making in challenging situations
    Activities this week:


    Today, we will have a practical lesson in the Gym. We will continue with familiarising yourself with Ultimate Frisbee. I will be introducing two new passes that are used in the game: Forehand throw and backhand throw. You will have time to practice this throughout the lesson. 

    Thursday (HEA)
    Today, we will be class going over new terms such as Self Determination or Rangatiratanga. This sorely focuses on you as an individual and what you can do practice Rangatiratanga. 
    I will also be introducing your assessment based on the game of Ultimate and others. 

    Friday (Prac) 
    This session will be on the filed Same as last lesson with the same sport. 

    Next drills: Drawing and passing. 

  • WEEK 7 TERM 1


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING ideas from our own experiences that display a variety of challenges so that we can investigate on how we can cope with them.
    • We are EXPLORING the concept of Hauora through Te Whare Tapa Rima so that we can investigate the different health issues that arise within ourselves and others.

    Learning Intention:

    We are learning to develop the ability to face and overcome challenges by using effective strategies, resilience, and perseverance, in order to achieve personal growth and success.

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

      1. Demonstrate resilience in the face of setbacks and obstacles.

      2. Develop effective strategies for problem-solving and decision-making in challenging situations
    Activities this week:


    Today, we will have a practical lesson in the Gym. I will be introducing you to Turbo Touch.  I will be teaching you how to throw and catch a rugby ball which can be new to a lot of you, this will be challenge that will get you out of your comfort zone. You will have time to practice this throughout the lesson through several drawing and passing games.  

    Thursday (Prac)
    Today, you will be continuing with Turbo Touch. This time, you will have a chance to experience it through a short game of Turbo Touch with rules and expectations. Keeping in mind that this is a new sport to some of you, but showing that effort and determination is showing Rangatiratanga in your learning. 

    Please don't forget your full PE gear. 

    Friday (HEA) 
    This session will be a Health session. You will have a reliever. 

    This will be an opportunity to practice your writing skill in preparation for your assessment. You will choose two practicals that we have done and will reflect on it. I have uploaded an exemplar of what it should look like onto Google classroom. Have a look at it and use our practicals to apply yourself too. You can talk about both positive and negative scenarios. 
    The better you write in this, the easier the write up for the assessment will be. 

  • WEEK 8 TERM 1


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING ideas from our own experiences that display a variety of challenges so that we can investigate on how we can cope with them.
    • We are EXPLORING the concept of Hauora through Te Whare Tapa Rima so that we can investigate the different health issues that arise within ourselves and others.

    Learning Intention:

    We are learning to develop the ability to face and overcome challenges by using effective strategies, resilience, and perseverance, in order to achieve personal growth and success.

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

      1. Demonstrate resilience in the face of setbacks and obstacles.

      2. Develop effective strategies for problem-solving and decision-making in challenging situations
    Activities this week:


    Today, we will have a practical lesson in the Gym. We will be continuing with Turbo Touch.  I will be teaching you how to throw and catch a rugby ball which can be new to a lot of you, this will be challenge that will get you out of your comfort zone. You will have time to practice this throughout the lesson through several drawing and passing games.  

    Thursday (Prac)
    Today, you will be continuing with Turbo Touch. This time, you will have a chance to experience it through a short game of Turbo Touch with rules and expectations. Keeping in mind that this is a new sport to some of you, but showing that effort and determination is showing Rangatiratanga in your learning. 

    Please don't forget your full PE gear. 

    Friday (HEA) 
    This session will be a Health session. Like last week, you will be reflecting on our practical lessons in a TEXAS paragraph. 

    This will be an opportunity to practice your writing skill in preparation for your assessment. You will choose two practicals that we have done and will reflect on it. I have uploaded an exemplar of what it should look like onto Google classroom. Have a look at it and use our practicals to apply yourself too. You can talk about both positive and negative scenarios. 
    The better you write in this, the easier the write up for the assessment will be. 

  • WEEK 9 TERM 1


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING ideas from our own experiences that display a variety of challenges so that we can investigate on how we can cope with them.
    • We are EXPLORING the concept of Hauora through Te Whare Tapa Rima so that we can investigate the different health issues that arise within ourselves and others.

