Weekly outline

  • General

    • Assignment icon

      Strand: Statistics (data display & data analysis)

      • L3 Statistical investigations - conduct investigations using the statistical enquiry cycle
      • L3 Statistical literacy - evaluate the effectiveness of different displays in representing the findings of a statistical investigation

    • Assignment icon

      Strand: Geometry (shapes & tranformation)

      • L3 Transformation - Describe the transformations (reflection, rotation, transition) that have mapped one object onto another
      • L4 Shape - Identify classes of two- and three-dimensional shapes by their geometric properties

  • Term 1 Week 1


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING numbers and operations so that we connect numbers to daily life, objects and incidents
    • We are EXPLORING place value so that we can conceptualise number in a meaningful way
    • We are EXPLORING the difference between digits and numbers so that we classify them
    • We are EXPLORING numbers and operations so that we can recognise the practical application of number and number sense

    Kia Ora and Good Morning...

    Welcome to MHJC – Coast Whanau.

    I am Mr Choong, your Maths teacher and we are going to learn and do all the fun stuff in Mathematics.

    Remember:  Success = daily practice in maths. 

    Daily means 20-30 mins every day! That's it!  Maths Buddy is an online maths program to help you. If you can do Maths Buddy every day for 20 mins or more,  it's done.  Maths Buddy is great because you will have a video to demonstrate how  the maths is done for each problem. So, you have a teacher to help you at any time.  Remember I see you only twice a week, but maths must be done every day. That's why Maths Buddy is so important.

    You can use your MHOL login name and password to log in to Maths Buddy

    We will be learning about numbers and operations this term. Our Whanau context for this term is Our Place & Celebrations. We will learn how to link and apply what we learn this term to our context.

    We are going to start this week by revising our number operation skills and memorising the 1-12 times table. We will draw the times table grid in our books and fill it.

    Times table Grid

    After you fill the grid you may need to practice number operations using the following link:


  • Term 1 Week 2




    Learning Intentions: 

    • We are EXPLORING numbers and operations so that we connect numbers to daily life, objects and incidents
    • We are EXPLORING place value so that we can conceptualise number in a meaningful way
    • We are EXPLORING the difference between digits and numbers so that we classify them
    • We are EXPLORING numbers and operations o that we can recognise the practical application of number and number sense



    • mind mapping of Mathematics in relation to the world
    • history background of our based-10 (decimal) number system
    • reading and understanding whole numbers
    • brainstorm existing ideas of mathematics learnt over the years
    • challenge ourselves to link everything in the world to math
    • explore the origin and background story of our number system, i.e. the logic behind our current Arabic numerals
    • explain the meaning of digits in any whole number
    • revise the place value
    • explore numbers
    • make sensible estimates and check the reasonability of answers

    Success Criteria: 

    • explore the place value system and the value of digits
    • understand estimation using rounding
    • understand numbers on a number line including the place of fractional numbers


    MHOL, Reading and understanding whole numbers

    Why is Math important?  

    Arabic Numerals. 

  • Term 1 Week 3




    Learning Intentions: 

    • We are EXPLORING numbers and operations so that we connect numbers to daily life, objects and incidents
    • We are EXPLORING place value so that we can conceptualise number in a meaningful way
    • We are EXPLORING the difference between digits and numbers so that we classify them
    • We are EXPLORING numbers and operations o that we can recognise the practical application of number and number sense


    • work on the documents from last week. Attempt the rounding numbers question
    • explain the meaning of digits in any whole number.
    • revise the place value.
    • use place value concept in rounding numbers.
    • explore numbers.
    • make sensible estimates and check the reasonableness of answers.

    Success Criteria:  I can/have...

    • explored the place value system and the value of digits.
    • estimated answers using rounding
    • used place value concept in rounding numbers



    MHOL, external websites


    • MathsBuddy tasks for class learning and homework to begin
    • ensure student successful login, understanding how to find tasks and navigate around on the this learning platform
    • establish expectations, model work flow 

  • Term 1 Week 4



    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING... on a range of mental strategies to develop part-whole thinking skills in order to solve addition and subtraction problems.
    • We are FOCUSING... on Tidy Jump mental strategy to develop the confidence and mental skills to solve addition and subtraction problems.

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • add and subtract whole numbers using a number line and the concepts of tidy numbers
    • confidently and accurately solve addition and subtraction problems that involves whole numbers and/or decimal numbers using the tidy jump mental strategies


    • Catch up & review work on the assigned exercises from the previous week
    • Complete the exercises assigned on Google Classroom, Maths Buddy, Transum and/or BraindPop
    • Continual regular maintenance and practice of Basic Facts Practice on Ludi
    • Quick 20 of Maths Starter questions as a warm-up routine


    • MathsBuddy to be completed by Thursday night each week.
    • Worksheet/s and learning tasks assigned on Google Classroom.
    • Review or catch up with unfinished class learning tasks.


    • MHOL, external websites
    • Google Classroom (differentiated)
    • Maths Buddy (differentiated)
    • Ludi Basic Facts (differentiated)
    • Maths Starter
    • BrainPop 
    • Transum (differentiated)
  • Term 1 Week 5



    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING... on a range of mental strategies to develop part-whole thinking skills in order to solve addition and subtraction problems.
    • We are FOCUSING... on Compatible Numbers mental strategy to develop the confidence and mental skills to solve addition and subtraction problems.

