Weekly outline

  • General

    • Assignment icon

      During this term, your learning context is 'leave no one behind.'  We have been exploring across all subjects and working with english to help us with or report writing.  During PEH you have been partaking in a variety of activities where you have taken these interpersonal skills and applied them to maintain physical and emotional safety in the outdoors, in turn understanding how these skills become responsible behaviours. During class time, you have had opportunities to develop your understanding of the different responsible behaviours, and demonstrated them during practical sessions. You will now be assessed on how well you demonstrate four of these responsible behaviours and how well you can explain the impact of these behaviours on safety during whitewater rafting and Barry Curtis Trip that includes Mountain Biking.

  • 30 January - 5 February

  • 6 February - 12 February

    Welcome to 10PEH!

    This is where you will find your learning intentions, success criteria and activities for each week. (Check this on Monday's to be sure that you know what to expect for the coming week!)


    -Bring PE gear for every lesson (hats compulsory term 1 & 4).

    -Meet in W1 for roll, we will head down to get changed as a group.

    -PEH is a mixture of in class and practical sessions - be prepared for either.

    -Try your best! 100% Participation!


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING … personal identity by… discovering qualities of myself and those around me.
    • We are EXPLORING … Connections by… participating in a range of games

    Success Criteria: I can/have...

    Participate in getting to know each other games

    Describe myself and my interests

    Apply the PEH class expectations during all lessons

    Develop connections with classmates


    • Intro to PEH slides
    • Groups - using cards
    • A Great Class - Brainstorm
    • Name Toss ABL, Mingle
    • Smash Ball, Intercept Ball,
  • W3 13 Feb - 25 Feb


      EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

      • We are EXPLORING … responsible behaviours in our context 'leave no one behind'  by… participating in a range of team building activities/games. (PEH)
      • We are EXPLORING … ako/relationships by… analysing our interpersonal/leadership skills. (PEH)
      • We are EXPLORING … wellbeing and safety by... recognising individual and collect wellbeing needs (ENG, PEH)
      • We are EXPLORING … wellbeing and safety by... collaboratively learn navigation skills (PEH, Math, GS)
      • We are EXPLORING ... defence forces in NZ by ... investigating entry requirements and develop Te Wai Whanau requirements. (Math & PE)
      • We are EXPLORING ... defence forces in NZ by ... measuring our individual competence/ability in terms of Te Wai Whanau requirements. (Maths & PEH)

      Success Criteria: I can/have...





      Define interpersonal/leadership skills. (Responsible behaviors)

      Identify interpersonal skills required to successfully complete team building activities.

      Demonstrate interpersonal/leadership skills (responsible behaviors)  that help you make safe choices for yourself and others.

      Explain how the use of appropriate interpersonal/leadership skills (responsible behaviors) can help you respond to challenging situations.

      Reflect on your use of interpersonal/leadership skills (responsible behaviors) to manage challenging situations.


      • Intro to Responsible Behaviours - Google Slides
      • Whanowhano - https://www.r2r.org.nz/games-activities-maori-youth/whanowhano.html
      • Name Toss, Silent Line
      • Turbo Touch
      • Smash Ball, Intercept Ball

  • 20 February - 26 February


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING … responsible behaviours in our context 'leave no one behind' by… participating in a range of team building activities/games. (PEH)
    • We are EXPLORING … ako/relationships by… analysing our interpersonal/leadership skills. (PEH)
    • We are EXPLORING … wellbeing and safety by... recognising individual and collect wellbeing needs (ENG, PEH)
    • We are EXPLORING … wellbeing and safety by... collaboratively learn navigation skills (PEH, Math, GS)
    • We are EXPLORING ... defence forces in NZ by ... investigating entry requirements and develop Te Wai Whanau requirements. (Math & PE)
    • We are EXPLORING ... defence forces in NZ by ... measuring our individual competence/ability in terms of Te Wai Whanau requirements. (Maths & PEH)

    Tuesday- Health - KN or use Friday's Session
    Leave No One Behind - Presentation and workbook/slides

