Weekly outline

  • General

  • Term 1 Week 1

  • Term 1 Week 2


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING ecology and the living world strand, by investigating relationships between the unique organisms found in New Zealand and their environment.
    • We are EXPLORING adaptations that these unique organisms have in order to survive in New Zealand
    • We are EXPLORING water by experimenting and performing various investigations to discover its unique properties
    • We are EXPLORING human impacts on water by investigating how people disrupt the water cycle

  • Term 1 Week 3


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING ecology and the living world strand, by investigating relationships between the unique organisms found in New Zealand and their environment.
    • We are EXPLORING adaptations that these unique organisms have in order to survive in New Zealand
    • We are EXPLORING water by experimenting and performing various investigations to discover its unique properties
    • We are EXPLORING human impacts on water by investigating how people disrupt the water cycle

    • Kia ora and welcome to week 3! This week we will exploring lab safety. 

      Success Criteria: 

      • I can list the rules of the science lab
      • I can explain why we need to keep safe in the lab


      1. Spot the hazard
      2. Lab safety poster explanations

  • Term 1 Week 4


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING a number of practical investigations in class so that we can understand and explain why certain elements are considered valuable and what they are ultimately used for in the world

    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING the properties of mixtures, elements and compounds by researching and experimentation

    • Kia ora and welcome to week 4! This week we will exploring particles and states of matter

      Success Criteria: 

      • I can describe what matter is
      • I can explain how particles behave in solids, liquids and gases
      • I can describe the properties of solids, liquids and gases


      1. Google classroom worksheets
      2. States of matter circus

  • Term 1 Week 5


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING the structure of the periodic table and how to interpret it
    • We are EXPLORING the properties of mixtures, elements and compounds by researching and experimentation

    • Kia ora and welcome to week 5! This week we will exploring atoms and the periodic table

      Success Criteria: 

      • I can describe the structure of an atom
      • I can name the groups of the periodic table


      1. Draw an atom
      2. Periodic table states of matter

  • Term 1 Week 6


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING a number of practical investigations in class so that we can understand and explain why certain elements are considered valuable and what they are ultimately used for in the world

    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING the properties of mixtures, elements and compounds by researching and experimentation
    • We are EXPLORING what different elements are made up and discovering their characteristics

    Kia ora and welcome to week 6! This week we will exploring molecules and compounds, and physical and chemical changes.

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can define element, molecule, compound.
    • I can name explain the difference between a molecule and a compound
    • I can identify differences between a chemical and physical change
    • I can make observations of chemical and physical changes


    1. Periodic table - categories identification
    2. Clay molecules
    3. Chemical and Physical changes observations lab activity

  • Term 1 Week 7


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING a number of practical investigations in class so that we can understand and explain why certain elements are considered valuable and what they are ultimately used for in the world

    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING what different elements are made up and discovering their characteristics

    Kia ora and welcome to week 7! This week we will exploring molecules and compounds, and physical and chemical changes.

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can list properties of different materials
    • I can describe the properties of metals
    • I can carry out research about a metal element


    1. Properties of materials worksheet
    2. Metal research
    3. Metal poster
    4. Turning a copper coin to gold

  • Term 1 Week 8


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING a number of practical investigations in class so that we can understand and explain why certain elements are considered valuable and what they are ultimately used for in the world

    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING the properties of mixtures, elements and compounds by researching and experimentation
    • We are EXPLORING what different elements are made up and discovering their characteristics

    Kia ora and welcome to week 8! This week we will be experimenting metals vs nonmetals, and exploring gemstones

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can list examples of metals
    • I can compare the characteristics of metals vs nonmetals
    • I can carry out an investigation to test conductivity
    • I can name explain why different gemstones have different properties


    1. Properties of metals vs nonmetals experiment

    2. Precious gemstones worksheet

  • Term 1 Week 9


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING native NZ taonga by investigating food chains and food webs
    • We are EXPLORING native NZ taonga by researching native NZ species

    Kia ora and welcome to week 9! This week we will learning about ecosystems and food chains

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can create a simple food chain
    • I can describe and show the flow of energy through a food chain
    • I can create a Food chain for a NZ ecosystem

    • Activities:
    1. Food chain drawings
    2. NZ rocky shore food chain

  • Term 1 Week 10


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING native NZ taonga by researching native NZ species

    Kia ora and welcome to week 10! This week we will be expanding our knowledge of ecosystems by learning about food webs and how to construct them

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can create a simple food web
    • I can explain why food webs are a more accurate representation of the flow of energy through an ecosystem
    • I can describe and show the flow of energy through a food web
    • I can create a Food web for a NZ ecosystem

    • Activities:
    1. Food web drawing
    2. NZ bush ecosystem research
    3. NZ bush food web

  • Term 2 Week 1


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING native NZ taonga by researching native NZ species

    Kia ora and welcome to Term 2! This week we will be finish creating our NZ ecosystem foodwebs and looking at scenarios of foodweb disruption.