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • add and subtract whole numbers using compatible numbers and the concepts of tidy numbers
    • confidently and accurately solve addition and subtraction problems that involves whole numbers and/or decimal numbers using the compatible numbers mental strategies


    • Catch up & review work on the assigned exercises from the previous week
    • Complete the exercises assigned on Google Classroom, Maths Buddy, Transum and/or BraindPop
    • Continual regular maintenance and practice of Basic Facts Practice on Ludi
    • Quick 20 of Maths Starter questions as a warm-up routine


    • MathsBuddy to be completed by Thursday night each week.
    • Worksheet/s and learning tasks assigned on Google Classroom.
    • Review or catch up with unfinished class learning tasks.


    • MHOL, external websites
    • Google Classroom (differentiated)
    • Maths Buddy (differentiated)
    • Ludi Basic Facts (differentiated)
    • Maths Starter
    • BrainPop 
    • Transum (differentiated)
  • Term 1 Week 6



    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING... on a range of mental strategies to develop part-whole thinking skills in order to solve addition and subtraction problems.
    • We are FOCUSING... on Rounding & Compensation mental strategy to develop the confidence and mental skills to solve addition and subtraction problems.

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • add and subtract whole numbers using rounding and the concepts of tidy numbers
    • confidently and accurately solve addition and subtraction problems that involves whole numbers and/or decimal numbers using the rounding and compensation mental strategies


    • Catch up & review work on the assigned exercises from the previous week
    • Complete the exercises assigned on Google Classroom, Maths Buddy, Transum and/or BraindPop
    • Continual regular maintenance and practice of Basic Facts Practice on Ludi
    • Quick 20 of Maths Starter questions as a warm-up routine


    • MathsBuddy to be completed by Thursday night each week.
    • Worksheet/s and learning tasks assigned on Google Classroom.
    • Review or catch up with unfinished class learning tasks.


    • MHOL, external websites
    • Google Classroom (differentiated)
    • Maths Buddy (differentiated)
    • Ludi Basic Facts (differentiated)
    • Maths Starter
    • BrainPop 
    • Transum (differentiated)
  • Term 1 Week 7



    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING... on a range of mental strategies to develop part-whole thinking skills in order to solve addition and subtraction problems.
    • We are FOCUSING... on Place Value mental strategy to develop the confidence and mental skills to solve addition and subtraction problems.

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • add and subtract whole numbers using place value partitioning and the concepts of tidy numbers
    • confidently and accurately solve addition and subtraction problems that involves whole numbers and/or decimal numbers using the place value mental strategies


    • Catch up & review work on the assigned exercises from the previous week
    • Complete the exercises assigned on Google Classroom, Maths Buddy, Transum and/or BraindPop
    • Continual regular maintenance and practice of Basic Facts Practice on Ludi
    • Quick 20 of Maths Starter questions as a warm-up routine


    • MathsBuddy to be completed by Thursday night each week.
    • Worksheet/s and learning tasks assigned on Google Classroom.
    • Review or catch up with unfinished class learning tasks.


    • MHOL, external websites
    • Google Classroom (differentiated)
    • Maths Buddy (differentiated)
    • Ludi Basic Facts (differentiated)
    • Maths Starter
    • BrainPop 
    • Transum (differentiated)
  • Term 1 Week 8



    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING... so that we canpractise and apply the 4 mental strategies selectively to solve addition and subtraction problems.

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • add and subtract whole numbers using a number line and the concepts of tidy numbers
    • confidently and accurately solve addition and subtraction problems that involves whole numbers and/or decimal numbers by selectively using all the 4 mental strategies we have covered so far


    • Catch up & review work on the assigned exercises from the previous week
    • Complete the exercises assigned on Google Classroom, Maths Buddy, Transum and/or BraindPop
    • Continual regular maintenance and practice of Basic Facts Practice on Ludi
    • Quick 20 of Maths Starter questions as a warm-up routine


    • MathsBuddy to be completed by Thursday night each week.
    • Worksheet/s and learning tasks assigned on Google Classroom.
    • Review or catch up with unfinished class learning tasks.


    • MHOL, external websites
    • Google Classroom (differentiated)
    • Maths Buddy (differentiated)
    • Ludi Basic Facts (differentiated)
    • Maths Starter
    • BrainPop 
    • Transum (differentiated)
  • Term 1 Week 9



    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING to practise and apply rounding number skills so that we can round numbers to the nearest place value for both whole and decimal numbers.

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • round whole numbers to the nearest assigned place values
    • round decimal numbers to the nearest assigned place values


    • Catch up & review work on the assigned exercises from the previous week
    • Complete the exercises assigned on Google Classroom, Maths Buddy, Transum and/or BraindPop
    • Continual regular maintenance and practice of Basic Facts Practice on Ludi
    • Quick 20 of Maths Starter questions as a warm-up routine


    • MathsBuddy to be completed by Thursday night each week.
    • Worksheet/s and learning tasks assigned on Google Classroom.
    • Review or catch up with unfinished class learning tasks.


    • MHOL, external websites
    • Google Classroom (differentiated)
    • Maths Buddy (differentiated)
    • Ludi Basic Facts (differentiated)
    • Maths Starter
    • BrainPop 
    • Transum (differentiated)
  • Term 1 Week 10



    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING... so that we candemonstrate our understanding of positive and negative integers in solving directed numbers operations (add/subtract/multiply/divide).