    *Physical and Cognitive Assessment

    Thursday KN:  Responsible Behaviours, Whanowhano - Use Cards at Class
    *Court - Intercept Ball/Corner Ball - x3 Rugby balls

    Friday Gym: Revisit Smash Ball, Intercept Ball/Corner Ball 
    *Tchouckball/Speedball (variations)
  • 27 February - 5 March


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING … responsible behaviours in our context 'leave no one behind' by… participating in a range of team building activities/games. (PEH)
    • We are EXPLORING … ako/relationships by… analysing our interpersonal/leadership skills. (PEH)
    • We are EXPLORING … wellbeing and safety by... recognising individual and collect wellbeing needs (ENG, PEH)
    • We are EXPLORING … wellbeing and safety by... collaboratively learn navigation skills (PEH, Math, GS)
    • We are EXPLORING ... defence forces in NZ by ... investigating entry requirements and develop Te Wai Whanau requirements. (Math & PE)
    • We are EXPLORING ... defence forces in NZ by ... measuring our individual competence/ability in terms of Te Wai Whanau requirements. (Maths & PEH)


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING... on responsible behaviours by… explaining safety procedures and strategies to manage risk situations.

    Course Work and Activities Week 5:

    Health - Unpacking Responsible Behaviours and Physical and Emotional Safety
    Leave No One Behind - Police PAT - Recording data - Links to maths
    Game and SLC

  • Week 6 6 March - 12 March


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING … ako/relationships by… analysing our interpersonal/leadership skills. (PEH)


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING... on responsible behaviours by… explaining safety procedures and strategies to manage risk situations.

    Tuesday - Responsible Behaviours Activity - Blindfold Activity

    Wednesday - Write Up #3

    Thursday - Responsible Behaviours Activity - Intro to MTB ABC and Passport

  • W7 13 March - 19 March


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING … ako/relationships by… analysing our interpersonal/leadership skills. (PEH)


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING... on responsible behaviours by… explaining safety procedures and strategies to manage risk situations.

    Course Work and Activities - Week 7

    Blindfold, MTB and Camp Write up #3 and #4

    Preparing for Barry Curtis Park

    Game - Bench Ball

    PPTA - Strike Day

  • W8 20 March - 26 March


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING … ako/relationships by… analysing our interpersonal/leadership skills. (PEH)


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING... on responsible behaviours by… explaining safety procedures and strategies to manage risk situations.


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING for our outdoor activities so that we candemonstrate and show our understanding of the responsible behaviours.

    Course Work and Activities: Week 8

    Tuesday -  Barry Curtis Park

    Wednesday - Write Up Assessment

    Thursday - Write Up Catch- ups PLUS Game

  • W9 27 March - 2 April


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING … responsible behaviours in our context 'leave no one behind' by… participating in a range of team building activities/games. (PEH)
    • We are EXPLORING … ako/relationships by… analysing our interpersonal/leadership skills. (PEH)


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING... on responsible behaviours by… explaining safety procedures and strategies to manage risk situations.


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING for our outdoor activities so that we candemonstrate and show our understanding of the responsible behaviours.

    Course Work and Activities: Week 9

    Catchups for MTB / Game

    Responsible Behaviours Quiz and Wero Ready

    Thursday Wero Trip

  • W10 3 April - 9 April


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING … responsible behaviours in our context 'leave no one behind' by… participating in a range of team building activities/games. (PEH)
    • We are EXPLORING … ako/relationships by… analysing our interpersonal/leadership skills. (PEH)

    Course Work and Activties: Week 10

    Write Up Wero Trip

    Write up Catchup and Game

  • Holidays - 16 April

  • Holidays - 23 April

  • W1 24 April - 30 April


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...Inclusiveness and Equality in sport by … investigating sports for individuals with disabilities
    • We are EXPLORING...Fair play and Sportsmanship by … researching and analyzing fair play and sportsmanship models and behaviors.
    • We are EXPLORING... leadership … by analysing interpersonal and leadership skills