    Learning Intention:

    We are learning to develop the ability to face and overcome challenges by using effective strategies, resilience, and perseverance, in order to achieve personal growth and success.

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

      1. Demonstrate resilience in the face of setbacks and obstacles.

      2. Develop effective strategies for problem-solving and decision-making in challenging situations
    Activities this week:



    Today, we will have a practical lesson in the Gym. We will be continuing with Turbo Touch.  This will help develop your skills learnt in the last week in an actual game setting.  

    Thursday (Prac)
    This session will be a Health session. Like last week, you will be reflecting on our practical lessons in a TEXAS paragraph. 

    This will be an opportunity to practice your writing skill in preparation for your assessment. You will choose two practicals that we have done and will reflect on it. I have uploaded an exemplar of what it should look like onto Google classroom. Have a look at it and use our practicals to apply yourself too. You can talk about both positive and negative scenarios. 
    The better you write in this, the easier the write up for the assessment will be. 

    Friday (HEA) 

    GOOD FRIDAY - Have a great Easter break and see you all on Wednesday 

  • WEEK 10 TERM 1


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING ideas from our own experiences that display a variety of challenges so that we can investigate on how we can cope with them.
    • We are EXPLORING the concept of Hauora through Te Whare Tapa Rima so that we can investigate the different health issues that arise within ourselves and others.

    Learning Intention:

    We are learning to develop the ability to face and overcome challenges by using effective strategies, resilience, and perseverance, in order to achieve personal growth and success.

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

      1. Demonstrate resilience in the face of setbacks and obstacles.

      2. Develop effective strategies for problem-solving and decision-making in challenging situations
    Activities this week:


    Thursday (Prac)

    Today, we will have a practical lesson in the Gym. We will be continuing with Ultimate Frisbee.  This will help develop your skills learnt in the last week in an actual game setting.  

    Friday (HEA) 

    This session will be a Health session. Like last week, you will be reflecting on our practical lessons in a TEXAS paragraph. 

    This will be an opportunity to practice your writing skill in preparation for your assessment. You will choose two practicals that we have done and will reflect on it. I have uploaded an exemplar of what it should look like onto Google classroom. Have a look at it and use our practicals to apply yourself too. You can talk about both positive and negative scenarios. 
    The better you write in this, the easier the write up for the assessment will be. 

  • WEEK 11 TERM 1


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING ideas from our own experiences that display a variety of challenges so that we can investigate on how we can cope with them.
    • We are EXPLORING the concept of Hauora through Te Whare Tapa Rima so that we can investigate the different health issues that arise within ourselves and others.

    Learning Intention:

    We are learning to develop the ability to face and overcome challenges by using effective strategies, resilience, and perseverance, in order to achieve personal growth and success.

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

      1. Demonstrate resilience in the face of setbacks and obstacles.

      2. Develop effective strategies for problem-solving and decision-making in challenging situations
    Activities this week:

    Tuesday & Friday (Prac)

    Today, we will have a practical lesson in the Gym. We will be continuing with both Ultimate Frisbee and Touch.  Please use this lesson as a reflection as I will be applying the different teaching styles that are needed in the assessment. 

    Thursday (HEA) 

    This session will be a Health session. Like last week, you will be reflecting on our practical lessons in a TEXAS paragraph. 



  • WEEK 1 & 2 TERM 2


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING ideas from our own experiences that display a variety of challenges so that we can investigate on how we can cope with them.
    • We are EXPLORING the concept of Hauora through Te Whare Tapa Rima so that we can investigate the different health issues that arise within ourselves and others.

    Learning Intention:

    We are learning to develop the ability to face and overcome challenges by using effective strategies, resilience, and perseverance, in order to achieve personal growth and success.

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

      1. Demonstrate resilience in the face of setbacks and obstacles.

      2. Develop effective strategies for problem-solving and decision-making in challenging situations
    Activities this week:

    Tuesday Prac

    You will use this week and next week to complete your assessment that is due NEXT WEEK FRIDAY. 


    Please refer to your documents that are on Google Classroom and MHOL. 

    Thursday (HEA) 

    I will start to slowly introduce new games that will require to think strategically. Some games may be new to you or familiar. 