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • add and subtract integers (positive and negative whole numbers) confidently and accurately
    • multiply and divide integers confidently and accurately
    • solve arithmetic problems that involve integers


    • Catch up & review work on the assigned exercises from the previous week
    • Complete the exercises assigned on Google Classroom, Maths Buddy, Transum and/or BraindPop
    • Continual regular maintenance and practice of Basic Facts Practice on Ludi
    • Quick 20 of Maths Starter questions as a warm-up routine


    • MathsBuddy to be completed by Thursday night each week.
    • Worksheet/s and learning tasks assigned on Google Classroom.
    • Review or catch up with unfinished class learning tasks.


    • MHOL, external websites
    • Google Classroom (differentiated)
    • Maths Buddy (differentiated)
    • Ludi Basic Facts (differentiated)
    • Maths Starter
    • BrainPop 
    • Transum (differentiated)
  • 10 April - 16 April

  • 17 April - 23 April

  • Term 2 Week 1



    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING metric unit system in length, weight and capacity so that we can conceptualise and convert the measurement units
    • We are EXPLORING the value of numbers and their place values so that we can connect and use the powers of ten to express and display numerals (both whole numbers and decimals) in the scientific notation format

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • convert metric units for length measurements confidently and accurately; i.e. kilometre, metre, centimetre, millimetre
    • convert metric units for weight measurements confidently and accurately; i.e. kilogram, gram
    • convert metric units for capacity measurements confidently and accurately; i.e. Litre, millilitre
    • write numerals (whole numbers or decimals) in Scientific Notation


    • Catch up & review work on the assigned exercises from the previous week
    • Complete the exercises assigned on Google Classroom, Maths Buddy, Transum and/or BraindPop
    • Continual regular maintenance and practice of Basic Facts Practice on Ludi
    • Quick 20 of Maths Starter questions as a warm-up routine


    • MathsBuddy to be completed by Thursday night each week.
    • Worksheet/s and learning tasks assigned on Google Classroom.
    • Review or catch up with unfinished class learning tasks.


    • MHOL, external websites
    • Google Classroom (differentiated)
    • Maths Buddy (differentiated)
    • Ludi Basic Facts (differentiated)
    • Maths Starter
    • BrainPop 
    • Transum (differentiated)
  • Term 2 Week 2



    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING metric unit system in length, weight and capacity so that we can conceptualise and convert the measurement units
    • We are EXPLORING the value of numbers and their place values so that we can connect and use the powers of ten to express and display numerals (both whole numbers and decimals) in the scientific notation format
    • We are EXPLORING the display of numerical values in scientific notations so that we can recognise them and write them in normal numerals, i.e. whole numbers and decimals

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • convert metric units for length measurements confidently and accurately; i.e. kilometre, metre, centimetre, millimetre
    • convert metric units for weight measurements confidently and accurately; i.e. kilogram, gram
    • convert metric units for capacity measurements confidently and accurately; i.e. Litre, millilitre
    • write numerals (whole numbers or decimals) in Scientific Notation and vice versa


    • Catch up & review work on the assigned exercises from the previous week
    • Complete the exercises assigned on Google Classroom, Maths Buddy, Transum and/or BraindPop
    • Continual regular maintenance and practice of Basic Facts Practice on Ludi
    • Quick 20 of Maths Starter questions as a warm-up routine


    • MathsBuddy to be completed by Thursday night each week.
    • Worksheet/s and learning tasks assigned on Google Classroom.
    • Review or catch up with unfinished class learning tasks.


    • MHOL, external websites
    • Google Classroom (differentiated)
    • Maths Buddy (differentiated)
    • Ludi Basic Facts (differentiated)
    • Maths Starter
    • BrainPop 
    • Transum (differentiated)
  • Term 2 Week 3



    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING... on 2-dimensional shapes to identify different quadrilateral shapes and their geometrical features.
    • We are FOCUSING... on triangles to identify and define different types of triangles and their geometrical features.

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • identify and name a range of 2D shapes correctly
    • identify and describe geometrical features from a range of 2D shapes; e.g. quadrilaterals
    • differentiate the types of triangles and describe each of their geometrical features


    • Catch up & review work on the assigned exercises from the previous week
    • Complete the exercises assigned on Google Classroom, Maths Buddy, Transum and/or BraindPop
    • Continual regular maintenance and practice of Basic Facts Practice on Ludi
    • Quick 20 of Maths Starter questions as a warm-up routine


    • MathsBuddy to be completed by Thursday night each week.
    • Worksheet/s and learning tasks assigned on Google Classroom.
    • Review or catch up with unfinished class learning tasks.


    • MHOL, external websites
    • Google Classroom (differentiated)
    • Maths Buddy (differentiated)
    • Ludi Basic Facts (differentiated)
    • Maths Starter
    • BrainPop 
    • Transum (differentiated)
  • Term 2 Week 4



    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING... so that we can... demonstrate our understanding in a range of statistical graphs by reading, analysing and justifying the results shown in from these graphs.