    Recap on RB's and Assessment


  • W2 1 May - 7 May


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...Inclusiveness and Equality in sport by … investigating sports for individuals with disabilities
    • We are EXPLORING...Fair play and Sportsmanship by … researching and analyzing fair play and sportsmanship models and behaviors.
    • We are EXPLORING... leadership … by analysing interpersonal and leadership skills



    Intro to Sport "A Language of Change"

    Blindfoundation - Go Ball

  • W3 8 May - 14 May


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...Inclusiveness and Equality in sport by … investigating sports for individuals with disabilities
    • We are EXPLORING...Fair play and Sportsmanship by … researching and analyzing fair play and sportsmanship models and behaviors.
    • We are EXPLORING... leadership … by analysing interpersonal and leadership skills


    Blindfoundation: - 5 Aside Football

    Are you ready for PE

    Continue with introduction to Communication in Sport


  • W4 15 May - 21 May


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...Inclusiveness and Equality in sport by … investigating sports for individuals with disabilities
    • We are EXPLORING...Fair play and Sportsmanship by … researching and analyzing fair play and sportsmanship models and behaviors.
    • We are EXPLORING... leadership … by analysing interpersonal and leadership skills


    Blind foundation Sport



  • W5 22 May - 28 May


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...Inclusiveness and Equality in sport by … investigating sports for individuals with disabilities
    • We are EXPLORING...Fair play and Sportsmanship by … researching and analyzing fair play and sportsmanship models and behaviors.
    • We are EXPLORING... leadership … by analysing interpersonal and leadership skills


    Cross Country Practise

    Health - Identifying barriers, examining leadership styles

    Football - Using STEP and TREE method to reduce barriers

  • W6 29 May - 4 June


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...Inclusiveness and Equality in sport by … investigating sports for individuals with disabilities
    • We are EXPLORING...Fair play and Sportsmanship by … researching and analyzing fair play and sportsmanship models and behaviors.
    • We are EXPLORING... leadership … by analysing interpersonal and leadership skills

  • 5 June - 11 June


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING... identify and define barriers for participating in sport.
    • We are FOCUSING...describe fairplay and sportsmanship in sport
    • We are FOCUSING...explain and discuss the different leadership styles in the sporting context





    Identify a barrier in a physical activity.

    Give/provide multiple examples of barriers in physical activities.

    Discuss how we can reduce barriers.

    Examine barriers in Sport and PEH activities at MHJC and how to reduce them.

    Identify and demonstrate fairplay and sportsmanship during physical activities.

    Describe fairplay and sportsmanship.

    Explain how fairplay and sportsmanship relates to participation in physical activities.

    Evaluate your own fairplay and sportsmanship during and after physical activities.

    Define what a leader is.

    Define and explain different leadership styles and types.

    Compare and contrast a leadership style.

    Reflect on our own leadership style.


    REFLECT / WHAIWHAKAARO learning intentions:

    • We are REFLECTING... on barriers in sport and physical education for MHJC and ourself.
    • We are REFLECTING... our own sportsmanship and fairplay during activities.
    • We are REFLECTING... assessing our own leadership within our group and also our group members





    Recall a barrier in a sporting activity.

    Give/provide multiple examples of barriers in physical activities.

    Explain how we can reduce barriers in sport and PEH.

    Reflect on barriers in Sport and PEH activities at MHJC.  How did we reduce the barriers and promote inclusivity.

    Name a fair play and/or sportsmanship quality that you saw/demonstrated

    Give multiple  example of how of sportsmanship and fairplay that you saw/demonstrated

    Compare your behaviour during physical activities with the fairplay and sportsmanship models.

    Reflect on your fairplay and sportsmanship and make suggestions for improvement.


    Cross Country Training

    Teachers Only Day

    STEP and TREE method for reducing barriers and raising inclusivity.