  • WEEK 3 TERM 2


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING different ways to experiment positive physical well being that we can incorporate into our own lives.
    • We are EXPLORING a range of fitness movements and teminology.

    Term 2 CONTEXT - Whakamana, Stand Up, Stand Out

    • What does this mean to you? Showing Empowerment
    • Ē Tū Rangatira - Stand Strong and Lead 

    !!!!Welcome back to Term 2!!!!!

    Today, I will introduce to you a Māori game called Tapuae. It will have similar rules to Kī Ō Rahi that you would have played last year however it is played on a smaller scale with less play space. Again, you will need your full PE gear to take part. We will be on the Kapua Basketball Courts. 

    I will introduce to you an overview of Fitness concepts such as components of fitness and methods of training, FITT principles etc.
    Also to add, I will discuss with you our term content which also includes Tough Guy/ Tough Gal. 

    We will continue with Tapuae on the courts. 

  • WEEK 4 - 6 TERM 2


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING different ways to experiment positive physical well being that we can incorporate into our own lives.
    • We are EXPLORING a range of fitness movements and teminology.

    Term 2 CONTEXT - Whakamana, Stand Up, Stand Out

    • What does this mean to you? Showing Empowerment
    • Ē Tū Rangatira - Stand Strong and Lead 

    !!!!Welcome back to Term 2!!!!!

    Today, I will introduce to you small fitness workouts for you to experience. we will be in the gym today. Please don't forget your full PE gear. 

    I will introduce to you an overview of Fitness concepts such as components of fitness and methods of training, FITT principles etc.
    Also to add, I will discuss with you our term content which also includes Tough Guy/ Tough Gal. 

    We are continuing with different workout methods. We will be in the Kapua basketball courts. 

  • WEEK 7 TERM 2


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING different ways to experiment positive physical well being that we can incorporate into our own lives.
    • We are EXPLORING a range of fitness movements and teminology.

    Term 2 CONTEXT - Whakamana, Stand Up, Stand Out

    • What does this mean to you? Showing Empowerment
    • Ē Tū Rangatira - Stand Strong and Lead 

    !!!!Welcome back to Term 2!!!!!

    Today, I will introduce to you small fitness workouts for you to experience. we will be in the gym today. Please don't forget your full PE gear. 

    I will introduce to you an overview of Fitness concepts such as components of fitness and methods of training, FITT principles etc.
    Also to add, I will discuss with you our term content which also includes Tough Guy/ Tough Gal. 

    You will be starting Cross country practice today. This should be familiar to you all. Do not forget your full PE gear, usual expectations. 
  • WEEK 8 TERM 2


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING different ways to experiment positive physical well being that we can incorporate into our own lives.
    • We are EXPLORING a range of fitness movements and teminology.

    Term 2 CONTEXT - Whakamana, Stand Up, Stand Out

    • What does this mean to you? Showing Empowerment
    • Ē Tū Rangatira - Stand Strong and Lead 

    !!!!Welcome back to Term 2!!!!!


    Today, you will be sitting English EasTTle during this session. 


    We will be going over Tough Guy/Gal that will take part this Friday. 


    You have Career Expo today 

  • WEEK 9 TERM 2

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    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING different ways to experiment positive physical well being that we can incorporate into our own lives.
    • We are EXPLORING a range of fitness movements and teminology.

    Enter text here...

  • WEEK 10 TERM 2

    Enter text here...


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING different ways to experiment positive physical well being that we can incorporate into our own lives.
    • We are EXPLORING a range of fitness movements and teminology.

    Enter text here...



  • WEEK 1 TERM 3

    This week
  • WEEK 2 TERM 3

  • WEEK 3 TERM 3

  • WEEK 4 TERM 3

  • WEEK 5 TERM 3

  • WEEK 6 TERM 3

  • WEEK 7 TERM 3

  • WEEK 8 TERM 3

  • WEEK 9 TERM 3

  • WEEK 10 TERM 3



  • 14 October - 20 October

  • 21 October - 27 October

  • 28 October - 3 November

  • 4 November - 10 November

  • 11 November - 17 November

  • 18 November - 24 November

  • 25 November - 1 December

  • 2 December - 8 December

  • 9 December - 15 December