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • identify and describe a range of statistical graphs, including their features and uses
    • read and interpret graphs to make sense of the data displayed in the graphs


    • Catch up & review work on the assigned exercises from the previous week
    • Complete the exercises assigned on Google Classroom, Maths Buddy, Transum and/or BraindPop
    • Continual regular maintenance and practice of Basic Facts Practice on Ludi
    • Quick 20 of Maths Starter questions as a warm-up routine


    • MathsBuddy to be completed by Thursday night each week.
    • Worksheet/s and learning tasks assigned on Google Classroom.
    • Review or catch up with unfinished class learning tasks.


    • MHOL, external websites
    • Google Classroom (differentiated)
    • Maths Buddy (differentiated)
    • Ludi Basic Facts (differentiated)
    • Maths Starter
    • BrainPop 
    • Transum (differentiated)
  • Term 2 Week 5



    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING... so that we can... plan a statistical investigation by conducting a survey and/or fair testing (for our Science Fair project) and then organise and present the data in appropriate graphs.

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • identify and describe the 4 main processes involved in a statistical investigation
    • work in small groups or individually to collect data by conducting a quick survey
    • use a tally chart to organise the data collected from the survey
    • make a bar graph (aka collumn group) to present / display the data
    • make meaningful observation of the graph to analyse the data / results in order to draw a well-justified conclusion


    • Catch up & review work on the assigned exercises from the previous week
    • Complete the exercises assigned on Google Classroom, Maths Buddy, Transum and/or BraindPop
    • Continual regular maintenance and practice of Basic Facts Practice on Ludi
    • Quick 20 of Maths Starter questions as a warm-up routine


    • MathsBuddy to be completed by Thursday night each week.
    • Worksheet/s and learning tasks assigned on Google Classroom.
    • Review or catch up with unfinished class learning tasks.


    • MHOL, external websites
    • Google Classroom (differentiated)
    • Maths Buddy (differentiated)
    • Ludi Basic Facts (differentiated)
    • Maths Starter
    • BrainPop 
    • Transum (differentiated)
  • Term 2 Week 6



    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING... so that we can... perform well-justified analyses of the graphs and their results and then apply these analyses and/or findings to construct meaningful conclusions.

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • organise the data collected from my statistical investigation / science fair project
    • work in small groups or individually to tabulate and then analyse the data of the survey results
    • make a bar graph (aka column graph) to present / display the data
    • make a pie graph or stem-and-leaf graph to present / display another aspect of the collected data
    • make meaningful observation of the graph to analyse the data / results in order to draw a well-justified conclusion


    • Catch up & review work on the assigned exercises from the previous week
    • Complete the exercises assigned on Google Classroom, Maths Buddy, Transum and/or BraindPop
    • Continual regular maintenance and practice of Basic Facts Practice on Ludi
    • Quick 20 of Maths Starter questions as a warm-up routine


    • MathsBuddy to be completed by Thursday night each week.
    • Worksheet/s and learning tasks assigned on Google Classroom.
    • Review or catch up with unfinished class learning tasks.


    • MHOL, external websites
    • Google Classroom (differentiated)
    • Maths Buddy (differentiated)
    • Ludi Basic Facts (differentiated)
    • Maths Starter
    • BrainPop 
    • Transum (differentiated)
  • Term 2 Week 7



    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING... so that we can... solve statistical data computation problems by applying the concepts and computational skills of producing the mean, median, mode and range of data sets.

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • locate various aspects of my group's scientific investigation that contain data suitable for data computation
    • work in small groups or individually to compute the mean, median, mode and range, where possible, the data of the survey results
    • make meaningful observation of the data computation to analyse the data / results in order to draw a well-justified conclusion


    • Catch up & review work on the assigned exercises from the previous week
    • Complete the exercises assigned on Google Classroom, Maths Buddy, Transum and/or BraindPop
    • Continual regular maintenance and practice of Basic Facts Practice on Ludi
    • Quick 20 of Maths Starter questions as a warm-up routine


    • MathsBuddy to be completed by Thursday night each week.
    • Worksheet/s and learning tasks assigned on Google Classroom.
    • Review or catch up with unfinished class learning tasks.


    • MHOL, external websites
    • Google Classroom (differentiated)
    • Maths Buddy (differentiated)
    • Ludi Basic Facts (differentiated)
    • Maths Starter
    • BrainPop 
    • Transum (differentiated)
  • Term 2 Week 8



    REFLECT / WHAIWHAKAARO learning intentions:

    • We are REFLECTINGassess our progress of our learning journey with generating and interpreting graphs in statistics and to evaluate the results of our Science Fair's fair tests and conclude our scientific research .

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • show my understanding of statistical graphs by making meaningful connections of the researched data to my or my group's Science Fair result and conclusion
    • meaningfully explain the mean, median, mode and/or range of some of my or my group's research data
    • accurately and effectively deduce the value of mean, median, mode and/or range of a given set of data
    • solve math problems to show my understanding of statistical graphs and data computation


    • Catch up & review work on the assigned exercises from the previous week
    • Complete the exercises assigned on Google Classroom, Maths Buddy, Transum and/or BraindPop
    • Continual regular maintenance and practice of Basic Facts Practice on Ludi
    • Quick 20 of Maths Starter questions as a warm-up routine


    • MathsBuddy to be completed by Thursday night each week.
    • Worksheet/s and learning tasks assigned on Google Classroom.
    • Review or catch up with unfinished class learning tasks.


