7W1 Mathematics
Weekly outline
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING... with scales, measurement and unit conversion to make sense of our new space in Water Whanau
- We are EXPLORING... our Pepeha and how this connects to the 2D and 3D world around us
- We are EXPLORING... how our number skills and knowledge of measurement can help with orienting ourselves in our new space
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING... with scales, measurement and unit conversion to make sense of our new space in Water Whanau
- We are EXPLORING... our Pepeha and how this connects to the 2D and 3D world around us
- We are EXPLORING... how our number skills and knowledge of measurement can help with orienting ourselves in our new space
Success Criteria
-I can find the unknown length of scale drawings given the lengths of the original object and some lengths of the scaled drawing
-I can find unknown lengths when the scale drawing is enlarged or scaled smaller
-I understand when to use division (when an item is getting smaller) and multiplication (when an item is enlarged)
-I understand that multiplying by a number less that 1 but great than 0 will result in smaller dimensions and can use this to identify the scale factor in various contexts and word problems
Activities This Week
-learning about scales - EP task to follow up
-choosing a landmark or natural feature that is significant to us and that is connected to our sense of self
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING...on developing an understanding of our identity within the whanau through our Pepeha and siginificant landmarks
- We are FOCUSING...on identifying a scale factor that will solve the problem of how to create a proportionally accurate drawing of our building
Success Criteria
-I can introduce myself with a Pepeha
-I can use my knowledge of scales to create a scale factor for my scaled drawing of a significant building
Activities this week...
-writing our Pepeha
-using our knowledge of scales to create a scale factor for our chosen building to draw (must be realistic for our paper size -
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING...on developing an understanding of our identity within the whanau through our Pepeha and siginificant landmarks
- We are FOCUSING...on identifying a scale factor that will solve the problem of how to create a proportionally accurate drawing of our building
Success Criteria
-I can introduce myself with a Pepeha
-I can use my knowledge of scales to create a scale factor for my scaled drawing of a significant building
-I can use feedback and data from Ludi and Eastelle to create a SMART goal for myself in maths
Activities this week...
-writing our Pepeha
-using our knowledge of scales to create a scale factor for our chosen building to draw (must be realistic for our paper size
- "Decoding Eastelle Task/ SMART goal" on Google Classroom
-connecting task to holistic report
PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:
- We are PLANNING... so that we can...navigate specific locations at our school using a map and maths skills (coordinates, scales, angles)
- We are PLANNING... so that we can... use scales and measurement to construct scale drawings
Success Criteria
-I can use my scale factor to create a scale drawing of a building that is significant to me
-I understand how Ahwhinatanga is present in my work and can link it to my holistic report
Activities this week...
- scale drawing with Pepeha
-linking my scale drawing to my Holistic report- Awhinatanga
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING... with scales, measurement and unit conversion to make sense of our new space in Water Whanau
- We are EXPLORING... our Pepeha and how this connects to the 2D and 3D world around us
- We are EXPLORING... how our number skills and knowledge of measurement can help with orienting ourselves in our new space
Success Criteria...
- I can use a cartesian plane to identify common 2D shapes
-I can map coordinates on a cartesian plane
-I can identify the missing coordinates for each question, in order to create a 2D shape
- I can define: Symmetrical, quadrilateral, anti-clockwise
Activities this week...
-Cartesian Plane Inquiry - Group problem solving
PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:
- We are PLANNING... so that we can...navigate specific locations at our school using a map and maths skills (coordinates, scales, angles)
- We are PLANNING... so that we can... use scales and measurement to construct scale drawings
Success Criteria...
- I can identify scale factors in diagrams
-I can convert units of measurement
-I can determine ratios for various word problems and reduce them
-I can understand maths skills that are involved in orienteering
Activities this week...
-EP Task to practice measurement skills
PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:
- We are PLANNING... so that we can...navigate specific locations at our school using a map and maths skills (coordinates, scales, angles)
- We are PLANNING... so that we can... use scales and measurement to construct scale drawings
Success Criteria...
- I can collaborate with my peers to solve word problems involving basic number facts
-I understand that collaboration and practicing to work as a group will help me in physical education
Activities this week...
-Group Problem Solving Challenge in the classroom -
Nau mai hoki mai, Welcome back everyone :)
Year 10's will be running an activity with you this week -
PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:
- We are PLANNING... so that we can...navigate specific locations at our school using a map and maths skills (coordinates, scales, angles)
- We are PLANNING... so that we can... use scales and measurement to construct scale drawings
Success Criteria...
-I can identify common angles without measuring them
-I can use a protractor to measure angles accurately
-I can use my knowledge of angles and scales to identify specific locations
Activities this week...