  • 12 June - 18 June


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING... identify and define barriers for participating in sport.
    • We are FOCUSING...describe fairplay and sportsmanship in sport
    • We are FOCUSING...explain and discuss the different leadership styles in the sporting context





    Identify a barrier in a physical activity.

    Give/provide multiple examples of barriers in physical activities.

    Discuss how we can reduce barriers.

    Examine barriers in Sport and PEH activities at MHJC and how to reduce them.

    Identify and demonstrate fairplay and sportsmanship during physical activities.

    Describe fairplay and sportsmanship.

    Explain how fairplay and sportsmanship relates to participation in physical activities.

    Evaluate your own fairplay and sportsmanship during and after physical activities.

    Define what a leader is.

    Define and explain different leadership styles and types.

    Compare and contrast a leadership style.

    Reflect on our own leadership style.


    REFLECT / WHAIWHAKAARO learning intentions:

    • We are REFLECTING... on barriers in sport and physical education for MHJC and ourself.
    • We are REFLECTING... our own sportsmanship and fairplay during activities.
    • We are REFLECTING... assessing our own leadership within our group and also our group members





    Recall a barrier in a sporting activity.

    Give/provide multiple examples of barriers in physical activities.

    Explain how we can reduce barriers in sport and PEH.

    Reflect on barriers in Sport and PEH activities at MHJC.  How did we reduce the barriers and promote inclusivity.

    Name a fair play and/or sportsmanship quality that you saw/demonstrated

    Give multiple  example of how of sportsmanship and fairplay that you saw/demonstrated

    Compare your behaviour during physical activities with the fairplay and sportsmanship models.

    Reflect on your fairplay and sportsmanship and make suggestions for improvement.


    Leadership and Coaching Presentation

    Cross Country Training

    Football Activity - (inclusiveness and breaking down the barriers)

  • 19 June - 25 June


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING... identify and define barriers for participating in sport.
    • We are FOCUSING...describe fairplay and sportsmanship in sport
    • We are FOCUSING...explain and discuss the different leadership styles in the sporting context





    Identify a barrier in a physical activity.

    Give/provide multiple examples of barriers in physical activities.

    Discuss how we can reduce barriers.

    Examine barriers in Sport and PEH activities at MHJC and how to reduce them.

    Identify and demonstrate fairplay and sportsmanship during physical activities.

    Describe fairplay and sportsmanship.

    Explain how fairplay and sportsmanship relates to participation in physical activities.

    Evaluate your own fairplay and sportsmanship during and after physical activities.

    Define what a leader is.

    Define and explain different leadership styles and types.

    Compare and contrast a leadership style.

    Reflect on our own leadership style.


    REFLECT / WHAIWHAKAARO learning intentions:

    • We are REFLECTING... on barriers in sport and physical education for MHJC and ourself.
    • We are REFLECTING... our own sportsmanship and fairplay during activities.
    • We are REFLECTING... assessing our own leadership within our group and also our group members





    Recall a barrier in a sporting activity.

    Give/provide multiple examples of barriers in physical activities.

    Explain how we can reduce barriers in sport and PEH.

    Reflect on barriers in Sport and PEH activities at MHJC.  How did we reduce the barriers and promote inclusivity.

    Name a fair play and/or sportsmanship quality that you saw/demonstrated

    Give multiple  example of how of sportsmanship and fairplay that you saw/demonstrated

    Compare your behaviour during physical activities with the fairplay and sportsmanship models.

    Reflect on your fairplay and sportsmanship and make suggestions for improvement.


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING... an physical education lesson so that we can...promote inclusiveness, fairplay and sportsmanship; apply the STEP or TREE model to reduce barriers to our activities.


  • Holidays


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING... identify and define barriers for participating in sport.
    • We are FOCUSING...describe fairplay and sportsmanship in sport
    • We are FOCUSING...explain and discuss the different leadership styles in the sporting context





    Identify a barrier in a physical activity.

    Give/provide multiple examples of barriers in physical activities.

    Discuss how we can reduce barriers.

    Examine barriers in Sport and PEH activities at MHJC and how to reduce them.