    • MHOL, external websites
    • Google Classroom (differentiated)
    • Maths Buddy (differentiated)
    • Ludi Basic Facts (differentiated)
    • Maths Starter
    • BrainPop 
    • Transum (differentiated)
  • Term 2 Week 9



    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING... so that we can... design and construct some Māori art by creating interesting shapes and patterns that present our knowledge of symmetry and other geometrical transitional concepts.

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • use geometrical concept of symmetry and reflection to design and/or construct Māori patterns
    • solve mathematical problems that involve interior and exterior angles of triangles and basic polygons, including angles on a straight line and on a centre point 
    • solve mathematical problems using the concepts of geometrical transitions, including line symmetry, point symmetry and rotational symmetry 


    • Catch up & review work on the assigned exercises from the previous week
    • Complete the exercises assigned on Google Classroom, Maths Buddy, Transum and/or BraindPop
    • Continual regular maintenance and practice of Basic Facts Practice on Ludi
    • Quick 20 of Maths Starter questions as a warm-up routine


    • MathsBuddy to be completed by Thursday night each week.
    • Worksheet/s and learning tasks assigned on Google Classroom.
    • Review or catch up with unfinished class learning tasks.


    • MHOL, external websites
    • Google Classroom (differentiated)
    • Maths Buddy (differentiated)
    • Ludi Basic Facts (differentiated)
    • Maths Starter
    • BrainPop 
    • Transum (differentiated)
  • Term 2 Week 10



    REFLECT / WHAIWHAKAARO learning intentions:

    • We are REFLECTINGreview our understanding of geometrical features such as geometrical shapes and patterns used in Māori art form.

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • show my understanding of geometrical concept of symmetry and reflection in my design of Māori patterns
    • meaningfully explain the geometrical features of my Māori art design
    • accurately and effectively deduce the value of interior and exterior angles of triangles and basic polygons, including angles on a straight line and on a centre point 
    • solve mathematical problems using the concepts of geometrical transitions, including line symmetry, point symmetry and rotational symmetry 


    • Catch up & review work on the assigned exercises from the previous week
    • Complete the exercises assigned on Google Classroom, Maths Buddy, Transum and/or BraindPop
    • Continual regular maintenance and practice of Basic Facts Practice on Ludi
    • Quick 20 of Maths Starter questions as a warm-up routine


    • MathsBuddy to be completed by Thursday night each week.
    • Worksheet/s and learning tasks assigned on Google Classroom.
    • Review or catch up with unfinished class learning tasks.


    • MHOL, external websites
    • Google Classroom (differentiated)
    • Maths Buddy (differentiated)
    • Ludi Basic Facts (differentiated)
    • Maths Starter
    • BrainPop 
    • Transum (differentiated)
  • 3 July - 9 July

  • 10 July - 16 July

  • Term 3 Week 1



    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING... to discover the importance of fractions in mathematics, our civilisation and our world.
    • We are EXPLORING... to recognise basic concepts and terminology of fractions so that we can connect these to a range tangible values and application of fractions in real-life scenarios.
    • We are EXPLORING... to conceptualise a range of working strategies to solve problems with fractions.

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • meaningfully verbalise and explain some significance of fractions in mathematics and how fractions plays an important part of our world and human daily life
    • identify and describe a range of basic fraction concepts using proper terminology
    • identify the different parts of fraction symbols and writing system
    • accurately express fractions and match with images  or drawings of the same fraction values 
    • identify what unit fractions are and explain what we normally use them for


    • Catch up & review work on the assigned exercises from the previous week
    • Complete the exercises assigned on Google Classroom, Maths Buddy, Transum and/or BraindPop
    • Continual regular maintenance and practice of Basic Facts Practice on Ludi
    • Quick 20 of Maths Starter questions as a warm-up routine


    • MathsBuddy to be completed by Thursday night each week.
    • Worksheet/s and learning tasks assigned on Google Classroom.
    • Review or catch up with unfinished class learning tasks.


    • MHOL, external websites
    • Google Classroom (differentiated)
    • Maths Buddy (differentiated)
    • Ludi Basic Facts (differentiated)
    • Maths Starter
    • BrainPop 
    • Transum (differentiated)

  • Term 3 Week 2



    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING... identify equivalent fractions and adjust with times table facts to reduce or simplify fractions.
    • We are FOCUSING... develop the concept of improper fractions so that we can compare them with mixed numbers and convert improper fractions to mixed numbers, and vice versa.

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • identify equivalent fractions and how to expand them using multiplication 
    • simplify equivalent fractions using division
    • identify improper fractions and mixed numbers, and how to convert improper fractions to mixed number and vice versa


    • Catch up & review work on the assigned exercises from the previous week
    • Complete the exercises assigned on Google Classroom, Maths Buddy, Transum and/or BraindPop
    • Continual regular maintenance and practice of Basic Facts Practice on Ludi
    • Quick 20 of Maths Starter questions as a warm-up routine


    • MathsBuddy to be completed by Thursday night each week.
    • Worksheet/s and learning tasks assigned on Google Classroom.
    • Review or catch up with unfinished class learning tasks.


    • MHOL, external websites
    • Google Classroom (differentiated)
    • Maths Buddy (differentiated)
    • Ludi Basic Facts (differentiated)
    • Maths Starter
    • BrainPop 
    • Transum (differentiated)

  • Term 3 Week 3



    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING... develop of the concept of LCM (lowest common multiple/denominator) so that we can identify the LCM between 2 or more numbers.