- inquiry maths group problem solving activity
- Identifying Angles task
-EP task -
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING... mathematical forms of communication... by questioning, researching and investigating hauora related topics in a collaborative setting
- We are EXPLORING... mathematical forms of communication... by calculating, measuring and displaying data
- We are EXPLORING... mathematical forms of communication... by interpreting and analysing data about hauora (bullying, happiness, nutrition and mental well-being statistics around the world)
- We are EXPLORING... mathematical forms of communication... by investigating with the PPDAC cycle
1. Link to tests: https://humanbenchmark.com/
2. Google forms: https://forms.gle/LcaMbW52xiYcuaFdA -
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING... mathematical forms of communication... by questioning, researching and investigating hauora related topics in a collaborative setting
- We are EXPLORING... mathematical forms of communication... by calculating, measuring and displaying data
- We are EXPLORING... mathematical forms of communication... by interpreting and analysing data about hauora (bullying, happiness, nutrition and mental well-being statistics around the world)
- We are EXPLORING... mathematical forms of communication... by investigating with the PPDAC cycle
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING... mathematical forms of communication... by questioning, researching and investigating hauora related topics in a collaborative setting
- We are EXPLORING... mathematical forms of communication... by calculating, measuring and displaying data
- We are EXPLORING... mathematical forms of communication... by interpreting and analysing data about hauora (bullying, happiness, nutrition and mental well-being statistics around the world)
- We are EXPLORING... mathematical forms of communication... by investigating with the PPDAC cycle
Continuing with...
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING... mathematical forms of communication... by questioning, researching and investigating hauora related topics in a collaborative setting
- We are EXPLORING... mathematical forms of communication... by calculating, measuring and displaying data
- We are EXPLORING... mathematical forms of communication... by interpreting and analysing data about hauora (bullying, happiness, nutrition and mental well-being statistics around the world)
- We are EXPLORING... mathematical forms of communication... by investigating with the PPDAC cycle
Decimal-Fraction-Percent Practice: https://www.transum.org/Maths/Activity/FractionDecimalPercentage/
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING... on communication through a statistical lens by... choosing appropriate visual displays for our data
- We are FOCUSING... on communication through a statistical lens by... responding to our data (discussing our findings and explaining how this can inform our own understanding of hauora)
- Eastelle testing this week
- Eastelle practice/test taking skills on Google Classroom
- recall our "decoding eastelle" task from term 1 to remind ourselves of our SMART goal, and what level we got on our previous test
From Google Class:
1. Recall our last eastelle- what was your grade? Use that to decide which practice test to do
2. Set a timer for 30 minutes
3. How many questions did you answer in 30 minutes? 30/ # of questions you answered= average time per question
4. we want to aim for about 1-2 minutes per question
5. double check your answers if there's time
6.If you don't know the answer leave it, don't guess
7. Remind yourself of your SMART goal
- Eastelle testing this week
PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:
- We are PLANNING to apply our knowledge of data collection, data sorting and graphs so that we can produce a health analysis of given ingredients
- We are PLANNING to create bar graphs and pie graphs so that we can use data to justify our opinions
- We are PLANNING to apply our number knowledge of decimals-fractions-percents to our knowledge of reading labels and healthy eating
PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:
- We are PLANNING to apply our knowledge of data collection, data sorting and graphs so that we can produce a health analysis of given ingredients
- We are PLANNING to create bar graphs and pie graphs so that we can use data to justify our opinions
- We are PLANNING to apply our number knowledge of decimals-fractions-percents to our knowledge of reading labels and healthy eating
PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:
- We are PLANNING to apply our knowledge of data collection, data sorting and graphs so that we can produce a health analysis of given ingredients
- We are PLANNING to create bar graphs and pie graphs so that we can use data to justify our opinions
- We are PLANNING to apply our number knowledge of decimals-fractions-percents to our knowledge of reading labels and healthy eating
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING ‘Legends of Aotearoa’ by researching unique achievements and calculating their probability through decimals, fractions and percentages
- We are EXPLORING ‘Legends of Aotearoa’ by analysing scenarios in sport with models of outcomes and probability distributions
- We are EXPLORING ‘Legends of Aotearoa’ by finding specific shapes, angles, movements and positions in order to measure angles
- We are EXPLORING ‘Legends of Aotearoa’ by researching legends in mathematics
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING ‘Legends of Aotearoa’ by researching unique achievements and calculating their probability through decimals, fractions and percentages
- We are EXPLORING ‘Legends of Aotearoa’ by analysing scenarios in sport with models of outcomes and probability distributions
- We are EXPLORING ‘Legends of Aotearoa’ by finding specific shapes, angles, movements and positions in order to measure angles
- We are EXPLORING ‘Legends of Aotearoa’ by researching legends in mathematics
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING ‘Legends of Aotearoa’ by researching unique achievements and calculating their probability through decimals, fractions and percentages
- We are EXPLORING ‘Legends of Aotearoa’ by analysing scenarios in sport with models of outcomes and probability distributions
- We are EXPLORING ‘Legends of Aotearoa’ by finding specific shapes, angles, movements and positions in order to measure angles
- We are EXPLORING ‘Legends of Aotearoa’ by researching legends in mathematics
PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:
- We are PLANNING on presenting a sports legend to our peers... so that we can... create a shared list of exceptional athletes who overcame certain probabilities
- We are PLANNING ... so that we can apply our knowledge of decimal/fraction/percents and probabilities to demonstrate how special these athletes are
