10W1 Mathematics
Weekly outline
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING... on developing our knowledge of Fractions, Decimals, Percentages and Ratios
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING...the defence forces and law enforcement by calculating the human cost using number skills
Kia ora...
Success Criteria: I can/have...
- Work out costs for buying and operating Fighter Jets
- Work out total costs
- Express costs as Fraction, decimal and percentage
- Aircraft information on Google Classroom
Follow Up Tasks:
MathsBuddy due Fri 8 30am -
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING... on developing our knowledge of Fractions, Decimals, Percentages and Ratios
- We are FOCUSING... on explaining costs of War compared to a country's GDP.
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING...the defence forces and law enforcement by calculating the human cost using number skills
Kia ora...
Success Criteria: I can...
- Work out costing of Combat Aircrafts for USA
- Work out costing of Combat Aircrafts for another country of my choice
- Discuss difference in money used.
- Data on Combat Aircrafts for different countries
- Costs of War Planes
Follow Up Tasks:
MathsBuddy due Fri 9 30am. -
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING... on developing our knowledge of Fractions, Decimals, Percentages and Ratios
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING...the defence forces and law enforcement by calculating the human cost using number skills
Kia ora...
Success Criteria: I can...
- work through EP tasks on Number Skills
- EP tasks
Follow Up Tasks:
MathsBuddy tasks due 9 30am. - We are FOCUSING... on developing our knowledge of Fractions, Decimals, Percentages and Ratios
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING... on developing our knowledge of Fractions, Decimals, Percentages and Ratios
- We are FOCUSING... on explaining costs of War compared to one other country
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING...the defence forces and law enforcement by calculating the cost using number skills
Kia ora...
Success Criteria: I can...
- Calculate War costs of 2 different countries
- Add GST
- Add on profit
- Convert currency
- Data on War
Follow Up Tasks:
MathsBuddy tasks due 9 30am. -
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING... on developing our knowledge of Fractions, Decimals, Percentages and Ratios
- We are FOCUSING... on explaining costs of War compared to a country's GDP.
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING...the defence forces and law enforcement by calculating the human cost using number skills
Kia ora...
Success Criteria: I can...
- Understand GST and add on GST to total cost
- Increase/decrease prices by certain percentages
- Calculate Fraction of an amount
- Convert into different currency.
- Combat Aircraft costs of USA and another country of our choice
Follow Up Tasks:
MathsBuddy tasks due Fri 9 30am. -
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING... on explaining costs of War compared to a country's GDP.
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING...the defence forces and law enforcement by calculating the human cost using number skills
Kia ora...
Success Criteria: I can/have...
- Add GST to costs of equipment for War
- Change currency
- Work out mark up/loss
- USA Warplane costs
- Country of own choice - costs
Follow Up Tasks:
MathBuddy due Fri 8 30am. -
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING... on developing our knowledge of Fractions, Decimals, Percentages and Ratios
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING...the defence forces and law enforcement by calculating the human cost using number skills
Kia ora...
Success Criteria: I can...
- Express costs of War using Number Skills
- Work through Numeracy tasks
- War Data
Follow Up Tasks:
MathsBuddy due Friday 8 30am
- We are FOCUSING... on developing our knowledge of Fractions, Decimals, Percentages and Ratios
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING... on Identifying coordinates
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING...the defence forces and law enforcement by locating the human cost through Geometry
Kia ora...
Success Criteria: I can...
- Identify coordinates
- Plot coordinates
- Tasks on coordinate geometry
- Transum tasks
Follow Up Tasks:
MathBuddy due Fri 8 30am -
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING... on Identifying coordinates
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING...the defence forces and law enforcement by locating the human cost through Geometry
Kia ora...
Success Criteria: I can...
- Identify coordinates
- Plot coordinates
- Tasks on coordinate geometry
- Tasks on Maori Legends
- Transum tasks
Follow Up Tasks:
MathBuddy due Thursday 3 pm -
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING... on Identifying coordinates
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING...the defence forces and law enforcement by locating the human cost through Geometry
Kia ora...
Success Criteria: I can...