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • identify what describe multiples and factors are (revisit and consolidate number knowledge)
    • identify what prime numbers and composite numbers are
    • identify 3 scenarios of different denominators and the effective approaches to find their LCM
    • use times table facts to find LCM of 2 or more numbers
    • use "upside-down division" to find LCM of 2 or more numbers
    • use factor tree to deduce the LCM of 2 or more numbers
    • make connection of LCM to addition and subtraction of fractions


    • Catch up & review work on the assigned exercises from the previous week
    • Complete the exercises assigned on Google Classroom, Maths Buddy, Transum and/or BraindPop
    • Continual regular maintenance and practice of Basic Facts Practice on Ludi
    • Quick 20 of Maths Starter questions as a warm-up routine


    • MathsBuddy to be completed by Thursday night each week.
    • Worksheet/s and learning tasks assigned on Google Classroom.
    • Review or catch up with unfinished class learning tasks.


    • MHOL, external websites
    • Google Classroom (differentiated)
    • Maths Buddy (differentiated)
    • Ludi Basic Facts (differentiated)
    • Maths Starter
    • BrainPop 
    • Transum (differentiated)

  • Term 3 Week 4



    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING... so that we can... apply our knowledge of symmetry and other geometrical transitional concepts to solve geometrical problems.

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • identify and differentiate three main types of symmetry: line vs point vs rotational
    • solve mathematical problems that involve interior and exterior angles of triangles and basic polygons, including angles on a straight line and on a centre point 
    • solve mathematical problems using the concepts of geometrical transitions, including line symmetry, point symmetry and rotational symmetry 


    • Catch up & review work on the assigned exercises from the previous week
    • Complete the exercises assigned on Google Classroom, Maths Buddy, Transum and/or BraindPop
    • Continual regular maintenance and practice of Basic Facts Practice on Ludi
    • Quick 20 of Maths Starter questions as a warm-up routine


    • MathsBuddy to be completed by Thursday night each week.
    • Worksheet/s and learning tasks assigned on Google Classroom.
    • Review or catch up with unfinished class learning tasks.


    • MHOL, external websites
    • Google Classroom (differentiated)
    • Maths Buddy (differentiated)
    • Ludi Basic Facts (differentiated)
    • Maths Starter
    • BrainPop 
    • Transum (differentiated)
  • Term 3 Week 5



    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING... develop of the concept of LCM (lowest common multiple/denominator) so that we can identify the LCM between 2 or more numbers.

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    • identify what describe multiples and factors are (revisit and consolidate number knowledge)
    • identify what prime numbers and composite numbers are
    • identify 3 scenarios of different denominators and the effective approaches to find their LCM
    • use times table facts to find LCM of 2 or more numbers
    • use "upside-down division" to find LCM of 2 or more numbers
    • use factor tree to deduce the LCM of 2 or more numbers
    • make connection of LCM to addition and subtraction of fractions
    • add / subtract fractions with the same or similar denominator/s


    • Catch up & review work on the assigned exercises from the previous week
    • Complete the exercises assigned on Google Classroom, Maths Buddy, Transum and/or BraindPop
    • Continual regular maintenance and practice of Basic Facts Practice on Ludi
    • Quick 20 of Maths Starter questions as a warm-up routine


    • MathsBuddy to be completed by Thursday night each week.
    • Worksheet/s and learning tasks assigned on Google Classroom.
    • Review or catch up with unfinished class learning tasks.


    • MHOL, external websites
    • Google Classroom (differentiated)
    • Maths Buddy (differentiated)
    • Ludi Basic Facts (differentiated)
    • Maths Starter
    • BrainPop 
    • Transum (differentiated)

  • Term 3 Week 6



    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING... so that we canpractise and apply working strategies to solve addition / subtraction problems of fractions with different denominators.

    Success Criteria:
    I can/have...

    • add and subtract fractions with the same denominator
    • add and subtract fractions with similar denominators
    • add and subtract fractions with different denominators
    • apply the 3 scenarios of different denominators to effectively find their LCM when adding / subtracting fractions
    • aded and subtract fractions and mixed numbers


    • Catch up & review work on the assigned exercises from the previous week
    • Complete the exercises assigned on Google Classroom, Maths Buddy, Transum and/or BraindPop
    • Continual regular maintenance and practice of Basic Facts Practice on Ludi
    • Quick 20 of Maths Starter questions as a warm-up routine


    • MathsBuddy to be completed by Thursday night each week.
    • Worksheet/s and learning tasks assigned on Google Classroom.
    • Review or catch up with unfinished class learning tasks.


    • MHOL, external websites
    • Google Classroom (differentiated)
    • Maths Buddy (differentiated)
    • Ludi Basic Facts (differentiated)
    • Maths Starter
    • BrainPop 
    • Transum (differentiated)

  • Term 3 Week 7



    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING... so that we canpractise and apply working strategies to solve addition / subtraction problems of fractions with different denominators.
    • We are PLANNING... so that we canpractise and apply working strategies to solve multiplication / division problems of fractions with mixed numbers.

    Success Criteria:
    I can/have...