    Identify and demonstrate fairplay and sportsmanship during physical activities.

    Describe fairplay and sportsmanship.

    Explain how fairplay and sportsmanship relates to participation in physical activities.

    Evaluate your own fairplay and sportsmanship during and after physical activities.

    Define what a leader is.

    Define and explain different leadership styles and types.

    Compare and contrast a leadership style.

    Reflect on our own leadership style.


    REFLECT / WHAIWHAKAARO learning intentions:

    • We are REFLECTING... on barriers in sport and physical education for MHJC and ourself.
    • We are REFLECTING... our own sportsmanship and fairplay during activities.
    • We are REFLECTING... assessing our own leadership within our group and also our group members





    Recall a barrier in a sporting activity.

    Give/provide multiple examples of barriers in physical activities.

    Explain how we can reduce barriers in sport and PEH.

    Reflect on barriers in Sport and PEH activities at MHJC.  How did we reduce the barriers and promote inclusivity.

    Name a fair play and/or sportsmanship quality that you saw/demonstrated

    Give multiple  example of how of sportsmanship and fairplay that you saw/demonstrated

    Compare your behaviour during physical activities with the fairplay and sportsmanship models.

    Reflect on your fairplay and sportsmanship and make suggestions for improvement.


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING... an physical education lesson so that we can...promote inclusiveness, fairplay and sportsmanship; apply the STEP or TREE model to reduce barriers to our activities.


  • Holidays

  • Term 3 Overview

    Athletics Introduction: - Introduction to events.

    Top 3 boys and girls for each event. Plus Reserves

    Lesson 1 & 2 Discus

    Lesson 3 & 4 Shotput

    Lesson 5 & 6 Long Jump

    Lesson 7 & 8 High Jump

    Lesson 9 & 10 Crouch Start and Track Events

    Relationships and Sexuality Education Overview for Year 10:


    Sexual Identity

    Laws and Consent

    Myths and truths


    Decision making

  • 17 July - 23 July


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING... legends that make a difference ... by researching people that have made a positive impact.
    • We are EXPLORING … personal identity by… conceptualising our thoughts regarding sex, sexuality and gender.
    • We are EXPLORING … personal development by… developing knowledge about sexual maturation - physical, social, emotional and spiritual


    Athletics Assignment

    Athletics Assessment - Discus

    Sports Game Planning

    Notices for RSE

  • 24 July - 30 July


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING... leadership … by analysing interpersonal and leadership skills
    • We are EXPLORING... legends that make a difference ... by researching people that have made a positive impact.
    • We are EXPLORING … personal identity by… conceptualising our thoughts regarding sex, sexuality and gender.
    • We are EXPLORING … personal development by… developing knowledge about sexual maturation - physical, social, emotional and spiritual


    Athletics Assignment - Shot Put

    Introduction to Legends

    Continue with sports planning - Selecting Names

    RSE - Overview.

  • 31 July - 6 August


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...Inclusiveness and Equality in sport by … investigating sports for individuals with disabilities
    • We are EXPLORING...Fair play and Sportsmanship by … researching and analyzing fair play and sportsmanship models and behaviors.
    • We are EXPLORING... leadership … by analysing interpersonal and leadership skills
    • We are EXPLORING... legends that make a difference ... by researching people that have made a positive impact.
    • We are EXPLORING … personal identity by… conceptualising our thoughts regarding sex, sexuality and gender.
    • We are EXPLORING … personal development by… developing knowledge about sexual maturation - physical, social, emotional and spiritual

  • 7 August - 13 August


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING... identify and define barriers for participating in sport.
    • We are FOCUSING...describe fairplay and sportsmanship in sport
    • We are FOCUSING...explain and discuss the different leadership styles in the sporting context
    • We are FOCUSING...define what is consent
    • We are FOCUSING...identify different contraceptions methods and how they work. Explain the difference between protection and contraception.
    • We are FOCUSING...explaining and defining - what is an STI.