- Identify coordinates
- Plot coordinates
- EP Tasks on coordinate geometry of the Earth
Follow Up Tasks:
MathBuddy due Friday 8 30am -
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING...the defence forces and law enforcement by collecting and researching the cost through Number skills
PLAN & DO / WHAKAMAHI learning intentions:
- We are PLANNING... so that we can...apply our knowledge of Number skills to War expenses
- We are PLANNING... so that we can...collaborate with Global Studies
Kia ora...
Success Criteria: I can...
- Add GST to cost price
- Increase/decrease by a given %
- Express numbers in Fractions/Decimals and %
- Calculate currency exchange
- War data
- US/other countries Air Craft prices
Follow Up Tasks:
MathsBuddy - due Friday 8 30am -
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING...the defence forces and law enforcement by calculating the cost of buying war planes using number skills.
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING... on developing our knowledge of Fractions, Decimals, Percentages and Ratios
Kia ora...
Success Criteria: I can/have...
- Work out profit
- Work out loss
- Calculate GST
- Change currency
- War Plane cost data
- Currency exchange table
Follow Up Tasks:
Homework due Fri 8 30am -
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING...to Use graphs, tables, and rules to describe linear relationships found in number and spatial patterns by connecting results.
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING...on solving equations derived from the tour data
Kia ora...
Success Criteria: I can...
- recognise like terms
- group and simplify expressions
- work with indices
- Google Classroom tasks
Follow Up Tasks:
MathsBuddy due Friday 8 30am - We are EXPLORING...to Use graphs, tables, and rules to describe linear relationships found in number and spatial patterns by connecting results.
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING...to Form and solve simple linear equations by interpreting scores of the Tour games
- We are EXPLORING...to Generalise properties of multiplication and division with whole numbers by analysing and measures values linked to points in matches.
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING...on taking results of Springboks tour and linking to algebra
- We are FOCUSING...on solving equations derived from the tour data
Kia ora...
Success Criteria: I can...
- link algebra to Tour diaries/scores
- 1981 Springbok Tour Diary
Follow Up Tasks:
MathBuddy due Friday 8 30am -
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING...to Form and solve simple linear equations by interpreting scores of the Tour games
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING...on taking results of Springboks tour and linking to algebra
Kia ora...
Success Criteria: I can...
- link algebra to Tour diaries/scores
- 1981 Springbok Tour Diary
Follow Up Tasks:
MathBuddy due Friday 8 30am - We are EXPLORING...to Form and solve simple linear equations by interpreting scores of the Tour games
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING...to Form and solve simple linear equations by interpreting scores of the Tour games
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING...on taking results of Springboks tour and linking to algebra
Kia ora...
Success Criteria: I can...
- link algebra to Tour diaries/scores
- Simplify terms
- Write expressions
- Identify between like/unlike terms
- 1981 Springbok Tour Diary
- Video clips of 1981 Tour
Follow Up Tasks:
MathBuddy due Friday 8 30am - We are EXPLORING...to Form and solve simple linear equations by interpreting scores of the Tour games
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING...to Form and solve simple linear equations by interpreting scores of the Tour games
- We are EXPLORING...to Generalise properties of multiplication and division with whole numbers by analysing and measures values linked to points in matches.
- We are EXPLORING...to Use graphs, tables, and rules to describe linear relationships found in number and spatial patterns by connecting results.
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING...on identifying and discussing issues to sports and politics
- We are FOCUSING...on taking results of Springboks tour and linking to algebra
- We are FOCUSING...on solving equations derived from the tour data
Kia ora...
Success Criteria: I can...
- Use 1981 Tour data and link it to algebra
- Assessment task
Follow Up Tasks:
MathsBuddy due 8 30am on Friday
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING...to Form and solve simple linear equations by interpreting scores of the Tour games
- We are EXPLORING...to Generalise properties of multiplication and division with whole numbers by analysing and measures values linked to points in matches.
- We are EXPLORING...to Use graphs, tables, and rules to describe linear relationships found in number and spatial patterns by connecting results.
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING...on identifying and discussing issues to sports and politics
- We are FOCUSING...on taking results of Springboks tour and linking to algebra
- We are FOCUSING...on solving equations derived from the tour data
Kia ora...