    • add and subtract fractions with the same denominator
    • add and subtract fractions with similar denominators
    • add and subtract fractions with different denominators
    • apply the 3 scenarios of different denominators to effectively find their LCM when adding / subtracting fractions
    • add and subtract fractions and mixed numbers
    • multiply fractions using the "cross-cancellation" method (simplifying; aka "slay the dragon")
    • divide fractions by turning it into multiplication problem
    • multiply and divide fractions that involve mixed numbers 


    • Catch up & review work on the assigned exercises from the previous week
    • Complete the exercises assigned on Google Classroom, Maths Buddy, Transum and/or BraindPop
    • Continual regular maintenance and practice of Basic Facts Practice on Ludi
    • Quick 20 of Maths Starter questions as a warm-up routine


    • MathsBuddy to be completed by Thursday night each week.
    • Worksheet/s and learning tasks assigned on Google Classroom.
    • Review or catch up with unfinished class learning tasks.


    • MHOL, external websites
    • Google Classroom (differentiated)
    • Maths Buddy (differentiated)
    • Ludi Basic Facts (differentiated)
    • Maths Starter
    • BrainPop 
    • Transum (differentiated)

  • Term 3 Week 8



    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING... so that we candemonstrate our understanding of proportion ratio in solving number problems.

    Success Criteria:
    I can/have...

    • find / calculate the fraction value from a number or set
    • use multiplication and division facts to find fraction value
    • simplify fractions when solving fraction problems


    • Catch up & review work on the assigned exercises from the previous week
    • Complete the exercises assigned on Google Classroom, Maths Buddy, Transum and/or BraindPop
    • Continual regular maintenance and practice of Basic Facts Practice on Ludi
    • Quick 20 of Maths Starter questions as a warm-up routine


    • MathsBuddy to be completed by Thursday night each week.
    • Worksheet/s and learning tasks assigned on Google Classroom.
    • Review or catch up with unfinished class learning tasks.


    • MHOL, external websites
    • Google Classroom (differentiated)
    • Maths Buddy (differentiated)
    • Ludi Basic Facts (differentiated)
    • Maths Starter
    • BrainPop 
    • Transum (differentiated)

  • Term 3 Week 9



    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING... so that we candemonstrate our understanding of fraction decimals & percentages in solving number problems.

    Success Criteria:
    I can/have...

    • convert fractions to decimal and then percentage and vice versa
    • make connections between fractions, decimals and percentages
    • solve problems that involves fractions, decimals and percentages


    • Catch up & review work on the assigned exercises from the previous week
    • Complete the exercises assigned on Google Classroom, Maths Buddy, Transum and/or BraindPop
    • Continual regular maintenance and practice of Basic Facts Practice on Ludi
    • Quick 20 of Maths Starter questions as a warm-up routine


    • MathsBuddy to be completed by Thursday night each week.
    • Worksheet/s and learning tasks assigned on Google Classroom.
    • Review or catch up with unfinished class learning tasks.


    • MHOL, external websites
    • Google Classroom (differentiated)
    • Maths Buddy (differentiated)
    • Ludi Basic Facts (differentiated)
    • Maths Starter
    • BrainPop 
    • Transum (differentiated)

  • Term 3 Week 10



    REFLECT / WHAIWHAKAARO learning intentions:

    • We are REFLECTING... review our understanding of fractions in solving number problems that involve fractions.

    Success Criteria:
    I can/have...

    • review and revisit all learning of fractions this term to consolidate my number knowledge on fraction
    • solve word problems that involve any of the 4 operations (add/subtract/multiply/divide) with fractions, decimals and percentages


    • Catch up & review work on the assigned exercises from the previous week
    • Complete the exercises assigned on Google Classroom, Maths Buddy, Transum and/or BraindPop
    • Continual regular maintenance and practice of Basic Facts Practice on Ludi
    • Quick 20 of Maths Starter questions as a warm-up routine


    • MathsBuddy to be completed by Thursday night each week.
    • Worksheet/s and learning tasks assigned on Google Classroom.
    • Review or catch up with unfinished class learning tasks.


    • MHOL, external websites
    • Google Classroom (differentiated)
    • Maths Buddy (differentiated)
    • Ludi Basic Facts (differentiated)
    • Maths Starter
    • BrainPop 
    • Transum (differentiated)

  • 25 September - 1 October

  • 2 October - 8 October

  • Term 4 Week 1



    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING... algebraic concepts so that we can observe patterns in number sequence, geometrical shapes, and repeating diagrams and meaningfully connect these to real-life situations in our world. in a meaningful way.

    Success Criteria:
    I can/have...

    • describe the features and purposes of algebra
    • differentiate the learning of algebra concepts from other mathematics learning strands
    • make connections of patterns and algebraic concepts to real-life scenarios
    • identify the patterns in number sequence, geometrical shapes


    • Catch up & review work on the assigned exercises from the previous week
    • Complete the exercises assigned on Google Classroom, Maths Buddy, Transum and/or BraindPop
    • Continual regular maintenance and practice of Basic Facts Practice on Ludi
    • Quick 20 of Maths Starter questions as a warm-up routine


    • MathsBuddy to be completed by Thursday night each week.
    • Worksheet/s and learning tasks assigned on Google Classroom.
    • Review or catch up with unfinished class learning tasks.


    • MHOL, external websites
    • Google Classroom (differentiated)
    • Maths Buddy (differentiated)
    • Ludi Basic Facts (differentiated)
    • Maths Starter
    • BrainPop 
    • Transum (differentiated)

  • Term 4 Week 2



    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING... properties of algebraic expressions so that we can recognise the parts and forms of algebraic terms, such as the co-efficient (numeral part), the variable (letter part), and the exponents

    Success Criteria:
    I can/have...