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can describe and show the flow of energy through a food web
    • I can create a Food web for a NZ ecosystem

    • Activities:
    1. NZ bush food web
    2. Food web scenarios activity

  • Term 1 Week 2


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING native NZ taonga by researching native NZ species

    Kia ora and welcome to Week 2! This week we will be finding out about why NZ's ecosystem is unique, and learning about threats to the ecosystem.

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can name some unique NZ species
    • I can describe threats to NZ's ecosystem
    • I can explain how pest species came to be in New Zealand
    • I can discuss potential solutions to pests

    • Activities:
    1. Introduced species key task
    2. Tuatara article + questions

  • Term 2 Week 3


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING native NZ taonga by researching native NZ species

    Kia ora and welcome to Week 3! This week we will learning about Rongoa Maori, and looking at example Rongoa species.

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can name some unique NZ species
    • I can define Rongoa Maori
    • I can explain how some native plants are used medicinally

    • Activities:
    1. Species and ailments matching card task
    2. Rongoa in practise worksheet
    3. Harakeke worksheet and flower making

  • Term 2 Week 4


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING Sound and the physical world by practically investigating its wave nature and how sound travels through a medium

    Kia ora and welcome to Week 4! This week we will launching into our new context by learning about what sound is.

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can define sound
    • I can list different sources of sounds
    • I can explain how sound is produced and travels

    • Activities:
    1. New context title page
    2. Definitions slides
    3. Plastic cup telephones activity and worksheet

  • Term 2 Week 5


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING Sound and the physical world by practically investigating its wave nature and how sound travels through a medium

    Kia ora and welcome to Week 5! This week we will learning more about the nature of sound and how it travels.

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can explain how sound is produced and travels
    • I can define medium
    • I can describe different types of mediums
    • I can explain how and why sound travels differently in different mediums
    • I can name some of the features of sound waves

    • Activities:
    1. Medium definition
    2. Sound wave particles drawings
    3. Sound medium experiment
    4. Sound wave diagrams

  • Term 2 Week 6


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING Sound and the physical world by practically investigating its wave nature and how sound travels through a medium

    Kia ora and welcome to Week 6! This week we will learning about the nature of sound waves themselves.

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can define wavelength, frequency, pitch, amplitude, pitch, volume
    • I can name the features of sound waves
    • I can explain what affect changing frequency and amplitude have on sound

    • Activities:
    1. Sound wave drawings
    2. Beaker xylophone lab activity
    3. Bill Nye Video + worksheet

  • Term 2 Week 7


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING on investigating Motor sport NZ Legends - so that we can fully investigate the physical world and the forces involved with this sport


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING the structure and function of the different parts of the ear, by researching and observing the external and internal structure of an ear.

    Kia ora and welcome to Week 7! This week we will learning about how our ears detect sound and how we interpret it. 

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can name the features of the human ear
    • I can explain the function of the features of the human ear
    • I can describe the pathway of sound from the air to the brain

    • Activities:
    1. Sound wave drawings
    2. Beaker xylophone lab activity
    3. Bill Nye Video + worksheet

  • Term 2 Week 8


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING on practically investigating the nature of sound so that we can successfully build a musical instrument promote it to " bands " and demonstrate how it works

    Kia ora and welcome to Week 8! This week we will be recapping the concepts that we have learned over the last few weeks, and beginning our assessment by planning and constructing a unique musical instrument.

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can summarise the journey of sound from where it is produced to when in is interpreted by the brain.

    • Activities:
    1. Education perfect task
    2. Edpuzzle video
    3. Planning and constructing a musical instrument

  • Term 2 Week 9


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING on practically investigating the nature of sound so that we can successfully build a musical instrument promote it to " bands " and demonstrate how it works

    Kia ora and welcome to Week 9! This week we will be continuing our assessment by constructing our unique musical instruments, and beginning a scientific advertisement to promote this instrument.