Success Criteria: I can...
- Use 1981 Tour data and link it to algebra
- Assessment task
Follow Up Tasks:
MathsBuddy due 8 30am on Friday
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING...to Form and solve simple linear equations by interpreting scores of the Tour games
- We are EXPLORING...to Generalise properties of multiplication and division with whole numbers by analysing and measures values linked to points in matches.
- We are EXPLORING...to Use graphs, tables, and rules to describe linear relationships found in number and spatial patterns by connecting results.
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING...on identifying and discussing issues to sports and politics
- We are FOCUSING...on taking results of Springboks tour and linking to algebra
- We are FOCUSING...on solving equations derived from the tour data
Kia ora...
Success Criteria: I can...
- Use 1981 Tour data and link it to algebra
- Assessment task
Follow Up Tasks:
MathsBuddy due 8 30am on Friday
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING...to Form and solve simple linear equations by interpreting scores of the Tour games
- We are EXPLORING...to Use graphs, tables, and rules to describe linear relationships found in number and spatial patterns by connecting results.
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING...on identifying and discussing issues to sports and politics
- We are FOCUSING...on taking results of Springboks tour and linking to algebra
Kia ora...
Success Criteria: I can...
- Use 1981 Tour data and link it to algebra
- Assessment task
Follow Up Tasks:
MathsBuddy due Friday, 8 30am
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING...on discussing results
- We are FOCUSING...on comparing different data sets
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING...to analyse Tour points
- We are EXPLORING...to collect and organise data
Kia ora...
Success Criteria: I can...
- analyse data
- 1981 Tour Diary
Follow Up Tasks:
MathBuddy due Friday 8 30am -
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING...on develpoing out ststistical skills
- We are FOCUSING...on comparing different data sets
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING...to analyse Tour points
- We are EXPLORING...to displaying data using appropriate graphs
- We are EXPLORING...to collect and organise data
Kia ora...
Success Criteria: I can...
- Analyse data
- Understand and draw appropriate graphs
- Write valid statements
- EP tasks
Follow Up Tasks:
MathsBuddy due Friday 8 30am -
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING...on develpoing out ststistical skills
- We are FOCUSING...on comparing different data sets
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING...to analyse Tour points
- We are EXPLORING...to displaying data using appropriate graphs
- We are EXPLORING...to collect and organise data
Kia ora...
Success Criteria: I can...
- Analyse data
- Understand and draw appropriate graphs
- Write valid statements
- Assessment - Social Action
Follow Up Tasks:
MathsBuddy due Friday 8 30am -
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING...on comparing different data sets
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING...to analyse Tour points
- We are EXPLORING...to displaying data using appropriate graphs
- We are EXPLORING...to collect and organise data
Kia ora...
Success Criteria: I can...
- Analyse data
- Understand and draw appropriate graphs
- Write valid statements
- Assessment - Social Action
Follow Up Tasks:
MathsBuddy due Friday 8 30am -
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING...on comparing finding area of different shapes, including Compound area
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING...Area and units of area
Kia ora...
Success Criteria: I can...
- Find area of different shapes
- EP tasks
Follow Up Tasks:
MathsBuddy due Friday 8 30am -
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING...on comparing finding area of different shapes, including Compound area
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING...Area and units of area
Kia ora...
Success Criteria: I can...
- Find area of different shapes
- EP tasks
Follow Up Tasks:
Numeracy tasks
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING...on Number skills
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING...Percentages, Fractions and Decimals
Kia ora...
Success Criteria: I can...
- increase and decrease by a given %
- Convert between Fractions, Deciamsls and %
- EP tasks L3, L4 and L5
Follow Up Tasks:
MathsBuddy due Friday 8 30am -
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING...on identifying shapes
- We are FOCUSING...on selecting correct formula and units
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING...to find area of different shapes including compound shapes
- We are EXPLORING...to calculate perimeter, area and volume of shapes
Kia ora...
Success Criteria: I can...