    • identify like terms in algebraic expressions and equations
    • express algebraic terms in the correct format
    • make connections of algebraic terms to real-life scenarios, or use algebraic terms to tell maths stories


    • Catch up & review work on the assigned exercises from the previous week
    • Complete the exercises assigned on Google Classroom, Maths Buddy, Transum and/or BraindPop
    • Continual regular maintenance and practice of Basic Facts Practice on Ludi
    • Quick 20 of Maths Starter questions as a warm-up routine


    • MathsBuddy to be completed by Thursday night each week.
    • Worksheet/s and learning tasks assigned on Google Classroom.
    • Review or catch up with unfinished class learning tasks.


    • MHOL, external websites
    • Google Classroom (differentiated)
    • Maths Buddy (differentiated)
    • Ludi Basic Facts (differentiated)
    • Maths Starter
    • BrainPop 
    • Transum (differentiated)

  • Term 4 Week 3



    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING... like terms in algebra so that we can identify similar like terms in an equation and then solve addition and/or subtraction in algebraic expressions.
    • We are FOCUSING... algebraic indices so that we can multiply and divide algebraic terms and then solve equations step by step and explain them, either via expanding or factorising.

    Success Criteria:
    I can/have...

    • add and subtract algebraic terms accurately and confidently; such as like terms
    • solve addition and subtraction problems that involve algebraic expressions or equations 
    • multiply algebraic terms or expressions by dealing with the coefficients (numeral parts) first and then the variable (letter parts)
    • identify the patterns in number sequence, geometrical shapes


    • Catch up & review work on the assigned exercises from the previous week
    • Complete the exercises assigned on Google Classroom, Maths Buddy, Transum and/or BraindPop
    • Continual regular maintenance and practice of Basic Facts Practice on Ludi
    • Quick 20 of Maths Starter questions as a warm-up routine


    • MathsBuddy to be completed by Thursday night each week.
    • Worksheet/s and learning tasks assigned on Google Classroom.
    • Review or catch up with unfinished class learning tasks.


    • MHOL, external websites
    • Google Classroom (differentiated)
    • Maths Buddy (differentiated)
    • Ludi Basic Facts (differentiated)
    • Maths Starter
    • BrainPop 
    • Transum (differentiated)

  • Term 4 Week 4



    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING... algebraic indices so that we can multiply and divide algebraic terms and then solve equations step by step and explain them, either via expanding or factorising.
    • We are FOCUSING... indices with exponential powers in algebra so that we can develop the concepts and methods of solving algebraic terms with powers inside and outside brackets.

    Success Criteria:
    I can/have...

    • multiply and divide algebraic terms accurately and confidently; such as like terms
    • solve multiplication and division problems that involve algebraic expressions or equations 
    • multiply or divide algebraic terms or expressions by dealing with the coefficients (numeral parts) first and then the variable (letter parts); e.g. using the method of simplifying (aka cross-cancellation) similar to fraction concepts
    • expand algebraic expressions or terms using the correct indices and exponential power


    • Catch up & review work on the assigned exercises from the previous week
    • Complete the exercises assigned on Google Classroom, Maths Buddy, Transum and/or BraindPop
    • Continual regular maintenance and practice of Basic Facts Practice on Ludi
    • Quick 20 of Maths Starter questions as a warm-up routine


    • MathsBuddy to be completed by Thursday night each week.
    • Worksheet/s and learning tasks assigned on Google Classroom.
    • Review or catch up with unfinished class learning tasks.


    • MHOL, external websites
    • Google Classroom (differentiated)
    • Maths Buddy (differentiated)
    • Ludi Basic Facts (differentiated)
    • Maths Starter
    • BrainPop 
    • Transum (differentiated)

  • Term 4 Week 5



    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING... so that we can... apply the algebraic concepts of like terms and indices to solve simple one-step or two-step equations.
    • We are PLANNING... so that we can... apply the algebraic concepts of like terms and indices to systematically solve more complex multi-step equations.

    Success Criteria:
    I can/have...

    • find the value of a variable by accurately and confidently solving the one-step equation
    • find the value of a variable by accurately and confidently solving the two-step equation
    • find the value of a variable by accurately and confidently solving the multi-step equation
    • expand algebraic expressions or terms using the correct indices and exponential power
    • factorise algebraic expressions or terms using the correct indices, exponential power, and brackets


    • Catch up & review work on the assigned exercises from the previous week
    • Complete the exercises assigned on Google Classroom, Maths Buddy, Transum and/or BraindPop
    • Continual regular maintenance and practice of Basic Facts Practice on Ludi
    • Quick 20 of Maths Starter questions as a warm-up routine


    • MathsBuddy to be completed by Thursday night each week.
    • Worksheet/s and learning tasks assigned on Google Classroom.
    • Review or catch up with unfinished class learning tasks.


    • MHOL, external websites
    • Google Classroom (differentiated)
    • Maths Buddy (differentiated)
    • Ludi Basic Facts (differentiated)
    • Maths Starter
    • BrainPop 
    • Transum (differentiated)

  • 13 November - 19 November

  • 20 November - 26 November

  • 27 November - 3 December

  • 4 December - 10 December

  • 11 December - 17 December