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can summarise the journey of sound from where it is produced to when it is interpreted by the brain.

    • Activities:
    1. Planning and constructing a musical instrument
    2. Creating a scientific advertisement

  • Term 2 Week 10


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING NZ science legends, by recognising NZ scientists that played a role in atomic science
    • We are EXPLORING The Physical World Strand by investigating legend sport stars and the physics behind sports
    • We are EXPLORING unique legends of NZ by discovering NZ Harakeke weavers and plant biology
    • We are EXPLORING NZ science legends, by recognising NZ scientists that help bring science to our homes


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING on practically investigating the nature of sound so that we can successfully build a musical instrument promote it to " bands " and demonstrate how it works

    Kia ora and welcome to Week 10! This week we will be continuing and aiming to complete our assessment by creating a scientific advertisement to promote an instrument. 

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can summarise the journey of sound from where it is produced to when it is interpreted by the brain.

    • Activities:
    1. Creating a scientific advertisement

  • Term 3 Week 1 and 2


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING on looking at different communication methods throughout the ages, and explaining how sound travels and how and why we are able to hear it.


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING communication through time by researching the science behind fire and morse code

    Kia ora and welcome to Week 1 of term 3! This week we will be learning more about historical methods of communciation - fire. 

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can name the 3 components of the fire triangle
    • I can give examples of the 3 sides of the firre triangle
    • I can explain why the 3 sides of the fire triangle are important to combustion

    • Activities:
    1. Fire triangle diagram
    2. Fire triangle examples 
    3. Fire extinguishing lab
    4. Kahoot

  • Term 3 Week 3


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING on looking at different communication methods throughout the ages, and explaining how sound travels and how and why we are able to hear it.


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING communication through time by researching the science behind fire and morse code

    Kia ora and welcome to Week 1 of term 3! This week we will be learning about morse code - how it was invented and how it involves circuits

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can describe the invention of morse code
    • I can explain what morse code is
    • I can draw a simple circuit
    • I can communicate morse code using a simple circuit

    • Activities:
    1. Morse code history
    2. Morse code message
    3. Circuit drawing and building
    4. Morse code circuit challenge

  • Term 3 Week 4


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING NZ sport legends by investigating legend sport stars and the physics behind sports

    Kia ora and welcome to Week 4! This week we will be learning about what forces are.

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can define force
    • I can give examples of push and pull forces
    • I can describe the 3 effects forces can have on objects
    • I can explain the difference between push and pull forces

    • Activities:
    1. Push and pull examples
    2. Forces circus

  • Term 3 Week 5


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING NZ sport legends by investigating legend sport stars and the physics behind sports

    Kia ora and welcome to Week 5! This week we will be continuing to learn about forces, and exploring examples.

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can define gravity and air resistance
    • I can explain the cause and effect of gravity and air resistance
    • I can write variables, hypothesis and method

    • Activities:
    1. Isaac Newton reading
    2. Parachute experiment

  • Term 3 Week 6


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING NZ sport legends by investigating legend sport stars and the physics behind sports

    Kia ora and welcome to Week 5! This week we will be continuing to learn about forces, and exploring examples.

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can define friction
    • I can give examples of friction in real life
    • I can explain when friction is an advantage and disadvantage

    • Activities:
    1. Friction worksheets
    2. Fixing up parachute experiment

  • Term 3 Week 7


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING on investigating Motor sport NZ Legends - so that we can fully investigate the physical world and the forces involved with this sport

    Kia ora and welcome to Week 7! This week we will be beginning our assessment by carrying out an experiment involving car speed.

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can write an aim, hypothesis, variables, method, and carry out an experiment

    • Activities:
    1. Car ramp experiment + worksheet

  • Term 3 Week 8


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING on investigating Motor sport NZ Legends - so that we can fully investigate the physical world and the forces involved with this sport

    Kia ora and welcome to Week 8! This week we will be continuing our assessment by writing up the results of our car experiment and answering questions

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can interpret results and form a conclusion

    • Activities:
    1. Car ramp experiment + worksheet

  • Term 3 Week 9


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING The Physical World Strand by investigating legend sport stars and the physics behind sports

    Kia ora year 8s, this week we will be learning about the link between speed, distance and time and how to calculate each of these.