- Understand different quantities of measurements
- link Number skills to measurements, calculations parts of Area, volume, perimeter
- Different sports stages, venues
Follow Up Tasks:
MathsBuddy due Friday 8 30am -
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING...on identifying shapes
- We are FOCUSING...on selecting correct formula and units
- We are FOCUSING...on describing shapes
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING...to find area of different shapes including compound shapes
- We are EXPLORING...to calculate perimeter, area and volume of shapes
Kia ora...
Success Criteria: I can...
- Identify different shapes
- Calculate Area and Perimeter
- Use correct formula to find Area and Perimeter
- Transum tasks
Follow Up Tasks:
MathsBuddy due Friday 8 30am
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING...on identifying shapes
- We are FOCUSING...on selecting correct formula and units
- We are FOCUSING...on explaining units
- We are FOCUSING...on describing shapes
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING...to calculate perimeter, area and volume of shapes
Kia ora...
Success Criteria: I can...
- calculate perimeter, area and volume of shapes
- Recognise different shapes
- Google Classroom - Transum tasks
Follow Up Tasks:
MathsBuddy due Friday 8 30am
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING...on jobs and income
- We are FOCUSING...on finding take home pay
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING...to calculate taxes
Kia ora...
Success Criteria: I can/have...
- Work out taxes
- Banqer High tasks
Follow Up Tasks:
MathsBuddy due Friday 8 30am - We are FOCUSING...on jobs and income
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING...selecting correct tax scale
- We are FOCUSING...on...discussing and working out costs of travelling overseas
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING...to collaborate with Global Studies
Kia ora...
Success Criteria: I can...
- Plan a trip overseas within my budget
- Understand taxes/currency exchange/travel insurance
- Planning a trip task
Follow Up Tasks:
MathsBuddy due Friday 8 30am -
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING...selecting correct tax scale
- We are FOCUSING...on...discussing and working out costs of travelling overseas
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING...to collaborate with Global Studies
Kia ora...
Success Criteria: I can...
- Plan a trip overseas within my budget
- Understand taxes/currency exchange/travel insurance
- Planning a trip task
Follow Up Tasks:
MathsBuddy due Friday 8 30am -
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING...on... comparing income
- We are FOCUSING...on...discussing expenses
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING...life skills by calculating income/expenses
- We are EXPLORING...to collaborate with Global Studies
- Kia ora...
Success Criteria: I can...
- Plan a Trip overseas with a limited budget
- Work out different factors involved with such a trip
- Math/Global task
Follow Up Tasks:
MathsBuddy due Friday 8 30am -
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING...on getting ready for our CAT Assessment
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING...Number skills
- We are EXPLORING...Algebra skills
- We are EXPLORING...Geometry and Measurement skills
Success Criteria: I can...
- CAT questions
- CAT 2023
Follow Up Tasks:
Revision tasks on MathsBuddy.
- We are FOCUSING...on getting ready for our CAT Assessment
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING...on... Personal and General Insurance
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING...Banqer High tasks to learn about Personal and General Insurance
- Kia ora...
Success Criteria: I can...
- Wok out Personal and General Insurance
- Math/Global task
- Banqer High tasks
Follow Up Tasks:
MathsBuddy due Friday 8 30am -
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING...on Work Experience
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING...Financial Literacy by gaining work experience.
Kia ora...
Success Criteria: I can
- Fina a job and work through the week.
- Work experience on site
Follow Up Tasks:
MathsBuddy due Fri 8 30am - We are FOCUSING...on Work Experience
FOCUS / ARONGA learning intentions:
- We are FOCUSING...on... comparing income
- We are FOCUSING...on...discussing expenses
- We are FOCUSING...selecting correct tax scale
- We are FOCUSING...on...discussing and working out costs of vaping
EXPLORE / TŪHURA learning intentions:
- We are EXPLORING...Number skills by investigating taxes
- We are EXPLORING...life skills by calculating income/expenses
- We are EXPLORING...to collaborate with Global Studies
- We are EXPLORING...to question costs of vaping
- We are EXPLORING...to collect data on vaping
Kia ora...
Success Criteria: I can..
- Understand life beyond MHJC
- Calculate income, taxes and understand expenses
- Calculate costs of vaping compared to income
- EP tasks on budgeting
- Maths/Global activity
Follow Up Tasks:
Working through Numeracy Certificate and overdue MathsBuddy tasks