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING... on identifying properties of 2D and 3D shapes
- We are FOCUSING...on choosing the correct equation to calculate area/perimeter/volume/ time and distance
- We are FOCUSING... on discussing financial components involved in planning a road trip
PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:
- We are PLANNING on presenting a sports legend to our peers... so that we can... create a shared list of exceptional athletes who overcame certain probabilities
- We are PLANNING ... so that we can apply our knowledge of decimal/fraction/percents and probabilities to demonstrate how special these athletes are
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING... on identifying properties of 2D and 3D shapes
- We are FOCUSING...on choosing the correct equation to calculate area/perimeter/volume/ time and distance
- We are FOCUSING... on discussing financial components involved in planning a road trip
PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:
- We are PLANNING on presenting a sports legend to our peers... so that we can... create a shared list of exceptional athletes who overcame certain probabilities
- We are PLANNING ... so that we can apply our knowledge of decimal/fraction/percents and probabilities to demonstrate how special these athletes are
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING... on identifying properties of 2D and 3D shapes
- We are FOCUSING...on choosing the correct equation to calculate area/perimeter/volume/ time and distance
- We are FOCUSING... on discussing financial components involved in planning a road trip
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING on Legends of Aotearoa by describing angle theorems using models involving sports
- We are FOCUSING on Legends of Aotearoa by identifying angles in the real world
- We are FOCUSING on Legends of Aotearoa by calculating decimal/fraction/percentages (probability) of rare achievements
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING... on identifying properties of 2D and 3D shapes
- We are FOCUSING...on choosing the correct equation to calculate area/perimeter/volume/ time and distance
- We are FOCUSING... on discussing financial components involved in planning a road trip
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING on Legends of Aotearoa by describing angle theorems using models involving sports
- We are FOCUSING on Legends of Aotearoa by identifying angles in the real world
- We are FOCUSING on Legends of Aotearoa by calculating decimal/fraction/percentages (probability) of rare achievements
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING... on identifying properties of 2D and 3D shapes
- We are FOCUSING...on choosing the correct equation to calculate area/perimeter/volume/ time and distance
- We are FOCUSING... on discussing financial components involved in planning a road trip
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING on Legends of Aotearoa by describing angle theorems using models involving sports
- We are FOCUSING on Legends of Aotearoa by identifying angles in the real world
- We are FOCUSING on Legends of Aotearoa by calculating decimal/fraction/percentages (probability) of rare achievements
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING...New Zealand destinations by calculating the distance, time and speed of our journey
- We are EXPLORING... New Zealand road trips by understanding finances, budgets and taxes (financial literacy)
- We are EXPLORING... New Zealand destinations by investigating properties of shapes (geometry)
- We are EXPLORING... New Zealand destinations by applying our knowledge of perimeter, area and volume
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING...New Zealand destinations by calculating the distance, time and speed of our journey
- We are EXPLORING... New Zealand road trips by understanding finances, budgets and taxes (financial literacy)
- We are EXPLORING... New Zealand destinations by investigating properties of shapes (geometry)
- We are EXPLORING... New Zealand destinations by applying our knowledge of perimeter, area and volume
PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:
- We are PLANNING to design an Aotearoa road trip... so that we can... apply our knowledge of distance/speed/time equations
- We are PLANNING to collaborate and design a trip... so that we can...practise calculating costs and managing a budget
- We are PLANNING... so that we can... present our road trip to our peers
PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:
- We are PLANNING to design an Aotearoa road trip... so that we can... apply our knowledge of distance/speed/time equations
- We are PLANNING to collaborate and design a trip... so that we can...practise calculating costs and managing a budget
- We are PLANNING... so that we can... present our road trip to our peers
PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:
- We are PLANNING to design an Aotearoa road trip... so that we can... apply our knowledge of distance/speed/time equations
- We are PLANNING to collaborate and design a trip... so that we can...practise calculating costs and managing a budget
- We are PLANNING... so that we can... present our road trip to our peers
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING... on identifying properties of 2D and 3D shapes
- We are FOCUSING...on choosing the correct equation to calculate area/perimeter/volume/ time and distance
- We are FOCUSING... on discussing financial components involved in planning a road trip
*E-astelle Testing* -
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING... on identifying properties of 2D and 3D shapes
- We are FOCUSING...on choosing the correct equation to calculate area/perimeter/volume/ time and distance
- We are FOCUSING... on discussing financial components involved in planning a road trip
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING... on identifying properties of 2D and 3D shapes
- We are FOCUSING...on choosing the correct equation to calculate area/perimeter/volume/ time and distance
- We are FOCUSING... on discussing financial components involved in planning a road trip
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING... on identifying properties of 2D and 3D shapes
- We are FOCUSING...on choosing the correct equation to calculate area/perimeter/volume/ time and distance
- We are FOCUSING... on discussing financial components involved in planning a road trip
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING... on identifying properties of 2D and 3D shapes
- We are FOCUSING...on choosing the correct equation to calculate area/perimeter/volume/ time and distance
- We are FOCUSING... on discussing financial components involved in planning a road trip
*Prize Giving and Whanau Activities*