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...Inclusiveness and Equality in sport by … investigating sports for individuals with disabilities
    • We are EXPLORING...Fair play and Sportsmanship by … researching and analyzing fair play and sportsmanship models and behaviors.
    • We are EXPLORING... leadership … by analysing interpersonal and leadership skills
    • We are EXPLORING... legends that make a difference ... by researching people that have made a positive impact.
    • We are EXPLORING … personal identity by… conceptualising our thoughts regarding sex, sexuality and gender.
    • We are EXPLORING … personal development by… developing knowledge about sexual maturation - physical, social, emotional and spiritual

     Game Activity - Marking each group.
    RSE - Consent
    Class Challenge

  • 14 August - 20 August


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING... identify and define barriers for participating in sport.
    • We are FOCUSING...describe fairplay and sportsmanship in sport
    • We are FOCUSING...explain and discuss the different leadership styles in the sporting context
    • We are FOCUSING...define what is consent
    • We are FOCUSING...identify different contraceptions methods and how they work. Explain the difference between protection and contraception.
    • We are FOCUSING...explaining and defining - what is an STI.


    EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:

    • We are EXPLORING...Inclusiveness and Equality in sport by … investigating sports for individuals with disabilities
    • We are EXPLORING...Fair play and Sportsmanship by … researching and analyzing fair play and sportsmanship models and behaviors.
    • We are EXPLORING... leadership … by analysing interpersonal and leadership skills
    • We are EXPLORING... legends that make a difference ... by researching people that have made a positive impact.
    • We are EXPLORING … personal identity by… conceptualising our thoughts regarding sex, sexuality and gender.
    • We are EXPLORING … personal development by… developing knowledge about sexual maturation - physical, social, emotional and spiritual

    RSE - Health: Consent Continued
    Introduction to Principles of Training.
    Game Activity - see lists of group presenting
    Athletics Unit - Exploring Track and Field
    Shot put, Discus, Long Jump, High Jump
    100, 200, 400, 800 and 1500m running event.

  • 21 August - 27 August


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING... identify and define barriers for participating in sport.
    • We are FOCUSING...describe fairplay and sportsmanship in sport
    • We are FOCUSING...explain and discuss the different leadership styles in the sporting context
    • We are FOCUSING...define what is consent
    • We are FOCUSING...identify different contraceptions methods and how they work. Explain the difference between protection and contraception.
    • We are FOCUSING...explaining and defining - what is an STI.

    RSE - Health: Decision Making - Attitudes Assemblies  - Vaping and RSE

    Game Activity - see lists of group presenting - see class doc.

    Athletics Unit - Exploring Track and Field
    Shot put, Discus, Long Jump, High Jump
    100, 200, 400, 800 and 1500m running event.

  • 28 August - 3 September


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING... identify and define barriers for participating in sport.
    • We are FOCUSING...describe fairplay and sportsmanship in sport
    • We are FOCUSING...explain and discuss the different leadership styles in the sporting context
    • We are FOCUSING...define what is consent
    • We are FOCUSING...identify different contraceptions methods and how they work. Explain the difference between protection and contraception.
    • We are FOCUSING...explaining and defining - what is an STI.

    RSE - Health: Contraception

    Learning the School Haka

    Game Activity - see lists of group presenting - see class doc.

    Athletics Unit - Exploring Track and Field
    Shot put, Discus, Long Jump, High Jump
    100, 200, 400, 800 and 1500m running event.

  • 4 September - 10 September


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING... identify and define barriers for participating in sport.
    • We are FOCUSING...describe fairplay and sportsmanship in sport
    • We are FOCUSING...explain and discuss the different leadership styles in the sporting context
    • We are FOCUSING...define what is consent
    • We are FOCUSING...identify different contraceptions methods and how they work. Explain the difference between protection and contraception.
    • We are FOCUSING...explaining and defining - what is an STI.

    RSE - Health: Contraception

    Learning the School Haka

    Game Activity - see lists of group presenting - see class doc.