    - Speed distance time triangle calculations
    - Speed, distance, time challenge

  • Term 3 Week 10


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING The Physical World Strand by investigating legend sport stars and the physics behind sports

    Kia ora year 8s, this week we will be exploring the legend Isaac Newton and learning about his 3 laws of Motion.

    - 3 Laws of motion videos
    - Education perfect tasks
    - 1st Law storyboard
    - 3rd law balloon rocket lab task

  • Term 4 Week 1


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING The Physical World Strand by investigating legend sport stars and the physics behind sports

    Kia ora year 8s, this week we will be finishing exploring physics of sports by learning how to draw force diagrams

    - Force diagrams worksheet

    - Force diagrams education perfect task

  • Term 4 Week 2


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING ecology and the living world strand, by investigating relationships between the unique organisms found in New Zealand and their environment.

    Kia ora Year 8s and welcome to term 4! This week we will be beginning our new context - Aotearoa: surrounded by sea.

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can define biotic, abiotic, organism, population, community, ecosystem
    • I can list biotic and abiotic factors of an environment
    • Spot the abiotic and biotic factors
    • Ecological terms full-page diagram

  • Term 4 Week 3


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING ecology and the living world strand, by investigating relationships between the unique organisms found in New Zealand and their environment.

    Kia ora Year 8s and welcome to week 3! This week we will be continuing to explore biomes of the world by looking more in-depth at the aquatic biome and exploring animal adaptions

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can describe the aquatic biome
    • I can name the difference between marine and freshwater ecosystems
    • I can define adaptation
    • I can list adaptations of some aquatic animals
    1. Aquatic biome poem
    2. Animal adaptations labelling task

  • Term 4 Week 4


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING ecology and the living world strand, by investigating relationships between the unique organisms found in New Zealand and their environment.

    Kia ora Year 8s and welcome to week 4! This week we will be continuing to explore animal adaptations by experimenting with an example and designing our own fish adaptations.

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can define adaptation
    • I can list adaptations of some aquatic animals
    1. Blubber lab
    2. Design a fish task

  • Term 4 Week 5


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING human impacts on water by investigating how people disrupt the water cycle

    Kia ora Year 8s and welcome to week 5! This week we will be refreshing the water cycle!

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can define condensation, precipitation, transpiration, inflitration
    • I can describe and explain the process of the water cycle


    1. Water cycle diagram
    2. Journey as a water molecule
    3. Water cycle EP task

  • Term 4 Week 6


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING on the unique characteristics of water and how it plays a role in ALL our lives


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING human impacts on water by investigating how people disrupt the water cycle

    Kia ora Year 8s and welcome to week 6! This week we will be looking into the causes of water pollution and one method of testing it.

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can list and describe causes of water pollution
    • I can carry out a method of testing the quality of water


    1. Secchi disc lab
    2. Causes of water pollution

  • Term 4 Week 7 and 8


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING human impacts on water by investigating how people disrupt the water cycle


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING on the unique characteristics of water and how it plays a role in ALL our lives

    Kia ora year 8s and welcome to week 7 and 8! This week we will be taking a trip to Kelly Tarltons, as well as researching the impact of plastic pollution on the ocean.

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can describe the great pacific garbage patch
    • I can list types and sources of rubbish found in the gpgp
    • I can explain how plastic pollution harms the ocean and ocean wildlife


    1. GPGP reading + questions
    2. Plastic fact file
    3. Letter to a company

  • Term 4 Week 9


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING ecology and the living world strand, by investigating relationships between the unique organisms found in New Zealand and their environment.
    • We are EXPLORING adaptations that these unique organisms have in order to survive in New Zealand
    • We are EXPLORING water by experimenting and performing various investigations to discover its unique properties
    • We are EXPLORING human impacts on water by investigating how people disrupt the water cycle

    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING to develop and understanding of our impact on the ocean so that we can promote ways to protect it

    Kia ora year 8s and welcome to week 9! This week we will be reflecting on pollution in the ocean, as well as carrying out a fish dissection to look at fish anatomy.

    Success Criteria: 

    • I can list the external and internal features of a fish
    • I can describe the function of some internal/external features of a fish
    • I can suggest ideas for reducing plastic waste


    1. Fish dissection
    2. Pollution poster

  • 16 October - 22 October