    Athletics Unit - Exploring Track and Field
    Shot put, Discus, Long Jump, High Jump
    100, 200, 400, 800 and 1500m running event.

  • 11 September - 17 September


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING... an physical education lesson so that we can...promote inclusiveness, fairplay and sportsmanship; apply the STEP or TREE model to reduce barriers to our activities.
    • We are PLANNING... to apply the IDECIDE model so we can ... solve different problems presented in challenging scenarios to come out with the best possible decision.


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING... identify and define barriers for participating in sport.
    • We are FOCUSING...describe fairplay and sportsmanship in sport
    • We are FOCUSING...explain and discuss the different leadership styles in the sporting context
    • We are FOCUSING...define what is consent
    • We are FOCUSING...identify different contraceptions methods and how they work. Explain the difference between protection and contraception.
    • We are FOCUSING...explaining and defining - what is an STI.

    RSE - Health: Decision Making - Introduction to the IDECIDE model

    Game Activity - see lists of group presenting - see class doc.

    Athletics Unit - Exploring Track and Field
    Shot put, Discus, Long Jump, High Jump
    100, 200, 400, 800 and 1500m running event.

  • 18 September - 23 September


    PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:

    • We are PLANNING... an physical education lesson so that we can...promote inclusiveness, fairplay and sportsmanship; apply the STEP or TREE model to reduce barriers to our activities.
    • We are PLANNING... to apply the IDECIDE model so we can ... solve different problems presented in challenging scenarios to come out with the best possible decision.


    FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:

    • We are FOCUSING... identify and define barriers for participating in sport.
    • We are FOCUSING...describe fairplay and sportsmanship in sport
    • We are FOCUSING...explain and discuss the different leadership styles in the sporting context
    • We are FOCUSING...define what is consent
    • We are FOCUSING...identify different contraceptions methods and how they work. Explain the difference between protection and contraception.
    • We are FOCUSING...explaining and defining - what is an STI.

    RSE - Health: Decision Making - Using the IDECIDE model
    Introduction to Principles of Training. - FITT (Principles of Training

    Game Activity - see lists of group presenting - see class doc.

    Athletics Unit - Exploring Track and Field
    Shot put, Discus, Long Jump, High Jump
    100, 200, 400, 800 and 1500m running event.

  • 25 September - 1 October

  • 2 October - 8 October

  • 9 October - 15 October

    Working for your $$$ - Life Beyond MHJC

    LO: students will be able to define 'Careers Hauora' as the interrelationship between one's chosen career path and their overall well-being, and recognise how career choices can profoundly influence their health and overall quality of life

    We are EXPLORING… different careers options and how they influence our health and well-being

    We are FOCUSING… explaining the link between Health and Well-being and career choice

    We are PLANNING… a presentation  so that we can...share our knowledge of the choices we make and the effect they have on our health and well-being 

    Week Tasks/Activities

    Final groups presenting coaching activities from term 3

    Athletics Prep - Run, Jump, Throw

    Class focus on fitness training programme for an athletics event.

  • 16 October - 22 October

    Living Independently - Life Beyond MHJC

    LO:  By the end of these lessons, students will be able to evaluate the relationship between lifestyle choices and their impact on personal well-being (Hauora), and identify community links, such as recreation, arts, workshops, and nutrition, that contribute to a holistic sense of well-being.

    We are EXPLORING… the relationship between lifestyle choices and their impact on personal well-being.

    We are FOCUSING… identifying links such as recreation, arts and nutrition that contribute to our well being

    We are PLANNING… a presentation  so that we can… practice designing a health eating plan (focus on profile of person, budget and nutritional needs)

    Week Tasks/Activities

    Athletics - Finalise lists

    Life Beyond MHJC - Tasks and activities

    CAT Prep

  • 23 October - 29 October

    Travelling the World - Life Beyond MHJC

    LO:  By the end of these lessons, students will actively explore and participate in physical activities, games, and sports specific to their chosen travel destination, fostering cultural engagement and a deeper understanding of local traditions.

    We are EXPLORING… overseas destinations and the exciting and unique activities they have to offer.

    We are FOCUSING… identifying unique activities that our destination has to offer

    We are PLANNING… a presentation  so that we can… share our destination and the unique activity(s) and how to experience it

    Week Tasks/Activities

    Labour Day Monday

    CAT Prep

    Traveling the world Research and Present - Unique activity/sport

    Introduce Ki O Rahi

    Athletics - Friday

  • 30 October - 5 November

    Vaping - Life Beyond MHJC

    LO:  At the conclusion of this lesson, students will be able to critically assess 'Vaping with Attitude' through a guided video presentation and gain insights into making informed and responsible choices.\

    We are EXPLORING… the impact of vaping finding out how it affects our health.

    We are FOCUSING… a discussion on the health effects of vaping

    We are PLANNING… an argument to resist the peer pressure of vaping. (using the DECIDE Model and TEXAS paragraphs)

    Week Tasks/Activities

    Vaping Video Presentation

    CAT Prep

    Unique Sports Activities - focus on Ki O Rahi

  • 6 November - 12 November

    Vaping - Life Beyond MHJC

    LO:  At the conclusion of this lesson, students will be able to critically assess 'Vaping with Attitude' through a guided video presentation and gain insights into making informed and responsible choices.\

    We are EXPLORING… the impact of vaping finding out how it affects our health.

    We are FOCUSING… a discussion on the health effects of vaping

    We are PLANNING… an argument to resist the peer pressure of vaping. (using the DECIDE Model and TEXAS paragraphs)

    Week Tasks/Activities

    Unique Sports/Activities
    Vaping Presentations
    CAT Prep
    Y10 - Study Day Friday

  • 13 November - 19 November

    Driving in New Zealand - Life Beyond MHJC

    LO:  At the conclusion of this lesson, students will have gained essential knowledge and practical skills related to vehicle ownership and road safety in New Zealand, including the ability to assess factors when buying a car, change a tire effectively, and understand and apply safety practices on New Zealand roads.

    We are EXPLORING… road and vehicle safety in New Zealand.

    We are FOCUSING… identifying what factors to consider when buying a car and how to change a car tyre

    We are PLANNING… to purchase a car from trade me so that we can justify and explain some of the factors when purchasing an automobile

    Week Tasks/Activities

    Unique Sports/Activities

    CAT Exam Prep and notes

    CAT Exam - Timetable

  • 20 November - 26 November

    Driving in New Zealand - Life Beyond MHJC

    LO:  At the conclusion of this lesson, students will have gained essential knowledge and practical skills related to vehicle ownership and road safety in New Zealand, including the ability to assess factors when buying a car, change a tire effectively, and understand and apply safety practices on New Zealand roads.

    We are EXPLORING… road and vehicle safety in New Zealand.

    We are FOCUSING… identifying what factors to consider when buying a car and how to change a car tyre

    We are PLANNING… to purchase a car from trade me so that we can justify and explain some of the factors when purchasing an automobile

    Week Tasks/Activities

    Unique sports/activities

    Vaping Presentations

    Automobile Association - Tues or Thurs

    Teacher Only Day Friday

  • 27 November - 3 December

    During this time of the year at Mission Heights Junior College we challenge our senior students to contemplate their Future Career Pathways. We encourage students to dedicate a five-day work experience programme out of school, observing and hopefully helping in a local business or facility. The agreed dates for this work experience initiative is Week 8 of Term 4, from 27th November to 1st December 2023; Monday to Friday. Students are expected to find their own work placement with active support from their parents and caregivers.

    Week Tasks/Activities

    Work Experience - Monday - Friday

  • 4 December - 10 December

    Week Tasks/Activities

    Striking and fielding games/unique sports and activities

    Celebration Assembly - Tues

    Santa Show - Wed

    Whanau Day Out - Friday

  • 11 December - 17 December

    Week Tasks/Activities

    Grad and Prize Giving - Last Day Monday